Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 19, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Kitlr tonlKtit niul tfolHnlay
Mux. NH Mlii 47,
rnrtylhlril Year.
Dully KImIiIIi Yimr.
A. R. Cmilson of San Francisco
Finds Wlfo Ealing Luncheon Willi
Friends In Garage nnd Opens Fire,
Kllllnii tycrk nnd Chauffeur.
Woman Had Made Tour of Beach
Resorts Coulson Disappears Af
ter (he Slioollnii nnd Is Missing.
HAN FRANCISCO, Cal Bept. 10.
"My husband atiot mu down lioforu
1 Viinw itf IiIm presence. Then lio
lort iitnl over nnd kissed mo nnd nikod
It, I wan timlly hurl. 'I'll on ho shot
Ihi) two men."
This was I ho statement nllegod to
luivo been tundu hero Bliortly beforo
iKioii tminy by Mm. Knm couiion,
vl1 of A. II. CoiiIboii, proprietor of
tint (iulmin Hatchery nnd Trod com
mu. mIio was shot nnd probably
fnlnlly Injured hero enrly today whlln
i'ii tin it n luncheon nl thn Atlns gar
iikk with William Acker, n chniiffciir,
nnd (leoran Kovnck, iiIkIH clork of
tho KnrnRn. Kovnrk nnd Acker. Mm,
Co ii I no it stated, woro nliot dead In
their truck by her husband.
8lit)er l)lxiiri
Mm. Coupon's statement In alleged
to ham liceti Hindu to Kuroiio Roes,
n clurlc In her huslwnd's employ. Hho
la no seriously wounded thnt Horn wn
thn only portion allowed to seo hor.
Kfforls llirour.liout thn forenoon to
locnto CoiiUon woro futile. Tho po
ll rit do not expect to find him nllro.
They think ho couuulttcd suicide nf
tur shunting Mm. Coulson nnd thn
two men. At flmt Mm, Coulson tint
ly refused to give thn name of tho
nlner. nlthoiiih tho admitted that
ho knnw who did tho shooting. Hho
then lapsed Into unconsciousness nnd
for n 1 1 tn o It wns feared shn would
dlo without revealing hor secret. In
tho meantime, howovor, tho pollen
hnd suspected Caution wan tho slay
er. Trnclng Trnll of IIIihmI
rllrcnmluK with blood f rom u bullot
wound u tho thrnnt. Mm. Coulson
r lulled from tho garage a few uiln
ii ten libforn .1 n, in., find down Market
utreet ami collapsed In front of tho
Kelly garage, whoro Night Clerk Jnck
Itlrks of tho Rnrngo picked her up,
lifted her Into nn nutouinhllo nnd
nulled her to thn Kmorgeucy hospltnl.
In tho nicnutlmo I'nllremnn Hnr
rls Mho lind rushed to tho spot where
thn womnn foil, hnd trnccd thn trnll
or blood to thn Attn garage. Thorn
lie found tho bodlci of Kovnck nnd
Acker. imcIi shot sovorat timed with n
as caliber revolver, lying nmonK tlio
debris of overturned furniture, empty
beer bottled nnd frnRmonta of their
hnlf enteu luuchoon.
Subsequent Investigation by tho
pollen uliowed thnt Mm. ConUon,
Kovnck nnd Acker, with inutunl
friends, hnd vUlted vnrlnui beach ro
sorts tnnt night, hnd dropped their
frlemU on tho homewvird journey nnd
were lunchliiK together when tho tuur
derer burnt n upon thorn.
A. It. Coulion, tho dyliiK womnn'a
hiiNbnud, la proprietor of tho Coulson
llulrhory nnd Feed company mid hnd
lived with hor nt thn llnymond apart
ments. Tho police hnvo not been
(Continued on I'bro 3)
HT. I.OUI8, Mo., Bopt. 10. "Unless
I contliliied dollvorliiK cluiutauqun
lectures durliiK my incumbency nn u
government official," Biild former
(lovornor JoHoph W. Polk hero today,
"I Hhull bo forced to sacrlflco nu in-
coiuu of $15,000 a yonr for ono of
$5000, I don't know yet whothor
or not I uhalt contlnuo lecturing."
Folk waa opoplntod yesterday by
1'reHldent Wilson solicitor Kouornl of
thu stuto dopartmont.
Kalamazoo Man Shot
CAMI.MI'Vr, Midi., Sept. ill. 1'ii
vntn ltmiilolpli Ilurvey of Kulumii
y.oo, Mleh., wiih hhot from iiiijIiuhIi
uuil probably fatally injured hero to
day. Tho shooting oenurrod nt duy
bi'viH "c'ir tUo IbIo Hoyulu mliio,
NEW YORK, Sept. lO.-Iv-oorled
by u poliee detail uuil u big delega
tiou of city ol'fleluU, tho body of tho
lute Mayor William J. (in.wiur, uho
ilied nt Hen IiimI week, wiih tukeii
from the ('iiiuml pier tuiluy to the
(lu.Mior linine in llmoklyn.
The ImhIv will be leuioved tomor
row to the oily hull, where it will lie
In Htuln uuil on Monthly u procehhion
liendeil by 'JIIHO police, n iletuehuienl
of troops nnd nil tho eity ol'fieinU,
will Hi'i'ouiiiiuy it to the ehuieli for
the fuuerul hervire.
Acting Arnvor Adulpli Kline niul u
Ini'o purly of iiiiiiiieiiiil offieiuU
mi u eity limit met the Hleiiiner l.u
hitiiiiin in the buy when it urrm-d
with (he lute iiiiior'ii body from
The Into mnynr'rt on, Kiifun (Iny
nor, collupxed ufler lii iirrixul home
iin a result of the piiiloncd htruiu
he lins been under unit is uiuler u
phynieinii's enre.
KVICmni', Wnsh., Bopt. 19. An
utimnakod boy not ovor Koveutoou
years old, armed with un old hIioIkiiii,
entered tho mitoou of II. V. Bhnrp nt
(Irnnlto KiiIIh nt 1 o'clock thin morn
ing, terrified Hhnrp nnd two other
nion thoro, walked behind tho bar
and took $10 from tho till nnd oh.
enped. To do thin It wnu necessary
for tho younuatcr to stand on tlptoo.
When ho walked 'out ho atnrtod
down tho railroad track towurd
KPOKANti, WjhIi., Sept. 11).
Staling' that ho viewed with ili-ap-provnl
nny further publieity beinj,'
fjiven the Tliuw-Neshit-Whito epi
Kodo, Muyor Hindley linn today re
fused to Kiuielion Hid cxliililtion of
motion piulures of Hurry K. Thuw
hero next week. Thu mayor, in hm
eupneity of dly thentiicnl eennor,
oven refused to nltoiul i privntu ex
llibilion 9i: llio films, . . . t ,
l.OB ANOIXES, Cnl., Sopt. 19.
Stripped of everythltiK a woman
holdn' dear, Celo Helen Darker, star
witness against George II. Illxby, mil
llonnlro banker of Long Ilcuch, In his
trial on a chnrgo of contributing to
hor delinquency, left tho witness
Htaud todny nftor tho most shamoful
secrets of her llfo had been draggod
from her nnd help up for tho Inspec
tion of an nvld courtroom crowd,
Tho girl's rccltnl upparontly satis
fied tho moro prurient of thu specta
tors, but It proved too much for many
of tho curious, who hurried from tho
room nH alio wont further Into revolt
ing dot nil.
No prlsonor on tho rack over suf
fered keener torttiro than tho girl on
thu stnnd, If hor manner wna Indica
tive of hor suffering. With scarlot
fnco and nails sunk Into hor palms.
slio twisted and writhed under tho
pitiless questioning of tho stnto's
prosecutor, nnd gaspod out broken,
quivering replies.
Hho prefaced her story with tho as
sertion that Dlxby had acted "unnat
urally" toward her, and that, through
ro association with him hor hoalth
was broken. When slio had con
cluded tho defonso mado no attack on
thn story slio had told.
DUIIMN, Sopt. ID. James Lnrkln,
it strike loader hero, Issuod an appoal
today to ovory Irish worklngmnn to
quit work. I.nrklu wns formorly a
nteul mill hand In tho United Statos,
Tho boys n several Utibllu schools
struck today because thoy woro ro-
qulrod to uso books suppllod by a
firm to which' tho transport strikers
nro hostile A riot followod tho boys'
walkout, in which fifteen of thorn
woro hurt.
Growth In International Intercourse
II11USSK-I.S, Sopt. 30. Tho rapid
growth of international intercourse
is indicated by hlntistios prepared by
tho Yio Internationale, and published
today, showing that diuiui; the pres
ent your no fewer than 135 interim-
tjpuul congresses will ljtY0 fcejjujtejflt
Justice Cullen and Court of Appeals
Holds That Senators Frawlcy and
Wafjner Are nt to Sit as Mem
bers of Impeacjimcnt Court.
i ii
Defense Calls In Question Regular
ity of Proceedings and Moves That
They Be Dropped
ALBANY, N. k Sept. 10.-The
fitueHH of Ronuto'ix Frnwley nnd
Wagner to hit ns niinibem of the im
peudinient ronrt jorguiilr.cil to try
flovernor William nn ehnl
lengeil today by the ilefeilrfc nhen
the rourl cotnxnl nt noon.
"Ah preHidiiiK Juilpp," ruled Jus
lieo Cullen of Ih emirt of nopealM,
'it Ih my opinion ha the court enn
not nitertain tin -e dinlleugCK. An
f-ennlom I believe the icron chnl
lrnc;eil are entilled lo hit, nud I do
not think n member of the court
could be excused legally even if he
ro demrcd. However, n record vote
wilt be tnken on the point."
Hy the vole, the court upheld Cul
len' rutin;: unnnhwuixly.
Tho court wapiti scimoii for oulv
thirty minutes before mljoiiniinp un
til 'JL p. in.
Cullen milled that he did not be
lieve tliero wax the fligtileKt basix
for the dcfoiiKu'H daim that Frnwlev
and Wngncr were unfit tn pnrtieipntc
in the trial. He cxprcRKd himself
with much emphncin, and there was
no question (hut the rutin" wns a
dUtinct blow to llie governor.
Ah foon ns the two challenges had
been overruled the nrlielc of im
peachment yntrt t?nd. ...v -r-
The defeiiKc replieij by cnllinp lu
miPRtinn the repulnrity of the jmt
ceedingR nnd moved that they be
dropped, on the ground that the as
sembly had neted illegally.
Attorney T.ouin Mnrshnll, for the
defence, hnd begun nn nrgunient in
Riipport of this motion when n re
cess was tnken.
flovernor Sulrer was again absent
frnm the sennte chnmbcr during the
inipenehment proceedings. His law
yers, denied that lie has nny inten
tion of resigning before the evidence
is in.
After an afternoon session of only
ono hour tho Suiter Impeachment
court adjourned until 3 o'clock next
Monday aftornoon.
Sutler's counsel were preparing to
day x brlof denying every chargo
mndo against tho governor.
In addition to this donlal they will
sot up tho contention that tho consti
tution does not, as tho prosecution
maintains, rccoguUo tho prlnciplo
that a personal, as distinguished from
an official, offenso may disqualify an
otfondor from holding office.
Technical Dcfcnso
Tho following paragraph In tho lm
peachmont brief will bo quoted In
support of tho defense's claim that
mnllco actuated tho Impeachment pro pre
ceedings: "Tho world hntca a liar but it is
not for lying thnt William Sulzer'a
conviction is asked, lio Is charged
with filing n fnlso cortlflcato of his
campaign contributions, and, by so
doing, with committing a crlmo. It
wns contomplatod In tho constitution
thnt a criminal, holding otfico, should
first bo impenchod, thoroby stripping
him of official lufluouconud power to
acquit hlmsolf by removing tho dis
trict attorney who prosecuted him,
tho Judgo who scntoncod him nnd flu
ally by pardoning himself."
POUTLAND, Oro Sopt. 19. To
roqulro all tolophono companlos in
Portland to work with an lnterchanga
systom so a tolophono of ono company
can bo usod in conjunction with a
tolophono of nnothor company Is the
plan of Will II. Daly, commtsionor of
public utilities. With this In view ho
askod tho council today to allow
S8000 to bo usod for Investigation
. t
luunucai uAuunitrto,
WASJIINOTON, Sept. 1.9. Presi
dent WHn insisted today on early
action 1 the sonata on tho adminis
tration currency bill, which already
has passed tho house. Nevertheless,
tho prospects of tho bill passing at
this session, It, is said aro remote.
Both tho senate and tho houso nro
practldtlly recessing. It was pre
dicted this afternoon that tho senate
banking. commit tco would not report
on the meaiuro bofore tho middle of
October, and then a week's debate
Is certain to follow.
Only five members of tho sonato
commlttco attended today's hearing
o'n thpmcasuro. Insurgonl senators
predicted that vital changeVwiir bo
mado beforo tho bill Is roportcd to
tho senate.
ALHANY, N. Y., Sept. 19. That
Governor Sulzcr has rocognlzcd Act
ing Governor Martin Glynn's claim toj
ofilclal authority was asserted at tho
latter's offico this afternoon. It was
declared that tho question aroso In
connection with tho extradition of a
New York fugltlvo arrested in Chica
go. According to Secretary Tirney,
Sulzcr wroto to Glynn, through his
secretary, Chcstor Piatt, saying that
Glynn had Jurisdiction. In tho matter.
HBND, Ore., Sept. 10. Thrown
into the Deschutes river when n
horso backed the buggy in which
they wero riding off ti bridge, Mrs.
Alexander Allgood, aged (18, is dead
today from drowning nud her son,
Hoy Allgood, narrowly escaped the
snmo fata by grasping n log nnd
floating ashore.
Allgood supported his mother in
tho water for several minutes beforo
tho swift current swept her from
Drugless Healers Adjourn
RKATTLE,, Sept. It).
Having adopted resolutions to de
innnd from tho legislature of every
stute in tho Union legislation leguf
izing their prnctieo, tho Druglo&s
Healers' nssoointion of Washington
todny adjourned nfter u two days'
convention. The plan ns announced
todny will include demanding fedorul
legislation from congress ns soon ns
all tho stuto legislatures havo been
memorialized with petitions.
San Dlegoan on Two-Year Tour
SAN DIEGO, Cul., Sept. 10. Otto
Hhend of tho Young Mn's Christinn
association of Sim Diego, todny has
u good start of u tour thnt will
cover two yours. Bhend is traveling
exclusively by motoreyclo nnd ex
pects to covor 'J5.000 miles beforo he
returns hero somo timo in Septem
ber, 1015, in timo for tho finish of
tho Pnn-Amoricnn exposition to eel
obrato tho oponing of the Pniiamn
cauol in at)J5( - .
tAntn Al I ntlM at. JAFfltS numb
NEW YOHK, Sept. 19. That tho
list of victims of Hans Schmidt, con
fessed murderer of Miss Anna Au-
muller, had ho escaped detection,
would havo rivaled that of Or. H. II.
Holmes, the famous Chicago and Cin
cinnati murderer, who was executed
in Philadelphia In 183C.U tho belief
hero today of detectives working on
the case. Scores of blank death and
burial certificates wcro found in
Schmidt's trunk. It Is believed no
planned to forgo theso documents at'
tor murdering his Tlctfrns to show
that they.had dlcanaTuwIIy.Thls
was tho way Holmes worked. Ho
committed twelvo murders In several
mlddlo western cities beforo ho was
captured and hanged In Philadelphia,
Tho pollco this afternoon also
found in Schmidt's trunk a photo
of tho certificate of death In tho caao
of Robert Smith, aged C9, who died
last April. Schmidt visited Smith
frequently and officiated at his fun
eral. Tho police now boliovo that
Schmidt planned tho Aumuller mur
der In April.
TACO.MA, Wash., Sept. 10. Ac
cording to u ftory told the police,
Hubert N. Cook, 'J I years of m:e, u
chauffeur employed ly O. L. Part
ridge, was held up hy two masked
bandits early today, who, after rob
bing him of a small sum of cash,
compelled him at tho paint of revol
vers to leap from his swiftly run
ning automobile. Cook sustained se
vere injuries to his back when he
rolled over nud over on tho ground.
Ho was returning from Fernhill,
where ho had taken n customer. Tho
mnchino was later found badly
smnshed up.
Tho jHiliee, after investigating
Cook's story, declared they wore
not satisfied that his statements
wero truo and will make further in
vcstigntiuus into ho case.
SAN FUANCISCO, Cal., Sopt. 19.
Herrmann's Sons, in convention
horo today, choso Lawrcnco, Mass.,
for noxt year's meeting and elected
tho following grand efficers:
O. J, Von Rosenborg, La Grango,
Toxas, presldont.
Oscar Hocks, San Francisco, first
vlco presldont.
F. Matthows, Nebraska, second
vlco president.
R. Schaofor, Connecticut, secrotnry,
Fred Ztoglor, Minnesota, treasurer,
10. Schuotz, Texas, guldo,
John Schindlor, Nebraska, Insido
H. K. Dreexon. Florida, outside
guard. . , ,
NO. 105
Second Day's Sessions Bring Rogue
River Fruit Gifts, President's Ad
dress, Papers and Busy Day
Adjourn Tcmorrow.
Free Public Lecture. hy Dr. Calvin H.
White at Page Tonight Banquet
for Visiting Ladies. "
1 1 i
Today's Program
Annual nddrcstf of President Dr.
It. B. Kingo, of Pendleton.' '
Ilcnilin of papers nnd discusHioiu
of samo by ilejegales.., , ,"
Hnnquet nt Medford hotel, to' wivc.t
of visifinjr phyMcinnu nt 510 j! m.
Free public lecturo nti'iign I hu
nter nt 8 o'clock hv Dr. Cnlviii II.
White, stnte health physifinn, '' on
"Health nnd Duty Hints,."
A Kmokcr will bo held ufter tho
How the derelict minds of the, in
sane may bo restored lo normal con
ditions, with Imppy, ueful lives ns
the reward, formed tho interesting
feature of the morning Ression of tho
second dny' meeting of the Oregon
Medical association nl (ha Page the
ntcr. Besides this, the delegates
were whisked in nulomnhilc through
the orchards of the vnllev. Pears
and ponchos, raised in the Tlogue
River valley, were presented to tho
physicians nnd the time-honored
"don't" regarding eating bclvJccn
meats wns broken.
Tonight Dr. Cnlvin n. White, slnto
health physicinn, lectures nt tho I'ngo
on '"Itenlth and Duty: flints."
Dr. William nono of Toi-Nand
rend n pnper on the "necoverability
of tho Insane," nnd nn inlorciliiig
discussion followed in which steril
ization ns n menus of preventing an
increase of feeble minds wns both
defended and attacked. ' Dr. Smith
of Seattle in n short talk held thnt
all persons held capable of the prop
agation of offspring, nfter n release
from nn nsylnm or prison should bo
segregated, rather than sterilized, tho
heavy expense being tho mnin objec
tion. Dr. E. Leo Stciner of Salem led
the discussion on this subject, somo
holding thnt sterilization wns bar
barous, nnd others thnt it offered
tho promise of a more rational race.
Others who talked on tho subject
wero Dr. II. W. Coo of Pqrtlnud. It
wns ngreed it wur ono of the prob
lcms of civilization nnd tlio medical
At the close of tho morning ses
sion Dr. It. C. Coffey of Portlond
gave n talk on "Abdominal Adhes
ions." This nftornoon Dr. R. E. Ringo o
Pendleton, Or., president of tho ns
sociation, will glvo his nnnunl ad
dress, besides papers relating to tho
lungs and throat hy tho delegates.
Thursday night tho phvsieians
wore entertained nt n banquet nt tho
Medford hotel, nt which Dr. Arthur
C. Smith of Portlnnd noted ns toast
muster, nnd responses woro given by
many. Eight courses wero served,
the dining room being decorated for
(Continued on page 2.)
ALDAN Y, N. Y., Sopt. 19. Jamoa
Gnrrlson, tho nowspapormnn, who
was declared in contempt by tho state,
assembly for rofuslng to answer queb
tlons, issuod tho following statement
this aftorneon:
"I Bbould worry. I havo a good
place to sleep and fine meals, ' I can
stand It until January 1 if that bunch
of crooks who sent ma horo can.
"Tako It from mo they'll weaken.
When tho people realize that a roan
who commits no offenso can be prac
tically kidnapped, sent to jail -aid
donlcd legal advlee, Tamuiany-going
to hear trqm the cornfield,"