'.I I paot- rtx. MTUDPORD MATH TRIBUNE. MFiDFORD, OttlWON. WMDNMSnAY, SNPTUMnUR. 10, 1M8. WM Ml'IMIiill. w i nn RIICHIEiCALLS'OFF of I'lurcno unUorsltj, is spending n guest nt tho KornlN much for mix oi al weeks, Mrs. Heddy mid son, Mclver, u iiiiiicd to Kugeno tho hitler pint of the week. Mis. Hose (lav bcan her thin! year's woik in the Hock Point hcIiuoI Monday wllh nn eiiiolliuent of twelve scholars. Tho school house has been gieally improved with new win dows un ilt wo Hue, Inrjjo cloak looms, making it much mute convenient mid pleasant, Mr. Cliuilcn Chiimplniiv ictiiiiied fioiu u business dip to Portland Hie fust of the week. Hlveisjdc uiim very well icpicsciil cd at the" Hoiito Itiver fair Sntuiiluy, All those )w took fniiu pioducc io from ci)lil to ten hluo ribbnus. Such iiffnltH mo n beiiufil in a social wav us well as an inspiration In the pin. duciiii; of the vci.v IjohI fiulls mnl M'golalilorii (Icoio IncobN lut h ipillo a crippled foot caused by u lmrt mck on which he w'iih winking, lolling mnl siiuisliDil u toe, II, It. Nc ami (I, II. Abler mo ox hlhitiug sumo of llielr fiii in piodiicu ut Iho .Ineksou comity faun, Me. N'.vo has penis, peaches mid upplcH from his Itlvcisidn imich, few days nt tho Koiilw much and will then lenvo for AUon, Oioput, whete he has tho position of puiici pal of the schools. i Miss Hortlm Vooloilon hart gone 'to .Medfoid to attend school, 1 .Mr. and Mrs. tVil of Medfoid Sun dn.xed nt tlio Sleud home. Miss Dorsey lotiiined lo Omaha, OF T ON JERSEY SHORE WITH FREO WELCH Nebraska, Satuiday after being a RAISE BOUNTIES ON SEEKING HEAD COUGARS WOLVES COR FOUND CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT ANDOTHERVARMIN fe iv K if ..... ..... J'UllTbA.NU, Sept. 10. At n iiKM'liiif; of tlio Mulo fHi mnl game coiiiiiiiahioii it ;h tlelenniiieil thai u Imimly in nilililion to tlio rculm stnlo lioiinly should bo imid for tlio urnlpt of all ennthoroiis nnimnls wliirli nro nVstniothe to wild giunc. Tlio stnlo bounty on lmbenls is $'J, but nn mMitioiml $1 will bo Rixon 1 tlio rommtaion fr such Fcnlp. The bounty on cougars wn rnisoil from $10 to $25; timber wohes from $5 to $2"). With thrso iiK,onoil liomi tics it is hclicVed thnl many woods men this winter will tnko up trap ping and luinlinpr, ns it will prove profitable to them. They will be nblo to mnko n Reed sum from the fialo of furs in nddition to the scalp bounty. iuio commission determined to prohibit (ho killing of California ipmil. A Inrgx) number nro beinj: distributed in nrious sections of the stale, mid it is feared that uiilo.-v-they nro protected they nil will be slniifihterod. Stale Onmo Wnrnen Finloy rcH)rled that during thi rummer ho has distributed 540 pairs of Chiucso )heaf.ants nnd SO pairs of Hooves pheasants. It was the opinion of the commission that n trout hntchery should bo establish ed at Lake Odell, on the headwntci of tlio Deschutes, nnd in all proba bility this will bo put in operation next summer. The new hatchery which is pro jioped for Odell lake, will prove val uable beoauso of its geographical po Hition. Hitherto it has been neces sary to transport young trout runny miles over n rough expanse of coun try to rench tho headwaters of riv ers nnd lakes in tho Coast and Cas ido mountains. Trips on horseback of n week's duration have bec necessary in the pat. From Odell lako the timo re quired to rench tho headwaters of th Rogue, Umpo.ua, Deschutes nnd Wlllamctto rhcrs will not exceed two days. Stale Fish Warden Finloy c.ccts that tho new hntchery will turn out two to three million trout next "en- son. A new hntchery will be ctnb liMicd at Klamnth lake from which the supply of young trout will be sent out to the nearby streams and lakes. t NEW YORK. Sept. 10. The po lice hero abandoned today the the ory Hint the he.idless woman '. oorpso found nt Cliffsidc, X. ,1., is tlint of Kiln Stcrnrmniiti, daughter of l'eter Stememann, nit erratic ped dler, and are now trjing to locate a man nnd n girl who bought quanti ties of white tar paper at two dif ferent drug stores in tho nmc lo cality of Harlem, whero the em broidered pillow slips found with the body were purchased. This nriety of tnr paper was wrapped about the pillow slips m which the liodv was wrapitcd when found. John Ueid, n i:i-vnr-old boy, to day gae what may be n eluo to the mi!sin); nruu. iic ueeiarcs no saw a woman s skull on the shore, of Totten Kill. L. I., with hair attached to it which was three feet lonir. Po lice nro scarchim: for the plui-tlv relic. Inspector Fnurot, who is in charge of the search for the dead cirl's head and nlso for the slater, is imelipiing today the disappear ance of Ida Howies of Chailoston, W.Vn. W. K. Howies, her father, telegraphed that he had received a special dclicry letter ifrom his dauphter mailed AiitruM JS from it'mes Squnrc, Xew Vork. coulniuiug :r(ino nnd this message: "I am li ing n life of hell and want lo live no Jonger. When joii receive this 1 shall be dead." The Howies girl is n former tel ephone operator of Cleveland. She married John DavN. Inter owirated from him nnd l!in took the nnme of Ida HMiop, by wh ch she was known in Xew York. Sl'ATTI.K. Wash., Sept. 10. There will bo po world's champion. ship battle nt Vancouver. September 'JO, between Willie Hltchie mid Pied- dio WVNIi. Hilehio einphntically i - s- 5 A. 1 Y Y Y A made this deelmatton when he nr rived in Seattle this ntorning fioin Vancouver. Hitehlo and his muu nper, Harry Foley, will leave for Sail Fnineisco at 11 o'clock this morn ing. A dispute over the moving picture richts, of which it wns orieinnllv agreed the champion should receive Lt oil per cent, caused tlio break, ac cording to Hitehie's statement. Cltet Melntjro, manngcr of the Hichninnd Arena company of Van couver, which wns to have stnijed the bout, drew up the articles ngrccim;; to give Hitehte oO per cent, but on Tuesdav other members of the com pany declared it was not within Me lut v re's right to name the division of the film rights. When notified that his division would be reduced, Hitchic and his trainer, Folev. can celled the match nnd immediately started for San Francisco. MANN'SiOpeningSale MANN'S X Central Avenue RIVERSIDE RIPPLES. r. Jl w$wwm i ir IF SAN' FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 10. Committment papers to send to jail Davis C. Norcross, secretary of tho Western Fuel company, for con toniut of court in refusing to produco in court tho books of that organiza tion were signed today by United States District Judgo Maurice T. Doollug. A habeas corpus writ was Immediately sworn out and argument upon this will be heard this afternoon. GRANTS PASS, Sept. 10. Ilmkc- mnn Riley, of the west bound morn ing freight, wns brought to the South Pacific hosph.U j tlii- city Tue-dny morning suffering frmi a severe scalp wound un the back of the head given him by a hobo nboarl the train nenr tunnel S, in Cow creek canyon, at about 3 o'clock In the morning. The attack on the part of the hobo wns unprovoked on the pnrt of Riley, tho blow being dealt jiM n he was olimbiug upon one of tho freight cars. It is supped that the hobo mistook Riley for the conductor of the train who had earlier in the night fired some of the gentry off tho train. The brakeman wa struck with some heavy club or "blackjaek" and wns knocked sensele, later be ing found upon the car. Ho was nble to give tho officers a good de scription of his nsailant, and n hunt is being made for him. One hobo who rodo into touu aboard the train answered the description in a general wa.v. and wax urrcMud bv the local police, but when Rilev was brought to see him he u.d that he was not the right man. Mrs. Charles Champlain was host ess to the members of the Riverside Recreation Club Thursday. About twenty members were present nnd about twenty visitors. All voted it one of the plonnntost meetings of the enr. Music wns furnished by Miss Dorothy Smith of Gold Hill nnd Mis Margurite Carley of Medferd: vocal duet bv Melumcs 1). II. Stead and L. Miller, nnd n few choice se lections on the graphaphoiic. Mis Hesie Daniels who has been teach ing in Salt Lake the past year gave a talk on Mormons nnd Momionism, nnd Mrs. McCord by special reipiM gave some fancy dancing. After the business meeting conducted by the president. Mrs. n. II. Nye, a pleasant social hour was spent and ad journed to meet in two weeks with -Mrs. F.lliott nnd Mrs. Miller. Mr. Herbert Mnthews, n gradiinte i r ? T T r v THE BEST ONE EVER KNOWN Near Post Office x Good Solid School Shoes Drlng your children to our storo and let us shoo thorn. Our stock is now and our prices are sure right. "A Fit or no Sa,o" ut & Sm ori'esiTi: post oi'Ficr. f T T r A. T r r ? T ? V V r T T T V r y z ? T t i Y f r T r ? T r ? ? T V Y Y T Jvntv t v ' v J Opening Sale of Suits Tlu new Stills tit'c hi'iv, more hoaulil'iil Hum over Ih'Toiv. "IvA YOaiTl-J" Stylos plcji.se every one, on aeennul of their imlividtialiiy.; no (wo ttlike, and then the price is reasonable. Xew motels tit JjWO, $22.50, $25, J?:J5, $-10. Sensational Sale of Silks $1.50 Values 77c RlWlAlinO new Fall Suits, made of nil-wool materials in plain and fancy mix tures, special, each $15.00 Due to a fortunate pnrelia.se, we are able to offer the bicst bargain in Sill-s ever seen in Med ford. Tlnrs day we will place on sale fiOOO yards of Plain and l'ancy Silks. ','(i inches wide, consisting of Plain Mes sclincs, Fancy Stripes ami Checks, every thread guaranteed pure silk, real values up to $l.r(), and on sale Thursday at the sensational price of, a vard 77c I SAVE YOUR SALE SLIPS AND GET Win, ROGERS SILVERWARE FREE Dress Goods Sale Our new line is now complete. Never before have we shown .such a vtirietv of styles and colors. New Serges at, yd....50, S9, $1.00 Xew Poplins, in all colors, yd $1.25 Xew Prunellas in all colors, yd...$1.25 batistes, all wool, in evening shades, special, yard 59p Now Cloakings, in plain colors, plaids and stripes, ob' inches wide, sit, yard $1.18, $.t and $o.t Special .Id-inch Silk and WoulPoplin, in all the new shades, a splendid 1.00 cloth, on stile Thursday, yd Si) 10-inch All Silk Crepe de C'hene, in all colors, a yard $1.69 Thursday's Specials Heavy Outing "Flan nel, worth 10c, on Thursday, yd...... S "Women's Outing .Flannel downs, very special, ea 48 Cotton Challie for comforters, on sale Thursday, yd. .,5 Good clean Cotton JJatts, special per roll 10 72.J)0 HI cached Sheets, special at, each 1S '12 and lo-inch Pillow Slips, . . .121 Colgate's Pa 1 c u m Powder, can . 12f Clark 'sO.X.T. Spool Cotton, 7 for 25 Final Clean-Up Sale of WAISTS AND WASH DRESSES 100 Women's Lingerie and Tailored Waists, well made and nicely trim mod, up to $1! values, clean-up price, each 9S 00 Wash Presses, all good styles, fast colors, up !o..r value, now, ea..$1.98 Children's Wash Presses to bo closed out tit less than cost. BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS Ciood size Cotton IMankets in gray, on stile at, a pair ,. 59 'Full size Cotton Hlankols, in gray and white, special, a pair $1.'18 Agents for the celebrated "North Star" Woolen Mlankcls at, a pair . $:M)S, $1.98. and $5.9S 1 bale Heavy Comforters, full size, spe cial, each .... 98 K t Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y T Y T Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y T Y Y ','' LARGEST NUMBER OF FAST HORSES EVER IN SOUTHERN OREGON Are Now in the Barns at the Fair Grounds, Ready to Go After the Big Purses This Week Thursday's Speed Program a Big One 2:15 Trot, With Three Entries 2:14 Pace, With Five Entries Two Good Running Races Bronco Busting Wild Bull Riding See the Blue Blooded Stock, Wearing the Prize Ribbons; Hear the Fancy Poultry Crow Over Their Winnings; Look at the Finest Display of Fruit, Vegetables, Flowers, Art Work, Products of the Kitchen and Pantry. SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION OF THE BIG FAIR BY ATTENDING EVERY DAY TOMORROW IS GRANTS PASS DAY " T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y kT ! r Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? ? Y Y I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y