,wWHi.,v,HWn,vwo.x t,ii,M .;,. v..., ..r..:.'i 1i",..,.,n.viJi.,WiUiJ -i'.'" -.'.!' I J If i, 10 V PlGBTWO. MEDFORD MAITJ TRE13TJN13, MflDTfORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ., Wa V V ? I. B -' L PFRSOM Kmm mm 12. L. Parrolt, Mrs. W. Curry, Mtss ElliaboUi, Curry, C. 1. Curry and tho Mmo Inaliol and Lulu Curry and W. 0. Curry of Hocoburg, MIm Itosa Par- run oi Aionmoum una .miss iicicn Casoy of Dallns comprise a rnrty whlth plopped at Medford Wednes day night, while en routn homo from nn aulo trip to Crator Iako. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jackson of Tort land nro In Mcdford, visiting rela tives and friends, V. Cameron or WImor precinct and (leor&j Loudos of Itogun Hirer, tar ried In Mcdford Wednesday. Homemade bread at Do Voo's. Drs. a. H. and Loutso E. Hodges, chiropractors and mcchana-theraplsts aro now located orer Douol & Co. Phono 170. Mr. CSuy Mooro, who has been tho Ruest of her parent, Mr. and Mm. C. I. IJuck, left for her homo In Linn county Wodnosday. MIbb Carter Olson of Gaston, Wash tngton county, who has been the guest of -James Par and family, left tor homo Wednesday evening. Dr. K. P. Melnlche, a prominent member of tho U. 8. forestry service has been In Med ford and other sta tions In Southern Oregon on official business. Kodak finishing, best In town, at Weston's. P. Johnston, who arrlrcd from tho capital or California this week states that tho Sacramento river Is threo feet high there, tho lowest mark In tho history, and may bo still lower before rain falls. W. L. Usshcr's family, which was detained In Mcdford by tho illness of Mrs. Ussbera mother, aro now resi dents of Ashland. Crater Lake pictures ,a book it 12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest erer made of the lake, for salo at Corking & Harmon's studio. Call and see them. 228 East Main street, phone 330-J. tf Prof. Van 8coy of tho Polytechnic college at Ashland and his wlfo hare been risltlng- relatives living in Eagle Point and Antloch districts. The Jackson County Abstract com pany and Rogue Hirer Valley Ab stract company, which hare been merged, are occupying tho present quarters of tho former, whoso name will be retained. E. C. Hogsett and W. C. Alloway will be in charge of the consolidated business, while T. W, Mlfes will probably begin tho prac tice of law. K. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives aaa4e aay time or place by appointment Phone M. 1471. Dr. J. K. Header of Ashland, a member of the board of pension exam iners for Southern Oregon, attended a meeting held In Medford Tuesday. Prof. Smith and his family haro re turned to Talent from a trip to the cast will this week remove to Jack ecbool. The Rogue Hirer Improremont club's annual harvest festlral, which will tako placo next Friday, will draw a big crowd from different parts of the valley. There will be fine, largo exhibits of grain, vegetables and rain orals, also a baseball gamo and a baby show. At night a good roads meeting will bo tho feature. The event promises to bo much of a suc cess. You will be surprised to find how Httlo it costs to have the Southorn Oregon Electric company do your electric wiring .and repairing. Phono 82G, Mr. and Mrs. R. Young and R. E. Young of Iowa are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Kreuter of Hoso or chards. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Forren, returned to their homo In Ashland Saturday, after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cub Nichols of Brownsboro. Wynne Sco(t, ono of tho most up to-dato portrait artists on tho Pa clflc coast is taking chargo of tho portrait department for the Gorkln & Harmon Photo company, 228 East Main street. Miss Addlo Van Don Bosch and Miss Louise Studubakor of South Rend, Ind., aro visiting tho Dealt fam ilies at Central Tolnt. Miss Van do rn Uosch Is the daughter of an early pioneer of Southern Oregon and Mini S(udebaker a grand daughter of the founder of tho Studobakar cor poration, of wagons au'd automobllo fne , ,'W, H. McMillan, a. business man of Klamath Falls, a few days since gar gled his throat with a solution of blue vltrol and swallowed some of it. He has boon uneonclous ever sluco and it is fearod that ho may dlo. TT Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS '" a AMMVA Day Pkoae 227 F. W, Weeks 19S-J.2 A." B. Orr 7S-M George Carstons, night clerk nt tho Mcdford, formerly with tho Holland and tho Nash, leaves Thursday for Soattlo, whero ho has accented a similar situation. "I am comlnn back in tho spring ho says, "for Med ford is tho finest little city I ever llvod In, and I have been all over tho country." J. F. Wortman and wlfo havo re turned from a six months visit to Rochester, .Minn. Mtss Ueth Hnrnos, n nloco of Mrs. Wortman's returned with them to spend a year with. them. While east Mr. Wortman underwent a surgical operation and returns much benefited in ticnlth. llrooros Ask your dealer for tho product of the Ashland factory. George T. Raldwln of Klamath Falts passed through Medfortl on Wednesday evening, en routo to Port land to attend a meeting of tho grand lodgo of tho A. O. U. W. W. G. Aldenhagen, general 'auditor of tho California-Oregon Power com pany, who has been spending a fort night In Jackoon and Klamath coun ties, has returned to San Frnnclsco "Insurance your best asset." Havo the best. Placo your Insurance with Holmes, tho Insuranco Man, right it ho wrltos It. tf Jonathan Dourno, Jr., A. W. Prcs cott, Miss C. II. Sporry, Miss I. M. Arneson and Miss F. Ramsey, who havo been spending several days at Crater Lake and In Klnmath county, stopped In Mcdford Wednesday night, while on their return to Portland. E. H. Lawrence of Klnmnth Falls Is among the late arrivals In Medford. II. R. Tronson of Eaglo Point, tho apple king, came to Medford Wednos day. Fred Alton Halght, teacher of piano and harmony, National Con servatory of Now York. Specialist in tho correct principles of touch and technique in all grades of study. Careful attention glvon to young children and beginners. Faults ac quired through wrong ways of prac ticing corrected. Fall term Septem ber 2. Halght Music Studios, 116 S. Laurel street, phono 176-R. F. E. Martin has returned to his ranch on Evans creek after a short stay In Medford. h. II. Lawrenco of Klamath Falls and J. L. Hardy of Grants Pass ar rived in Medford Wednesday. J. 8. Parduo of Prospect and George White of Derby transacted business In Medford Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur II. Allyn has opened an office as public stenographer at the .Medford Hotel. She la exper ienced in court reporting. legal work, banking, insurance, abstracting, real estate and commercial lines. Satis faction guaranteed. Prices reason able. IS Miss Mabel Jones has been visiting relatives Jiving In Big Butto district. L. L. Lovo and his family, who lire near Central Point motored to Med ford Wednesday. George A. Gardner, county clerk, was of thoso over from Jacksonville Wednesday. Private music lessons from CO cents upward to threo dollars per lesson, according to subject and teacher chosen. Medford Conserva tory, College Bldg., 31 North Grope. Henry Manklns of Poorman's creek district transacted business In Med ford Wednesday. E. E. Morrison of Griffin creok made a trip to Mcdford Wednesday afternoon. Charles Fredenburg of Sams valley Is in Medford this week visiting rela tives. Call at Lotllo M. Howard's 103 N. Central avenue to see the latest fall millinery. 144 George A. Mansflold, who has been at IiIh ranch in upper Koguo river dis trict, is in Medford again. Harry Porter Is In chargo of tho Talent lumber yard during the ab sence of II. O. LIndsoy. Mr. and Mrs. Stengel of Ashland tarried In Medford Wednesday. Hollen E. Smith and A. J. Stand ley transacted business In Medford Wednesday. K. H. Parsons and A. C. Randall, well known horticulturists, havo re turned from a business trip to Port land W. B. Ormsby, chief clerk of the passenger department of the South ern Pacific company at Portland, was a recent visitor in the city. Miss Marian Barnum of Mrs. Thoo. Fish and her daughter of Phoenix were Mcdford vlstlors tho first of tho week. . W. II. llarr, who hns been looking after his mining Interests on Brlggn creek, Josephine county, la in Medford again. A. T. Brown, president of the Threo Lodes Mining company, who accom panied S. 1). Vincent of tho stnto'a corporation department, to Josephine county to Inspect their properly, hn returned. Tho Pacific Coast Board of Under writers seem to think thnt tho flro which burned a business block nt Bonanza, Klnmnth county, lntuly, was of tnccndlnry origin, and offer a re ward of $300 for tho arrest of tho guilty party. Miss Catherine Menrs will resnmo her teaching September 15th, .119 South Orange St., phono 922-J. 147 Two of tho crack marksmen of the country, 11. E. Poston nnd Fred Dry, den of tho Homlngton Arms company, of Seattle, arrived In Medford Thurs day for a combined business and ploasuro trip. They camo dolor mined to tako somo Koguo rlvor steelheads as trophies of their prow ess and will fish Industriously to realize their ambition. MRS. ROBERT GOELET'S COSTUMES AT NEWPORT CHICAGOAN SLATED AS MESSIAHIONIEARTH CHICAGO, Sept. !. Announeinjj thnt n now nice of 8Uonm'ii i.- br im developed in America mul that n younjr l'liU'mouii wluwo identity is leinj cloM-ly nunnled mny ho chosen to represent the Messiah on earth, the vniiRunnl of the nutiounl convention of TlicoHopliists.brpin or rivine; here today. The contention will discuss plans for extending n colony to Connin, Cnl., to develop the new race. .1 I I, I. . I .. M. BBHV ion s wk 9f ..a M s Is. t2t i ''I ,V i . I WxtA l M SHsskHBR ' dsVssBiS mnlislW ' asiiiH KNABENSHUfMAKES TRIP IN PASSENGER DIRIGIBLE i COUNTY ORDERS SHORT CUT ROAD Tho county court Thursday mado an order accepting tho report of tho t'lotvnra of thn proposed triiurt cut roads, running uorthonst from tho Pacific & Eaatorn tracks to tho prc. ont road, a distance of it Httlo over a mlo, which will Havo over miles tratol to rcMldoutH of that section. The court ordered that tho road bo constructed when tho petltlonurs pay In half tho awards In damnges, which amount to fiaoo and halt tho cost of tho road, ostimntod nt $KO0. This wilt probably net as a dnmpor upon thu uuthusldsm of tho advocates. a X on can linvo a lrouthful, bcantl-" (ul head of hulr? Just Uw Ifai m9C..mltmm TODAY'S BALL GAMES. 'National '" v At Now York, first game: Score II. II. Itroiiklyu f. X New York 2 Uattcrlcs: Walker, Hagou McCarty; Manpiard, Crnudall Mojoru. 1 7 3 and and I",: Orcy liiln It diver fencwed lllo nnd a untiirnl color. It cindlcatri dnndrutr. rtoducfi i llilck licnltlty Growth. It U not u dye. Money tmrk II not ixlUtlfd. Q l SI ililniiiUt. Tfmlf I.41I4 rtiu it; )f(iiiitu (, iwt m., , S1H OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLfeGE DEGINS Us fmtj-.linii school irnr OICTSMtllll 10 1013. DCORCE COUimt'.Ci l many plmsosof amiicuLTunr CuaiNteniNO, Momi. tcoNOion MiNiNa. rofiwrnv, Com MtMCt l-IUIIMACY TWO-YCAII COUiSEtf l Aonmut. TUMC, MOMr. i:00N0f1l0U, MrCMANIR Anrn rorTnv coMMKaor. Phammaov TcAcitcn'B counnca in nimnm! I ti.iltilmt, ujjtlcnltuto, domestic' sctciu'o nun nil, MUfilC, lurluliit piano, string, bmid liutiiu uu'h itnl toltc ciilluif. A DEflUNKUL DOOKLCT ciillllul "I'll' I NHIllMlllsr III' ItUHAI, 1,11'M" mil it t'Aruoi.im Mill In iiiullcd 1 1 en on iipplii'iitlou. Addroki II, .M. Tkmnant, HcNtmr, tiwTlsiuvvi CoiviitlU, Oiegiiii. Children's Eyes M i REAL LOBBY LAWYER WASHINGTON, Sept. !. Testify ing beforo tho lobby Investigating committee, Colonel Martin M. Mul hall declared today that Congressman Stafford of Wisconsin, a member of tho commlttco Itself, was repescuta tlvo of tho National Association of Manufacturers. "Ho's o better N A, M. attorney than Llttlefleld ever dared to be," said tho colonel. PASADI'XA, Cal , Sept A.- After months of preparation, nccompaulud by mishaps and hard luck, of various sorts, lloy Knaucnshue made a suc cessful flight today n his hugo pas senger derlglhlo. with which ho pro poses to instltuto tho first rcgulnr aerial passenger service In tho United States from this city to nearby beach and mountain resorts. Knabcnshuo was accompanied by two passengers and carried morn than 2000 pounds extra wolght, represent ing what his dirigible could do ns a passenger carrier. Ho roso about 800 foot, circled around tho city for twenty minutes and returned to his starting point. At I'iltsliur.'. Firt giinio-- K.ll St. I.0111S . A 8 PitUbnrj: 'J 8 ltattoiies: Snlleu anil llllilclirniiil; Koliiiixou m-il Simon P.. 0 ;t PARISIAN SAGE FOR THE HAIR Unsiqhlly matted colorless -"scrajary hair made -Huffy toft abundant and radiant with life at once. Use Paritiia Sac It coiikm In fAu botllct. The fimt application removes dandruff, (tops itching sculp, clcanic the luir, ia.tj away the drynes.iaiid brittlcm-n. Incrcou:! the beauty of thu hair, making it wavy and luitreu. Lvcryoiii! ncctla 1'arUlan Sauc Clinrloi SirniiR, DtiiukM. MWX mSL'WJF mwWm WASHINGTON', Sept. 4. A bill al lowing entrymen, falling to perfect first entry, to make a second entry, was introduced In the scnato this af ternoon by Senator Miles Polndextcr of Washington. A sale of rights or fraud would debar entrymen from a second chance. ESPEE SMS1PR0VE ON WALL STREET NKW YOHK, Sept. !.- A eonlin nod movement downward featured the first transactions nt the oteti inp; of the block mur,l(et today. The pressure, however, 'was nut hovero nnd tho locoes in most imtes were confined to fractious. Omiiidiiiii Paeificj ret'clcil n full point nnd Union Pacific mul Reading almost u xiiit. Soiitlicni Pacifie opcneil fritctioniilly li'ghcr, but fiuii'kly k'ivo trny to yesterday low price of 80 .'1-8. llonil-i wore stonily. The ninrkrt liihtd lirnvt. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE Seasonable Mowers and Deeoratioiw or all kinds for fall weddings. Telephone 37-1. 1005 East Main Strcot. require caroful ttatchlng, especially in (ho cusu of studious scholars. At tho first Hlgu of ttoaknosM they should havo their ') otiintltutd, nnd. If nocossnry, glnsnes should tin worn. Hut any kind of glasses will not do. Ilrlug the chllil to mo and I ttlll guar autoo to fit tho right Inures so tin to I in pro vo tho tilnn and remove any headaches that may result from eye strain. Kit. ItlCKKIlT Sullo I -'2 Otor llotiol'n .Modfuril, Oro. Siork and Cupid Gunning Plotters Many it New Home will Have a Utile Sunbeam to brlflhten It. 'Pli-ru U iin drrnd III rrorp woinnii's mind ns In Ilia itutlilo pnlii, dUlrrx mul diuienr of rliild lilrlli. nut. timtikit to n r nmrKrtl'l' r "in ii it y U unit n nn Mullim J'rlcii.l, llm iMrlod H rue of Ji)ful uiillel imllon. Muthi t'a 1'rli'inl U n iirnrlrailiiic, rlnr liiil iippllottllon. I t limlm lint iiiiim'IiM nf the uliiiiiitrli nnd t- ilainrn rJInnt so tlii Mtiwiitd entity mxl nitliiinll) tltlit pnlu, mid with un t Hint ixrnllnr naiyiort, nerriiiinei nnd ilbr wyniplmim IImI tend " ttiLfii llw (m.'iwme iM'ii,.r TIuw Tiipld mul lit nf'rk lire mtiil n tminlin iliileri In ln Id Hie nmiltijc if a UtlU miuUsiui In Ud dm (Ik-Inurln mid lio'iien. 'J'limntiMili nf ttmiH'ti knnw from eMr! nifi Mnilirr's frlfiid U oil" if iir umjt nmtrlluiili'iix to hippy iiuillirlnid. HtJ l-y nil ilnilKt nt JI.IK) it botil. l-vo-lAlly ri'imiiriul4.l ns a prf rrnllto of eV I uk lirvML Write In llrmlllrM Itrulntr Co, -M linmr Itl.U., AlHiiin. On., for tbiir vol tinMo bvuL In cilivlnnt niutlmru. .BSHBBSfek NOTICi: OF MKim.NO OK IlOAItO OK KQL'IMZATIO.V Notice Is hereby given, thnt on tho second Monday, of Septombcr, 191.1, the (8th day) tho board of cqulllza (lon will attend, at tho court houso, In Jacksonville. Jackson county, Ore gon, and publicly examlno tho as sessment rolls, and correct nil errors In valuation, descriptions or qualities of lands, lots or other proporty as sessed by such assessor; and It shall bo the duty of persons Interested to appear at tho time and placo ap pointed. (Signed) W. T. aitlRVE, Assessor of Jackson County, Oregon. Rated this ICth day of August, 1913. CHICHESTER S PILLS i & liUUUr IIIUM4SnVA CUQSjBk .( u Kid a. U.U M1IIUV vTllI Imn. huJ ,9li hu KIUm. V Tn iJ Tata Mtir. HT rtr. v VI -Of Dracl.t. Ak4'iri. irKM.TKBH V J I'raril.t, IHAUU.1II IIUANIt l'ILlJ.l.a& ynnkkM(Ul't.Sti.AlwtiiRII,t SOU) BY DRUGGISTS EYEJIVUKCRE TOO IiATK TO CLASSIFY. Phoenix district Jia been vlsjtlng .friends liv ing in Medford. George Moulton of Coqullle spent Wodnesday In Medrord. He Is very favorably Impressed With the city nnd valley. Fred Luy, Jr., of Antelope, who has developed into a busy stockralser, spent Wednesday night In Medford. Frank I). Walte of Buthorlln, who has beon In the valley several days, on business connected with his real estato Interests left for homo on Wednesday evening. Mrs. G. B. Epperson of Jackson ville and her daughters, Mrs. John Turnbough and Miss Mabel Henry, visited In Medford and Phoenix on Wodnesday. Robert and Herbert Strang, James Vance and Poland Hubbard, rear guard of tho Seventh company, re- WANTKD Woman housowprk. Geo. 304 So. Central. for general A. Mansflold, 117 XV HONE Wear tho Nu Done Guaranteed Cor set, For Salo Uy JOSKI'HI.Vn F. CUKK iiltt West -III Street Draperies W carry a vrry complete lln or draprrlen. lace ciirtalna, future, etc.. and rto all cunn' nt uphulHterlnk'. A atKclal man to look Sftbr thDi work oxclualvely ami will i:)vo on ood ervJ a Is poialble to Kt Jn pven Weoka & McGowan Co. E. D. Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Flash lights Portraits Interior and exterior view Negatives made anv time and any place by appoint merit. (lot Our VriW'H on What WOOD Yon Will Want lor Hie Winter TIER, CORD AND CAR LOTS VALLEY FUEL CO. Sinvessors io Roiclisicin. Cor. Fir and Second St. West. Tol. 7G. GfiXitW'ttX'Gfi&JV'WQM 'Z' 1 11) .1 WOOD For Salq OAK, FIR, LAUREL AND SLADW00D IN TICR, CORD AND CARLOAD LOTS iSftafaw. ... Frank H. Ray Yard at Sixth and Fir Sts. PHONE 750-R 3 -? &3ieGI0i! 208 E. Main Phone 1471 EXCURSION PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY TO BUTTE FALLS, SUNDAY, SEPT. 7, I.i'iivn Miillonl h:(IO ii. in. Keiuli .Mcilfunl (It 1.1 ). m. Medford Bnml Will Accompany tho Excursion. FINE OUTING IN THE MOUNTAINS Good Flslilno Excellent Hotel Accommodations DAND CONCERT Brinrj your picnic lunches nnd onjoy a di'lluhtful ouiIiiq ROUND TRIP $1 ROUND TRIP 'L H aaal bbbW y5 -- ! i w x-1 00L SHOE z .. rail Millinery Opening Wo JlHVO . ovorytlilng to bo " i had In rtIio lno of boqiI school tions. IlrliiKH your hoys and flrlfl lioro'for tholr next imlr. , U Behling's noon, fit kiiei: ktehi: X X r ? t t J x f T J f T f T T 'X $ X & First Complete Showinof Exclusive High-Grade Hats and Exclusive Models in Dress Hats Wq ask all Women who aro iiiteronted in sinai't fash ions and who j'b not? io call and seo what Dame Faahjoii lias dqereed for Fall and Winter. Our Now Hats, trimmed and untrinimnd, are a revelation in Style and Price. ' Our Store is fast filling avH.1i Charming New Minis. .If you wish to keep in y touch wilh the latest styles you ljiust see pur showing of Trimmed Dress and j&a t T ? t ? T ? t t J i Street Hats. Barnard Millinery Paror 126 East Main Street I: 1 kt'i v t- f u' '. V J r. ? .' ' (, t I turned homo Wednesday.