vr. - " ' ' Wfej; mmmmmmmmnvH, ,.;,. ''r. -VS7 ',, Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER J'nlr tonight, Unlit Sunday Mux. l; Mln. 45, Forly'llilril Ynr. IlnllyUitlitli Vnr, xsu. "LOBBY" TRIED TO Bit Defends Labor Activity fur Couijrcs slonnl Lciilslatlon as Humanity Aid Attacks National Associa tion of Manufacturers. Laws for Workers' Uplift Always Opposed by Interests Used lllc llltlmatc Means to Gain Ends. WASHINGTON, Hept. 20. Vrcsl dent Hatnunl Clotupom of tlm Amnrl can I'l-dcrallon of Lahor iIIsciimqiI mKIi much mitlitfaclloti today tho ro itultd of tlio lioumi mi it annnto Irivcn tlKiitlonn Into tlio Washington lob Mitit. "Tlio principal rcjiult," ho (aid. "Iiru been tlm ruttloiiw ttln exposure of I ho method of tho Natlonnl Asso ciation of Manufacturer. Tho poo plo know now how It has attempted to suborn foiiKroniimrn, lirllio labor leaders niul crush lahor. "Heroin Hon tho dlffnrenro between tho legislative offorti tuadn by tho National AMorlnlloii of Manufnctur m and tho (rlend of laber: "Tho National nMoclatlon of Manu facturer used corrupt methods for political corrupt purposes. "Tho friends of labor uod IcrIII inato mi'tlioila of loKltliunln ctida tlio betterment of humanity and tho protection of human rlKht. "Thorn not a thlnu wo adrocnln which would not protect Mfn, liberty and health, mako bettor men and women and healthier children and lufi'cuard worVor agalntt too long licntrM inirnnltary workshop. "In tho raimo of tho common up lilt wo will contlnuo our activity as loriR a( a wrong remains to ho rlshtod "Wo liavo dono nnlhliiK except In tho open. Tho National AMoclatlon of Manufacture' antMahor program ban beoii a perversion of rightful poli cies. All Hi beneficent purpose havo boon neglected. All ltd effort wero turned toward fighting labor, Including attempt to suborn, buy and corrupt labor men other an well na myolf." E HALTED; SLAYER STILL SILENT HAN I'ltANCISCO, Co!., Sept. 20. Tho luiHpltal authorities' vuto pro vnutfd tho pollco from bringing A. It. Coulioii faco to faco with his com mon law wlfo, tho woman o serious ly woiiudud wlillo lunching In tho At Ian enrago hero Thursday night with Oconto Kovnclc and William Ackur, Just boforu tho two nioa woro shot to death. tlnnhlo to account for Coulson'a movements on tho night of tho trag edy nod falling In ropoatod attempts to luduco him to talk, tho dotoctlvoa decided to confront him and tho wounded woman, hoping thoy might Irani Home thing from his behavior ovon though thoy failed to break hlo hIIoiico. llnndcuffod, ho was floated In nn luitomobllo bfttwoon DotootlvoH Do La (luorni nnd anllnghor and a start wuh ninilo for tho hoapltnl. Coulaon Hoon Haw tlirotigh tho plan. Ills Jaco blanchnd and his Jaw hardonod but ho did not spoalc, Ho wbh not to go through tho or deal, liowovor. At tho hospital on trnnro, tho physlclana ohjoetod bo vigorously to admitting tho party, on account of tho probablo bad otfoct on tho wounded womnn of tho lutorvlow, that ABBlilnnt Dlfltrlct Attorney Mc (loo was commutitcatod and ordorod tho dotoctlvoa to glvo up tholr at tempt, I. W. W.'s Condole McNamara's CUICACIO, Sept. 20. TolegrnniH of Hj'inpntby woro Bent toiluy by tlio IniluHtrinl Wmkors of tho World, in imimn! roiivenlion hero toilny, to liolli jroNumnrns nml to tlio oiglileeu IiiiliiBlrial Workera in jiriHon in vnr iotts phiocs in tlio country. 111 1 MS THIRD T. R. FLAYS OLD AR S NATON'S HAT Defeated Dull Mooser In Mnnazlnc Article Calls 0. 0. P. and Demo's "Inconijrous Jumlilc of Santo Prln clples." Links Pcnroso and La Follctto and Jabs Professor Taft Says Tariff "Red Herring" to Deceive Public. Ni:W YOIIK, Hupt. 20. Hx-l'roal-tlciit ltocunvolt handle tho old Hun political par tic without gloven In an nu nrtlclo In tho current Initio or tho Co ut ii ry Magazine, out today, dis cussing tho progressive. "A party alturuatuly nominating Ilrynn and I'nrker for president, n party wheroln Penrose, I.n l-'olloltn and Hmoot stand n thruo brothcra of leadership, cannot possibly supply (ho need for efficient, cohcatvn gov eniinriitnt action an regards vital Mucstlon of tho day," tho ox-presi dent wrote. The artlclo refors to tho democra tic and republican partis an "Incon gruous Jumbles of conflicting princi ples and policies, lacking rent differ ences between thoin " 'Tho dnctrlncn laid down by Taft, as professor of law," It nays, "glvo theoretical Justification for tho prac tical action of Pennine and Hmoot." Concerning tho tariff, tho colonel says: "Tho democrats only pcrformanro thus far Is In connection with tho tariff and with a discreditable Impo trnro In foreign affairs. "As a means of helping to nolvo our great Industrial and social prob lems, tlm tariff Is merely a rod her ring dragged ncrosa tho trail to dlrort tho people from tho real Issuos, "Mr. Wilson's 'now freedom' con tains various wcll-pbraod statements but no concrete proposals for dotlnlto action. I doubt whether It has any meaning at all. It certainly can havo no value If Its coiner will not trans late It out of tho realm of magnilo quent rhetoric Into specific proposi tions." J LEADER KILLED SAN JOSK, Ciil., Sept. 20.-An-other iiutoiuoliilo (rngeily in on ice on! hero today following the ilenth of Mr. Atomic, n pnimiucut hoo'i ely womnn. Jtrn. Alopgio win nl most iiislmilly killed when her hus band drove their imwliino into u flat ear. She fell tinder tlio wlieelrt of tlio moving car. SIEAMER1RAMS REEF. POLLED PEE BY TUG NT.W YOIIK, Sepl. 20. Tho steamer Colon, outward hound, ear ryinir 310 pnnbi'iigern nnd u lienvy cargo, rammed u Hulnuergcd K'djje today in n deiiho foj. A lug remov ed tho vessel und it proceeded on ilH own Ktcum. Tho tlamngo win nliht mid tho ueciileut caused hut lit llo oxuilemeul umong tho passen gers. CRATER LAKE TRAFFIC CONTINUESiHEAVY Tlio Hull Taxi company sent out two nnlos iVnlny morning to Crnter I.ako, relurnlup; via Pelieim Uny und Klnmnth FiiIIh, consisting of Austin Coihiu nml party nnd lliueo Wiilson und HlatorH. Tho Hall Taxi company nlfio sent out tlit'OQ nutos (his morn ing for Crater Luko loadoil with tho medical fraternity. A party of five will leavo Monday morning on tho Crater Lake Blago. Crater Lake is at its prettiest this bouhoij of the yor. , ., ,.!. N E SOCIETY MEDFORD. A SENDS THREAT; HALT Mexican President Would Postpone October Election Unless Appointee Is Confirmed by Deputies for Ed ucation Berth. Secretary Bryan Denies Transporta tion to Refugees Desiring Tickets to Deserted Mexican Homes. Mi:xiro crrv, Kept. 20.--Pn.- vixiouul President Htiertu unit a message to the eluimlter of deputies today containing n veiled III rent to dissolve congress nnd postonc llm iimIiiiiiiiI eleeliuu unlchK hi npHiu lee, Senator Tnmirlr, in confirmed un niiiiMcr of education. SAN 1)1 KOO, Till., Sept. 20. In strict coinplinneo with 'tclcgrnplicd ordem received from Secretary "f Slnte Ilrynn lodny the San Diei ehnpler of the American lied Crosn soetetv linn refused to furnish trnns- xirlnlion to Mexico for refugees who left Hint count v on the cruiser Iluffalo nt Hie instigation of the sale depnrtmenl, hut Irnunportnlioii to Nognlew, Arix., linn been given to about fifteen men, who havo ex pressed the intention of going over bind from that point to their aban doned homes nenr flunvmas, Mex. The message received from Secre tary Ilrynn lodny rends: "Thin government will nol pay re turn transportation for any one to Mexico." Vpnii being informed of this ac tion, the drumming refugees here ex pressed their dispit for the orders which brought them from their business nml home and which, lliev say, have inndo them objects of ciinntv in mis ooiimrv, wnen inev bad been llwue'in Iho mblst of plenty in the fertilo Ynqui vnllev. The lied Crn workers nro pre paring to receive sevcrnl hundred refugees who nre reorteil en route Jiero on the nrmy IrnnsjKirt Iluford. E TO VANCOUVER HAKKACKS, Wii., Sept. 20. It was jMjreistenlly ru mored hero today that tho seventh brigade of tho western department, U. S. A., Is to bo ordered to the Mexican bonier for duty about Oc tober 10. Tho brigade includes the troops in this post, the twenty-first infantry nt Fort I.uwton nnd Fort Wright, Wash., and tho twentieth Infantry nt Fort Douglas, Utah. Major Adrian Fleming, ndjutanl generul of tho brigade, denies having hoard of such nu order. MISSING SULZER 11UPFA1.0, N. Y., Sept. 20. Louis Sareeky, Governor SuUer's secre tary, who was expected to bo one of tho best witnesses before tho im peachment court, but who disappear ed from Albany on tho eve of tho trial, turned up hero today. He said ho mndu tho trip on business, had no notion of attempting to os capo tho legislature's jurisdiction mid' intends to roturu to Albany on Moilday. 251 m Fl E SIOUX FALLS, S. 1)., Sept. 20. Twonty-fivo years in tho pouitonli ary is tlio sontenoo imposed hero to day upon Mrs. May Evans for tho killing horo on May 20 of Dr. K. L. Mooro, a professor in tho slato ag ricultural pollego at Brookings. The tragedy was duo Jo Jealousy, YANKEE RETURN YEARS OREGON, SATURDAY, "BIG TIM" SULLIVAN, WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. -Secretary Hryan's blood boiled today when be beard tho report that be intended to cancel bis lecture dtitcrt on ac count of tlio criticism bo lin in curred by lecturing nt nil while, hold ing n cabinet position. ''This evening's. is merely my, last lecture this season," bo said. "I intend to continue lecturing in fu ture ns long as I please. ''Xy total income from my lectnrcH this yenr ban hern a trifle above .$7000, or, deducting expenses, a bit mora than $0,100. If I remember correctly, I devoted seven whole weekdays to them.'. . m, Asked whothcr ho intended to con tlnuo lecturing during hlrlncumboncy Ilrynn said: i expoci 10 lociuro wiiuiiutit jj deem It deslrahlo and proper. I havo not altered In tho least any of tho plans mndo when I assumed office. "Tho criticisms almud at my lec turing aro no nioro bitter than those I havo encountored at other times for other things during my connection with politics. No man should enter public llfo who Is nfrald of criticism and no man should romaln In It ho permits criticism to turn Mm from what ho thinks Is right. "A part of tho criticism directed at mo Is malicious, a part partisan, and a part based on misinformation. Tho malicious criticism will answer Itself, tho partisan bo accepted as such and that based on misinforma tion will ccaso when theso critics aro better Informed. WIFE PHONES OAKLAND, Cal., Sept. 20. After telephoning her husband and plead ing in vail with him to withdraw hi tlivorco suit, Mrs. Clara Skinner, member of tho wealthy Dowers fam ily of Chicago, told him sho was about to kill herself and hung up the roceiver. Skinner notified tho poliee, who found Mrs. Skinner unconscious from codino poisoning. Her condi tion in critical. Tho couplo wcro married in Ra cino, Wis., tlireo years ngo, FOUNDRY EXPLOSION' KILLS FIVE WORKERS CHICAGO, Sopt. 20. Fivo men wore killed, a sixth is uuaqcountcd for nml probably dead and sovornl woro injured by tho explosion of a mold into which whlto hot motnl was being poured in tho Deoring branch of tho International Harvester works. Ono wall of tho molding house was dashed outward and liquid metal was hurled in every djrcijlion, frightfully burning all whom it touched. , Fiftoen ambulances wero summon ed to tho plant. i ' ' ' i '" 1 1 " ii PROFITS $6,500, SULZER'S OFFER uiiii fjfiT mi it nnvraNfiDQUiP SUICIDE P UN SEPTEMBER 20, 1013. WHO WAS FOUND DEAD ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. 20. New York's dunUbin governorship system ended here today. Yesterday's reports tbnt Governor Sulzer had recognized Acting Gover nor Glynn were verified by nn offer from SuUer to surrender the execu tives to the mnn who lins supplanted him. Glynn expressed bis nuprccia lion of the offer, but declined, pre ferring not to oust the other while his trial is still (lending. State officials having business to transact with the governor sec Glynn, however, anil tho common wealth's affairs arc ngnin being con ducted through tho regular chan nels. Ei SEATTLK, Wnbh., Sept. 20. J. W. Bryan, congrecsuian-nt-Inrgc from the state of Washington, today filed a second suit for $30,000 dum nges for alleged libel against Alden J. Blcthcn, editor of the Seattle Times, nnd the Times Printing com pany. Tho libel is alleged to have been committed in n recent full page nttnek upon tho congressman print ed in tho Times, following tho con gressman's attack upon tho editor in a speech in congress. Among tho alleged libelous references to the congressman mndo in tho newspaper nttnek upon him, according to the complaint filed, is reference to him ns "tho rencgndo Bryan" and ono of tho most contemptible- curs that ever went uuwhipped in any community." E E Tlio Bullis interests this morning distributed rails along Main stroet for their olcotrio line. Tho work of installing them will begin about Oo- tobor 3. Another consignment of rnils arrived Friday night and are being unloaded todny. Thoy aro 60 foot 90-pound rails, tho snino heft us those now in uso on the main lino of, tho S, P. Shipments of tics nnd an' inoreaso of tho working forces aro duo next week i WRECKED ON REEF SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Sept. 20. Tho steam schooner Snnta Cruz wont on tho rock of Rinoon, nenr bore, during a heavy fog early today and is pounding to pieces. Captain Nidovor and his crow are roportcd to havo reached shore Bnfoly. Thl Santa Cms cleared San Pe dro for San Frauoisco yosterday. CONR SSMHS 50.000 DAM MR RAILS OR TROLLEY ARRiV LUMBER DOCTORS O.K. 0 road::; E Medford Doctors Chosen for Vice Presidency of Association Ses sions Meet in Portland Next Year Leave for Home. Dr. Calvin H. White Named as New President Auto Rides Through Valley Given Ladies. Resolutions indorsing the good roads bonding net and commending tho progrcssivcnesH of Jackson county in being tho first to ndopt its provisions were pnscd nt the final scsion of the thirty-ninth nnnunl meet of the Oregon State Medical association this morning. Good roods piny nn important part in the medical profesioit in giving quick aid to the sick nnd injured and in emergency enscs. At the morning session officers for the year nnd next year's mooting plnce were chosen. Portland wns accorded the last honor, and Dr. Calvin II. White, secretary of the state board of health, chosen -president, succeeding Dr. R. E. Ring'o of Portland.. Dr. N. B. Mnrcellus of Portland wns named secretary. Two Medford physicians. Dr. R. E. Stearns nnd Dr. J. J. Emmons, were accorded the first nnd second vice-presidency, respectively. Ad journment was then tnken. Fndny nftcmoon the annual ad dress of the president wns heard. The visiting ladies wero guests at a banquet nt the Medford hotel last night. Dr. Calvin IT. White address ed citizens, nt the Page theater on "Health Hints nnd DutiesM in the evening, after which a smoker wns held. This nftcmoon the physicians bo- gan returning to their homes. The Indies of tho parly wero given nulo rides through the valley in tho morn ing. UNION LEADER CHICAGO, Sept. 20. Four men drove in nn automobile to tho head quarters of tho Painters' nnd Deco-' rotors' union here today, fired four bullets into the body of George Cam eron, tho union's business agent, fled down a fire escape and made their getaway in tho machine. Cameron is dying. Cameron gave tho police tho name of a mnn bearing a gnidgo against him, claiming that Cameron caused him to lose n job of decorating for the coming' packers' banquet. NEW YORK", Sept. 20.--Kcortcl by n detachment of police, the body of tho Into Mayor William Gnynor of Now York was removed to tho city hall this nftornoon and now rests on tho catafalque at the foot of tho stairway, where tho body of Abraham Lincoln rested. Ono thousand school children will view tho body tonight, each child dropping a whito roso about tho casket. DR. BURKE'S WIFE PLEADS WjTH GOVERNOR FOR PARDON SACRAMENTO, Cal., Sopt. 20. As tho climax of a long fight to se cure tlio freedom of Dr. Willnrd Burke, sontoiuvd to San Quentin for ten years on a clinrco of having dynamited a. tent in which Luuttn Smith, a patient nt his sanitarium, was sleeping, Mrs. ISurko called at tho coventor's offico horo to mako a personal plea for a pardon for her husband. Tho governor hna takon the plea undor advisement. NAM n GUNMEN MURDER CHILDREN S ROE GAYNORS NO. m COUNTY LEASES V AT GOLD RAY County Court and State Highway Engineer Head Off Possible Ef fort of Contractors to Monopolize Rock Crusher. Crushed Rock Paid for at Rate of 25 Cents a Yard and Sand at 20 Cents Lower Than Contractors. A possible combino among paving and other contractors nnd tho possi bility of nuy one firm's securing a monopoly upon tho rock-crushing plnnts of the valley lo hold up tho county in highway construction, ban been bended off by Stnto Engineer nowmy aim loamy Juitgo Ton Vclle, who havo leased, wilh option of purchase, for tho stato highway commission and tho county court, from Colonel Frank H. Ray the Gold Ray quarry and rock crusher and the sand-pumping plant nbovc Gold Rny dam. The county pays 2j cents a yard for tho rock crushed nnd 20 cents n ynnl for tho sand used. The pay ments npply on it purchase prico of $30,000. The plant represents nn investment of $49,000 and includes fourteen acres of land and nil tho machinery nnd equipment. If tho county uses a sufficient quantity of material it will own tho ultmt. Tho plant will be sub-Icnscd to contractors, or operated by. tho stato and county to furnish material for tho Pacific highway, contracts for which "will bo let in sections. Tlio first contract to be let wilj bo for grading tho thirteen miles' of new road over th Siskiyous, so that it may scttlo with the vvjnter rains before surfneed next year. Thero will bo n heavy rock qut on a milo of tho highway, in which', for economy, a convict camp mny bo es tablished for the winter, tho work being such that sttch a camp could bo established to advnntago and u material saving in the cost of tho highway effected. This, however, is a matter for future determination and depends upon tho bids mndc for tho construction of this section. Under n leaso three years ago, tho Clark-Henery company paid 3.T cents for rock and 35 cents for.snud from the quarry. The rock is gran ite and the sand water cleaned and tho best in tho county. Tho con crete mndo with theso materials is tho best ever. GOVERNOR WILL. NOI FREE THAW CONCORD, N. II., Sept. 20. Gov ernor Felker denied today that he has decided to freo Horry Thaw .so far as New Hampshire is concerned, leaving bis caso to tho federal 'coilrt. His mind is not mndo up, ho said, and all ho will try to do when lid considers Now York's demand for Thaw's surrender Tuosday will b to oxecuto justice Thaw's mothet and sister, Mrs. George Lauder Car. negie, with tho lntlcr't husband, will bo hero Into today. COST $25 UO LEAVE TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 20, It' cost tars Olson $25 today lo loavo, his footprints in tho sunds of tinu not exactly sand, but In tho new ly Inid concrelo payment on tho Puynllup rotid, upon which ho care lessly stamped well defined ground plans of his pedal extremities. Olscu appeared boforo Justico Evans and fnoed his accuser, Deputy County Engiucor Caldwell.' Thero wns iin trial. Lars simply admitted hl. er ror and handed ovor tho $2!5. Caldwell is now looking for joy riders who took down his barricades nnd left tho indelible imprint of their tires in his nice concrete, - t AN fl II y n-fulli ii liWU?Wi. - t.sssr- I FOOTPRINTS IN .CEMENT n 4! i i i i M l