PXOT3 TtTRETJ ES Miss Dene at the Star Tonight niul about .12 ycnrM of ngo,nnd pen Hloncr of tho governor. W. U, Hal ley was foromnn of tho Jury, Ami othor momhora woro I), J. Adylolt, T. H. Dnnlola. Krnest White, M. Itlstiop anil U. K. 1'ltU. : BRING GOOD PRICES GIRLS! CLEAN AND BEAUTIFY HAIR E INE IAL: EASTERN MARKETS NO nANDRIIFF ?Fi flFNT nANllFRINF i if OTiDFOTtn MATf TRIMnNR MnF'OttD. pRTfflOV, TlirRRDAV, RRPTRMBRn 25, 1013. oo PRC FOR HOI FIGHT WAGED KLAMATH COUNTY MEDFORD PEARS PEAR LONDON EASTERNVS.WESTERN REPUDIATING DEBTS PROSPECTS W FACTORIES OWEDFORMATER if i r W. Ihuiiila iV Son. himhI ml Hi" . following inmktii huer tinted Lou don, Hcplrtnhnr 5: I'ohih wllll form Hut Inill; of Hie mipplloa In Hi hh.v of frol t Unil w Hio ut'llliif front AiuciIoh, lnubm liHtl itiflO IiHik'In on the nmrket llii week; priced i-nnutntc ftoni !l lo i!8n, Ih'mI given Muff in Iiikio bur loin imihinir prlnclpnlly from U.1n to -7. A kioi1 ipmutity of lli.'Ht. nt rlvitl wert In forwutil condition. n Hip cnae ImmI wick, nod ii wiyn it Hood den I for tlic Mm'iikIIi of our mnrkol tlm I price held up no well limler llm honvy (iiitii(il,v. Aa fur na lni.v ponra urn concerned, Piemh Willinine liiivn pniolionlly fiiiialted. Wo Imil u few orate today, MI to 71! (ioiiiiIn, which nmde nil tlt wny from in to I Im, whlM I'joiieh Hoiiim llnidy, nmiiii' noiinU, mud from III Im'iU tM. Then U dlaliimlly it K"lt'r en iptiry for punra in Loudon niul we believe t lift t next week' iiikI follow ing week' ahlpiinml ni mint like ly lo hIioiv mi iui'ri'iiMi llimi a de ciojtao in price. ' lmo i'i'iy cniifliluiioo in (In mitikel to riti'om iimnd continuou mliippio. I'm li Intoreated in Koiffor pent would o well lo keep licit- eyes on tin London market. A pitat exper ience IpaiiIiiw iim, nil nrl of olrnnp' lltltiK liHppcn In llto frttit worbl t ti4t nite' calculation, but ItHtkbiK nt llin mIImmHou frm many point ttf view, wh rrally cannot n want in ittilttK print poara from be Ill tin bout pHyinjc proposition of tin' your. IJnrMio U much weaker limn London oh tr, price generally i-HHfiitK from ll) to il l, bnt of entire I.ivrol ry randy, com imre favorably villt London in tbi MrUcU;. Ah frr h itiiiw ari (onwrmtil, tint (Hiinlhfnn of nrriroU hiu imt ut nil litwo MtUfMi'tory. In Iiobii h- Iihvo only tin n fo UinUon Idwr (1rnvoolt4tt, fur wblrlt wi inrtili- 7 r liir'l. lit Liverpool Mnrlitob n. jm, lfil Iihv r'li;i'(l 10. i 17, biUl. ,'ri.. .. t .. .... ..." .MMtiictt liMili irom l lx (lit in !. (bl. Olnjipnv, tin in luiiinl, ltn boon tlm lnt nmiki't for tin 1'iirtv Aim'Hotiii vnrliilliw. II mliion ItlviT Wilili bnvn mmln fiout 17h to Ift; (!rn ittiitoimt, 1A to 'illt: Iti-I Itvll, 17 IM to 1H (til; Iti'.l IMppiim, IHm ImI to 17 (1.1; l-'nll l'ipiini, Ilk li.l to 17h (lil mill York l'ippio UN D1 l 17. Tim pi'Hr initrkl Uirr i ili V'ry firm nitil inpi, nr- rniii WAKIIINflTON, Kupl. W. No m ' niili'iil of lb" wltnlo Inriff-miilti i hn ltiiHilit into i'iiIIImIoii to nun priimlnniil polilininmi n Iimh Hi HliiiKlli) Ih'Iwm-ii llm Oltio wino pi liit'iu niul llm Cnliforiilli wint no1 onr llm tti.t to In plMcnl on tin ilibilcil or "NpurfoitH" pniiltirl nl tin iioillinuti'iii Oltin mnl tin .Mo-xciit' mnmifnoliiri'iM on (In1 om liTitnl ninli mi llm Ciililoinin Kiiipn H'itu pit tlii nilo'r. It Niitrli't! wbfit imnlor I'onirriMu iiiihicril Hie KPtmlii (miu'iih to ro-' mIoiii Hie til" Ihv on brnmlv miil -m...J. .aZk stTVSLmm, KLAArATII I'AI.I.H, Kept. V. W umiHi county in icpiMllnlbnc it i'il;t-. .Iiilg J!i"ion llHl KMinldl II I iioinii'Mit injitiii-lion nniiint I lie ft.i . mi-tit of four InlU oiHiiracli'il by tin luinilv rOiirl for road inHi'blni'ry imil ciiImtIh wild tiil & Co. ml tin- Krfurilv Vitult mnl MiiImI 'ork. I'i'iir i-iiIph nt nnclioii in t-nnloni mmki'tM for W'ibiflny, MqttdfubAr Try Tltb! .Mnkr llnlr Soft, nbmjr, 'Jl, nn follew: Fluffy, Almmliinl Stop WoxIiIok Mr Yoik-OiM or Hnrlb-m, I 'be llnlr Willi Soap Stin-ly try a "Dnnderlna Hatr , fi.ua; rinirjufon, '.'..,:; NpH, 2.";! IComii'o, 93.23; linhim, II.JW. Tlnw C overy partlclo of dnndruff; Invlgo rated thn ncnlp, itopplnrc ItcliliiR nml falling hair. Damlarlrtfl Is to tlio hair what fresh saei 4mrtmEpl ,.. jipn ,( nigy b r M '?rZ latinm," If you w'luh to Immediately i ihowcrs of rain and itunshlno arn to fnn Oregon iirii, otto our from.dotililo thn boauty of your hair, .hint Mtfwnrt i'niit rompny, Voorlm-, moltn a cloth with Dsndorlno nnd Or., coolnkitDtr Anjwi "nml Imo, draw tt carefully through your hair, from the Ilolloway orrhin!, 1 oitr taklnK onn small mrand at a time, i Tim I'ountv woiut linn novi'r kopt n'r,"rt I'miwer I'rult ffmipHny, Moil- thin will clcano tho hair of dust, dirt iLiM Mlm Dim (f t ( ,nidvlllc iiam roml fmiil n ri"iiirl by In nil rmnl iniltlil" iIih'hh Inn ilmrril (o the fiicrnl fund. 'I poinoilcr I lii- ri'mnliNtion of up pan-iit 'Jejntjmiiti' ooimtv imlcbtud mnl "r''' "r, ItarHetU, IIo nml An- ,(,n I J"; one nor irom iTiMiuprni rnw i I'ompwoy, rontrifl Point, Or., How, HnrllotlN, nvfmp.,1 ifV.gn, Iivo $11.11, Anjou ?1.!M, half boxes It'rt- llJ0IIK t j. !l-..!.. ,..!. A ! ! I. U-I.I..1.I I... wl T1i..,.,l,i H..M. M. "f UniHllt-jii ami fx it-, op. iiSiib at ih--h h n nml rolmnity," forilinnil i y,"K1 '" ,c hm V. Tnroi'v nnd h donm iillirr 1'iili- "'" Hl,'r ,h"nUr ,"",K' l'rt"''lK H" Jnlir. "Imt . w nothing j';"J' ,P n ,. i.... i .'"'-.j "I. ' . ...... ..... Ilholr rural con y iki.i uiitlt.iMl !,.. i.. ,i. Tb.. uw i ,.l..l ,. H. l.mn,- Two Orm IlowdU, i.iioiiiio niruru nun n.'Knii iiiiiion . - - - -"'" "'MM. f. ll-Ht-ll.. .on.-.. rw T w. v - .. ........ f v-mm-.j m- - few rinir- tltulr rural runmdy ikctili untltii'd. i-Ui- to do, Tin- lw i pbiin on the DllUII Oil til' 1-.ul.l li.ltllur l.mi. nllti..ii..ll I ...! lt.l lt. , .iv .... (I... 1..II ...! Hmi :, ! fnlifoniin N.-lm, $1.00; " "" " .... , . . tar . . t 9 .lioulil pay II, tl... limit ll.W.I1nn.-!',p,,," ';''' lwo -'"' '" ullowcil by tbcutnto connllltition bun ",,l'" --'0 bi'Pti I'xi'ci'dfd nnd when tin nuttier' whh brotiKbt lmf"rp rao for dorWoii tbi'i'o witf notliinif to do but to iini , tbo order cnjotmiiK tin; jftrn-nt of Hie btllo." ImI 1 1 iK tlm di'iuiM-ratm mho,, (or. Do iitimdnlion nnd ipilln'l wero oxcd , Imnk nnd fwrlb. Winn wim whipped from Ohio nml fiom Hit' coitwl. Din iidrw nml reception, coiniiiitt.' bear-, ink" mid privnl' diotiHMoim kept bnlli fuelioim biiuy for dnyw nml week. On tin iiIkIiI before tin bill pit I'd the enne. KeitHtor Slotte nll iioiineed cerlnin 1iiiiioji wbieb '' tnutiil II., Ol.in ttiu iihio lii to1! Ibolr pmiliiet on Hie umrkel unlnxed. Tin'!" mlnrbli..n of foreigner.: tWorkw to lmnr mtion itffiiinst nov- -irri. 'nff toti t-HliforniMiw were enrmied. Klone "mr Sir: I deem, it prom-r nml 'T. ,f"r ,'"' p,,,,,,,in" "f """' ,"""'' !n( 3 -,A rMimied na n tariff e.mferee. 'Hum ....I- r-l- u.. .i. .. ...... "'''' ninotlllt to $10.78'.!. II II I 5aU ELB.U W "" - ' ......I inn inf., j.mi in: n..jw',. in im tuv enluieil down. rnon hip woin MILITARY HONORS FOR EDWARD STEVENS A coroner's Jury yesterday re- (u mod n verdict that Hdward Strat- .JiiiIko Hoiiunn furllmr Hinted lbnt!,on C'1""' t0 h' (leath wh,I rldlnK on Coiinly Cb'ik (Iniilner bn reeeiv-' n,n. miR n0 Wny for Ilcnll & Co. " f'lRht train in an Intoxicated con ed (Im following iiifl i uelloim n-Kn id-lor 'llm Security Vitult nnd rtnli'1tlntl- He wai a native of Kona "It imply iiiennw (be repndinllou ' WOMEN mm Hint (In whole tn mnirrnpb. ' "' "" """ ni" " J""k. "" , h.ihI.1 be thrown out of Hie bill In """"" -''" 'iwmn"i..m i-wi.iiwiih n freeeneni innmcn ciHiforein'e. And out It eame. jmLcntmn on lln jwrt of when mmliM wiuen oinertt miKiit -ee nt to joree n... iT...t.,r.......i l;..l...i ii. i.nilor to Kmitumbiir 1!7. Itldfi. A de. the county to repmlinte other jut '-...l 1I...1'. ."in M. nw i. l.v n . . .... . I b.ltlill IAU ,lf I f If Ida Alltia. an. imim( iimiim of Hit Unit!! Stnlea ibwtriet "! contrnctcil m the mime of the i.tr. wmatbamir yoa m t. u. ien iiroviaion mil. lie wm tinder iMilil- Icnl oblluntioim to Tliiwiilore IWII. wet fr the onatorn diwtriet of Ar Clmmp rinrk. In opttt of the win . patent dUUion, in the ,.... men in liU own diatriet. wa- in the f ' Webtli, remred in I'.7 mmuic boat with Hnderwond. S.t.n -, '"' 03H, bold Hi aiten-ii.r bmi Inr Mtnni. ettiir wind of lite l'n- ! plai'd uwn deebirHlioox ol drrwoml-riiiik-llell :liitin. felt jinlention under tlm prwent loitiirnl free to plav ItU hand, oMenaihly lorjIwiUmi Inw (net of dune 2(1, Wool, Ho onwtern wine prodiieeM. and, "HI nlo npply to old Inw declnrn then wfm to mwki llm conf.-rmieej ' i"l" l'ir tt' .September 'J7, flglil. 1000. on the dale anld new Inw be- And now Hell will Iw pnunoled to't-nwi' oerntive, to-w, Sentembrr lite ROvenioWiip. After lii venr' 27, 10O. Tlmtefore, nil wiieb Ieeln wine linn been pr d. in. com- intiona, in lit nHnioit of tin btt- promt-e lux iiniiure will be fnime.l remi. win le-rom imnim rr mil county. It in i" imfortutiMto tlm ir 'i"i Imt to bo (,'ovcniid b Hie prooi'iti of the Inw." OF SEATTLE SOCIALISTS d bv the ili'ttioerotie inn E JACK.SO.V. Mi. S',"t 23 Con deinnatl'Ut of the tnintccx of tho Van- On dorullt I'nlveraliy, NnnliMlle, Tetin , itrNlintion urp" "n ami after Sepleinlier '27, ln, and all peli tioitu for naturnli.atitHi bad uihiii "neb old drelarnliona on nml after Seplmibf-r '27, 1613, will lit) mumsed by tbla office for llift rennoiis stnt eilc. I( ia tlferefotc MtKaTled Hint when an Hplteant for c'liaenxbip cnlln upon jwi to file n pptition Hint von advie liiin if lite view of the linrenti of ualumiizntion, Ihnt be mnv ileel.le whether lo file n peti tion tinned upon urh old deelnrn- Ttteadny lnt Cnlifoiuinn Honrr llnrdya made fi"itt I1 3d lo Id-. Inpune KeMii pliiuni lllMilo hIhiiiI lit per box. DELZCLL NOMINATED KLAMATH POSTMASTER (for aneptlim n million dollar endow. tin or aurreuder tbe nml mnke n now one, 81.ATTU:, Wault , Sopt, 23 Af tor delaying notion for eighteen hours on liettch warrants Issued by Judgo Httmphrlos late terday afternoon, Sheriff Ctidlhco tbla morning started out to round up nlncty-nlno soclul IhIk nut! .nonibore of tho I'rou Speech I.ciaguo. who wore ordered arrested for coutonipt of court. Tho wholoaalo arreoti demanded by JiiiIbd Utimphrloa followed tho open defiance httrlud at the Jurist at a uums meeting Sunday, In which tho aoclallst party officially Joined tho JliAAL!n;tf If J rfli tiClGcci " R- hr& MaCoodAln r ilerlnrnlioii .free speech fight nnd threatened to which, of make a farco of Jitduo Humphries' idgj? ' UtjuAlip ioirf vSaM. Hd7Z.J MSIIINUTON'. S.pt. 'J.V-The imiiiimttioii of W. A. Duliell to be poslmuxtcr at Kbtmutb l-'nlln, Or.. mim Neiit to Hie xetmlc toditv. venra liefore he could file n petition , him ardors, If ho should Insist on pun- ittont from Andrew CarneKlo U voiced ,,,,, WOM,i ,,.,, ,jPnv f jw J authority by deliberately violating In resolution adopted horn today lty the Kt. I.oiiIm ronforenro of the Methodist Kpiaropnl church, ftotith. Tho adoption of the resolutions wrm priM-edcl by a splrlled tlolmtn. for cilixenh:p lad tboiertn. "It must be uihIoIoimI Hint I nm only Rlvioir you tlm iewa of Hie bureau tf i.nlnrnlirntion, and ilti niteilion enn onlv be deciiled nu- WratlltT ForCCISt iihoi.lnHM'lv bv Hie di-iion f the Oii'lfoii l-'ntr l.miibt nml Kriduv; court in emdt iodividunl i-e. benvy fr.i-l tonight cnt )iitUi, ".IN'O. SPKI'D SMITH, ctiNlerlv wind. "Chief Kittttrnlirnlmii l-.tnininer." UhlitK for contotnjit of court, three speaker, at nn open air meeting hold In City Hnll pnrlt recently. Tho let tor of diflnnc.. algned by nluefy-iilne, was sent to JmUe Humphries and ho was Informed that volunteer from all over tho ntnto would bo aiked to Join In I lie campaign to court n farce. jnako his KnHsivdnJ lbcj ouijr a lo out o( muij "Oar fint baby 1 ttruhi; and licultliy to 4 wi mtiibuto tlili n--tilt to tlio timely uio o( your Compui.il." Mr. I'rko Voiuciy, Kent, Oregoa. " I owa my llfo and. myluly'sgocxl hrattli tt your Com jKiand." Mrs, W. O. Srcxrr.n, It- K D..o.2, Troy, Alabuui. " I liaro three chil dren ant took your Componu J each tl mo." Mr. Jou.v IIowahp, Vi'llmln,; to ii, Vermont. "I hare a loroly baby Uiy and yon can tell every ono that bo Ua'l'lrikham' baby." Mm.laOUW KtiCIIKtV, rri Munroo Bl., Cart sudt, '.J. "Wo are at last l.lowil wltli a swcot little baby girl." Mn. O. A. UrKROtinE, Montegut, La. " I haro oao of the Unoit lalir citw you i ever ."- Mr. C. K. Ooonwi.v. 1012 S. Cth BtWilmlnfiton, K.C. "My husband U tho bapplrt man alire to day." Mrs. Cutttx DAiinnAKR.. t(C Maril la 8l , Iluffalo, N.V. "Now I haveanlra baby girl, tbo joy of our homo." Mm. Do. bvlva C'OTr, Xo. 117 So. (i .to St., Worces tcr, Mass. "IhaTeaflnoatrrms baby daughter now," Mr. A. X. Oilm, nowlttrlllo, K. V., Itouto 44. " I have a blir. fat, healtbyboy." tn.A. A. IUlksoeu. K.K.I). No.1, liattliouro,OhIa or any exconlvo oil In a fow minutes you will ho amazed. Your hair will bo wavy, fluffy and abundant and pos KoM an Incomparable softness, luster and luxuriance. vegotatton. It goes right to tho rootn, Invlgoratca and strongthnna them. Ita cxhlllartlng, stlmiilntlng ami life-producing propcrtloa cnuao tho hair to grow long, strong nnd beautiful. You can surely havo pretty, soft, Itiatroua hair, nnd Iota of It, It you will just get a 2G cent boltln of Knowlton'a Dandorlno from nny drug Ilosldea beautifying tho hair, onojstora or toilet counter and try It as application of Dandorlno dissolves 'directed. A Complete Stock of Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens Always in Stock at MEDFORD PHARMACY PHONE 10. Free Delivery. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suitings Sold at Cost Thursday, Friday and Saturday at W..W. Eiferts, Deceased, Tailoring Shop West Main St. W. H. BARNUM, Adm. f t r ? ? ? ? r r r ? ? f T ? T t t f T T r f. T T t ? T t T T NOW LOOK AT THIS! GREATEST BLANKET SALE EVER HELD IN MEDFORD BEGINNING SATURDAY, SEPT. 27th Having Bought 400 Pairs of Sample Blankets, Consisting of All Kinds, Wool and Cotton, at a Discount of 33 per cent, Will Give the People the Benefit. Being Slightly Soiled Does Not Hurt the Blankets and You Can Save One-Third on the Purchased Price. Now Don't Miss This Chance See the Window Display Come Early Saturday Morning F. K. Deuel & Co. Come Early Saturday Morning Never Anything Like This Sale in Medford 3 hi 3 ii S 'I 'frXlXlW'Wil ) f