); '" w MlWKUmj MAIL TlimUNW, iVnCDTORD. OREGON, FJlilMY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1D1H. PAGE TilRJRB YT fc f ' i- 1 .i i SEATTLE JUDGE OF HHATTMJ, WuhIi., Hop!, R. Hu IMirloi .Itiilun .liilin K, llmiiplirk'H an nounced loduy Ui'it ho would luiwiirn nf woiiioii. All nlliiKiul pint wiih din covuiml muvoimi ilnyii iiii ( blow up tin) city Jnll In tlio Ijiimtintmt of thn niiinly cuurtlioumi, JihIkii Hum phrli'H Mated tuiluy t lint It hud hemi dlHcovnrod thnt ho wim tn luivii Immui ontlcod to tlm Jull, mi Dint lio ton would Iki iliKtroyiii. "Tholr pliin," xiilil Hut JikIko to il ), "wna for a woiiuiii to roinn to Mi)' courtroom, norauudo inn, on aoino proltixt, to nrroiiipmi)' linr down Htnlm to thn Jnll, nml tlitm thn nllro ttlycitrlno would tlo tlm rout. "lint (liny won't k1 nu I'm wnry. Any wonmn who npml(H to mo In my courtroom on nny auhjoct will linmnftr lm looliml on with itnivt' miNpliilon. I'm not tnkliiK any clmiiecu with fiitti." I EAGLE POINT EAGLETS i I Hv A. C. Ilowlill V. II. Criimlnll nml IiIh irotlur lli'ilt recently fro m a Allele, were iloiut; IiiihIiii'm in our town Tiii'xtlity, llrt CiiuhIiiII h Ihmo Im. ilinjr IiIh lirnllior V. II. nml hU xW U'i, Mixx Cniiulull nml Mix. Ilnni-. IM I'uHlcr mnl fiiinllv, who Iiiim' u fitrm mi the north iilo of Kouo rlcr iilimo tlio loiij Hteel lir due, (lllllt H Wlllll I llflllll ono or tlio niltoirdH nill it till U'i'iIiicmIiiv moiiiiiiK) wore in town IrniliijK Tncw tiny, lloiiry I'ri'iii'h, who liu n lino tiiim mnl iiii'liitnl ticnr tlio loim nlnl linMuo, (it it nlmiil throe huuilroil fool Ioiik, oontiiiiiiiitf Iho iippmuoh o), wiiM in inir town tlio hiiiiio ilnv. Kohort It. .Mintor, our bo olioop liilin, wiih in (own Iho hiiiiio ilnv mill throe of hit iliiimhturfc nml .MU Siimiiiilhn romiiinoil with ,lin Hon Ajun tit tlio Muuu.Vfitlo up to tlio pioM'iit writing. Wo lh(iii(jht Hint tlio work on the Hi roe w luitl commcitfoil in ouinot Tiiomlny tH I ! luiil till ( tunillM hmiliui; oruxhoil took hut the ilynn mo fjot oruuky (hi- inoniiinj mnl mnior, lion. Win. Von ilor llollon, Hoouii'il to think I hi- ulloriioon Hint it will houii he nKlrtoil mnl wink will ho ri'Hiiuiotl. Thoro woro nine nutii iui)Mfil Ihnui-li our town thin WcilnoiInv iiioruiut; iti a lot of rionllfie is IIoih on their wuy to Crntor l.uko. Thoy woro n flno looknit; Kroiii of men mnl woiiioii. Ihev woro no oompiiiiiod hy Kliorlj (lnriiotl nml I'rof. I'. J. U'(lr. Hioil, Sopti'iiilior 'J, ut tlio ro'.lilonoo on the Ciuouilo fnrin, Iho iul'nnt miii of Mr. mnl ,Mm, Chnrlex t'luomlo. Kiirtlior moiiiion will ho iiimlo Inter. Minx Alotlui Kmoriok of Meilfonl onmo out WoilnoKilny niorninir nml spent a purl of Iho ilny xiHJini MUh IViinooH lloiith. Wo rpjfrct'to nn iiouuoo thnt Mi"H I'Vn n ooH ixm)u(n to fiturt for Kiikoiio to uttouil the Mule iiuivorHity uhoiit thn touth of HiIm mouth, un kIio Iiiih oomplotoil her hili Nohoot ooiirxo in .Moilfonl. I''. J. Ajorn, ouo of our procrox io fnrinorH, wuh in town on Woil iiomIiiv. TABLE ROCK -I Minri (lliulys Miller of Hum orook hojjiin mi oinh( uiontlm' torin of uohool nl Tuhlo Itook lust Mou tiny. John Nonloii N leiiehin nt Iho con trill ilintriel. M!kh Kn Hull i'm louoliiin; ut tlio .MmlnWH. MUh Komi Nen Ion will touch ut Iho Woohi" eieok ilistriol. Mil Vinocut nml pinty icliirnoil Sumliiy from u trip to t'rutcr l.uko nml Klnmiilh FiiIIh, .1. (I. Vim Horn, Krmik Itiihllo. Voa Thouiwon mul Voruo 1'oiullo ton nro In tlio inoitnliiiiw woxl of (lionlrt Vhhh, Mr. mul Mih. Andrew Poll, Km molt N'omIiiii, MInh Itiwo mnl MihK Miirio NViiIhoii mnl MIhs Itnth Hull ro nt rrnlor I.nko, Mr. Outou of Aullooli lins moviil onto (ho Itny plnro. Tlio loo oroiiiu Hoolnl kIvoii hy llio Arrow lfoiul pooplo on Hntimlny nllit, wiih fn illy woll iittcmloil mul woulil Imvo ht'on mom of u hiioochh 'fiumiolully in tlio iliMlies liml jiot liocn ovor-filloil. JmnoH Kccho, Stnnlpv T.yilinrd mnl Hid two MyoiH Iio.vh nro in tlio hlllx looking for bin puno. llov. Alvln Kohwinilov of AhIiIiiiiiI will hold ni'I'vIi'vh ul Tnliln Kook iionI Sitiuliiy ovonliie;, Soptomhor 7th. A iiiimhor of Iiikoi'H fi'oni AhIiIiiiiiI will lm proMmt mnl tlio chief fcnlurc wll ho u none; Korvico. Mr. OorlloR will lonvo Tuhlo Hook In n fow -ilnyH mul roliirn to Moil fonl. Wo nro Horrv to Ioho ho osli niulilo n fuinily lint wo wish tlicm HUOCOHH twhoro thov (,'0. With Moilfonl trncw a Medford nmdo. F 0 UN "SEYMOIF SKIRT BIS DIVORCE HAN JOHH, t'nl , Hop! fi. Din pliunoiiN nUlrlH Imvo Jarred thn homo llfo of Mi), llnrtlm H, HniiHcom, .10 ytiura old mid prulty.iui d lior mil llomilro huvbuiid, .Iiiuich I), IIuuhcoiii, iikoiI Mlxty yimrn, An n roault Mr, lliiNHi'oiu todny ha flli'il milt for ith Holuto dlvorco. "My hualiiind In an old fonnll," mild Mr, KaiiNCom. "I'm htillt for tlio x-rny nUIiIh, nud I'm koIiik to wnnr 'oiu. Ho don't lkf thorn, hut I don't tun;. Walt until I nut my dlvorco, Ami I'll miilm liln nyuH pop." llnimcom udmltti'd ho thoiiKht tlio now aklrta woro "porfoclly ncuiidn loim." "Ilnrthii not only woio illnphououii iHldrlH," liu tinld, "hut ullt iiiioh at that. Can )oii lii.nt It? I lionn not." riKuron compllod hy County Amun or W. T. flrolvo, nml comiilotod Prl dny, plurod thn nniomioit vnliinllou of JnckKou comity proporly outildo of corporation IioIiIIiik principally rail rond nud tlmlior) nt npiiroxlmntoly ML'.sriO.OOl). Thl In lower tlinu lull', owIuk to tlio exomptlon of houioiliold Kondii. which totnl In round numhi'm fCOO.000. Tlio cor)orntlou valuntloun lnt yonr nro plncod hy tlio Mato tnx com iiiImIou nt 4,02O,in!, mnUliiK tho totnl vnlnatlon clom to $37,IN0,43U. Thn tnx coIiiiiiIhiIoii nieetn tho lnt wok of Octolmr Tho county hoard of oipinllratlon ineetH Monday. AS MAGNETIC HEALER S. A I' Tatiuml, formorly a well known rhnraetor hi Medford and tlio pioneer Jitp horn, tins returned from u two yenrn vlull In hU natlvo land. Ho hu donertod III old occupation, Hint of Janitor and implo)mont a Kent for hU countrymen, and return In tho capacity of a magnuMc healer, llo clnlma that nil ho ha to do In to touch tho afflicted and all pnlnn van lull an If 'j magic. Chronic rheuma tism nud all kinds of acuto muicular or uorvotiN palm, ho ay, dlxappcar nt tlm mncic touch of Tatiuml. DIED. Nlchohin Cook, pioneer of Jackson county, tiled Monday morning at eight o'clock at bin homo on 11 ntroet In Anhlnud. aged oovouty-nliiu yoarn. five nionthn ituil alxtcon dayn. Do coated wan u untlvo of County I.liunr- Ick. Ireland, nnd came to Oregon in 1S53, going Into tho inorchaudlto huntnonn nt Wllow Hprlngn. Ho wan married Hoptombor nlxtocnth, 1K7H, to Ann McNninnr of I'hlladolphln, who nurvlvoH him. High maim wna Kolnmnliod Wcdnenday morning at eight o'clock nt tho Catholic church In Anbland with I'athor Molannt an cololiraut, Knthnr Cnron, deacon, Hchnoldorhiind of Medford, auhdoa non. Interment wai In Jacktouvlllo cometory. Tho pallbenrora woro V. (5, Allan), Joneph Kauilor, William Hnndnr, Honry Provont, Hobert Qutnn and Mlchaol McOralh. . NOTICK. Notlco In hereby given that tho un- doralgucd will apply to tlio city coun cil of tho city of Medford, Orugou, nt ItK next rogulnr mooting, Hoptom bor HUli, 1013, for a llreuno to noil null, vlnoim and nplrttoiiH tliinoru at ha plncu of biiHlnoHH, No. 13 South Front ntroet, Medford, Oregon, for n period of ulx montliH, Dated Hopt, nth, 1913. 1. H. HAHOMFF. With Medford trndo h Medford mndo i. J1I i ji. S WHY? If thoro In n hnrgntn In Ileal Ho into In any district tho real estate nmn thoru who baa boon n llvo ngont knows of It. If ho knows vnluon ,nd Ih oxpcrloncod In tho hinduou) bo enn mivo hln ouatouiora tliuo nud money. To know tlio bout buy nnd Imvo It optional at tho bottom prlco Is my stock In trndo. Satisfied ciiHtomora la my pnld-up bualnosa policy, What Imvo you to oxchnngo? Wnlch my bulletin bnnrd In front of tho FliM National bank and hoo mo J, U. U.VHNKH, Phono 120-J. I'Mrat Nnitnnnl llaiik hldg T ROAD BOND TALK v lirKi ;iiidl(iiico hoard (ipooclion niiulii u( J'imlo Point TliiirHduy ovnn liiK In hulinlf of tho rond liond Ihkiio hy MottHm, I'. J. Koff, II. V. Mulkoy nud W, M. ColvlK. Tho frmpiont np pluiiKo itlvon tho Npunliorn uliowcd tlio Hympnlhy of Hid uiidliiuco with tho topic. WodiioHiluy iiljjht n woll ntloudod meolltiK nt Hid court hoiuo, .IncliHon vlllo, wait nddromod hy On it iS'nwhury and W, If, (loro. I'rldny nflnrnoon. I'ortor J. Koff, JiuIku Colvlt; und ('oiiimhtfilonorii Con I.oovor nnd Jon Hmllli addroioiod a nicotine nt ItiiK'i" Itlvrtr, where Hid local filr In holiiK hold. Tonlxht W. II. (loro npoakii nt (Irlffln crook. But unlay nvonliiK a rooiI rond mootliiK will ho hold nt Coutrnl I'olut mid Monday qvoiiIdk nt Ituch, whoro Hun Nowhury will ho tho main Rpcnk or. Hlieiuiiiilonh nt ll'i Thoiiloi. Ilrontou Hownrd'H fnmoii Civil w.ir dramn, "HlMMinmlanli," haii tlirlllod two gonoratloui of thoator Koorn. It li with no llttlo ploamiro that IbI Thoator nunoiinrr that "Rhoiinndonh" will h prexented on Krlday and Baturdny a n mnKiilflccnt photoplay In thrco pnrl. It roipilrnd morn than n year for tho ICnlotn com pany to prodtirn thin tiiiondou null Joct, nj nearly every urono wnn mndo In tho authentic lorntloim. Tlnm when (intiernlly Hlierlilnn rnnkon hit fniiiomi rliln to rally tho panic Mtrlrkou troopR thn njioctntor will fo thn hncliKroundii of Wnchotr, Va . which woro vlnltod hy tho Knlom pro (lucent nnd playorn. Tlio homhatd uiont of Tort Humter wan produced at Charleston, H. ii., throtiKu iifclal nrrnuKomontn nnd nut) thoinuud fold lorn tnko part In tho hnttlo ncenon. Ono of tho uiont ntrlkliiR offortH - and ouo never hofoin arcompllithed In tun Hon pIcturoM In a hnttlo at midnight. Tho helchltiK million lllumintt tho nky and tho nuldlern nro only neon hy tho flnnhen of tholr luunkotM. mm - NOTiri: of .MHini.vc of uoakp of i:guu.r.Tio Notice In hereby given, that on tho nccond Monday, of Hoptombor, 1913, iho (Sth day) tho besrd of cqulllss tlon will attain), nt the court houro. In Jacksonville, Jacknon county, Oro gon, and publicly oxamlno tho 4nn- netamcut rolli, and correct all error In valuation, descriptions or nualltloi of lnndn, lotn or other property an- nenrod by audi attenner: and It 'ball bo tho duty of pernonn Interested to appear at tho time and place ap pointed. (Hlgncd) W. T. OUIEVK. Aicaaor of Jacknon County. Oregon. Dated thin ICth day of August. 1913. , Hilt ItlCNT HOl'NtiKHHPINH ItOOMS FOlT ItnNTiTnTnhedhouTokW. lug rooms, light and gat. 234 Hast Ninth. 14C FOIt HHNT Doslrablo anartmentTc roomn, modern. Inqulro Col, II. II. Hargent. ICC FOIt ItH.M miDMvh FOIl HHNT Modorn flvo room bun gnlow near Itoosovclt school. Phono 82S-M. 147 FOIt HHNT Woll furnished S room bungalow. Call morning. 422 South Laurel St. FOIt HHNT OH SAI.H Four-room houno and good garden tract, now In truck nnd fruit. M A. Hndor. FOIt HUNT Vory desirable ntrlctly modern bungnlow, clone In. 113 Oonovu Ao. 14S FO It" HHNT 4 room cottngo r.l2 Jacknon St., 2 blocks east of school. Cull nt 009 W. Jackson St. 14G KOH HKNT Now, oloBnntly fur- nlfliod lioiiHQ, ahndo treoa, lawn, Reed fruit. ovorythliiK tiuw and un to-dutc. Call ut 510 West Jack son atreot. 14C KOH HKNT 8 room houno. or will rant rooms Hopiirnto. 015 South Oakdalc. 148 KOH HKNT C room modem humra low, Reed locution, rout cheap, 820 Went 1 2th 81, US KOH HKNT Six room modorn hun- ualow, hIoopIuk porch, cant front, close In, atrlctly flrat class. Owner 318 Laurel St. us KOH HKNT Strictly modorn 5 room houno, paved street, $10. IMiouo 1048-M. 140 NEW TODAY Tho rails nro on tho ground. Now do you bollovo It. 1 wnnt to soil tho llttlo throo room house in Siskiyou HclKhtfl for S750.00 this weok sliro, or tho prlco goes up, Tonus on most of it. Kxcollont producing llttlo ranch closo In, mostly alfalfa, to oxchango for a Jowolry stock In California. 1'rlco $14,000.00. I.Ut your hoiiBo for yont. Kur il Ishod ones ospoclally, 0.1).1IOON '' Hotini I", Jackaoii County Hank HltlK. EAGLE PON R l-'OU HUNT Piirnlnliod opartrnotiti. Tlio llorhnn, 10 Quliico HU 0t HUNT Largo utoopInK room, nipt modern hoiiHokoopltiK npurt niontit, prlcci vory rcnuotmblo Phono 102G-L. 222 Bouth Holly Kin ol. Xr- -n. I'OII HUNT-Kim.MHIIKH ItOO.MH VOH HHNTTwo roomn funilHhod or uufuriilMhod on Kromid floor. prlvnto nutranco. 320 N, Hnrt I'Jlt. 1U Kor HHNT Modern fiirnlnhed houno. Jf. A. Hndor, CO North Orange Riri'Qi. I'OII HHNT Wl'lUKH i-'OH .tUNi LnrKO, comfortahlo of flco roorriH with elevator orvlcc team heat, hot and cold water t.ow niton. Apply Medford Furnl ore & Hdw Co . -l.(-'-t ;tKXT-tl"j''''MXK'H Koit HHNT Hplenilld poBturo. Iton l.tuio. phono 732-J-2. UC i 'ok HAi.r, AcitnAfn: I'OK HALK Uy owtiur, 3 acroa with now harn, houno nnd other out huldliiK, Hani hnn comont floor, electric IlKhta, wntor. Home In modern In every renpoct with flro plscen, ulao wired for electric hcat ItiK Oood well nnd well house with motor Inatallcd for pumplne. Ilnrwiln If nold within 2 woolen. AddrcnH Ilox (C1, Medford. HC FOIt RAKH 10 acre, modern houno, and now 1mm, orchard, small fruit, wnler. wood, horno nnd wagon and Implement. Addrcnn Mrn. K. A. Flulayion, It. F. I). No. 3, Mod ford. Pro. 148 I'OK H.MV IIOfHIX I'Olt 8AM: Houno and lot. chicken hounO nnd ynrd, Inwn nod gardon. 737, Wi Htb St., phono 101'J-M. ISC KOH HAI.K Hy owner, Ilungalow, four rooinn and bath, cement w-alkn eant rrnut. lot COxHR, price right lor Information addrenn W. K., earn Mali Tribune. m Milt S.l,l' Mlhrni.l..VIOt,h KOH HAI.K Soholarnhlp In Medford HunlucM College at u bargain. Ad ilronn box 33, Talent, Ore. 148 FOIt HAM-: Largo wagon with wood rack, large work horno and a milk cow. Phono Main 12, Jacksonville. Oro. 115 FOIt HAI.K Ft vo passenger Ford car. good condition cheap If taken at on co. Phono lC2.f.-J or call 34 So. Fir. 147 FOKSMi Wood rack In good re pair, woll Ironed. Cheap. Ada Juilnon. phono 40S-J. 144 FOIt HAI.H !.argo team, heavy wagon nml harnein. Inqulro Col. II. II. Sargent. ICC FOIt HAI.K Hood team of work niiilnrt phenii. Atlilra A K' ll'nrn Medford, or call CSS Palm at. 144 FOIt HAI.K Pear trcea 4 to C feet, ISC, 3 to 4 foot, 12c; 2 to 3 foot, S. Guaranteed first class trees. H. T. Neal. Central Point. Phono No. 191. 143 KOH SAI.K Kino younj; hUKuy homo. HiiRllnh Ko-cart. rubber tired und harneaa Soil chunp, owner leav ing Karqunhar, It. K. 1). 3. ..145 KOH SAI.K Sheep, 5 head of bucks ami ono windmill. Polk Hull, Medford, OroRon, It. K I). No. 1. 114 KOH SAI.H Host amay outfit In Southern Oregon,, cheap, write C. J. lloiuino, tllendnlo, Oro. 14 4 Koil SAI.K-HavlnB decided to move to town I will noil my full blooded Jornoy cow. K. it. Cnrllen, Table Hock, H. K. I). No. 2, box 41. 143 KOH SAI.K Twin Excolnlor motor cyclo, almost now. H.trsaln. Ho ply Ilox 77, caro Mall Tribune. 14 4 Olt t?Al.E Loose loat ledgor syt Unit, any stylo oi mado to ordei hy the Mall Tribune blndorr KOIt 8A1.K Letter heads and tanc stationery, printed, enRraTed or 4Uibossed, an you wlib at thr Mall Trlbuno J V.M i:i MLSCKLLA I.OUS WATKHoconTract with "iocal palntor for tho painting of our gas holdcra und compression tanks. Oregon Has and Klectrlc company. WANTKU Oood sot holster springs, G000 pound, also fruit rack. Ilox 21, Houto 3, Medford. 143 WANTKU Modern furnished houso by man nnd wifo. Heforeucea It desired. Address Uox 82, care Mull Tribune. 144 WANTKU To buy A-l bungalow, closo In, oast sldo proforrcd, II. H. 11. WANTKU To borrow $8000 on al falfa Innd nanr Medford by Octobor 15. Address "H" caro Mall Trl liuno, WANTKU Light sprlug wagon and single sot hnrncss, good and cheap. Address W. II. Nudlng, Urowns boro, Oro. 165 WANTKU To trado two horse light spring wagon In good condition for ouo horsn light spring wagon or hack. I'hono 697-H-4. 144 WANTKU -Second hand buggy har ness. Must bo choap for cash. II, M. 1. enro Mull Tribune 143 WANTtilt SITlt.VtlONfc WANTKU "roslUoVuwnnud'wiife on ranch, wlfo to cook for holp and man to work around ranch, best of rofaronccs furnlBhod. Addross O. A. P., this office. 143 WANTKU Woman for gonoral housework. Cleo. A. Mansfield,; 304 So, Control. 14Ti HUM' WANTKIt FKMA1.I3 wXvriin At once iglrla rorViioBaV loy Canning company, Apply to Mr. Amen, Talent. Oro. HHM WANTF.D MAJ)K WANTKU Kxparlcncod wood chop per with team, Will furnish houno and harn nnd glvu tlrnbor on 100 acron to man who wlll'clonr the land, Inrpilro 24 Houth Mlntletoo Ht. 14C UL'HINIWH OI'I'OltTUMTIIM FOH HALK Hood business for nalo cheap. Paying f 300 monthly, small capital. An excellent proposition for Home ono. Heo Wood A Mos Got Our Prices on What WOOD You Will Want for the Winter TIER, CORD AND CAR LOTS VALLEY FUEL CO. Successors to Reichstcin. Cor. Fir and Second St. West. Tel. 76. WOOD For Sale ! T I OAK, FIR, LAUREL AND SLABW00D IN TIER, C0R0 AND '5 ptoi nan i nrc v. Frank 1 Yard at Sixth and Fir Sts. fyll&itti&Vi&ittt&a EXCURSION PACIFIC &. EASTERN RAILWAY TO BUTTE FALLS, SUNDAY, SEPT. 7, J.cnve. Metlfon 8:00 a. in. Reach Medford 6:45 p. m. Medford Band Will Accompany the Excursion. FINE OUTING IN THE MOUNTAINS Good Fishing Excellent Hotel Accommodations BAND CONCERT Bring your picnic lunches and enjoy a deHMful outing ROUND TRIP $1 ROUND TRIP 403t&3dS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE ON PREMISES ON OCT 1, 1913, AT 2 P. M. SHARP. 55 ACRES OF BEARING ORCHARD Bear Creek alfalfa land, the best in the valley, lo cated two miles north of Medford, Oregon. Pacific & Eastern Railroad runs through the tract, where fruit and other produce can be loaded on the cars without any long haul. "Will be sold in two or more tracts. Correct acreage and terms will be given at sale. Trees all standard varieties: 35 acres New towns and Spits, 7 to 10 years old; 9 acres delicious 2 years old; G acres pears from 1 to 5 years old; tt acres almonds, cherries, peaches, etc. Improve incuts: A No. 1 two-story ten room modern house, large barn and outbuildings, pumping plant with ten thousand gallon tank, entire tract can be irri gated from Rogue River canal. Present water right for two acres. Machinery, tools and livestock will bo sold if purchasers do not wish the same. Terms will be easy: Certified checks of 10 per cent at timo of sale, balance of cash payment as agreed upon at timo of sale. P. S. Send this ad to your friend who wantn a good orchard. E. B. ITALL, Owner, WILLIAM ULRICII, Auctioneer. S2ttS2S University of Southern Oregon Opens September 17th in Medford Business College Block College opens Sopt. 17. Ceurses: Philosophy. Mathematics. History, KngMsh, Hrcok. Latin. Kronch, German, Spanish, Phyalcd, Chomliitry, Hlology and Geology. Normal opons Sopt. 17, (H. Preparatory opoiis Sopt. 17. Ilyglono and nursing opons Sopt, 17. Law school opens Oct. 1. Ceurses: Kqulty, Criminal Law, EvL danco, S;tlos, Negotiable Instruments, Pleading, Contracts, Agency, Ileal Property, Corporations, etc. w "' Divinity schopl opens Oct. 1. HogistrntlonaU nil this week,' Naxt week, Monday, Wednes day and Krlday, from 9 a. m, to 12 noon, at Uuslneas Colloge. fok RxcimnoR FOH KXOHANOE A. good pftyJnjt nutlnona to oxebahgo for close In acroago or ImpraVcd city property, valuo I3C00. A. U. C, care Mal Tribune. IiOST 8THAYKD A medium nlzfld black niiiio wearing halter and branded "V". Information regarding his recovery will ho paid for by W. H. Stoken, Kaglo Point road, phono C7-J-I. MONKY TO ixA.1 MONBY TO LOAN On city and clono In ranch proporty. C. A. McArtbur, room 3, P. O block, ohono KfiS. . H. Rav PHONE 750-R I P. 'Mulkoy dean,) teaches course. 'i u. I. If. XOBL1 All Kind of Weo IHmh Phone 7HX IMf MnrUi N. Florence Clark VIOLIN TEACHKK Studio 1118 Wt Utt iMHzrrwtM NU IJO.HE Wear tho Nu Dona OMrantMd Cor net, Tor Sate Hy JOSKPIILVK P. CLARK 1110 Went 4th Street Draperies We enrrr a very coeiataU Mac C drprle, Ic curtatna, flxturca, ata. and do all clainea of upholterHr. A apeclal man to look axttr tbla work zelnalTcly and will 1t a rood ajwiftea aa la seaalbU t st (a araai th Urgent cltlea. Welu 4 McGqwmi Co. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING COLONIAL FLATS Tlioroughly modorn rooms renting from $8.00 to 15.00 per month Bathroom and Laundry Accommodations Gas and Electric Lights Everything Furnished Except Eats 217 Riverside So. Phone 900-L MEDFORD GREENHOUSE Seasonable Flowers and Decorations of all kinds for fall weddings. Telephone 374. 1005 East Maim Strati. E.D.Weston Official Photographer pf tbt Madford Connarcial Club 'Amateur Finishing Post Carda ,jnJ Panoramic Work & ,4H' Flash UghU J J Portralta Interior and exterior views Negatives made any time tnd any place by appoint tnent. 908 B. Main Phona 1471 Upiis Worst Fm of StiN DtcmiS Here i$ a Home Treatnnwtt that Overcomes eve Worst Can. Blood DUorJtra are BaaJakc hy a. 8. a. A tlnr pimple spreads to tho sl4 of the face ami often cover the eheeV And bridge of Um note. It la yry de structive to tho Elands of the akin. Ma Asternal -treatment will &wcaa It, XM.cauu of luvus la trow irosunuea In the blood aupply. The only known nieinoa oi ura la to ki iae aweaaaa' ply untUr the control of & a aV, JUha famous blood ipeclOc It action ta quite remarkable and fcoa eMres' tmM' nee upo (lie network t aivajl blMid vesiela and glanJu In the akin. From the fuot that il.aiH.li airar a botanical preparation. ,Jt la. nwaytosl by the weakest stomach and ha frtat tonto Influence In all the digestive ev trans. It Is certainly a wonderful Wood .medicine, and Is prepared direct from native roauwaia gatwere. oy Hta-aui-i perta of the feunou ivIK LaaWr. Not one drop of minerals or druffa la used In Ita preparation. Ask for 8. 81 8. and lnlt upon havlna It And i If yew dealro skillful advice and oounael upon any matter concerning the blood ana, ain, write to jne owaicai ueparimeai, The Swift Speclflo Co., IIS Bwlft Labo ratory, Atlanta, ua. uo nij anew i uloua cierK to larrup tae In eloauence over aomethlnar "Juat aa Kood" aa a 8. ft. Beware of aH aQtoM tutea, a a a la what you d, 9