7W- PAQTSFOtTRj ftrEflFOftP MATE TRTBUNW. MEPFOTCD, ORttOON, WHIMY, RKPTKM1WR 1!2. Hill?. fti i. WEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE 4AN Wniil'KNnKNT NUWSPAI'nil I'Uin-iHiiKi) nvnnv aftkiikoon IMCt'KI'T SUMMIT JIT Till Muuronu phintinq co. Tho Democratic Time, Tlio M ml ford Mall, Tho Mmlfonl Tritiums Tho South ern Orcr.onlnn, Tho Ashland Trlnuno. -Offlcn Mall Trlhuna llulldlnR. S5-:;-29 North Kir ntrcct; telephone 7. Official 1'nncr of the City of Mcitford. Official Paper of JacUaon County. arcOHOn PUTNAM, Editor and Manager Kntcrctl as nccoml-ela matter nt Med ford. OrrRon, under the net of March 3, 1879. OUllBCniPTION RATES. One, year, by mall ............... ..f 5.00 One month, by ninll. ........ .. .50 Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville and Con trol Point ... -.... . 50 Hnturdnv only, by mall. ter year.... 5 Pfl Woi-kly, per year -..- l.SO BWORJT OISCUI.ATIOK. J)nlly nveroRo for elcen months end ing November SO, 1911, 1TS1. Tho Mnll Tribune l on sale nt the Forry News 8tnnd, Ran rranclnco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland Portland Nwa Ca, Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. Heattle, Wash Full Xtaird Wire United Tttta Dlipatchti. MMrOSD, OBEOON. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastest Krowlnir rlty In Oregon. Population U. S, census 1910 SSIO: tiMlnmted. 191110.000 . Vivo hundcrd thousand dollar Gravity Valrr System completed. Kiting finest supply pure, mountain water, and 17.S miles of streets paved Postorfice receipts for year enrtlnc November 10, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. Itanner fruit elty In Oregon nouue Itlver SpltienberK apples won sweep stakes price nnd title of "Applt xtnjr of ths World" at tho National Apple Show, Spokane, J 909, nnd a car of Newtown won Tlrst Prix In 1910 nt Canadian International Apple Show', Vnncouer. n C. rirtt Prlxo In 1911 At Spokano Notional Apple Show won by carload lot of Newtown. . Itniruo lllver ne.tr s hntucht hlchet ricps in nil mantels or uto woriu uur- LA FOLLETTE nrl Inj ng tho past six years. BAK 10 SPEAK AT A THEATRE SENATOR LA FOLLUTTU of Wisconsin has (ho eour age of his eonvietions. For years ho has battled for the right, as Clod gave it to him to soo tho right, and ho is still on tho firing lino. La Pollette proved himself a progressive in the broad est sense of the word when ho left partisanship behind and voted for the democratic tariff bill not because it is a perfect measure or that ho agrees with all of its provis ions, but that it is a move in the right direction, and an honest effort by a progressive administration to reform abuses that have robbed the many and enriched the few. Only a man of superlative courage would have repudi ated party and defied party loaders, would have carried out tiie dictates of his conscience and voted for a measure because it was right, regardless of its origin. La Follotto issuch a man, a leader in advance of his time, leading the people out of partisan bondage and into political inde pendence. Republican papers are busy reading La Follotto out of tho party. Years ago the beneficiaries of special privi lege, captained by the millionaire timber thieves of Wis consin, read him out of the party. "Wisconsin then thrice elected lum governor and twice senator. fetiU later, re publican senators road him out, ostracized and insulted him by leaving 'the senate whenever he spoke. Rut he carried a vital message, the people heard and responded. lib remained in the party and in office, while those who read La luulette out ot the party were read out ol oil ice. and the party organization smashed by tho people. The people believe in a leader with courage enough to fight for the right. The chains of partisanship, which have weighed heavily, are hourly snapping as the dream of political freedom' becomes reality. Partisanship no longer conjures. The label no longer counts, but by their deeds are public men judged. La Follette has raised himself higher in the estimation of the people by his action on the tariff than ever before. He is the real progressive leader of the senate. Reside him, most others are time-servers and trimmers. CROWDS ENJOY BULLDO IN AT PENDLETON SHOW Jackson County's Road Bonds Tlio Woodmen of tho World have secured tho Page Theater for tho Boak lecturo .tomorrow night. Tho inHnagcniont of tho theater will pro vide a regular moving picture show as a part of tho program, which will bo interspersed by orchestra and music. Thcro will bo no charge all abso lutely frco. Woodmen plcaso noto tho chango in placo of meeting. Tho general public Is Invited, OREGON BLUE BOOK F0RJ613-14 ISSUED Secretary of Stnto H. W. Oleott 'linn -just )til)Ii-liel tho Oregon blue book of 1013-10M. It contain a brief historical sketch of the Mute by 1'rofcror Joseph Sehnfer of the department of hixtory of the Univcr sii' of Oregon, the Oregon constitu tion, niimcK of tho vnrions state, dis trict nntl county officers, ns well ns a ntntement of the functions of the Huvernl stnto officers, departments, inhtitutioiiH, boards and commissions. Federal departments represented in thin ntate arc also included therein, iiff well nx information respecting tho appropriations liv tho Inst legisla ture, summary of taxable property intOregon, registrations 1912, vote for htnto officers 11)12, measures submitted under (lie initiative and referendum since tho adoption there of, in 1002, political subdivisions or districts, population, and many other matters of general interest. fcopics will be mailed without cliiirgo to such persons as may re ttu.vt tlio same. IMPORT CAT! LE FROM CRESCENT CITY COUNTRY (From tho Portland Journal.) Jackson county by a substantial majority voted $300,000 good roads bondrf Tuesday. Tho economic value of improved highways which will be efficient tuclvc months in the year is no longer questioned. The science of road building ! fully developed. The only issue now confronting Oregon is raising the money for actual con traction. Jackson county has shown how that issue may be met. The Jackson example is valuable to the entire-state; It proves tlint when tho question of good or bad road" is placed squarely before the people they will decide in favor of high ways which will meet .the demands of traffic. Jackson county showed sound btisinets sense in voting the bond's. It is good business for nny going concern to borrow money nnd use it for increasing the profits. Thnt is wlint Jackson county is doing. That county's fifty-three miles of im proved highway will pay dividends to Jackson county peoulo as surely n well constructed rondbeds pay divi dends to railroads. The fanner snves through good roads in exactly the same manner thnt railroads save through easy grades nnd well bal lasted tracks. The .-JoOO.OOO boieK to be issued by Jack-on county will be n technical indebtedness, for the roads will pay for themselves by increasing the earning power of every farm nnd every industry tributary to them une-mii! 01 tite liomis win come due in ten years, and by that time the fiftv-thrce miles of highway will have a credit balance far in excess of $100,000. There will be n tre mendous saving in hauling cost, nnd this saving will bo reflected by in creased laud values. Hut Jackson county will benefit doubly through its good roads pro gram. Tluilding of the roads insures 11 cement plant in that country. This itiMnstry is mnde possible by the election's result. Cement used in Jackson county ronds will be manu factured in Jackson county, and with this immediate innrkrt for its product the cement plant will be nblc to establish ttelf and compete for outside business. The Jackson enmity vlrrs have passed through the talking stage. Thcv hnvp solved the finnncing problem. They will soon reach the construction period and .then will come the profit-taking time. Other Oregon counties should profit by Jackson's example. 1M:N1)I.KT0N, Ore., Sept. 12. With tlionikuultt nf laltom already In tho elty, other thousands arrived to day to marvel nt tho skill aud darlnc ot tho riders participating In the Kouud-l'p, rciitlleton's annual Wild West show. I'eritnp tho most uncUIiir of yes- terdav's events was tho Indian relay race, with Its riot ot colors as tho pontes struggled with their mounts over tho mile course. Johnson Chap man was tho wlnuer, with huelnu Williams second nnd Gilbert Mlnthorn third. White Itorso was thrown earty In tho contest. The steer roping contest was a vic tory for the steers, none of the cow boys being able to encircle the horns of the wily animals with their Inr tats. The steer bulldogglng routcst wns exciting but tlio anlmalH proved ton much for tho cowboys. Four tried their skill and prowess but uono suc ceeded. Thero wero ninny splendid exhibi tions of fancy roping, wild horso rid ing nnd other frontier feats. ACCUSED LANDIS OF CRIMINAL PLOT BYCHICAGO LAWYER t'HICACIO, Sept. 12. Charges or criminal conspiracy are on file bote today in the I'nlted States court against Federal Judge K". M. ,uu dis, Assistant District Attorney Ml wood (1. (loduian and Unity l hnr Mu and li. ('. Silver. The complain ant n Attorney llyumit Kpiteitt. I'.pstem's charm's aie based 011 affidavits by .Max (leiber, a convict nt Fort Leavenworth, made while l!p stein was serving a fifteen months' sentence for perjury, committed lie fort1 Judge l.undis. Kpstein charges that he was sent to prison on the strength of a conspiracy framed by Judge Liudis, the two government uttorneys and Silver nnd his wife. Kptteiu represented Silver in bank ruptcy proceedings, and Silver later confessed to perjury, his testimony re-ulting in Kpsteiu being scut to the peuiteuliaty. Julia Sanderson has commenced her second season In "Tho Sunshine lllrl." If THEATRE TONIGHT Vaudeville, I'hoio Plays and Special Orchestra .Music I'm' Kale Week: "TAPPED WIRES," Special FoiUuro An up.to.dato Drnnm, "THE LATE MR, JONES" Frank Moore returned Friday ev ening from 11 seven weeks' trip up nnd down tho criint country from Crescent City north, bringing with liiih 140 head of dairy cattle which licjuxpet'ts to dispose of in this re gion, no ptirciin- hi tliein in Lurry county about Chetco and in the Biuitlt river country. Tho entile wore driven from Cie-cent City to Grants Pass and up the Applognte toIaoksonville. Air. Jlonro was as sisted in bringing them to Ashlnnd byJXJrnnrillo Goings, Fied (Inner niiil Freedom 1'Juisled. wr. Mooro repoits tho country quife dry along the road and forage for tho cnttlo so f-carco that it was necessary to feed (hem along the way except 0110 day. Ashland Jfecord. PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZER AMEDFtfRD VISITOR 't, . Miss Alice Carpenter, n prominent Progrcs.-ivo party organizer mid speaker, who is making n tour of the west under the direction of tlio Pro- m MM F RICHMOND SAX FHANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 12. Hacked by Pittsburg, Los Angeles and San Francisco capital, tho Ran kin Process company of California to day has acquired fifteen acres of waterfront property near Richmond and will at onco build a plant for the recovery of by-products In ore. Tho Investment, it is said, ultimately will amount to millions. The establishment ot tho plant marks another period In tho fight be tween tho company and tho Guggon helms, a fight begun in Colorado, and means the shipment of a tremendous amount of oro from Idaho, Nevada, Arizona nnd California to tho plant, wlicro It iB to bo treated for tho re covery of its by products. iCsivo national committee, will be in 'Medford Friday nfleruooii, Sep tember V-'th, and Saturday. .Jfiss Carpenter is a resident of Ilnstnii, Moss., and is a highly edu cated woman. BIio enjoys the con-Utood for conviction hnd changed to fidciico of tlio Progressive lenders. tho ncmuttul &ldo, JURY TRYING HUE UNABLE TO AGREE GRANTS PASS, Sept. 12. Tho jury that was deliberating upon the verdict in tho trial of (Jharles I login for alleged perjury was discharged this morning without having arrived nt n veidict, the discharge coining because of tho death of 11 child of George. W. Meek of Muiphy, one of tho jurors. The jury had been out all night, but could not ngreo upon n vol diet. It is understood thai on tho first ballot tho vote was evenly divided ns between conviction nnd ncipiittal, the last ballot taken show ing that threo of thoso who had first LOVETT SILENT ON E ONI PA IM LON NEW YORK, Sept. 12. Robert S. Lovctt, ehnirrnan of the board of di rectors, would not say 11 thing today following ye-terday's Union Pacific directors' meeting, concerning ,tlic disposition of the proceeds of the salo of Southern Pacifio stock, ex cept tlint the money on hand amounts to approximately .$(18,000,(100, and that it will not bo tied up in invest ments for nny great length of time. W. F. Dull was appointed ns-istant secretary of tho Southern Pacific nnd the Loiiininiin Wv-tern railroads, succeeding Joseph Ilellcn, lesigned, and If. V. Clark was elected u di rector of the Oregon-Washington Rnilrond cV Navigation company, succeeding Julius Krultsehnitt. GREAT LAKES VESSELS WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. Charges by William Hurgle.-s of Chi cago, secretary of the American Vig ilance Hs'-nciatiou, that women tire carried 011 many ve-.-els on the Gieat Lakes, "ostensibly a- -tewaide cs, but really for immoral purpo-es," wore declared baeles in a report made public by the department of commerce today. "In marine ilisnterV' the report added, "women ns a rule show cour age, sclf-xi-MSMon, .self-reliance mid obedience. Atmoit without ex ception dipluys-of cowardice nnd unrestrained mauifc-tations of the instinct of sclf-pro-cnntion uomo from men." WHERE TO GO TONIGHT 1 AlY THEATRE TODAY ANOTHER AUTOMOBILE TRAGEDY AT BAY CITY SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Sept. 12. Another automobile tragedy is on record today as the re-ult of the kill ing here la-t night of Mr. Susie Hendel by it limousine owned and driven by Lawrence Frugoli. Death was in-tuntancou,?. Although witnesses say Frugoli was driving slowly and that Mrs. Heiidle, who was denf, stepped di rectly in front of the machine, lie was arrested on n manslaughter charge. Mrs. Mendel was 70 enrs of age. U! L PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 12. Portland emeiged today from tho "juytow'n" elasH tluuiigh tho ap pointment of Mis. J, C, Murray as 11 special policewoman. She will wear 11 real star, but no uniform. Inci dentally, she receive no salary. Mrs. Murray will bo known us city dance censor and hor principal duty will bo to proven t rag dances in any form. Patrolman J. D. Flack lias been acting ns cenfeor, but tho dancers ob jected to having tho husky bluecont "flatfooting'' tibout the ballroom floors, . . !., eat cabbage, fish sausageTnew bread No Indigestion, dun. Sourness or Up set .Stomach If You'll Take "l'aiKi's lllnK'p-lu" Try Tills Do Bonio foods you oat hit back taste good, but work bndly; ferment Into, stubborn lumps nnd. cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr, or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot UiIh dewn: I'apo'a Dlapepsln dlgestH everything, leaving nothing to sour nnd upset you. There nover was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective No difference how badly your stom ach Is disordered you will get happy rellof In fvo mlautos, but wlint pleascB you most Is that It strengthens and regulates your stomach so you can eat your favorite, foods without fear. Most romedlos glvo you relief Home times they uro slow, but not sure. ' I'apo's Dlopnpsln" is quick, positive mid puts your stomach in n healthy condition ao tho mUory won't coino back. You fool different bh soon as "Papo's Dlapopslu" comes In contact with the stomach distress Just van ishes your stomach gotB Hvvcot, no eases, no belching, no eructations of undigested food, your head clours nnd you feel fine. Go now, make tho best Investment you ovor made, by getting a largo fifty-cent caso of Papo'H Dlapopslu from any drug storo. You roallzo In five minutes how noedloss It Is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dlsordor. "MATING" A story of tho prehistoric times. AMMATKD WDKKI.Y Always Interesting CLAltA AND DDK WOMlKltl'UI, TOYS Farco Comedy Wootuortli Ai Woolworlli Music and effects Always 10c ISIS I'lllllOplllJN THEATRE l'rlduy ami Snturtbty PiV L sVv V 4 VrR A Continuous Pliow. WALTERS AND OLAREMONT n their Spanish and Mcit,au Comedy AoUi, threo HiL'liiy. All new wardrobe and soiipt. .Mach uiirhl chantro of proirram, H)e and '120c. Thursday, J'Viday and .Sat unlay Nights, 7 I'. .M. (lot Our .Prices on What WOOD You Will Want for the Winter TIER, CORD AND OAR LOTS VALLEY FUEL CO. Successors to Weichstein. Cor. Fir and Second St. West. Tel. 70. rrm ham: on ucnt Sinner Machines and $2000 Insur ance, accident and slcknomi policies for working men aud women, 5.00 a year, no csiossmcnU. Ul!7 So, Holly St. Phone HilUX Tin: picinci: of kvid Vltagrnph Special Feature In 2 Parts DOMiY VAItOK.V Ddlsou Drama (iUNOA, tlio POUT OP 1TAIA Scenic JIOIWI! ST. .MICIIAD'i Patho Afternoons ami I.'vcnlngs ADMISSION n-IO CKNTH Miislo l.'ffctts John A. Perl Undertaker Lndy Assistant. 2h h. Tt.utTiiirrr Phones M, 47 mid 17-J-fl Ambulance Surrlco Deputy Coroner LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING COLONIAL FLATS Thoroughly modern rooms renting from 8.00 to $10.00 per month Bathroom aud laundry Accommodations Gas and Electric Lights Everything Furnished Except Eats 217 Jtlvorsido So, Phone 000-L Draperies W carry a very complM lln of draiwrlpit, leco onrfnlin, flxlurr. qlc ami do nil clunnrx of tijitinlnturliii; A prrui man to look iifur llila work azcliulvuly and Mill wlvo ui wxni ervlco bn In pimnlbla to ict In vn tlio luriccst rlllc. Weeks & McGowan Co. Boils Arc a Bad Indication Dangerous Fallacy that they arc Healthy Stop them. E. N. NOBLE All KlutUof Wood Sum Intf Phono 70.VX l(i:il North Central E. D. Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur Einitjhing 1'oat Onrds Panoramic Work VJash lights Portraits Interior aud exterior views Negatives mado anv tiino I and any place by appoint ment. ,J - Phono 1471 I . MEDFORD GREENHOUSE Seasonable Flowers and Decorations of all kinds for fall weddings. Tolophono 374. 1005 East Main Street. V 1 208 E. ?Iain B H 'IBpTf i( Tho nppcarnnco nf IioIIm loads mnny IKioplu lo uunililor t Mont a nlvn tit in. Iniut cocntl tutltJii. Tlioy uro mor upt to slKiiiry a ciinilltlon nr ulclt Mrtoil, nlUKKluli elrruliitlou anil a tnurblil cjiii illllon or tlio body. Unu a H. H. fur tlio Mood. It linn the pocullnr iictlnn of sniildm; throuKli Oiu IniuMilnrH iilroctly Into tlio Wood. In a row iiiIiiiiIuh Its Inlliiunuu lu nt work lu ovry urlnry, votn utal tiny cuplllnry. Kvury inuinlnuno, uvviy or (UM of tlio Imdy, ovoiy uiiiunclory do coinca In effect u llltor to strain tlio Mood ot Impurities. Tlio iitlinnlullnit properties ot H. R 11. cumpol tlio nltln, liver, bowels, l!l(liiiiy, liluddor to all work lo tlio mio em! of custlmr out every Irrltatlnir, every puln-liiillatlni( utom of polHon; It illuledirou by In lira tlon till accuiiiiilatlotis lu tlio Joint", i'lumca uclil nccrutloiis to illssulvo, ron do rt tlioni iioutrnl ami wcuttors tlm) Ieeullur formullonH lu tho wKtti Hint cuuso liolls and other skin eruptions, And best of all, tlilu ronmrkulilo ivin cdy Is wclcoino to tho weakest stomach, Vou can ket H. H. H. at nny ilniK sloro. Ilowuro of any effort to sell yuu Homo tlilnif cluliiuiil lo lio "J ii ut iih iftiod." If yours Is a necullnr enso nnil yon ddslro export advice, wrlto to the Hwlft Hpo Clllc Co., Ui wjft Vliifr, Atlmitu, Oa. .?3bik'AA n "n. y 1...1 iPyiw hotel in the City, RunninR drilled ice wutcr in each room. European Plan, a la Carte Cafe. Tariff on Room 12 roomt CO rooms fiO roonn - 00 room hill pilule Lith (it) rooms wllfi prliiti bitn 91.00 etch 1.50 each 2.00 each 2.00 each 2.50 each 30 iiiltoi. bedroom, tmr- lor Mid bath 3.00 oncli For morn than 0110 uucit JI $1.00 nxlrn to tha bhove t-ate for p ' nacli ntltlltlonal guoit. I deduction by woelc or month, I If.mtijmiunf CSitter IV. Kultty fmxsam&mEEmmnm i-J-J i$iywV -'v.!. ji ,, , v. fcu