PffflEFlVW. Thqre Wasn't Enough in It to Suit Jeff By "Bud" Fisher - "& l (J , ... 'Kj f " "ty -', ? vr - -flv '1-X-tt i;U.' " ' ' -"l ,u' r IG S YOtT " i "fi CAW -"' '?&$ MEnFOIW MATH TIHTUT1TM, MIWFOItD. OHIMOV, KATrifDAY, KUPTHMIMl? 1H, lOtfl. ' I I I I I llll. I I I I I . III.. II I I I II I I bow fourteem extensive Scale atPT; Mtlico s (Mwiirtl ' f all mutT nac "TTTj 1 SaT.iiV;; " r!?.v?'orVrt. - ,i--:''- -,. - roH.660 It, IWLKriklrKi UaUVeRY? all PIM4T .. -'... I ,."i1Jj,ftT - . Ti I OH, MCLD YM Mil rt ' ' "f V kt1 '" " . Vi iM.NurG Doc. aap liilm Ti iliili', iuii) II viiri, wii niii'ilnl y I tt t) it iilliTiiiiiin mi it !'llllltjl III' llll lllff lllll'llll II luiuiil el k fin W, I J. X". Wm net, r Wnnioi, Wlnilnmii A (linn, lifniK I lin sii'lim. Tim luiniH or M. II. 'Kind wim fnrnil In it ohm-k fur 0, null Mr. Wil'i tint nuxM'itlnu ii Imy "I Hlli'll illUHKllim JP4U"h, leiulil) I'lmlil'il flip fliFck. Lntrr nhon IIik fitl-ln Of III I'llOI'k VMM llim'OtUIUll (K'HIrll Wan timiln l"i joii'ir TIhiIhIh, who Stnx iniliiitl,v Inkon into iminiiiI. HUlot'll iliillill of III'1 IIUHII'V Wl Villi fiitlitit HI III" nmiitloB. 'flu Imy iuU.nll.jil Hint hu limJ jiMiM'il un' olioek, on" (he ftitV hrf". on Mike (limit for Jflfi HimI on'1 Htittip limn hi'lore mi it Vn I rnl Point iiiiMrlmnl tor W. 'I In' tl" nlilniniil mm MhuII hint boon ipwil In Ui.viujj linyili trinket mul lux nriw Hi tlit' "hii" nmiimU, Tiling (uomihI mi "my to Oiv Iml Unit Ii" do 'liUi to ei'lehrMo the fnii In it iiu'kI lih manner. Ili wn Ml In .Isekmiuvlllo fur n IIP( iJlrj HMil miI Ini im II lion ring lntr .liivtmtln Judge 'I'oH Will' Alitniliiv mortihuj. Young 'I1nimIo Im it hrnsuii iiir of lirntilo n(mI lionittit of having pmtMiil iiiiny fmgi il clii'tk" in Ciilifnriiiii without ilotirtlnii. Ho mmmiioiI pitniil ir III gi.inidMihiiiiit nml hIhIkiI lis liln ntml. II" U tit on oT ri'"ii'l fililti HM'ii(t, hit lulliiir being line tiinn or C. M. Knhl'n iuimIi near IVh (till I'oiut. I MARKET REPORT I I'llitMi I'nliJ liy Dealers worn- r.. ItlTTKIf rrmnwr-ry, II r; .lnln. I'DTA'I'OIW r.'m to Hlto Kill lli. AI'I'LKS- 11,4,,;. OJs'lUNH lUll per 100 lh. iignsv ni icHi'iJ. fimnt- siav. I'OKIC - in,, to HVio. KCKK-I'.V to t Ii". Ultl- Mo. U.rN life, to ISo. XIHH'MlKIIK lie. i HAMS lf. LlwMnrk IIOHS lrwwd, nliw, So. SIWKI' lallc. fowl? -mu. nr?Cc XVMr Mrfukv.l, Hit. ' J'OIJI.TIIV- Muml -lili'ki.n. 10c; Hfjrtnipt, 1LV to lli; ilroMoil. Hid In Hit) aiiiI Crnlii (Umhij: I'ljuf.) WHKAfl'- Wf- leiHlnn: (iAT--r0p Im-lifl, I1AV Vilih. Ill Ion; tniu, IJ lUltl.lJV Wholf. ?M Inn. Ci IKK $s to 20 lou. PHOENIX PHACTLETS JJ'Iin liofitl for goiiil roiiilo rititii'il jfiB hy u yijtv o ncmly four lo mus .1. I 1iiln Ill'i'Ully lot.) It Ullll nUtf linmi'. lm. .1. II. 'i'liilfr i'IiIitIiiiiii'iI tin I'BWolnriiiH LwliiV Aiil riiihii'iln, nQviiiooii. Wiley Turtihniiuli jmicliuHid tin Ij&rH iriirly mi Swiiil kIu'cI, Wjftr thi iIhjkiI, nml tlm iiiljniiiiiiK lojn fmin !'. )' 1'nrry. MV, Sniilh inn) M. IVi-U luftuii woik Hull wwl; on i-nlniyliiK nml iciiioih't inft (ho Iiimixc, J. Alilrii'h, iiiHtor of Ihn On t ml I'uliit M. H. i'Iiiiii'Ii uim it Iiiik iiiV I'lillur Wi'iluuNiliit iiininiiiir. Hn Mm Inn Tnnni' (,uinl Tliin'w ilfl In .lni'lHoiiilli', IrM. (). T. .MnrKiin hjiciiI Iiim( ui'i'k wljli her IiiihIihiiiI ul M.rltu tiroiik. Mr. MniifHti Inn I'limuo of tlu l'nw lil'iiiin chin eh nt tluil nlni'o. A. I leu in of llm nifi'itiiiilllo c(iin iniliv Iiiim hi'i'ii wry sick for (liu 'nl week. A u'lcnl inunhiM fiom Iiclc nrc til li'iiilmir lin' Iitir nl Mull'oril. JT .It tlioio Isi :t littii;nlii In Koul $la- tiito in imy tllitt i let tlio roiil oHtuto liuill tluirn who linn liooti llvo iti;oitt liltpUl! (if It. If III) IdlOWH VUlllOM mul Ih ii.)orlpii(oil In tlio IiuhIiiukh liotrnn iuiji liht 1'iiiitoiiiui'H tlmu nml nioiioy, To know tlio tioHt liny mul luivo It nptliiiml itt tlio bottom prlco la my ii to ok In tinilu. Hatlufloil (iiiutoiuorH Ih thy pnlil-iiti IihhIiiuhii policy. Wlutt lmo on to oxi'hmiRQ? W'ntcU my liiillctlii hoiinrin front o( tlio Klrut NuUoiml lunik nml Hcii tuu. -ft' ,T -" - . v2 .1. O. HAIt.VHH, J I'limio iau-,i. v I m i- tifcr ' - Flint Nntloiml Mill;. WHY? ' - 'wil JUL - .,jbis ( MGLLOOC, 3Usr W-PetTTj "- ' '''HOT'S THfAT''- WHAT " VMH. OS VO . I'LL tiE w 0't HB DIG CP - OH, M ' " ' "" rm LL: : GOLD HILL PLANNING MID.VALLEY FAin KxhilnU of .litrl.'MMi count criiiit, KrniH nml ifitnlcn priHliicU nn HHiilml for llif mnl-Ynlli' imln-trinl fttir In ho licit! nt flohl Hill, Sittnr iln.V, Si'ptutnhtir 'JO, U'Ut, lmrnl priziM nml inMinln. Uncqiinlcil pro- S'ltim, NKirl HMil f.lntt iillnmtiiui, ro Hiii'lion unit' of nny properly liolt'il on fitir ilny. Itnuchnll, miiii uitnir nti'H nml hhIit ttjMrt, lutml coiiccrlM. Mttiiliivllli' pruitmni, ihtiio- injf. I'rt'o bijlinnii tiiir mmul to nil cmwlf nl nn ohh nlr lmiiitirt. Ki'hnijl fnir nml ouMiiiuii coiili'Ht on xnmii (Into. Ciillforitln Itiuiili lo i:rlnnpo. t hnu on wilii 105 norcH of furin UK laml nonr Muiuiikiio, Cnllfornln, wjlliln tlio tiro)t)nwl .Shantn Vnlly IrrlKfilloii illntrlrt. Tlio present Milim of tlio lnml U f'JlOO ($20.00 nn nrro) nml I nm nuthorlxcil to tHkH n 5 tuiwiiKflr nutomotillo In part imy $(100.00 In cbhIi ami rIvo ImiK tlmn on luiliinco nt 0 l)ir cunt Inturoiit. Tltlo to tlio proporty In pnrfout. T. J. Nolton, Montni;m, Cnl. 151 xoTiric. Nntlco In lioroby plvnn Hint tbo umlurHlcmitl will apply nt tlio regit litr moiitliiK of tlio city council Sop loiittior 10, 1913, for n llronno to soil limit, iilrltuniiu nml vlnotiH lliiuorD nt tit Hotel Mimfonl. lots 10, 17, IS, block 7S, for n period or kIx months, noTi:ii MKoroui). Dittail Si'vtoinbur n, 1'jia. ion iti:.r nm.NiHiii:i kooms or HUNT Moilom ftirnlihciiliouHo! M. A. Itailor. CO tS'ortlt Oruur.o Btroot. Worth WhiTe Moilcnv Hoiuo, C toumv pantry, bntli, toltol, liotwntvr tnuk, ecroon porch nml two opoii porrlioK, Iqt r.0 10S; pavlitK, sowiT, wntor nml tiwos nil PAID IN (1'nvlui: nlono rout lafilTtO.) Four lilocku (mm Mnlii nml Contrnl. l'rlco only $I7H0. llKVNKTX IXVi:ST.1IKNT CO. NEW TODAY 80 Heron, four loom, comfortiiblo limine, b.tiii, plouty ot ft ii It nml w titer n i;ooil foothill homo, cIoho to Mini ford. JW.O.OO, A diuidy much In tlio liourt of tlio vnlloy would oM'ltmiKu for n Jowolry stock, profoi'H Boiitliorn Callfyrnlu. $14,000,000, Tlilu Ih il good oiio. t ijO ncron of flno four your old pciUH, noiuotbluK cboco iiud ouly ?00. 00 mi nrro. O. I). 1IOON Itoom li!, Jitckhoii County lluiik llldjj. rou itivr ri'iiMiu;i aims. roil JtlCNT- l'lirnltliml npartiiivuti Tlio Itcrtion. 10 Qillnni Ht. KOIt HUNT Lnrr.o i-tcupliiR rooniH, nml modurn houfkoplnK apart mim(n. prices wry rcnuotnblo. 1'lioua IQ'iC-U. 'i'i2 Honlh Molly n trout. ion ui:.vr uoi'sr:i(i:i:ri.( ItOOMS Krtlt ItKNT- DoHlrdbld npnrtmont, C roonm, niodvrn. Imtulro Col. II II. HitrKout. 1GC FOIl 11U.M UOUMA rOu'ltUN'lW-1 room hmiio, $6.00 por mouth. Cold Ituy Hcnlty Co. I'Olt HUNT 10 room iioiim roar ot lnriiu'r & 1'rultnrowfrn bank, Hiiltnblc for buntiiBM, ral oitatc, IxmnlliiK or roomlUK buiuc. Cold Un Uonlty Co., CUt nml I'lr. I'Olt ItKNT Ono flvo room, one six room boiiKf, modem, with litwii, chi'iip, Cull 'iC Wont Jnrkxou btroot. !"'- I'Olt HUNT Small homo fiirnlnued ou WoodHtock St.. rout rwiBoiuiblu. 8o J. W. Derrlnu or Dr. Soloy. 11 KOIl ItKNT At 517 South Now town, ntrlctly jmiiloru 7 roonm, hard wood flooru, Mm plttco, bnvoiiioiit and furuaco, as nml Apply nt 723 Wont 13th. IS" I'Olt ItKNT Well furiilolicd 5 room bungalow. Call monilugii, 422 South l.uurol St. FOll 11KNT Oil SALK Four-room hiitiHo nml good gardon tract, now to truck nml fruit M. A. Under. I'Olt IIH.ST 5 room furnlnhod lioimo, wntor rout paid. 51h Kln Ptrcet. KOK lllCNT- Six room modern bun galow, stooping porch, omit front, cloho In, strictly first cIiihs Owner 318 Lntliol St. 151 KOU HUNT Soon room house, $12 50 per month. Inquire Col. II II. SuiKi'iit. 171 KOU HUNT -rurnlHhod and uiiftir iiluhnd hotiaos. J. C. Iluriios, ut Nafl ll.iulv llldg., phoim I'JU-I. I'Olt IIIJXT SlISCKLLANKOl'S KOU Itl.'NT - flood ranch botwoon tbo two Tnblo ltockB. Imiulro of Den n la DugKitii, Central l'olut, on It. 1 I). No. 2. box G. 161 KOU ItKNT- Hunched, lnrgo nml Hiiuill, ulfitiriv and garden lnuda. Hold liny ltonlty Co., Bill nml Kir. KOU HUNT 30 loom furnlHliod hotel on porconuigo. Oold liny llqnlty Co. KOU UKNT Only liotol In town of 1000; 10 looms fuinlHhod. Ad (Iiosh C. It., cnio Tilbuno. l.'Oll SALK llOl'SKS FOll SAL ljnujo tind lot,,chlckon house un'd jrd,'ltt'wti mul gardon. ' 737 W, 1 Itu St., phono 10l9rM. ' ' ' 155 KOU SALK 1 mom liont.0 nml lot. $700, $100 cimh ami $15.00 iibr lunnth, Cold liny ltonlty Co, nm ui:.vr orrieo! COIt UKNI LarKO. couitortatilo of- flco rooms with clovator Rorvlce, atenm boat, hot and cold wntor. Low mien. Apply Mrdford Kurnl turn U lldw. Oo. roit S!,tJ ll'AU.M LANDS U roil SAI.i:- Itnncboii, ncro trnct. town property, from $r, por ncrc. upwards on & and 10 year tliuo. Hold 1U) ltonlty Co., Sixth nod Plr. KOIl HALi: 10 ncron widl Impnncd. flitH Mil. r. ncrc In )ouuk poaM, ouly $2750. 40 ttermi. 4 mllcB from Medford. 12 ncron in fruit, $1500,' crop with ldaro. hnlldliiKR.-only $4000 3 nrr,vi clono lb town, lino al falfa laml with plenty of Irrigating wtttor. $.,r,iiO for quick Halo Clark Itualt) Co. 2J)C I'hlppn HldB I'Olt SAMS MlbCntxtMCOUR I'Oll SALK A lx- oar-old mill; cow. I'rlce rcnuonablo. Cult nl 1014 Kant i:iootith. 150 KOK SAI.K rreh cow, 0 joars old. Call phono 599. 151 I'Olt SALK Hi 13 Overland 30 h. p. flo paMenRer. Ituii loin than 5000 llllk'B. 1. O. box 491. 153 I'Oll SALK l'our 1'hllo Colony CaopH In good condition nt n bar gulu. 423 South Now tow u ttroct. l'bono 50S-W. 150 FOU SALK Kxtra good freuli cows ami cnlws Walsh's ranch on Spring street, mllo out North Itooitnolt aonuo. 1S3 I'OU SALK lteulsturod Angora goats from prlre winning stock. W. K. liiuiimol, l.'aglo 1'oint. 152 KOU SALK Young registered Hol steliiH, ollber mnlo or female. M. 1 Loogloy, Fort Klniunth, Oregon," 152 rim SALK Cood spring wngon oiiuippod for cniuplng JamV.s Cregg, 100 Almond street. 151 KOU SALK Largo team, lioavy wagon and bnriiess. Inqtilro Col. 11. 11. Sargent. 100 KOU SALK Sheep, 5 head of bucks nml ono windmill. Folk Hull, Medford, Oregon, 11. F. 1), No. 1. 150 FOll SALK Loose leaf lodger sys tems, any st)Io ot aundo to order by tbo Mall Tribune blndnrr. KOU SALK Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mnll Tribune. KOU SALK 1 Holt t ruction, englho nml plows,, neatly now, for ono thlrd jii loo. Hold liny Hoalty Co.. Sixth mul Kir. FOll SALK 50 head stock hogs, 5 , bond beef cattle, 1 top buggy, light hack, Whlto Holland Toms, I A-l milk cow, hound .mips, Cbnrles (lllclulsj, Sams Valley. 155 KQU SALK Flno poaches, Cinw fdrds. Albertas tnul1 Mulra. lk and 2o per pound 'delivered, l'liouo .lnoksouillo 354. lol FOll SALK Fancy Alberta poaches at ((Orphan Aiiulo) ranch. Fhouo 857-J. 152 I hum v.xii:ti mam: WANTKD -Wo will pay ou $120.00 to distribute religious literature In our community. Sixty days work. Kxpcrioucu not required. Man or woman Opportunity for promo tion. Spare tlmo may be used. In ternational Ulblo Press, 1012 Arch St., Pblladolphla. iii:m waxtku fiuiam: WANTKD Girl or woman general housework or care of baby. Phono 1C-J. lol WANTKD At once girls for the Uag loy Canning company. Apply to Mr. Ames. Talent, Ore. WANTKD Unliable girl for general housework. Mrs. French, 22 Hose Avo. 150 WANTKD School girl to work for board. Phono Slfi-X. 150 WANTKD Girt for housework. Phono 01 1-11-3 or nddroes box 9S-A It. 1'. I). No. 1. WAXTKII MISClXIiA.-S nous WNDToTioTrow "$Sobb"on"al falfa laml near Mcdford by October 15. Address "II" caro Mall Tri bune. WANTKD Will tho party that bor rowed my IS Inch monkey wrench, please return It and oblige. A. L. Vromnn. 151 WANTKD To purchase two or threo good, work horses. Address box 120, Englo Point. Ore. 152 WANTKD A furnished room nml bath In u private house some, where nonr liotol Medford. Addross box 17, Mull Trlbuue. 150 WANTKD To buy small two pas gor runabout. P.O. box 491. 153 WANTKD Properties hero to ex change for Washington and II C, property. Clark Hoalty Co. 150 FOll KM'll.lMfR I'OU KXCHANGU 1C0 acres alfal fa ranch 05 acres seeded, for Med ford Income. Chas. Ullchrist, Sams Valley, Oro. 156 FOH KXCHAXUR A good paying business to exchange for close tn acreage or Improved city property. m1uo $3500. A. U. C, caro Mall Tribune. FOU THADK Kxtra good wagon for cord wood. Canaries for sale. Phono 190-J. 154 IIL'SIXKSS OPPOUTUXITI IS FOU SALK Hood business for salo cheap. Pa) lug $300 monthly, siuiill capital. An excellent proposition for some ono. Seo Wood & Mess- nor. LOS I' STHAYKD A medium slsod black inulo w eating halter ami branded "V". Information regarding his recoveiy will bo pnld for by W. II. Stokes, Kaglo Point road, phono C7-J-L MQNT.Y TO LOAN MONKY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArtbur, room 3, P. O. blocU, phouo 30 S. " HUSIXKSM DIUKClOItV AtKtlonccra WILLIAM ULUICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tbo City of Mcdford, Oregon. Terms reasonablo. Ileal denco phono 1C1-J. Office Jack son County Hank bulldinc Attorneys POHTKU J. NKFF. WM. P. MKALKY -Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms 8 and 9, Mcdford National Dank bldg. A. K. HEAMKS, LAWYER Oarnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 KaU Main street, Mcdford. Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberta COLVIO & HOnEHTS. LAWYKHS Medford National Dank Hulldlntr. u IJ. P. M.ULKEY & GEO. W. ClinilRY Attorneys at Law, Jackson Cottn t) Uank Hulldlng. Auto ftuppllm. bAHEit auto simivn no nr big secret Iu making springs Is the tempering. We are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee 26 North Fif teenth St., Port laud. Ore. Accountant D. It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your buslaesk solicited. Office. Mcdford Mall Tribune bldg ; phono CGI; resi dence pboun 53 1. Clilropmctor DU. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-204 205 Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapot hatha and scientific niassago given; ueedlo spray, head and shoulder Bhowor In connection; advice In dietetics. rucdlcal gymuastlcs, lodropthornpy. Idy atteudant. Phouo, offlco 940. rcsldonco 671-H ait. A. It. 1IKDQ KS. Dr. LouIsTr Hedges Mechano-Theraptsts, Chiro practors, Spond)lothcraplsts. Thei s stems, lncludlug dietetics, cura live gymnastics, bydro-thernphy etc., prodtico results in both acute and chronlu diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co , cor nor Main and llartlott. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170, Cleaners JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS Steam am) dry cleaning nml dyo work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil work. Gents' putts pressed. Special attention to ladles' silks, lacca ami gloves. Goods called for and delivered. Ill N. Front St. Phono 125. 153 Ourtmgt GARBAGE Get vour prouilson clenued up for th winter, Call on tho city garbage wagons foi good service. Pboue G25-L, K. Y. Allou. Ijiundry SAM WING CO. Una purchased the Woo Loo laundry situated at 123 S, HlvursldQ and will conduct the business hereafter. Washings called for and delivered. Prices reasonable. ' 155 HL'SIXI9 DIIIKCTOHV DU. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DU C. C. VAN 8COYOP . Dentists Ganiett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Mcdford, Ore. Phone 860. Xouiry Public V.F.. v vnwvv"vM.Mr' ",Ll05r sign of the Mall Tribune. - .MO "- nwisv iu uiv HL 1USJ Printer nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best nqulppod printing offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Phjrilclans am Burgeons DIL F. G. CAHLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAHLOW Osteopathic phslclans. 10-117 Garnett-Corey bldg.. phone 1030-L. Residence 20 South Laurel St. DU. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, office 814-J-2; res., SUL, DR. J. J. EMMENS PbysJcIan nnd surgeon. Practice limited to oyo, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. nt Phone. '' E. B. PICKEL. M. D, Office Jack son C'junty Hank bldg. Office phone, 43-R: residence phono 58-IU DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stow art bldg., corner Malu and Unrtlett sts.; offlco plump 27' rosldouco phono 27-J-2. 904 West 10th. DRTTlAnTlN O. DA11HEU Physl clau and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, oppoblto, Nash Hotel.' Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J, DR. 11 W. CLANCY Physician "and surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 724-J, Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. , DH. V. Y. HOW Alt D Osteopathia ph8lclan, 3Q3 Garnutt-Coroy . building, Phono 904-M. U. J. CQNHOY. M. D. Pbs'clan and Surgeon. Over Hutchluoii & Lums den, 21GB. Maln St. Phone 77,'-; Rtenograpticr LALGAUNYAY Valrn "bjock? Stonographlo work done quickly and well. 1raiilnr EADS TRANSFER & STORAQB CO. Offlco 10 South Fir St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar-, ntoed Trained Xtirsp TRAINED NUItSB MUa Nellie Lom- magson, rosldenco 738 West 11th St. Phono 557-U. ' 151 Veteilnnry Hurgcou DR. MURHAV.VBTEHiNAHYtti GKON, graduato pf tbo American Veterinary Collogo. N. Y. City. Office Nush Livery Stable' Phono 173. , ,t ., " J'T' j I I f. fV t nw t i 'j - i H ;-i - -.4 .-v. -"lt'fW,W'.