Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 08, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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8. 10 in.
- i ir -a
Tlin Hnll Taxi Co, nont out two
earn this moriiliiK for Crater Lnko
lnaitoil with twelve tnurli-t-i. Tho
Prntoi Lalto season iH close October
1st, nnd tho pcopjq nro now taktnir
ruivntitnge of tlio most bcntitlfut iart
of tho nenion to visit, tho lake,
Mr. CJoorRC Tranna linn returned
from a ten day's outliiB on Little
lttttto creek.
Home-mndo bread at De Voo'b.
Frank MannlitR of upper KoRtie.
river trunsactod business In Mcdford
Col. J. F. Mnndy has returned from
n trip to Portland on bunlneia con
nected with tho transfer ot n large
body of Dig Uutto timber.
Drn. a. R. nnd Loutso E. Hedges,
chiropractors nnd incchnna-thoraplsts
nro now located over Doucl & Co.
Phono 170.
W. Estell Phlpps returned Satttr-
dayfrom Salem, where he argued two Involving real estate nnd water
rights In Winter precinct In tho su
premo court.
George and Xod Vilas of Dig Sticky
district nro at home ngaln nftcr n
trip to Northern California during
which they scaled Mt. Shasta, which
stands nearly 16,000 feet abovo tho
level of tho sea.
Kodak finishing. Host In town, st
lie sure to go to tho polls tomor
row and give tho good roads bond
your vote.
Mrs. Orion McDonald and her chil
dren nrrlved from Washington dur
ing tho week nnd will remain some
Misses Krnncos nnd May Loosloy
returned from tho homo ranch Sun
day and will attend tho Mcdford high
school. -
Madame Itoodo announces that tho
Henuty Shop will remain open under
her personal ' management, contrary
reports notwithstanding.
Frank Hay has had several hundred
cord's, of wood cut on Knnes creek
nnd Is having It hauled to Medford.
The city council has contraced with
him for tho delivery of 75 cords, ot
$S.03 per cord.
Fred V. Medynskl has returned to
Medford from n sojourn of several
weeks at '.'oilcan nay, Klamath coun
ty. Miss Catherine Mears will resume
her plnno teaching September 15,
310 South Orango St. H"
Mrs. Obonchaln of Uutto Falls,
widow of the late John Obenchaln,
County Judge Toil Voile, Hubert
llrovnrd nnd Porter J. Notf were un
ablo to reach Uutto Falls Saturday
evening for tho good roads rally on
account of automobile troubles. They
left Monday afternoon for tho city of
lumber mills.
Mr. . and Mrs. Carpenter of
Angeles, who came to Medford In
their nuto for a visit with Mr. nnd
Mrs. Flnker, nro en route home.
Amateur contest tonight nt tho It
Theater, J 1.00 cash, three prises.
Don't fall to lienr Hud Wilson, hobo,
with the big tenor voice, also sco a
"I.lttlo Want" walking on bis hands,
usual run of photoplays, tile. 145
H. D. Mills, manager of the Uutto
Falls Jittll nnd tho Dewing timber In
terests, spent Saturday In Medford.
He has secured tho contract for fur
nishing this school district with sev
eral hundred cords of wood.
T. II. ilenton of tho Heutou Lumber
company, ot Heddlng, Cal.. denies tho
report that his corporation bos pur
chased tho Fowler timber tract in
Foots creek district, but admits bav-
Frank Turner, lately of Gold Hill,
has become Interested with John K.
Hots In tho Central Point barber
Crater Lake pictures .a book f
12 pictures, band colored, tho finest
ever rhado of tho lake, for sale at
Dorking & Harmon's studio. Call
and sco them. 228 East Main street,
phono 320-J. tf
Mrs. W. C, Doueff and Mrs. A. Rose
of Jacksonville tarried a few hours
In Jacksonville Saturday.
Mr. Duprco has put up a saw mill
between Derby nnd Butte Falls and
will commenco operations in a short
IS. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
placo by appointment. Phone M.
Dr. Flndloy and his family ot
Grants Pass made an auto trip to Cra
tcr Lake during tho week.
w. l. counts, tor many years a
resident of Tolo, who Is now conduct
ing a feed store at Grants Pass, has
been nppolntcd a rnomber of tho coun
cil of that city to succeed II. J. Clark.
You will bo surprised to find how
llttlo It costs to havo tho Southern
Oregon Electric company do your
electric wiring and repairing, Phono
Tho premium list for the, third an
nual Joscphlno County Fair Is being
distributed. It Is much moro liberal
than usual and embraces several spe
cial features, among which Is a bet
tcr babies show and a milch cow con
Paul W. Robinson has gone to Cor-
vnllls to enter the Oregon Agricultural
College. Ho will train two weeks
with tho football squad ot that In
BtfttiMon. Wynrio Scott, ono of tbo most up-to-dato
portrait artists on the Pa
clfjc coast is taking charge of tbo
portrait, dppartment for tbo Gcrkln
& Harmon Photo company, 228 East
Main afreet.
Miss Mnry Ppnlnger has gono to
Newport to visit a couple of weeks be
fore resuming hex studies at tbo O.
A. C
Medford's votors should turn out
en masso tomorrow and giro tho good
roads bonds proposition a unanimous
"Insurance your best asset." Ilnvo
tho best. Placo your Insurance with
Holmes, tho Insurance Man, right if
no writes it. tf"
About fifty topic advantage of the
excursion of tho Pacific & Eastern to
spend Sunday nt Butte Falls. Among
those from Medford were Mr. nnd
Mrs. S, S. Smith and friend from
Wichita, Kan.. S. K. Redden, Misses
(inunyaw, Myors and Erlckson, Mrs.
A. R. rhlpps nnd daugbtor and Mr.
Mrs. Myrtle Lonr, who Is connected
with tho advertising department of
the Los Angeles Examiner, is visiting
relatives living In Medford.
Pjyatp rniiglc lessons frpm DO
routs upward to thrco dollars por
lesson, accordjiig to subject and
teacher cliOBon. Medford Consorva
ory, College Hide., qi North firapo.
, Dr. nnd Mrs. Cnrlow worp guests
of (ho latter's nlstor, Mrs. Cplllns of
Gold Hill, repontly.
nrrltvi! In Medford Sunday and Will
stop Indefinitely with her daughter, jlnR the matter under consideration
Mrs. Harry CIngcade.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phono 227
Nlglt, 'V. W. "Weeks lPiUT-2
Photic A. K. Orr 07H-M
Judge Calkins, who on Friday ad
journed tho April term of circuit
court for Josephlnecounty slno die.
has returned to Grants Pass to con
vene the September term of the court.
Fred Alton Hnlght. teacher of
piano nnd hnrraony, National Con
servatory of Now York. Specialist
in tbo correct principles of touch and
technique in all grades of study.
Careful attention glvon to young
children nnd beginners. Faults ac
quired through wrong wnys of prac
ticing corrected. Fall term Septem
ber 2. Halght Music Studios, 116 S.
Laurel street, phono 17G-R.
. Mrs. C. P. Walker ot Rig Rutto Is
In Medford visiting her mother, Mrs.
H. LcMasters. who was critically 111
for somo time.
Mrs. J. Vv. Grover nnd Mr. nnd
Mrs. S. 11. Hnrnlsh of Eagle Point
were of thoso who spent Sunday nt
Rutto Falls.
Mrs. Arthur II. Allyn has opened
an office as public stenographer at
the Medford Hotel. Sho Is exper
ienced In court reporting, legal work,
banking, Insurance, abstracting, real
cstato and commercial lines. Satis
faction guaranteed. Prices reason
able. 152
Harry Schultz has gone to Marlon
county to resume his studies at Mt.
Angel College.
Tho Jackson county board of equl
Uzation is in session at Jacksonville
and will not adjourn until Saturday
Tho Beauty Shop, Jackson County
Rank building has not changed hands,
feet, or brains, nnd is still open un
der tho personal management of
Madame Roodc.
Howard Patch and his mother, who
have been guests of Spraguo Rlegol
at his orchard In Gold Hill district,
are on their return to Ruffalo, N, Y.
Fred Kisor, tho famous landscapo
photographer of Portland, left Mon
day with an assistant, to spend a
month photographing Crater Lake.
His photos of the lako are famous.
Madame Roodp announces that the
Reauty Shop will remain open undor
her personal management, contrary
reports notwithstanding.
Tbo Butto Falls Lumber company
has completed the manufacture of
about 200,000 feet of lumber, which
has been sold to a party nt Klamath
Falls. No moro will bo sawed tbls
season, as this run was made princi
pally for tho purposo of conserving
Its water rights.
Charles Craig, who has engaged
In shoo repairing at Talent, was a
recent business visitor in Medford.
Medford Court No. 10 Tribe ot Ren
Hur charter membership list closes
Friday night, Sept. 12th, when free
membership will bo Increased to
17.50. Join now nnd snvo $7.50. For
particulars wrlto Vv", K. Fansbor, P
O. box 407, Medford. Ore. Tolo-
phono 329. 149
Mr. and .Mrs. Fred E. Farnbam of
Chicago who have been spending a
few days with Mr, and Mrs. Carroll
S. McMillan of tho Mary-Mac-Orchard
left Sunday for California nfter pro
nouncing tho Rogue river valloy and
Medford In particular the most ut
tractivo and promising of any of the
many sections visited by them. Mr.
Farnbam who founded tho Producers
Fruit Exchange of Chicago, hopes to
be ablo to permanently locate in
Medford soon.
Attorney E. l, Kelly loft Monday
for Grants Pass whore six criminal
trials are Ecbedulod for tho week.
Tho Reauty Shop, Jackson County
Bank building has not chnngod hands,
feet, or brains, and is still open un
dor tho personal management of
Madamo Roodo,
Bishop Scaddlng loft Sunday even
ing for Portland.
Alfred Parkhurst of tho Crater
Lake company spent Monday In Med
ford hunting stono masons and mor
tar mixers for tho Crater Lake Inn.
Mrs. Parkhurst and children left Sun
day ovonlng for Portland, having
spent tho summer at tho Lake. Wl)l
G. Steel accompanied him back to tho
Piano tuning orders ovor phono
907-.I, please repeat over 1002-R, Art
Storo. C. M. Richards. 145
Mrs. Francos Mooro Hammond.
wife of H, I. Hammond, died nt Port
land September -t, aged 17 years. Re
sides her widower sho Is survived by
two daughters, Miss Rcssln llnm
tiiond, and Mrs. Josephine Moldrum,
her mother. Mrs. W. S. Moore, two
brothers. Unfits S. and Chnrles S.
Moore nnd three sisters, Mrs. L. N.'
Uelllnger, Miss Hertha nnd Henrietta
Tho district convention of tho
Knights of Pythias will be hold nt
Klamath Falls September 1 l-lfi.
Delegates front Medford, Grnnts Pnss
and Ashland will bo In attendance
and invltntlons have been extended
to lodges In Northern California to
send representatives. A big duck
hunting contest will bo one ot the fea
tures. Miss Florence A. Heames ot Uerk
eley, Cal., passed through Medford re
cently, on her way to Portland, where
she Is tho guest ot her brother, If. S.
District Attorney Heames. Miss
Heames has been engaged to teach In
the fourth grade nt tho Alblnn Homo
stead school. Sho Is a native of Jack
sonville nnd graduated from the Cali
fornia Stato Normal at San Jose.
If n bill introduced in tho U. S.
senate becomes a law, entrymon who
fall to perfect a first entry may tako
a second claim. A salo of rights or
fraud would debnr n second oppor
tunity, however.
For salo, a gasoline tank, 50 gal
lons, has never been used, also stock
In Rogue River Fruit and Produce as
sociation. 717 North Riverside
Medfprd. 150
Dr. M. M. Rull of Eugene a friend
of Dr. E. R. Scclcy, has been visiting
In Medford.
Tho annual fair ot tho Jackson
County Fair association will be held
at Medford this week. Great prcpa
rations havo cen mndo for tho event
and nothing left undone for Its suc
cess. A visit to tbo grounds will
show that no expense has been spared
to put them In tho best shnpo. Tho
raco track Is probably tho best half
nillo courso in tbo stato and many
faBt horses will participate In tho
events announced. Tho pavilion for
horticultural, agricultural, domestic
and other exhibits and quarters for
tho live stock nnd poultry aro n great
Improvement upon thoso prepared
Councilman George Porter nnd
Charles Gay havo returned from Cra
ter Lake.
Uncle Tom's Cabin broko into tho
good roads rally at Central Point Sat
urday evening, tho residents evident
ly caring moro to sco Llttlo Eva go
to heaven than hear tho benefits of
good highways.
Joe II, Beeman, ex-mayor of Gold
Hill, resplendent In a now fnll out
fit spent Monday In Mcdford attend
ing to business.
Ray La Mar, employed at Hitter's,
Is out ot commission with n blood
poison taint in his right hand, caused
by a slight cut that becamo Infected.
Tito first school children's fairs
for .incl.-on county were held nt
Hojjuo ttiver nnd Phoenix on Friday
nttil Snttinluy, September ,"i niiil II.
Supleiiuteudenl .1. P. Wells hits on-
ennrnjred this n.u'ricultttrnl liiiltMrinl
seliool work for liuvs tun! uiiln uf
hi enmity, wiw prcxcitl tit both (tide
tuirs nnd expressed hinwelC a much
plcii-cd with the interest munil'iM
nnd the c.xIiHiHh mtidc. At Rogue
River there wits titi exhibit of ugu'cul
tnrnl product made by dinners nuil
fruit growers independent of the
school fair. Sonic very fine pro
ducts were nhowu, pntticuliiily in
fruit mid vegetable, products Unit
would show well tit (be county fair
mid do credit to the county at the
state fair. The purpose of the fair,
however, was to uio the sellouts
nnd the school children u ctuiuce to
show what they have been lining the
past .summer. The school garden
propo-ition lias been given special
attention and it lias been pi oven that
children will slick to their garden
work if I hey have encouragement to
do so. The lady who lias had
cliarcc of the gardens dexenoK much
credit for tier successful efforts and
for the valuable tiiotrtielion which
the young people have received. The
prir.c winners in the garden contest
were l.ea Coleoinb, Mary While, Carl
Nignrle, J mho Martin of Kvtut"
Creek. Kvn Wilcox, Adolpli Welch.
Honnld Holcomli, Karl Owimr. Ibil-
eia Hiirkhatdt. Harry Woods ami
Florence White
The business men showed their
appreciation of this woik hv guing
sonic very nice prizes which were dis
tributed by the Ladies Civic Improve
ment League froin the Imnd stand
nfter the exorcises were over nt the
exhibit halts
The following laiys and tjirls were
winners in the tclid fair coutc-t :
Philip I.wd, Curl N'cgerlc, Harry
Woods, Donntd Dimick, F.vclyit
Young, flcrlrude Young, Viola
Myers, Dorothy Slarr, .Margaret
Young, Itcfsie Scnuinu, James Mc
Qiuit and Itittlt Hosier. The exhibits
consisted of vegetables, corn, nt tides
of sewing, patchwork, bread, cake,
About 100 fans gathered at tho
Anglo opera house Sunday afternoon
to seo Rud Royd and Franklo Ed
wards (not tho Jowolor) go through
their training stunts for a ton round
bout Thursday night, Grants Pass
day at tho fair. Edwards boxed Rud
Audorson 17 nnd eight rounds at
Klamath Falls and was defeated, hut
Is fast nnd clover. ' Royd is said to bo
of tho Anderson strlpo and a 'comer.'
Ad Wolgast, ex-llghtwolght cham
pion who camo horo Friday, to buy
land, promised to roforpo tho go, but
left Sunday for Cadlllao, Mich., to re
turn in October to look ut tho land
again, for tho seventh tlmo. Jack
Ovordorf will bo roforeo. Tho pre
liminaries will bo fast. Indications
point to a big crowd, tbo scat sain
beginning at tbo Nash yesforday.
n lined fruit mid other things made
by tho young people. A bird liou-e
made by a hoy under ten mid n log
ging wagon were articles which nt
tractcd much attention. After the
prizes had been nwiirdul ait nddrcxs
wns given hv L. I'. Harrington, in
dustrial field v'oH''" for the .state.
Mr. Harrington is in the coiiutv ut
Hio present time to nssit Omuly
Superintendent Wells in the seliool
tntr work, .lie caul in part: "No
arc trying to lulueat the liny nnd
k'irls of tho schools of Oregon in n
grent educational movement to make
our schools more practical, to im
press parents with the importance of
common everyday duties of life.
These tilings hmild ho a part in the
education of eicry ' boy nnd git I
whether the home be in the city or
on n farm, flirls should he proud of
the fact that they can cook mid sew
mid bovs should bo glad that they
know how to do things mid how- to
ho useful' Hoys should ho encoiir
nged to care for poultry or stock
nnd to work in the garden. 'Ilaek
to the f n nu' Iiiih been the call. If
we will give our hoys nnd girls the
right kind of country schools, if we
will make the work interesting, mid
if we will make the social conditions
nttractive in country districts wo can
keep our young oil tho farm. Ore
gon is in tho forefront in this great
cdiiculioiiiil movement. Tim work is
state-wide mid whitt our schools mid
the boys mid girls did last year has
been talked about in every Mule.
Then fiiipKrt your school fair, the
comity fair mid tho stnlo contest."
The school fair ut Rogue River
will become mi utiuual event mid mi
important ono in the work of the
school and tin training of the chil
dren. At Phoenix the school fair was
held in tlin baseuieut of the high
school building mid the exhibit con
sisted of the various kinds of gar
den products, vcgclnblos, pop corn,
sweet corn, liclit corn, canned fruit,
arliclcH of sewing, (dresses mid nit
rons) bread, cako nnd n fine display
of the school work done (iu tmsl
year. The products were of excel
lent finality and tll young people
used very good judgment in select
iug. Tho canned fruil shown by Iho
gitls ranging in age front ten to four
teen years, would do credit to nn
housekeeper, tl should lime it place
nt the county fair and ut tho state
ftilr After the were uwanlcd
all were asked lo go lo the assembly
room where u program of addiesses
and talks was given. Principal Agcr
of Iho I'hoenlx' schools presided and
the first speaker tnl induced was
Superintendent Oeorgo A. llriscoe of
Ashland who gave a short but inol
interesting unit instructive talk on
school teachers and seliool work. Me
said that we should liuvo more train
ed teachers in our schools mid thai
any one normal school could not
prepare them fast enough, tie urged
the support of the stnlo university
in every voter who hud ()njoiiV best
interests at licait. lie gave the hos
and girls n word of eucouni'jeinent
in closing.
The next speaker wits'Supcriutcinl-
cut Wells who Hpoko in school fairs
briefly nnd iutroduceil I I', lioniuh
who guvo n talk on the Vow educa
tional movement now teeeiviitg so
much desired attention in Oregon.
The speaker said "(live the hoy and
girls n ehnuciy lei them liuve sonic
thing which they cnn cull tluiir own
mid let it tie theirs. Make tho county
school (the union high schooll the
community center for the activities
of the district- Make the school and
the school work fit the ntjeds of the
boy mid girl nnd do not try to utako
them fit the school. The school fair
is n move in the right direction. Just
note the interest innuifedl hPtc today.
Let the good work continue nnothir
As nt Rogue River the lailies here
deserve much credit for (lie success
ns also the business men who t'livc
the prires. Alt agreed that the Phoe.
nix fair was worllt while.
The writer has been nimble to se
cure u compellc list of prire win
ners nt the Phoenix fair. There'
were over on,, bundled ctitric- iipil ,
the eompet'ti " was -hntp. '
.MedConl Has to How to (lie liict liable
Huues of CllUons Prove It,
After leading tho public nliitommil
of this lepi'cseittallvo eltlsoii of Med
ford kIvdu below, you iiiusl, cmu-i to
this eourtunlluit A remedy whluli
proved so hcucflrlnl years ago with
Iho Milne-, can naturally bo expected
to imi'furin tho hiuiiu work lit tdmllnr
canes, ltiiad this:
Mrs. J. II, llitisHiint, Central ave
nue. Medford. Ore., snyn: "I was so
bad with MOnoy trouble that I could
not do my housework. My back wan
won); and painful and lit the moiulug
whsn I got up, I was lauio and sore.
Tho kidney secretions were uniintimtl
nnd my health steadily ran down un
til I wns hardly able to Met about
While tit that condition, 1 mad about
Doau's Kidney 1'llls and got u box.
I felt betcr from the tlmo I com
menced n I hk them nnd It was not
long before I was etircd. I am la a
position to recommend Doau's Kid
ney Pills lo mi) ono oonerrilotod with
kidney lomplalnt." (titulciiiout given
Soptciuhsr 1 1. 1907.)
When Mrs, lliuiss'i urn was Inter
viewed mivornl enr later, sho said!
"Mv former endorsement of Hoitu's
Kidney Pills still holds good. Slum
this remedy cured me I havo had no
further attacks of klduoy complaint
and 1 have enjoyed good health."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
rents. Foslcr-Mllburn Co , Rurfalo.
New York, sole axottls for the Pulled
Reineinlier the name Donn's
nud take no other.
All Kinds of Wood Hatting
Plume 7IW..V
ttl'll .Vorlli Central
N. Fl
Htudlo Hill West ttti Street
NcMtHonalilo IflownrH nml
Dccnrnli-niH nf all kiiidN for
fall woil-liiiKH.
Telephone :I7I.
10013 Enat Mnin Slreot.
She Miolo up a Mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur lo III log Mini.. Color,
(ilo-t, Tlilrkios
Common garden sngo brewed Into
n hc.tvy ten with sulphur and alcohol
ndded, will turn gray, streaked nnd
faded hair beautifully dark nud luxu
riant, remove every bit of dandruff,
stop scalp Itching nud falling hair.
Just n few applications will prove n
revelation If )our hair Is fading, gray
or dry, scraggly nud thin. Mixing
tho Sage Tea and .Sulphur recipe at
homo, though, Is troublesome. An
easier wny Is to get tho rendy-to-iisn
tonic, rostlug about CO cents n targe
bottle nt drug stores, known as
"Wyeth's .Sago and Sulphur Hair
Remedy," thus nvoldlug a lot of muss.
While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not
slhfiil, wo nil desire to retain our
youthful nppenranco nud attractive
ness. Ry darkening your h.tlr with
Wyeth's H.tgn nud Sulphur, no one cnn
tell, becnusn It docs It so nntiirnlly,
so evenly. You Just dampen n sponge
or soft brush with It nnd draw this
through your hnlr, taking one small
strand nt n time; by morning .ill gray
hairs havo disappeared, nud, after
another application or two, your hnlr
hot-onion beautifully dark, glossy,
soft and luxuriant.
;oui .mki:s
THAT lti:
"Gooo Snot 5"
oppesm: post oii'ieu
riiTY-srt n a.nmal
Sept.i29-Oct. -1,1913
A whole week of plcamiro and Profit
silii.i filTCIM'li IV PKIiMU'MS
Do Agrli iiIiiimI, Lltftoik, Poultry,
Tex I lie and tlllicc IMilhlt-i
Horse rnccs. nhootltiK Tournament,
Fireworks, Hand Concerts, Hugenlrs
Imposition. Chlldrin'-t Playground
and other fr attrnciloHS, Including
IIo.mI nnd Ogle's One Ring Circus.
Free Chimp (troundn. You nro Invited
Send for Piciolnoi LM mid lEutry
Reduced rales mi all railroads
For particulars nddrowi
FRANK MI'lti:iMTII, Se. rctary
Salem, Oregon
lljlYP t)U
visited Hie
SV 110 Mi
Wear tho Nu Hone Cuaranieod
net, I-or Kale lly
jeskpiiim: i claric
II III West llli Street
Wn carry n vrrr rninnloln ltd of
droiicrl. Iiieo mriil-n, 11 k ttir-. lo.,
unit ili) nil clnx-ic uf tl nluilw t -rl MfT A
i-prrlni iimri In look ruler llila work
nxolnxlvfly nint will kivu un K"J
nrvlcn ii h In pomiltjln n jot In oiioi
thn MrKrat cltlin.
Woek3 & McGowan Co.
FOR RKNT 0 room furnlshod hoiiao,
wntor rent paid. CJS King street.
WANTKP A muii with wood saw to
saw 13 rordH of wood pit ranch 5
miles from Medford,' phono C97-J-a.
With Mpdford traOD is Medford mudo.
LOST 1 pair automobile chains 3fix
4, between Medford nud my ranch,
roward paid. Dr. Hour Hurt,
phono 14-F-1C. 14G
Fall Footwear
i .I
Wo iiuunuiiro our rcmllijows'tn supply our trade with tho biwt In
Footwear for Moil, Women, Hoys, (ililii and Dip vury llttlo people.
You will find this n vury satisfactory shoo storo
Our shoes, prlcun and our oxporl shoo icrvico no
people nro calling this
In ovory
Their Shoe Store
Soliciting your consideration when ready for your fall uhoulug wti
nro very truly yours,
To Fit
Wo Llko
Tho Hani
To I'll
For llnir Dressing. Mnni
eurintf tun! miisH-itjiii. We
have a first clnsx cntalilisli
nienl willi everything strict
ly .Modern and Sanitary.
We maniilai-lnre ami .soil
all kinds of
Toilet Articles
We also carry a full line of
Hair Goods
And malce up your own
eojnbiiiKM. ('all or telephone
Mme. Dowd Jcffcrs
:mX. Cenir.d I'hoim 80-lt
b,.jel .
i hue nxiiQSis.i&mJ'jjZ' i -aaa o UiJ vo j
its aBalf :?$ i-SWp
Hand'-? famous Hotel.
cd for (he Excellence)
$ Cuisine. European plan
HItimtert hi fits Holt or tlio Principal
Theater mid Hlinppliu; l)n(rit
Iticcntly Redecorated anil Hcft-ruMicil ThniMKlmut,
nuil Itcltcc Ki-iilppcil Today than Kvcr llcfnro
ICurpiH-mi Pfaii
Rooms without bath, tjtl.00 per day ami up -
Itoonls with bain, iril.OO per day and up
0. J, KAUIfMANtt, ManiiKcr.
N. K. CLAMtlfK, A,sst. Mr. '
m !!Uk' mm
Ift, located
nncl moHt
hotel iti tin:
City, Running dirttillctl
ice water in cuch room,
European Plan, n la Carte
Tariff on Rooms
12 room
(10 rooms
SO rooint
00 Idomo v,l:!i (Jilt! Icli
(0 roonii vr'lb nltil bilh
$1.00 each
1.G0 rncb
i.OO each
2.00 each
2.S0 ecli
31) iuIIoi, bmlroum, par
lor nnd bath 3.0,0 each
Fqriior than ono HUcit add $1.00
' extra to tho olinvo mtai for
' each nddltlonat euott,
Reduction by wrulc or menth.
Managemant Cl.tttir IK Kotlty B
!lJJtWl -