Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 03, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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$N YventJri, ' M .- ...XltlMf A, , , ,,,'
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Medford Mail Tribune
Shower tonight ami Ttira
i),iy 3iHt. 70J Mln. 87.
PnrtjMliInt Ymr,
l)nllv iiikIiIIi Vfur.
No. 141
Cam. Guilty Out Nut ns Charncil
Keynote of Defense's Opcnltin
Statement to Jury On Stnml Lite
Hopes to Show Marsha and Lola
Wllllnii for Flluht-Vows of
riayo Evidence Injures Case.
HAS FHANOIHCO, Cnl., Bopt. n
In a fluid effort to elenr himself of
lint rhnrtto of whltn alnrory, I'. Urow
CnmlnulH mIII tnliu tliu witness Miami
In liln own behalf Into thin afternoon.
It In probable tluit l.oln NorrU will
bo recalled (o (vilify regarding Caml
Willi's promises to mnrry Iiur nnd tlio
effect of theso prnuihiea In Inducing
her to innko tlio fllKht (o Hono,
Hut It In on Cnmliiotirs own story
(lint tlio fliiitt hopo of tlio dofoimo
renin, Utility, hut not guilty n
charged such I (ho nttltudo liln nt
tornojH iiro inking, nml whllo their
own wltwsM, (I, A, Putnam, npertliu:
writer on tlio Sacramento lice, told
of having nssured Minn Warrington
t lint thorn won no ilnager of (ho pub
Mention of n story of thulr rolatloua,
(tin defense Mill attempt to proro Hint
fenr of tlio consequencea nml not Im
jnornl inotlvpn, prompted tlio Itono
Tlio dofenso Injured Itn own enso
In tlio rrosa-iunmlnntlon of W. K
Donn, Hncrauieutn court stenograph
er, mut tlio closing witness for tlio
government. After tho prosccudon
hnd brought from Mm a statement
that Cnmlncttl hnd promised to mnr
ry Mlrs NorrU, tho rrosa examination
drew forth tho moro damnglug (call
nioiiy. n atntomont of tho girl her
self Hint "this wna tho only consld
urntlon under which alio would hnvo
ncrompuulpd Cnmlnottl to Itono."
Itcpcntcdly Cnmlnottl wna quoted
liy Donn ns hnvlng ndmlltod tho prom
ise to mnrry Mini Cs'orrU, Just ns
noon mi tho lawn of Novndn would
pormlt hint to r.t n dlvorco from tlio
mother or hl two children, whom ho
had left behind In Sacramento.
"Mitrahn Wnrrlngton nnd Ixiln Nor
rU loft Hncrnmnntn for tho unnio pur
pom Hint Prow Cnmlnottl nd Mnury
Dlgga did -to nvold tho scandal thnt
tholr relations thoro hnd rnused."
ThU was tho opening statement of
Attorney .Mnrshnl II. Woodworth for
tho dofoimo to tho Jury Juat boforo
noon In outlining whnt tho dofotuo
lutondod to provo.
"Wo will show," ho continued,
"Ihitt thoro girls worn Just nil ongor
to nvold tho disgrace na olthor tho
dofomliiut hero or Dlgga. Wo w HI
mIumv thnt no coercion wna nttomptedi
Hint Cnmlnottl did not buy tho tick
ota, nnd thnt ho hnd boon warned
Hint ho wiiH to bo dlaiiilssod from bin
ponltlon In Hncrnmoiito Iiociuiho of
hU conduct with MIb NorrU."
Iteiidlng furthor from IiIh nolca,
Donn brought out tho fnct Hint Cmnl
notM lutondod koHIiik liosaoaaloii of
hU oldor child nftor atnrtltiB dlvorco
proceedings In Bncrnuumlo.
"Did you liiloud to commiinlcnto
with your wlfo " Douti Hiild Aktliuon
nnlied Cumlnuttl.
"YoH, I did," wno tho nnswor, "hut
not until nftor nil tlio ncnndnl had
blown ovor."
Alod on whnt grounds Cnmlnottl
hud told hor thnt ho lutondod to gat
u dlvorco, Donno until Mltm NorrU
ntiHWorod; ,
"On tho grounds of cruotly."
(Continued on I'iiro 3)
N13W YOUK, Hopt. a. ThoutnB A.
Hporry, nillllonntro proHldont of tho
Bporry and KutuhliiHon compnny
mid orlRluntor nml pntontoo of tho
Kioou t null n n Btnnip, In (load lioro to
day from ptomnluo poluon. Bporry
wiih n trnvolliiK anlosmnu whoa ho
bad It Ih Idon pntontoil In 1807 nml
dovntod tho roBt ot bla llfo to Ita pro
motion. It nmdo millions ot dollnra
for hlmaolf and IiIb neBoclntoB.
HAN ntANCISCO, Cnl., 8opt. 3.
Confronted by nu niiRry buabntid,
wIiono wlfo ho una oiitcrtnlnliiK nt a
locnl hotel, W. K. ICIiir, a. jsrocer,
took n fl)liiK lenp tbroiiRh n third
alory window curly todny and Inudod
an n ikyllKhl two floum hulow. I'uln
fully dncKluR n broken nnklo and
clnd n In Koptembor Morn, King
NtnKKorod lino nn occupied room,
wbero a hkopur wna tovaliiR rentlosa
ly, boliiod hlmHolf to tlio roomor'a
cont nml troimeru mid coutlniiud hla
fllRht, drotuliiK on routo. On tho
atroot a pollcemnu nrruatod lilin nnd
encorlod him to tho central xmorRuncy
In tho mcnntluio tho Irnto apohuio,
II. Chnno, got ii cop mid confronted
Mra. Chit ho, who waa nbout to do
part cnroliiR a BUltciuo In which
wna KIiik'h elotlilni;. Juat then tho
robbed (deeper. (luatao Doracbeld.
(iilto iixod, callud tho pollco to com
plain thnt hla cont mid pnuta hnd
boon utolon. lloraeliold'a clothoa woro
retiirneil to him from tho hoapltul,
Kluit Rot hla i;nrmoutri from hond-
iliinrtera, nnd Mra. Chnao went homo
with her hiiahnnd to tulle ovor tho
uihonturo of n Koptombur Morn.
1'OUThANI), Ore, Sept. 3. JiuIro
Will It. KIiir, chief cnuiiaol for tho
United Htntut) reclamation aorvtco,
and V.. (1. llopaou, United Htntea aup-
orvlaliiK eiiRluoor for OreRou, nro on
routo to I.ako Taboo, Cat., today
whoro thoy will nttond tho confor-
onco ot Hunorvlulnit oiiRlneora ot ror
clnmntloii projoctu Soptotuber 4-7.
Army-Navy Gamo Scheduled
WASHINGTON, Kept. !!.--Seere-
lurv ill' Hie 'nvv DmiielH nuilAssIst
..--j .- ...-- .... -.
nut St'urutnry of Wir llreekenrltlKe,
willi tlio ntlilulio iniuiiiKors for An
napolis nml Went Point tleoiileil lo
duy to liolil tlio in my nnd navy
football (,'iuiid Ihlu j ear nt tlio Polo
KTOiiiuIh, New York.
Ask Gaynor to Run.
NKW YORK, Soiit. a. City Kiill
Pink wiih jnmiwHl lieio today with
110,000 iL'oplo wlio hiiw Onynor men
from tlio flvo IioioiikIih hhIc tlio may
or to run us nn independent oiuuli
ditto for ro-olcction. Qaynor no-ooptod.
Mntlcnwnn Fuijltlvc rtclcascd to Dc
nc-arrcstcd by Imnilnratlon Offi
cials Rush to Vermont Line Le
gal Flijlit Takes Place in Coatlcouk
Jerome Plans to Rush Prisoner Back
to Asylum Within 21 Hours Jus
tlco Favors Prisoner.
Hlli:itllItOOKi;. quo., Hoyt. 3.
Juntlco IliitchliiHon thla nftornoon
atintnlnod tho writ ot bnbona corpua
cnlllm; for tho roluaao of Harry K.
Thaw, tho fugltlvo from tho Matten
wnn nayium for tho criminal Inanno
nor I'oiiKhkoopiilo, N. Y.
Tlfla mentia that Tlmw will ko ro
loaaeil from Jail, re-nrrentod by tho
Cnnndlnu liniiilurntloii offlclnla and
hla ileportntlon nttomptcd.
Thnw wna Immediately taken In
charRo by tho ImmlRrntlon nuthorl
An nutoinobllo nwnlted outaldo tho
courtroom nnd na noon nn Juitlco
llutchliiaon nunoiinced hla rulliiR
Thaw wna taken In charRO by tho
ImmlRrntlon offlclnla. Ho wna then
hurried to Contlcook.
Thnw'a nttorneya hnd no oppor
tunity to tnko furthor leRnl action
to provont hla removal. Former
Dlatrlct Attorney Wllllnm T. Joromo
of Now York nnd hla naaoclntea aro
confident thnt Thnw will bo back In
Mnttenwnn within twenty-four hours.
Thaw'a flRht for freedom will now
bo boforo ImmlRrntlon offlclnla nt
Contlcook. Joromo hna nnnouncod
hla Intention ot compnlllnR tho fiiRl
tlvo'a liiitant deportation. Ho pinna
to mah Thnw ncroaa tho border In
nn nutoinobllo boforo Thnw'a lawyora
can atart nny proccodlugs from do
lay. In ordcrliiR Thaw'a rolenxo Juntlco
llutchliiaon mid It wna ovldont that
It would bo to tho prlaoner'a Interest
to bo liberated. Ho aald when a
compelled to rIvo tho prlaoner tho
compelled to rIvo th opnaonor tho
bonoflt of tho doubt nod that ho had
nn choice but to releaso htm from
SAI.HM, Ore., Sopt. 3. Lot "om
wenr tho bIU skirt, split aktrt, hob
ble, linrom, hoop or nbbrovlnted aklrt,
na Ioiir aa thoy do not Interfero with
tho mnniier In which tho aternor box
ndorn thumaelvea, la tho belief ot
John I). Tumor, lnwor and city
couucllmnu. Kveu tho ox-ray gown
Isn't barred.
In fnct Turner Introduced na ordl-
nmico In tho city council Riving tho
Indies tho right to wenr whatever
thoy plenscd. Action on tho ordln
unco wna postponed.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3.Tlie
Oveiiiiiin honiito eommitteo todny
finished il probe of the ne.livitio.s
of tlio National Association of Man
ufacture rn us n reault of (ho Mul
liall elmrgea. It thou adjourned in.
definitely mid will hold no furthor
ueshioim until tlio tariff bill is dis
posed of.
Freight Hits Work Train.
SIlNNKAl'OLIS, Minn., Ropt. 3.
A freij,'lit train on tlio CliieiiKO, Mil
wnukeo & St. Paul railroad atruok
a work train nt llopkiim station nt
noon todny. Ono Inlioier wiih killed
and eighteen injured, several prob
ably futiilly.
... .i I,-... i
Asqtilth's Assnllcrs Freed.
LONDON, Sept. il.Two suffrn
ijoltes who lust week uttneUed Pre
mier AKipiith whilo ho wna golfing nt
LosHiemoutli, Sootland, woro dia
filiiUBed lioro today on Asquith's per
Bonul reiiuost.
Jinn Johnson, president of tho
American laguo, must decide If Silk
O'l.ouRhlln ono of tho umpires, called
Pitcher Hoy Mitchell, of tho St. Louis
club, n "jellow cur." and If ao la that
propor laiiRtiaRo for nn umplro to
use toward n ball player.
The International Pliio);cKrnph-
ie party, eonsihtiu of n score of
eminent botanists nnd ueientista of
American mid KuroKan fame, ur
riicd in .Medford nt 5:30 this mom
iiiK and left nt 8 o'elooK hy unto for
Crater Lake, mid seenie spots en
route. They liiuelied nt Pnixpect, in
seelcd Hie xwer plant tliure, mid
will reach Crater IiKo Lodco on
the rim late (his afternoon. Tomor
row will ho deioted to u sludv of the
geographical mid plant eouditious nt
tlio great seenie wonder.
Tho party will nrrho in Medford
on tlio return Friday af(ernoon. The
ladies of the parly will be the gtioMs
of (he College Women's club nt (ho
Medford Hotel (hat evening, mid the
gentlemen be Hie gnosis of (he Uiii
ersity elub. Snturday, Ihe isi(or
will lie shown Hie orchards mid fruit
industry of the vnlley.
Tlioso in (he parly were: Dr. II.
Urocknmn-.ToroNoh. Zurich; Krau Dr.
Hroekiiiiinn-Jeroseli, Zurich; Pnf.
Adolph Angler, Ucilin; Dr. George K.
Nichols, New I linen; Dr. Ovc Pnul
sen, Copenhagen; Dr. Kdward Hiihel,
Zurich; Piof. Curl Sehmter. Zurich;
Prof. T. J. Stomps, Amsterdam; Mr.
A. O. Tansley, Cambridge; Prof. C.
von Tubeiif, Munich; Prof. Henry C.
Cowles, Chicago; Dr. Alfied Daeh
nowski, Celumbus: Mr. George 1).
Fuller, Chicago; Prof. V. V.. Clomenls
Minneapolis; Mrs. V. K. Clements,
MinneniMilis; Mrs. Alfred Dachnow-
ski, Columbus; Dr. !'. P. Meiueeke,
IT. S. forest service; Pnf. P. K. Put
ters, Minnenpolis; II. 1). Foster, for
est servieo
Those who furnished enrs were:
Dr. V.. P. Piekol, Mrs. J. V. Ueddy,
K. J. Stuwnrt, J. A. Weslerluud, Glen
Fnhrielc, Slater Johnson
SAN PKANCISCO, Sept. 3. Tlio
nhsenoe today of ono member of tho
sanity commission unused n eonltii
unneo until tomorrow of tlio investi
gation into tho onso of Mrs. Vivien
Lyons, pretty Denver divorcee, who
sineo Iter nllegod suioido puot with
Robert J. Widnoy, of Los Angeles,
hna been held under observation by
tlio nuthorities.
Rulinn, Opinion of Attorney General
Crawfcrd Holds Franchise at Bend
Election Tuesday Not Annulled by
New Law.
Old Registrations Valid, with New
May Swear In Voters County
Court Issues Instructions to Clerks
Following (ho advlco of Attorney
General Crawford all votora of Jack
son county will bo permitted to voto
next Tuesday upon Hie question of
Issuing road bonds, whether regis
tered under tho new registration or
under the old registration. Further
more, thoso not registered may bo
sworn In and voto. Tho county court
has Instructed tho county clerk to
send out both old and now registra
tion books. Women who failed to
register can swear their votes In with
six freeholders.
Tho opinion rendered by Mr. Craw
ford Is aa follewa:
Salem, Sopt. 2nd, 1913.
Hon. F. L. Ton Velio,
County Judge, Jackaon County,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
I am In rpcelpt of your letter ot
tho 2Cth ultimo In which you atato
that n special election haa been called
for Septombcr 9th to voto on road
bonds. You ask "will tho voters
havo to register under tho new regis
tration act In order to legally voto
on tho matter, or can thoso under
tho old registration also voto legally
on tho proposition?"
Iteplylng I beg to atato that I am
of tho opinion that thoso registered
under tho old registration nro en
titled to voto. for thoy havo showrr
their legal qualification by that reg
istration, nnd any who aro not regis
tered may bo sworn in and voto by
ilgnlng "blank A" on election day.
Yours very truly,
Attorney General.
NKWTOIVr. NKWS. Va., Sopt. 3.
Thrco petty officers nnd flvo sailors
ot tho battleship Nebraska woro
drowned today by a waterspout whon
n hurricane awopt Hampton Itoads
Tho men wcro In a launch on tholr
way to ahoro when tho boat wna
struck by a waterspout and Instantly
Tho Nobrnakn was anchored oft
Fortress Monroe when tho hurrlcano
struck. Tho storm damanged tho
wlrolcss station nnd as rough soaa
prevontod small boata from going out
to tho warship, tho names of tho dead
havo not been learned.
It is roported hero that tho Old
Dominion sldewheel stcamor Mobjeck
sank in tho storm near tho mouth ot
tho York river but this lino not boon
confirmed. Tho Mobjeck carried a
crow ot eight, nnd is roported to
havo also had somo passongors on
Tho wind caused great damago
throughout all this section ot tho
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 3. Chair-
man Simmons ot tho senato finance
eommitteo was roquostod today by
Sonntor Kowlands ot Nevada to call
n spoclal Bonato caucus on tho tariff
bill to rocolvo important Nowlauda
aniondmont8. Simmons dorlarod ho
undoubtedly would nccodo. Nowlanda
will arrlvo from tho west on Thurs
day, His voto is necessary for tho
passage ot tho tariff bill,
William Jennings Price, nominated
for minister to Panama. Is a Kon-
tucklan, who Uvea nt Danville, tho
home of Senator Olllo James. Hla
frienda dcscrlbo him na a "fino Chris-
Hon gentleman." Ho la secretary of
tho Iiaptlst Sunday school in Dan
ville. Of course, ho Is a democrat
and haa been one all hla life. Ho was
a delegate to tho Denver convention
and la a follower of W. J. Bryan.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Sept. 3.-
It Is estimated that 75,000 men are
working on Arkansaa roads today aa
tho result of tho ovcrnor's designa
tion today and tomorrow as "good
roads days." In many cities business
is suspended.
At Paraguold, a town of 7000,
every business house closed and all
tho inhabitants went to work on tho
A great parado headed by Cover
nor Hays of Arkansas and Govornor
Major of Missouri, both attired in a
road working outfit, started today's
nctlvltles hero. All business men
who are unablo to leavo their offices
provided substitutes, to whom they
paid J2 a day. Doy Scouts carried
water to tho tollers and society wom
en prepared a hearty meal for them.
The Itogup Kiver Fruit nnd Prod
uce association Wednesday sold n,
enr of IVAujou pears, tho first salo
of D'Anjou this season, at $5 n box,
f. o. b. Medford. Picking of D'An
jous is now under way mid indica
tions nro for fino prices. Pcmicsts
for Coinieo nro coming in nnd ti price
of $3 n box at Medford has been
made to buyers.
Picking is under way of Jonathan
npples, nlthough many growers uro
letting them stay on the trees nil
other week or two for eolor. The
Jonathans nro not ns well colored
ns eustomnry. Prices of $1 to $1.50
n box, f. o. b. Medford nro repoited
ns being rceoived.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Sept. 3.
WIUli more than two hundred min
isters mid lay delegates in attend
nnco tlio fortieth meeting of thu
Mothodist Columbia river conference
begun its annual convention hero to
day. Pishop liichard I. Cooke, of
Portland, is presiding, Tho uonfor
enco will reassign nil tho pastors of
tho church in Washington, Idaho nnd
Oregon, nnd many changes nro said
to bo scheduled. I
Elks and K. of P. Lodges to Be In
Charge Acting Mayor Summer
vlllc to Issue Proclamation for Ob
servance. City Council Honorary Pallbearers
Widow's Condition Serious Ex
ecutive Stricken Tuesday Night.
Tlio funcrnl sen-ices of Mnyor W.
W. Kiferf, stricken Tucsdny liy nn
iitlnck of heart failure, will bo hold
Friday nftcrooon,nt 2:30 o'clock un
der tho auspices' of tho Klks nnd K.
of P.'s. The services will bo held in
tlio Klks Temple. Other arrange
incuts will be nmdo luie this after
Acting Mnyor John T. Sumrnor
villo will iisue a proclamation todny
requesting thnt nil business houses
be closed during tho ho'.rp of tho
funeral. The council Wednesday
morning ordered the city hall draped
for thirty dnys.
The active pallbearers will bo thrco
members from tho Elks nnd Id of
P. lodges, nnd the honorary pull
benrers tho members oE tho eity
council. All city employes will at
tend, nnd all city offices be closed
during the finnl services.
Mrs. Eifcrt, widow of tho Into
mayor, an invalid for jenrs, is in
n critical condition, ns n result of
the tragedy. Sho is under the caro
of physicians. An effort lo with
hold the news from her was futile.
Deceased carried life insurance to
tho amount of $-1,000, in two policies
of $2,000 each, in old lino companies.
Justin Eifcrt, a son,. arrived. this,
morning. Mra. Bnehter will arrive
tomorrow from San Francisco, from
n broken honeymoon. Mrs. Charles
Palm, a sister of Mayor Eifcrt,
spending tho hummer nt Pelican
Pay, will rench Medford Thursdny.
Mayor Klfert was alono In the
workshop ot his tailoring; establish
ment when stricken, and life had
beon extinct for ovor an hour when
tho body was found at 9:50 o'clock
by Dyer Flynn, a small boy, who en
tered tho storo to tclephono. Tho
dlscovcroy frightened him, and ho
ran and told Sergeant Pat Mego, who
Investigated calling Deputy Coroner
John A. Perl, a personal friend nt
the dead official.
Mayor Glfcrt loft his homo at
aoven o'clock to attend tho council
meotlng, and on routo stopped at his
shop, to attend to work a customer
required today. Ho bad romovod
his coat, aud seated himself on his
work bonch. In this position, evi
dence shows, tho first attacV was folt.
From thcro ho fell to tho floor whoro
found later. Death was painless,
and thero were no signs of a strugglo.
A wlfo, nn Invalid, and six chil
dren survive; tho Misses Mario and
Hthol, Mrs. William Barnuni, Mrs.
Frank Isaacs, and Mrs. J. J. Buchtor,
who was married Sunday, and who
Is now on her way homo from a
honeymoon trip. Ono son, Justin,
mourns. Thoro aro othor rolatlvca
In tho cast.
Tho nows ot tho tragic death filled
tho community with sorrow. Ho was
tho central figuro In a bitter political
battle, immediately following hla
election last January, but this loft
no marks after settlement. His losa
Is universally mourned. Ho bad.
many warm admirers, and was a true
friend of tho poor, giving to tho
ncody, often at a personal sacrifice.
(Contlnuod on Page 3)
.... j r-l
PORTLAND, Ore., Sopt. 3, -Tha
authorities aro searching today for
tho driver ot a black taxlcab, who,
after running ovor and seriously in
juring Ralph Earlo and Dr. James
Naylor, Increased speed and dlsap
pored. Tho Injured men will re
cover. Tho windshield or lamp ot the taxi
cab was broken, as glass was scat
tered about tho street near tht
Bceno ot tho accident. : ,