M w f MEDTORP MATTi TRriBUNTO. MEDFORD, ORTCOON, SATURDAY, RRPTKAffjRR in, 3013. FKtiF, Tnnm Ono of llio iirnllli'Ht ui'ilillnitn of tint miiiiinor occurred Thursday intirii llii:, when MImh (leiuldliio MlkHuho liDcniiio tho wir.i nf Jnlin Wilkinson. Tlin wedding wim rolebrntnd at llin church of tho Nativity of Our Mussed Lord, I'nthnr O'Noll officiating nt the Nuptial High Mann. Promptly nt fi o'clock, Prof. Tnlllnndlor plnyltiK tlin wedding mnrrli, tho lirlilo entered on tho nrin of her father. Him lit n lull, liutiitHoitii) brunette unit nindn it snout beautiful liril, ilrt-ntti'il In n vory ho coming, heavily oiiilirolillorli'il gown of silk rropo cut en tntlii, wearing lulled veil, draped rap effect nmt carrying it lioiiiiiat of brides runes mill llllli'H of tlm valley. Mr only ornament was n pendant of pearls and diamonds, n gift of tlin groom. Him wti attended tiy Mlntt Margaret MrC'lollou of Hoiteburg, n cousin of tlm groom, who twin hcroinlng!)" gowned In whlto not nml curried mi nrin lioiniuot of plulc asters. Tlm 1i"t ninii wrni Unyiiioiiil .Mlksrho. Tlm ring hearer it mt llltlo Mis Mnr- rln Mlkurhit who cnrrleii n basket of t'limhliiK bride roues. Tho color nrhonio wns pink mul while. Asters being uhimI moat of fcctlvtily to decorate tlin snnrtunry. During tlm ceremony Mm. Andrew, sang Olurllii'tiln' "Avo Mnrln" nnd . Mint Kthel (lutlirtn ihiik tho Halu turn nt Dm offertory. After tlm cero tuoiiy n wedding liruakfnst kak sorved nt tlin houin or tho hrliln which wmt nrtUtlrnlly decorated for tint occa sion. Tint plulc nml whltn rolor scheme wnit carried out In tlm dining room, red niters being used In tlm HvInK room nml litvtinlr In tlm item. Only relative nml lutlmnto friends worn prt'niit. Tlin out-of-town guests worn Mr. .IntnoN I'nlion nml Mm. Ki'Kcmoro or Port Klnmnth, Miss Me.. Clcllnn of Itnnohurg, Mr. James Corhelt of Weed, t'nl., nml Mr. Wll- Kliiunn of Colorntlo Springs, father of tlm groom, Mnny hnmttomo gifts of silver nml rut gins wero received hy tho yojiug co uplo. Tlm bride In tho daughter of Mr, nml .Mm. I.co J. .Mlksrho nml In n vory nltrnctlvo nml populnr youiiK Inily. Tho gfoniii In n rlhltiK youtiK Iniil ii nirttt nmt In u tho Muilfonl Ni tlminl linuk. Mrn. Wllklnnon'ii koIiir nwny Rown wn n linmlHouio brown lirorailc.l rut tlnn with brown pliuh Imt to mntcn. Tho younB couplo left on tho nf- Icrmion trnln to npiiiil tholr hoimy moon In Hotithcrn Cnllfornln nml on tlmlr return will rvulilo nt MO Kotith Nowluwn. Tho Y. V. C. K. of tho Clirlntlnn rhurcli, on WVilnrmlny tivonliiK, hold n Intvti horl.il nt tlm rcnlilxucn of 8. II. (Irnhnui, IIIkIiIIi nmt O.ilidaln, Tho lnwn wn lirlKht with oloctrlo IIkIiIh nml tlm youiiK pnoplo over iO In nuiuliiT liululRml u wnlnruiotnim from tho pntch nml nortnrlm'M froah from tho trco, nliio In vnrloiiH RnniPii, In tlm Iioiiho, n tuunlcnl nml lllornry pro. Krnm, nml nfriitliiiirntn of imiut wIclit'H, pIcklt-H, enko, coffoo nml fruit vna onJo)cil. Tho proKrmn which ' of uuiiHiint cxrolliMico nml inoiitly linpromtii lucliulcil n vocal nolo by Htto Minn Nnnii Hooloy; rornot nolo hy Mr. HilKnr W'IkIiI of lnwn; rcml- liiK hy Mm, K. 1 Henley; liiHlruuiontiil iiiiihIo by mm, Clint Mcfunly, vocnl nolo by Mr. WIkIiI with plnuo nml violin ncompnuluiuutr iiiiihIo hy MIhk Klnrnnro (Irnvcii. llumoroiia.rocltn tloim kIvoii by Mm. MiiiiiiImr, Mr. Harry Manning nml MIih l'lcrco woro Imnrtlly onrnroil. Tho prenlilent, Mr. Olnroiico 1'lorrn, In n fow woll elionon wonlH, Rrcolcil tho kuobIs, thnukoil thoHo hkhIhIIiik with tho ptoRram, nto Itov. I). I), lloylo nml H. II. (Irnlmiit woro then cnllml on for Hpoochea nntt roMponiloil by limiting n bronk for tho Avntorinolnnn, Mlas Akhos iRnnca was hoHtosn nt n very pretty pnrty on Monday ovouIur nt hor homo on North Onkilnln nvouuo Klvon in honor of Mr. Hum Glasgow who has boon visiting huro for novoral wooIcb. Cards mid iniulo furnlgliod tho ovoiiIuu'h nmiiBomont nftor which n dollcloiiH two courso ltinclioon was Borvod In tho rod dining room couslst liiK of fish Btilnd In kiooii noppor ensos on pnrnloy, nut broad, sandwiches, olives, Ico oroani In cniitaloupo oups, fruit punch nnd cako, Tho color uchoino was red, tho contorploco boliiR RornnluuiB nnd sword forna nnd tho room was llRhtod by monns of rod Bhadod candlos. Qorantum petals Btrown ovor tho cloth mado a vory dainty ornamentation. Oluvor and orlRlnal placo cards nffordod much ninuBoinont for tho twolvo guosts who wnin' MImkch I.iirana Kowliiml, Ojial Dulny, .Iuoiidrho llutlur, llorlhn Ilran ilniiliiirR nml Mrs, l.olnml MovorldRo; MiiNHrn, Hum (IIubrow, ('mi I (Hiihkow, Dr. V. V. Ilowitrd, Kurd llnnd, Nor mutt Merrill mid l.olnml Iluvorlduo. MIhh llnrllin llrnmleuliiirK cnlcr liilui'd ilellRlitfully ut dliimir Jiu-h-day nvniiliiK In lompllmeiil to .Mkhkim Itiitliitrfonl Knrr mid l.mm (llnMcov, who riitiirn mooii to California. A flvo'cournn illiiuer wait kerved, ttln-ii iillu it not ill (dim wiim Inlnnlii'Cil, (hut of n different couplo Mirvliu each coiimc, mid It provml to bo n very miiTcinful nffnlr, The tlecti ntliiim wore In pluk; vcrliitmiH nml fcniM bnliiR iiKoil nml ditlnly pink ctimllcit. I'nr plain cariln iiilnlutiiro cliitfltiK dlnlii'H wiiii) rIviui to tlm In dim nnd purroluturit to tho men. Tho Riicittii with MIkkok l.orulim lllltnii, Iciiio Klynu, Akiichk InaucH nml I.ii rana Itotviul. Hum OIiihcow, llutlmr ford Kerr, far I (llancow, Norman M if i rill nml Dr. Howard, Tint opiiiiliiR tivuut of tlm inimical I'liaoii will bo tlm conrcrl nut 'I'll urn. tiny otiiuluR, Hcptembur l.Sth ut tlm IiIrIi KL'hnol nmlltorlum by faculty iiuimlior of tlm Mod font Connnviitory of Mimic. Admliuilou will bo by ticket only, nnd complimentary tick et ran bo obtnliieil nt tho coimcrvn tory or from memberit of tlm faculty. I'eoplo hnvti frciiicully cxprcuncd a ilmlrn to bear Mr. Andrew nftener In public. Mm. Amlrnwii, who will bo ono of thoiin tnkliiK imrt, will bIiir nn one of her nuinbcrit itelectloun from "Mndmn lluttorfl)'." Tlm full pro Krnm will bo nuuounced Inter. Tlm number of tlrketn to be Riven out will bn limited, nit tho hull Is not very Inrno. A Jolly picnic pnrty of Mndford pnoplo motored to W'uruct'h noil a uprlUKH Hiindny. MembcM of the party were: Mm. John Itmler, Hr . Mr. W. IJ. 1'hlppn, Mm. I'hlppH. Mr. nml Mm. .1. M. Itmler, Mr. mid Mm. (JiMirKn (inrrelt, Minn Mntulit New bury, Aubry I'urry, Mnnter I'lilppn, Curl Newbury, (lenry (Iitrrett nml Verne Onretl. Tlm pnrty nn plan- lied In comid'metit to Vcrno nml deary (Xtrrett who leave tho lftt of the week to reitiimo their utmlleM nt tho UultoMlty of OreRon nnd Co liimbla L'ulH'Mlty reiipectlvely. Tlm niontlily iiocl'il of llin llaptlKt Imllim wan held ul tlm home of Mm. II. 15. MiimIi on North I'ouch streol hint Toiimluy uflernooii. Tho pro Rraiii wiim it iiiiiHlcalu ioiihIkIIiik of Hour.it, reudliiRH, violin olon nml diiotn. Ilcfrnthmenlii wiro Hvrved by tlm follow Ink cemmittee: Mm. II. K, MiimIi, Mm. II, C. (Iiirnett, Mm. Jacknon, Mm. I,, II. Kent' ami Mm, IC, .1, KoutM, Mr. nml Mm, Wilbur .lonen nl ItONK I.IIIIO eillerlallleil at lllllllD! Hiimluy In honor of the nineteenth lilrlliility niilviiMitry of their nephew, Ariuoml Tnylor. Tho dinner party coiiMMed of Mr. Armoml Tnylor ami Mm. Kfflti Tnylor, Mm. Iletllo .loneM, Mr. nml Mm. Arthur Itonn, Mr. nml Mm. Wilbur Joiich ami Douabl New- ",,ry . . M Tho mnrrlnRo of Minn Krmluo Dawn nnd JnilicM 1'. Dounel wiih eel elimted Heptenilier Oth at the homo of the brble'it pitreutH. Itev. I). I), lloylo rend the itervlcc. Only the relatives nml Intltmtte frlemU were prenent ami n weddltiR supper wiih nerved nfter tlm ceremony. The lioinie wan benutlfully ttecoritted with flower for tho occnulou. Mr. nml Mm, DoiiiioI are well known nml have n hunt of frlembt to coiiRrntit- li to them, A dinner wns Riven MIkh Allro Car penter of Hoitton, ul Hotel Medford I'rldity nveuliiR by membern of tlm proRrenitlve pnrty. 1'laten woro laid for IS. An auto rldn wnH Riven Mlm Cnrpenter Hnturdny by Mr. (Ircer of Atthlnud. Mm. Keuoly entorlatned nt n HrldRn luncheon 1'rldny nt tho Coun try club, A m o n k thoKo prcxenl were MeHilnmes llnmlll, I'lero, Conro I'lero, DnRRett, llnllowny, (leorRO Carpen ter, lleckwlth, MIhiics Hurko, Con nor and llotloway. Mr. and Mm. W. V, Itmacs enter- lalnod luformnlly nt their homo on West Main Krldny ovonltiR In honor of Mr, Hnm (IIiisrow, Their riichIb woro MIhhcs Ornro Drown and Ariich Ihiiiich, Mu'UHrs. Carl nnd Hum (IIiis row, Mr. nnd Mm. Conro I'lero outer- tallied nt dinner at their country homo ono iiIrIU IIiIh week for Mr. mid Mm. Washburn, Mr, ami Mrs. OcorKo UnK Rutt, MIsh DitRRott ami Mr. Citrluton, Mm. HollltiR nml MIkh IIoIIIiir left Tuemlny for their home In Hittrmneu to, nfter itpendltiR tlm Bummer with Mm. J. I Iteddy. Mlns KIIih-u Iteil dy returned with them to California where ithu Is nttcudliiR school. CurtlH Anderson, who linn been spemlliiR tlm summer with his par ents, lias returned to Culver Mili tary Academy. Culver, Iml., where ho will Rrnduiitu next )ear. Mr. Howard I'alrli nnd his moth er, who have been (ho riivkIh of HpriiRim ItelRitl, hnvo returned to their home In Iluffnlo, N. V. Mr. nnd Mrs. I'red B. Knrnhnur, who hitvii been the riicsIh of Mr, nnd Mm. Carrol McMllleu, hnvo left for tholr homo In ChlatRo. Tlm Kitdles Aid of tlm I'resbytor Inn church will meet Tuesday unxt with Mrs. Theo Mnrsh on Itoso live nuo nt 2:3 o'clock. Mr. J. Itniwti, who has been vis ItlnR his diiiiRhter. Mm. T. (J. Nor rls, has returned to his homo In North Carolina. Miss Chnnco hns returned to her Home In rortlmid nfter n sevcrnl weeks' visit with Mm. O. I. Hutrhl son. Mr. titid Mm. Juiiich I'olton nnd Miss Hlslumro of Fort Klnmnth npent hovcmI dnya In Medford this week. Mrs, Paul Janney outortiilued at ltinclioon Friday for hor mother, Mm Kdwln of WuHhliiRtou. This Ih tho first of a series of formal luucheotm which Mrs, Janney Ih rIvIub. ' i Miss Mary I'enliiRiir hint roiio to Newport to rest for it couplo of weeks before euterluR O, A, (3, MIhh I.oiiIho WIIIIiiiuhoii Ion I'll day for Kiiijeno where hIiu will ou ter the university, Mr. Paul ItobliiHon left thin week for Corvallls where ho will outer O. A. 0. Mrs, JnnieH T. Cochott of Wcqd was a Medford visitor this wcok, 0, M, BiirIIhIi has roho to MitRara, Nortli Dakota, on ft business trip. Capt. M. A. Illley of Urhnnn, Ills., Is Him Riiest of his diiiiRhter, Mm. il. T. Hubbard of Oak Knoll ranch. Mm. I,. II. Wukoman tins returned from llerkeley where she hits been to place her daiiRhter In school. Mr, ICd Andrews, who has been quite III with pneumonia In New York City, Is rouvitlescliiR. Mrs, F. A. Fell bus returned from Klamath Fulls whom sho hns been vIsltliiR her daughter. Dr. mid Mm, Itlckert hnvo had ns tholr Riiests Mr. ami Mrs. T. A. It. Lyiiimi of Hiithcrlnml, Dr. nml Mm. Hurt of Talent are receivliiR coiiRrntulatlous upon tho birth of n daughter. Mr. and Mm. Fred I.uwls have re turned to their homo at Wellen, aft er a trip to Denver. Mm, Fred Hopkins left Thursday for Iloi'lland whero tthu will ioiimIu suvernl weeks. Mm. (leorRu Traua who lias been vIsltliiR near llutto Creek hns re turned home. Mm. Orion McDonald nml children of WiiHliliiRtou uro vIsltliiR friends in Medford. J. M. FrothliiRhnm of McDowel, Col., Ih vIsltliiR Mr, and Mrs. 11. l Futtorson. Mm, II. T. Findley entortnlnod nt cards Friday .afternoon In compliment to her Riienls, Mm. Korcm and Miss Fltidluy of Now York Tliosu wlnnliiR honor worn Mes dmiies DfiRRott, Uetehcll and DoiIro The Riiests, IiohIiIih tho honor Riiests wero Mesilnuies A. K, lleamcs, OeorRO DnRRett, DoiIro, (lutbrlo, (lot chell, French, Flero, Conro Flcro and Miss I'utumn, To celebrnto their sixth nnnlversnry Dr. mid Mrs, Thaer entorlnlned Wi'ilmmdny ovenliiR ns Mm. A, U. I.ooiufs celebrates hor birthday on tlm sumo date, she assisted In entertain ItiR. ('ards mid danclriR formed tho amuxeuiont of tho evening. Those pres'uit wero Mr. nml Mm. Dozlnr, Mr. and Mrs, Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. I.oomls and Dr. nml Mrs, Thnyer. A recital will be held noxt week In the auiirtorlum of the IiIrIi school by the fnculty of the Medford Con servnlory. AtnoiiR Hiomj appwrlnR will be Mm. IM Andrews, soprnno soloist; Mr, Carlton .laticH, violinist, nml Mr. Oerurd Tallliinder, pianist. Adml-flou will bo by ticket only, which may be obtained from tho fac Tho StiiiKcl club entertained at luncheon nt tho Medford Hotel Hal unlay to honor Mm, Wilson nml Mrs. Itebec who will be nwny for tho win ter. AmoiiR those present wero Mes da in en HerrlnR, Itebec, Miller, .Inl ine r, (lofo, Hrnckcnrclil, Htono, Man nluK, Wilson, Itesch, A I. Hoppln, TIs dale nnd Miss Cordelia Uoffo. AmoiiR thoso who will attend tho Fulverslty nt Kurciic this year nro Misses Inn Cochrnn, Frnnccs Heath, Knthcrlno Deuel, Mildred OerlR. Mil dred Drown, Htith Lawrence, Louise Wllllnmson, Sulllvnn nnd Irene Sulli van, ICmcrson Merrick nnd Bdlson Mnrshnll. OeorRo nnd Ned Vllos nnd Paul McDonald will attend O. A. C. Mrs. W. F. Bhlelds entertained tho Lndlcn Aid of tho I'rcsbitcrlan church Tuesday afternoon at a porch party. This was tho first meetlnR of tho so ciety since the summer vacation and work was plnnned for tho coming yenr. Fifty Indies were present. . Mm, Chnrles Connor nnd Miss Doro thy Connor lenvo soon for a trip ntirond nnd will ho nwny nil winter. When they return they will occupy their houso which Is now being built on their orchard. The CoIIcro club will give a Col lege Tea this nftornoon on tho mez znultio floor of tho Medford Hotel. This will fnko tho placo of tho regu lar monthly meeting. Tho Christian Kndoavor of tho Presbyterian church hold n most en joyable lawn inrty nt the Mnnsc, .Monday oionlng when about forty at tended. Mrs. Alia way entertained her Sun tiny school clnss of bo)s most on Joynbly Wednesday at hor homo on Olson street with a dinner. tmmttmMM-m STATE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION MEETS HERE ON THURSDAY Thursday, Hept. 18, tho eighteenth annual meeting of tho Oregon Htnte Medical association will bo held at tho Page Theater, Medford. Dr. Pickel as chairman of the commlttco on re ception, has sent out special litera ture depleting tho resource of Med ford and the Itogtm river vnlloy and has received assurances from physi cians all over tho coast that they will bo present. Owners of automobiles aro re quested to uso their cars to rvo the visiting physicians a rido through tho tho valley from 8:30 to 10 o'clock Thursday morning. At 10:30 the convention opens with n business session. An nddross of welcomo wilt bo delivered by Dr. J. II. Truax of (rants Pass followed by a response by Dr. C. S. Whlto of Portland. Numerous papers will bo read by famous physicians from all ovor tho country on technical subjects, among them being ono by Dr. Picket on Nephritis. 1 AT J.VJJ.M Thm Beat Food -Drink Lunck mi Ftmimhtm Tho library lias received some vol umes on modem philosophy which liuve jtt-t been jiurclinscd by the Male library. The collection will be hero until early in November, and it in hoped Hint thoo who nro intcr- cMcd in the books of Hereon nod Kueketi will enjoy rending Ihem dur ing' the next few weeks. The titles nrc: Ilcrgoii Crcnlivo Evolution, Mat ter nml .Memory, Time nnd a Free Will. Cnrr Henry Dcrgson, llio Philos ophy of Chnnge. Kiickcn Christianity and tho Xctv liluli.-in. I.ife'H Hums nnd Lifo'rt Men!, Moaning- nnd Value of Life, Problem of Human Life ns Viewed by flrcnt Thinkers. Hoffdilig A Hrief Hictory of Modern Philosophy. Tunics On Some of Life's Mcnls, l'lunili.stie Universe, Pragmatism. Jones An interpretation of IJu- dolf hiiekcn's Philosophy; Euekcn, n Philosophy of Life. Lolfoy The New Philosophy of Henry Pergson. lfussel The Problems of Philos ophy. Sheldon- lliidolf Kuekcn's Mess age to Our Age. Slo-Miu Twelve Mnior Prophets of Todny. Solomon Dergson. PALMER WINNER OF PEAR AWARD AT FAIR Harry Schultz has returned 'to Mt. Angel whuro ho Is attending school, Mm, It, D, HouHtnn has boon en tertaining Mrs, Arthur Nowmiin of Itoxy. Mrs, 1 1, B, Buyitrt mid Miss Irene Plotuor hnvo' routrucd to Medford, Dr, M, M. Hull of BtiRouo has been tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. Seeley. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pnlin Imvo ro- iurnod from Pelican liny, Judge W, H. Crowell Is spending his vacation nt Newport. Miss Oortrudo Fay loft his week tor u visit In California, ' . Mrs. H. Von tier Hellen of Wellen Is spending n few days in Medford, tlm guest of her daughter, Mm. Bvnn- 8011. (IcorRo nnd Ned Vlhts entertained it fow frlendB nt dinner nt their homo Frldny, beforo leaving for college nt Corvullis. Misses Mildred Drown and Ornco M'lchell leivo this week for Corvnl- Us whero they will attend college. ' Mrs. C. 1). ltced nnd dnuglitcr, Miss Charlotte Heed, loft litis week for their home In Portland. Mr. Itutherford Kerr returns Sun day to California utter spending his vacation In Medford, ' Mr. J. F. Hutchnsoii of KoseburK, formerly of Medford, spent several days heru this week, i Mrs. J, Vllns lleckwlth leaves Mom day for tho east, whero she will re main Indefinitely. E. X. Palmer was tho winner of second price for best five vnrielies of pears nt tho county fair, nnd not K. X. Potter, ns printed in Friday's paper. The mislnko wns duo to ni iiiiilerxtniiilini; in telephoning the nwnrds. PRINCE OF MONACO ON WAY TO JOIN BUFFALO BILL I ! t CHICAGO, Sept. 13. -Tho Prince of Monneo wns here an hour todny on his wny lo Cody, W'yo., to join Puffalii Pill in n hunting trip. "I'm so tired I hnvo nolliing to sny," he told the reporters with n ynwn, "and if I hud anything to say Pin Ion tired lo sav it." Mr. Sam Olnscow left Wednesday Tor California whero hu Is ongnged In business, Mrs. B. Weaver of Decatur, Ills., Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs, S. S. Hmlth. Mlbs Phnobo Hnnco has returned from spending several mouths nt As Mrs, fluthrlo entertained this wool; with u luncheon for tho youngor sot. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Austin of Sent tlo aro visiting In Medford. Mr. Austin Corbln has returned from a trip to Now Yor,k. IF HEADACHY. DIZZY, BILIOUS, "CASGlEiy Your Liter Is Full of llllo; Dowels Clogged, Stomach Sour, Tongue Coittttl, ltrvntlt Dad ; Mrs. A., V,t II row n has from n visit In Astoria, rcturnod (let n 10-cont bo now. You'ro bltiotis! You havo a trob biug sensation In your head, a bad tnsto in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes; your lips nro parchod. No wonder you feel ugly, menu nnd 111 tempered. Your sys tem is full of bllo not properly passod off, and what you neod Is a cleaning up Inside. Don't continue being a bilious nusanco to yoursolt and thoso who lovo you, nnd don't resort to harsh physics that irrltato and injuro, Kemoiiibur thut most dlsordors of tho stomach, liver and bowels nro cured by morning with gontlo, thorough Cnscarots they work while you sleop, A 10-cont box from your druggist will koop your Hvor and bowols cloan; stomach sweet, and your head clear for months. Children love to take Cnscarots, because they tnsto good and never urine or sicken. insist Upon S HORLICK'S Avoid Imltatlons-Takn No Suhnttiutm Rich rnOt, mailed grain, in powder form. Mow litnltliful than tea of coffee. For infantj, invalid and growin children. Agrees tvitli tlio weakcij drction. Purcnutrition.upbuildingllicwliolcbody. Keep it on your tidchoard at liomc, Invigoratej nuribg mothers and the aged, A quick, lunch prepared in a ininuttf. IT THEATRE TONIGHT Vaudeville, Plioio Plays and SpceUtl Orchestra Music for Fair Week: "UNDER THE SHADOW OF THE LAW" ' "CAPTURED BY WIRELESS" "BIRDSEYE VIEW OF ROTTERDAM" "THE JONAS'" The Fair over, a last chance to sec it, dc and 10c only Sunday Matinee and Evening, 2:15 and 7:15 p. in.: "PATHE WEEKLY NO. 33' "SUBSTITUTE STENOGRAPHER" "HOBO AND HOBBLESKIRT, CONEY ISLAND" "AN INDIAN'S LOYALTY" ,. A Continuous Show. WALTERS AND CLAREMONT In their Spanish and Mexican Comedy Acts, three nights. All new "wardrobe aaidsongij. Each night change of program, JOc and 20c. Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, 7 p. m. Get Our Prices on What WOOD " You WillWant Tor tho Winter ' TIER, CORD AND CAR LOTS VALLEY FUEL CO. Successors to Ecichstciu. Cor. Fir and Second St. West. Tel. 76. SPICES ' DELICIOUS PUNGENT FRESH For Perfect Pickles Perfectly grown, cleanly milled spices of rich freshness and full aroma. Some iu bulk, some in packages; none better. MEDFORD PHARMACY PHONE 10. Free Delivery. , 'ti' MAIL-TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED WANT ADS ARE READ BY m ALL OF THE PEOPLE rr'll J .1 tW- midMrru.: ,'.4&'um.-' "- ,, 1 : 'U t ... u ! I , 'Vh v - -- w-r' wwaWZMsM Yi