V nWiHBrinVfr,? 1f.fi PIGKFOUH. MEDFORP MAID TRtBUTO MEDITORP. 0RUC10N, TITKSDAY, NHPTHMRUR 12, l!)l!l. nWlbiV"f'"'-,tv-' ,, wi -vi wv ..wt-'' .K u li: f I N . ; IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Mrs. L. noamos and Mrs. A. Hcarn of Pliooulx were Medford visitors on Monday nftornoon. Levi Gregory wont to Centrnl Point Monday to visit his brother, W. J. Grogory. 0. K. Fry nnd his family hnvo re turned from n trip to Trail crcolc. llotno-mndo bread nt Do Voo'u. Fred CoIvIr, county recorder, nnd jmrty motored to Mcdford Monday afternoon. Mrs. II. I). Xyo of Rock Point dls trlct waB with Mcdford relatives on Monday. Alexis Hubbard nnd hin family npont a few hours In Mcdford Monday afternoon. Drs. a. It. and Loutso E. Hedges, chiropractors nnd nicchnna-thoraplsts nro now located over Dcuol & Co. Phono 170. 13. C. Skinner nnd R. B. Parts of noscburg nro lato arrivals In Mod lord. II. C. Waddcll and J. E. Dlalsdcll of Grants Pass nro making Medford a short visit, Mrs. Raymond and her daughter of Yrekn, Cat., aro visiting In Mcdford. O. C. 13o pgs has gono to Salem to arguo a case In tho supremo court. Kodak finishing, best In town, at Weston's. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Bartlo or North Bend aro lato nrrlvats In Mcdford. Mlsa Flossie Dunford of Jackson ville visited relatives living In Mcd ford, Monday. M. S. Thompson of Antclopo was n business visitor in Mcdford Monday afternoon. Crater Lake pictures ,a book of 12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest cvor mado of tho lako, for salo at Corking & Harmon's studio. Call and see them. 228 East Mala street, phono S20-J. Xt Henry Pitts of Jacksonville nnd W. Hampson of Roguo River tarried a whllo in Mcdford Monday. F. E. Merrick was in Jacksonville Tcccntly transacting bnslnota at tho court houso. Mrs. O. Dunford of Grants Pass is visiting at Jacksonville her former home. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Dr. and Mrs. Gcorgo L. Holms were In from their farm located southeast ot Mcdford, Monday. Theodora Glass of Antlocu. farmer and thrcsherman, tarried a few hours in Mcdford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Farrar of Ray Gold wcro among their Mcdford friends Monday afternoon. Tho finest studio in southern Ore gon has been opened by Gerklng & Harmon at 228 East Main street, first stairway cast of Star theater. Our work is always tho best, views of all kinds for sale. The best of kodak finishing. Negatives mado any tlmo or place. Phono 3 20-J. tt J. E. Bodgo ot Klamath Falls, who has been visiting at tho ranch In Uoss Lane, has returned to his pUco ot business. E. E. Oman, who is connected with tho Jackson County Abstract com pany, spent Monday in Ashland. C. E. Gates, woo went to Portland on business connected with his new auto enterprise has returned. "Insuranco your best assot." Have the best. Placo your insurance with Holmes, tho Insuranco Man, right if ho writes it. tt Mrs. F. II. Hopkins. Mis3 M Hub bard and others from Central Point district, came to Medford Moaday Mrs. II. Anderson of Harney coun ty who has beon vlu'lng h:r iiu ett'.i Mr. and Mrs, John CjiIIub, left for bcmo Monday evening. Miss Isslo McCully and Mrs. J. M. Contrail of Jacksonville wcro of tho many shoppers In Mcdford Monday. 8. T. Randry of Rogue River and A S. Hubbard of Ashlsvl, gamo wur Ui.s. speM rcvcral hours In Modfoid Sh tu i day. You will bo surprised to find how llttlo it costs to have tho Southern Oregon Electric company do your electric wiring and repairing. Phone 920. Mr. Campbell, a prominent official of tho Southern Pucltlc company, paused through the valley In his pri vate car, en routo to Portland from California. Archlo Leonard, a Portland detec tive, was in Mcdford tho foro part ot tho wook. II. J. Ramsey of Washington, D. C., who lu connected with tho U, S. government, is in Medford again. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Colo ot San Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Dyas of Los Angeles aro lato arrivals In Medford. W. E. Dudgo, accompanied by his Ron Alex nnd n friend from San Francisco, motored to Applegate Monday, where thoy will spond bov crnl days In fishing and hunting. Mr, nnd Mrs. A. Blonvcmio ot Jacksonville spent n few hours In Mcdford Monday nftornoon. Fred Alton Hnlght, teacher of piano and harmony, National Con servatory or Now York. Specialist In tho correct principles ot touch and technlquo In all grades ot study. Cnrcful attention given to young children nnd beginners. Faults ac quired through wrong ways ot prac ticing corrected. Fall term Septem ber 2. Halght Music Studios, 116 S. Laurel stroot, phono 17C-R. J. B. Hair, who owns a big tarm on the south sldo ot Roguo river, was In Medford Monday. Tho board or equalization will bo- gin Its session at Jacksonville next Monday and will sit n week. Mr. nnd Mrs. N, Garrett havo beon visiting relatives at Central Point. Thoy were nccomponled to Medford by Mrs. McCabo, Mrs. Garrett's mother. Mrs. Arthur II. Allyn has opened nn office as public stenographer at tho Mcdford Hotel. Sho is exper ienced in court reporting, legal work, banking, insurance, abstracting, real cstato and commercial lines. Satis taction guaranteed. Prices reason able. 152 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Most of Ne braska, who havo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Lamb, left for their homo Monday evening. Thoy woro favorably impressed with tho valley. R. R. Mlnter, one of Southern Ore gon's principal sheep raisers, was over from Eaglo Point recently. Dr. nnd Mrs. F. itickcrt returned from Klnmath Falls Monday evening whero they spent a few days pleasant- Kindergarten will be opened Sept. 2 in tho high school building. Miss Ruth Caryell ot tho University ot Washington and a Scattlo kldnergar ten training school graduato will be In charge. All parents wishing to enroll children may interview Miss Caryell at tho high school Thursday. Friday and Saturday from 1 to -I p, m. Tuition, per month, l; per semester, $15. 1-10 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Young and Mrs. Mlnkler, who havo been making an auto trip to Crescent City and Eureka, Cal aro at homo again. J. J. Buchtcr, who Is a member of tho otflco force ot tho California Oregon Power company, and Mrs. CIco Bodge, eldest daughter ot Mayor Eltcrt, wcro married at tho residence of W. H. Barnum In Jacksonville Sunday. Thoy will reside In Mcd ford. Miss Clara Wyncs of Mcdford has been visiting nt Central Point. She will teach language at tho high school thero during tho coming year. Prlvato music lessons from CO cents upward to thrco dollars per lesson, according to subject and teacher chosen. Medford Conserva tory, College Bldg., 31 North Grape. Tho county commissioners' court will begin Its next regular session at Jacksonville Wednesday. Consider able business will como up for transaction. Mrs. N. Langcl! ot Portland is tho guest ot her daughter, Mrs. II. E. Foster. Sho will also visit at Jack sonville, of which placo she Is a pio neer resident. J. A. Perry, L. B. Hasklns and II. S. Deuel, members of Hlllah Tomplo of Mystic Sbrlners, who attended tho ceremonial at Klamath Falls, have returned. Call at Lottie M. Howard's 109 N. Central avenue to sec tho latest fall millinery. 144 Clarence Hutchison, R. II. McCur dy, II. U. Lumsdon and Trovo Lums den have been fishing In Big Applo gato and went as far as tho Blue Ledge. Mrs. Mrs. M. h. Alford, Herbert Altord nnd Carter Brandon havo returned from nn auto trip to Klnmath coun ty points. Thoy mndo tho run of lit miles In less than nlno hours. Charles Anderson of Denver was the guest ot T. J. Williamson nnd J. W. Myers Monday, Thoy nro old friends, having lived iu Munclc, Intl., mnny years. Extra good vaudeville at Page Wednesday evening. Miss Grace Snider of Dutch Hill, Pa., climbed Mount Shasta twice Inst week, n feat novcr boforo accom plished by n woman. Tho first tlmo she made tho ascent tt was snowing so hard nt tho summit sho could not find tho register to record her name. A number or the resident or Kln math Falls are getting their fruit rrom Roguo rlvor valley by pnrcols post, nnd the post otflco or that city has tho nppenrnnco ot n fruit stand. Tho trclght rates nro so high and tho service unsatisfactory, so that it is cheaper and better to get fruit by mall than buy It ot tho local stores. Now tall and winter hats nro ar riving at tho Home Mllllnory. Prices cheaper than cvor. 1101 W. 9th St. HI John J. Wilson associated with O. C. Boggs, tho attorney, for sovorat years, has left tor Portland, accom panied by his wlto. Ho will resume the practlco of law nt tho metropolis, Extra good vaudcvlllo at Page Wednesday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. II. Williams of Yrekn, and Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ab bott ot San Jose nro among tho Call fornlans who visited in Mcdford dur ing tho wcok. Albert Morris, a leading stock raiser ot Lake county, with his wire nnd daughter, aro In Rock Point dis trict visiting relatives. Miss Morris will attend school In Mcdford. Rolled barley, bran, shorts, flour nnd hay nt tho now feed store, 397 South Front street, near corner Front and Eleventh. Lowest prices for cash. Will deliver to any part ot city. Or A L PHONE RATE HEARING SET SEPT. 15 Tho railroad commission ot Oregon In tho matter or tho application of tho Home Tolophono company for nn Increase In rates In Jncksonvlllo nnd Medford hnvo named September IB, nt tho city hall, aa tho time nnd placo for hearing testimony Tor and ngnlnst. A letter to this cHocl was received this ntturuoou by Major Elfort who will present tho matter to tho council tonight for formal acceptance. THE DIAMOND MYSTERY AT ISIS TU EATER Phono 1053-J. Leo Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS &JUBY iHUTAIt Day Phone 887 MIM V. W. Weeks 19S-J-2 Mkhms A. E. Orr 078-M N. J. Garret of Big 8ticky left for La Grando Monday evening, on a visit with relatives. Her bus band accompanied her to Medford. Miss Catharine Hears is returning from tho east nbout September 10. Sho has spont her summer in and about Boston whero sho has bad the advantages of studying tho piano with Mrs. Frances A. M. Bird who has recently returned from a season in Paris where sho has been directly undor tho personal Instruction ot Isl dor Phlllpp ot tho Conservatoire. Miss Mcars returned to Medford for her professional work with many new and fresh ideas concerning piano playing. 141 Mr. and Mrs. James McCulIough of Spokane woro guests of Mrs. W. E. NorrlB of Bartlett street Sunday. Thoy aro motoring to San Diego. J. W. Dennis, a prominent com mission merchant ot London, Eng land, has beon spending soveral days among tho orchards of Roguo rlvor valley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank II, Madden and Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Hanley were In Medford Monday afternoon seeing friends oft on tho north bound train, C. O. Rngsdalo, who was formerly engaged In business In Medford, is visiting at Central Point, the guest ot his sister. Mrs. B. F. Peart. Ho has been a resident of different Cali fornia cities slnco leaving this val ley. der by phono Watklns & Co. . Mrs. A. Roso ot Jncksonvlllo and Mrs. Lucy Meo ot Central Point wcro of tho many who catno to Mcdford Monday. G. W. Laldloy and M. C Wilson havo returned from tho Big Butto nnd upper Rogue river sections. With Oli ver Adams and A. L. Jones of Butto Falls, they mado a complete crulso of tho Big Land company, Hutchison & Lumsden and other holdings, which wero recently contraccd to Portland parties. Extra good vaudcvlllo nt Page Wednesday evening. W. L. Usshcr, manager of tho Pa cific States tolophono offlco at Ash land, and W. 11. Mowatt, manager ot tho Postal telegraph otflco at tho samo place, spent Monday night In Medford. Clarcnco Smith, who was a resi dent of Medford several years ago, Is visiting In tho city and Is greatly surprised at tho progress It has mado slnco ho left It. Ho Is located at Raymond, Wash. W. W. Harvey ot Portland, repre senting tho Pacific Fruit Express company, Is In Mcdford, superin tending tho shipment of tho pear crop to eastern point. About 200 cars of Bartlctts and Howclls havo already been shipped and tho other varieties will soon bo moving. Messrs. J. W. Peart, Geo. Peart ot Talent, W. II. Manning and N. H. Mark of Mcdfora returned yesterday from ono or the most successful hunt ing trips reported this year. Thoy left eight days ago for tho Umpqua country nnd succeeded In bagging two forked horn deer, ono three point deer weighing 190 pounds dressed and ono bear weighing 502 pounds dressed. Tho bear was shot by Mr. Manning. A lot of other small gamo was bagged by these gentlemen and It seemed Hko every thing that camo within their rango was picked up by them. NOTICE. All students desiring to tako tho eighth grade state examination tor entrance to high school will report at tho Mcdford high school building on Thursday morning, Sept. 4, at 8:30 a. m. U. S. COLLINS, Superintendent. "Tho Diamond Mystery, a two part Vltagrnph drama which will bo presented today nnd Wodnosdny nt tho Isis Is a gripping photoplay ot unusual Interest. It tells tho story ot tho alleged discovery or a method ot making diamonds artificially by an Insano man, who roots everybody up to tho last mlnuto. His daughter Is tho tirst to mako tho discovery that her father's mind Is unhinged. In producing tho piny tho mystery Is ndded to in n romnrknblo manner. Motives nro established whereby sev eral persons might hnvo beon Inter ested In tho old man's disappearance and In tho destruction of tho ma chine. No ono watching tho screen can gain any Idea ot tho solution or tho mystery until right nt tho end, whero nil Is explained In nn unusually clover and artistic manner. Tho solution Is that tho old man had himself destroyed tho machine, nnd that, when leaving tho house, which ho did by means or n window. ho was captured by n gang or coun terfeiters, who hoped to wrest the secret ot rrom Jilm and soil It tor tholr own benefit. Tho counterfeit ers had already been ablo to obtain tho details ot tho machlno them solves, but wcro at a loss to discover tho formula used In tho old man's' mixture. They succeed In getting somo money on account ot tho in vention but nro finally nailed by tho pollco when tho old man Is discov ered in their collar, after somo clov er work by a dctcctlvo and pollco dogs. "Tho Diamond Mystory" is an ex tremely clever conception and has been uncommonly well worked out and produced. It Is a clever play produced by clov r players and can not fall to mako a hit with nil tho patrons ot this popular picture houso. CRATER LAKE TRAVEL IS STILL GOOD Tho next thrco woolut will bo Cr. tor Lake's busiest nvimm, Totirlntn nro now tnklng advantage of tho best part ot tho season to visit tho lake, Tho roads nro good, ami u Beomlngly hard trip Is mado easy by good cnrB and otflclent drivers. Tho Hall Taxi company hnvo received many lottera front those who hnvo mado tho trip this senson congratulating thorn on their good service and say tho scen ery Is most beautiful along tho rend. Tho Hall Taxi company will continue ltn regular trips until tho senson closes, leaving Medford nt 8 a. in. on Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays. Special trips can bo provided for with parties consisting ot four or mure. Tho season will closw nbout October 1st. For further Information phono 1100. Hall Taxi Company. Ill NORRIS 01RL ON STAND. (Continued rrom psge 1.) BOTANISTS HERE WEDNESDAY. (Continued from Page 1) etti nnd I to niuithcr Hint tliia win merely to divert KUtpiclou mid Hint wo would I'hnugo our rooum iih huoii n tho clerk left. I thought we girta would bo together. "I knocked for nn hour on the door of the room occupied by Mitr shu Warrington mid Wires lint gut no answer. Mnvlie they didn't heat mo. Finally Cntuiudti told me we would nil he init out if 1 didn't utop milking n none." "Did Cniiiiiietti nsk you to relire Hint night J" naked Roche. "Yes" "And did youT" "No, I refifcd. I didn't deep nil night. I only took off mv Minuet. From there we went to Situ ,loo nnd slopped ncr night nt u lintel. Cniiiiiietti and I occupied one room, Diggs nnd Mundiii another." "Did you htthmit that night?" asked Itoelte. She hIkhxI her head. "You nro poitivu?'' "Yen," hIio sobbed. K. Norrirt, father of the girl, u mild-tnnunered retired railroad man, did not remain to hour tho de tails of his dnuglitnr'rt tdinmr, hut left immediately after he hud toxtl fied regarding Camiiietti'rt isitH to the home. With the other women wlto lime upitcnrcil in the oaxo absent, her father out of tho room, nnd tho level yen of the twelve iuniiii'it fixed OFFER GOOD VAUDEVILLE BILL FOR WEDNESDAY Tim l'nuliigiw viiudelllo hIiow ap pealing ut tho l'n go theatre next NVVdiieMliiy evening pi'tmilm'H lo li one of the very host hills llutt linn been offered thN houhoii. William Schilling mid company head the bill in it powerful iliiiiniilie HcitHiitiun, "DcMlinj," which Iiiih been etediled by Hie pre n bring Home thing unusual in vaudeville. Other good not oil the hill me Marshall nail Trimble, eeceiiliie col ored coiui'diniH. Thus. . Imllou, tho editor of Hie DuffeyuUu Nown. 1'iirmcu mid ('liflmi in music mid noiigq of ii highly iulcrcxliug iiuil pleithtug clmiiicler. TO Chicken Pot Pie Tim ChcIN 1'itvorlle fivMi uj,iiirt MeKtnxk fill, MibroJ IVnno MU think that only "eolornl ltiniuuilen" can cook ehlekeii, but a li In I it thin fitiuuuit chicken h1 ploilUptou'i that nrucrlloii, Umy iiiciulicr of the (iiiully will thoroughly enjoy It, tTi & (; VSNSESiSrffc.- .;rw3K fesa J '.b PAYiriTK, l.lalio, Sept. 'J. Willi five hundred h trips of hMii, taken from the nruiH of one hundred broth er Mason, grufted onto Inn body mid arm, (J. O. (Jriiuo, it Payette iner fliniit wlio wan burned by llio ex plosion of it gasoline Htnvo last week today Iiiih n fair ehniieo of reeo. cry. IIIh nun mid elicit mid bade were bullied no severely that prac tically nil nf the cuticle cmnn off. iis)ii her, Miss Xonin Hceiiicd to grow terrified. After the ordeal of tho moriiiug'H testimony had been completed tdio haxteiicd to the side of Prosecutor Theodore lloche mid nnid pntheticnlly: "Hon't lemo inc uloiie." United Stated Mnrlial I'.lliol re untitled besido her until tdic was 0-1 curled to her wniting frieiiiN ntit-hiile. 7m$ WBlti K C Cltlrhrit Pol I'Ik, rUkiut MumplM Out fowl ml in Mntti ( cnf font', i ttlW(fithH bhtrk V7V. Jfjt f()hf. Jart fanfivnui A' C Ihtkinif lmstt )i (tMfwnful yiU i ( stnitUtiln milk orrnwH. Cover the fowl with hilling wnlrr and Irt simmer until tetidir, then rnuo etna Ktklng dlfth. Mix the )( cup Hour, isdt mid black pepper with cold water In it tuunnlh iwMn mid uo to thicken tlm broth, Ut'iuove tho fat (torn the lop of the bintlt If in c"siry bvfote adding tho thickening. Pour I lilt gravy out the fowl, until It Is nearly mmrtl, and ie-M-re the rent In ervu nput. thlt to gether the flour, Utklug xwdrr and wilt, three tliucn; Into tblit work thchhorten lug and tte ernnii or milk to m.ile a dough, let rtlll tlinit fur laVtilU, I'ut till by piiii(ulour the foul lit the 1114b, which It nhonlil lot upon ami coiiipldely cover. Let Uilu about M IlllllUtvtt. Wlif n Htinf . Irn.1r tlil krn mr M-niir, Ihli ptrwiiHn mint Mitciit"fy uf wtit(rM Ionia X ml nr Inluli lr.Ort ill IhU HMitllrr nunc nlKllil"ir Itimi wlirtiMitwl utntltw. Try till unit Urn '' t-tlx-r ilrlu . ir, li In III K O Oil klk A O'l'X I f nllltll II wf la) rriitnl fW l nilliiir Himnlirtlflnli tktcV.r.1 In Hi' -Hiriitum ul k I.' ItaUutf 1aj iter I.H!icJvjU. Mro.Cu.,tliU4Ku, PARISIAN SAGE FOR THE HAIR If your hair Is too dry brittle color lem thin stringy or falling out umj 1'aritlan Sage now- nt once. It stopi Itching scalp, clc.tnsei the hair of dut and excessive oils, icmovei dand ruff with one application, and maki J tho hair doubly beautiful soft- fluffy abundant. Try n 60c bottle today. It will not only save your hair and maVo It grow, but give It the beauty you dclrc Clmrlitt KtrAitg, I'mugUt. Thm Best Food-Drink Lunch mt Fountain wBBKnKKKKKBflJ$Ah-KBKKBtKAAMKJL'm A Correction. Mr. II. L. Carl will bo at tho Med ford Hotel today Instead ot at tho Holland as previously announced. Young men and young women who dcslro to Qualify for civil scrvico up polntmcnts should sco him without full, during day or evening until 11 p. m. Also Wednesday morning un til 10 a. ra. 140 j i . a 'Ji'.. it cum:s whim: you walk. Uso Allen's Foot-Kaso, tho antisep tic powder to bo shaken Into tho shoes. It Instantly takes tho sting out or corns, Itching foot, Ingrowing nails, and bunions. It's tho great est comfort dlscovory or tho ago. Allen's Foot-Easo makes tight or now shoes fcol easy. Ladles can wear shoes ono slzo smaller artor using. It Is a certain rollof ror sweating, callous and swollen, tender, aching feot. Try it today. Bold every where, 25c. Trial packago free. Ad dress, Allen ff. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N, Y. pears. Returning to Mcdford n short stop will bo mado at tho Med ford public market, and tho guests will then bo taken direct to tho Southern Pacific station. Visitors lcavo on No. 12 at 10:52 a. m. Tho visiting botanists are: Dr. II. Urockmann-Jerosch, Zurich; Frau Dr. Urockmann-Jerosch, Zur ich; Prof. Adolf Knglor, IJorlln; Dr. Gcorgo B. Nichols, New Haven; Dr. Ovo Paulson, Copenhagen; Dr. I'd ward Hubol, Zurich; Prof. Carl Schroter, Zurich; Prof. T. J. Stomps, Amsterdam; Mr. A. Q. Tansley, Cam brldgo; Mrs. A. O. Tansloy, Cam bridge; Prof. C. von Tubour, Munich; ProL Honry C. Cowlcs, Chicago; Dr. Alfred Dachnowskl, Columbus; Mr. Gcorgo D. Fullor, Chicago; Pro!. F. 12. Clomonts, Minneapolis; Mrs. F. K. Clements, Minneapolis; Mrs. Alfred Dachnowskl, Columbus; Dr. IC P. Mclnccko, U. S. forest service; Prof. F. K. nutters, Minneapolis; H. D. Foster, forest service. Thoso who havo promised cars are: Dr. K. II. Plckol, Mro. J. F. Itoddy, K. J. Stewart, J. A. Westorlund, Glen Fabrlck, Slator Johnson. Members of Commercial club com- mlttco accompanying tho parly aro Pror. P. J. O'Gara and 8. S. Smith. At Cleveland. First game: Score It. II. K. Chicago 3 0 0 Cleveland - 1 7 0 OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS il forty-fifth school year SCPTCMUCR 10, 1813. DEGREE COURSES In msnyphascsof AQHICULTURE. ENQINItniNO, HOME ECONOMICS, MININO, rORCSTflV, COM MERCE, PHARMACY. TWO-YEAR COURSES In aoricul ture. home economics, mechanic arts, Forestry, commerce, pharmacy TEACHER'S COURSES In manual training, agriculture, domestic science ami art. MUSIC, including piano, string, baud Instrument and voice culture, A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Tint P.nuiciimknt ov Kuhai, LlJ'15" and a CATxr.ooui', will be mailed free on application. Address II. M. Tnnant, Registrar, (tir-ws to ) Corvslllf, Oregou, insist Upon HORLICK'S ORIGINAL GENUINE Avoid Imltatlotw-TakB Ho Substitute Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. More licallltful titan tea or colTce. For inland, invalid! and growing cluldrcn. Pure nutrition, upbulldingtlicwliolcbody. Invigorate! mining mothers and tlic aged. Agrees with the wcakcit diitotion. Keep it on your sideboard at home A quick lunch prepared in a ruLtutc Children's Eyes U'' ma't.'ii i im-aa WW1 n-P rcijulrn careful watching, especially In the cam) or studious scholars, At tho rirst sign nt eahnoit thoy should hnvo their oycn exniulncd, and, If necessary, glasac ahotild bo wont. Hut any kind of glnsxcs will not do. tiring the rhlld to mo nnd I will guar antee to fit (ho right lenses so as to Improve tho lnlou and rnmovu any headaches that may result from eyu at rain. lilt. ItlCKCItT '1 Suite .'J titer Hciii-I'm Mcilfont, (Ire. Oct Our Prices on "What WOOD You Will Want for (lie Winter TIER, CORD AND CAR LOTS VALLEY FUEL CO. Successors to Itciclisloin. Cor. Fir and Second St. West. Tel. 7G, Vi&ESG&ii& PUBLIC AUCTION SALE I ON OCT 1, 1913, AT 2 P. M. SHARP. 55 ACRES OF BEARING ORCHARD k Bear Creek alfalfa land, the best in the valley, lo- I ejitcd two miles north of Mcdford, Oreuon. Pacific & Eastern Railroad runs through the tract, whore s i? . . , .. . 1.1. ,, (!) J nut anu otner produce can ne loaned on me cars g without any long haul. Will be sold in two or morn $ tracts. Correct acreage and terms will bo given at dj sale. Trees fill standard varieties: !" acres Now- $ towels and Spits, 7 to 30 years old; 9 acres delicious g I 2 years old; (5 acres pears from 1 to f years old; U acres almonds, cherries, poaches, etc. Improve- I ments: A No. 1 two-story ten room modern house, g I largo bam and outbuildings, pumping plant with ten tnousanti gauon tame, enure tract can no irri- gated from Rogue River canal. Present water right for two acres. Machinery, tools and livestock will bo sold if purchasers do not wish the same. Terms I will bo easy: Certified cheeks of .10 per cent at time of sale, balance of cash payment as agreed upon at $ time of sale. P. S. Send this ad to your friend who wants a good orchard. E. B. HALL, Ownor, WILLIAM ULlU'Cir, Auctioneer. 28ssxas5sjie Hooray! Baby To Rule ilie Houct No Longer Do Women Fear thn Crest est of All Human Blessings. It I a comfort to know lb.it thotn much lalkuliif paln that nr said In prrrr.la riuiiiiManiis may cnmly lie avnldrd. No woinnn nerd frnr till rllliti'nt dUoitaforl It dm will fortify hor mlf with thn wi'll kniovn ami tlmHiori orml rnarily, "ilulh rr' I'rUtid.'' This U a ienetrat Inr. rxtrrnnl ntitillm- tlnn that at once softens and makm pliant tlie nliilnmliml imiclr ami llgniiicnln. 'I'liry naturally cipnliil without I lie alliilitmC strulu, and thus not only ImnUli all tniden ry to nrrvnim, tllililn k-IN, hut there 14 en entire frrnlom from nnimcit, dUcouifurf, Mrvpli-Miirni unit dn-ad that so uftcu Iravo thilr IliipreKS Umn tlm I mix-. Tlio iKraNlmi It, tln'refore, ono of un boiinilcd, Jo)fnl aiitlrlpatlon, and Iiki iniiclt rtri'M earinnt I mi Intel iihii the ri'inarksMq lathirnrn wlilcli a iiiiilliir'ii happy, pre natal illnpltlutt linn iiimjii thn health and fur I lined of tlm Kvlieratlnii to cniae. Vim will lltnl It on mUi at nil dm ulnriii at ?l,00 a iKittle. Write today to tlm llrml Held Iti-k'tilntor Co., '-'IK! I.iuimr Illilg., At lanta, (la., for an liulructlvo buck. Illlll Raises the Doufih Better ALL GROCERS, NU HO.M1 Wear tho Nu llano Oiiarnntood Cor sot, Kor Salo Dy JOHKI'IIINK V, OliAItK 1110 West -llli Stroot A'