psciHiroirai. MEDFORD MAIH TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, '.HITJRSDAY, SttPTEMTWR. W, tOtn. 7 ii If edford Mail tribune AN INDUPKKDKNT NEWSI'Al'KU 1'UUI.lHHKD RVKllV AFT15IINOON j:xci:it BUNDAr my tiiu MUUKOItD XMUNT1NO CO. i Tlio Democratic Time, Tho Mtdford Mall, Tho MeUronl Tribune, The South ern Ori'gOMlnn, Tlio Ashland Trlbtinn. . Office Mall Tribune llultdln, 2S-17-SJ Nfirtrt Fir alrcctt telephone To. pfflrUI rarer of tho City of Mcdford. f Official Vapor of Jackaon County. anotian PUTNAM, Editor mid MnnnKrr r I'nlitrM nil nceond-cliHH nuittpr tit Mulfiirtl. Oregon, under Hit act of JVInrcll 3, 18(9. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One yenr, by mull . ..- .-.. $5.00 tins month, hy mull . SO lVr month, delivered by carrier In Medfonl, Jacksonville nnd Cen tral Point .. . . . -SO fUturdny only, by mall, per )ear . S.oo Weekly, per ywr - - . . 1.80 8WORIT CmCUiATION. Ilally nverapn for eleven month end ing November SO, 1911. 1781 Tho Mnll Tribune la on aalo M the 1'erry New a .Stand, San rninclco Portland Hotel New a Stand. Portland Portland Newa Co. Portland. Ore. V. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wnsh mil lentil Wire TTnlUd ft Dlapatchta. MEDrORD, OREOOW. i Metropolis of Southern OtvBon nnd Northern California, and the faateat- srowlnc city In Orecon. , ropulatlon V. S. eenaua 1J10 SS40; oatlmated, lli 4rivo hunderd thousand dollar Gravity water Hyatem completed, Klvlnc flneat supply pure mouniain water, ana ii.j mlln nf ntreeta Dived. iPoatofflee rocolpt for jear endlnpr November 30, 1911, ahow Increase or l tier cent Manner fruit city In Orecon TIoruc lliver spnienoerK appiea won aweep Makca prim and tide nf "Apple War or the World nt the National Apple Show, Spokane. ItfOK, and a car of Nuownn von ,1 rirat rrtie In 1010 rtt Canadian International Apple Show, vuncomcr. II C rirat Friie In 1911 At Spokane National Ai by carload lot of Newtr i n won ' 'v-t tt iHOguo juver pvnra prices In all markets of ItlK the pant alx years r a Uur- NEW YOIUC, Sept 11. Rctlhot denunciation of Tammany Hall lead- era was voiced by Mayor Gaynor In a statement luued Just before, his de parture It said: I "Murphy and those other chaps sat In Dclmonlco's and abused mo until their faces were red. They vroro ready to cat mo, I'm told. Thoso ljungry, grafting leaders wished to control tho heads ot tho city depart stents. They want a mayor who will appoint their favorites and then they will get contracts for every bit of city i-ark. I 'Thcso miserablo gratters here and all over tho stato now havo many stato contracts. This Is tho result ot tjho grossest frauds perpetrated in Kew York in years. No wonder they are ferocious and aro against mo. Th'o McCoeys, Koleys. Murpbys, Dono Jiucs and the wholo bunch had four lean and hungry years during my ad ministration. I did not turn tho city over to these scoundrels who have no honest means of making a living. They live by swindling their neigh bors out of the bard earned taxes they pay. Whether I remain In the mayor's offlco for four years mora. of dread fully hard work concerns tho rent payers and taxpayers more than It Joes me." Tho death ot Gaynor complicated tho political situation hero and threatens domination by Tammany Hull. Proponents of John Purroy Mitchell and tho Hearst faction pro bably will tinlto and fight those op posed to Mitchell unless a candidate Is named In Gaynor's place. This, however, is regarded unlikely. LUNCHEON TENDERED LUCE AND FRUIT SHIPPERS A luncheon was tendered Traffic Mtinager Luce of the Southern Pa cific at tho Medford Wednesday by tho ProiWera' Fruit corapnny. All of tho fruit assooiatif .i-,' hhip pers wero guests and (' . is jundo a get-together ) "' . i (lie conflicting intercHlH, li i h r inony In marketing the Speeches were niuilo i.jein and guests. Y, h. .Aroullon of Califor nia, vico-prchident of tho Producers1, jiuid a glowing tribute to the valley. Among thoHe present wero F. II. Hopkins, A. C. Randall, J. A. Prry, Samuel Hosonburg, A. S. Rosen baum and iMnnner Randolph. BISHOP WINS HOMESTEAD IN NATIONAL FOREST WASHINGTON, J), C, Sept. 11. Tho Bcorctury of agrioulturo today decided tho famous St. George Bish op land etiRO in favor of Bishop. At Ivlamnth Falls Itibhop filed a homo ttoad entry witliin tho national for est nnd tho officials of tho forest Bervico contended that tho land wns not suitable lor agriculture. Bishop appealed to tho secretary of agrioul turo, who now holds the laud is agricultural, DEATH OF GAYNOR THREATENS RULE BY TAMMANYGRAFTERS NEW LIGHT ON ! ' II IE tho horticulturists of tho got "now light" on the would bo well for them to sean tlio pages oL tlio boptom ber number of Better .Fruit. In it may be found some generalized articles, together with some "new entomology and pathology" that would make good reading on tho first page of a joke book. .In the treatment of the matter of diseases, orchard heating and. other practices, great care is taken that no credit is given (d those who havo done so much for near culture in the .liogueiver valley: on tho other hand, by inference, tho reader is led to believe that the important discoveries relating to poitr culture worn nil mndo bv tho writers of the articles. What Will some of our orchardists think or comparisens: "The best pear sous and orchards are found on the floor of the valley": again, "Afjor many veara oL pear growing it is selections could be made today in most instances": then follows a column of matter in which every variety grown in the valley is found to he more or loss objectionable. The writer, forgetting what he has said, goes en: "It is read ily seen from the above that there is much room for im provement in the matter of varieties. Kvory variety mentioned has some objectionable feature about it. AVe believe that varieties more suitable for certain reasons mav possiblv be obtained." Here is what wo would call "putting the double cross" on pear growing in the Koguo River valle When it comes to tho article on "Pean Pests; and What to DoJCor Them," we find a new "star" in the path ological and entomological firmament. The author loads off with "Tiie slug belongs to the snail family, but is without the snail casing." Take out your entomologies and draw a heavy line "through the old definition, which says that "The pear slug is the larva of a saw fly"; also dig up your zoologies and blot out the definition which says that the snail belongs to the mollusks, and put the slug definition in its place. Wouldn't this make' old Linnaeus turn over in his grave! But, listen to this: "Pear scab is a fungus, conse quently a spore. It belongs to the same family as smut", llere, you botanists, you have fooled us long enough! Out of the way to make room for this modern systematise Your teachings that the scab and the smut are groups of plants as far apart as corn and beans is all wrong. Pear blight is also given its share of attention in the various articles. The agents carrying the pear blight germ are put into a single ehtes and those who would say mat birds may be carriers ot ance." The writer forgets that birds often come in con tact with the bacterial ooze which he describes. What is to prevent it? This modern bacteriologist goes on and says: "As the doctor cuts out the cancer germ, so does the skilled husbandman cut out the blight germ". They say that there is nothing new under the sun, but here is a man without laboratory succcctiea in isolating rnc would infer this. There is the old saying angels fear. ioc tread;" and it mg is -weir uoriie-onc-uy some ol me statements quoted abovei - k T A NEGLECTED INDUSTRY TILE ASnLAND TIDINGS is authority for the state ment that Welborn Bceson of Talent has a brood sow that produced 29 pigs within the past year, and has during her existence produced GOO pigs, which, sold at various ages, have brought in over .600. Mr. Rceson is quoted as saying that hogs are as profitable a crop as it is possible to raise in this section. The Tekoa, Wash., IJlndo reports the sale of five hogs weighing 2780 pounds for $222.40, and reports the raiser, Charles Langbehn, as asserting that hogs pay better than any other farm commodity, and that he realizes better than $1 a bushel on all wheat fed them. With the present high prices prevailing, with no pros pect of reduction, there is every resaon why more atten tion should bo paid to hog raising in the 'Rogue River valley. Census statistics show a decrease in the produc tion of livestock and a constant increase in population, which is the cause of the present high prices, and which will cause even higher meat prices in the future. Hogs can be made one of the great assets of the vallev. Few farmers here devote much attention 'to hoyS. lhose that raise them pay little attention to improving, the breed. Most of them are turned out to rustle as besC tney can. Natural conditions are most favorable. Tho same care and attention given to the industry that is bestowed on other branches of agriculture will net tho farmer better returns. More of them should engage in the industry. FEELING OE SORROW Y NEW YORK, Sept. 11. "It Is dif ficult to say anything concerning Mayor Gaynor's death," said Chair man Norman Hapgood of tho com mittee In charge of the Now York funlon mayoralty campaign. "It is a great tragedy and everyone's first feeling Is on,o of sorrow. "Tho mayor was a most Interest ing flguro and his death naturally Inspires deep regrot. "I cannot dlscuBs Us political sig nificance except to say that tho sit uation Is Blmpllfled to tho extent that now all of Tammany's opponents aro united." llanlhoii Sails for Philippines . SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 10. Francis Duiton Harrison and Mrs. Harrison sallod on ' tho steamship PEAR GROWING IS - ! Rogue River valley wish to mat tor of pear growing, it of tho following jjtatcmoi.its doubt nu wiiouier nouor infection "onlv show ignoi or other equipment who has cancer germ at least, one that "Pools rush in where would seem that the old say- Manchuria today for Manila, where tho former congressman will enter upon tho duties of his new office us governor-genera! of tho Philippines. OVERLAND OPENING TO BE HELD TONIGHT Tho now home of tho Overland, tho beautiful and spacious Sparta build ing, will have a grand opening to night. An orchestra will play during tho evening, refreshments will ho served, and tho public is cordially In vited to attend. C. E. Gates was forced to movo Into tho larger building on account of lack ot spaco and an increased busi ness. John A, Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. 88 B. nMlTLKIT Phones M. 47 Mid 47-J-3 Ambulance Borvica Deputy Coroner GROWERS WORRIED SLOW BYBEE BRIDGE Loiitl coiiitlniul U vtiioi'd ly citi w'iw of tho Tttlilo Rock section. Sjim Ytillwy nliA ii)Mir Knjjuc oiHhlc nt the ili'lny of (Mttliitolor IViImm in liui!(liiiK tlio new Itxlice. or Modoc bruise, Only lmlf moii nrc employed tmd lint liltl ftiorcn i liciiij made, nltlioiieh Hi? tccl foi lu lti-idm) luw 'uojih delivered for two moiillui. The con tract wnx vio lated when iVilitnn ctoicd the bridge for traffic twelve days to.tenr down the old budge to creel u temporary structure, intend of ccutruclmt: the temporary bridge firnl, m Hint traffic would bo uniulen opted. Should floods come ns cnrlv Ibis jcjir H" they do oceiixtonully. the temporary bridge will be swcul out before the new bridge Is completed, nnd fruitgrowers nimble to muikel their output. Comity Jndgo Ton VclleiRtnlcs Ihnt IYrlinm is Hotyoniid.xinc'.y'itli h- contract nml hnH not been Mn evi dence for two months, nnd Hint he pays no ntlenlion to letters. 'Per hnm wilt the eonnlr n bill nsking for .flJOOl) on nci'onnt, but' giivc ik nddre-s. Vndnr the contract, no monev is to i( p;lid until I he bridee is completed, nnd the judge slides Hint none will be paid. The cinttitv, mu .order to iiTrnt flood (tftitinpt! "to" bridge npjuowihcs, in fiuiMiroeiiiig mugs into inn cur rent from both bunks at the island, Mnicing out thm ioland and divert ing the current to the eOn'ler of the channel. The work is being done no der direction of Win. florig, consult ing engineer for the county. H'GOORTV WINNER OVER LEVINSKY IN EIGHT ROUNDS NKW YORK, Sept. 11.-After stalling out seven round (o let Battling I.cvilikv'' 'how hit pnce Kddic Medonrtv'or O-dikovli, Wi.. went to bat in the eighth round here Inst night before the St. Niehnlim club nnd battered I.insKv nil out the ring. lie took the decision with I.eriimky nit bill out. It wn announced that flimlmnl Smith would niftU tho iunr. With Medford trade U Medford made SAGE TEA DARKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADE - Don't Kfy Oraj'r 'ifcre' ft Simple Itcclo That Anybody Can Apply With it Hulr Ilrtuli Tho uso of Sago and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to Its natural color dates hack to grandmother's time. Sho lilted It to koep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and abund ant. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this slmplo mixture was upplM with wonderful effect. Hut brewing at homo Is inumy nnd out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking nt any drug Rtoro for a CO cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Hnlr Itc medy," you will get this famous old recipe which can bo depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Is splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish, Itchy scalp and falling har. A well-known downtown druggist says It darkens tho hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It baa. neeu appuoa. you simpiy dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through jour hair, taking ono strand at a time. Ily morning tho gray hair disappears, and after anoth er application or two, It becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and abundant. Siquil To Lov fir Doll MaternallnstlnclGreatlyDovelopedby reaching Children to Love their Dolls. Tho little child's doll Is mother to tho most romantic faucy. And In tlio joam tbat pans, the doll fudos Into tho petals of a Juuo rose, to evolvo the most won drous ot all transfor tnatlous. Now comes a more serious period v.liea Uie Joy of real moth, erhood should bo as tranquil as best effort can provide, This Is occoniplUbed with a wonderful remedy known aH Mother's Friend, uu ex ternal application so penetrating In Its nat ure as to thoroughly Itihrlcate every cord, nerve, iiiukcIu and tendon Involved. There will he no pain, none of that nau sea or moraine slckncm, no senalJou of dlitrees or struln of ozpandlnic inusclen. The nerves, too, will he calm, thus miiklim the period one of restful days and peaceful night!. Mother's I'rlpnd In sold at nil ilniK stores at $1.00 a bottle. Do not fall to uso It res nlurly as directed. Write to-day to Ilrad field Iteifultttor Co., 235 rjtranr Ulilic., At lanta, (la., for their valuable book for ex pectuut uiuthers. WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE TODAY The Village Blacksmith llranmtlintloii of Longfellow 'ti fiuuoiiH poem. t The Renunciation Drama 'Lizbeth Coined)- drama Her Tutors Farce ('otiimly Woolworth & Woolworth Always 10c ISIS T"EATRE i,iinoi'i..s 'iokav o.i.v ceutAwi: ei'thi: oiMo.ri..u: Vllagrnph Drama HIS (illHATIMT VH'IOUV Edison A WOMAN'S WAV 1'atho woxnr.its or nu: mti.w ni:i:r Educational HOODOED US IIIH WEDDIM; DAY Comedy Hem Tomorrow THE I'ltl.VCi: !' KVIIj In Two IteoU Draperies Wn C4try a vrry romnleto Una of drarrl. lard curtain, riiturr. rlc anil ilo all clnir of uln)latrlliK A (rclal 01 a II to look uflrr t til a work exclimlvrty ami l'l Klvo aa good arrvlcn aa In iioaalbla to cl In even Itia Urk'mt clth-a. Week3 & McGowan Co. Rcgninandl Retain a beautiful head of hair use I H i fieaJt nealorra natural color to Urr II air. Kemovetdun druff-protnotei a thick healthy growth. Ii not a dye. Kciultt (tuarantecd. Tour money back II you aro not latlificd. in i.i ...i. ... a t-1 .t. XNM4 1 iiu.nwii .j.",-. mi um ml bQ I.UH4 U lUc attij iM.lf umm JHtyS(xculun., n.w.n.n.J. Jll.lll'OIIII 1'JIAlUMUi Raises the DoughlBetfer 'ALL GROCERS IT THEATRE VmiuVvillo, IMiofo IMny.s nnd Sprcinl Oivlicslrn aMusic fur Knii' Week: "FLYING SWITCH" Sec I lie wiei'lc. "TENDERFOOT SHERIFF" Son Hroiiclm Hillv. "THE WIDOW'S KIDS" "CUPID AND THE COOK" Coined v. "THE FAITHFUL SERVANT" 'rv A Conliniious Show. WALTERS AND CLAREMONT In llicir Spanish and Mexienn Coiuctly Acts, (hrco nights. All new wtirdnihc and sons. ICai'h niht channc of program. U)c ami l!0c. Thui-sday, Friday anil Salunlav Nihts, 7 l M. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS II fotty. fifth tcliool ycai EtPTCMUin i, iota. OCGnEECOUnSES'nminvpbaro AonicutTunc CNQiNtrniNO HOMt CcoNomca minino, rontetitr. Com. Mtncc. I'HAnMAcr. TWO-YEAR COURSES In Aqhicuu rune, HOMt CCONOMICO, MtCHANIC Anro ronrnnr commcmcc I'maamact TEACHER'S COURSES In uumul truliiliiK'. agriculture, domcAtlc icleucc and it. MUSIC, Including ptano, ttrlnj:, band inxtrrtmruttand voice culture. P. BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entltlnl "Tlllt HNMICIIJIItNT Ol' KVUAI. I.II'H" and a OaTAI.oi.Uh will he liuilcd f(rc an appllciitiiu Addici 11 11 Tknnavt, Uri-l'trAr, (iw'.lllo) Oirv.illl. Oreu'on VOI It Hi:.l.lHi:, Silt, Iirobahly prornnds from n dlffordorcd vision weak or over taxed oimIkIU It can bo rcmmlli'd nud IihiiIhIii'iI by vtiinrliiK tho rlithl kind of kIiihih'H, tho kind wo shall ho lilnd to prcHrrlbo and adJiiHt for you, Wn aro special Ists In all mnttors pcrlnluluK to tint human n)o, and bear a ntpulntloii for first class work only, A trial will rouvtuco you. Illl. ItlCKEUT Hullo l-U Over llciiid's Mcilford, (Ire, Tl ! T V-SE( O.N I) A N.N'I'A 1 Oregon STATE FAIR SALEM Sept 29-Oct. 4, 913 A wholo wcok ot ploaHitro and Profit l'JO,MH Ol TEltEl) I.V PltE.HIII.MH On Aurlcultiiral, MvcnIocIt, Poultry, Toxtllo nud Other Exhibits Horso raros, HhootliiK Toiimamont, Klrnworks, Hand ('oiiiiiitu, EikjoiiIch Exposition, (Jhlhlrou'u I'laynroiind nud other frco attractions, IncliiilliiK lloyd and OkIo'h Ono ltlui: Circus. I-'roo Camp Grounds. You aro luvltnd Send for Premium Mst anil Entry IllaukM ItcduriHl ralen on all rallroadx I'or purtlciilnrs addrnss WANK MEHEIMTII, Kim rotary Kiloni, Oiet'on aaa WiyjJ -w' aaV IHL 1.aa'--l i. . ' I'lllt SI,E Ult KENT SliiKor Mnililuoa und $20no Inmr-, nntit, ncrbb'iit nnd nlckma polli-li-a for workliiK mou nud nuuiuii, $r..(io a year, no cimi'muni-ntH, t7 So. Ilnlly St. Phono Nl(l. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING COLONIAL FLATS 1 MM. ....... ...I.I .l IIII'MMIIIIV IIIWIICIII IIMIIlin rcnlin IVoin .frt.OO lo $in.(M) per ninnili Haflirooni and Lauudty Ai'i'Diniiiodaiinns Oas and Klvctrii; Ijilils lOvM'ylhiiif' Knnii.slicMl lOxctipt Kal.s JI7 UMvcrsidc So. Phono !)00-li E. D. Weston Official Photofjraplier of the Medford Commercial Club AinntiMir li'inisliing lt Cimn Panoramic; Work Flaah lights ' Portraits , Interior ami exterior views Negatives mndo nnv tlmo and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 1 j-J-rra-vl r i i UP' Stiaa ancl mo8t AtU,w?iwM popular WVl,'im hotel in the City, Running distilled ice water in ench room. European Plan, a la Gate Cafe. Tariff on Room 12 room CO room -GO room 00 roomi ttilh private lilh 50 room wild piiutt silk $ I, OOf each 1.50 each 2.00 aach 2.00 aach 2.C0 aach 30 iulle, bedroom, par lor and bath 3.00 each For more than onfipueit add $1.00 extra to tha above rata for ' each additional guatt. Reduction by week or month. Manaitmint ChttUr W, KnlUy MSI nraaKEfanszEi7D r3 ' 3Pw"a n. - y. tjunA. .j t)4A;iKtAv1tiiMv'W'4.'v,vJJ.r-r: