Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 06, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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MEDFORn matt; trtrune. atod7?oud,
oreoon, yTimDAv, septhmprr o, 'low. -
j.-: JL.i'i'jjj.-ga
faS fc, " ! V ,,.i jttTEZySs . - - Jfl
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The fotlnrntfil clubs or Ashland
wnr lioKliwri'M Tuesday lo tint eltitm
of the Jlni;llii liver valley, ftticl club
members from most of tint town
woro iroHitit. I.iiiiclii'on wan served
In Hit) piirk rarctorlu stylo, mill II
prinod in li nit Idem wny of takliiK
euro (if I ho company.
Aftor luncheon it proitrnni was
Imlil. Mm. lliinl, i r h 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 of tint
Ashland I'edoratcil Clulm, navo Urn
address or wclitiuin which wiih re
sponded lo liy Mm. K, II. (lure, pres
lilmit or (ho (Iroater Mmlfont CI tilt.
Mi. Waller or Hid I'nrlliiiiil Par
I'll Ik IMurutlnntil Miirciiti I'ltvn n must
lulnrt'NlliiK t Ik on tli) work of thai
orKunUatlon. TIiIh wiin followed liy
roporlH from (ho vailnus clubs con
roruluit their plans for Hid tomliiK
j en r.
After n lirlef talk showing the ml
viuitiiKett of rcdcrutlun by Mrs. V (I
DuvIiImiii of Mvilfonlt n illnriiiKilon
was hold, which remitted In it inotloii
that uteps ho taken to feilerato the
Minium's rlnhn of southern Oregon,
which motluii was iinaiiliiioiiitly rar-
rled. Mm. W. (I. Davidson of Med-
fonl wan olertctl inHlilen(; Mm, Ar
thur t'ouklu of (IrnulH Pass, secro
tnry; Mm, Clnrd of AhIiIiiiiiI, Mm
(llllmoro of Itnpio Itlver, together
vtlth reiriHintallveH which are lo lit)
tippolutod from each rluh In tho val
ley, ami tho two offlcem elected, am
to form n coiuiiilllto on orKUiiliutlou
A motion favorliiK Itood mad wiih
pasned atul it resolution liitroilureil
thaukliiK tho Anliltim! ladle for a
most eiijoynhlo day,
Tho mnrrlafco of Ml Alice father
Inn WohrtiUK nnd Hoy II. II. .SVIhoii
orrurrcd Wednesday ntunliii; In
Portland. Minn WehruuK I" well
known among tho )nutiKcr set In
Meilforil, where the tuiH vlnlleil tin the
KUesl of MIm I'ern Hutchinson. Tho
followliiK lit from tho I'ortlntnl Oro
Konlnii: "Tho weitilhiK of Mliut All i-o Oath
erlno WchruiiK nml Hoy II. II. Nelson
wiih sotomnlicd Inst evenliiK at S
o'clock In tho iarlom or tho Hotel
Cortland. IMIly 100 r.ucsta witness
ed tho pretty ceremony and nhnut
400 attended tho reception that Im
mediately followed.
Palms and masses or pink tin torn
with nil additional ornament or pink
tullo how it were lined In decoration
Promptly at tho appointed hour, Jo
iop!i Mulder, nccoinpiinlcd liy t'lar
euro Aluutead, miiik 'All Mine
Alone.' Tho nolo wiih fololweil hy thol
weddliiK marrli from 'LoheiiKrln,'
played hy a strlui;cd orehenlrn. Tho
hrldal arty wero grouped liuforo an
ImprovliiiMl nllar or rocH and palm.
Hero tho inarrlaijo llueH woro read
hy Ituv. i:au I. HilKheH or ItldKe
field, WiihIi., who wiih pantor of the
church attended liy the hrldo when
Hint wiih it Utile i:f rl.
"While rharmoiino nlahoralely
trimmed with real laco caught up on
tho train with Kariilturo of pearln,
matin a iiiohI hecomliiK hrldal kowii
Tho ImiR, filmy veil wn Kiacofully
nrraiiKed with oarl liandliiK. The
only Jewel worn wan a liitudHomo
diamond pendant with platinum Hot
ting, tho Klit of the hrldi'Kroom. The
hrldo carried n uliuwor of rohea and
f.MlKs Kern Hutchinson, maid of
honor, woro a HtiiuuliiK kowii of pink
crept) meteor liroraded mid trimmed
with jioarlH. MIhh Willow May
KleltlH anil MIhh Halllo Hterrett at
tended iih hrldoHiiinldH, MIhh I'leldM
wiih attired In DroHdcn mantulHetto
over plulc ullk, trimmed with Chan
till)' laco, MIhh Hterrett woro plnlt
rharmeiiHo draped with a Hcarf of
HpaulHli laco. TiimmtiiK of pearlH
and tullo wero effectively iihoiI. The
attendautH all carried lionutlfut arm
liouiiioeln of pink roHOH, llohort
Walker watt IiohI man and tho kuohIh
wero UHhered liy Itaymond Itudmond
and Kdward II. Morrlu,"
Tho lady KIIim of Meilforil I.oiIi:d
1 1 HH, nro chini! for tint heiiefll nl
(ho now Klkn' home, mi KIIih' niriil
val, lo ho t'.lven at Hi" Natnlorltim
(ho eVenliiKH of Kept. Hth and 10th
The Moiierat iiiIiiiIhhIoii will ho I Or
iimro will ho danrliiK, Kood HiIiich to
eat, anil every coiicolvahlu uiiiiihi).
meiit, Tho liiillim havo worked faith
fully lo make (IiIh carnlavl a micreHH
and I hoy anticipate a tarKo attetid
unco. Ilrlim your frlemlH and hpuiuI
it ploamint iivenliiK.
In honor of her i;ueM, MIhh Hve
l)n (,'onkllu or (IraiitH I'iihh, MIhh
Mlldied Autlo wiih honleHH at a the
atre parly and uuppor Weduemlay
evetiliiK. After atteiidlui; tho I 'a no
theatre tho party went to the homo
of MIhh Autlo where niipper wan
nerved, TIioimi In the mrty were
MIhh l.vel)ii Coiiklln, Jean Amlomon,
Irene Hiultli and Mildred Autlo.
MoKHnt Hunter (ioodliiK. Wllllnm
Vawter, Milton Hchurhurd ami Allen
Mm, J. 0. Maun entertained at
card TueHilay for Mm, Mahl of Dti-
limine, Iowa, mid .MIhh Core) all of
Keattle Tho Iioiiho wiih decorated
with nweet pciih and marlKohlH. Mm.
Merrick carried rr tho two hed
prltcH. Thorn pri'Hent IichIiIch the
honor kuchIh went Mundamel'KKlei
ton, (late, Kldd, Wm, Meaty, Nndd,
HhaplelKh, MlnxeK l'lora dray, Ittilh
Merrick and Dot Kerry. Mm. Mann
wim DMHlHtud h)' MIhh Mario (lateH.
Mm. M. A. nKKleidon of CIiIcuko,
who In the Kiiext of her nUter, Mm
M. rurdlii, will entertain at auction
hrliUte thin afternoon. Tho kuchIh
nro MmilamoH CIiiih, KiikIIhIi, l. I.
HutchlHon, Wm. I. Vawter, l,iiuindeti,
Nowhury, TrowhrldKo, Kldd, Orr,
Mann, Merrick, Nye, KnlKht, llolnien.
(lati'H, Wlllard C'amplicll, Itlddell and
Humphrey, MIhhcm Chanro of Port
land, Until Merrick and I'lttch.
Tho marriage of John II. Darley
and MlfH Nora I.. WIIhoii iMcurred
ThurHilay iiioruluK at tho Methodliit
pamomine, Itev. i. (), KldrldKo per
forming tho ceremony. Tho couple
left for a honeymoon In California
and on their return will mako their
homo In (Irlfflu Creek.
MIhhoh .loan Antiunion nml Mil
dred Autlo entertained lit cartlH Wed
uoHtlay afternoon at tho homo or
MIhh Antiunion for tho ploiiHiiro or
MIhh Kvolyn Conklln or (IraiitH I'iihh.
1'ivn hundred wiih played tluiim; tho
afternoon and dainty refieBlimonta
woro Horvod. Tho Invited KiiontH woro
MIhhoh Kvolyn Conklln, draco Mitch
ell, Ktliol (luthiio, JoHophluo Knot,
Caroline AudrowH, Mary roiiHliiKur,
Helen I'urucker, Triini Deuel, Car
mon HlttHou, IroiiQ Bmlth and Klluor
TrjiKoi1 and Jtlta I'niKor of Portland.
JiidKo and Mrs, V, M. Calkluii and
their KUontH, Mr, nml Mn, B. M, Cal
klna of Kiikoiio woro outortiilued this
wop by Mr. nml Mib. Myora of AbIi-laud.
Mm. Corn T. McCaho hai been rn-
KAKetl an u teacher of vlocutlou h)
Mr. Tnlllandlor to fill the vacancy
canned at the roncervatory hy tho
reHlKuatlou of Mm. 0. T. Wllmm who
wiih tho teacher of oratory nml phy
Hlcal rultiiro at that liiHtltullon hint
A moHt en Jo) aide atternoou wiih
npeiit by tho latlleH or the MlMxIoniiry
Society or the PreHliyterlan churcli.
TueHilay, when Mm. Mil) lira or 1 1 ohm
I.ano entertained for them. A nodal
afternoon wiih ttpent nutl an elabor
ate luncheon wan Boned.
An Informal dinner wiih kIvoii by
tho ( ouiitry Club to Hh memhem
.Monday iiveulUK at tho club limine
when plntcu wero laltl for fifty. After
dinner the iciiIiik wna npeiit In
MIhh Adtlio Van Dcu llouch mid
MIhh l.tiulxo Ktiitbdiakor aro tho
KiientH of Mr. ami Mm. Ileal! at Cen
tral Point. MIhh Van Dcu lloHtii Ih
the daughter of one or tho early plo
ucom of voiitheru OrcKon.
Mr. anil Mm. l'nsoii entertained at
canlH Thumtlay eveiiliiK for Mr. and
Mm. Waituer, Mr, nnd Mm. Piatt and
Mr, anil Mm, Howard.
Mm, I.owIh Wakomnu left foe
llerkeley ttila week accouipanled by
her daiiKhter, MIhh Annette, who will
cuter Hchool there.
MoHHru. I -eon Kpeck ami 'Tom
Hcautlln have ouo to Palo Alto, Cal
ifornia, where they will enter Htan
fai'd Unlvemlly.
Mm. Poller J. Noff nml mm John
left ThurHtlity for an extended Htay
In Minneapolis. Mr. Noff later for
a uliort vlHlt,
Mr. ami Mm, l. K, Kuiilner and
fa in I liy left TiioHtlay for Phounlx
whero they will Hpoutl the noU two
Mr. CIiiih. ItnKcrn, who Iiiih bee
the KWOHt of Mr. and Mm. Wortma
of Houth Oakdalu, left thU week for
Mr. nml Mm. H, Yoiiiik and It. 10,
YoiniR of Iowa, aro vIhIUuk Mr. and
Mm. II, K. Krontor of Hoao Or
chanlH, "
Mr. W, O. AlilonlinKou, who Iiiih
been apemlliiK two weeks In the val
ley, tins returned to Han KranclHco
A inlet weddliiK occurred Mon
day iiwinlni: at (ho Dciuie reHldumo,
on Went Main nlree(, when Mm, 13,
Hood becaiiui (ho wife of Dr. Artemnii
Tho hililo'n kowii wiih whlto otn
hrohlerleil chiffon and (ho Kroom
woro full droxH military uniform.
Tho ceremony wan performed by Ho v.
W. P. HhleldH and only tho linined-
Into famllliH of tho hrldal pnlr woro
preHent. After tho roroiiiony an
elahorato dinner wa nerved,
Iloth Dr. and Mm. Deatio nro well
known In Medford. Mm. Dentin linn
renlilml hero two yenm nnd lo the
owner of tho llenuty Shop. Dr.
Denno who raukH IiIkIi profennloniilly
came to Medford from Philadelphia
four yearn nuo whero ho nerved In
I ho Klmt PeniiHylvnnla regiment for
30 yonm nnd cornmnndeil a compnny
III (ho Bpnuliih-Amnrlcau wnr. Ho Ih
now captain or Compnny Seven of tho
()U)i;oii National Oimrtln.
Mr. J. J. Iluclitcr and Mm. Clco
IIimIko wero unlled In mnrrlnKo Hun
tiny IiimI, In JncknonvHlo nt tho resi
dence of tho brldo'H Hlnter, Mm. W,
If. Ilnriiiim.
Mm. Iluclitcr In tho oldest daiiKh
ter of Mm. W. W. KHort and In very
attractive nnd popular. Mr. Iluclitcr
Ih widl ami favorably known and Ik
In tho office of tho Callfornla-OrcKon
I.Moctrlc compnny.
Tho couplo left Hundny afternoon
for Hnu I'mnrUco, but wero called
homo TucHilny, by tho midden death
of Ma) or Klfert, (ho brldo'H fnlhcr.
Mr. ami Mm. J. P. Wortmnn hnvo
returned from n nx moutliH visit lu
Itochenter. Minn. MIhh Iloth Ilnrnc
n nloco or Mm, Wortmnn, returned
with (hum nnd will upend tho )cnr
Dr. nnd Mm. P. Itlckert hnvo re
turned from Klamath PnllH, whero
they went to attend tho Hhrluorn.
While at Klamath they mndu tho trip
to Crater lak.
Tho I.adlcH Aid of tho PreHliyter
lan church will hold their first meet
liiK after the Hiimiuur vacation on
Tuoadny next nt 2:30 o'clock nt the
MIhs Carter Olson who bns been
tho Kuent of Mr. nnd Mm. Jonoph
liar returned to her homo In (iaston
Wah., WcdiieHilny evcnlui;.
Mrs. II. K. Jones, who ban been
vIhIUiik her datiKhtcr. Mm. It. C.
Wnnhburn of Tnblo Hock, left for
Portland this week.
Mm. nrnckouruld cntorlnlued nt
luncheon Prlday, Informally. AmotiK
(ho r.uestH wero MIshoh Hnrtcell, Hop
pin nnd Coffo.
Mm. nnd MIoh Holllni; of Sacra
mento who hnvo spoilt tho mimnior
with Mm. J. P. Heddy return lionu
next week.
Thu Christian Kudcnvor of the
Preliyterl:in church will hold a so
cial Monday ownliiR on tho lawn of
tho MntiHc.
Mr. nml Mm. John J, WIIhoii, who
hnvo been lesltlcuts of Medford for
govern! yearn hnvo r.eno to Portland
to reside.
Mrs. A. P. Ilrown of Pasadena,
California, and Mm. It. llartli ol
AhIiIiiiiiI, Col., nro vlsltlnc In Medford,
Tho MIhsoh Sullivan and- Cochran
will inner the University of Oregon
(IiIh year nnd leave for Kukoiio next
MIhh Trum Deuel nml Mlsu Prancoh
Heath leave for Kiikoiio next week
whoro they will attend university, i
Mm. fluy Mooro who has boon is-
ItliiK her parents, Mr, nml Mm. C, P.'
lluck, hits returned to her homo.
MIbsch HerrliiK nnd Itolilimon 10
turuetl tho first of (ho woek from a
camplni; (rip In thu ApploKate.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Most of Wash
ItiKtou, D. C, wero the KUcsta of
Mr. nnd Mm. Snrtib this weok.
Mrs. Helen Gale, nml children have
rot a mod from a two months' visit lu
Coos Day.
Mrs. W. A. Stownrt nnd dniiKlitora
hnvo returned fr6m n stay at Now-
. Mr. nml Mrs. Wick Pox mado tho
trip to Klnmttth thla weok by nuto.
Mr. II. J. Trowbridge roturnoil Prl
day from nn custom trip.
Tho first rcKiilar miooMiik nf(r (ho
summer Vacation of (ho Kiilld or Ht,
Mark'n chtirth was held Thumtlay
afternoon lu the Kiilld hall. PImiik
woro mado for a nnlo and dinner
which will bo held this fall. Tho
Kiilld iiicoIh noxt week Thursday,
when tho ioh(choh will hu McHdatueH
Nowhury, Waltliers ami Humphrey.
Mr. John 0. (IrenvoH nnd Miss
Irene Hear were united In marrlaKO
Tuesday afternoon at tho Prenbylor
Inn iimusR, Hov. W. P. Hhlcldn offl
rlatltiK. Mr. ami Mrs. (Ire.ivca hnvo
n liirito circle of friends lu Jackson
county. They will mako their home
In Jacksonville where Mr. (Jrenvcs
Ih In business,
Tho executive lommltteo of (ho
(Iroater Medford Club held (heir n'K
ulnr monthly iiicoIIiik Monday nt tho
Medford hotel. This Ih their last
regular meediiK before the club
ineotliiK which will bo held the Inst
Monday In Hoptomhor. Only (ho
routlno business was (ransnrtctl.
A pnrty of prominent residents or
Portland reached Medford Thursday,
on their return from Crnter Lake.
Those In the pnrty were Mr. and Mrs.
C. Hunt howls, Miss Hnlly Lewis, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Warrens nnd Mr,
nml Mm. David Honcynian.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnlonoy of Juneau,
Alaska, who have been (he guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. II. Hnuloy returned
to their homo Monday. They will
return some time soon and expect to
mnko their homo In the Koguo river
Mr. and Mrs Corey nnd family and
Mr. anil Mm. Ucu (Inrnett nnd fam
ily motored Thursday to tho Helmitn
baths at Ashland.
Mr. Hnm Glasgow- who linn been
visiting his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. It. (Mnsgow, has returned to San
Dlcgo, Cal.
Mrs, Halcr entertained tho
Hoynl Auction Ilrldgo club thin week.
Mrs. Wlllard Cntnpbcll won the
Mr. Howard Hundley or Ims An
geles, formerly of Medford, Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. lMgar Hafcr.
Miss McKlnnon who has been vis
iting Mm. Kdgnr llafer, has returned
to her homo In Sun Prnnctsco.
Tho wedding or Miss ficraldlnc
Mltsche nnd Mr. John Wilkinson will
occur on Thursday or next week.
Mies Chnnco who has been the
guest or Mm. C. I. Hutchison, tcft for
her homo In Portland Prdny.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Young nnd
Mm. Mluklcr havo returned from an
nuto t rip to Crescent City.
Mm. J. P. Heddy returned Friday
from Grants Pass where sho has
been spoudlug tho .week.
Mm, Dole and Miss Dole returned
to .Meiironi Ttiiirsitny mm win re
main tor same time.
Mrs. M. L. Alford, Herbert Alford
nml Carter Ilrnndnn made tho trip to
Klninnth this week.
Miss I.oulso Williamson leaves
Thursday tor Kugciio, whero sho will
ntlend University.
Miss I.ldn Austin will return next
week rrom n two weeks' outing In
(ho Applcgate.
Mrs. Hnymoml and daughter
Yrokn, Cn nro visiting friends
Mr. nnd Mrs. Karl Jackson
Portland nro visiting relatives
Master Paul Hoddy left Tuesday
for Spokane whero ho will attend
Miss Mao White, who has been
visiting hero, baa returned to Cali
fornia. Mrs. N. Lnngoll of Portland Is (ho
guest of her daughter, Mm. Harry K.
Mr. and Mm. Peter Unrnoburg
hnvo roturnoil from n visit near Ash
laud, Mr. nnd Mra. Joint P. White havo
returned from tt sojourn nt Colostln.
Mra. Ii. D. Ward of Klninnth Pnlls
Is tho guost of Mrs. J. 1). Pay.
Miss Mildred Antlo la outcrtnlulng
Miss Conklln or Grants Pass.
Mr. C. H. Pry nml family have re
turned from a trip to Trail.
Miss Porn Hutchison roturnoil Prl-
dity from a visit ii Portland.
Mrs, h, h, Jacobs has roturnoil
from nn opting nt Colostln.
The IndicH of llio liolnnlsh' pnrty,
I' rim Dr. Mroekfitriiin-.erooli, of .u
Hell! Mim. Tiiusley of Cnmbritlgo,
hiiolaiitl; .Mm. ClonientH, of .Miiinen
poliH, nml Mm, Ducliuow'Hki, of Co
liimlniM, wero ontcrlniiin! nl dinner
by llio C'ollegn Woman's club on Fri
day ovoniiitf nt (lie Hold Medford.
About llilrly women were present nml
nil wore iiiinnimoiiH in tleelnriiu,' this
n iiiohI informal nml ul(o(;etlier en
joyable eveiiiiif.'. The lable wiih brnu
lifully (IceoniloiJ wild ('aniline Tol
out roes wliieh called forth many
prainos from llio ffwntn who lind nol
liccii traveling lliroiixh the land of
wiiihliiiip nml roioi. The roo. with
the Insty pink candle ninnies, nml
linnil-pHirilcd ptneo owrds made n
most nllraolivo lable. At Ihe olrwe
of n rnoxt NiiinptuouH nml Hnllwfying
dinner, oneli of III" viwiliti Indie, in
n few wortl, lold Iter 5miroiioiiH
of (ho west. Mr. TouMoy, of Cum
briilfje, oxirofsctl llio Kenernl senli
tnent of tfictn nil when ulic xnid lliis
wan Ihe elimnx of it most wonilorfiil
trifi. She nlso Fcorcd n oint for
kooiI roniN nnd wns groelotl willi
real niplniio when plic said Hint
lie never lirnrd of such liopitality
nt n shown here. "Think," she
wiiil, "of jiooplo loaninc their nulo-
mobili-s nnd over hiicIi rnnilf, lool"
After Hie dinner, n social hour spent
on the me7nninc floor closed n most
happy evoniiifr.
Tho Wornan'B Mlsslonnry Council
met with Mra. Hlley D. Ilenson at her
suburbnn homo Wednesday afternoon.
After tho general routlno of business
tho rollowing program was enjeyed:
Song. "Como Thou Almighty King"
Prayer, by Mrs. Henson
Illblo Lesson, Mrs. Hold. h. Taylor.
Heading. "A Call to Our Young Wom
en", Miss Gcrtrudo Bchmlt.
Heading, "Some at Our Work nt Dal
las, Texan, Mrs. Hobt. L. Taylor.
Heading, "Our Children," Mrs. Co
burn Lewis.
Song, "Sweet Hour of Prayer"
Heading "Leila, One ot Our Olrls"
Mrs. Hlley D. Hcnson.
Heading. "Women Lead a Crusade on
Slum Work at Washington, D. C,
Mm. Kmlllo Conrad.
After tho programo Mrs. Hcnson
served refreshments nsslstcd by Mrs.
Coburn Lewis and Mrs. Arthur Now
man. Tho C. W. II. M. held their last
regular meeting at tho homo ot Mrs.
T. J. Qulgloy on North PIr street.
Sixteen wero present.
In tho election of officers Mrs.
Singly was re-elected president, Mm.
Doyle was named secretary and Mra.
Hlcbter. treasurer. Tho next meet
ing wilt bo held at the homo of Mrs.
J. H. Isaacson, Central Polut.
Tho meeting was opened by scrip
tural reading and prayer. Refresh
ments closed tho meeting.
Look Ladies!
Sco tho abdominal support; a
patented feature found only in
the Abdo Support Corset. Also
Uoaton Hygienic and Hart
ley tailor made corsets fitted
by expert eorsetierc.
Mrs. H. L. Leach
:2() North .Bartlett
IMione 93d-M
California's Natural Medicinal
Spring Water
Nature's Cure for
Sluggish Liver and Kidneys
Per Bottle, 50c.
Case of One Dozen, $5.50.
Guarantee Use three bottles free; if not
satisfied, return the case and we will re
fund $5.50.
Near Postoffiee. Phone 10.
Get Our Prices on "What
You Will Want for the Winter '
Successors to Reichstcin.
Cor. Fir and Second St. West. Tel. 76.
Mr. Corliin 1-MgolI wn n dinner
lio-t nt (lie Country club Tucstlny
cveninjr. HU gue.-ld were Mr. nnd
Mrs. Stownrt FnHeron, Mr. nml
Mrs. Stanton Griffiths, Mr. nnd Mm.
Iliuuill. MUs Hnlloway nml Slater
Mr. nnd Mrs. Slewnrt l'nllemon,
Mr. nml Mrs. Krnnk 1'rescott leave
Saturday on n mnlor trip to Crnter
lake. From lliere they will go to
Pendleton, vlioro they will nttcml
the "Kound Up."
Mm. 11. K. Mnrsh and Mrs. M. K.
Haelrlgg will bo hostesses to tho
ladles or the Haptlst church nt a mus
ical Tuesday ntternoon at 3 o'clock
nt their homo at 13 North reach
The Altar society of llio Cnlholio
church will meet in the hull Thurs-
tlnv nfteruonn. A lnrjio ntlemlnnce
i tlesircil its business of importance
is lo he tlicucd.
In n
IJIr.1 AkrUrasfU(ff ;
kl-thM-Irr Ila4 llr
IHH. 1. II. J aaj U1J M.U1UCX
turn, m.i IC KIM KlUua.
Tl urn wtkrr. llr rjrr .
j,lrkuonUnl. Stint. Alw.rKIUlK
rnril.t. A.kll'lll't-'lirn-TCiHn
1IaVu.M llliMl
fit. kuon tl Dot. Stint. Alr KtllUK
Raises the
Dough! Better
. .
ON OCT 1, 1913, AT 2 P. M. SHARP.
Pear Creek alfalfa land, the best in the valley, lo-
S cated two miles north of IMcdford, Oregon. Pacific
& Eastern Railroad runs through the tract, where
fruit and other produce can he loaded on tho cars
without any long haul. "Will he sold in two or nioro
j tracts. Correct acreage and terms will he giveu at
& sale. Trees all standard varieties: 35 acres Now-
!f) towns and Spits, 7 to 10 years eld: 9 acres delicious
0 2 years old; G acres pears from 1 to 5 years old; U
acres almonds, cherries, peaches, etc. Improve-
meuts: A No. 1 two-stoiy ten room modern house,
largo barn and outbuildings, pumping plant with
ten thousand gallon tank, entire tract can bo irri-
gated from Rogue River canal. Present water right
for two acres. Machinery, tools and livestock will
bo sold if purchasers do not wish tho same. Terms
1 will be easy: Certified checks of 10 per cent at time.
of sale, balance of cash payment as agreed upon at
time of sale.
P. S. Send this ad to your friend who wants a
1 good orchard.
13. P. ITALL, Owner,
"WILLIAM ULRini, Auctioneer.
Pain Gone in a Minute
Magnetic Healer
Phone 921-M. 43 N. GRAPE
"Will Cure Headache and Toothache Free
for Children. Come to Office.
1 'I