Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 23, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
1'alr tonight mid Wednes
day Mav. IM; Mlu. flu.
Fiirlyllilril Tnr.
f twllv ICtMttltl Yfur
MMPK0K1). OKWION, Tl'KSIMV, SlOl'TlOAlBlOk 2.'?, I91.
NO. 158
Dilvcn o Last Lino of Defense,
Governor's Attorneys Call In Ques
tion Sufficiency of Cliarncs Made
Aoalnst Executive In Impeachment
A1.1IANV, N. Y., Sept. 23. Driven
(o their lnHt lino of tloft'tiHon by tlio
Htilzer linpeiirlniioiit court's voto last
nlKlil ngnlnst tlio govtininr'n conten
t It it t lint Hi" Httito nmiciiibly acted un
lawfully In marling proreedlm:
iiKnltist him, tliu Nuw York execu
tive's lawyers toiluy called In niii'H
tlou tlio sufficiency of tliu tlinrt;-a
iiKiiliiHt ilmlr client.
Attorney Merrick iitndo Din argu
ment fur tliu ilcfi'iimi. Neither ho
nor IiIh nanUtnntit, hu unlit, dimlrod to
shield tlio governor, "lint," ho con
tinned, "our position In thin:
"Our government h one of laws,
lint of men. Tim assembly nml tin
Impeachment rourt both nro governed
liy tlio law of thin stain, nml tlm
law nH thnt n public offlrlnl tuny Im
linpenehed only 'for wilful mill cor
rupt iiiUroiuliict of It Im office.'
To I. hull 1'oWer
"llniullloii spunks of tlio power of
Impearhiniinl nit nn 'awful power,' If
"Tlio court nhoiiltl no Interpret tlio
Inw an to confine luiienrlinlilo of
fenses to wilful nml corrupt uilscon
ilnct In office. It should not extend
Ho Interpretation further tlmn It linn
been extended before, either In
Atii'Tlrn or In England, in more tlmn
two hundred jonr, no as to lucluiln
offmuc" copiniltldd by n prlvnlo citi
zen beforo becnmlni: a public offlclnt.
"To so extend It woiilil, Indeed, bo
to mnko tlm power of liupenrliineiit
truly nn 'nwful power.'
"No statute of llmltntlonn would
run iiKnltint It. An upright, honest
offlrlnl might hnvo nn unfortunate
pant, known to corrupt, unscrupulous
political lenders, who, liming placed
liliu lu office, could threnteti him
Vk tt exposure In (tin endnnvnr to
compel him to nbiuo hi power, nml.
If ho did not yield, cause III Im
penclimeut, "Hucli nn Imponrhmont would Im,
In form, for offense committed out
of office. In fact, It would bo for
refund to commit crimen lu office,
Tiilto I.'ntlro Week
"I do not believe thin court will
plnro nn honest public who
may hnvo erred nt Iho mercy of hlnrk
innllor nml srnndnlmongors. I be
lieve It will confine tlio power of Im
peachment to Ih own prlmnry pur
Judge Alton II. I'nrkor, for tlm
prosecution, hope to rompleto IiIh
cam by tlio end of tlio week. Wit
nesses nlrondy were arriving In Al
2.1. -
ItntiN Hchmldt, confessed uitir
deter of Anna Auutiiller, and
Dr. Enicid Mil ret were In
dicted by n liultud KtntPit
grand jury hero today' uu
chin gcH of rtiiiiitorfcltlug.
Wife of Army Officer Says Hus
band's Treatment Left Little Else
Denies Stories of Improprieties
or Misconduct.
nr.MIHAUi:, Sepl. 2:i. - That 2011
Alhmiinim were killed when several
tliotiNniul AllimiiHii iiioiiiitiuiicer lit
trmpled to invade the eoiiutrv was
the iiiiuoiiiieeineiit eoiilain-d ill dis-
patche tceeheil ut the war office
here today. The fighting, it was
Mild, eolltillliul along (lie ftoiitier
fmm Milirti to Ih'iimko. Servian re
iiiforcemouU ute en mule to the
VIF.NNA, Sepl. 2:i. Allmninii
versions of tlie fighting nloiig the
Servian border between Sei.'iuii
troops nml AlhauiniiH differ from the
rcpoits fioiu llelgrndo. righting
was iirecipilalrd, according to the
Alhuiiiaii version, wlieu Servian
massacred 171) Albanian fnnnerH
wlio liail eioHHi'd the bonier in
Meareli of work. The Servians 11N0
tiro alleged to 1 1 live n num
ber of Allmiiiiiii villiieM nml hln.iL'l
tereil M-veral iinlnlile fittniliix'.
(Contlnund on pnen 3.)
TOK'IO, Sept. 2:. Premier Ynm
ninoto can nee no reason iih yet for
Meinliii troow lo Chiuit, he Miid iu
an interview today. lie added
frankly that I hero would be hcrious
trouble with the Chinese if tlio jiow-
ers intervene, iih Japan Iiiih been
warned lliey will do if tlm .Mikiiilu
attemplH n inililury oeeiipution of
Nankin or any other ChineKo eily.
Japan in nteadily nddiuc to iWi
miMil hlreuKtli in CliinehO water-,
however, und eoiiliuucrt to keep a
strong Kiinrd of ninnnen with inn
ehiue kiiiih uroiiud its cotisiilatc In
lll'.NTON', III., Sept. 2.'!. Willi nii
liliainen patrolliiiK the hIii'i'Ih, llen
tou in ipili't today following IiihI
iuhIiI'h lietiuj: in which twenty-five
jieiHinirt were bealeii. I'lirllier trou
lile, however, in feared if poshes
culeli, 0110 of tlio foreign
iiiini'iH iieeiiHed of murdctini; Klwell
lliileheim anil (Jiiincy Druuuiiond,
yo)iii(r inuHiciaiiN.
Intoxieiited l'orcifjnorrt nttaeked
und killed tlio two niuHioimin uftur
thoy Tiail pluyed ut n dnnco here on
Sunday uiht. YeHlerday Amerieaiin
Hliuled to nveiipu the lniii'dorH, form
ed lu the pulillo Ktpiaro mid iinhiiiiH
ed every forclipuu' nppeniiu,'. Twen-ty-fivo
nlleim wero henlen, despile
tlm efforltt of twenly-Jivo deputy
Hlii'ii'l'ri. Thn 1 luting iiiereased and
i'inully Iho Hhoiil'L' called out 11 eoiu
pauy of local militia mid Iho hIitoIh
finally wero (denied at niidiiinlil.
Tolophoului; from Dontou thla nf
tnriioou, Captain Binltli doclnrod tlio
peoplo tlioro nro Mill onriiRod mid
that furthor rlotliiK l Immliiout. Ho
said tlio Btroota wero filled with ox-
citou aim roBtiOBS Atuoncaus,
WAI.Dl'OUT, Ore., Sept. 23.
Aviator IM Steele, who Iickhu nn over-tho-Ken
hydro-neropnno flight from
North Demi to Ymiulnn liny, ycator
day, arrived lioro nt noon today. On
account of ciikIuo troublo ho 'will not
bo nblo to roHiimo tho fllKlit until to
Stool spout tho nlfiltt nt Kloronco,
whero ho wn compelled to nllKht bo
rniiBo of high wludi), Ho ro-nBcomlcd
nt 0 o'clock tlil inornliit,'.
Stool linn now nccompllHlmd about
uoventy iiillou of tho 100 inllo Jour-noy.
SAN KWANCISCO, Sepl. 2.1. Ad
miltine that she tried to lake Iter
own lifi', but ileuyiiiir veheineully
Hint Mie KMitihl her litiliniidV, Mri.
IteKNie (', .Mernniii fjnve Iter version
on the witucNM olnnd today of the
attempted pitlnl hhootiii); epinode in
eluded mnoii(; the chart;'' brought by
Caplaiii Henry C, .Merriam of the
Cniled SlaleH anny in eonueetion
with Hie divorce kiii t he Iiiih pcudinj:
fiK'tiiiiHt her.
It win onlv.nfter hlio lind fled
from her liulmtid'x Hide, iih a nmtlt,
hIio declared, of hi cruelly nml n
lironcliei during the early liour of
the mortiiui; Hint the ineideiit oeetirr
ed, that fhe resolved In kill herself
with the eaptaiuV revolve".
1,1 fo Ifebl Notltlni;
"Life had nnthini left for me nf
ter the words ho had ucd." Fnid
Mr. Merrinm, Iter voice shnkinyr mid
her eves ulrrnmiiif; with tcnrn, "but
he niMlied up o me, pinched my nnn
nnd forced me In drop the pitdol.
"I never had the rcmoe iden of
nltemptinc to kill tnv hif-hnnd. but
it i Inie Hint I did wnnl to end my
own life."
She wok "never nlonr in Imr life,''
fri. fernnm ndded. Al the New
Orlemm nnny poul the wnt nlwnvs
accompanied, she nMcrlcd, liy her
vounc daughler, her mother, her
ler-in-Jaw or liv sotnei olhcr friend.
The only time die wn ever out with
Major Murphy except in her hits
linnd'i compnny, she ndded. was nl
n Snrah Ilcrnhnrdl performance, nnd
on thnt occasion Major Yont. iio"!
eonimnndnnl, mid her pislcr-in-lnw
wero with litem.
So.CnIled lol)nlii(:
The incident of the o.cnllcd toie
oninc of herself nnd her little pirl
dm went on. wnn responsible for the
nupiett Mnjor Yost ninde of her to
lenve the iost and relurn to her
mother. He visited her, she snid
with his ndiutnut, mid accused her
of enrinj: improperly for her child.
"F was without monev," Hie wit-
tics explained, "for my hubnnd lind
left me penniless when he went to
Texas mid lind sent me nnthine. so I
was forced to Jake refnpe with my
friend, Miss Tlrown, n nurse, unti1
my mother had sent mc funds to tnke
me to her."
The famous "Replemher mom"
telephone conversation, with which
Caplnin Merrinm hns tried lo con
nect his wife, nnd Mn.ior Mundiv of
M10 rovernor of Louisiana's slnff.
the defendanl repmlialcd enlirely.
"I never said such thincs over n
telephone lo anv mnn," she declared.
"I would consider it very bad Inste
lo mention Hie fact that T had just
bullied and wnH wentinj- only a
1 1 j.jiw mm mi maillinw r uii iiiiimmmimrr&ii,La
m mm ". mzm&Mm
asmM . i zti&gim
l1 1 in 1 1 ii ' ....:fyW
nAoicDOinonnnn m
I ill ill I III! l I f If I J I J II J'CTlir
Clothing Merchant Found Strangled
and Eye Gouged Out In Hotel Room
Note Left by Murderer Tells of
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. 2.'l.
Willi n cord bound tightly about tho
neek mid the left eyc almost torn
from tho hocket, Ihc bo'ly of Joseph
Schlnnky, n clothing merclinnf, was
found in n room nt the Oneida hotel
hero today. The police are seeking
n youth who registered as W. It. An
derson of Louisville and who induc
ed Schlnnsky fo go to his room.
SehlnnskyV wnlch. worth $123, nnd
?20 in onMi arc missing.
A note Higned by "Lnury Ander
son" wns fonnd beside the body. It
"I started to tnkc his money nnd
I had to kill him." Anofiler note
rend: "I started to take his pants,
but didn't terrible."
Attorneys Argue Prisoner Cannot Be
Extradited Unless He Has Com
milted Crime, and Therefore Is
CONCORD, N. If., Sopt. 23. Gov
ernor Felkcr will not hnnd down hla
decision In tho attempt to oxtradlto
Harry K. Thaw, tho fiiRltlvo from
Matttawnn asylum for tho criminal
Insane, until next weok.
After listening to tho argumonts of
Thaw's nttorncya and that or former
District Attornoy Jorcmo of New
York, Governor Folkcr took tho case
under advlacmont and probably will
glvo his decision a weok irom today.
CONCORD, X. IL, Sopt. 23.
Hnrry K. Thaw appeared at 11 a. m.
today beforo Governor Kclkor to fight
tho attempt of Xow York authorlthn
to sccuro his extradition.
SANTA CRUZ, Cat., Sopt. 23.
llrenklng out uonr tho Fromont So
quoin grovo today nftor It wns bo
llovod to hnvo boon overcome, n for
est flro, fanned by a high north wind,
this afternoon Is ontlng Its wny
toward tho Horculoa l'owdor Works,
hair n mllo illRtnut, A thick under
brush ovortoppod with towering rod
woods, stands between tho powdor
works mid tho flro, nnd tho outlro
forco of tho powdor plant Is righting
hnrd to protoct tho inngiulncs.
01 N
CHICAGO, Sepl. 2.1."Chiengo
"big bitsinoss" r.nd Chicago 'Voei-
cly" were equally excited today over
tlm corgeoitsne-s of the "hunting
hrcnkfnht" with, which the ment
packers' convention ended hero Inst
night mid the candor with which the
Key. Ktifiis White, one of the guests
nt the breakfast, told his fellow
brcakftiHters what he thought of
Tho function was given in imita
tion of n real Knglih hunting break
fast. It wns htld in the big banquet
hall of the CongnLsVliotci; Chicago's
swellest hostelry, nml it cost, it was
estimated, $125,000, everything in
cluded. Horses Dash Vast Table
"Tho hreakfasters" wore scarlet
hunting costumes. Senrlet clad mas
ters of the hunt served them. Hug
lors, dressed in senrlet, sounded the
tally-ho between courses. The ban
quet hull lind been transformed into
n grove nnd during the fenst n scarlet-coated
huntsman on n renl black
horse dashed through it.
Five hundred packers sat down nt
the board nnd of those f00 there wns
hardly one who did not come, more
or less, in the classification of a
"captain of industry."
To this gnthering, the Key. Kiifus
White, scheduled to speak 011 "The
Social Side of llusluess," nddiesscd
himelf as follows;
"In just the degree thnt you cre
ate n dominant exclusive clnss of
captains of industry, each enptnin
despolienlly ruling thousands of
subordinates from whom all aspira
tion and ambition has been crushed
by tho hopelessness of advancement
iu just that degrco you hnvo weak
ened American citizenship.
Killing Citizenship
"If you reduce men to the level of
mere employes, hopeless of nromo
lion or success, you hnvo killed their
Jlldtrn W'llllnm Phnan n,l f,,mn
nw ........... .w.,j M..1. Vt'.K.ft
The slayer washed his blood v Governor Stono ot Pennsylvania ar
hnnds in the lnvntory. Schlnnsky gucd Thaw's caio beforo Oovornor
was murdered before noon yester
Schlnnsky's body was found near
the door nnd it is believed he was in
the net of leaving when felled. The
blow fractured his skull. The blood
spurted on the murderer's collar, nnd
he changed collars, leaving the bloody
linen in the room.
ilizeiisliip. You have killed their
iuiliativo. You hnvo deprived them
of n chance for advancement by per
severance, industry nnd effort.
"Collectivism mid combination
mean the Mippression of the individual."
SAN FKANCISCO, Cal., Sepl. 23.
Dutectivo Captain John Aloouey
declared today thai his men have
nccoiinted for every hour of Arthur
It. Coupon's time, throughout the
night of tliu killing of William Acker
and fleorgo Kovaclc in connection
with whoso death ho is iclil,though
on 110 formal charge, at police head
quarters. How it was accounted for
Mooney would not Hlate.
Tho inquest was still delnved pend
ing tho sufficient recovery of Coul
Hoii's ooinnion-law wife, who wns
seriously wounded nt tho samo time
Acker and Kovack wero killed, for
her testimony to bo taken.
A stranger whoso identity the 110-
lico kept secret wns brought to
headquarters today mid given a look
nt Coulson, upon which ho nodded
and said: "That's tho mnn."
Tho samo individual handed to
Captain Moonoy mi oblong package
which it wns rumored, though Moo
noy denied it, contained Iho revolver
with which ii is beliuvcd Acker mid
KovueU wero bhot.
KAY.MOND, Wash., Sept. 23. In
tho most disastrous tiro that has
ever visited Knyinond, tho plant of
tho Southwest Manufacturing com
pany, comprising a hhinglo mill of
UfiO.OOO daily enpaoity and n cedar
siding mill of 75,000 feet capacity,
was destroyed early today, chump"
a loss estimated at $150,000.
Ono hundred men nro thrown out
of employment. Tlio loss to the
plant was augmented hv tho de
struction of 8,000,000 shingles nnd
1,000,000 feet of cedar siding stored
on tho docks.
Tho firo department responded to
tho alarm quickly mid by hind work
saved tho nuicliiuo shop, dry kilns,
several million feet of siding mid the
plant of Iho Knyinond shipyards, ad
joining tho burned mill. Tho origin
ol' tlio firo hub not been dclonuiucd.
TRINIDAD, Colo., Sept. 23. Re
sponding to strike call by union offi
cials, thousands ot Southern Colorado
coal miners quit work today. At
noon It was estimated that nlnoty per
cont ot twelve thousand miners aro
out and all tho big mines havo closed.
Twelvo small Independent mines
signed a new wago scalo and theso aro
still operating. Tho operators ot tho
struck mines aro evicting strikers
from company-owned houses and tho
miners aro moving their fnnillies into
tents tho union has provided at var
ious points.
1 No vlolcnco has neon reported, but
reeling Is high as a result ot tho ovlc
tlon or women and chlldron. Yico
President Hayes of tho miners union
this afternoon declared tho miners
would win even it it required ten
years. Tlio general boiler is that tho
struggle will bo long and bitter, prob
nbly rivalling tho recent walkout In
tho West Virginia fields. Sheriff
Grcshaiu this afternoon ordorod
Hayes to disarm tho strikers. Simul
taneously District Attornoy Henrlchs
promised to disarm all mlno guards
violating tho law.
GLASGOW, Mont., Sept. 23. The
frt nnmes of the winners in the
last great government land lottery
were drawn here today. Two chil
dren, Ziln Fried! nnd ll'nzcl Hurd. al
ternated in drawing the nnmes, Com
missioner Tnllman rending the nnmes
of tho winners. The winners, in the
order drawn, follew:
Samuel Crowe, Hnmmond, Ind,
Thomns McKrndley, Olympin, Wash.;
John Qilpit, Fort Scott, Kan.; Martin
Golden, Miles City, Mont.; Charles
Drake, Helenn, Mont.; Chnrles Neely,
Havre, Mont.; Harry Mornn, Crovvn
Point, Ind.; Hiram Saunders, Clnrk
sou, Neb.; Cnrl Peterson, Hinsdale.
N. D.; Charles Fero, Cedar Kapids;
Freman 1'reskey. Chinook, Wash.
Felker. Doth declared that tho priso
ner could not bo extradited unless ho
had committed a crime
"Former District Attorney Joromo
must provo that Thaw has committed
somo extraditablo crlmo in New
York," they argued. "If ho docs ho
thereby proves that Thaw Is sano and
In that caso ho cannot bo returned to
Jerome, representing Now York
state, will arguo his caso this after
noon. Thaw appeared calm and con
fldont. Crowds followed him to tho
lato houso shouting words ot sym
pathy. Thaw and his mother sat at
tho samo tablo in tho court room with
So certain aro Thaw's adberonts
that Governor Folkcr would deny
Joromo's application tor tho prisoner's
extradition that thoy aro offering
bots at odds of two to ono that Thaw
will win. There wero no takers.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Sopt. 23.
Flat charges that a blackmail conspi
racy was dlrocted George H.
Illxby, Long lleach capitalist, chargod
with contributing to tho dollnquoucy
ot Clco Helen Darker, wero madq to
day ut lllxby's trial by his culot couu-
sol, Oscar Lawlor.
Tho conspirators, according to Law
lor, wero Miss Darker, Irono Mario
Hrown-Lovey, to whoso delinquency
Illxby also Is alleged to havo con
tributed, nnd Mrs. Elizabeth Lacoy,
mother ot tho Levy girl.
To glvo hl3 declaration tho back
ing ot sworn testimony, Lawlor
called to tho witness stand, Nlch Har
ris, a prlvato dotectlvo. Tho prose
cution objectod to Harris' testimony,
but ho wns permitted to procood un
dor constant Interruption by tho at
torneys tor tho state. Halt a dozon
rrlends or Ulxby woro callod to testify
that Illxby enjoyod an oxcollont ropu-
Intlnti l.'lftv fitlinr rlinrnetni wit-
1W.. . ... -,.... ....... .. ....
uessea woro ready to appoar.
SAX FKANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 23.
Willie Hoppe, n former pugilist,
for whom a benefit hall was given
last Saturday night, caused the nr
rest today of Frank Worthingtou,
malinger of tho benefit. Tho spe
cific charge is that Worthingtou
withheld $S7 of tho receipts from
the former prizefighter. IIopjw snys
that nil ho got of tho $500 netted by
the entertainment was $130. One
thousand tickets, ho says, were sold
nt 50 cents each. In addition to
these, Worthingtou, according to
Hoppe, sold another thousand tick
ets mid pocketed tho proceeds.
On July 3 lloppo's hands wvre
badly injured by the explosion of a
toy cannon.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Sopt. 23.
"Tho defoudant has lost his right ot
appeal through an act ot God. Thero
foro I commute his sontouco to llfo
This paragraph, written today by
Govomor Johnson, prevents August
Gorbor, convicted in 1905 or murder,
in Sau Francisco, from going to tho
While Gorbor's caso was undor ap
peal in tho supromo court tho records
ivoro destroyed by thd earthquako and
Nro In 1000. Tho commutation ot
sontenco today resulted.
PORTLAND, Ore, Sopt. 23. That
tho tato ot tho twonty-ono who went
to sea from Astoria this spring on
tho American schooners El Dorado
and American, will always remain a
mystery was tho belief of shlpplnc
mon hero today, following tho post
ing oY tho two vessels as "missing"
by Lloyd's Register. Since tho ves
sels left port no word has been heard
of thorn.
Tho American sailed from Astoria
March 3 for Antorogasto and tho Kl
Dorado sailed tor Australia April 21.
Uoth woro lumber laden, each carry
lug about 1,000,000 feet.
Among tho crew of tho Americana
Charles Johnson, captain; E. Thnn
son, mato, San Francisco; O. II. Sttt
leson, second mato, Hod wood, Cal.; J.
Frederlckson, carpenter, Oakland,
Cal.; M. II. Sonoda, cook, San Fran
cisco; A. Wahlstrom, Fred Clanson,
Roy Coleman and II. Potteruon, nblo
seamen, Portland.
Tho members ot tho crow or tho
El Dorado irom tho Pacific Coast
N. P. nonson, San Francisco; J.
Wilson, mato, Seattlo; A. Johnson,
second mato, San Francisco A. Iwata,
cook, Soattlo, and Rudolph Walberg,
ablo soaman, Portland,
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept. 23.
n inadequato signal system, tho
bunching of six passenger trains un
der too short a headway for a foggy
morning, and tho rocklessnoss ot En
gineer Wands ot tho liar Harbor ox
press in running by a danger signal
wero today hold responsible by tho
stato utilities commission for the re
cent Walllngford wreck, in which
twonty-ono persons woro killed and
forty lujurod.