gvwww;wywtTKfe fimwffflippgf. Bii ,fiJndl TTT'S : J . ' 1'AOKlfOUK. MEDF0K1) MAIL TBIBOME, MISUFOHD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER C, 1918, w" Il ( ' f IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Ashabel Hubbard has returned from a business trip to 1'ortlnnd. . A. C. Allen of Hollywood orchard motored to Medford Thursday nfter noon. Ooortro Kolhngon of KosoburB, the woll-known etockbuyor was In Mod ford Thursday. ltomo-mado bread at Do Voo'e. W. C. I.covor and J. C. Smith, county commissioners, woro In Med for the first of tho week, on their way to Jacksonville. Ml is Mao White, who has been vis iting In tho valley, returned to Call fornli Thursday. Drs. a. It. and Loulso E. Hedges, chiropractors and mcchana-thornplsts aro now locatod oror Doucl & Co, Phono 170. Mrs. I D. AVard of Klamath Falls Is tho guest of Mrs. J. D. Kay ot East Med ford. Harry D. Mills of nutto Falls tran sacted business In Mcdford Thursday. J. Itlovlns and George Owing were over from Jacksonville Thursday. Kodak finishing, iwm in ton m Weston's L. Ij. Jacobs, caRhlcr of tho Far mers and Fruitgrowers Dank, who has been spending a fortnight aCole- stln, is on duty again. Dr. Porter and Mr. Peebles who nro motoring In California, aro ex pected homo soon. Crater Lake pictures ,a book if 12 pictures, band colored, the flncJt ever made of tho lake, for sale at Gcrklng & Harmon's studio. Call and sco them. 228 East Main street, phono 320-J. tf It. A. Noblo of Honolulu and S. Sproat of California aro lata arrivals in Medford. Mrs. R. Barth ot Ashland and Mrs. A. F. Drown of South Pasadena, Cal. nro visiting In Medford. George West, who is In tho U. S forest service, with headquarters at Prospect, was a recent visitor in Med ford. E. D. Weston, commercial pnotog rapber, negatives made any time or place by appointment Phone M 1471. E. A. Hildrcth of Dutto Falls, secretary-treasurer of the Jackson Coun ty Firo Patrol association, was in Medford Thursday, on his way to Ashland. Ed Clemens, superintendent of Mrs. M. E. Dlngham's orchard in tbo Bur reli district, transacted business in Medford Thursday. John W. Pernolt of Applegate, merchant and hop grower, was in Medford and Jacksonville Thursday. You will bo surprised to find how Ilttlo it costs to have tbo Southern Oregon Electric company do your electric wiring and repairing. Phone 926. Mrs. Porter J. Neff and her son left on a visit to Minneapolis, their former home, Thursday evening, on a visit ot several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isaacs have returned to Dig Sticky from a ten day's stay at Colcstin. W. W. Wheeler of Ashland and George Nealo of Central Point tran sacted business In Medford Thurs day. Wynne Scott, one of tho most up- to-date nortralt artists on the Pa cific coast is taking cbargo of the portrait department for tho Gerkln & Harmon Photo company, Main street. A party of prominent residents of Portland, In two nutos, arrived in Medford Thursday evening, on tho return from Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Lewis, Miss Sally Lowls. Mr. and Mrs. William Warrens and Mr.- and Mrs. David Honoyman are among thorn. Dr. Warren Cameron of Applegate spont Thursday night In Medford. F. W Whitman and his Tamlly of Marysvllle. Cal , and J. S, Frame of Fargo, N. D., arrived In Medford dur ing the week. "Insurance your best asset." Hare the best. Place your Insurance with Holmes, tbe Insurance Man, right if ho writes it. tf C. C. Deokman of Jacksonville, the pioneer banker ot Oregon, spent a few hours In Medford Thursday, Madame Itoodo announces that tbe Deauty Shop will remain open under her personal management, contrary reports notwithstanding. T. O, Spanglor of Trail, who was U. 8, gaugcr ot the Medford distillery in by-gone days, tarried In tho city Thursduy. So did Joseph Miller of tho samo district. MIbb Catherine Mears will resume her piano teaching September 15, 310 South Orango St. 147 228 East Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS &ADY AMISTAKT Day Phone 2JJ7 ' Nlit . V. W. Weeks I03-J.2 Phone A. E. Orr 078-51 Mr. and Mrs. John F, White, who hnvo been sojourning at Colcstin dur ing tho prist ten days, returned Thursday evening. Tho now dresses Ih ratines, pop lins, serges, etc., nro hero for your choosing. Ahrcna, J. D. Scharff, n pioneer commercial trnvoler, who had been coming to Medford over since It wns laid out, died nt Portland Tuesday, aged 81 years. Mr. and Mrs. A. 'ardo of Crescent City are Into nrrl.,ls In Medford. Fred Alton Hnlght, teacher ot piano and harmony, National Con sorvatory of Now York. Specialist In tho correct principles ot touch and technique In nil grades of study. uarorui attention given to young children and beginners. Faults ac quired through wrong wnys ot prac ticing corrected. Fall term Septem ber 2. Halght Music Studios, 116 S. Laurel street, phono 176-U. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Radcr ot Phoo nix precinct made an auto trip to Medford Thursday. Heautlful now evening dresses, make your selection now, Ahrcns. K. M. Wilson and his family have returned from a trip to Susanvtllo and Adln, Cal. Mr. Wilson exported the records ot Lassen county whllo gone. In which he was assisted by Mr. Schmidt also of Medford. Ho has resumed his duties of deputy sheriff ot Jackson county. Mrs. Arthur 11. Allyn has opened an office ns public stenographer at 'he Medford Hotel. Sho is exper ienced In court reporting, legal work, banking. Insurance, abstracting, real estato and commercial lines. Satis tctlon guaranteed. Prlcos reason ablo. 152 A. S. Krochcll. manager ot Weln- hard Drewing company's depot In Medford, went to Grants Pass Thurs day evening. Eggs aro bringing 30 cents a dozen In tho Portland market, while 16 cents per pound aro paid for hens there. Prlvato music lessons from 50 cents upward to three dollars per lesson, according to subject and teacher chosen. Medford Conserva tor. Collego Dldg., 31 North Grape. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Flndley of Central Point district motored to Medford Thursday afternoon. Tho new millinery, for varloty, au thentic styles and price sco Ahrens. Col. George P. Mlms of Seven Oaks was in the city Thursday after noon. Ho is being visited by his daughter, Miss Katherlne. C. D. Watson ot Ashland, who is assisting the members of the geologi cal survey in their work in Southern Oregon, passed through Medford Thursday en route to Grants Pass. Call at Lottie M. Howard's 109 N. Central avenue to seo tbo latest fall millinery. 144 Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Lumsdcn were at the train Thursday evening, to meet Charles Hurd and his family of Los Angeles.. who were on their way to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Drophy have gone to Portland on a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Franz Whetstone were of tho many who shopped in Medford Thursday. See tho beautiful showing ot new fall coats and suits at Ahrcns. Samuel Glasgow, who has been the guest ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Glasgow, has left for San Diego, Cal,r whero bo Is employed. Dr. J. F. Reddy was on the north bound train Thursday, en routo from San Francisco to Grants Pass. He Is ot the opinion that thero will bo no trouble In meeting tho requirements made by tho supremo court in Its decision Invalidating tho railroad bonds voted by the peoplo of Grants Pass. Tho Deauty Shop, Jackson County Dank building has not changed bands, feet, or brains, and Is still open un der tho personal management of Madamo Roode. "Deko" Ducktngbam formerly of Salem, is now employed at tho Palace of Sweets. There will bo an excursion to Dutto Falls over tho Pacific & East ern next Sunday, mo Mouiora band will furnish music for tho occa sion. The Jacksonville public school will rcsumo studies next Monday. Prof. Smith. Into ot Talent, will act as principal and will havo four assist ants. Mrs. Nellie Moody, formorly of Jacksonville, Indian wife of Wra. Pew a white man, has begun a suit for dl vorco in Klamath county, on the ground that she did not know that It was against tho law ot Oregon for peoplo of dltforent color to marry, Pew wbb recently sentenced by Jus tice Go won to 15 lashes for wlfo beat ing, but Sheriff Low refused to ad minister tho flogging, tho Jaw pro viding for such punishment having been repealed. William II. La Folletto of Madi son, WIsb., nephew of Senator Robert M. La Folletto, and bis brothor, O. E. La Folletto of Helena, Mont., havo gono to Crater Lake and will hunt and fish In Jackson nd Klamath coun ties for a whllo. Tho former will afterward go to Los Angeles to make his homo. Tho opinion of Attorney-General Crawford which allows those regis tored for tho election ot 1912 to vote at tho good-ronds bonds election, will bring out n largo number of votors next Tuesday. County Clerk Gard ner will accordingly send both tho old nnd now registration lists to the different polling places. Art Store moved to 30 North Grapo stroo and now loads for bargains on everything. D. S. Wood. 144 Governor West has designated September lGth as Mnde-ln-Oregon day nnd will Issue n proclamation to Hint effect this wcok. Dr. M. M. Dull ot Eugene Is visiting Dr. Seoloy en routo by automoblto to Eastern Oregon. Madame Roodo announces that tho Deauty Shop will remain open under her personal management, contrary reports notwithstanding. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Lamport aro entertaining tho former's brothor ot Salem for a fow days. Miss Evelyn Conklln ot Grants Pass Is tho guest ot Misses Jean An derson nnd Mildred Antlo, who gavo a party In her honor at tho Andorson homo Wednesday nttornoon. Mrs. Helen Gale, who has boon vis iting at North Dcnd, Coos county, for several weeks, returned to Medford tho foro part of tho week. Tho Deauty Shop, Jackson County Rank building has not changed hands, feet, or brains, and Is still open un der the personal management of Madame Roode. J. A. Torney, who hns been oporat Ing an option on placer ground at Joo Dar, four miles from tho Dluo Ledgo mine, has been forced to Bhut down tor lack ot water. Operations nt tho Sterling mlno havo been tem porarily suspended for tho samo rea son. Work wilt be resumed In Octo ber. Superintendent F. W. Carnahan ot the Dlue Ledge mine, and wlfo aro In the city. Mr. Carnahan has been In poor health this summer and may bo detailed to Mexican or South Ameri can holdings ot the Townc Intorests this fall. E. A. Hildrcth ot Dutto Falls, secre tary ot tho Jackson County Forest Flro nsjoclatlon, spent Friday In Medford. He reports tho present year tho best on record, practically no fires being reported. RAILS DISTRIBUTED FOR TROLLEY LINE Tho second shipment of rnlN for Iho Hullfo electric, lino will arrive Iho first of tho week, the first i-ousIkic menl nrritn Inst Monday. Tien for the wd uro nlso on route. Tho frnnohUo limitation for Ihu hoj;in niiiK of actual construction expires September 15. Mr, Gumbo, n rasldcut of tlild plnee for nomo time, loft tho Inltov pail of tho week for Kngono nt which plnoo ho will roiunlu. L " I I WPyMI I I II III I I Knurn Crock IiuhIiiuh vlMtow to Gold Hill thix week woio Mr. mid Mr, LcwIh. Mr, mid Mru. Klmor lliulnholhniu, .lumen litiwronoo, Mr, rrsr" X lli'iiiloinoii (Hid ilmlujilor, Mr, nnd Mr. lloiwoliiiluVr, Mr. (Iromilonf, Mr, Miimoii and hop, MiikkIu FolV mid Weather Prophet Fouler. f' KANE'S CREEK I GRIFFIN CREEK The Griffin creek school hns been postponed for one week on account of books being short. E. E. MxirrUon, who linn been vi itinc in tjie enst, has returned home. Mr. Reynolds, who has recently purehnsed Mr. Shebol'i place, hns tnkeu po8osion of the some. Wilbur Kino started Monday for a two week's trip in the Crater I.nke country. Mr. Darby nnd family who have been visiting relative in the enst, returned home Inst Friday. Harry Kine who hns been visiting relatives on Willinms creek, returned Sunday. A new addition is lieine; built to the school house which will improve it Very much. Mix. II. C. Stoltze hns moved to town for the purpose of sending her children to f-chool this winter. Had Ed Walsh been able to take hid regular turn In tho box this sea son the chances are that tho Whlto Sox probably would be giving tho Athletics a hard run for the Ameri can league honors Just now. Mr. mill Mrs. Lewis motoiod to Medford on Tuesday. The Dnrdnuolls school commenced Mondny, September 1st, wllh Mist Katie Foley, ns tenchcr. Mr. Lawrence nnd family of Rlnckwell hnvo longed the Joo Stover plnce in Garden Howe for n year. Kilmer lliginhollmm transuded business in Medford one dnv recent ly. Our efficient H. F. 1). carrier, Mr. Scoft, is back again after his two weeks vacation. Wenthor Prophet Foster forecasts cooler weather. Mrs. Hliotcu of Galls crock and Mrs. Iloggis of the Hriidon mine, wore gnosis of Mrs. Mnrdon on Wednesday. Mrs. Sliuiup, who has boon Hie guest of HmdtMi relatives for home- tunc, left for her homo in Jackson ville Wednesday nccompnulrd by his daughter, Mrs. Coffninn, who will remain for sometime. Mjs. Hcnn, nnd the ehlldrcu of .Willow Springs, wore the guests of Gold Hill relatives and friends, dur ing the week. John Mnrdon and George lligin bothntn were trunnoting business in Central Point the forepart of the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Mnrdon spent Sundav on Galls creek the L'tiests of Mr. and Mrs. George Garrett. Ivn Householder who has boon the guest of her sister, Mrs. Duescu berry of Sardine ttrcck for some time, hns returned home. The New "Style Craft" Coats and Suits are Here Make your choice parly while tho stock m complete Beautiful New Evening Dresses lu Chiffon, Poplin, Charmouso, Crepe do Chine,, Agorinn Crepe, etc. The New Woolen Dresses Una, Serges, Etc. 7n Plain and Striped Ratine, Pop- Millinery in all its splendor. No trouble to show our goods. cM, J Central Avenue MANN'S "Near P.O. r y t t ? TOO LATK TO CM8SIFY. FOR SALE 1C head of all purpose horses, wolghlng from 900 to 1200 lbs. All young and broke. Also one span of 4 and S year old mules well mated. Sold at sacrlflco if sold at onco. To bo seen at Nash Livery. A. D. Huff, owner. 145 FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished houses. J. C. Barnes, 1st National Rank building, phono 120-J. 14C LOST Coral cameo little finger ring in front ot Pouts' grocery. FIndor return to Mall Trlbuno and receive reward. Good Solid School Shoes Ilrlng your children to our store and lot us shoo them. Our stock is now and our prices aro suro right. "A Pit or no Baio" at , . 'Ue Smo OPPOSITE POST OFFICE T' ' 1 ? t t ? T t r r r f t f 9 ? t t t t ? t ? t T ? T f t t f sV -'!2IrEMssbasHsB(i iwsfcaHsi.. '"' - sVK9ssV swissssssV Opening Sale of Suits OUR LINE OP PALL and WINTER SUITS is now com- plete . Nover before have we shown such an oxtonaive lino y We invite your inspection and will be glad of the opportu nity to show thorn to you. We aro sole agonts for tho colo bratod "La Vogue" styles, the best fitting and woaring garment made. Prices ranging from $18.00 up to $45.00 i t r t ? ? ? NEW COATS. The greatest display we have evor mado; 100 styles to choose from, no two alike; every garmont guaranteed. Prices from $9.00 up to, each $50.00 SWEATERS. The new line of "Marin ette" Sweaters now on display, each, $3.48 up to $8.98 Buy Now While the Stock Is Complete ! t t Opening Sale of Silks The biggest and best stoelc in city. 5,000 yds. New Mescaline Silk, 18 inches wide, good 75c grade, now, yd 48 40 in. "Crepe de Cheno" in all the new evening shades, special, yd , $1.60 ! 40 in. Channelise, in all colors, good $2.50 grade, now, yard $1.08 Beautiful New Moires, Crystal Silks, Brocaded Crepo Meteors, and Fancy Bulgarian Silks for trimmings, 't t t i TI1B NKW DRESS ClOODS HAVE AKUIVED. Wo are showing tho most exclusive line in the city of New Y Dress Goods and Cloakings. Sec our line first; no 'trouble to show goods. ? ? Opening Display Of "Warner's" Rust Proof Corsets, all tiio new Fall Models now on display. SPECIAL VALUES at $1.00, $1.50, ,$2.00 $2.50 Front Laco $3.50, $5.00, $0.00 See The Window Display SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY - 1 i r $1.08 y T..08 W 1 &frtyfrtrt4t&&&frfr&KrthfrM Outing Flannel, good 10c grades, special, yd 8 Wash Dresses, $0.50 grade, each. Blankets, l?ood size, very special, pair. 50 Waists, up to $2.50 values, each. t4 Colgate Talcum Powder, a can 12f Best Prints and Challies, yd - "-1. . v. ? .f. W, I m . m 3Pv