SKW t pxgbjtouh. MEDFORD MATH TRTBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON". WEDNESDAY, 1 r SEPTEMBER, a, lnin. frf it? IOCAL AND L PERSONAL J. Stlllwoll Vilas motored to Mod ford from his orchard Tuesday. Ho won ovorcomo during ono of tho warmest days ot tho season, but has fully recovered. II. L. Cnrl was In Med ford tho foropart of tho week, Interviewing young men and women who wish to qualify for civil scrvlco appointments under tho U. 8. government. 0. II. Murray, who has been spend ing several months at Newport, Is In Medford again. Ho states that as high ns 15,000 pcoplo wcro thcro at ono tlmo on different occasions, but that tho season was shorter than usual owing to tho Into spring. llomo-mado bread nt Do Voo's. Mrs. Wynne Scott has disposed of her photograph business nt Ashland and removed to Medford, whoro sho will hnvo chargo of tho portrait do- ipartrocnt ot tho studio ot Gorkln & Harmon. Roy Guyor, who has beon making a trip ot tho Pacific coast, going as far cast aa Colorado, returned to Medford Monday. Drs. a. R. and Loutso E. nedges, chiropractors and mochana-thoraplsts aro now located over Deuel ft Co. Phono 170. Flro destroyed two stacks of grain belonging to Mr. Caster, who has been farming Mrs. Cooksoy's place at Central Point A spark from A. Lcarnod's threshing machine, which was at work thcro at tho tlmo, started tho blazo. Judgo Bean or tho U. 8. district court at Portland has ousted J. F. Roddy, who was appointed by Judgo Calkins as receiver ot tho Old Chan nel Mining company, which owns placer mines In Josephlno county, and tho fedoral court will havo chargo ot tho mattor. Kodak finishing, tt la towit, at Weston's. Because of tho delay to passenger trains causod by tho loading of so much fruit and vegetables for Port land, tho baggago and express cars aro cut out ot train No. 1C at Ash land and held thoro until train No. 14 arrives. Tho two sections ot No. 1G aro then cosolidatcd and tho bag gago and express cars ot both trains run a second No. 14 picking up fruit shipments at different valley points. Dr. A. W. Dcano and Mrs. E. Roodc, well known citizens ot Medford, were united In matrimony by Rev. W. F. Shields Monday evening, Sept 1. It was a quiet, military weddings, only relatives of tho contracting parties: being present. Crater Lake pictures ,a book ?f 12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest evor mado ot the lake, for salo at Corking & Harmon's studio. Call and see them. 228 East Mala street, phono 3 20-J. tf Nicholas Cooko, a pioneer resident of Jackson and Klamath counties, dlod at his homo in Ashland, Sept. 1, aged 7C years. The romalns wcro Interred In tho Jacksonville cometery. Mr. Cooko, was engaged in merchan dising at Fort Klamath many years ago and subsequently at Willow Springs In this county. Ho leaves a widow, but no children. Sldnoy B. Vincent, a representative ot tho corporation department ot the etato of Oregon, was in Medford tho foro part ot tho week. Ho has been looking into tho affairs ot mining companies whoso properties aro lo cated In Jackson and Josephine coun ties and como under tho operations of tho so-called bluo sky law enacted by tho last legislature. Tho Threo Lodes Mining company has been given a clean bill and allowed to Eoll stock. K. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any tlmo or placo by appointment Phone M. 1471. James W. Hamlin and family from Brownsville, Ore., aro visiting W. II. Hamlin and family ot this city. Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. John C. GroavcB and Ireno Rcgar woro united In marrlago by Rev. W. F. Shields at tho Presbyterian Manse, Mr. and Mrs. Groavcs aro young pcoplo ot Jackson county, and will mako their homo in Jacksonville whero they havo a largo crlclo of relatives and frlonds, and whero Mr. Greaves Is engaged In business. You will bo surprised to find how llttlo It costs to havo tho Southern Oregon Electrlo company do your electric wiring and repairing. Phone 020. Wynne Scott, ono of tho most up-to-dato portrait artists on the Pa cific coast is taking chargo ot tho portrait department for the Gorkln & Harmon Photo company, 228 East Main street. m- i - - & HHlllilMiBiliBlSBBBBBBBBSBBBIMMMBiBBBMBIMBBiaBSBiaMBMMSBBBft I Weeks & McGowan Co. tt UNDERTAKERS Wf' Dy Phone 887 ffi NIM F, W. Weeks lBSa-9 v Pluses A. K. Orr 078-M I 1 V: C. IC, Norrls and wlfo left tor their home nt Stockton, Cal., todny after spending two weeks nt tho homo ot Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Nudlng of Urownsboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thompson of Gold Hill motored to Medford Tues day afternoon. "Insuranco your best asiot." Hnvo the best. Placo your Insuranco with Holmes, tho Insuranco Man, right It ho wrltos It. tf W. M. Holmes mndo n business trip to Central Point Monday even ing. W. II, Humphrey has returned from an automobllo tour of Jackson county. B, L. Dodge motored to Medford from his RIvcrdalo ranch tho first ot tho week. Mrs. Lawrcnco Brown and her daughter of Jacksonville spent Tues day ovcnlng In Medford. Flrmln Zana ot Gold Hill was of tho many who transacted business in Medford Tuesday. William M. Howard and Henry Millard wcro business visitors in Medford Tuesday afternoon. Fred Alton Hnlght, tcachor of piano and harmony, National Con servatory ot Now York. Specialist In tho correct principles ot touch and tcchnlquo in all grades ot study. Careful attention given to young children and bcglnnors. Faults ac quired through wrong ways of prac ticing corrected. Fall term Septem ber 2. Haight Music Studios, 11C S. Laurel street, phono 176-R- Tho Scptcmbor term of county commissioners' court Is being hold at Jacksonville. Judgo Prim and Roy Ulrlch wero over from Jacksonville tho first of tho week. James T. Tuffs ot Grants Pass was In Medford Tuesday, on his way from Siskiyou county, Cal. Robert B. Rcamo and Thomas B. Kent were down from Central Point Tuesday afternoon. II. D. Norton, a promlnont attor ney of Grants Pass, was In Medford and Jacksonville Tuesday. E. O. Coleman returned Tuesday afternoon from a trip to Talent, his former home. Mrs. Arthur II. Allyn hns opened an otflco as public stenographer at the Medford Hotel. Sho Is exper ienced In court reporting, legal work, banking, Insurance, abstracting, real cstato and commercial lines. Satis faction guaranteed. Prices reason able. 152 W. R. Garrett, road supervisor of Applcgate district transacted bust ncss In Medford Tuesday. J. N. Paco, superintendent of tho county poor farm farm at Talent, was in Medford Tuesday. W. P. Hcffner and his family ot Big Butto aro visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Olson. Ashacl Hubbard, left on Tuesday evening's train for Portland, on a short business trip.. Private music lessons from 50 cents upward to) threo dollars per lesson, according to subject and teacher chosen. Medford Conserva tory, Collcgo BIdg., 31 North Grapo. Call at Lottlo M. Howard 109 N. Central avenuo to see tho latest fall millinery. 144 Prof. Rctmer, who is In chargo of tho O. A. C. experiment station at Talent, was a recent business vis itor in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dow and Mrs. G. N. Lewis ot Jacksonville spent a few hours In Medford Tuesday. Edward Whltcsldo and Charles W. Sharpo of Central Point district tar ried a wbllo in Medford Tuesday. W. C. Daley and J. G. Thomson of Lake creek wero business visitors in Medford the foro part ot tho week. Gcorgo N. Lewis ot Jacsonvlllo Is at tho Sacred Heart hospital for treatment Ho Is suffering with an abscess. Tho annual harvest festival at Miss Catharine Mcars 1b roturnlng from tho cast about September 10. Sho has spent her summer in and about Boston whore sho has bad tho advantages ot studying tho piano with Mrs. Frances A. M. Bird who has recently returned from a season In Paris whero sho has been directly under tho personal Instruction of IbI dor Plillipp ot tho Conservatoire Miss Mcars returned to Medford for her professional work with many now and fresh ideas concerning piano playing. HI Rogue River takes place Friday, Sept. 5, and promises to bo a success. Thcro will bo several novel features. T. J. Richards, a pioneer minor, woll known at Jacksonville and on Applegate, died nt tho county hospi tal recently, aged 73 years. Charles Rogers, who has been a guest at tho Wortman homo on South Oakdale during tho past few weeks, loft for Spokano Tuesday ovenlng. New fall and winter hats aro ar riving at tho Home Millinery. Prices cheaper than over. 1101 W. 9th St. 141 II. Tripp heads tho list with threo boots that aggregate 17 pounds, ono alono weighing soven pounds. They may be seen at tho Commercial club's exhibit building. Hertford Bros, ot Talent district wero In Medford tho forepart of tho week. Colonel and Mrs, R. C. Washburn of Tablo Hock motorod to Medford Tuesday afternoon. Donnld Colvlg, who Is with the California-Oregon Power company, was a recent visitor nt Ashland. R. II. Wilson and John R. Wilson ot Griffin creek transacted business In Medford Tuesday. Medford schools will resumo stud ies Momlny and tho city Is filling up. Vacant houses will soon bo scarce. Miss Edith Trycr ot Talent, for merly of Medford, who was operated on for appendicitis Thursday, Is re covering. Charles E. Tull is nt Gtondalo where he Is filling a logging contract with tho owners ot tho saw mills operating thcro. Mrs. J. Ramotor ot Hilt Cal., Is one of tho lato arrivals In Medford. T. Walston of Sterling hns been spending sovernt days in Medford. Lot It not bo forgotten that Jack son county will decido tho good roads question nt tho election noxt Tuesday, Sept 9. W. M. Powell, bettor known ns tho Ashland cider man, died August 30, nged "G years. Ho had sold fruit and elder at tho Ashland depot for moro than 25 years. Tho Southern Pacific. In connection with tho O. W. R. & N. and Union Pacific havo Inaugurated a service that lands fruit from Roguo river valley in Chicago In eight days and a half. Tho train leaves Ashland at C:30 ovcry ovonlng. Judgo and Mrs. F. M. Calklno and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cnlklns ot Eu- geno wcro cntcrtnincd at a picnic dinner given nt Ashland park by Mr. and Mrs. Myers a Tow days slnco. E. W. Llljegrnm, nssayer and chemist, mado Gold Hill a profes sional visit this week. R. H. Whitehead and Dr. B. F. Adklns havo returned from Butto creek, whoro they havo been camp ing somo tlmo. Misses Helena and Gcrtrudo BIcdo of Ashland, who havo been spending their vacation at Portland, passed through Medford a tow days slnco. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones and daughter, also David M. Horn, all of Hornbrook, Cal., wcro In Medford this week on tho way homo from a trip to Crater Lake. Bert Klncald, champion light weight wrestler, who spent a day lh Medford with E. D. Weston lately, won his match with Ed Dennis at Reno on Labor Day. S. I. Brown, secretary of tho Jack son County Fair association, was in Ashland Tuesday, on official busi ness. Wm. Gcrlg has returned from a business trip to Portland,' Judgo W. M. Colvlg has returned from Salem whero ho argued a caso beforo tho supremo court. A. C. Randall and R. H. Parsons havo returned from Portland whoro they attended a meeting ot applo growers and shippers to formulato plans for mnrkotlng tho crop. C. A. Malboeut who spent several days In tho valley buying apples, has returned to Portland. Ho states that tho Roguo river apples aro of bettor quality this year than ever and tho Newtowns superior to thoso of any other fruit district. District Attorney E. E. Kolly Is in Grants Pass attending tho fall term ot court Roy Guyor, formorly employed by Nichols and Ashpolo has returned from an extended tour ot tho enst during which ho visited his homo In Denver and othor Colorado cities and towns. Roy says that in his travels ho has not seen any placo ho likes better than Medford and has re turned to settlo down. ;.i m I Opening' Sale Outing Gowns of New Fall Goods! t Y Y Y I "Women's Fancy Striucd Outing Flannel Clowns in sill sizes, very special, eaeh 50 AT MANN'S CENTRAL AVENUE, NEAR POST OFFICE , Comforters Full .Size .lied Comforters, good quality, very special, !8tf eaeh ((iiitiiiittiitiiiii f Y Y Y Y Y Every Department Crowded With New Goods f ti ? Y Y Y Y Y & New Coats and Suits "La Vogue" Coats made of tho very latest materials and in tho most up-to-dato styles on sale at ij9.9S S119S, JpUo. OO, and.., ljio,UU The very latest ideas in Women's Suits all well tail V orcd and lined with guaranteed satin in tailored and X fancy stylus on sale at $14.98, $10.08. $27.50 jt and $1)12.50 Three Master Driven Ashore. XOKFOLK, Vn., Sept. 3. Wire less advices received horo today Btnto that the three master schooner 11. K. C. Hartley wns driven nshoro on the Virginia const by n flqunll ycstcnluy. Two o her crow wero drowned. Weather Forecast. Oregen: Haiti tonight mid TIiiim Iny weht, fihowcre tonight or Tlmrs dnv enht portion; cooler east por tion tonight; southerly winds, high nlonc tho const. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FORsTUiEFoaVYr 15c; 3 to 4 feet, 12c; 2 to 3 foot, 8c. Guaranteed first class trees. E. T. -Xeal, Central Folnt. Phono No. 191. 143 1 ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t f Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y ! Buv vour now coat and suit now while stock is com-plctc. r JL The New Silks Are Here $ 18 inch All Silk Messaline in all the latest colorings equal to most 7fio grades, special, per yd 18 27 inch All Silk Messaline in the most beautiful lino ol! new shades, extra fine $1.2.1 grade, very special, ill I IV, 1'Mt.(UltllIMltlMlti)litlltll s 0 Beautiful new "Crepe de Chene" in evening shades, 10 inches wide, per yd $1.00 !tt inch Silk Poplins, all colors, just the thing for dresses, per yd 08 10 inch Charmeuse, all colors, worth $U.f(), on sale at, per yd $1.08 ! t Y T Y Y Y & $2.00 Waists 98c 150 Women's Lingerie and Tail ored Waists, nicely trimmed, up to $2.00 values, sale price each....OS $6.50 Wash Dresses $1.98 HO Beautiful Wash Dresses made of (iinifhams, Voiles and Foulards, up to (.f)0 values, each ..$1.08 $3.50 Sweaters $1.48 An odd line of Women's Sweaters in all colors, up to $:i.fi0 values, salo price, each , ., ,...J1..18 Outing Flannels 1000 yards of Heavy Striped Outing Plannel fast cold's, Oc grade, at yd i S? 1000 yards ""of Extra Heavy Outing in plain and fancy colors, 12 '.c. grade, a yd 10 Blankets Good size Cray Cotton Blankets, very special, a pair 50 Full Size Cotton Blank ets in gray and white, extra good $2.00 grade, special, a pair,...$l.lS Underwear Women's and Childrens white fleeced lined vests and pants, all sizes, spe cial, eaeh 125 Women's Fleece lined Union Suits, special, a suit -1S Specials Ucst yard Dress Prints, a IMMtMIIMHIIMIIH J Ucst Cotton Challies, a yard 5 Uood Cotton Batting, a roll 10 Best Colored Oilcloth, a yard 18 i t f t ? t ? t ? ? t t ? ? t ? ? t xi"Xxsx $m$m$m;3m$m; ? FOK SALE Cream Boparator 234 Inch wagon and hostcr eprlnga, 11CC, "West 8th St. 142 D. F. MULKBY & GEO. W. CIIEItRY Attorneys at Lawo. Jackson Coun ty Dank nulldlng. FOI RENT 4 room cottago 512 W. Jackson St., 2 blocks cast of school, Call at GOO V. Jackson St. 140 FOR RENT Now, elegantly fur nished liouso, shado trees, lawn, good fruit, everything now and up-to-dato. Call at G1C West Jack son street. 140 WANTED Boy going to school to do chores tor board. Phono 1099- . i . .A f f t t f t f ? ? t t t f V f f t ? T t T t T t t t t T ? REMOVAL SALE OF AUTOMOBILES The Only Chance You Will Ever Have to Buy Autos on Special Sale Will move next week in the New Sparta Building, Riverside and Main, where I will have the best equipped show room and re tail house on the Pacific coast. I now have on hand both New and Second Hand Reduced Prices See me quick if you want a bargain C ars at C. K. GATES 'The Oveland Man" 132 South Riverside z t T T i to&&&i T t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Y ? ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T t Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y f T Y Y Y T Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y T Y Y