TTOTOTORP MATL, TftTTWNR MTCDFOUD, OREGON, MONDAY, SKPTlOMPrcR R, 1013, " PTTOTC TTTTOTI i SPED PROGRAM FOR F R PROMISES SOME FASI SPORT DEMOFIA & LIGHT, OF OflPHEUM CH1CUIT, AT PAGE THEATER WEDNE3DAY AND THURSDAY, SEPT. 10 AMD I 'I'lui million i'IiimhI I'rliliiy for rimm nt tint fair, nnil llm elnmii'M all will Im pnlli'il off ami muno of tlm fiuilcul ami Ih'hI (uinnm of Callfiirnlii, Ori-umi ami Wnslilnr.lon urn nnlnri'il. tiii; h i i : i : i imiouiiam Kuril men ami oncli otilry. Wr-ilni-mliiy, Sil. K) I!. 30 ct;inH trotUim, mill) lumlii, nvory liottt a rare, inirmi JIUM). Nu. I. Dnvlil llarnm, li, i?., own (it liy Or. J. I.. Holms, Mmlfnnl. No. 2, llallln II., li, in , (iwnt'il liy Mrn. I. W. WiiltH, I'ortliiinl, (loo. HwlHlwr. ilrlvnr. No. .1, lloiihln .In lie. lr. m Own ml by Mr. Ilnntioll, Kan llrnarillno, Cal., ilrlvnr, I'arlior. 11.30 claim imrliiK, nvory heat n rnrn inllo hunts, purso $:U)0. No. I. dram N., Iill( tin, nwnnr (lio, Swisher, .Mmlfnnl, ilrlvnr intnin No. 2. I.olo. Iir. til.. Mr, Hlnntu, ('nnliy, Orn., ownnr ami ill Ivor. No, n, (Inmllo Door, Iir. in,, Col, HiiHton of California, ownnr ami till vir. No, 4. Ilnlo, lilk. in., Mr. Ilonnnll of Han llornarillna, Cal., ownnr, I'nr Imr, ilrlvnr. No. B. Amy May, Mr. Wilson of Mc.Mlnnvllln, Orn., ownor ami ilrlvnr. 'i'liurixlny, Hrit. 1 1 S.ITi rlami trnttliiK. t lwnls, ovury lirat n rncn, purito $00. No. I. I. mly Himrldo. li. m., Ilniol It. Waro, ownor, A, IC. Wnro, ilrlvnr. Mi'ilfonl, Orn. No. '1. !.n KIcKln, li. i; , Mr. Hlnaln, owner and itrlvor. No. .1, HI. Mlrhnolit of Orr-Kon, Iir. ., Mr. Wilson ownnr nml driver. 3.1 I imco. purso $300. No. 1. Allila, ch. it.. Ir. .1. I.. IMtn ami ollinm, ownpra, Dr. Holms ilrlvnr. No. 3. Cliliiullo. li. r,-, Mr. Hunts, ownnr nml ilrlvnr. No. 3. Union Mliitlntnn, rinn filly, Mr. Ilonnnll, Han Hnrnanllna, Cal., Mr. I'arlicr, ilrlvnr. Coin. .Malum, Orn., nwnnr nml ilrlvnr. No, ft. l.lo, lilk. in., Mr. Htnnts, ownnr ami ilrlvnr. I'rlilay, Knpl. II! 3.30 trot, lliri'o Imnlii, nvnry linnt n rare, iurfo 1300. 100 oacli Imnt. No. 1. I. a HIiiHtn, li. k., Mr. Htaatn, ownnr nml ilrlvnr. No. 2. Ht. Mluhnol, lilk. ., Mr. WIIkoii, ownnr ami ilrlvnr, No, 3, llallli) II.. li. in., Mr. Portland, ownnr and Mr. HwUlmr. ilrlvnr. No. I. David llartim, 1. Dr. HnlniK, ownnr nml ilrlvnr. 3.30 rlns pai'lni:, unniu purso nml illstnnrit olc, na atiovo. No. I. II. ill Kitiltli, Mr. Con Mo Mlnnvllln. Orn. No. 3. Alliln, ch. jt Dr. J. I. llnltn. No. 3. l.olo, Iir. mnro., Mr. Stntits, ownnr and ilrlvnr. No. I, (liixnlln Dnnr, lr. in., Col. Huston, owner nml driver, No. 5. Amy May, Mr. Wilton, owner nml driver. Nut unlit), Sept. lit rme.for-nll trnttlnit. purso J300. No. I. Ilonnlo Juno. Iir. 111., Mr. Ilonnull of California, ownur, nml I'arknr, driver. No. 3. Lady Sunrise, Mndfonl. No. 3. Ht. Mlchnnlft, Iir. C-. slnl Hon owner mid driven by Mr, Wilson. No, i. I.a RIoRtn, li. k., Mr. Hlnnls, owner nml driver. Kmo-for-all imclnit, porno 300, 111II0 twain, oncli heat n rncc, tlirco lients. No. 1, Ohlqtillo, b. ft., Mr. Stnntn. owner nml driver. No. 3. 1. 11 Miller, Mr. Coxo, ownor mid ilrlvnr. No. 3. Ornco N Mk. in., Mr. Swisher, ownor nml drlvnr. No. 4. Ilnlo, lilk. in., Mr. Ilonnnll, owner, 1'nrkor driver, No. C; lloon MlhUeton, r, in., Mr. Ilonnull, ownor, Parker, drlvor. 1 CHILDREN HALF FAI CATTLE .SHOW OF DAHLIAS " 1 nrrin nflinirT uflRiTrn at lAini DCflK VHKIVC 1 WAN tU A M 'S FAIR WILL BE HELD AT STATEFAIRGROUNDS I'OHThAND. Hnpt. S. -HorelptK for tbn wnok bnvo Iiiidii: Call In. 1 l7; nnlviM, Ith; hog X 1 IS ; Khiwp, 3727, mid liorMW, I, Killer nre mirfeltfd on liulf fnt cattlo nml am nhailln.: thtdr I1I1U on Miiuh ittnff nml only nooil nloorn am In demand. Mont of tlm rofnlpU for (bo week bavn Imnn of Oin ordlnno variety, wi utilim bnvo rnnKd In prim from 0.7S to 17.75 with No a et trntnn top for vory lMt i:rdn. I'uml em urn In dtunand and bad mood nlo. A Untiled ttttl- of cow and bnlfnra lin benii rncolvoil with Reed deinnnd and prlrn In lino with about n wk ago, top r.nulnn noltiR nt l 3T to ITlRTi nml ntt orraatotml liHttrh at jr..7i. A letter nntlut for bull. Htoady prlriid on prime Unlit vnal. , Itncnlpta of boga contlttitu to roino In liiinclm. A Kood uliod run Mini day with RO.r.o top for bot lUbt! uliiff. Tim iirlrs iurkihI to $9.3r. I.y I Titmiilny ami Wodixwday, tha imtnn I10I1II11K for Krldny and tho linn mar-. kot can Ih iiiotl anywhnro bntween ' J'J.ofl nnd t U.B0 with tmleuy down- j ward. Tho week itnrlotl off with n brink! bimlnoM In tbn hw bouao with a fair Hupply of both choice lambs nml Hheop. The Htroimth had iUhiIIhkI lHfor tho mld-wcnk and buer waro bard to find for llm fow arrival an the Inter dock train Kbcop and lamb prlron week. Tlic ll.twcr enmmittec of llic tiri'iiier .Mciiitinl chili i arranuniK Hit n.xlilliilion of iImIiIIb o lie hIiowii I Ih fair on WaduomlHy, nml ev ery olio xrowtiiK lliiwo linnnlifiil fliiwcin nto nrjtil to enter tliem Tbey will Ip jmlgril nndnr llm rnlc of tliu Oni(iii DmIiNii mieiely nml HbboiiN will lie ifiven lliu bent vari eticrt. lU-HJilcit thin, tb I 'air n-i- ('hImiii i nlforiiiir a iiimli prixu fur I lie IiomI pollpolnn. liliibilnm 11 10 urnil lo cnlcr 1 licit 11 pnrly Wcilnfwlny titntiiie with their iiHinn nml vniiely plainly wtittmi on nu entry curd. It lift been fliown that ilnbliaxean lie rrown i't IIiIh willey willi onlin nry cnri, and the lmliiw ui-li In ercile nn mlcrc-t Hint ill load lo oiiiftliiji? iii.-ie iircl('iilioti4 nc.t vca r. r.AI.K.M, Kcil. H. TIiwihiiihU ol 1 liililrcti were inndi' liapjiv hil rar I by llm inltotliiclioii for llm fir I time M.' 11 ch IdrciiV imhiMrial exhibit. AiMllinli" liitve Imcii tmtiln IIi'h v;ir tn-tl'T llm Mipi'iiiitctiileni'v of I'ro- 1 f 1 -'ir I''. 'J'. .Monri'n of llic On huh Scliool for tin lllitiil. A lnniHiinr ftriiclnre fidxITill lu i rt-ndy lr Jne, ami when L'O.'IOO cliililmn cmie in ftnin llic Imp vnnU "llmic'll lie tin-in in llm air" in llm 'prtrtini'til in nlilv jitcitlcil over by I'roc"ir ,Mii) - Tli- (cmponiry xtnu'lnic i fur llm 'r pec 11I purjimin uf nccintiiiMiiliilini' llm cxIt'liiU inadc by Oregon ni-IiooI 1 Inlilrcii, of which Oil. Dill) were rep relented InM yenr. Tim lnte fair will open Kepli'inlier 'JP and clon 1 Oi lolmr I, nml alicmly llm ccit- tiicnt nmon (Im children i rnit'mi-' lutfli. Tim iniltiHlrinl cxhib't proved n plmmuimnitl niiciiwv Inmt year, I111I In -t .M'nr will Im no criterion. There 'will Im exhibit of irrniii, vckcIoIiIc. livcHlock and poultry, well p HprcimciiK of hamliwork on Dm part of llm hoy nml tlm "Minlnmim! bri- trade" will make llm loy hiille for position, for llm eirl will Im Umrc from nil pnrU of Iho Ktnle. While limy will 11U0 linve exliiliits of tlm jjimlcn ami the ixmllry yard, tlm will have in mMitimi Imttrr thai Ihclr mvn hand bnvr made, jellies nml janiM, ennncd and dried nt .iff. j en ken nml pnalry, ntul other pooi lliinH. Mimpim 01 imeiimwork will nlo be "howti, aid how akillfiillv limy can dam n wloekine;. nml in fact nbotil cvcrylliiii' Dint tlm older folki will have. Oilier thini: in lro for llm chil dren will Im the children's plny trrnuml Hint irnvcd mioIi nn nllrne lion lat yonr in every re-peet. Ad ditionnl nppnrnltw nnd extcmlod room render 0U ection more ixip 1 1 1 n r.- Another place where oliildrcti onlv will iitrticipnlc will be in llm otiimniox dnpartiimnl. A tetnpornn liiiibliiiu fi08n feel lins been nddod Ibw yenr nml is remly for ocen pntmv. O- M. IMinninrr, one of llm inenilien of the Portland ehil lionnl, hns eharue of (bin depart iimnl nml Im will Im nided bv n carp" of fiHMHniitn well veroetl in nil tint t j;oc (o make n perfect pliicnl child. AMIKIIT TOZIKIt. RM One hundred and eoventcen labor paporn nro published In Amtrla. I'', .lull. ill, who leu cars a;i a rtMilcut ot MciildMl, ntul 1 cuxli'iiii iii-H'ctov at 111 I'a'-o i.u.l ...I.. 1 1... I.....1II..I.I o..i..r.i.. 1.. jitoloil uliindy with Inctt . ". ,", ,"k" ' "'", V,'" tiiiMip 11 iii'AM'llli tifMiMfll ntiirt 1, 1111 T. win IIIIH BUT RAIN.COMES CIIICAOO, .Sept. .- Tho liolulcd Imiil wavo which lain ycHlordny inaila (JhieaKO hwellnr in it temnnr litinci of JIM) iletecH, Hciidiii),' innio' IlioiiHitmlK (o (ho lake IiciicIich, wiih broken lliin inorniuK hy rain nml 11 oool noilhwt'ril wind. Tho weather l'omenstof ptodielH m'en cooler wutitltor in tho noxl low tlnys, ami tlm city in eoiiKrnlnlnliu ilnulf Dial tho hottcHt Niiiumoi' in Hovenlcon yenra iippi'itta to Imvo hppttl ils I errors. Woathcr Forecast Oregen: II11I11 iiorthweHt lonihl nml Tui'Hilay; rain Koitlhwimt ami oiihI porlioiiH tonight or Tuosiliiy; cooler tonight east )oiUoii; koiiIIi to went winds. EPISCOPALIANS PLAN 10 At a iitnnllnit of HI M.trk'u ronsro Katlon hold Hiiml.t) nfternoon, tho ful lowlnit roHolullon wait panned! WhereitH, nt a tnnolInK of tho con Krottatlon of Ht. Mark's churrh, duly called by the blibop and held In Ht. Mark' ball nn tho.Hovonth day of Hoptnmbnr, lllnhop HraddltiK avKitrod thn innniborii tif tho coiiKrnKiitlo,n, that nil thn flnntmlal ropotiMlhlllty for nny lndobtmlnn of St. Mnrk'H block ronlH olely with hint nml that thn coiiKroKntlnn la not In nny way rcHpoimltilo for nny Imlehteilucgs on tho properly, but that tho rotiKroKti Hon will oventunlly pnrtlrlpalo In tho lucomo from tlm property now railed Ht, Mark'11 block', thorofor bo It HcKolvcd, That thin coitKror.ntlon enrneatly dimlrca a proper Ikiiiho of worship, which deslro Ih heartily shared hy tho lilitliop nml, Hint the roKtilnr cotntutttoo bo authorized to Hoouro at oure a sultablu lot, nml Hint the I.ndlea' flulld bo rctitohtoil to ap point a committee of flvo to co-oper-ato with cnld romuilttee. folliiH'iiiK K.I Pnxo iliptt'h ptves Hie duiailit: "llefnro l.ieulnnnut Aeoota, nu of liner in Oivioml Siilnuti's federal command nt Jttnrer, eroh-cd (he 1 Stanton nhfel iuteitintional btolt' tiiik tiriiiftiiinii I,,, 1 infill L-...I I. im I was "Ruin lo kill n urino. ' He wi killed by I'nihd SlntuM CuhIoius In spectdf T. V. tlonuh nml 1 nimiura t ion liiKpeelor Thonum N. Iloil'iin, tifter he had opciitid fire on Hn'in with n rifle on tlm Amniieau aide of the in ternntionnl boundary. He win shot HitMiilili Dm mouth nml uriu, ami his liitc, fiom which he had dismount ed, wns shot tlirtitijili llm side. Tho American otliceia were not wound- SIAGE 10 CRATER LAKE T0U VELLE APPOINTED GOOD ROADS DELEGATE County .Indue Ton Velio has Imeit nanied by flovernor Wlesl iih,uu Or iKou deUtato to the National Oood Koads nssimiation meeliu lo he Imld in SI, Louis, Mo., in November The uppoiulnmut entries with it llm piiv IU'K of uppoiutee.s pnyiiiK their own pxpettsuH, nml tho ireuiul county jmlfjo is willing to jiiisk, it along (o nny 0110 who will be in M. l.onis nt (lie lime, I We have one auto hooked to gr lo ('ruler Lake Saturday niglil, eou Histing of people who can not leave ul tiny other time. We have I wo passengers booked for the second nuto, and can uccommndntc Ihree inote passengers. Will spend Sunday nt ('ruler Lake. Leave Cra ter Luke eutly Monday morning, lako breakfast nt Prospect mill rtnt'li iMedfoiil Monday noon on re turn trip. This is u good oppovluu ily for those who nro in business lo visit Him great sernio wondor. Tho night ttip is most beautiful through Hie forest with thu eleetrio lights front Hie nutos thfowing its ruys sovernl hundred ynrds in mlvunco of Ilia nutos,- Send in your seat reser vations iuunediulcly, HALF, TAXI CO. Grey Hairs never worry tnc woman Who U6CS YW v rz Ai i r JK.JL " . f Gait She ha none. Hov'i Hair Ilcaltn rcatorcH uiittirnll color to grey or fnilril hair. II promote! a natural, healthy growth, free from danikutf. It 11 not In any lento n dye. , mr ...m.. 'r. 1 XicitlJIlltlitnuilnni r I UR44U4UK1MlOeftllUl !. 11 n:x 1 17 MMinici , utmt. r. . MiiM'ui(it rn.iu.M.rv Good Time Now for Blood Health Warm Days and Proper Help do Wonders for the Blood. With Medfovil Initio Is Mcdfonl mndo. A fow dose of that wonderful blood puilllnr. H. H. K. will mart activities In tho cellular tumies of tho boily and soon iliow ilocliU'il clniiiKea la tho kla. Tliw akin la but n lino network of tiny I liioil vvascla, and tlio spccllla notion of t-', .u. 8. la doclmed to bo n pronounced NtlmulnUou of tho activity of theao cella. Certain It U that In a urprla luitly short tliuo any Bkln eruption hows a most remarkable chautro; It bCKlns to dry up; tho ikln scales oft Im tiny tlccks, nnd soon n layer ot clear, healthy and Arm tlssuo results. Tho reason lor this Is In tho peculiar stimulation of H. B. a, which tumbles tho cells In the skin to select from tho blood the nutriment U requires for ii'Keneratlon. This fact hns been demonstrated year In and yonr out In a wonderful number of rases of severe skin diseases that had seemed to bo Incurable. ou can obtain P. 8. 8. nt any welt ctockod drutr store, If you Insist upon It, but bo sure you are not talked Into something "Just ns Kood," S. 8. 8. Is prepared by tho 8wlft 8po clflo Co.. ISO 8wlft IUdK., Atlanta, (la. Wrlto for their llliutrutod bool( on sktii diseases. The National "Makings" Enough "Bull" DurhamTobacco is sold in a year to make approxi mately 12 billion cigarettes about the same number as all brands of ready-made cigarettes in this country combined and the sales are -still growing. Millions of experienced smok crs have learned that they can roll lor themselves belter cigarettes from "Bull" Durham than any ready made cigarettes they can buy. Cigarettes hand -made from "Bull" Durham Tobacco afford a lasting enjoyment and satisfaction and possess a delight fully fragrant aroma not possible in ready-made cigarettes. srt5rsS sWVS. jfMfkjMS IsS? jf v WJrA M J c ""rWL WttX.. M 4 M GENUINE ft Bull Durham SMOKING TOBACCO Enough for forty hand-made cigarettes in each S-cent sack) A book of "paptrt" FREE with each 5c tcck. sHsissBLw i w- (jgdHBHai This pure, good tobacco is smoked by more millions of men than all other high-grade tobaccos put together. Get a 5-ccnt sack at the nearest dealer's today "roll your own" and enjoy the most satisfying luxury in the world. Sold wherever good tobacco is sold and you can always get it fresh. IlIIIH BSHBBBBBHSUBTislBU' l BKLjBBBBl9BHBHlBBBBIHHBBBBBVlBHBVsBBBBPiVS'9P ' yi" ' T w"' "J-''rfV! ' ' ' "aaSsBsflulssssssl Jackson County Fair and Pear Show Medford, Sept. 9 to 13 Liberal cash premiums for exhibits Fruits, Grasses, Grains, Poultry, Slook prodiifts of Kitehen and Pantry, Fancy "Work, Etc. Prepare now to compete for theso premiums, and help make this the best fair in tho history of Jacksou. County Children's Department a special fe attire this year. Ducking Horses and Dulls to bo ridden by sonic of the best riders ou the coast. "Write tho Secrotary "W. I. Drown for premiums list and particulars and, ' prepare to make an exhibit. Special Train to Grants Pass and intermediate points after Grants Pass day Thursday, September 11. Faro of ono and one-third for overy day during the Fair. J. T. SULLIVAN, President .' J . S. I, BROWN, Secretary, WH