Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 05, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fnlr tonight and Htwlf
Mux. Ht; Min. 57.
u. -!
forty. Uilrri Year,
tinlly KlKlilh Vnitr.
MBDKoun. omsaoN, Friday, sui'ticaiber r, 3913.
no. ida
' Jiu!ag
i -
Grants Pass Boostlnn Coast Lino
nnil Klnmnlli Interior Route Doth
Dlvcrtlnji Travel from Jackson
County Domls Needed to Cinch It
iNi'inI for prompt iictlott ti" Jackson
county by voting tlm road bond to
secure for II tint Pacific Highway mill
tho tourist traffic In shown by tho
ntroniuiiin uffoilti being innilu to di
vert lliu travel to thu east and west
ronton. TI10 Kluiiinlli Development
cutiiiiiiuy li flooding California with
elrrtilnrs warning tourists to keep.
( uy iroiti the Hlsklyon routu, while
(IrnnlH Pass linn Joined l.tmikn ni
Crem-mit City In tlm uffort to tllvort
tourist traffic from Southern Oregon
mid lln scenic beauties, to tho roat
JoiriJihio'n KfforU
Tint Josephine County flood Itoadi
association, of which K. II. Itlchnrd
In president, (I. W, Donnoll treasurer
nml W. P, Qulnlnw secretary pro
polo to station mull nlunt: thn I'a
clfle Highway to tllvort tuiirlsts over
the "(Irants Pass-Han Francisco High
way." Tho letter heads linvn nn out
lino nmp of tho highway with the
followltiK legend:
"Advantages of taking flrnnts
Pass-Han Francisco Highway:
Hotter roadi
Hotter Scenery
Loss dust
Loss hoat
Hotter fishing
Hotter hunting
Hotter rnmpltiK mid 80 miles of tho
biggest trees n tho world, tho Hod
wood," Crntor Lake, tho great object of
tho tourUt trnfflc In forgotten to are
thn marble lintln of Oregon which
Josephine county has not yet hud thn
enterprise to niako accessible by n
Klnmntli'M (Jriillo KniM-k
Tho Klamath Development ctrcu
Inr read In part ns followi, copies
being sent nvcry garage and auto
owner n California;
"Do you know why Northern Call
fornln dor not Rot IU fair aharo of
automobile travel; I'artly because
wit do not innkn known somo of thn
boil and most Interesting trips wo
"Tor Instance you havo hoard tho
Portland road north of tho Oregon
lino condemned for steep grades,
harp turn and roiifih stretches tak
Ing In about half thn route, Do you
know that thn Klamath FalU'Central
Oregon routo nvoldt this hard travol
"ThU routo turm cant from the
main linn of tho Houthorn Pacific at
Montngun, Siskiyou county, and loads
to Portland via I'rnthnn, Mt. Hebron,
ICono, Klamath Falls, Crosront, Ilond,
I'rlunvlllo, Tho Dnllcs and Hood,
traversing thn sconlo Klamath Lake
roKlon and tho now oniplro of Contral
Orogon, ending with i beautiful trip
down thn Columbia rlvor,
Hcnd Mm Out Free
"Tho otitlro 400 miles from Monta.
kuo north aro practically all first
class roadi. Though a comparative
ly now country groat progress has
boon tnndo In rond building. During
tho past two yearn Klamath county
baa spout botwoon 1400,000 and
$500,000 for building and improving
roads, and tho other counties propor
tionately, Tho result Is a good au
tomobile road through a beautiful
open country roploto with sconlo In
tarest. You will bo doing n favor
to anyono you direct via this routo.
About a yoar ago wo sent you ono
of our nuto road maps giving thin
routo In dotall, If you havo lost or
mislaid your copy or coufd find uso
for nn oxtru ono wo would bo glad to
annll you anothor with our compli
ments, llomombor follow tho road
to Moutnguo, Siskiyou county that
goes nvor tho bill to Klamath county,
thn road Is splondld now,
"Youra vory truly,
cum CM CUT
WASHINGTON, Sopt, C Accord
ing to n dispatch rocolvod today at
tho war department from Colonol
UoothalB, ohiot onglnoor of tho Pana
ma canal) Culobra Cut will bo fin
ished Soptotnbor 15 and wntor will bo
admlttod to tho basin by October 6,
Hnrry Thaw's Prosecutor Pinched
(or Gamhllnu at Coatlcookc Given
Same Cell as Thaw Had Kept In
Jail Hour Before Release on Ball.
COATICOOK, quo., Hupt. 0. Wll
Ham T. Jerome, former district at
torney of Now York City and tho man
who Hunt Hurry IC, Thttw to Mattca
wiui nml kept him there, was arrested
linro today on n chargu of gmubllng.
ItcipresiintntlvoH of Now York statu
liuro who nro seeking tho deportation
of Thaw, asserted Jerome's arrest was
part of a plot hatched by the fugl
tlvo's attorneys.
Jerome was led through tho streets
wth u hostile mob of hooting men
and hoys at his heals. Ho was
locked In tho sainu cell which Harry
Tli aw occupied when he was first
arrested here.
I'lnytnl In I'okt-r Unmo
Juromo was not permitted to re
celva visitors, and spent his time
pnclng his cell. Or, ICob, superin
tendent of Mattcuwau asylum, was
greatly aroused over Jerome's ar
rest. Ho called United States Con
sul Daniels over tho long distance
lulopliono In an effort to arrange for
tho attorney's release,
Wlillo Jeromes automobile was
waiting yesterday In thn expectation
that Thaw would bu ordered do-
ported, tho newspaper correspondents
started a poker game, In which Jer
ome l Is alleged, Joined. Tho gams
was played openly, wlillo a hostile
crowd looked on,
Itesldeiita of Coatlcooko mostly
sympnthUo with Thaw, and Milford
Aldrldge, f prominent citizen, noti
fied thn pollen that Jeromo nd sov
oral others worn gambling.
Admitted ii IUII
Jeromo was arrested early today
at thu Coatlcouk Hotel after Aldrldgo
had declared that ho saw money
passed between tho players. Jeromo
betrayed no surprise over his arrest,
and accompanied Patrolman John
Andrews to tho Jail without i word
of complaint.
Jeromo was admitted to ball by
Magistrate McKee after spending an
hour In a coll. Tho caso against the
attorney probably will bo continued to
permit him to conclude his work In
tho Thaw wsn hero.
Thaw's attorneys denied that thoy
wore restiouilblo for Jeromo a ar
Jerome's ball was set at SS0O. Ills
casn Is sot for 0 o'clock tomorrow,
when ho may bo doalt out tho maxi
mum punishment of ono year In Jail
under tho technical charge against
him of "common gambling on rail
road proporty,"
Newspaper men who played pokor
with Jeromo say tho game was "penny
auto" with n ten cont limit. They do
claro that Jeromo lost fifty-four cents,
William T. Jeromo left Coatlcook
this afternoon In an nutomobllo. Ills
destination Is not known.
NKW YOMC, Sept fi. Activity in
Southern l'noifio featured the open
ing of thu htoek market today, this
iNHiic mlvnnviiiK one. Union Pacific,
Iloiulinj,' uiul Amulgumuteil were nluo
ritrong. I.iu'loilo (Ins mlvnnued two.
Pitthhuri Cont preferred loHt l.
liomlti were Hlently.
Tho market closed dull with a
wtrone; uitilertoue,
LONDON, Sopt. 6. Jack. Johnson,
tho American negro pugilist, hurt in
an nutomobllo accident yosterday, was
much bettor today, and it was ox
poetod that ho would bo out soon, A
donlal wan Issued by his secretary
that tho champion's splno waii lu-
The Weather.
Oregen: Genornlly . fnlr tonight
ami Saturday; cooler tonight imih!
portion, with light frost) winds bo
coming easterly,.
Immluratlon Board Finds Prisoner
Subject to Expulsion Writ of Ha
beas Corpus In Montreal Bars
Deportation, It Is Reported.
COATICOOK. Que.. Sept. C Har
ry K. Thaw was found deportable on
two counts by tho immigration board
hriro this afternoon and was ordered
deported immediately. Thaw's coun
sel at once entered nn appeal. It Is
stated that a habeas corpus writ ob
tained In Montreal will bar Thaw's
Tho grounds for his expulsion from
Canada aro, first, that ho entered
Canada by stealth, and, second, that
ho has been an Inmate of nn Insaun
asylum within five years.
Thaw was evidently In a cheerful
fratuo of mind when ho resumed the
stand, In bin own behalf, at thu fore
noon session.
MONTItRAIi, quo., Sept. tt. It Is
authoritatively reported hero this af
ternoon that Judge (lervnls of tho
king's bench court has Issued n
habeas corpus writ requiring tho Im
mediate production before him of
Hnrry Thaw. It Is stated that tho
order was obtained by Attorneys Ixi-
flmnmo and Urconshlelds, two proml
nent Canadian lawyers retained by
the New York fugitive. It Is re
ported that tho writ of habeas cor
pus was issued hern on tho ground
that Thaw Is an escaped lunatic, not
an Immigrant, and tbereforo docs not
come under tho power of tho Domin
ion Immigration.
MEXICO CITY. ,8epl. 5. That
very fow Amorlcans will accept tbo
do facto Mexican government' offer
of first class transportation from the
country was tbo opinion expreuod to
day nt tho United States ombassy
It was still rumored that Provision
al Presldont Huorta Is about to ro
Ign; that ho may becomo a legitimate
candldato for election to tho presi
dency, but members of tho cabinet
denied any such Intention on his part
I.OS AKGKI.KS, Cal., Sept. .r..
Charging that u big family of inon
keyn, tho property of nn eccentric
citUen who foils to keep his pets
confined to his own nremises, have
frightened women into hyxterien, chil
dren into convulsions and several
men into tho wntorwagon, besides
steuling nearly everything possible
in thu neighborhood, readouts of one
of the most fashionable sections here
appealed lo the police today for mu
nicipal protection acamst tho sim
ian nests. The police chief is look
ing up tho law on tho subject.
SALKM, Ore, Sept. f. Advices
wero received by Slate Printer Har
ris today thnt Mjrs. W. S. Iluniwny,
widow of tho Into slate priiiter, had
acoeptod tho offer of $15,470 made
to her by tho stuto printing hoard
for tho plant installed and operated
by her husband. Hams will assume
ehnrgo of tho oftico today, tins
valuation was placed on tho ulant by
a board of appraisers.
CHICAGO, Sopt. 4. A Jeading
orop export noro announced touu.v
thnt tho polato orop this year in
tho United States would ho 300,000,
000 bushels short of last year.
Prices for Minnesota and Ohio po-
tntocs in tho Chicago market ad-
vnuood today 8 to 10 cents n bushel.
Impressing his Intention of
casting tho deciding voto In
tho senate In favor of tho now
tariff bill, Senator Nowlands
of Nuvnda said teday:
"I have novcr contemplated
making a fight on the bill out
side tho party conferences,"
It had been reportod that
New la lid's vote, tho crucial
one, would bo cast against
President Wilson's tariff mea
sure when the final test camo.
SAN FKANCISC'O. Col., Sept. .'.
Iiihtend of pronouncing pretty lit
tle fuzzy-hnircd Vivien I.yoiin iimnne
today, Superior Judge Van Xotlrniid
and Doclorri Luxtlng and McGvttigmi
effected a more Ktnrtliug trnimfor-
mation. They changed thin butterfly
heart nmunlier, with the nid of two
Holier minded flnli women, into n
would. bu housewife of (lie decCMl
The men nnd women who testified
were uiinnimous that Mr. Lyons i
perfectly none except when drinking.
It wn when tho judge urged upon
her the wisdom of refraining from
exccwioH thnt Mrn. llurv Vaughn nnd
Mr. France Gibnon of the women'
Mlilicnl league, offered lo give the
butterfly n chance (o (runsfonn her
self mice more into a humdrum hut
nfe nnd hnppy liltle grub, rs.
Lyons, with renl iyirt dimming hor
eyes, accepted.
NKW IIAVKK, Conn., Sept. 5.
Coroner .Mix resumed today bin se
cret- inquest into the Wulliugford
wreck. Flagman Murray of the
wrecked train, was still without bail.
President Howard F.lliott of the New
York, New llnveu & Hartford rail
road, it was said, played teams while
tho impicd wns in progress yester
day. Division Train Dispatcher Kelley
testified that five trains, crowded
with passengers, wero packed on ten
miles of track, despite the fog. He
said four trains were on tho tracks
between Wulliugford and Airline
Junction when tho first section of
tho White Mountain express was
sent on the snmo tracks. The crash
then followed, he said. The com
pany depends upon signals, Kelley
testified, to keep the trains separ
K I), llanloy has begun tho con
struction of a 13000 modem storo
room and packing liouso on his ranch
four miles west of Medford. under
tho superlntondoucy of Contractor II.
O. Ilalcom. Tho work will bo com-
plotod by October 1.
Tho structuro will bo two stories
high, dimensions 40x100, modern
throughout, with scientific vontlla
tlon and shod and platform on all
sides. Completed it will bo ono of
tho best buildings ot Us kind In
Southorn Oregon.
LONDON, Stpt. G. Suffragettes
aro bollovod to bo responsible hero
today for a tiro which damaged Dul
wlch college a hoarding school In
South London, to tho extent of f 1G00,
Korosono cans and oil soiled rags
woro found uear tho building.
Closlnn Arnumcnts in White SlaVtry
Trial Concluded Judrjc Duplicates
Instructions in Dings' Case and at
Noon Jury Begins Deliberations.
HAN KItANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 5.
Whether F Drew Camlnettl of Sacra
mento Is guilty or not guilty of break
Ing tho Mann white slavo act by tak
ing to llono, Nevada, Lola Norrls,
also of Sacramento, "for Immoral pur
poses," probably will bo determined
hero before night by a Jury In United
States Judgo Van Fleet's court, which
took the caso at 12:10 o'clock today.
Up to 12HC o'clock tbo Jury dollb-
orated on tho four counts In tho In
dictment against Camlnettl and at
that time Judgo Van Fleet adjourned
court until 2 p. m.
As In tho trial of Maury I. Dlggs,
tho defenso too an exceptfon to tho
court's chargo as a basis for an ap
peal to tho higher courts.
At tbo conclusion of his Instruc
tions Judgo Van Fleet Impressed upon
tho Jury that they wore not to allow
sympathy for the family of tbo de
fendant to tlncturo their Judgment.
Thlr followod shortly upon tho In
terruption by Mrs. A. Camlnettl, Sr
wife of tho United States commis
sioner general of Immigration and
motner or mo defendant, who rose
during the proceedings to object pas
sionately to a part of Government
Prosecutor Sullivan's argument.
The salient points set out in Judgo
Van Fleet's instructions wero that it
was sufficient to establish tho guilt
of Camlnettl If tho Jury found that
he had aided In securing the trans
portation of Lola Norrls and Marsha
Warrington from Sacramento' to
Ilcno, whether ho actually had any
thing to do with buying tho tickets
or not.
PORTLAND, Sept. ."..The au
thorities today believe they hnvc un
earthed n const-wide system of lar
ceny from hotels by itinerant hell
hoys in tho arrest of Stanley Jucli
nnd P. !. Hotter, employes of the
Oregon hotel. The guests of five
Portlnud hotels are alleged to have
sustained tho los of sundry articles
of jewelry through the oerntious of
the youths, who sny they have
worked in hostelrics in Los ngeles.
Snn Diego, San Francisco, Seattle
nnd other const cities.
TOKIO, Sopt. 5. Premier Count
Kauinmoco wont to Nlkko today to
discuss with the Mikado tbo killing
of sovoral Japanese during tho bat
tlo between Chinese rebels and gov
ernment troops at Nankin. It was
believed that Japan would doraand
an apology and Indomnity.
Many nowspapers domand occupa
tion ot a Chinese port until China
complies. Japaneso warships are as
cending tho Ynngtso river to Nankin.
LONDON, Sept. 5. That Popo Plus
Is sorlouBly 111, as was roported yes
terday, was denied In despatches
from Home today. It was stated that
ho Is moroly suffering from a slight
SAN JUAN DEL SUH. Nicaragua,
Sopt. G. That tho government has
discovered a Liberal plot for a revolu
tion leaked out today, . It was said
simultaneous uprisings woro planned
In Managua and Loou.
Attorney General Brlnus Suit Against
Governor, Secretary of State and
State Treasurer to Recover $16,518
In Prison Revolving Fund.
SALEM, Ore., Sept. 5. Suit was
iribtitutcd in tho Marion county cir
cuit court today by Attorney Gencr
nl Crawford against Governor West,
secretary of Stale Olcott and Stnto
Treasurer Kay to recover $10,518.83,
which is alleged in the complaint to
have been unlawfully expended out
of tho penitentiary "revolving fund"
by the defendants. The suit is tho
outcomo of a hitter fight, following
charges made by tho Portland Eve
ning lelegrnm thnt West had mis
appropriated something like .fl0,000.
Wcst several months ago passed the
matter up to Crawford, telling him
to proceed against himself or tho
Telegram, after an investigation.
Tlm suit indicates thnt Crawford
find the governor wns wrong nnd is
evening up political scores. Kny
and Olcott havo already attempted to
get from under by asserting thnt
they remonstrated with the gover
nor for making the expenditures and
finally passed a resolution Inst No
vcmber to cease the Illegal use of
the funds.
It is alleged In the complaint of
the attorney general thnt the sjicre
tnry of state drew warrants on the
state treasurer in he sum sued for
nt the request of the governor and
tho state treasurer honored the war
rants without sanction of Inw. The
board directed Kay to enter and cred
it in his books of account nil money
received from the sale of brick bv
officers of the penitentiary and all
moneys received ns rent, from the
prison foundry in the so-cnllcd re
volving fund.
Crawford charges that the money
so paid out was done so without leg
islative nuthnrity nnd that no ap
prupriation covering the same had
ever been made. West is chieflv
blamed in the complaint, it beim
charged that the claims were in
curred by his direction "pnrstinnt to
pretended authority."
Oovernor West said this afternoon
thnt tho board only followed tho prac
tlco of preceding boards, and that If
this board did not handle tho funds
properly then the preceding boards
aro In tho same fix and suits should
bo brought against thorn. This
would bring In as parties defendant
tho Chamberlain administration and
Chamberlain as governor, Dunbar as
secretary of state and Steel and
Mooro as state treasurers and also
Gatons as prlvato secretary of tho
Tbo Dowcrman administration
would also bo llablo with Dowerman
as governor, Iicnson secretary ot
state and "Pat" McArthur as gover
nor's prlvato secretary.
I.OS ANGELES, Cal., Sept. 5.
The "Lucky" Baldwin estate, pro
bate of which has just passed into
history with tho release of tho exec
utors' and attorneys' bonds and ap
proval of their fees, was estimated
by Executor Unruh today nt ;?:1G,
000,000, "and constantly increasing."
Judgo Works allowed Unruh $180,
000 and n lowor amount to Attoruoy
Ilrnducr Leo, saying it would havo
been $250,000 each had not the
stewards fixed their compensation
nt Iho lower figures.
NEW OH LEANS, Sept. 5 Racked
by JohnjD. Kockefellor, Jr., and.the
National Vice commission, n then
tricnl company of twenty persons ar
rived hero today to stage a big mov
ing picture play in Storyvillo, the
Now Orlenus tenderloin. Tho life of
whito slavo from tho timo she
leaves high school until sho enters n
disorderly house is to ho shown. Tito
first exhibition of tho films will be
shown at Columbia university, Now
Funeral One of the Largest Attended
In Mcdford's History Many Beau
tiful Floral Tributes Ceremonies
Impressive. a
Medford paid its last earthly trib
ute to the memory of the Inte Ifivm
W. V. Eifert this afternoon nt ono
of the largest attended funeral ser
vice in the history of the city.
Business houses generally and city
offices wero closed out of respect to
tho dead executive. Thoro were many
beautiful floral pieces, including ono
piece from tho members of Iho city
council, one ench from the fratomal
orders and tho city departments, be
sides n wealth of flowers from
friends in this city nnd southern Ore
gon. KIs Templo J'ocked"
The Elks Templo was packed with
peoplo come to pay final tribute.
The services nt 2:30 o'clock were
conducted by tho Elks, tho ritunl of
the order to departed brothers being
rend by Exalted Holer A. C. Burgess.
Attorney II. F. Mulkey delivered tho
eulogy upon the stricken re
ferring to his labors in behnlf of fra
tcrnalism, and his loynlty nnd faith
fulness to their precepts. Tho Kcv.
W, V. Shields, of the Presbyterian
church, delivered tho sermon telling
of the traits, works nnd kindliness
of his life. Songs were given by
Mx. nnd Mrs. George Andrews, nnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Gore.
Funeral lYoccsslon Long.
The funeral procession marched
down Holly street to Mntn street,
thence east to the grave, headed by
tho Medford baud, and followed by
the police and fire departments, the
Elks, the Knights of Pythins nnd
carriages containing the Hcv. W. F.
Shields, immediate family and rela
tives, and a long lino of citizens in
the order named. Members of the
city council marched in front.
Tho active pallbearers were: Chas.
Gay, Ed. Poettcngcr nnd L. M. Ly
ons of the Elks, nnd John Phlegac,
nenry Ilnswell and E. G. Trowbridge
of the Knights of Pythias. Tho hon
orary pallbearers wore Councilmeu
Stewart, Campbell, Porter, Mitchell,
Millar and Acting Mayor Summer
ville. At the grave the services were
conducted by tho Knights of Pythias,
tho funeral line halting on Main
street while mournijig relatives und
friends filed past to the Inst resting
The first car of this year's crop
of Hebo pears was bhipped this
morning by tho Hoguo llivcr Fruit
und Produce association. Picking,
packing and shipping of Hose, D'Au
jous, nnd Cornice pears will be in full
swing beginning next Monday.
Today's markets are;
NEW YORK, Sept. 5. Through
auctien: No Oregons offered; Cali
fornia bnrtletts averaged $'J.4.
Through auctien: Rartletts
aged $2.40.
CHICAGO, Sept. 5. Thrco
Oregon bartletta, $2.02.
SELL 10,000 LOTS
TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 5. Some
time within the next twclvo mouths
tho city will sell to the highest bid
dor about 10,000 lots, situated in all
parts of tho city. To tako coro of
this mammoth solo, City AUornoy
Stiles has provided for another as
sistant in his office. Tho lots to ho
sold aro those held by owners who
hnvo nut paid assessments for mu
nicipal improvements such ns pav
ing, sowers, wnter-innius nnd sido
walks during tho past ton years,
Delinquent aertificntos have been is
sued agaiust nil tho properties, hut
no bidder took them up at the cer
tificate sales. "