Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 08, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    207 Second Sri So
i stmt c'efJr
Medford Mail Tribune
Itnln tonight op Tuesday -Mux.
DO; Mln. no.
Pnrlytlilnl Ynnr.
Dnllv -Kluhtli Your
NO. 14fi
Measure Center of Flhi Today
Principal Ohcrtloiis Come From
La Folldlc, Who Speaks Several
Hours In Behalf of Amendments.
Rlllht of Wealthy Men to Pile Up
Millions Issue of Debate Over In
come Tax Amendment hy Norrls.
First Day's Attendance 1171, as
Aualnst 892 for Same Date a
Year A0-fiaiu Will Exceed 15
Per Cent.
Many Country Students Flock to
Hluli School, Which Has Greatest
Proportion of Increase.
WASHINGTON, Kept. 8. 1'renl
dent WIIhoii'h tnrlff Itlll wnii the con
lir of (hit f Ik ti t In tlm anuntii todny
iiml In exported to pnnn (lint body to
iiIkIi). Tomorrow It will go to tho
lioimn niul nnifiTm will lio nppolfitod
tomorrow or Wodni'tulny. It la ex
ported dm riToiirllliiK of tlm two bill
will rcqulro n fortnlKht.
Tlm m'tindi mat nt 10 o'clock to
day. After It pannes the (nrlff bill It
Ik expected (Intro will Im a tirltif yarn
(Inn but Hut rhnmbor will convene
overy fnw day ntul iohh tlm urMont
blllii, It In Import tlm currency bill
will roach tlm sonnto wltliln ton day
but no unit will vi'iituro n prediction
mi to bow Ioiik It wilt remain before
tlm upper bound.
m I'ollitlo fillet Ol.Jortor
When tlm Honntn met (ortny It wnn
not exported Hint tlm republican!
wimlil ilcmnud detailed ro)lrnlln. thern
being little bupn on tlmtr pnrt to pro-
riil tlm bill going through im per
program. Vlrx I'ronlih'iit Mnmlinll In
uxpcdltlng nctlon In every wny Im
run. Tlm prluclpnl objections today
tin expected to ro mo from Hnntor
Lal'iillclto, wlio In expertod to apeak
xi'vornt hour In advocacy nf certain
It I doubtful If voting on tlm var
ious nmeiulmontrt to tlm tariff bill
will bn flulshod In tlinn for a voto on
tlm bill beforo mlilnlRlit,
During tbo dny tlm sonata dls
ciimoiI tlm fundamental right of
wealthy nmn to plln up tlmlr jiiIIIIoiii.
Henntor NorrlH of Nornskn Knlil Hint
nu litlmrltuuro tnx effectively applied
would break tii tliono lingo aggrega
tion of onptlnl niul strongly urged bin
nmoiulmenl to tlm tnrlff bill provid
ing for mirh n tnx on nil cutiost. Mix
plnu provide for tnxltiK luhorllanci'si
up to t.'iO.OOO otm per cent with grnd
tint lurrt'OHii until luhcrllnurcM nbovn
$50. (100.000 will puy tlm public 7ft
per cnl.
Wrlko MiililOllllliiriulrcM
"Till," wlil Henntor NorrlH. "woulil
not tnko from nnyonn n single dollnr
Im Iiml ntiy pnrt In creating. In
ovory Instance, to fnr nu I bnvo ob
served, whoro persons bnvo Inherited
n mllllnu dollars or moro thoy bnvo
never mined n fliiKer toward useful
work with tbolr nrcuinulalort wonllh,"
Senator Norrln than reviewed tbo
progress of tho Alitor fortuno.
Tlm troublo with thin liilinrltnnco
tnx," until Senator Clnpp of Minn
esota, "In (lint It tondn to roconclla
tlm pcoplo with tho system of nl
lowing ono man to llvo In Idleness ntul
luxury upon tho toll of millions or
IiIh follow inon."
Olnpp blttorly denounced Andrew
Cnrnoglo, oxprosslng "hopo for tho
iliiy whun, initonil of ppoplo wait Iiik
Fir! ilny Total
ini.'i-ii. nirj-ir
High HI'lllHll
Wllhllillgtiill .
I.iiii'ulii . .
Inekhoii ,.
W Mi-
(Continued on Vngo 0.)
Total 1171 111) I
TIii'kp figures nro tlm
year's lolnl, iiml thin year'
Hip Tirnt ilityV fi(jurpM.
Mcilfonl i'liooli oiMMH'il thii
luorniiic w'"t n n'roril-lirrnkinc nt
ti'iiilmicii mill tlu n'KixInitlou up to
noon imlli'iileH nu iui'rciiKc of from
I 'J lo If. ht rent oxer IiihI yenr. All
tlm hpIiooIh tiro overcrowded, with
the ItluKt overflow in tlm lligli
At noon tlm rimdlinciit totuleil
1171, with tlm jirediplion hy Siimt
iiilfiuU'iit V- K. ColliiH Hint lietwecn
'Jilil ntul HOI) Houlil be nrttlrd hy tlm
urek'ri I'liil. haul yeiir llu lolnl wnn
11(1 1, willi 8!2 for tho first dny'r.
Tho Iipiivv iimrcnHo in ilun to Iho
fiilriuiro of ninny pouiitry lintoiil
into Iho llili Hihool, mul little folk
juxt lieiiiiiintr. At Iho Wiihliiiilon
M'hool there were fifty primnry ho
jjinnerH, mul nt the Roonevelt Keliool
thirty. Northern California town
furnish about twcuty-fivo of the
llij-li Hehool'M new eutriex, with iiuinx
from Knule I'uiut, Central I'oiut,
.laekionville, tlm AppleKiite ami
other ilixtrietR.
The llinh hcIiooI ami the Wahinu
Imi heliool inn hailly overerowiled.
To furnish Hoata in the first named
it will ho neoewnry lo turn the hal-
eony. Ditrinc 'he Hummer lony
Hoata were iustalleil to meet tlm riioh,
hut were noon filled. In every hoIiooi
tho front hoiiln were oceupied. The
hehool hoard will meel thin afternoon
to iliniMiKK a solution ami may se
cure additional ipiailerh'
The repHlration and niMum: t
pupils will lake nil week. One husky-
looking Jap, l. Omaki, n(;o ill, Is tho
first little brown man lo register in
Iho local High school, lie weigliA
187 pound and will try for Iho fool
hall team.
New beginner enmo in droves to
Iho ward schools. One. lilllo Im
with a first reader under his arm
hulked heoiiusn Iho lonelier would
not let him bring his dog into thu
AsHtgn.nonl of studies mul classes
will ho inniln today and tho first
classes heard Wednesday.
No Increase In Taxes, Says Tou Velle
To iho People of Jnekson Ceunty:
To eorreet popular iniHUiulerHtnndiiig, I wihIi to
slate that the road bonds to foe voted upon tomorrow
do not necessarily mean an in taxation.
The present road levy of .'J mills will provide, for
inierest and redemption fund, which total one mill,
and leave for expenditure upon county roads two
mills, a larger sum than is now expended, if the
money now spent on the road to foe improved foy
foond proceeds is excluded.
The passage, of the road foonds will thus enable
fhe county court to improve more roads in outlying
districts than will foe possifole if the foonds are de
feated, as well as provide the beginning of a system
of paved highways.
The $o00,000 bond money will remain in Jackson
county in wages and material. It will encourage tho
building of a cement plant, providing a permanent
payroll and developing a natural resource. It will
add a most desirable improvement, benefit the farmer and open Oregon to profit
able tourist traffic. FRANK L. TOU VJSLLK,
County Judge.
The Xnli hotel Iiiih been
made rallying iiut for dee
lion day lor good roads
workers, and IIium who can
are requested to be. on hand
early to hono as freeholder
for ncipiaiulanees who hne
neglected lo register There
nro heveii preeineltf in (lie
oily. All Hiilooiis will he
The Bonds In Danger!
Modfnid must mnlutnlit Itu load nit tho mont progroHBlvn city
OroKuu by voting solidly for tho rontl IioihIh tomorrow.
For yoarn Moilford hn led tho fight In Oregon for good rondfl.
llur hopoH nud nsplratloiiH will bo ronllzori If bor cltUous voto Bolldly
for tho bomlH. Wo numt roll up n mnjorlty or nt lonBt 2000.
Don't think for n mlniito thoro Ik any cinch about tho bouda
carrying. Oppononta nro not Haying much, but exceedingly nctlvo.
Thoro Ih a Btrong undorcurront of opposition. It comon from
two Hourcou, Horulumda who oppono nil progrosa linbltuully, mul
thOBo who nilHuiidoiHlaiid Iho Ihsiio, fonr tncronaoil tnxatlou mul do
not ronlUa that what bouoflta ono pnrt of tho county, bonoflta nil
Thoro Ih only ono way to nsHitro tho Bttccoaa of tho bonda and
that la for ovory progroBulvo cltUen to constitute hlmaolt a commlttoo
of ono mul work, not only to enst bin own voto, hut lnuko It n point
lo hoo Hint ovoryono ho knows, votos.
ICvory woman mul ovojy man who hna rcsldod In Orogon six
moutha mul In tlm product no days la ontltlod to voto, whothor rogln
torod or not. It not roglatorod, tho voto must bo aworn In by nix
froohnldnra. Thoy can onally bo obtained dowutowu.
Tho bouda miiHt carry and by ii rocord majority.
It la a quoHtlon of local prldo. Make miro of your voto by voting
enrly. Thou hoo to It that your iolghuora voto,
MONTItKAL, Quo., Sept. S. A
plot to kidnap Harry K. Thaw and
hldo him In tho Northern Vermont
woods until ho could bo suuiRglcd
from thu country was rcvcnlod hero
todny by peraoua who illccussod tho
plan openly with newspaper report
ora. Two hundred lumbermen, It was
stated, actually nsiiomblcd Inst Fri
day nt Norton Mills, Vermont, where
It wna expected Hint Thnw would bo
put ncroKH tho border, In readiness to
kidnap him from tho authorities.
- jjt Q
' ,jfcjp tf Showers or Sunshine Voto
wWyJMlfiJBijSft, for Good ltoads.
ifr.,vV ;;i -Lrft
mfrj& k 't- !i ir.Jii
I a f ' l I HL
RACItAMEXTO, Cal., Sept. 8.
Kvideneo that Maury I, Diggs and P.
Drew Cnmiiietti, eon vie led in San
Francisco of violating tho Maun
white ulavo nut, will not eacapo pros
ecution in tho Sacramento courts, on
charges of contributing lo tho de
pendency of their minor children un
til it is practically certain that Ihey
will ho lodged behind prison, liars
for their crime, was shown in Judge
Hughes' court hero today when the
eases were called. Deputy District
Attorney Jones asked that Iho cases
go over for ono week.
NKW YORK, Sopt. 8. At tho
opening of tho stock market todny
prlcea moved alugglahly, oxcopt Cali
fornia Potroloum preferred, which
advanced 1, niul Moxlcnn l'otrol
ou m, which Jumped n'j, Heading,
Stool niul Union l'nclfla woro allghtly
lower. Later Union l'ncirio foil bo-
low ICO, ntul tho otlior londora de
clined, somo of thorn a point or auore.
Honda woro Irrogulnr.
Tho market cloaod dull,
Eleven cnrloads of Iloso pears
woro shipped out Sunday by tho
Itoguo lllvor Fruit nud l'roduco as
soclntlon nud tho Producers Fruit as
sociations. Another similar ship
ment will go out tho middle of tho
week, Tho first Hoses will roach
eastern markets In mid-wool; and
record prices loom.
Tho lloso crop la vory heavy, and
picking nud packing began In ninny
orchards Sunday. Today many grow
ers nro looking for pickers and pack
ers. Tho Anjou mul Comlco harvest
also beglna this weok.
Tmlay's l'oar Market
Now York Through auction, two
Washington Hnrtletls, $2.12.
Doslon Through miction, two
ears Oregon lkutlctts, $2.15 to
Chicago Through miction, ono
car Oregon llarllctts, $1.50"
Pormer Mayor W. IL Canon mid
family returned from spending tho
Hummer nt Iho old homo in Wiscon
sin, much improved in health. Most
of tho timo was spent on tho lakes
fishing. His son, Pay, who was in
jured in nu explosion last wintor, is
rapidly recuperating. Moth Wiscon
sin nnl Minnesota, havo reoord
hrenking crops, stated Judgo Canon,
uiul tho outlook is for a prosperous
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnly Sept. 8,
Stay of execution in tho order for
nrrest for David C. Norcross, secre
tary of tho Western Fuel compnny,
unless ho shall surrender tho books
of tho corporation to tho federal
grand jury, in complinnco with sub
poena, was postponed today until
Wednesday, September 10, by Fed
eral Judge M. T, Dooling.
Norcross, noting under direction
tif tho indicted officials of tho com
pany, specifically charged with
short weighing, is in contempt of
court, together with his superiors, for
withholding tho records desired by
tho grand jury.
Tho Western Fuel company wns
fined $2000 for contempt, in addition
to tho suspended jail sentenco im
posed on its secretary,
"Tho company has decided to test
this thing to tho finish," declared
Norcross today. "Tho books will not
bo delivered On Wednesday thoro
will bo nu application for n writ of
error, nud probably habeas corpus
proceedings. Wo believe tho grand
jury nud Iho govornmeut prosecut
ors havo no legitimate right to those
hooks. Thoy had necess to then;
onco when wo permitted their exam
ination freely,
"Now tho prosecutors want to
bolster up tlto case, which they bnvo
discovered lo ho vory weak. Wo will
fight this to tho cud."
8 A.M. TO 8 P.M.
SAN FHANCISCO, Col., Sept. 8.
Local society women were still
gasping today over tho remarks
made by Secretary of tho Interior
Franklin L. Lane nt a luncheon
given in his honor Saturday by the
Center, n woman's organization
prominently identified with San
FrnneNco affairs. Tho secretary
was scheduled to speak on. "con
servation'' Among tlto thingH be
snid wcre:
"Most people nro unable to .sit
down to meals like this.
"Do you women, so eagerly ac
cepting new ros'Hinsibilities, realize
that the.o jK-ople on the outside are
the ones to whom you should be giv
ing dinners f
"The girls of the shops and the
stores should bo part of nil these
assemblages not in condescension,
but in fellowship.
"Arc you women working for mu
nicipal dance hnlls for tho enjovment
of nil!
"Are you working for music nnd
the opera for nil of you not just
for the women who can pay big
prices f
"Clothes just clothes nro the
only difference between you nnd the
women outside.
"Do you renlizo that tho girls in
your kitchens nro ns well able to
appreciate n discussion liko Ibis ns
yourselves T
"Iliimnn sympnlhv should bo tho
basis of success among you women,
welding together women of every
class, bettering the institutions men
erenled nnd lessening human misery.
"If you, with your fino enthusi
asm, can give to politics this human
sympathy, you will havo solved n
problem nnd justified yourselves.
"Wo men havo always been too
"Wo want lo move on nnd move
on together, men nnd women."
SAN DIEGO, Col., Sept. 8. Tho
city council today passed an ordi
nnnco authorizing four-round boxing
matches. Ministers of tho city nro
preparing n referendum petition
against it.
Final preparations for tho good
roads bonds election tomorrow wcro
finished this morning by the sheriff
nnd clerk. The polls will he opened
from 8 n. m. to S p. m., in accord
ance with tho new law, giving twelve
voting hours All registered voters
nt tho Inst general election, or tho
registration since, can vote, nnd. vot
ers may be sworn in. A heavy wo
man vote will be polled.
Sheriff Singler lias designated tho
Medford polling places, as follews:
Northwest Grove school.
Southeast Porter house, third on
right from bridge, going east.
North Main Smith's hall.
South Central ITnlley building.
Northeast Humphrey building
North Central Citv ball.
Oakdale 221 West Main.
South Mnin Hnzel building.
Indications point to n heavy voto
ii tho population centers, with tho
passage of tho bonds in high favor.
Workers for tho bonds, both men
nnd womon, were busy today can
vassing tho county. Freeholders
will make tho Nash hotel headquar
ters, in order to nssist acquaintances
who havo neglected to register.
Tho election board in tho different
precincts will bo solocted from tho
follewing: Oakdnlo. A. K. Ware,
chairman, Tom Moffott and Geo.
Garrett, Judges; H. U. Lunisdon.
chlof clerk, 11. II. Tuttlo and Howard
Hill, clorks. Nertheast: L. E. Por
ter, chairman; Will Humphrey nnd
K. E. Kolly. Judges: O. R. Llndloy,
chief clerk, Vern Canon and Clar
ence Plerco, clork3.
Seutheast: M. L. Lyons, chair
man; Poter Ilarnoburg and Tom Kah
ler, Judges; W. II. Jackson, chlof
clerk; T. E. Daniels nnd Tom "Wil
liams, clorks.
North Central: J. E. Walt, chair
man; D. P. Tholss and W. E. Phlpps,
Judges; D. T. Lawton, chief clerk;
Jos. Kent and J. T. Sutimorvlllo,
South Central: A. O. Hnbbard,
chairman; F. Osonbruggo and E, I).
Elwood, Judges; 3, II. Cochran, chief
clerk, Chas. Talent nnd Fred Strang,
North Main: J. L. Dommor, chair-
(Continued on Page C)
An Appeal to the Women of Medford
Tho Clvlca Department of tho Greater Medford club wlsuea to call
tho attention of tho women of Medford and Jackson county to tbo
special election that Is to bo hold tomorrow, Septombor 9, In regard
to tho good roads bond issuo,
Suffrago la ours now whothor or not wo wanted It docs not mat
tor. Lot us provo to thoso who aro watching us and many are
that wo can bo good cltlzous as woll as good womon.
Voting is as much our duty now as la keoplng our door yards
elenn and attractive. It la not (ho part of a good citizen, olthor man
or woman, to shirk his responsibility at tho polls.
Suroly as womon, wo stand for all that Is good, and our vision,
of necessity, extends boyond tho tour walls of our homo, for wo can
not havo a homo, In tho real sonso of tho word, without concerning
ourselves, with city, county, state and national affairs. Lot iih
thou tnko a tow momenta tomorrow to discharge our duty as a cltl
zon and voto. Anyono whothor roglatorod or not, can voto. The
polling places nro montlouod elsewhoro In tho paper. Freeholder
can bo found at tho Hotel Nash.