,' u v v Mutt Can't FIGHTING RRE RAILROAD TUNNEL NAN I.FItf OIIIHPO, Cal , Kept, 10 tJruiulriliit uni Hi at tint south por . till of Urn hantu .Margarita tuniiul imi tlm Southern Pacific const lino ll()Ul40ll tOtl II Dill olfortS "f tWO llllll' ilri'if iiimi who urn Mhilitliii; u flro tUnl U eoiittiiniliiK tlm IiiiiiioI'h staging. Tim flri, which spread from burning jfiiutlirnfii III unit. U ropOrlod In luivn catan itn way u quiirlvr uf ;i :nlli Into tlm Ixirv. Hro In the Mountains In tho Nun lu Miirjjurlln district are I.eiuK hold Hi itluink null no daiunKo to mi'iuh propor ly miili:lKiiiHl. Uiier.I Manager W. It. Heott, of llii HiAdhoru J'nilflc, vovHQUUfi) by boat wlili illnrftlftir (ho flfrtfrfeh'ttfr nt ti tunnel lint iiIkIiI, had rorov ored today. Ilu utiirled (or Sin l.uU Obispo with Vlco PrMMant K, K. Cnlvlii. BOOMERAHG DUTY ON WHEAT AND FLOUR VaKIIIN(ITUN. Kol't. I.' -Holtli-niMiil of tlio itllfori'iicoH ln'twct'ii lint juiihIu umi Iiouko over tint iiropoiujil 'filutfV (jii wlicnt nml (lour wni n-ach-int 1 1) iliu ili'inoeriitle niciiilicr of tliu Inrllf riiiifi'roiiri) coiiitiiltlon toilay. Tlm iiAlurit of tliu mrwuiivtit wim not iiimlg jitilille Imi It u iimlnrktoml llmt (Ihi hifiife mmhni finally nro4itol 'Iho mmnti miiuiiiliiiutit nluioat tin .cluinr.ml. Utuler (hU provUlon wlinot nml Hour ot'ilil r.o on Dm fri-o Hut. A (lilt)' of Inn rmils n IiiimIiuI Id niwrH(.l unnliixt wliint from oiiy roiiutry levy Itu; n Inly on Amnrlrnn wlicnt nml forty-Mvo ciiln n barrel ngnlniit flour imuorlfiiti iitnlnr llkp comlltlony. It Ik oxiiortml tlm ennforuurn u 111 niroo Iho miintorvnllliiK iluty of tun per omit on itnlit whluli both lliniii'H iut on tlio froo lint. Tlm ri(,TooiiHMit n nvu-lioil on tliu mont lntcftl(iii iirnvlilnu ho Hint liuporlnil snout will ho n rlchlly Inipoetod n 7unjrlfinn, OEAUTirUL PRINCESS DIES BY OWN HAND Ili:il)i:i.lli:im, (lermnuy, Kept. 10. Princess Hojihln of Snxo-Wornuir Klsennrh, n bo.tiillful yOiuiR w6nmn of u sunny disposition nml much cnurihil by otflroru with whom iho often rodo to Iho hounds nt llndoii (;ourt, comiiilttud Hiilrldo early Thurs day. Tlio body with n bullet wound In li'er tumplo wan found In her room In tlio piilnro of hur fntlior, l'rlnco WIN ljniii. Thu donth of dm princess wns dim to n lovo uffalr. Bhn was en- p.nKu'd to mivrry Iltina von Ulolchoroo dor, idilpst son of thu noulnr momlior of ono of the most poworful Oormnii bnnlfliiR iioiisos. Wfieu (ho PiimiRoinnnt wns nn noiinrcd novonil months iro It wnH ienrued Iho rolKitluK urnnd ilulio pro hlhllod tlm marrliiiio iiuloss tlio piln cckii roiiouuced nil her tltlus mid dlK nltloii. This shu rofiibcd. MOTORCVCLE RACING KILLS 5-VEAn-dLD BOY , ArillliAND, Wis., Sltpt. 10. Ilobort Kwnr, flvo yeiirH old, w's Ulllud Thurs lay whoii (loo. l'mmiin, n motoreylo filler, lost control wlillo compotliiK In n r.ii'o ut Iho fair (rounds uud clinn: ud thrmiKh (ho foiico Into tlio crowd. FoBHiin who iiulujurud. HUERTA WIRES DIAZ; MEXICAN PRESIDENCY MI'J.SK'O CITY. Bout. 10. Inslruc liiiiu havo boon nont by Presldout liuortu lo Cluuoi-nl Follx Dlnz who In now In Hurono to roliiru lo Mexico Iminodintiily. It ItfoxhoutuU llo will unit In n fow itdya. Tlila f(W was uTurmid on liluli niithorlly. It Is ro-j-lrdml born iih iifllcntliii5 $lint Ilueitn lii'tcrni's tv UIJ0' 1V tllg"prf?t elpoil OTDUWlD Even Make Good as a Bell Hop D T fY "ij 1 j"f " w && b C j pf IahI I'ohriiiiry to pliico Iid ohntnctu In Dlnx'H imth In lila canitlilticy for tliu lircHliloncy. It Ik CoiiHlilert'il pnUHlhlo tlint llnor In will throw IiIh InflmnicH to Uliix, whlfh jiruclliiilly would In Hiiro U iilitctluii. H Ik Umrnoil that. lninkcrH who ri'condy m;rciiil to fluiiuuo tlio ndinlnlHfnilfuii to tlio oxlontof twtdvo nillllon poiton hnvo iloollncil to offer liopo off HitHlsliinto beyond thu tonilnt; olcctlon. iliMKirnl Trovlno, ihIccIihI by Knur la to hrnd tlio nillltnry court, dctllnod tlio pout kIvIiik HI houltli mid udvuiio nd nco An ft rcrt6n, siitriiiKit.v vai'mkvii.m: HOAI) KIIOW AT I'Atli: Tlio lnno Tlicnlor offwrn n hik-cIh! nttrucllou on li.uurilay uud Runday iiIkIKx of n vndovll!6 rond hliow. Tln Houthnru V.nudoMllo rood hIiow pronouta nix r.ond InturoxtliiK "t'l". nnuti ovOiiIiik In addition to two luolrt of ploturtM, tw'o luiiirM of tl mo. Thg iloorH will opin nt 7:15. Tlio prlrod of n'dtiilftilmi nro, dfiiiHtiilnt, 3Rc; bnlcony, Iftf, nnd rhlldron, 10c. ('uni tt 'llihiil.t. Wo wish to thniik our frlvnds (or their kind no nml M)tupnthy durliiK tlio Hlrltmws nml iltulli nf our boloved wlfo ami mother, Mrs. It. A. UimoII. Wo n ro especially grntufiil to the sliiKers for thidr iiuislr, our pastor for bis comforlliiK words, to tlio :Wli:tibors who docorut'od tb tinuso so beniitlfulty nml to nil thoso who Milt towors. (SlKilt'd) I). A. UltiHIilX. II. J. IIIHHIil.l., H. O. DIKHKI.Ii. MILS. i:. K. IIIT.tiKlt. Cititl of Tlinukti. Wo wish to oxtond our slnreroHt (hunk (o our frlunds nnd neighbors for their help nnd sympathy durltiB (Kit lllhw nnd death of our beloved wlfo nml mother, nlso for tlio many bonutlfiil flurnl offering. W. V. WOOD, IlKNNIK It. WOOD, I'KIICY U. AND WIFK, (JI.AH.V M. WOOD. III,ANCIIi: A. WOOD. AT tiii: ISIS. Tho BprliiKtlmo of l.lfo. This flno thrri-pnrt Is notable not only for Its Kood story, fluo settliiKH, nml excel lent nctliiK but for quality of Its WHY? JU'Si.N'l&'H OI'COltTl VITY Ilocauso wo Know wo can show you, Wo nk you to svo us nt onco If you want tho Iwii dlvhUuid palm: propo rtion In tho county niTordliiK to tho nionoy Invuatctl. $1500.00 will hiuidlo It. Wu wmit to sco you If you hnvo n llttlo capital nnd want stendy tvorlc. J, O. UAIt.NKH, 1'liono l'.'0-J. Flrnt Niitloiml Hank bldu. Worth While Modern House, 5 rooms, pantry, bath, toilet, liotwnlor tanlc, Ecrcon porch and two open porches, lot GOx 1 08; imvliiK. sewer, water nnd taxes all PAID IN VlUAt. (Pnvlnif ftlouo 6ost $251.50.) Four blocks from Main nml Central. Price only $1750.- DENNETT 1NVKSTS1ENT CO. NEW TODAY 20 ricroa of woll enrod for pears, fourth yoar, $1000. A fluo clofio-ln ton roonl houso, pnvomoiit, $3500, 00Q ncroa, largely In crop, $10.00 por noro, A 11-room, two flat building In I,oh Angolea, fpr trndo for n bonrliiK (rivet horo, 51SOOd,'d6. O. 1). 1IOON itoom 12, JntUbou Comity. UimU i)iiig. XTATt; mlftUtl.HSt)FOftf, OTTKCIOV, mi)AT, idioloKrnphy tin woll. It provldox ronl cntiirtnliiniuut. In th6 Sprlim tlinu of l.lfo, Hi cro U i Woll ntiiKud llii-iitor , flro. Dnttlo I'luliln Around ('hnttniiootm and Tlio KIkIiI Number but Wroiiff Hoimo, mnkyii ono of tlio tunny itroiiK bills nt thlx popular tlirnlor. - - - tatr "- ii-au -- nethm: i")ii kiiikwamv nms. Tlio rlty council of .Modfonl, Ore gon, will ncclvo poulod lildn nt Itn noxt ruKiilnr mrMfnK, Octobor 7th, 191.1, for t ho coimlructton of n run rroln Kldnwaltcf; feet In width, on Ilia until ulitit nf 1iAat fnln NtrAnt frnrn Almond ulrcct to C'ottaco Mr'H nml nlim on tlio Houth nldo nf Kmi Mnln llrot from Cotlnpo ntrcot lo Myrtlo lntrooL nrcordlOR to thu plans nml sfiorlfleiitloim on file with tlio city rorordor nnd (ho city otiKlnor. All bid must bo nccoiiipnulrd by n rftrtiflpil pIiopH for R' of tlm hid nnd must bo filed with tlm iindrslRtind nt his offlro In tlm rlty hall not tutor thnn C p. m. Tupsdny. Octobor 7th. l'Jl.1 Knrh nortlon nf thu street ns Imvo outtltifd must bo bid on dopn rntaly. listed Rp(omber lXth, lfH. KI.MKIt T. FOBS, Hcrorder of thu City of Mcdford, Oro. .VOTH'lt I'Olt IIIIIS FOIt .TAfTtKO.V cor.vrv, iiiiikjd.v it(.i iio.mis. NOIIfe Is hereby glviui. that Wlipro ms, heretofore n petition wns filed With the ouunly court for Jackson i county, Oroitnn, fur thu boldlnc of inn nlectloii by tho voters nf Jackson jmunty. Oregon, on the nuSjstton as to whether snld county should Issuu Mtu iinfiiirf in ill, utnit nf tr.nn nno. fur permanent mad improvoincnt, In ncconlnuro with tho provisions of tlm constitution and tho laws of Oregon; upon which petition an order was en tered railing n special olcctlon for September 0th. 191.1,' nml Whorms, snld election wns held, and n mnjorlly of '-U0 volod In favor of tho Issiinncv of surh bonds, and Whereat on Soptomber 17th, lOt.1, wiliI coiiul) court Hindu nn order Is suJnK said bonds, and directing this adftrttMrfioiit for bids thurenn, Now Therefore, notice Is hereby plvoti. that .lackson county, OreRon, offsri for mito. to tho hlRhost bidder for cnrdi. Itn snld bonds In said sum, payable nn follows, to-wlt: $100,000 In tun years from Iho dato thftreot. $100,000 In fifteen years from tho dato thereof. $100,000 In twenty years from tho dato thnroof, $100,000 n twcnty-flvo jenrs from tho dnto thereof. $100,000 in thirty years from tho dato thereof. Sjild bonds drnw Intorost at tho rnto of flvo per rent per annum, nnd hnvo nttnehud Interest coupons. Notice Is hereby r.koii. that snld counly will rccelvo wrl((e"n bids for saliMbomls, In wholu or In part, uij to tho Jiour of ton o'clock n. m. on Iho lr.tll day of October. 1013. nt which time snld bids will bo opened by tho county court, nt Its room In tlio court homio.. In Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oreiron. I'rufcroneo will be given to Citizens of tho coun ty blddliiK on said bonds. . Tho coun ty court roservea tho right to reject any and nil bldn. Said bonds will bo Issued In such denominations us tho purchasers ronulrc, but they shall bo In denominations of $ro,oo or multi ples thereof, up 16 $1000. No bids wll bo received for less than tho pnr vnluo of tho bonds offered to bo pur chased. This notice Is published under and by vlrtuo of no order of thu county court for Jnclcsou county. Oregon, entered In said matter, nml dated th6 17th day of September. lOUt. O. A. OAllDNUlt, County Cleric for Jackson County, Oregon. . I'Olt KENT FUKMSIIKD AITS. FOK KENT Doslrablo npartmont, 5 rooniH, modern. Inqulro Col. ll. It. Siiriiont, rout $12,50. 1S5 FOll KENT Furnished upartmonts. Th6 llurbqn, 10 Qultico St. FOK KENT Largo BloopliiK rooms, nml modern housekeeping apart meutB, prlcea vory rensonablo. rhpno 102G-L.. 323 South Holly streot. i'OK ItlCNT llo!SUEEPINl ltODMS FOK KENT, Ucwlrablo npnrtinont,,6 rooms, mouorn. iiiquiro uoi. n. 11. Snrgont, 100 , FOK KENT 1IOUS.KS FOK KilNT Stiiclly moiiprii GToom houso, puvod street, $10.00. Phoatt 10IS-M. 167 FOK Itl-JNT bit SALE F6iir-rooiu houso" ami good garden Irnot, now In truck and. fruit. M, A. Under, FOiritENT Modern furn"l8liod "fiix room bungalow, close In, piano and fli-o Mnfco. 521 Wi Hftihllttm. i'lioiio UM, 1&7 FOIt IIB.M Kcn.r.ics I'Olt ItHNT PuriilsliiMl nnd unftir iilHhbd ho'iiton for rout. J. C. Ilnrm.'fl, First National IJnnlc IlldR., phono J20-J. ITJ i FOIt riBNT Two four room housw, cheap, on Wot oth Bt. 1'liono 10tg-J-2. 1C7 FOIt ItrjtfT'-Bix room mndorn bun Knlow, ulco'nlnu porch, onst front, cIoao In. strictly first class. Owrior 318 I.nurol Bt. 15!) roit iti:.T ri itxi.su i:d udomk FOIt IlKNT (lood roomnmr"boara homo comforts, restricted district, houso modern, 710 Welch St., W. JncKson, IDS FOIt HUNT )FFIt;F-S FOIt tRS I 1tko, comfortable of flco rooms with olerntor service, ntonm heat, hot and cold water Low rutos. Apply Mcdford Furnl turo &. Hdw Co FOIt lCi;.T .MlhCKUaXF.OFS FOIt HUNT flood ranch between tho two Tnblo ItocU. Inquire of Dun nls Diiggfln, Central Point, on It. h D. No, 2, box CI. 1C0 roit SAhK vcitiatii: FOIt SAMS A J or 10 jirro tract, close In, Income property, cosy terms. Call ownor. 1OC0-.M. ISO roit ff.i.n ifoFsics FOIt SALE Ilouso and lot. chicken housu nnd.ynrd, lawn nnd gardoa. 737 W. 1 Ith SU, phono 1019-M. 165 FOIt SAM: Screnod-ln houso tent with fly. In Kood condition. Slro HxlC. Call 1110 W. 10th St., or phono 673, ' 130 FOIt SALE OU'TIIADE An eight room bungalow with front nnd back I porches, lights, sewer, water and pavoment. furnished or unfur nished, owner 1115 West Ninth streot. 15C FOK RAM: MljICIjl.tiA NKOUS FOIt SALE Good work horse, wt. 1300 lbs, Inqulro Arthur Iloso Vt mllo west of Plioe'nlx, Oro. 15S FOll SAMtSlx hlgli grmlo frch cows' nnd calvos, horse and fine hay of different varieties. Walsh's ranch on Spring streot, mllo out N. Itoosovelt Ave, 179 FOK SALE About 500 boxes New town apples, orchard run. Dox 2S,. Mall Trlbuiie. 155 FOIt SALE First closs upr.ight piano.. Phono 675, or call nt 1110 W. 10th St. 150 FOK SALE Largo team, heavy wagon nnd harness. Inqulro Col. H. II. Sargent. ICC FOK SALE 50 head stock hogs, 5 bead beef cattle., 1 top buggy, light hack, White Holland Toms. I A-l milk cow, hound, .pups. Charlos Gilchrist, Sams Valley. 155 FOK SALE -Thrco milch cows. filO S. Oakdale. 157 FOK SALE One of tho finest two scatod carriages over brought to Medford, rubbed tired and best of material cost over $300, price $125, Also a doublo harness for light driving, prlco $12. A fluo runa bout single buggy New York mnko prlco $35, A bran now dUh-wnsh-lug machine coat $12, will sell for $0, If you wi&ti to Geo any of I nbovo call Friday or Saturday ouro. Also tho man who makes tho best offer for iuy flno team of mulcH on or boforo Saturday night will get thorn as wo loavo Sunday or Monday for Los Angeles, A. K. Ware, C35 Palm St., halt block west of 01osonSt. grocery. 155 FOK SALE Flno Saddlo mare, sad dle, hnriiess ami single buggy. A bargain. 1 10 So. Holly St. 150 r;3 WANTED .MISOEMiAM.OUS WANTED-Agricultural nnd dairy ranch on shnres, .Must bo first class ....l .....II .,... I.. w... 1. T f.M I.1IU 1 I'll .(llli'l'l'lll U, U, .Hjlllill care Rear Crook Orchard, Medford, Oro. 155 WANTED To borrow $3500,00 on property worth throo times that amount. "It," caro Mall Tribune. REAL ESTATE-Any owner of real ostnto In tlm Roguo rlvor valley who really wishes to dluposo of It at a figuro that Is right and not unronsoimblo or (op high can send, mo a legal description Of samo dud I ylll do tho squaro thlpg In find ing either a salo or an exchange during tho next sl,t months as I will hnvo splondld opportunities n,t LoaAngoles whoro I will llvo Oc tober 1st. Addrosa A. K. Waro, MciUptd, Oro, 150 1i i n i ii fflVTIimmi m, fofn. WA NT K! IM IHCKM'A F.O C8 WANTRD OMBrain haydoHv ord or In stack. II. W. Illngham, pMbni 507-.I-a. 1CC WANTHD- To buy 10 tons of alfalfa, II. W. Dlnsham, phone 6U7-J-2 153 WANTED To rent or buy slump pijllsr. II. W IllnKbam, phono 537-J-2. I5C WANTED To buy Jorsoy. Ilolstoln or Durham cow. II. W. rilnghain. I5C WANTED To rent drill with or without tenm to sow CO acres, II. W. irlrisham, phone S97-J-2. WANTED Ford auto, must bo lit good ordar at n bargain, "for cash." J. V. Itocho, IIS Qranlto St., Ash land, Or. 1C0 WANTED To purcbaso homestead rc'fiulitrtcnt for cash. In letter U( Hmtlon, Improvement, etc. . 8. Drrbmm, Gold Hill, Or. 158 WANTED- To buy or trade for one or two, dosa In lots. (Jlvo location and price. II. II. II., caro Mall Tribune!. WANTED--To rout learn with option to purchase. II. W. ningham.lCG WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED A position as housekeep er by n protestant woman with two chlldroti, ono four years and ono forutcen months old. Dox 191. Englo Point, Oregon. 155 FOIt CXCIIAMVIS FOIt EXCHANGE Sorrel worYhorro nlno years old, -welBht 1200 lbs. Perfectly gentlo for ladon to drlvo. Oood worker, will toko part or all In wood. S20 West 12th St. 150 FOIt EXCHANGE 1C0 acres alfal- I fa ranch G5 acres seeded, for Mcd ford Income. Chas. Gilchrist, Sams Valley, Ore. 153 ,FOU TKADE 8 lots In East Marsh- flolu to trado ror a rancn in tins locality. Tho lots are 25xt00 with no Incumbrance -VrIto Pat Dal ton, East Side, P. O., Coos, Co.. Oregon. 157 FOIt TKADE 55-20 Winchester Car blue In excellent shape with shells for chlckons. what havo you? S-M West Uth Street. Hl'SlXESS OPPOKTUNITIKS FOK SALE Good business for salo cheap. Paying $300 monthly, small capital. An cxcollcnt proposition for some one. Sco Wood & Mess nor. I.OST STRAYED A medium sized black mula wearing halter and branded "V". Information regardlns his recovery will bo paid for by W, It. Stokes, Eaglo Point road, phono C7-J-I. FOUND FOUND An atitomobllo rim. In qulro nt Tribune, SJONKY TO 1.0.V.N MqNEY TO LOAN On city nnd closo In raricH property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 3GR. UUSINESH UIltEClOItY Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-nt-l.aw. Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National nauk bldg. A. E. REAMES. LAWYER Garuott Corey bldg, W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sollor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore Vm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLV1G & KOUERT3. LAWYERS Medford National Rank Rulldlug. iTf. MULKEY & GEO. A CHERRY Attornoys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Dank Bunding. Auto fimppltcs. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret, In mnklug aprlngs la the tempering. Wo n,ro nporntlug thq largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tlio Pacific northw'cst. Use our springs whou.bthors fail. Sold under guarantee, 20 North Fif teenth St.. Portland. Qr AucOonec WILLIAM ULRIOH Mcensod Auc tioneer for tjiq City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable, Iosl deuco phono 1C1-J. Offlco Jack- eon County Souk buliaiug. trr HL'SINIISS DHUXTO'tT Accountants D. It. WOOD (Jenoral Accountant Your boolts audited and kept for i r66orlblo figures your buslncsi solicited. Office, Medford ,Mnlf Tribune bldg.; phono CC1; resi dence phon 531. DrntMl DIt. W. M. VAN SCOYOC Dlt C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Carnntt - Corey bldg., scl(e 310 Medford. Oro. Phono ftSfi Chiropractors DIt. It. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor nerve specialist. Ilooms 203-20 1 205 Garnctt-Coroy bldg. Vapoi baths and scientific massage given; ncedlo spruy, hend and shoulder shower lu connection; advice In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthcrapy. Wdy attendant. Phono, offlco 945. residence 571-It HIl. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E Hcdpcs Mechano-Thcraplsts, Chlro praetors, Spondylotherapls'ts. Thcsr systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-thoraptiy etc.. produce results In both acutf and chronle diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Douol & Co., cor ner Malii and DartlctL Hours 9 a. nt. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Vhone 170, GnroaR DAKDACE Get vour prcmlsci cleaned up for tb .winter, . Call on the city garbage wagons foi good scrvico. Phone 625-L. F Y. Allen Laundry SAM WING CO. Has purchased tho Woo Leo laundry situated at 123 S. Riverside and will conduct the business hereafter. Washings caRed for and delivered. Prices reasonable. 155 Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEYNotnry pub lic. Bring your work to me nt lh sign of the Mall Tribune. Printers and rubttnticrs MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best equipped printing office lo southern Oregen: book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems. etc, Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians nnd Surgeons DIL F. Q. HARLOW, " 011 EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Garoott-Cdrpy bldg., phono 103C-L. Ilcsldcncf 2G South Laurel St. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician , and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ol women. Offices 232 E Main Phones, offlco SU-J-2; res,, SU DR. J. J. EMMENS PUysltlnn and surgeon. Practlco limited to eyo ear, nose and throat, Eyes scien tifically tested and plasscs suppllod Offlco 228 East Main St., Iloun S;30 a. m. to S p, m. Phone. E. B. P1CKEL. M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phon6 -f3-K; residence phone 5S-R DR, MARION Ptoyslctan and sur goon, Stewart bldg., corner Main nnd Bartlett sts.; offlco nhone U7 residence phono 2T-J-2. 904 West 10th. DR. MARTIN O. BARnER Physi cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Houri 10 to 12. I to 4. Phono U0-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, real denco 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician. 303 Gurnott - Core) building. Phono 00-1-M. It. J. CONROY, M. p. Physician and Surguon, Over Hutchison & Luiiis deu, 215 K, Malu St. rhdqa 77. Sleuofjr.ipiiers ELLA SI. GAUNYAW Palm block Stenographic work douo quickly and woll, 'Jransfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Offlco 10 South Fir St. Pliant 316. Prices right, Servlco guar auteed Trained Nurso TRAINED NURSE Mlsa Nolllq Loip- musson, rosldenco 738 West Htn St. PUouo 557-K, . IC4 JKXOtf.jfaviiJ. ... .ft By "Bud" FislieV '?.' (Mi, vWtoy ' Vtg o5g I'oit sat,i: er: rent Singer Machines and $2000 Insttr- aiicc, accident anil slcknostr policies for vorfclnff men and women, $5.00 a year", no cssessmonts. 227 So. Jfoll St. riionu SIC X MEDFOjPtD GREENHOUSE Scasonafjlc Flowcra nnd Decorations of all kinds for fall weddings. Telephone 374. 1005 tfast Main Street. t i.- I l LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING COLONIAL PLATS Thoroughly modern rooms renting from $3.00 lo $15.00 per month Bathroom and Laundry Accommodations Gas and Electric Lights Everything Furnished Except Eats 217 Riverside So. jPhouc 900-L . . . i l t .. i' i E. D. Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards t; Panoramic Woric ' Flashlights , ' Portraits Interior and exterior viowa Negatives mado nnv time and .any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 flow to Ileal a Stubborn flbscsss A Home Method Suto to Re store Flesh to Natural Health. I TUrt& Do not cover any entcrnil B"r so s to interfpro wUi j'fs -rail u auiltu formation of inotgittso smUt. Ivoop It clean aud b&julfcffuU If R is 1 mb born case, flush uur Woixt wllrLB-B't'' This fambus blouit purlflsr vrutw won tiers. And. you eri canity Ri' your blood a Roo'l. th'rouijh clwna'tB by uslntr a . a Thero IS no neod for anyone to bo despondent over tlm 111 iiusa of bluod impurities. No wattfr how badly they attack tho system 6r how unalKh'ly bccoiubs tho bhln, Jutt rcmombtr there Is pnu jucrodlent la B. 8, a that so stimulates the cellular tlsDucu throuchout tho body (hit qaclt Belocta its 011 csuuntlal nutrlniont; troni tho bl iod. , , , - nils meuns that all Occay, all breaks Jng down of the llinueo, In checkod and repair work bttfJns. H. B. a has sgcli u Bpuclflo Initueiico on! oil loc .1 ctilii a to prcsarvo their, mutual vulfAru una afford a- proper rfjntlyo iissliitanco, to each other. Mor attention Id pln elVwt to coostrucyva ntcdlcln , tluwi ever before, and H B- a I tho hlbcat nchiovemotit in this line. Do, not .full to:ttat u buttloof IU8. torday, .You Md'lho mtonUlted nt Iho renins, if your 'abscess Is of such nature that yoU-would 111; to cuttytuJt, a pclaltst, write to tboMidlwil poiri., Tile Hwlft firiedlno Cd.,MT, wl UKt 1 ft ;tc