Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 25, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Vj t
Oregon HIsfnHrn Soetttr
"7 second Slact
Medford Mail Tribune
l'nlr tonight mill Frldrty
Mat, HI; Mln. I a.
fnrlyitlilril Tnr.
llnlly KlulilM VPiir.
NO. 100
1 A
Entlio Financial History of Govcr
nor's Cnmiialim for Election, Ev
cry Contrlliutlon Received and Ev
ery Cent to Bo Accounted For.
All Evidence Offered hy Prosecution,
Whether In Reference to Case or
Not, to Be Heard.
AI.MANY. N. Y.. Kiwi. 23.-Tho
entire ftiinnoinl history of William
Kulrttr'ri campaign for election ns
governor if Now York ulntu iiiiihI Im
made public, the Impeachment court
illicit today.
Hvory ennlrlhullnn In' received nml
every cent ho spent nniht hn no
piiuiilril for. The jjnvorunr'K judge
decided uiintiiiiuiiiolv to hour nil the
i'!iliiic Iho prosecution has to of
fer, whether referred o in tho nr
Helen of imprnolimnnl or not.
Former President Morris ToknNky
of tlit Now York Itrlnil J.hpny
Dealer' nooirtlinn wns on tho wit
iio Minnl when the ilcriHlou lo
throw the oiiao wide open to the
proxrriilliin wn ronohod.
Tokulnkv liml liocn naked n ipirs.
linn concerning n contribution nnld
to Iiiim boon ninil)' liv Mm lioiior
dottier' noeliilinn In llio Sulor
on i mm Urn onntrihutlitn fund. The
governor's Inw.vor nhioeled to Iho
ipierv on the utoiiihI t tin t there wn
no reference in the articles of hn
iKiiehinetit (o Miieli i cnntrihuliiin.
ArcumcuU followed. At their
oouoluiiiiin. "Jiintlen Cullen, n pro
Hiding officer of the' Imprnrliment
eonrl. hold Unit the proxeetition musl
not lie held lo Ihe narrow limits of
n criminal rno the question was
IM'nni-UMihle ninl o were other ques
tion like II.
The iusllcc's tiding win ttitiiinrd
liv Ihe eourl iiiitiiiiiiimifcly.
The prosecution (him demanded
llmt Sulror's private oeretnrv,
I,miIm Snrrnkv, nml hroker, Freder
ick Polwell, ho prodiieed hy llio de
fence for ctnminnlion, Attorney
llerriek. for Suhor, replied with n
sneer Ihnt Ihe defense win not lo
lihiine if neither had keen kiiIumicii
tied. It wn lennied during the dnv
tltul Jneoli If. Soliiff. who gave- Sid
nr ,2n0 mid Niiid Sulcr did right
Iv in using it to plonso himself, him
keen ro'Siibpoennod for eross-exiim-innllnn.
The icfoiip'H objection lo his trsti
mony Iinvlntr hoen overruled, To
hulsky testified Hint tin pnvo Sulr.or
IiIh cheek for $30 Oeloher 0. II wn
n personal contribution, Im mild. The
check nn Introduced nnd IckuNky
lilentified It. II wns nulnrxcil in
Sulror'rt nnnio, hut deposited lo Ihe
neeoiuil of hi nrtvntu Hooielnry,
Louis Rnrorky.
SAI.KM, Or., Sept. 'Jo. Humor
YnlcK, who hIioI Mrri. Myelin llnyun
.Sunday night becnuso hha would not
Icnvo her IiuhIiiiiuI nnd children for
him, today I'iicch a chnrgo of fin. I
degree murder iih thu losull of the
death of his victim hint night, An
iuipuiHt U being held thin afternoon
nnd thu diiko will ho pruHcittcd to tlm
grand jury, which In now In ho&nion.
WASHINGTON, Sept. '-.". Tim
hoiiho iutut'Htitto oouimoreo coiumi'.
hlou Hubuoinmilteo announced todny
Unit u Horicrt of hcui!ngn would ho
hold huru mi tlio jn'opoHcd hill 'rant
ing tlio inlcialnto Qommorco Hwccp
iug )ovni' to rcguluto operation of
iutnr-Htulu (ruiiiH, limit npeod uud
hpmtil'icully Hlnln proper wifely do-vices.
Mllltln Likely to Bo Called Out to
Prevent Bloodshed In Tennessee
Ituallon Similar to That In Ken
tucky Dtirliifi Gochcl Row.
Governor Hooper Asked Special Ses
sion for Laws to Rlujdly Enforce
Statewide Prohibition.
XAHMVII.I.K, Teiin., Sept. a.-,.-llhioiUlied
nnd fin ther rioting on Ihe
floor of the koiihc wiih fenred todny
uln.'ii IIh inciidiei-H iiHMiuhled. All
inriiihers were Hcnrcheil for I iron nut
heforo they wore allowed to outer,
ntid it in now helieved Hint th ini-
liliu will ho culled out before uii.'ht.
The Hit nut tn In Tciiiicmco loilu
Im xiniiliir to lluit provuiliuK Ken
tnekv during Ihe (loohel row. Trim
hhi hen' Him pn'cipitnteil when (lnv
etnor lliioper nke,l llio pecinl fen
hion of Ihe IcgiMhilurc to )nm lnw
iiutlioririiii; him to nxi'lly eiilorci
xlntnwido proliiliilion. Sponger
White of tlm enulo linn nxhed the
governor to mill out the tuilitiii nnd
In keep (ho jnilieo nwny from llio
plate building.
Siienker Slnnlon of Ihe hmme to
dny chnrKod Hint croim in the trnl
lory lind (!'"'' trnined on him jch
lerdny nnd nNo Hint the police nre
Mipporlini; Iho "wet" clement.
Itepiililit'iuii nnd defecting demo
crntH eleeled IIoiper, n repiihlienu,
pivernnr. Hooxr supM)rleil wtnle
wide prohihition nnd hn inrurred the
enmity of repdnr demoetnt.
Another oiitlircuk o ( urred on the
floor of Ihn holme thin nftnruoou. It
enmc. when nicmhorn doniiiiidcd thul
the hoimo ho edenred of iKitom nnd
the gnllery of nlleged puiiuion.
epreeiilntivo Smith ntlvmitrd to
nnnnult HopreHentnlivo Hejnek while
the hitler wn sx'nkiuu'. hut win re
Ntrniued liv other memheri. Smith
heenme rnrnged when Uejnck moved
to hnvo .Folm Yrnmnn nnd Fire Mnr
nhnl .lidui flnrrctt nrroslod on n
olinrKO of hnvinir t mined Rinm on
reguinr demoernln from Ihe gnllerv
Inst night. Hejnek ni.l Smith hnd
nppointed "hit kiiiiiiicii fire innrxlinl
nnd gnnie wnidons ho Ihey would ho
immune from nrrcht for cnrrylng
Ni:V YOniC, Sept. 25. Sharp ro
action innrkml tlio ononlnt; of tlio
Mock mnrkot todny. Thoro wns nc-
tlvn IniyltiR In Htool, AiunlKamntod
iiuil Union l'nrlflc nml tlio wholo lint
movoil iinwnrd. On tlio first tow
tiMiiiiictlomi lintiiH ot from 1 to 2
poliitn wero recorder, ltonillng,
Union rnclflc, Amnlgnmntotl, Cnnn-
d In u l'nclllc, Utnh Copper, Peoples'
CnH nnd AliiHkn Gold.
I.ntor I'ooplos' (Ins foil buck nenr
ly four polnlu nnd Amorlcnn Cnn
dropped uiiilor heavy preaguro. Niim-
bora of other ndvnncea wero con
vortod Into frnctlonnl losses.
Honda wore cimy.
Tlio nmrkot closed steady.
TIUNIlUn, Colo., Sept. 35.
Striking coal minora todny repud
iated but woro nccuflod ot minora of
rcupouslblllty for tho Bliootlag yea
torday of Maruhal ltobort Leo ot So
guiido tump. I'osacs with blood
hounds woro on tho trnll ot four
(IreokH, bolluvod to hnvo dono tho
I.oo tmw tho nunrtot romovlng n
hnndrnll plncod by tho Colorado Fuel
nnd Iron company along tho rurgu
tolro rlvornnd wnrnod thorn nwny,
whoroupon ono o( thorn fired at htm
with u shotgun,
Minors sny tho in on woro not
strikers; Ihn owunrs sny that thoy
Btriicli Tuesday at tlio Beijuudp intno.
i " ii ii ii i i i i i ii i i .. . - mmmtmm MM' "
From lift to njit Itan II. Johunon,
llurrii anil, (hiiiniiiu, nnd Thomir; .1.
CALFMIr, Mich., S-pl. r.
Louden of llio ctrikiug iniiuTH im
nerli'il toilnv Hint they Imve rouuived
piHiitivo iiMiinuiooH from Washing
ton of u congroaNinuul iiivitigutinii
into thu local Htriko mtiinlion.
Thu luwiuukurrt decided to iuxesli
gnle, il va Htuled, Inrgcly on the
hlrenglh of the nocount given hy
President Moyer of the 'itern
IVdcrulion of Minora of thirty-throe
illiterate foreigner, of uhoc ciimoh
ho Bnyri hn hnrt jioronnl knowledge,
imported by thu mincownors nnd
worked irlunlly ih peoim.
Twonly of these men, the Inhor
louder Hnid, struck with the olhur
niinerM nml tliv rot nro working ns
Tlioc who quit, it was under-
Mood, nre rendy to testify to the,
methods uM'd in inducing them to '
como to Calumet.
llio Copper Kuiigo ( onsolidiited
oompnny Iiiih hegun unit In evict the
titrikcrii from company houses.
Duncan Campbell, George Voanl
xnn nml W M. Falloy, npplo buyers
ot San Frunclsco, nro at tho Hotel
.Medford trying to secura extra fancy
RpltiouborK npplos, for which they
nro offering f 1.75 n box r. o. b. Med
F. M. Howard, another npplo buyer
secured two cars of Jonathan from
tho Wnlflcy much nt Knglo Point,
pnylnn SI, 25 ami ft, 15 f. o, b. or
C. K. Mnlboout nml other npplo
buyers hnvo been busy nnd n portion
ot tho Kowlowu crop has already
been sold nt SI, 40 and 1.50. Most
growors nro holding out for J 1.75
and 2.00.
Slli:nOYGAN Wis., Sopt. 25.
llolluvlug U young mnu who com
mitted sulcldo hero today to bo Joseph
Kills, supposoi murderer ot Joseph
ShalausUy In lndlnuapolls, Justlco W.
M. King tologrnphod to tho Indian
capital for n comploto description ot
tho wnntod mini. ' Tlio sulcldo ro
Homblos published, pictures ot 12111s,
nnd impors found In his pockets bear
out tho theory Hint ho Is tlio person
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 25. Official
dom was ot tho opinion today that
tho nomination ot Korolgn Minister
amotion, ot Mexico for tho prcsldoncy
menus tho doflulto ollmlnntlou ot
Provisional Prcsldont Huorta'6 candi
dacy. Officialdom also bollorod,
howovor, Hint Huortn can control
Onmboiv ir tho latter Is elected.
priJdtnl of the Amenenn lenne; John . Ilrue-, iceretnry; August
L.mkIi, presiilc: t of the Nation il lenKiio.
WASHINGTON', Sept. 2.'.- Pn-w
dent WiIhoii thiiikn hiH "moral n.d
icy'' toward Mexico him hornu fruit.
Tlio imMiirnucfl Hint Provmioniil
President Huertit would not he a
cntididalo nnd tlmt thu election of n
prosident in October will he an upon
election nro two of thu oono&SMOiih
dvmnuded by John Lind.
It wn nuuuuttced on tlio lryhoM
aiithorily this nfleruoon Hint the
iiomiuntioii of Giunboa of tlio Cath
olic iiiirtv for iircxidriit would ho
Fatinfactory lo Amnion. Whether
thu coimtitutiounhht'i participate in
Iho election or not, Amnion will ro
gurd the election of any president
fulfilling it.i demnnd )roviding he i
chosen ut mi open election.
Cat.. Sept. 23. -Senator
John I).
I'nited Stutcs
Works of California, spenking today
nt cxercUes dedicating n bite on
Point Ijoinii for n Mntoe to com
inetnornto Cnhrillio, dioovoior of
Snn Diego Hny, switched suddenly
from his subject mid came out un
mistakably for intervention in Mex
ico. lie said in part:
"Wo nro responsible in no Munll
pnrt for conditions in tho republic
ot .Mexico. We cnunot avoid or
shirk that responsibility. It is the
business of our gnvoniiiiont to pro
tect its citizens nt home nnd abroad.
I don't believe this has been done in
"If wo had said in the beginning.
'You must protect tho live of our
citizens or wo will do it,' I believe
it would hnvo been nn not of friend
ship lo Mexico.
"It would hnvo been better for Iho
penplo of Hint unfortunate country
if wo hnd snid, 'If our people nro
killed wo will cuter your country to
prevent nny more killing ' "
I.OS ANGKl.KS, Cal Sopt. 25.
Tho dofonse of Gcorgo H. lllxby, Long
Dcnch millionaire banker, charged
with contributing to tho delinquency
ot a minor girl, scored another vic
tory today when Octavlus V. Mor
gan, n wealthy architect, was forcod
to testify In support of Hlxby's con
tention Hint ho was tho victim ot a
blnekmalllng conspiracy.
Morgan sworo that ho gave to W.
IT. Stoveus, attorney for girls con
noctod wi Hi tho lllxby caso, checks
aggregating $2000. Tho dotouso
thou sought to provo Hint theso woro
given ns tho prlco ot slleuca rognrd
Ing allogod rotations botweou tho ar
chitect and young girls.
Tho Dlxby nttornoys aro hanging
their easo on a contention that simi
lar extortion was atmod at tholr
client 'nml that his prosont difficul
ties nro tho result ot his ro'usal to
0 ON
SAN niANCISCO. Cat., Sopt. 25.
A. It. Coulnon wns formally charged
today with tho murder of William
Acker nnd George Kovack. Tho ac
cusation was made by Detective Man
uel Do La Gucrra.
Acker nnd Kovack "were shot to
death a few minutes after 2 o'clock
last Saturday morning as they wero
lunching In tho Atlas garago
Cotilson's common law wife,
Kathcrlno Gallagher, who was
shot and seriously wounded.
Cottlson gave hlmsclt up Into Sat
urday afternoon. SInco men, until
today, he was held by the police un
der no formal accusation.
Tho murder chargo probably
would not havo been preferred until
after tho Inquest on Acker and Ko
vack but for reports that Coupon's
lawyers Intended to seek his release
on a habeas corpus writ.
Mrs. Gallagher, who had lived
with Coulson for about sis years, his
legal wlfo being In the lnsano asy
lum, had been on an nutomobllo jido
nnd had visited various beach re
sorts with Acker and a woman com
panion on tho night of tho shooting,
and tho police theory Is, of course,
that Coulson killed Acker and Ko
vack nnd shot Mrs. Gallagher In a tit
of Jealousy.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. Former
President Tatt smiled broadly todny
when told that Itoprcscutattvo Dor
land wants to replaco "Undo Joo"
Cannon and other republicans on tho
Lincoln memorial commission with
"They took tho presidency away,
from me," said Professor Taft, "audi
I couldn't protest. Hut It they in
to ml to take this Job away also, I
shall protest most vigorously."
Taft grinned when a friend said hn
heard Hint tho former president had
lost eighty pounds.
"That," ho said, Imitating Colonel
lloosovclt 8 touo of voice, "Is a ma
licious llo. It's only sixty."
TACOMA, WtiUi., Sent. 23. F.Ik
in Snohomish county nre getting so
botliorsoiuo, noeordiug to Gnmo Wnr
don George C. White today, Hint it
may bo necessary to got n possu out
nnd limit them down. Tho. elk woro
"planted" there Inst season, but in
stead of beine; turned looso in tho
mountains thoy woro released on t'te
outskirts of tho town of Snohomish.
Thoy refused to leave nnd nre break
ing down fences nnd eating up pvizo-
winning cabbages nnd denuding corn
fields. Tho farmers nro nfrnid to
shoot Iho elk beoanso of tho gnmo
laws, so thoy bring dnuingo suits,
which tho comity hns to settle. Wldio
predicts that tliis winter, when' the
elk get real hungry thoro will not by
u haystack loft m tho county,
Giants Win Toss and Get First Game
on Home Grounds Remaining
Games to Be Played Alternately
Admissions Same as Lv.t Year.
All Arrangements for Championship
Games Completed Umpires Named
and Official Scorekcepers.
Now York Giants, winners of tho pen
nant In tho National Lcaguo and the
Philadelphia Athletics, champions ot
tho American League, will meet In
, New Yoik October 7 In tho first
ganio of tho series to bo played for
tho world's championship. Tho re
maining games will bo played alter
nately at Now York and Philadelphia.
All arrangements for tho series
were completed hero today at a meet
ing of the National Baseball Commis
sion. Umpires Connolly and Egan of the
American Lcaguo and Klom and Rig
ler ot tho National Lcaguo wore
named by the commission to officiate
In the world's series.
A flip of a coin by Chairman Herr
mann decided that tho first gamo
should be played In Now York, Presi
dent Hempstead ot tho Giants calling
heads and winning.
Tho admission prices will bo tho
same as last year, $25 being charged
for a four seated box. $3 for an up
per grandstand seat. Unreserved
seats in tho lower section ot tho
grandstand will be sold for $2 and
scats In the bleachers will bo $1.
These prices aro for the games played
In Now York.
In tho Philadelphia games $5 will
bo charged for a single box seat; $3
for a reserved seat In tho grandstand;
$2 for seats In tho right nnd loft field
pavilions and $1 for a scat In tho
Francis Itlchtcr of Sporting Lifo
and Taylor Spink of Sporting News
were named official scorokeepcrs.
CADILLAC, Mich., Sept. 23. Ad
Wolgnst today paid Fred Heath of
Hastings, Mich., $17,000 for the hit
ter's much nenr Medford, Ore.
Wolgnst has purchased the llonth
much at Brownsboro, tho old Ilniwn
plnco, consiMing of 1-13 acres, 23 in
orchnnl, hnlf of it in benring. Ho
paid $7000 nnd tho deal wns closed
during his recent visit here.
Wolgnst nlso paid $000 down on
nn option on $000 acres adjoining,
which ho figures on buyiug for $10,
000. The deal was mnde by Bark
dull nnd Miles.
WAIJ.OWA, Ore., Sept. 23.- In n
fit of temporary insm Uy, mi id, to
hnvo been caused by tho attentions
paid her by a young man of the
neighborhood, James Ilurues shot
and seriously injured his daughter,
Ituby, aged 30, attempted to .shoot
nn older daughter, mid then commit
ted suicide today nt his homo forty
miles north of here. Tho wounded
girl was shot in tho left breast, the
bullet entering tho lung. She may
Tccovor. A largo caliber revolver
was used.
CHICAGO. Sept. 25. "If tho son-
ato does not kill tho present currency
bill," said Duvld Forgan, tho Chicago
banker, speaktug at tho opening ses
sion of tho Illinois Uankors' associa
tion convontlou horo today, "I nsk
your forgiveness tor tho speeches 1
mndo advocating currency roforni.
"Tho law, In Us present form,
would destroy tho only threo existing
advantages that national banks havo
their right to hold reserves, tholr
right to handle government deposits
and their right to Issue curreucy.
Sir Edward Carson Subscribes $50,
000 to Half Million Dollar Fund to
Indemnify Any One Wounded In
Resisting. Irish Rule.
Toypay O'Connor Says Trouble Will
Be Confined to Large Cities
Clashes Due to Carson.
DBLFAST, Sept. 25. Sir Edward
Carson, ono of tho blttorcst opponents
of Irish homo rule, subscribed 150,
000 today toward what Is scheduled
to bo a $5,000,000 fund to lndomnlty
nnyono wounded or tho families of
those killed In resisting government
by an Irish parliament.
Some of tho participants ,ln yester
day's conferenco said today that It Is
likely the anti-homo rulers will try
to seize tho Ulster government wltn
out awaiting j.sssago ot tho homo
rule bill.
Tho Ulster volunteer commlttoo
this afternoon announced that $125,.
000 had been subscribed already to
the Indemnity fund.
VICHY, France. Sot. 25. "Ulster
will tight, no doubt," said T. P.
O'Connor, ono of tho most strenuous
of Irish homo rulers, commenting
hero today on nows of tho prepara
tions In progress in Itolfast to re
sist government by a Dublin parlia
ment, "but tho trouble will bo con
fined to tho big cities.
"If there aro clashes, thoy will bo
caused by tho Inflammatory speeches
ot such men as Sir Edward Carson
to tho Ullterato crowds. Wo wilt
have tho Dublin parliament running
smoothly within a year."
WASHINGTON', Sept. 23. An in
complete report in nn effort to ef
fect n compromiso is tho announced
plan hero today of tho tariff con
ferees. Tho incomplete rejiort goes
to the Iiouso calendar nnd will bo
called uj tomorrow when tho con
ferees expect to hnvo a supplemental
report covering tho controversies in
the measure.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 23. Tho at
torney general's office today offici
ally advised Corporation Commis
sioner Watson Hint tho International
Mercantile company of Vancouver,
Ik C, nnd tho Capital Security com
pany of Norfolk, Vn.f aro subject to
tho building and loan association
laws contained in the stato' blue hky
law, and mut tako out permits to do
business in tho stale. Tho compan
ies hnvo been resinling tho corpora
tion commissioner's request to com
ply with this law.
DF.NVF.K, Colo., Sept. 23. "If
necessary to prevont &lriko rioting in
tho southern Colorado coal field",
the state certainly will intorvouo with
troops," said Governor Amnions to
day. "If troops must bo used thoy
nlso will stop 'Mother' Jones,', iu
flummntnry utteruiices. Slio's a
smart old woman, but in caso of her
arrest tho troops will sou ihnt ho
is held in such u way Hint slio can't
address the wholo country as n pris
oner. She will bo well treated, hut
tho will not be allowed to ndvertisa
strike conditions outside tho state in
tho extravagant language hhe hail
been using," . ..,