, ' . ! ' r ,. It? ", 1 V! -1 l y K k :. u .'1 ' Mutt Hated to See Jeff Miss What Was Coming to Him eafi GOT ftC , lit. COtAti fi&p ccse TCIi.7' SISKIYOU LAND 10 BE I I A letter written by under tlnto of August 29, ( J. lluek, iisststnut ills- Irkt forester, nu.t Jimi received by II. II. Hcudrlckn or this city, mi noil ii icil llm ttucrtiNA of Mr. IIornIrleUM iuuI others who liitvo boon Interested In Hut opening to settlement or IntulK In tho rough nnil ready country on tint wont liranrh or tlio lltlttoln rlvur. This laud, hoinn 900 ncrwt In all, In Included In I ho HIkloii roroat ru servo, nml applications (into lui-tt made for lis nuttlcunmt umlur thu homestead law. Tho enuiio or these applicants wnn taken up to tho de partment mill Mr. Murk recently vis ited thin city nml tho reserve to In spect llm Ipinl, nml hU roporl now In f.iMirnlilo to tho opening or thu trnct to settlement. Under thu nppllcntlon or llm luiiil Inw regarding agricultural Inuds In forest reserves, tho appli cant will Imvo sixty days In which to t'ompluto (hitlr filings on tho Inml fitter It In unco upon to tmtry, hut If nt tho expiration or Hint t lino tho (!! Hug hnK not been completed, It enn hu huiiicstftidcd hy othvrit. Applications iro ittrcuily on fllo' for nil tho Intid to ho opened. CAPTAIN A. W. DEANE MARRIES MRS. E. ROOD A iiulot military wciIiIIiir occurroil nl nix o'rlork Moiulny osinliiR nt tho Dcano rcaldunro on Wot Main utroot whi'ii Mra. II. Itood beciiuio tho wlfo of Dr. A. W. Dcnno. Tho ljrldo' nowu wuh whlto onihroldorod chiffon nud tho croom woro full tlruva mili tary uulforiu. Tho housu was tnatlly decorntod with military colors mid whlto roicH, KoIIehIui: tho coromouy which wan piirfonuod hy Itov. W. K, HhlehU ho foro tho liunicdlato fmnlllcn of tho rontractltiK partlcit, n thrco couno dinner wan mirvod. Ilnth Dr. nud Mm. Dcnno nro well known In MeiUord, Mm. Henno camo to (IiIh city two yearn ago from Knlu uintno, Mlchlcnu, nnd linn ulnco nuc cinstifully conducted tho llenitty Shop. Dr. Dcnno camo to Medford four yeum hko from Phlladolphla wlioro ho wna not only IiIkIiI)' roRnrdcil In IiIh profeHMlon hut was uIho honored with military ponltloim, RorvliiK for thirty yenrH In tho Klrnt I'onniiylvnnla rogl ment coinmnudlnK ono of tin compan ion In tho Bpitnlah-AmurlcAii war. Ho In now cnptnln of Company Hovon 0. A. It. 0. N. 0. or Modrord, mid han jiiRt roturuod from tho an nual encampment. J. j. DUCHTER AND MRS. BODGE MARRIED SUNDAY "Wo'vo siiroly nllppod ono ovdr on our frlendn thin tlmo" mild J, J. Iluch tor of tlio Uogun Itlvur Kloctrlo com pany an ho mounted tho atopH Into tho lMlllinml enr nt Ashlnud Sunday nt toruoou, to Mm. lluchtor, a row mln uten hororo Mm, llodgo, duughtor of Mayor nnd Mrs. Klfort They bonrdod tlio lMillman car nt Modrord mid with tho old or ponnnnta ribbons, shoes nnd bniinent und tho Pullnmn porter und conductor, nnd nlmoBt ovory pnHsongor or tho car, did H01116 oxtonnlvo docorntltiK ot tho berth Mr. lluchtor lmd engngod. Tho decoratlona woro plmiuod by Sam nichnrdson. Whon tho train pulled Into Anhlnnd everything wna rondy nnd tho inoinhorH ot tho decorating commlttco iild In tho voHtlhtilo. It wna thou Mr. lluchtor roninrkod nliout slipping 0110 over on hln frloniU, With two miltQuaoa ho litod himself down tlio nlslo till bin oyo Hiiddonly saw wlmt had "boon dono, Ilia sult ciiHca allppod from' hla linnd nnd his mouth hung opon. 'Nion tho humor ot tho ultuntlou dnwuod on lilm and v j rs, ' K)iP n O . jy ( view Gtf jj TbfA)TMlM JtglRTT TO At tho meeting or tho city council tonight flnnl disposition will llkuly ho uiiiilo ot Councilman Mtllnr'u charges against Chief of l'ollco J. 1'. IllttBou, There Is alto n chnncu that tho council will iloliiy tho Inking or clilotico owing to tho pressure or other business. Tho testimony will largely concoru tho Mlncnr clmrKcx. TWO CAR OF RAILS ARRIVE FOR INTERURBAN LINE With tho arrival ycntordny of two cnrlondH of Mori rnlU for tho Intur urhnti rntlrond tho llulIU company an uoiinco that Hid InyltiK or rnlln on Main atrcut will ho atnrted tho Imt or tho week nnd tho electric railroad will ho lu operation hy tho mlddlo or November. , Thrco moro cnrlondn nro en route, tho electric earn nro ready for nhlp m mil nnd from now on work will lo riuhed townrd tho completion of tho lino to HIkt)oii UelKhtH nddltlon from tho corner of Mala and Front Htrcotu. Tho company linn boon nt work ror novernl wrokN exenvattne tho right of wny wlioro tho enra will turn louth from Kant Mnln nnd pan tho Sacred lln.irt hoipltnl, A InrKO amount of rock linn horn tnkou out part or which will ho nvntlnhlo ror tho rondbod. AlthoiiKh tho Ilulllu company has mndo no nnnouncemvnt roRnrdtnit tho rxlonilon or tho Una weit or tho Nnvh corner. It la genernlly ballovod that tho llnrnum nloctrlc lino wilt bo tnkon over nnd olectriricd and eventually extended to tho Sterling mlno which In owned hy tho Ilulllu company nud In to bo extensively operated during tho next two )oarn. It la nlso prob nblo that tho enstorn branch or tho lino will bo built Houth through I'lioo nix, Talent to Anhlnnd circling along tho foothills to Jacksonville. A largo forco of men will bo put nt work on tearing up tho pnvemout on Mnln street nnd laying tho trnck no that traffic will bo Interfered with na short n tlmo nn possible NOTIOIJ ()P MWiTINO OK llOAnD ok i:quim-tion'. Kotlco la hereby given, that on tho Hocond Monday, ot 8optombor, 1913, tho (8th day) tho board of cqulllra- tlon will attend, nt tho court houso, In Jackaouvlllo, Jackson county, Oro- gnn. nnd publicly oxnmlno tlio ns- sosnutoiit rolls, and correct nil errors In valuation, descriptions or qualltlou or lands, lota or otltor proporty ns- KCHHod by such nsnessor; mid It shall bo tlio duty of persona Interested to appear nt thu tlmo nud placo ap pointed. (Signed) W. T. C1RII3VE, Anticksor ot Jackson County, Oregon. Dated this 10th day ot August, iota. , WHY? It thoro la n bargain In Roal Ea tnto lu any district tho real oatuto man thoro who hits boon n llvo ngout kuowa ot It. It ho known values and la experienced In tho biiBluoss ho can suvo hla customcra tlmo mid money. To know tho bent buy nml hnvo It optional at tho bottom prlco Is my stock lu trndo. Satlstlod cuatomura la my paid-up buBluoaa policy. What hnvo you to exchange? Watch my bulletin board In front ot tho First National bank nud boo mo. 3, O. IlAltNES, Phono ISO-J, -. vim Naticam Bunk hiajj. , IVTATn , TRTBtn, KTSPFOBD. ORl'lOON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, CHGGSG ITJ CUW,, wGKjS Gar Ttte- VYKONfa GUV vie TUG FBlltOVv Tlio new county lioHpilul building 1h how iiIidiiI coinileUl. Thu car pentcrH nml ptiiHltTfrx Imve com pleteil tbeir work nud the paintcrH will finlKli in n very few ilujn. .Mr. I'lico hIiiIcs that huvcrnl of those who uro partluljy Jicdridilcn with ehmnio troubles, nud wlio do not winh to leave their iirentnt roouiH, will be kept in thu mniii building. PHOENIX PHYLERS Horn, to Mr. mid Mra. Jay Sum licr, Augunt 'JO, 11 hoii. Mr. und Mrn. (I. A. Morne cuter taiiicil tlio Inttcr'ri father nml moth er, Mr. mid Mm. Urubb, the first of tlio week. Mm. (Hani Setirbroiigh of Crca well, Oregon, is uniting Mm. Luther Stmicliff. I'Ynnk Peek of Chicago, a passen ger conductor on tho Chiengo nud Milwaukee railroad, in ihltiitg his brother, M!. I'vek nud family of thin I iln ee. The V. C. T. U. will meet with Mm. LehiicM, TliiiMdny nflernoou. Tho Hchool fnir will bo held in the I'liocnix ht'hodl building Saturday September tllli. The nnrrntt of Phoenix mid riiirrouudiiig school dis trict uro urged lo nticud. Several noted etluentor.s in (ho county will be present nnd npenk. Tint Pronbyteriun Ludicrt Aid Society will servo sup per from f to 8 o'clock. netici: Koit niDfl, Tlldn will bo received by tho un dersigned for tho building ot n R-1I100I houso In school district No, 2, Orlffln creek. According to titans mid speculations on tlio In my offlco, also nt Illg Tlnos Lumber company offlco and Woods Lumbor company ofrico nnd county superintendent's offlco at Jacksonville All bids must bo filled not lntor than Septem ber 8, 11)13. Succossrul bidder to furnUh bond. J. A. ItOSE, Clork. 130 Modrord, It. It. No. 1 NOTICE. Notlco la horoby glven: That on Tuesday, tho 9th dny ot September, 1913, n special election will bo holt. lu Jackson county, Orogon, to dotor initio whether tho county court for Jnckson county, Oregon, shall Issue bonds ot said county, and provide ror permanent road construction, to tho amount ot Flvo Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars, to mnture: Ono Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars, pnr vnluo, ton yoara from tho dato thereof. Ono Hundred Tnousana ($100,000) Dollars, pnr valuo, fifteen years from tho dnto thoroof. Ono Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dallam, par valuo, twonty yenra from tho dnto thoreot. Ono Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollar par vnluoj twonty-rivo years NEW TODAY A good clonn hardware stock In Southern California, worth $10,000, no encumbrance. Wunta to oxchaugo for n bearing fruit tract of Ilka vnluo. This In located in n good llttlo city ot 4000 nnd daily union nro vory good. Small now houso nnd halt aero, sot to nil tho fruit nnd vogotnblos usually found In tho sood catalogue. In beautifully mid nightly Slslyou, nnd right near tho car lino now bo Ing built. $07D, Small cnah pay ment down, O. D. HOON utWT UYTLG V if TUP L1TTLG ' ' I , a X i' i - at i from tho dnto thereof. Ono lluudrod Thousand (1100,000) Dollars, par vnluo, thirty years rrom tho duto thereof. Tlio total amount thereof to bo Is sued In ono your It tho county court shall so order, and to bear Interest at tho rato ot flvo per cent per an num, nnd nil of tho tunds so raised shall bo expended In building and Im proving ono permanent rond In said county, described as follows, to-wlt: Ilcglnnlng at tho cornor between fractional sections thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) In township forty eight (-18) north ot rango seven (7) west ot tho Mount Diablo Meridian, CaCllfornla, connecting with tho sur vey ot tho State Highway ot Califor nia; thonco northerly along tho routo as now staked out to present county road; thenco following as near as practical tho main county road Into mid through tho city ot Ashland, a municipal corporation of Jackson county, Oregon; thenco following tho mnln traveled county road through tho towns ot Talent, Phoenix, Med ford and Control Point, la a north westerly direction; thenco following, as near as practical, tho county road lu n northwestorly direction to n point nt or near tho stream known ns Roguo ltlvor; thenco following tha main traveled county road along said stream In a westerly direction, and terminating at tho point whoro tho main trnvolcd county road on tho south sldo ot Roguo Rlvor crossos tho county lino between tha counties of Jackson and Josophlno, Oregon, nnd at or near said stream known as tho Roguo river. Tho termini ot said road, as heroin directed, Is de finite and permanent. Tho lino abovo described botween tho tormlnl thoreot shall bo na herein ordered, nnd shall follow tho most practical routo for a permanent road, and said road shall bo a pormancnt road aud highway through said county. G. A. GARDNER, County Clork tor Jackson County, Oregon. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LAND. Notlco Is horoby given that tho Stato Land Hoard of tho Btnto of Oregon will rccelvo scaled bids un til 10:00 o'clock n. m October 7, 1913, for tho following described lands, to-wlt: Tho SU of SW& and SWU of SEVi SWU ot NBJ& of soctlon 30, 'fho SWU of so'ctlon 1C, T. 2S S It. 3 W. Tho NM, NVS of SWU, SWU' of 8V nnd NE of 8E.U ot section ju, i'. au t. 11. 11 w. Tho SU nnd 3 ot NEU ot sec tion 30, T. 38 S. U. 2 W. All bids must bo accompanied by n regularly executed nppllcntlon to purchase and check or draft for at lonst ono-nrth of tho amount ot tho bid. Tho right to rejoct any nnd nil blda Is resorvod. Applications and blda should bo nddrcssod to G, G. Drown, Clork Stnto Laud Hoard, Salem, Oregon, mid marked "Application aud bid to purchase, Btnto Innda." G. O. DROWN, Clerk Stnto Land Hoard. Dated August 1, 1913. FOR HENT FURNISHED AITS. FOR RENT Furnished npartmout8. Tho Borbon, 10 Qultico St. FOR RENT Largo sleeping rooms, nnd modern housokooplng apart ments, prlcoa vory roasonablo. Phono 1020-L. 223 South Holly stroot. FOR HEM MOUSES FOR RENT Modorn flvo room bun gnlow near Roosevelt school. Phono S2S'. 145 rinwMwMHtnwMMw FOR RENT Woll furnished G room buugnlow. Call mornings, 422 South Luurel St. FOR RENT Vory doslrnblo. strictly modern bungalow, clouo in. 113 Gonovn Avo. 140 FOR RENT 8 room houso. George Loomls, 1102 West Ttenth'St. 140 FOR RENT OR SALE Four-room IhouBQ and good gurdon tract, now to truck And (rim, & a Rafter. OH.' TMf (iamtrH THE. little feu-dy VOll HENT HOUHlSKKKt'IXG JtOOMH FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, lights and gas. 234 East Ninth. HG FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR "RENT Tivorooma runHshed or unfurnished on ground floor, private entrance. 320 N. Dart Ictt. 141 For RENT Modern furnished house. M. A. Radcr, CO iNortb. Orango street. FOR 11EXT OFFICES FOR P.ENi Large, comfortable of flco rooms with elevator service, steam boat, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Ildw. Co. FOR SALE -FARM LANDS FOR TRADE Improved ranch, good water, alfalfa, fruit, tor city pro perty. Inqulro C9, Mail Tribune. 140 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE IIouso and lot. chicken house nnd yard, lawn and garden. 737 W. 14th St., phono 1019-M. ICG FOR SALE Ily owner. Dungalow, tour rooms and bath, cement walks cast front, lot G0xl4G, prlco right. For Information address W. E., caro Mall Tribune. 144 FOR BALE MISCKUiANKOCS FOR SALE Whlto Leghorns. Darred Plymouth Rocks, pullets, 3 months old. Uox 23, R. F. D. 1. 14 FOR SALE FIno young buggy horao, English go-cart, rubber tired and harness. Sell cheap, owner leav ing. Furquahar, It. F. D. 3. 145 FOR SALE Best feed hay, $9.00 per ton. hair mllo from city or $11.00 delivered. Phono CC1 or write box G9S. 141 FOR SALE Sheop, G head ot bucks and ono windmill, roue Hull, Medford, Oregon, It. F. D. No. 1. 144 FOR SALE Best assay outfit in Southern Oregon, cheap, wrlto C. J. Homme, Glcndalo, Ore. 144 FOR SALE Having decided to raovo to town I will sell my full blooded Jersey cow. F. M. Crlles, Tablo Rock, It. P. D. No. 2, box 41. 143 FOR SALE Twin Excelalor motor cycle, almost now. Bargain. Re ply Box 77, caro Mall Trlbuno. 144 FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, all sizes. Phono SG-J1. 141 FOR SALE Established business, making money, good reasons for selling, $1S00.00 cash, balanco on tlmo. Address X Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Loose leaf lodger ays terns, any style or made to order by the Mall Trlbuno bindery. FOR SALE Letter beads ana fancy tatlonery, printed, ongraTod or embossed, aa you wish at tha Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Bartlett pear culls. Foothills orchard. Phono 113-J WANTED MISCKMiAK EOUS WANTED Good sot bolster springs, C000 pound, nlso fruit ruck. Box 24, Routo 3, Modtord. 143 WANTED To buy A-l bungalow, clo8o In, onst aldo protorrod, II. H. H. WANTED To borrow $S000 on nl- falfa land noar Modrord by Octobor 15. Address "B" caro Mall Trl buno. WANTED Light spring -wagon nnd 1 suigiu nut uuruuBS, kuuu nnu caeap Address W. H. Nudlng, Browns- boro, Oro. 155 lAVANTKD Real estate. I want to buy from owner, a5 or C room strictly modem homo for cash. East sldo preferred. Box O. A., Trlbuno. 140 WANTED Good cnlves. Mra. V, H. Bryaon, Griffin creok, R, F, D, No, 1. 141 WANTED To buy flvo passongor ' Ford auto. Address l'ord, enro Trlbuno. 144 IwANTED To trudo two horao light spring wngoti lu good condition tor ono horao light spring wagon sr iwist i'UyuQ 5UWH -. W 31)13. WANTED MlSCCTTiAlWSOPB WANTED Will buy from owner, stock nnd dairy ranch. Prefer nlaco with some orchard, or or chard land, running water, free range. Havofrom $4000 to $9000 cash. Box T., Tribune. 141 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Good lathe man, at onco. Whitoman Motor Appliance Co. 30 North Holly. 141 WANTEfJ SITUATIONS WTCDPoTiuTbTmaTanTwTro on rancb, wlfo to cook ror help and man to work around ranch, best or references furnished. Address C. A. P., this otrico. 143 WANTED To cut wood all winter. Address with full particulars J. II. Ball, Medford. 141 LOST STRAYED A medium sized black muto wearing halter and branded "V". Information regarding bis recover' 'M bo paid tor by W. R. Stokes. Eaglo Point road, phono C7-J-Y. FOUND FOUND Pocket book with money In It nn road to Ashland. Owner call at Martin's blcycl shop. Medford and identify sanio . 141 MONEY. TO LOAN TO LOAN $2G00. 8 per cent, farm security, boo il. l'urdln. 140 MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 368. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accoontaats D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonablo figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Tribune bldg.: phono 6Glr rosl donco phono G34. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Modtord, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phono 161-J. orrico Jack son County Bank building; i Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs is the temporlng. Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant in tho Pacific northwest. Use our Bprlngs wlren others tall. Sold under guarantee. 20 North Fif teenth St. Portland, Ore. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attornoya-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER-Garnott-Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Oro. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberta COLVIG & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Building. Chiropractors DR. R..J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. Rooms 203-204-206 Garnett-Coroy bldg. Vnpor baths and scientific massage glvon; ueedlo spray, boad nnd shoulder sliowor lu connection; advice In dlototlcs, medical gymnastics, hydroptberapy. Lady nttondnnt. Phono, otrico 945, residence 571-R Sm. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E, Hedgoa Mechauo-Therapl8ts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, bydro-therapby, etc., produce results In both acute and chroulu dlaeasoa. Consulta tion froe. Over Douol & Co., cor ner Malu and Bartlett. Hours 9 a. m. to G p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phouo 170. Carpenter und Itcpatr Shop CARPENTER" AND" GENERAL RE PAIR SHOP W. N, Otrutt, Sr, All kinds or Job work dono any whoro In tho city. First class work guaranteed. Prices right. Upholstering and saw filing. Shop 33 North Bartlett. Lawn swings a specialty, IteslUonco phono CCC-R. W FAOT3 aJHREm . By "Bud" Fisher E ' ? -4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abu tracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 6 South Ceitral. "' Vtmmm DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnctt-Corey bldg., salt Medford, Ore. Phone 858. $10, Cleaners JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS Steam and dry cleaning and dye work. Satisfaction guaranteed oa all work. Gents suits pressed. Special attention to ladles' silks, laces and gloves. Goods called for and delivered. 114 N. Front BL Phono 12G. 153 Garoage GARBAGE Oct Your premises cleaned up tor tb winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 62G-L. F. Y. Allen. Laoadry SAM WING CO. Has purchased the Woo Leo laundry situated at 133 S. Rlvorsido and will conduct the business hereafter. Washings called for and delivered. Prices reasonablo. 155 Notary PaUte ID3LEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the sign of the Mall Tribune. PriBters and PabUcfters MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North FIrSt Physicians and Barsjeoas DR. P. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corey bldg.. phone 1036-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD PhysIcItJi and Burgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. It. D.- Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 332 B Mais. Phones, office 814-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. BMMENS PbysicMB and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes scien tifically tostod and glasses supplied Ortice 228 East Maiu St., Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. in. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jsek son County Bank bldg. Office phono 43-R; residence phone 68-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg., corner Mala and Bartlett at a.; office phone 27, residence phone 27-J-3. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 13, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W, CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 734-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. DR. W. W. HOWARD Oatoopathw physician, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Burgeon, ovor Hutchison & bums don, 215 E, Main St. Phone 77. Steaogrnptiers .i-umi-iii " ii"" - ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenograph work done quick! and woll. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Otrico 10 South Fir St Phone 315. Prices right Service guar anteed. Trained Nurse Wa TRAINED NURSE Mlaa Nellie Lorn- massou, residence 738 West 11th St. Phono 5G7-R. 164 Veterinary Surgcoa DR. MURRAY. VETERINARY BURJ GEON, graduate of the Americas, Veterluary College, N. Y. CKy Office Nash Livery Stable, fho t tftfci