in ' ' J S WTDDTORTT MATH TRfRTOT), MEDFOTtD, ORKflOtf, FRIDAY, SKPTIUMHRR 12, 10KJ. PXGETW15, T)ie Vpnder Is They Let Jeff Get Away With It v tna n Ik .. i u .1 l. ,. i ll lili s n f ' '" f "J ' t$ iff-U w(i .'1 , 1 , l ' 'rt I A f Tl&.Yo-J CAN'T (MA6IN6 0W50RRM t(V j Wwta kg (sfcemy. knoux that i OSnt W.rv.e tug Aieo-iori v0i nro for NMmiS" I nrf rf--r- IV4V Ul1 I 1" I fiJT TV A4 T '' SOFT MGW."VGT5 I ! ." Hi T. THta Jgy M Q li jzsxten- . 'ssshms f a. cv.rx'Jiv umk . a . By "Bud" Fis)ei,Vfs Hi ' ' -i-' '-I'M ihiir"rS''i? f- jcr isSS... - -ry;y3stgfc:. SIR, I'M IXlUPCr f"ANGr) AEiOUT THib tunc AMD will. Co Tkc- BesT r can id RepcLeTHG-ixxr, Tnece's no weei 60 Mb TO COO PT . Hg R&' S 'SO fOK- TUG t)06. a ! i ( OH, THAT '3 ALL R-lGjHT . V'S JOST Taking hin Down THG R.OAD TO SHOOT ? ? V . yvTl r 3v .r -1- --.- - i u r -w-- m ! i . i .,. iLBJi " .r uwi. v -.sTsa- n&Z ' . . t V CENTRAL POINT POINTERS 1 Itulpli mill llib'rl IIoIiiumiiukIi' ii lincliH-HX trip to Ho'H'IdirK Tiii'mImv. .Miiix Fay (Initio, who Iiiim licrn KiMiiliiij; lln xiiintniT Milli iilatiM'M in Mnryilli'f CiibfuTiiiii, Iiiin re Innicil lure ami uil jrinmii iluriiiK lli wliilVr. Tin- tiuliiiM iii1 of lint M. I!. I'lmri'li nut,, ilcliulil fully I'liliTliiiiuil ut llu liitiii1 of Mrn. Ilnwi'll mi lli'itll Unit W'ctliHWiliiy iifU'rimon. On nf Iho III ru't ITIIWiIh lllllt llUM I'VIT lll'l'll In lli' 1'iijoynlilu nffiiirx M'ii llicri' ami all r'Mrl Hti'inliiiu' iimi'i I'lijuuiMo ami- pleaHutil utli'immn. Yariiititi iiiiu'h rc imliili;'"! in anil an ii.M'i'llt'iit iirncniin wiih ri'inloiri), nl'lcr wliicli n tlrlii'iniiH lunch i'hii hilin); nf in uronni ami nik f v rry varioly ami apix'tixiiii,' Kiml nrxi'il. Tln Iu).1'j.m, iln-t. Ilnwi'll, wmk auMinlcil in HiIh Hiii'tM'XMfnl ami jiiiiincitlliy o ,nl hy Mrx. II. 0. I'alnT, Mr. I.ullli ami Mrn. Carrit iliinirii'lc, Tin'' lailirH, wlm itrt)M,l llii'iiiHiltN hiicli ilrliglilfnl t'ilcrlain ith, ran not icl (no iniicli rnilll ami jirni"'. The youni; Iriilict of Hip l'rhhy Icriiui churi'li in.'! al lln Ihiiiii f .Minn A4ii" Dnnlnp in IliU ciy rily Tlinilay oxoniiij? ami h'nl n vry itanriiiut pvcniiiir. Tliu ju'en himi wan kIvpii n a farowrll iarly to Minn Dnnlni) win) li'nvcs hlimtly fur Kiikimu' wlirro hIii will allcml llu nniviTrtlly for tin minim,' year. Mi Diinlai uil) jii) mnrli niiMi'il tunnnix Hip viiiinp'r net ami it in with " fnnt (li'iil iif rojrrcl J)ml llioy hcv lior jro. Him li n i'litiniiliir yilinik' if) I'l"'1'" jianl ami nrTivo' anil tin lilil anil H'nil nf ' very piml inownuMit in llu I'lly. Ilr many frinulf wlli licr liuiVli Hiii'rcHH am proiChS in JkT university lilV. (Icnip. Ii. r;nl, w-alor Hiipenn imlanl, Iiiih icluriu'il fnnn n iniinlliV nntiiiK in llu inniintaiiiH. Mr. Kuril WHY? I; ' K horo u a lmrila u Hoal Ea Intn lu any ilntrlct tho ronl oBtnto limn thoro wlio lnm boon u llvo wont Icnuwa of It. It bo liuowa ynluoB Ii ml Ih oxiiorloncod In tbo bualnoB lio cun biivo hla ciiBtmnorB tlmo uml pionoy. To know Uo bopt buy putl l"vo t fiptlqunl nt tho bottom prlrp In my (itock in trndo. Sntlaflort cnatouord n my jmld-iji) biiHlnoas jiolloy. Wlmt jmvo you to oxcIjuiibo? Watch my nillotu bonril In front of tlo Flret Katloual Imnk uhd boo mo. ' " f .p. )Mfl ) l'hono 120-J. IHrst Notional nnuk bldg, mim ari'iiiniinii'il limnc liy hi father who will remain with hit -on for Home (inn). .lolin (Iriexc of l'rii'i'l hpolit the lulilillo of tho week her. 'lie limm! of inhlio woiI:h arc liming Home iui)roemiuta mudc on tin roaiU on Fourth htreel. Mr. Dnnlap ami ilaihterK hpeut WciltiPitlny nflernoon in Meilfonl. mm llouil ('iiiul of tlio WihmIihiii of (lie M'orlil Jo Vlt )lKorl IoJfi)nl Camp No. 00, Woo J men of tho W'orhl will rIvo n roroptlon In honor of llenil Consul I. ). Honk, Sat urday nlRht, Scnlcuibnr 1.1, nt K o'clork lu tho I. O. O. K, ball No. 2t9 Yt Sixth Btrot. NVlKlibor Honk will kIvo an Intorcntlni; lorturo ex pliilfiltiK tint n I in a nnd i qlijocli of Wooilcrnft. This will bo follow oil by a rlntiN Inttlntlon nnd bnnquot. Kvery Wood nmn In roquctitcd to bo prcsnnt, and If ponnlbtu, brlni; a proipcrtlvo inombor, nnd tboroby nsulnt In innk Iiik HiIh meotlnK a IhnroiiRh nucrcM. I'leiiHo do not fall to romo, W. . JACKSON, Clerk Cnmp No. 90. NOTIRK. Notlco Ig hnroby clvon tho un domiciled will npjily to tho rlty coun cil of tlio city of Medford, OroKon, nt ltn noxt rcKulnr meotliiK, Soptom lior ICtb. 19 1U. for n llronno to soli mult, vinous nnd splrlloua lliiuora nt lllri IllllCO or IIUBlllOBH, NO. 13 HOUin Front utroot, Medford, OroKon, for n period of hIx inontlis. Dated Sept. nth, 1913. c. i,. ki:kd. Noyjci:. Notlco Ih hnroby Rlvon Hint tbo Worth While Modem )ln)Ho, 5 mourn, pnntry, bath, tollot, hotwator tank, serpen jiorcii nml two opon porchoH, lot DOx 10K; pnvlnK. sowor, wntor nnd tnxoa nil 1'AIP JN FUIX. (Pnvn nlono cotit Isrtl.RO.) Four blockH from Mnln nnd Contrnl. 1'rlco only 17no. 1IF.NNK1T INVUHTIKNT CO. NEW TODAY KO acroa, four rojoni, comfortnblo hoiiBO, bam, plenty of fruit nnd vntor n cood foothill homo, closo to Mod ford. fl7CQ.0Q. A dnndy ranch In tho honrt of Iho vulloy would oxcluuiHo for n Jowolry stock, profprH Southern California. H.OOD.OOy, TIiIb Ih u Reed oijo. SO ncroa of flno' four yoar od poms, bou'oHiIuk cholep nod (jnly tsOO.Q.Q un noro. O, 1. 1100N Itoom 1i! JackNon County Hunk llldt;. uuderilKncd will apply at tho regu lar meeting of tho city council Sep tember JC, 1913, for a llccimo to soil limit, uplrltunus and vlnouR liquors nt tli Hotel Meilfonl, lots 1C, 17, IS, block 78, for n period of six months. JIOTKIi MEprOllD. Dptod September C, 1913. roll iti:.T iuiiMsm:i uooms For ItKNT Modern furnished bouso. M. A. Under, GO North Orancu street. I'Olt ffAl.1V itotrsixs FOIl.SALi: Houso nnd lot. chicken Iioiibo and yard, lawn.. nnd carden. 737 W. Hth St., phono 1019-M. 't 155 r roit im:nt rijtxi.siii:n aits. FOIlUKNT Fupliu'd"apar7innT Tbo llerben, 10 Qnlnro St. FOIt ItKNT Knrso slecpInK rooms, nud modern housekeeping npnrt nieuts, (trices very rcasonnble. IM10110 102C-L. 223 South Holly street. l'OH ItKNT HOL'HKKKKtMNa HOOMS FoITuKNT Desirable npnrtmont."n rooniB, modern. Inqulru Col. H. II, SurKont. 1GC -- r . - j3r-3rr KOIt ItK.M !UIUS1 FOH ItKNT -Smnlt houso furnlahed on Woodstock St.. rout reasonable. Seo J. W. llerrlnn or Dr. Seoloy. 151 FOIt ItKNT At r.17 South Nowtown. strictly anodorn 7 rooms, hunt wood floora, flro place, basement and furnace, gas nud parage. Apply at 723 West 13th. 150 FOIt ItKNT -Well furnished 5 room buiiBnlow. Call niornlngrf. 4-2 South laurel St. FOIt ItKNT OH 8AI.K Four-room houso nud good garden tact, now lu truck nud fruit. M. A. Under. F()lt ItKNT n room furnished Iioiibo, water rent paid. 5lS King street. FOR JtKNT SJx room modern bun galow, slpoplug porch, east front, eloao In, strictly first class Owner 31S Laurel St. 1&4 FPU UKNT Strictly inodorn (J room houso, paved atroet, ?1Q. l'hono 1048-M. HH FOIt ItKNT Two 7 room houses on paved atroot, water pain, ?.lu per mouth, App)y at 501 Deatty St., nro C o'clock. 140 FOH ItKNT So on room Iiouro, $13.50 per month. Inqulro Col. H. II. Sargent. 171 FOR RKNT Furnlahod nnd unfur ulHhod houses, J, (. Unries. lHt Nuti Hank dg., pjiouo 130-J. 1 . . p f yf , yTT -'" - -.t."::" FOH HKNIN OFKIOK9 FOR nUN" Largo, comfortable of flco rooms with elevator service, Btcani bqut, hot and cold watQr. t,ow rntoa. Apply Medford Furnl uro ft HdwCo. " " " F.OK ftKNT MIB.O;:;tTj.N.r.OlJS FOR HUNT Oqod jt''P' bptwoon tho two Tablo Rookti? Inquire of Den nis Duggan, Contrnl Point! on H. F. 1), No. 2, box li. 151 l'OH HAMS MlhCni,l,ANKOU8 FOR SAU: A sixowroJd nillkcow.' Price reasonable. Call at 1014 Knxt Kteventb. 150 FOR SALK Fresh cow, 5 years old. Call phono 599. 151 FOR SALK 1913 Overland 30 h. p. five pnssongcr. Run less than 5000 miles. P. O. box 491. 153 FOR SALK Four Phllo Colony Coops In good condition at n bar gain, 423 South Newtown street. Phono 50S-W. 150 FOR SALK Kxtrn good fresh cows nnd calves.. Walsh's ranch on Spring street, nillo out North Roosevelt meuue. 153 FOR SALK Registered Angora gonts from prize winning stock. W. K. Hnmmol. Kaglu Point. 152 FOR SALK Young registered Hol stolns, either male or female M. F. Loosley, Fort Klamath, Oregon." 152 FOR SALK Reed spring wagon equipped for ramping. James (Iregg, 100 Almond street. 151 FOR SALK Poar nnd apple trees, homo grown, from best bearing stock lu valley, prices right for high grndo stock. Seo your treo grow ing boforo buying. Lotta & Hop kins, '.-4 mllo north Dear crook brtdgos, Central Point. 149 FOR SALK Flvo passenger Ford car, good condition, cheap It taken at once. Phono 1025-J or call 34 So. Fir. 149 FOR SALK Large wagon nnd harness. II. II. Sargent. team, heavy Inquire Col. 1CU FOR SALK Sheep, 5 head of, bucks and 0110 windmill. Polk Hull, Medford, Oregon, H. F. D. No. 1. 150 FOR SALK 1.0080 loaf ledger sys toms, nuy style 01 rondo to order by tbo' Mnll Trlbuno bindery. FOR SALE Lottor heads and Taney stationery, printed, engraved or ontbossod, as you wish at the Mali Tribune 11USINKSS oiwoHruxmr.s FOR SALK Oood business for B.1I0 chonp. Paying $300 monthly, a in nil capital. An excellent proposition for some ono. Seo Wood & Mess no r. FOR SALK A first class stock of hnrnesa, all now f but J will sell dur ing tbo uot ten duys at 10 per cent loan than cost, na I wls'i to closo out the business. All klmU of hnr uoss, saddles, shappB, and ovory thing In tho cow boy )lno. In tbo old Modul Variety storo building, Kagln Point, Oregon, Sopt. 10, 1913. T, L. Teunnell. 14U r: nrmr..",,:: .: ,:,, ,,: it 11KI4 WANTWW ?IALH WANTED Man Phono C27-X. for g'nrdeu work, 119 HELP WANTKD FiaiALK WANTED At onco girls for the Dag loy Canning company. Apply to Mr. Ames, Talent. Oro. WANTED Hellablo girl for general homework. Mrs. French, 22 Rose Ave. 150 WANTED School girl to work for board, l'hono S1C-X. 150 HUSINKSS DIRECTORY Auctioneer WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Mcdford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phono 1C1-J. Office Jack son County Bank building. WANTED Olrl for housowork. Phono CU-R-3 or address box 9S-A H. F. D. No. 1. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MBALKY Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Mcdford National Dank bldg. WANTED MISCUMjAX HOU8 WANTED To'borrow-" $8000 on' af falfa land near Mcdford by October 15. Address "U" caro Mall Tri WANTED Will tho party that bor rowed my IS Inch monkey wrench, plcaso return It and oblige. A. L. Vroman. 151 WANTED To purcbaso two or threo good work horses. Address box 120, Eaglo Point. Oro. 152 WANTED A furnished room and bnth In a private house some where nenr Hotel Medford. Address box 17, Mall Trlbuno. 150 WANTED To buy small two pass gor runabout. P. O. box 491. 153 WANTED Properties horo to ex change for Washington nud U. C. property. Clnrk Realty Co. 150 FOH KXC11AMR FOR EXCHANGE A good paylug business -to exchange for close in acreage or Improved city property, value $3500. A. D. C caro Mail Tribune. FOR TRADE Extra good wagon for cord wood. Cnuury fop sale. Phone 100-J. )5 LOST STRAYED A medium sized blnck initio wearing tmlter and branded "V". Information regarding his recovery will bo paid for by W. It. Stokes, Eagle Point road, phouo C7-J-I. FOUND FOl'ND Automobllo rim. Qwner ma hnve hiimo by cnlllng nt this offlco nnd palng for this notice. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On city, and closo In ranch property, 0. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phouo 3C8. Hl'Sl.NKSS DIRECTORY Uaruugr QARdAQE Got vour premlsei cleaned up for tb winter, call on tho city garbajo wagons for good sorvlco. Phone 625-L. F Y. Allon. " Notary Public HELEN N.YqCKEY Notary pub "ijc.' D'rlng your work o wo a( the vlp of tho Mall Tribune. ' A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnetl Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Mcdford. Ore. Wo. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIG & ROUERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Dank nulldtntc. D. F, MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Hank Building. Auto Sruppllnt. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in making springs Is the tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs whon others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland. Ore. Accountants D. It. WOOD Gonoral Accountant Your books audited and kept for s roasonablo figure; your business solicited. Office, Mcdford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phono 6C1; resi dence bon C34. Chiropractor DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor nervo specialist. Rooms 203-204 205 Garnett-Coroy bjdg. Vapoi baths and scientific masbage glveu; needlo spray, head aud shoulder shower lu connection; advice In dietetics, medical gymuastlcs, bydropthorapy. Lady attendant. Phone, offlco 945, resldenco 571-R 3H. A. H. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E Hedges MecliaiiQ-ThorapIsts, Chlro praetors, Spondylothornplsts. These Bystems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-thqrnphy, etc., produce results lu both ncute aud chronlu diseases. Consultu Hon frco. Ovor Deuol & Co., cor ner Main aud liartlett. Hours 9 a. 111. to 5 p. m. Othnr hours by appointment. Phono 170. Cleaners TAPAVI'Sn PRESSING PARLORS Steam nnd dry cleaning nnd dye work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil wotk. Gents' suits pressod. Special nttontlou to ladies' silks, lucos and gloves. Goods callod tor nnd dollvorod. 114 N. Front St. Phouo 125. 153 Laundry SAM WINO CO. Has purchased the Woo Leo laundry altuatod at 123 S. Riverside and will conduct the business hereafter. Washings callod for nud delivered. Prices roasonablo. ' 155 UUSIXKSS DIRECTORY Dentists V m 'm-mW-mm9mmmmmmmmmWtmmmmmmmmml DR- W. M. VAN RfiOVnt? DR C. C. VAN SCOyOC Dentists Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310. Mcdford. Oro. Phone 85. Printers nnd PubllAners MEDFORD PRINflNO CO. baa the' best equipped printing office Ip southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North FlrSL Physicians and burgeons DR. F. 6. UAHLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAHLQW Osteopatblo physicians, 410-417 Carnott-Corey bldg.. phone 103C-L. Residence 2G South Laurel St. ' DR. S. A. LOCKAYOOD PnytlcUa and surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. M. D, Practice limited to diseases' ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, oftco 814-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. PracHco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St.. Hours 8! 30 n. in. to 8 p. m. Phono. E. B. PICKEL. M. D. Office Jack son County Hunk bldg. Office phone 43-R; resldenco phono 58-R. DR. MARIQN JliyslcIoD and sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Main and Bartlett sts.; office pbono 27. residence phonq 27J2. 904 West lQth. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physl clan aud surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J, DR. H. W. CLANOY Physlclnn anil surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 724-J. qtflco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. y. W. HOWARD Osteopatblo physician, 303 Garuett - Corey, building. Phouo 804-M. R. J, CQNROY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon, Ovor lutcblson & Luius deu, 215 E. Main St. Phono 77. Stetiogrnptiers ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dqnq quickly und well. Trunster EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. -Offlco 16 South Fir St. phone 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed Trained Nurno TRAINED NURSE Miss Nolllo Lora- inasson, rpsluenco 7.1a west lltn St. Phqno 557-IL 164 Veterinary Surgeon J)R. MURRAY. VEfEHINAHV Wr GEON, graduato of the Araeieaa Votorluary College. N. :.Y) City, Offlco Niieh Livery' Stable," PkoM 173, " y -A(V ' v As'-