p You Really .. i - ' i ,, .. , , , , . . i t,ii . . r . . V (WHAT t0 VUM ttxOiVtt W! CJ.CMeM . . . i COULD GfW f . , , v , MO.T vCNDQKrui- J , Z -jfl . f ('wW'kwifvr you lVl I rM Irving , UhvthinA that V'' Co- I S O wctiusk. in tug f. , a gST - RAtW.toOAlfiNtCNJ WOULD Loo; Slioa rtiU I G ' fS ' 1 iSff t AJA 7 ' S8H Ml r - rtlWTGoTrt CWT. T)VMotg roMt? l' JJJ,. r ' urJH T" B fil --p" ,? " I I tiler - ' ! I I 6 Cfix;cr r)i&P?a-nMUfl. 1' STEERS $1.50 10 $8 HOGS $9 TO $9.70 SEP $4 TO $4.25 PORTLAND, Kept. l. Wcriilpts fur last week: Cuttlo, 2oi. I; calves, HI; lings, 820; sheep, 40U0, nmt homes. I. Tint cut I In market linn miffurud a ileclliin nml whllo not severe, II niuiiuiituil lo n quarter, Ilnyem coil lil not lm Induced to Mil over JH.OO Mr any quantity or choice nlvurs. A fuw picked (rum tliu lot sold nt higher price hut thti bulk was n $7.60 to $7.75 iiffnlr. Half fat unit poorly finished liucf U n drug on tlio mar Uct, unli'Hn of feeder iiunllty, Dcslr nliln fruiior aro soiling (rout)' fC.UO lo IC.r.u. Iliitclior utork linn lioun tin uM'ti nml prlccH rmiKi'il wlilu. (looil emm nt $7 00 nml ituur nl S.U0. IIiiIIm nt r..00 nml cah.n ut IK.OO nro llliornl iiuotntloim In tlui rnttlo mar kut. A itlfflrult Iiok umrki't to JuiIki'. Ono uliorl car uolil ThurmUy (or I'.tiu nml utio enr of coutrnctiMl Muff cnino Into tlio j-anln Frlilny, tint thfio Miiro tho only twunl tlio iiulomt Iiik rliutii on tlii'iio iliiyn. Momlny'M top paluM worn J0-3O ami onn lond TiMHilny "orr cr" nt 10.70. Wlmt tlio iiinrki't utaiilil do In tlio ovi'iit a ri'.iHomililo lliiililntloti occur roil nml luiyi'M Imil n rciipi'rtnlilo Iiok Mprunil la Imnl to roiijuctiint. Momlny )inl tlio only ri'colptK of tlio wittk uiul t lift total wnn I'xtnuiioly IIkIiL On tlio lumlri of ninjorlty of kmIiii tniucnr tloim tlio prlcoH ncc-ni utroiii; nt U.U0 nml I'J.riti nml ili'innnil firm. .Mutton nml Inuili tmyum (urnUlioil tlio only lutiTi'MliiK d'nturo to tlio ollicrwlno ilrnitKy Mvmtoclc ninrknt. Wctluir mi I I'd nt 91 -f', ouch nt J3, SB ami 11.00 ami liuiilm nt ri.'Jfi crcntcil mi ncllvn tnulo. Killer h nro tint tiliort on nlici'i lioiir.o mippllcii, but tbey (miry tlio prlino ntuf( uvlilmitly, ' which Ik but n mitnll proportion of tint totnl rccolpti. l'rlci'H nro con tliltircil Mtcmly, WOUNDED Bf DEPUTIES (AI.UMI'T. Mich., Sept. 1.-Mar-Kiirciii KnzcknR, ilniiKbtur of n iitrlk Iiik coppur tiiluur, unn nliut nml rat ally wouiuluil liuru toiluy when u force or iloptity iihorlffH cIiihIhhI with n mob of Htrlkorn nmt thulr lyiiipnlliUiim. Mllltlmiuiii (illicitly utiullcil tlio tlot- ItiK. ltuporlH I ml lento that tlio ilopiitlca flrml nt tlio Htrllairn whun tho luttor rnftiBcil lo leu vo mini) property. tr ALONG ROGUE RIVER .Mr. nml' Mr. Jolur IIotiHtoii nml ilniiKlitur, MIkh Mn, vln!teil liin hU ter, Mm. .Innpur Uo(,'i'M nml l'nmily of JIimikIo, Hunilny. MiNHtm Muy ami Cora Ficncli Hpcut Mcvenil iluyri thin week with MIhh HI luii MoCulio. If. Mintor ami ilnm-litm, Misn Ni iiii, worn at Henry Kreiich'H Moif day. Thorn 1h a heavy travel over tho Jloiluii-I'Veneh lirid(;o on account of tlio ohnin; of tho Hylieo briilo at Tnlilo Ifoek. ' llird Johimon wan in Cealral l'uiiit Ihu l'iMt of tlui week after Kraia HiiokH. lfo will tliresh somo fino heij thltt voek. Jnn'iOH Kiin-or of Kuirlo 1'ojnl i finltplthip orilorn for fruit troos hero H-Ih woojf. 'JLVm Itaiiioy mid fumily passed MTJDFORD Can't Blme Mutt and Jeff for This llmni-ili oil Hu'lr nny from Foil Kin tint I It to their lioiiio in LViitml I'oinl Tiiuiiluy. Mr. nml Mm, N. Onrnilt of .Mill lonl ficiil Kumluy illi )mi' pnirtiU, Mr. nml Mix. MiCnlilc. Mrn. Mm' Culm rcltliiiiit lioiiii' itli tlicm lo npi'iiil ii few lIll.VM. Oiiuiiiitihioiivr Hinilli of Kiikiio liiwr wiih ut l)iic I'i'ihmi'k tlio firl of tlio week. Ucoinu Wiinlit nml fuiuily of Cni Irnl I'niiit piirtncil en route foi' iiiinU cm Oicpm. ('. ('. (lilcliil-l nml fuiuily of Snin'rt Volley tcturiin! Iioine U'rd iioHilny nflcr two ucekH' outing ut Crnlcr l.nko nml oilier jiionnlniii plnccM. They icmmUiI tlmt the IiiicL luburHiM wore not ripe yet. Mr. Tiirlicll wiih lo Trnil lliU week. Mm. Clirin llerKiniiii on the irk INI. Mow Murthii (Iiikc, tlio 17-yi'nr- ohl ilntiKhter of Mm. Mury (Inue, I hi'coiniiiK n liuiitrivn of hoiiio iIih Unction. Tliuriluy momiii); she killi'il a coyote with one kIioI. The coyote wiih iiilto u tliritniicc nwuy from her. Jiinpur lliinnnli nml fmnily ro tunicil Thtirmluy from u pleiiHiiru nml oiuiuiwK trip on iiiM)r I mil. Florence nml Sum W'nlker nml fittiilllcM of HciikIo went up the ricr Iliuiiliiy. A tmrty of 1'oilliuul men hpent n few iIiivm ut llrnry IVcnchV fiohiiu;. Tliev iiIhu went to ('niter l.nke. One of the men took u tiuinhrr of pic ture for ii iminIiiI cnnl coiiipnny of which ho ix ii uiciiilier. Dr ICircht;ciiier him iiiiiiIo fviriil profcKmmil Iiip4 thin week to n iioiik pnrtH of the vicinity. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. Tlionmn Kmltli nml Hon of KiIko wood, I'nl., vlnltuil Mr.'Hinltli'H moth er, Mr. J. X. Smith nml ilmiKhturu the flrot of tho week. Mr. Smith re turned to IiIh Iioiiii) tho Intter part of tho week bill liht nou trill remain auioiiK frluiiilu iiml rulnthoa hero for mi Indefinite tluto. .yns llernlcu N'lclioU arrived homo Hnturilny oveuliiK from u llt- with Aiililnml frlumU. Mr. nml Mm. V. C. I.eevor, Mr. nml Mm. I. V, Itobuett n ml Mr. nml Mm J. O. Inunction intended tlio Utirlncra meet nt Klmnnth Fa I In Snt- uriliiy. Mr. nml Mm. I.eevor nml Mr. nml Mm. Itobuett lunilo the trip In their cira while Mr. and Mm. iBiinc- nun weal by train. Mru. II. F. I'eart nml iliiuchlor. MI5H I.eln, who huvu been iuuouk ruin then In .Stockton, (llilco nml Kticru- muiito for thu pndt month hnvu re turned to their homo In thltt city. Mlmi Fny Duford of Table Hock wiih vIbUIiik muoiiK frlonds In thU city Frlilny. Mm. .Smith nml ilauKtilurt-, Kthol nml l.'Hthor of Tolo, wero hIuipiiIiir Ift Central l'olnt Biiturday iiftoruoon. Threo hundred ami iiluu votor rcslBtorcd luiro up to tho clono of 1 WHY? It thoro la n bnrgnln In Iloal Ks tuto In nny district tho ronl ostnto mini thoro who him boon a llvo nRout knowu of It. It ho knowa values nml la oxporloucod In tho bimluosa ho can savo his oustouiora tlmo and moioy. To know tho boat buy nml hnvo It optional nt tho bottom prlco Is my stock Jn trado. Hatlsflod customors Is my paid-up buslnoss policy. What hnvo yoit to oxchnngo7 Watch my bitll.otlu board lu front Qf tho First Natloi-al batik and boo mo. J. O. IJAUNK8, Phono 120-J. First Notional Dauk bldg, M-ATTJ TUmrXNR, MICDFOltD, roKlttrntlon of which ninety-four wcru Illllll'H, Minx Mnml'o Ilnrr of Illicit, ono of tho popular grammar hcIiooI leachnm nrrlvcil hero Haturdny to red u mo her ittitbm Momlny. Ileury Freeiunn loft Hnturilny for t'tmiforil Uiilvornlly where hu will at tend colli'Ku. Ml a Clara WIiich or Med ford, thu ImiRimKU teacher In tho Central l'olnt IiIkIi ichool wan In tlio city Sat urday nfleriionn, (', ('. ltnKulnlu of Ban FrnncUco, Oil., Ih n Kiioit nt the homo of his uls ter, Mm. 11. F. I'enrt. MIhh Allen lllnikfonl of Montana Ih here to take up her work m eighth r.rnde teacher In our ecIiooIm. Mr. nml Mm. K. Chllilem, MIhh Kt ta Wllllnuit nml Shipley Hoea npotit Humlny nt Crater l.nke. Mr. nml Mm. M, It. Knglmid en Joyed n day nl thu river recently. The Mlimort Urnco nml Illnucho Mil ler of I .a 1) creole hnvu arrived lioro to tnku up their work an Htmlcnts In thu Central l'olnt high ichool. NOTici: rou mis. IIIiIh will bu received by tho tin dcmlr.ueil for tlio bullillm; of n Rcbool Iiuuho In nrhool district No. 2, (Srlfrin creek. According; to plmin mid itpcciilntlnn on fllo In my office nlirn nt 111k l'lnon Lumber company offlro mid Wood Lumber company officii nml county nupcrlntnndont'a officii nt JnckMonvllle. All bids must be flll;d not Inter than Soptoin ber S, 1U13. Succesuful bidder to furnUh bond. J. A. UOSK, Clerk. 13'J Medford, It. It. No. 1. NOTH'i: OF MtiKTIXG OF ItOAltP OF KQUIMZATIOX. Nottco Is horeby given, that on tho nceond Monday, of Hoptombor, 1913, tho (8th day) tho board of oqulllsn tlon will attend, nt tho court houso, In Jncksonvllle, Jackson county, Oro- Kon, mid publicly cxnmlno tho ns seBSinnut rolls, nml correct all errors In valuation, dcMcrlptlons or qualities of lauds, lots or othor property ns Bcssod by such nsscssor; mid It shall bo tho duty of persona Interested to nppenr nt tho tlmo mid placo ap pointed. (Signed) W. T. QUIKVB, Assessor of Jackson County, Oregon. Dated this 10th day of August, 113. , xotici:. Nottco Is hereby glven: That on Tuesday, tho Hth day of Soptembqr, 1913, a special election will bo licit. In Jackson county, Oregon, to dotcr inlno whethor tho county court tor Jackson county, Orogon, shall Issuo bonds of said county, aud provide for permanent road construction, to tlio amount of Flvo Uundrod Thousand (1500,000.00) Dollars, to luature: Ono Hundred Thousand (1100,000) Dollars, par value, ten years from tho jl'nto thereof. Ono Hundred Tnousnna ($100,000) Dollars, par vnluo. fifteen years from tho date thoroof, Ono Hundred Thousand (1100,000) Dollnrs, pnr valuo, twenty yenra from NEW TODAY A good clonn hnrdwara stock In Southorn California, worth $10,000, no olicunibrnnco. Wunts to oxchaugo for a hearliiK fruit tract of llko valuo. This Is located In a good llttlo city of -1000 and dally miles aro very good. Small now houso ami half aero, sot to nil tho fruit and vogotablos usually found in tho saud,. catalogue, lu buiultlfully and sightly Slslyou, and right near tho car lino now bo lug built. $075, Small pasli pny inont down. O. 1). 1IOOX Itooui 19 Jackson Couuty Dnuk Ulds, the data thereof. Quo Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollurs, par 'vnluo, twonty-flTo years from tho data thereof, Ono Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars, par vajun, thirty years from tho data thereof. Tho total amount thereof to bo Is sued in one year It tho county court shall so ordor, and to bear interest nt the rnto of five por cent per an num, and all of tho funds mo ral'cd shall bo expended In building and Im proving ono permanent road In said county, described as follows, to-wlt: Dcglnnlng at tho corner between fractional sections thirteen (13) mid fourteen (11) In township forty eight (48) north of rnnga seven (7) west of tho Mount Diablo Meridian, CaCIIfornla, connecting VMth tho sur vey of tho Stnto Highway of Califor nia; thetico northerly along tho routo as now staked out to present county road; thence following as near as practical tho main county road Into and through tho city of Ashland, a municipal corporation ot Jackson county, Oregon; thenco following tho main traveled county road through tho towns of Talent, Phoenix, Med ford and Central Point, In a north westerly direction; thenco following, ns near as practical, tho county road In a northwesterly direction to a point at or near tho stream known as Itoguu Itlvor; thonco following tho main traveled county road along said stream In a westerly direction, and terminating at tho point whero tho main traveled county road on tho south sldu of Roguo ltlvcr crosses tho county lino between tho counties of Jackson and Josephine, Oregon, and nt or near said stream known ns tho ltoguo river. Tho termini ot said road, as heroin directed, is do flnlto and permnnont. Tbo lino nbovo described between tho tormlnl thereof shall bo ns herein ordorod, mid shall follow tho most practical routo for a permanent road, and said road shall bo a permanent road nud highway through said county. O. A. aAIlDXKK. County Clerk for Jackson County, Oregon. 1X)H Itr'XT- 1'lMtXLSHLP APTS. FOIt HUNT Furnished npnrtuionts. Tho Ilerben, 10 Quince SL FOIt RUNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modorn housekeeping apart ments, prices Tory rcasonnblo. Phono 102G-L. 222 South Holly street. FOR llKXl notsics FOR Ri:.NT Woll furnished 5 room bungalow. Call mornings. 122 South Laurel St. FOR RUNT Furnished and unfur nished housos. J, C. llarnos, 1st Nati. Dank llldg, phono 120-J. FOIt RKNT Vory desirable, strictly modern bungalow, close In. 113 Uouevn Ave. 110 FOR RKNT S room house. Cleorga Looinld, 1102 West Tteuth St. 110 FOR RUNT Modern G. C nml 7 room bungalows. Furnished if desired. 1009 W. 9th. Phono CC7-J. FQR RKNT Now, olegnntly fur nished house, shndo trees, lawn, good fruit, everything now and up-to-dnto. Call at 510 West Jnck san street, 139 FOR RKNT G room houso In splon did liolghborhood, East Main St. Humphrey. 139 FOR RKNT OR BALE Four-room houso and good garden trnct, now In truck nml trutt. M. A. Rador.' FOR SALlv IIOUSF.S FOR SALK Houso and lot, chicken houso nud yard, lawn and gardon, 737 W. Hth St., puouo 1019-M. 15D FOR SALK Ily owner. Rungnlow, four, rooms ami uatn, couien, waiics cast front, lot 50x1 '5, prlco right. For Information address W. K., enro Mali Trlbuuo. 141 FOR SALK Modorn ninp room bun galow, small cash payment, balanco monthly, uuusunlly bargalu, 430 N. UartlQtt, .', . OIMWON, MONDAY, HIOPTMAlMfllt 1, FOIt Itl'XT I'TKXISIIKII ROOM8 FOR RUNT Tho rooms furnished or unfurnished on ground floor, prlvnto entrance. 320 N. Hart loll. m FOIt RENT Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. HI South Central. 139 For RKNT Modern furnished house. M. A. Rador, CO North Orange street, FOR HUNT OFF1CKS FOR .'.BN i t mteo, comforuiblo of fice nnjiiu with clorator eervico, stenni iieat, hot and cold water. Low ratws Apply Medford Furnl ttira & lldw. Co. FOR SA LI FARM LANDS FOR TRADE Improved ranch, good water, alfalfa, fruit, for city pro perty. Inuulro 09, Mnll Tribune. 110 FOR HALF MlHCRMiAXKOCS Foil's AF: llest feed hay," $9l00 per ton, half mile from city or $11.00 delivered. Phono CC1 or wrlto box 698. HP FOR SALK Sheep, 6 bond of bucks and ono windmill. Polk Hull, Medford, Oregon, It. F. D. No. 1. 144 FOR SALK Uest assay outfit In Southern Orcgou, cheap, writo C. J. Homme, Glcndale, Ore. 1(4 FOIt SALK A 0-yonr-old milk cow. $00.00. Phono- 1079-X. 139 FOR SALE Having decided to move to town I will sell my full blooded Jersey cow. F. M, Cnrllcs, Table Rock, It. F. D. No. 2, box 11. 143 FOR' SALE Twin Excelsior motor cycle, almost now. Uargalu. Re ply JJox 77, care Mail Tribune. 144 FOR SALE Ono road roller, gaso line, for one-third price, nonrly new. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. FOR SALE $05.00 Wilcox & Glbbs ....Sowing Machino lu perfect condi tion for $25. J. H. Lyons, Phoe nix, Ore. FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, all slzec Phono SC-J1. 141 FOR SALK Established business, making money, good reasons for selling, $1SOO.OO cash, balanco on tlmo. Address X Mail Tribune. FOR SALE Looso leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or tmade to order by tho Mall Tribune bindery. FOR SALE Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Flvo passenger auto, In good condition, recently over hauled, now tlrea. A bArgalu at $160. Rex K. O. Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Dartlott pear culls. Foothills orchard. Phouo 113-J WAXTKD MISCKLMSEOOS WANTED Good sot bolstor springs, 0000 pound, nlso fruit rack. Rex 24, Routo 3, Medford. 143 WANTED Wood. Rids aro asked on 100 cords of four foot body fir wood to bo delivered ou tho grounds of the Central Point school district. Rids must bo lu by September G, 1913, and tho school board reserves tho right to reject nny or nil bids. Moll bids to J. W. Jacobs, clerk, School Dlst. No. 0, Contral Point, Oro. 139 WANTED To buy A-l bungalow, close In, east sldo preferred. II. II. H. WANTED To borrow $S000 ou al falfa land near Medford by Octobor 16, Address "R" caro Mall Tri bune. WANTED Light spring wagon and single sot harness, good nud cheap. Address W. H. Nudlng, Drowns boro, Oro. 155 WANTED Real estate. I want to buy from owuor, n 5 or 0 room strictly modern homo for cash, Kast sldo preferred. Rex O. A., Tribune. HO WANTED Good calves, Mrs, W. K. Rryson, Griffin creek, It. F, D. No. l ' 141 WANTED- To buy flvo passenger Ford auto. Address lord, caro Tribune, HI" 1013. WAXTKI MISCKM.l-snOUS WANTliDWIirbuy from owner', stock and dairy ranch. Prefer place with some orchard, or or chard laud, running water, freo range. Ilavo from $4000 to $9000 cash. Rex T., Tribune. 141 WANTED To trade two home light spring wagon In good condition for ono horse light spring wagon or hack. Phono 597-R-L 111 WAXTKD flrrtJATIOXS WANTED Position by man and wife on ranch, wlfo to cook for help and man to work around ranch, best ot references furnished. Address C. A. P., this office. 143 WANTED To cut wood nil winter. Addross with full particulars J. II. Rail, Medford. 111 ISL'SFXKSS OPI'ORTUXITIIS FOR SALE Grocery storo, stock and fixtures doing good business. Rest location In city. Rex 2S3, P. O. 139 LOST STRAYED A medium sized black mulo wearing halter and branded V". Information regarding his recovery will bo paid for by W. R. Stokes, Kaglo Point road, phono 07-J-Y. MOXHV TO lAiAX TO LOAN $2500. S per cent, farm security. Sec M. Purdln. 140 MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. a a; McArthur, room 3, P. O. phono 3CS. block, HUSIXras IJIKLCIORY Accountant D. It. WOOD Genoral Accotintnnt Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office Medford Mall Trlbuuo bldg.; phono CGI; resi dence phono 63 1. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms rcasonnblo. Resi dence phono 101-J. Ofrico Jack son County Rank building. Auto Supplier.. LAHER AUTO SPRINQ CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the tempering. We aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarnnteo. 20 North Fif teenth St., Portland. Ore. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALKY Attoruoys-nt-Law, Rooms S and 9, Medford National Dank bldg. A. E. REAMKS, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Oro. Wm. M. Colvlg Gcorgo M. Roberts COLVIG & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Rank- Itulldlur Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Gnrnott-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; ucodlo spray, head and shoulder shower lu connection; advice In dletotlcs, medical gymnastics, hydroptuor.ipy. Lady attendant. Phono, offlco 945, resldouco 671-R DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise R. Hodges Mechauo-Therapists, Chiro practors, Spoudylothoraplsts. These systems, Including dlotetics, cura tive gymnastlcB, hydro-theraphy, etc, produco results in both acuto and chronlu diseases. Consulta tion freo. Ovor Dauol & Co., cor ner Main mid Dartlott. Hours 9 a. in. to 6 p. in. Othor hours by appointment. Phone 170. Carpenter ami Repair Shop crtonteITTvn'dgeneral" RE PAIR SHOP W. Js Offutt, Sr. All kinds of Job work dono any whoro In the city. First class work guaranteed. Prices right. Upholstering mid saw tiling. Shop 33 North Dartlott. Lawn swings a specialty. Residence phono G60-R. 143 PXGlSFEm -""- Ttr By "Bud" Fisher - RUSIXFMS FHRFXTOFtY Abstract ROGUK RIVER VAF.LBY AB STRACT CO., No. C South Central. RrntlflU DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOt? DR C. C VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310. Medford. Ore. Pbone 866. CJcnncra JAPANESE PRESSINO PARLORS Steam and dry cleaning and dye work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil work. Gents' suits pressed. Special attention to ladles' silks, laces and gloves. Goods called for and delivered. 114 N. Front St. Phono 125. 163 Oiruag GARBAGE Get vour premises cleaned up for tb winter. CaR on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phono 626-L. F. Y. Allen. Laundry SAM WING CO. Has purchased tho Woo Leo laundry situated at 123 S. Riverside and will conduct the business hereafter. Washings called for and delivered. Prices reasonable. 156 Notary rulilic HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring1 your work to me at th sign of tho Mall Tribune. Printers and Publimicrs MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has tba best equipped printing office la southern Oregoa; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians and Barguona DR. F. O. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS OARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey bldg.. phono 103C-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCICWPQD ?hyslctaa and. Burgeon. MYRTLK Q. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 B Main. Phones, offlco 814-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Burgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses suppllod Offlco 228 East Main St.. Houra 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank bldg. Offlco phonG 43-R; residence phono 68-R. DR. MARION Ptoyslclan and sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Mala and Bartlett ats.; offlco phone 27, residence phono 37-J-3. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physl clan and surgeon. Office Palm block, oppostto Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 tp 4. Phope 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 721 -J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. DR. W. W, HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 aarnett- Corey building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CQNROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Lums den, 21C B. Main St. Phone 77. ritouogTuptiers ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dono quickly and well. sz Trunsfcr EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, Offlco 10 South Fir t$t. pnone 315. PrlcoB right. Service guar antcod. Trained Nurso TR ATNHn NURSE MIsm Nulllo I.nm- muHson, rgsldenco 738 Went 11th St. Phono CG7-R. 164 Veterinary Surgeoa DlC MURlUYrVK'm GEQN, graduate ot the Ar! Votorinnry Colloge, N. Y, City. Office Nash Livery Stable. f)um 173i , I s