Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 20, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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vn pna ""fSftJ
v.. nd&' i .:;a -.xfiL viv 'm' Ji
Ono of tlio moNt utijnynhle nitlMIc
nml Hiivi'i'Hiiriil iiinnlnil icclliitH uvor
r.lvmi In Mmlfoiil wnn tlm rnnrort
lilvou by tlm Mmlforil Caimnrvnlury
fur mimic nml Iiiukuiikiia lust Tlm ru
tin y nt tlm IiIkIi rcliiinl. Tho nudloncu
whliih fllli'il ovnry tnuit In tlm auditor
linn hIiiih'hiI by Itft wyinpnllintlo iittnii
Hon nml illHirlmlimtlun itplntiHH tlmt
It unit ropioMi'iitlni; tlio trnu numlo
lovor of Mmlforil.
Tlio nrlldtn pin t trlprtt ttiic In tlm con
rort went Mri. Hit Aiidninn, nnprnno,
woll Itnnwn to Medford nudliiiiron,
Mr. Carlton Jniii, vlollnUt, onn of
tlio Intent ni'iiilnttlotm to tlm roimnr
vntory, uml Mm. (lurnil Talllnuillor,
tlm director.
Mm, A ml row nttnln iloiiioiutrnti'il
Imr nblllly to nrtlntnilly Interpret
not only opurntlc nrlno, lint nlinptn
folk hoiikh m uilt. llor noltwUon
liirlinli'il woll known Hootch hnllnd, n
nenro innluily by (Mntnnin, rum: by
Nut In, n colorntnrn nrlu from tlio
opera Dltiunih nml n ci'iio from Puo
rlnl'K Mnilnnm llutturftily. Tlio Int-
tor wnn ndmlrahly mime In trim oporn
tic ntylo nml iibnmlnn. Tlm illffli'titi
Window Koiik by Mrerhoor win (null
Imwly oxoriititil; Mm. Andrew' trim
Intonntlon nml uplmidld hrenth con
trol innilo Imr volro illntlnrtly nudlhto,
onn In plnnlMlmo, In Hid romotoit
imrt of tlio bnll.
Mr. Titlllntnllnr, nlrmily till
known no n mirrrMfiil ttnrbr, provi'il
Hint Iih In n iiirior ronrnrt pliinlnt.
In bin tolootlonn, (iinbrneliiK compoM
tloim of tlm inimt vnrloim tpni, imcli
n Itnrf riloiiio, l.lNit'it ItlKolotto,
Cbopln'n llorfoiuo nml VoKrleh'a Ktnc
rnto Cnprli'o, ho (llnpln)iiil not only n
flnlibnl tiicbnliino but nlno n rmimrk
nlilo ilrllrnry of tourli. Tlio mnootb
tinni nml ovoiiiiivm of rutin In rnplil
pnimnnoit nml tlm tioauty of hi tutor
prrtntlon In conornl provoil hlin to bo
n rontly flno iilntiUt,
Mr. Jntuxi, tlm lollnlit. nlmroil tint
hnnoni with ihv rchi, hIiowIiir lilnuclf
to bo nn nrtlnt In tonipnrmimnt nml
orciitlon. A llolliovoii Kotintn, n
Wlontnwakl nineorti) nml mtvornl
minor compotltloim worn oijnnlly woll
rcniloroil. Ait nn onoorn Mr. Jnnoi
plnyoil Itnff'H Cavnllnn without plnno
Tim ontlrn pniKrnin nffonlvil by Kit
tixeolloiit iirrniuoiuont of rontniMtltiK
ploeit n win r co of trim unjoyniunt to
ovnry ono pronunt.
N'or initHt on forKot to mnntlon tlio
nrrnmitnnlnmntH mi woll plnyoil by
Mr, Jmioa for Imr huMbnml.
An olnbnrnto bnmiuot wni elvon
tlio out-of-town pbyiilvlniK nttomllm;
tlio uiotllrnl couvontlun by tlm lorn!
ninoolntlon Tliurmlny oimliig nt llotul
Moilfonl. A romtulttoo from tlio
(Irontor Moilfonl club romilNtlni; of
Moinliuiim llnrinon, (lorn, Hobloffolln,
Itoildy, Morrluk nml Mumlny woro In
rhnrno of tlio ilorornlloiiH, which
urn vory bonutlful. 1'lnlc romii woro
Invlnbly imml nml n bonutlful offoct
wns tlio romilt. DiirliiK tlio ovoIiik
n inimical projamn wnn kIviiii Inrluil
Iiik two vornl hoIoh by .MIhd llolun
I'uriiokor nml luilrumontnl Huloctlonn
by tlio Moilfonl Coitcart Trio, Dr. Mar
lon, MIhk Ilutlor nml Mr. H. 0. Hoot.
Tho uuinborH woro ns follews:
ltmlluin Murch from l'lff, l'nff, I'uff
, Hchwnrt
Boronmlo Dnlln
Umlor tho Doublo Knnlo ...WnKuor
Mliorcro" Vonll
Dlo (llutomplolor Op. 00 Suliytlo
Ohnnt Bmm I'nrolua Tachnlkowaky
Mnrrh Mllltnrlo Rchubort
Aboullml Hrliiininnti
Pronto from "All OiiKiircBvo Trio"
Tho Pnront-TonrhorH' nafloclntlon of
tlm WiiHlilnittou Hobnol mot for tho
flrat montliiK of tho now nc!iool your,
Krlilny, ,'lojit, 10, nt tho WiihIiIukIoii
hcIiooI liiilhllnir,
Mnny inoinborB woro In nttomlnnrn
A lonitthy htiunoa hchhIoii wna hold
In which many plmui for tho coming
yonr worn iIIhouhroiI. Aftor tho bual
ih'hh tho nHBorlutlon wiih outortnlnuil
with n plnno nolo by llttlo MIhs Kllzn
both Cloro nml nn lutoamtlni; talk on
ldmlorRnrtou work by MIhs Coryoll,
tho kliiilorKtirton tonchor,
Tho noxt inootliiK will bo Octolior
10 whon tho xtnto pronlilont of tho
Orocou Conitrnas of Mothers nml 1'nr-ont-Tounhora'
nesoclntlnna, Mra, 11. II,
Tnto, will tnlk to tfm lnilloa of tho
nsHoclntloim of Moilfonl nml vicinity
In n Joint moot lmr to bo hold In Mud
ford, To honor tho wlvoa of tho pliyol
claim iittoudlnK tho inodlcnl conven
tion, a bnuquot wua ulvon by tho
i . hj m it u ' im m m
tlrniter Medford rlult Fildny ovoiiIiir
lit I Intel .Muilford,
'I'liu decoration worn liir.-iiillful nnd
tlm vIMtliiK InilloK woro moil oiiUiiih
IiihIIo In tholr pntlmm of tlioin, (Iront
niiiNHiiH or dnlhlnn of tunny vnrlotlcit
In tlm piiHtnl hIiiiiIoh worn imnil, nr-
tlnllfally nrrmimi In IiiihIioU with
Iouk HpriijH of i-luuintlH trnllliiK nrronH
Dm tiibln. All of tlm dnlhlna worn
rnlmtil by Mm. M. I'. Ilmldy.
Tho oiit-tif-town linlliiH wont M
ilmimn A. II. Klnrburck, Hinllb, .1. P.
Triinx, M. W. Joncii. W. II. Dnvln.
Ili'iktnnn, (Iri'KK. Tho locnl phyid
rlii nn wlvoa woro Moinlntnon Hoolcy,
t'lntiry, Pltkol, Itnrbor nml tho otbom
iiltonilliiK woro Monitnmon (loro, Kiik
IInIi, Miinily, llnrmou, Kim:. Kcliloffo
Itn. Iliilrlilimon, Unror, Itmlily. IIoIIIn,
IIiiiIko, Hulllvmi, Ciirno Alton IlnlKht,
HlrontH, Wiikoimm. Aftor tlm bnu
ipii't tho lnilloa attomlcil tho iiicillrnt
Tito Pnn-lliilloiilo mmoclntlou hold
n nn'otltiK Hatunliiy lnn(, tvhon It wnn
tocliloil to reopen tint ltet Itootll to
tho public, tlilit winter uml iiIno to
fiorvo hot ten nml rhoiolntn to nny
ono whhliiK to ont tlnlr luurluHi nt
tlm llimt Kootna, for wblnh tlm uoiiil
ii n I aunt of flvo renin will bo nnlieil.
OwIiik to tlm rrowdoil romlltlou of
tlm IiIkIi nchool, tlm girl Innrli room
thorn hnd to bo kIvoii up nml tunny
Klrla urn already
of tlm offvr.
tnklmt ndvnntnKo
A liitirheou wna kIvoii Vednoilny
by tho .InrkKiii County I'nlr mmocln
tlou to tlm Indy auiiorlntniidontn mid
tliono who naalatod nt tlm renuil fair.
Nnsturtltiiiia worn effectively lined
for decornlloti. Thono jirortit wore
Miwnlmtioa HteemHrnp, Kchleffetlh,
(lore, Merrick. Ilollla, Perry, Mllea,
Mumly, Alford mid Mlaaoa Atlro I Inn
ley nml Kuedlror.
A apoclnl mrotltiK wna hold of tho
Wodmwdny Study rlub Init Knturdny
nfternoon tit tho roabtenrn of Mrs. K.
II. Plckol. Kpecnl bualnoaa wna con
uhlerfMl nfter which n ory plemaiit
nflornoou wna apent.
Mr nml Mra. A, 1 RhnplelKh who
hnvo bei'ii the Kueata of tholr ron I'.
W, ShnplelKb, loft Thuradny for n
tour of Kuropn. Their dmiKhtor,
Mra. Mnulo will accouipnny thorn na
fnr na Ht. I.utila.
The flrat niinlvnranry of tho wod
dim: of Mr. nml Mra. Itnlph llnrdwoll
occiirrml Woduemlny nml In honor of
tho event nbout twenty of tholr
aurprliod tliotu nt tholr homo on Onk
dnle. :tff
A very pleasant auprlao party wna
kIvoii Mlaa Dorothy Connor Inat.B.nt
urdny evnutUK ul her homo nn Slakl
you llolitbta, when n moat enjoynblo
ovenliiK wns spout.
Maa Union I.yillnrd and Mlaa Mnud
Corllaa of Tnblu Hock, will upend tlm
winter In Mvdford, na thoy nro at-
tomlliiK IiIkIi school hero.
Mm. Ilurdctto DoiIro, Jr., cuter
tnlna Hnturdiiy nflornoou for tho
plciiauro of Mlaa Joy KolKor who
lenvoa soon for tho oast,
Mr. Vernon (Inrrott hnn returned
to tho ntnto unlvomlty nt Kunono uml
Mr. (Inry Onrrct to Columbln Uitl
oralty ut Portlnnd,
Dr. nml Mra. 15. 13. Flshor of Snlom
woro tho Ktioata of Mr. nml Mrs. C.
V. MoUnnnld ilurliiR tho rocont inod
lcnl convention,
Mr, A. 1'olitor nml daughter,
Mlaa Joy, lenvo Tuesday fpr tho enht.
Mlaa Joy will outer school In WiihIi
liiKton, 1). U,
Mlaa Ida I.eo Koutiior outortnluod
Informnlly nt enrda for MIsh Joy Fol
Kor Friday nflornoou nt hor hotno nt
Mhm Iloao Whipple nml MIhs May
Davidson hnvo koiio to Uosohui'K (o
nttond tlio county fair,
Mm, I). II. Jiicksou nml ilniiHhtojr
Mlaa Mliiulu nro vIsHIiik frlouds 1 it
Mr. Cottor of San Krauelaco la'tho
Huoat of bin dniiKlitor, Mra. 8Idnoy
Mr, and Mrn. Juatln Klfort hnvo
roturnoil to tholr homo In Hosoburj;.
Mr, Pnul McDonnld lenvoa Hiindny
for Corvallla to attoml tho O. A. 0.
Mlaa ICdlth ItobltiBou hits roturnod
from n trip to Portlnnd,
Mrs, J, I, (Irlublo la visiting frlcnda
In Wnldpott.
h i ' v n n tm n
An Informal nml riioHt ctinrttifrif;
Kiinli'fi parly kiin given by tliu Indie
of tlio (Jrmitor Medford ululi on Mra,
i:. II. IMcliitla' luwn Tlmrailny from.
:i to R o'clock. Tlm honor
woro tlm wlvoa of Dm vIhIUiik pby
Hifinim or tlio .Moillcnl Aaiiuclntloii of f, Prook orcmriI. Arthur Henry
(,,"K"11, 'who linn boon Kraditnto manntar of
Tlm Plcknl Inwn mid Kiirdon la n!Blll,fll tlm Unlvoraltly
lollKlitfiil plnro for a Knrd.'ti pnrty, of 0roRon H golnK to Columbia Unl-
nuo wnn .Mm. .(. K. Mumly na clmlr-
uimi or tirrmiKouioulH nml Mra. Win.
Muilr.i' In chiirco of tlm rnfroahtnonta
tho pleiihiiio mid comfort of thorn
proai'tit wua iiBHiireil.
A abort mualcnl procram wnn en
joyed retiHlKtlui: of two aplomlld
Hiciil iiiunlierii by Mr, Vernon Vnwtnr
nml two clinrmliiK mmikh by Mlna Pu
ruckor. Mra, C. I. lliitchliiaon dla-
pomou roiioo mi.i anmiwicuiM rrom n
tnblo nt tho onat end of tlm Knnfoti
nml Mm. W. I, Vnwlor prealdod ovorj
tlm Icea mid enkea nt tho weat end
under tho ahndo of tho oak trecm. I
MIm Porn llutrblnaou mid Idn Leo
Kentnor with aovornl joiiiik tnntrona
nnftlatod theao Indies In aervlm;.
The nttondmiro wna InrKo but not J
so InrKo mm exported, ewlni: probably'
to n rlimiRo u pinna which -wnn tin-
The Ciilld of 8t. Mnrk'n church
met Thuradny nfternoon whou Moa
dniueH W. I. Drown, I.eon llrown nnd
W. II. Humphrey worn liosteanea.
Work la beliiR done for n snlo which
will be held this winter.
Mrs. C. W. Hnldor of I.oa AnRoloa.
who hna been tho Kiieat of friends
here, hna xono to Portland. Klin will
vlalt Medford iikiiIii, boforo return
Iiik to hor home,
Tho l.ndlim' Aid of tho Proabytcrlnn
church was entertained this week by
Mm. .N'earall, when their wna n InrRO
nttemliiiioe. Tho Aid moots next
Tuesday In tho chnpvl.
Mr. 1. J. Phlppa, Mlaa Mnn Phlpps.
Dr. I. I). Phlpps nnd Mr. D. K. Phlpps
loft Wednesday on n trip throiiRh llrl
tlh ('oliimbln nml will bo nwny aov
ornl weeks.
Mm. Fred CoWles and children lof .
Friday for Hanta llurlmrn, Cnl., whom
her sou Honor will outer scliool. Mr.
Cowloa loft earlier In tho week.
Mr. nml Mrs. IllnRhnm nml Mlsn
llliiKhnm hnvo returned to their homo
In Santa Hnrlmra nftor spomlliiR sev
eral montliB here.
Dr. nnd Mm. CeorRO h. Helms
hno koiio to San Francisco nfter
spomlliiK sovornl months In tho val
ley. Mm. Pnul Jniinoy entertained In
formnlly at luncheon Thuradny for
hor mother, Mra, Kdwln Jniinoy,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will North of Port
lnnd, tiro rocont arrivals In Medford
nnd wU mnko tholr homo hero.
Mlsaoa MnrRnrot nml Irono Smith
nrn spomlliiK tho week-end with Miss
Vivian (Ircer. of Ashland.
Mm, J, Vllna Ileckwlth roturnod
cast Monday nftor spoiullutr tho sum
mer In tho valley.
Mr. nml Mm. 0. 11. Nolllo hnvo
koiio to Denver, Colo., whoro they
will reside.
Mrs. J, M, Itool entertained tho
Tuesdny Luncheon club nt hor homo
this week.
Mra. C. W. McDonnld Iimk returned
from speudliiK tho siimmor nt San
Mrs. C, I, Hutchison entortnlna tho
Auction llrldRo club Saturday nfter
noon, Mra, M. Purdln returned Inst week
after a four woek'a visit In San Fran
claco, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Shirley hnvo
roturnod from nn extended onstorn
lip, s
Nod nnd CleorRo Vllna lonvo Satur
day for OroRon Agricultural CoIIoro.
Mra. 0. U. Itny nnd Mlaa Mnblo Uny
hnvo roturnod from n trip to Newport,
Mrs. M. Anthony of Smith Ulvor,
Cnl., la vlaltliiR frlonda In MoiUord.
Mr, Vnnco CoIvIr hna roturnod to
Mud fold nftor nn oxtomlod nbsonco.
Mr. OoorRo llutz Jr., of Yrokn, la
spondluR a fow dnya In Medford.
MlBH Attlo
Myrtlu Point.
Clark Is visiting nt
Tho innrrlnKO of Mr If, (J, I'ech
mill Minn f.oiilnn Dulilko wnn nol
litml Witdticdny tit tlio I.uthornn
linmoniiKOt Nov. C Wilbur performing
Hid corfinony. Ilolli hrldo iiml groom
nrn well Known mm very popular,
liuvliu; ninny frloniln to wih them
liiipiiliicnK nml proitirlty,
Tlio young couplo loft for a wort
ill hit trip to 1'orllnrnl nml on tltnlr
ri'lurii will mako lli"lr homo nt Mr.
i0C1im rnncli. nlioitt flv tntlns from1
I it. v.. r. uenry nun nn roil
r .. -... .. , (.,- .
l, i, r ,,,( l.'.lunr.l i,t Pnrllnml f.rn
M,.,nK ft fw ,ya nt tholr (lilf -
Mra, Arch nml Mra. Aac'ior of finn
I'rnnrlrco, who hnvo been tho Kiioata
of Mr. nml Mra. f'hnrlca I.nbn. hnvo
Keno to Portlnnd, wlioro thoy woro
rnllcd by tho lllnoia of tholr fnthcr.
Mlxa Knthryn Mima who hna boon
I vIhIUiik her fnthcr, Mr. fSeorRo P.
.Mlril c)f K,vcn Oaka hna returned to
,r ,, Coour d'AIeno, Idaho,
Mm. Cmnpboll and Mlaa Cnmpholl
w,, ,invo ,,ocn vlaltlnc Mr. Jnmoa
Cllln ,. nni, ftttIllyi ,lnT0 xcUlTnPI
, tltolr homo In New York,
M,(ll ,:rnnor ,, UItn VraK,r,
.,l0 ,mvn ,IPOn (ho KUvMn ,)f Mr ,,
Mrs, Chnrlea Lobo bnve returned to
their homo In Portlnnd.
Mra. (lortrudo Patch who has boon
vlaltliiK Mr. nnd Mra Claronco KiilKht
for snvornl tnonthii has returned to
her homo In Ilostou.
Mlaa C, NymploB returned this
week to Portlnnd nfter apemllni; the
week In Medford, the Rticsta of Mrs.
J. T. Hulllvan.
Mlaa Ivn Howly who hna been tho
Kiieat of Mr. nnd Mm. W. 8. Clay
hna returned to her homo In (Irani)
Itnplds, Mich.
Miss Mnldo Jones has returned
from n visit to llutto Falls. Hon
Rrmidmothor, Mrs. Downs, roturnod
with hor.
Mm. ItoRlnnld II. Parsons nml chil
dren hnvo returned to Seattle, nftor
apendltiK the ciimtiier al lIlllcrcHt
Mr. nil r. .Tnitica Pnllnn nml tp
. ,,. a 8lMjn,orp ,, r(lt,lrn0l, to For,
Klamath nfter n short visit In Med
Mr. T. K. Daniels nnd Mr. Wm.
UudRe nml Alex lludRo have returned
from n motor trip to Crescent City.
Mrs. W. Itnftroo who has been vis
iting hor sister, Miss Keith, has ro
turnod to hor homo In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. George Uordeaux, for
merly of Medford, but now of Taco-
mn. nro visiting In Medford.
Mr. nnd Mm. C. F. Lansing of
Salem have been tho guests of Mr.
nml Mm. 11. 11. Pntcrson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. W. llutchlna hnvo
returned to Weed 'nftor a short visit
In Medford.
Mr, I'M In on Marshall has gone to
KtiRono where ho will nttond tho statu
Cnpt. N. A. Ulloy of Urbana, III.,
Uvlaltlng nt tho homo of II. T. Hub
Morrltt Merrlman hns returned to
Corvallla where ho Is nttendliijC col
lege. Mra. Mnry (Ulbert of Itosoburg Is
visiting her son, Mr. Van Gilbert.
Miss Irono MacKtlllgnn hns re
turned from n Htny n Albany.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Oscar Myor loft thla
week for Koseburg nnd O.ilem,
Col. Frnnk II. Uny of Now York la
upending n fow daya In Medford
Mr, Kverott Corey hni roturnod to
Corvnllls to nttond O, A. C.
Thoroughlv modern rooms
renting from $8.00 to $15.00
per month
Bathroom nnd Laundry.
Ons and Electric Lights
Everything Furnished
Except Eats
217 Riverside So.
Phono 900-L
SAN' ItlillN'AllDIN'O, ful., Sfj.f.
20,-Tho Hcv. I'nlher Urmlv wo
uliot tliroiiKh ln limn) nml bullet'
uliriokcil nbout llio onra of n llmu
iiiiil eilizertu wlieti aeveml lliiniannil
eiirlHi1i;eH Mrc in (ho N'ntiomil
fltinril nntiory, n winit of Hio mun-
'i''il,fl1' lmvi,i" oxjdotleil
iluritit; n
fire enily todny lhnt ilwlroyod the
Police floored Uio alreota for
Mock nboul tho pavilion, which
burned lo the ground while firemon
atom! outaiile the rniijre of the bom
bnnltuonl. Tim ilmntic wiih nboul
The ronntv provident, the locnl
preaidenl and the delegate tnrt for
the atnle eonveniion nt florrnllia
noxl .Mnnilny, The ilele(;ie are iii
alrucleil lo vote for .Mrs. Unruli for
tnte president.
Tlie law titfuinat aollln eipnrelle
lo minor wtm ,lieusoil nt the
mooting mid whnt notion houlil be
taken on it.
The W. C. T. U. mombera put
llienielvort on record ut Ileitis'
npninsl rtif;in on the treit or in
nny hall.
NVxt ThuNilny is "Afotlier'a
feetilJ", to be held nt the hull of
llie library. The nljeel in "Hij-h
Scliool Amu-cmenlw," led by .Mm. II.
I Dnilev.
And Found Health in Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
V.'Imlom, Kansas. "I had n displace
ment which caused bladder trouble nnd
I wna so mlserublo
I didn't know what
to do. I suffered
from bonrinn down
paina, my eyes hurt
me, I was nervous,
dizzy and irregular
and had fomnlo
wt-nkness. I spent
rntney on doctors
but got worse all
tho time.
"A friend told mo
nlwut Uio Piukham remedies nnd I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and was curetL I cannot praise
your remedies enough for I know I never
would have been well if I hed not taken
iU"-Misa M.uiY A. IIohno:, Route
No. 2, Iox 41, Windom, Kansas.
Consider "Well This Advice.
No woman suffering from nny form
of female troubles should bso hope un
til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound n fair trial.
Tlit famous remedy, tho medicinal in
gredienla of which nro derived from
nntivo roots and herbs, has for nearly
forty yonra proved to be a most valua
ble tonic and invigorator of tlio fo
mnlo orgnnism. Womijn cverjnvhero
benr willing testimony to the wonderful
virtue of Lydia E. Pinkhnra'a Vegeta
ble Compound.
If you want special advice write to
I.jdln E. PliiUium .Medicine Co. (conll
dcutlnl' I.) mi, 3lasi. Your letter n ill
Lo opened, rend nnd nmvicrcd by n
romnii and held In otriet eoulldeiire.
Do you know thnt
thoro la
ot years bohlnd tho
Is wo sell? 5
lo you know , Mf
o Vnlucs- m
And d
that tli
hacked hy our por
Bonnl guarautco of
every stono has
limdo tlmt reputa
tion? Our stock 'both
set and unBot stoucs
Is ono of tho most
carefully selected In
America nnd for
this ronsou you
ennnot mnko nny
mlstnko In purchas
ing hero.
Nour l'obt Office
Mi Do you know thnt IK
JM there Is !
Ml A REUTA- 114
a TION s
Tho Best FaoelDrink
rf insist Upon
genuine ntJrfLiiwi SI
Avoid Imitations-Tako No Suttntltuto
Rich nullc, malted grain, in powder form. More healthful than ten cr coffee.
For infants, invalid and growing children. Agrees with the wcakeit digMtion.
Pure nutrition, upbuilding the whole body. Keep it on your sideboard nt home.
Invigorates nurting mothers and the aged. A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
For Sale
Frank H. Ray
Yard at Sixth and Fir Sts.
(Jot Out Prioos on Wlint
You Will Wnutfor the Winter
Cor. Fir and Secoiid St.
wttmteiim?M p.4!,4v f-.o HJni
, g. .
Situate hi Uio Hut) or ttie I'rlnclpal
Theater mid Shopping District
Itctently Itcdccorated nnd ItefurnlIiMl Througliout,
and llettcr Equipped Today thou Kvcr Ileforo
Kurooean I'lan
ltoonu without liatli, $1.00 per day nnd up
Koonis ulth until, $-.00 cr day nnd up
G. J. KAUI'MAN.V, ManaRcr.
V. K. CIi.ItlU:. Asst. Icr.
I.cnvc Medford S:00 n. iu. Hench Medford G:15 i. in.
Gootl Fishlny Excellent Hotel Accommodations
Bring your picnic lunches and enjoy a dellrjhtfu! outlntj
ON OCT 1, 1913, AT 2 P. M. SHARP.
Bear Creek alfalfa land, the best in'tho vallcj'. lo
ll cated two miles north of
;g & Eastern Railroad runs
i fruit and other produce
without any long haul. AVill ho sold in two or more
tracts. Correct acreage and terms will be given at
sale. Trees all standard varieties: 35 acres New
towns and Spits, 7 to .10 years old; 9 acres delicious
2 years old; G acres pears from 1 to 5 years old; i)
acres almonds, cherries, poaches, etc. Improve Impreve
ments: A No. 1 two-storv ten room modern house.
largo barn and outbuildings, pumping plant with
ien inousanci gaiion taniv, entire iraot can uu irri
gated from Roguo Kivor canal. Prcsont wator right
for two acres. Machinery, tools and livestock will
bo sold if purchasers do not wish the samo. Terms
will bo easy: Certified checks of 10 per cent at time
of sale, halanco of cash payment as agreed upon at
time of salo.
P. S. Sond this ad to your friend who wants a,
good orchard.
E. B. ITALL, Ownor,
AVTr.T.TAAr TTTRiniT. 'AiirtfiniiflM
, , .... .-......
Lunch mt Foimtmtnm
to Rcichstciii.
Tel. 76.
112X111 PJilllVnUM I 111
imiii miiirMimivi
Mad for the Excellence;
mnw 'is & r..rVJ
Medford, Oregon. Pacific
through the tract, where
can be loaded on the cars
-r.. .., ,. .
tit 4
'! l
V :