1 1 " i ' ' - FAOH THRTHW -SS ATk, mi 1 1 HW 4sss f t T T ? ? Moro Overland Cars Hold Ibis yonr in Jackson Counly limn nny oilier Make of Cars C. E. GATES Increased business lias compelled mo to movo into 1 T larger quarters. I will be located this week in my J f now room, Main Floor, Sparta Building, where I & A X Finest Supply and Auto Sales Room "The Overland Man" i will handle a full lino of Auto Supplies. -. ' - MEDircmn mate trtbuntc. MEDFonDrorcEaotf, wednerb'ay, mmnmt ior mv ? ? ? ? ? I on the Pacific Coast f f ; ? x Official Program Jackson County Fair t f T t M IMP MM AT Til 13 ? PALACE OF SWEETS X wayH fresh. Ave deliver I(;K CltKAM, candy, hot. tanialcs or chili at any hour Y mil il 12 midnight. AVo recently secured ihe services of one of the best candy To .... ... ..i it ,.... .j I IIIIM ll'U CICUIII IIHIIU'IM (III IIIU I'tllim. 217 EAST MAIN STREET JL For a nice, cool drink or a lunch before irnimr. and after returninir from fair ; grounds, liemember that our candy and ice cream are home made and al- t Y Y I t t Y Buy Your Wintor's Wood Now Order your Tier Wood from me. Prompt delivery. FRANK H. RAY Phono 750-R Fair Days VliiiMlity ASHLAND. Tliurftilny (WANTS DASH. I'rliluy MEDl'OltD. Saturday KVEHYHODVS Special trail returns to Cirnnti I'nss at 11:1C Thursday evening. 13. E. 13 ADS .T c. n. BOYD y Y Y I Eads Transfer & Storage Co. UT AVe Move Anything" Pacific 315 16 South Fir WOOD ? Y Y f Sixth and Fir Stroots. t t Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I I 111 ttfttt 1.9 tl!M t INI (iimr to cti wj er fuuiii"WM mi i"f " A fcTf M VT J t Y A See Our Special Offer on the JOHN DEERE LOW DOWN MANURE SPREADERS Come in and see our full line of Implements. Special price on K'ubber Tired Buggies. Hubbard Bros. riSHTKWftfct vKsK2iL3kkssFyx Y The World's Best at Fair Prices 323 East Main Stroot F. W. SHAPLEIGH HARDWARE CO. wednehdav, si:jt. io. Mimic by Anlilniiil Hand. ' Formal uponltiK of Fair . JihIkIiik of exhibit nml plncliiK of rib bon 2.30 cI.'.hh troltltiK. nillo lioatii. umo $300. Thrro ontrlcH. 3:30 nro, mllo lirntit, punc $300, Flvo onirics. Every lipnt Is a raco. ' Half inllu frco-for-nll ruiinlnn rnco, purso 1100. IliiU-inlbi sntlillu boreo rnce: purno $0(1. UuckliiK broncho riding. $10 to tho pcrnoti who rides th buck Iiib bull ".NVro." . , TIIUILSDAV, SKIT. 11. With tho OrnntH l'nug bnml for nuulc I'nrndo of horsca nml cattlo In front of ' urnmUtand. 2: 16 trot, purso $3.00; thrco oniric. , 2.11 pneo, ptirio $300, flvo ontrlcB. ' FIvo-oIkIiU mllo froo-for-nll running I rnco, pumo $100. llnlf-mlla pony race, puno $50. Every heat a race IlnckliiB broncho and wild bull rldlnc 1'itiiiAV, sf.it. la. All Moron cIobo In tho afternoon. With Mcdford iiuihIc. Make this tho blc Jolly day. (JIvc the asHoclatlon a record-breaking crowd. 2:20 trot, puna $300, four entries. 2:20 paco, puno $300, five entries. Every heat a race. Half-mllo running raco for 2-year-olds. Quirtor mllo dash.- Itidlng bucking bronchos and bulls. In tho evening tho carnival and dancing on tho ntrect downtown. KATUllDAY, SKIT. 13. Exhlblors permitted to tako away their exhibits. A frco-for-all trot, purse $300, four en tries. Free-for-all paco, purso $300, flvo en tries. Ono mllo running raco, purso $100. Half mllo running raco, purso $C0. The wild horses and bulls wilt afford ex citement. Old Nero, tho famous bucking bull that remnlned riderless all through tho Elks rodeo at Klamath Falls, will bo hero for each day's program. The theaters and Natatorlum will bo run ning evory night. Tho Elks ladles also glvo an indoor carnival Wednesday night. Carnival and frco dance on tho streets Thursday night. l - .C "... 4y RSffipa I9SB ni'CKixtJ ni'ijj Si:uo i.v action HEATmG STOVES FROM $1.50 UP z Y X "Vc Carry a Complete Stoek of New, and Second- 4 Hand Furniture, Stoves and Ilouscliold Goods. Get X our Prices on Ilcating Stoves. r Y SCOTT WOOLF (Successors to Mordoff & roolf) 22 AND 24 SOUTH FIR ! Fair Week Special WALTERS and CLAREMONT Will appear at the IT THEATER in Spanish and A Mexican conicdv acts. All new wardrobe and new 4 songs. You all know where the IT is, and Mr. Al- 3 boi'K tho. liinimfrnr. Im nnf. tlw TrP in morif. sn vi nrn J at the IT. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights, September 11, 12 and 13, At 7 p. m. Act and 4000 feet of Photoplays change each night. DIAMOND FOR DRUGS, DIAMONDS Successor to Eaglo Pharmacy. 109 E. Main. Phone 8S4. 109 E. Main Street. H You Want , QUALITY AND SHRVICK Trade at B. & C. Cash Store Geo. T. Eoyes, Proji. Fancy Groceries 225 W. MAIN ST. Haviiand China Phone 2115 100 NEW 730 CAPS 10c SllHI'KXDEUS 100 AT WILSONS 120 NOUTIl FHONT auiKNt Store In tlioWobt the SMOKE HOUSE Curries tho llwt of Everytllii(r In CIOAItS, l'll'KS, TOI1ACCOS, CANDIES"' U12 W. Main St. New York Parlors MME. DOWD JEFFEHS lIalrtlrtMliiKi Manicuring anil Massnglug Toilet I'rcpamtions For Solo 30 North Central Next to Postofflco 11 ZSOsssssl A Everything for the g Sportsman i t f X kT 1 JT i vvpsr rvimn r. Don't Fail to See Our Exhibit of Pacific Cedar Chests At tho Fair this week. Manufactured by Pacific Furniture and Fixture Company Ewing's Gun Store f T i Electricity, the Modern Servant ! Uso Electricity for Lighting j Uso Electricity for Heating I "Uso Electricity for Cooking I Uso Electricity for Power . Try Doing Things the Electric Way ' CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO., 5$16 West Main Street ,' '4l . ' ? " 1 h i E. Q. Trowbridgo, Jr., Prop. Medford, Oro. it IV - ... .............-. m ... W WWWW V ' V f 4 tVAMJK' I r r