i p w PAOE TWO. MEDFORD TMJMli TRIBONM. MttDFOUD. OHKGON. MONDAY, MWPTWMHMU 1. 10111. .o?1ni r'- , a i . t1 M ! :. i I . I M inr ai and Tr---'T.i, PERSONAL Mtb. U. W. Champlln, for tlio past sovcral inontliB tho guest of iter son Charles tihnmnllii nt tho Champlln ranch oh Toots crock, hns returned to ho? homo In Chicago. ,CranKlng au auto, still hot from tho run from Medford to this city ro- nulled In a nenr-frncturo of tho right , arm for S, McClendon on Wodnos- day evening, Fortunately no bones woro broken, but tho Injury was 8tif- flclently sovcro to place Sam's Reed right, arm In n sling for soma days to conic. (lold 11 ill Nans. Hornc-madc bread at Do Voo's. Clarcnco Noo and John Rotor and their sons havo returned from their outing, which Included a trip to Cra- Inr Lake. T"8rnallcy and J. R. Ilucklcn of Ashland transacted business In Med ford Saturdny. Mrs. Laura E. Ttfflu and her daughter of Gold Hill wero among their Mcdford friends Saturday. Drs. a. R. and Louise E. Hedges, chiropractors aad raechann-thoraplsts aro now located over Dcucl & Co. Phono 170. ' D. V. Taylor, A. Pearl and K. E. Reading and their wives of Fresno ar rived In Mcdford Saturday for a short tlslt In tlio valloy. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rarncburg re turned Sunday from a visit In tho southern part of tho valley. Mr. and Mrs. Wick Fox aro mom bcrs of a party ho aro motoring to points of Interest In Klamath coun ty. ' Kodak finishing, boat In town, at Weston's. W. W. Harvey has gono to Rose ourg on business but will not remain long. Mrs. W. R. Helvlc. whoso husband Inspects tho Roguo River Canal com pany's ditches, was n Mcdford visitor Saturday. w. li. uoyso and his son wero down from Griffin creek Saturday. Crater Lake pictures ,& book if 12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest over mado of tho lake, for sale at Gerklng & Harmon's studio. Call and sco them. 22S East Main street, phono 3 20-J. tt Mr. and Mrs. Robct Crowder, who havo been spending several wcoks on Applegate, havo returned to Mcdford. Mrs. M. Tawnsend of Ashland made a trip to Medford Saturday. Sho baa been visiting rclathes living on Griffin creek district I). R. Haines, R. R. Perkins and M. R. Gibson of Roseburg aro lato arrivals in Mcdford. E. D. Weston, commercial pa o tog rspacr, Bog&tlre made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Mrs. D. R. Riissoll or Antloch dis trict mado a trip to Mcdford Satur day. W. 8. Uarnum, president of (ho R. R. V. R. Co., returned Sunday from a trip to Portland. Prof. V. A. Davis, who will again teach tho school in District No. 95, was In Mcdford Saturday. Tho finest studio In southern Ore gon has been opened by Gerklng & Harmon at 228 East Main street, first stairway east of Star theater. Our work Is always the best, views of all kinds for salo. Tho best of kodak finishing. Negatives made any tlmo or place. Phono 320-J. tf H. M. Whctsol, a former resident of Medford, was in tho valley last week, In tho interest of tho California Fruit Canulng association. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson of CNortu I'liocnix wero or tho many who traded in Medford Saturday. John Slaty of AVIIow .Springs dis trict motored to Medford Saturday afternoon. "Insurance your best asset." Havo tho best. Place your Insurance with Holmes, tho Insuranco Man, right If ho -wrjtos It, tf Mm. J. A. Marsh of JackEonvlllo was a Medford visitor Sunday after noon. Rov. W. F. Shields was of thoso who spout a few dajs in fishing in tho Applcgatu last week. P. l Swayuo ot Dig Applegate trausactod bustnets In Medford and Ashland Saturday. Vou will bo surprised to find how llttlo it costs to havo tho Southern Oregon Eloctrlo company do your electric wiring and repairing. Phone 02C, Alex Uudgo is spending his vaca tion with lila parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Rudgo. Ho Is In tho employ of C. C. Mooro & Co. of San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Ellis and Mm Harry Lawrence form a party who motored to San Francisco durlug tho week Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Stoddnrd aro visiting nt Portland mid other north ern, points. Charles Caldwell, who went north a fow weeks ago, returned to Med ford Saturdny, Fred Alton Halglit, teacher of piano nnd hnrmony, National Con servatory ot Now York. Specialist In tho correct principles of touch nnd tochntquo In nil grndes of study. Careful attention given to young children mid beginners. Fattlts ac quired through wrong ways of prac ticing corrected. Fall term Septem ber 2. Hnlght Music Studios, 116 S, Laurel street, phono 176-R. W. W. Small nnd his family of Dunsmulr, On!., also Mr. and Mrs. E. Murphy nnd their son are lato ar rivals In Medford, .T. X. Hocknnsmlth was tho guest ot relatives residing at Phoenix on Sunday. M. M. Root of Tablo Rock and Floyd Hart of Talent wero ot tho horticulturists in Mcdford during tho week. Mrs. Arthur H. Allyn has opened an offlco as public stenographer at thu Mcdford Hotel. Sho Is exper ienced In court reporting, legal work, banking. Insurance, abstracting, real estate and commercial lines. Satis : ctlon guaranteed. Prices reason able. 152 Ora Kay nnd James Kershaw of Antelope district wero In Mcdford Saturday. . C. II. Rasye of Jacksonville tran sacted business In Medford Saturday. D. C. Abrnms ot Portland, who Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Pfeoue 127 N-h P. W. Weeks m-J-3 - A. K, Orr 78-M owns consldorablo real cstato In Southern Oregon, has been visiting in Mcdford. R. R. lluward, representing tho Sunset Magatlne, which recently mado a contract with tho county court for printing n booklet giving au thentic Information about tho county, Is gathering material for tho samo. "Kindergarten will bo opened Sopt. 2 In tho high school building. Miss Ruth Caryell of tho University of Washington nnd a. Seattlo Mdnorgar- ten training school graduato will bo In charge. All parents wishing to enroll children may Interview Miss Caryell at tho high school Thursday. Friday and Saturday from 1 to i p m. Tuition, per month, ?l; per semester, 915. HO Dr. R. R. Hamilton and his family ot Klamath Falls arrived in Mcdford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wrlht, who live near Central Point, drovo to Medford Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. A. Anderson, of Orland, Cat. arrlvod In Medford, her former home, Saturday evening, and Is tho guest ot relatives. Prlvato music lessons from 50 cents upward to threo dollars per Ibs.on, according to subject and teacher chosen. Mcdford Conserva tory. College RIdg., 31 North Grape. A. L. Parkhurst, who has been making Mcdford a business visit, re turned to Crato Lake today. Ho re ports that travel to Crator Lake Is 50 per cent heavier this year than It was last. Harry T. McCfallen, former shor Ift of Douglas county, was on tho northbound train Sunday evening en routo to Roseburg, from Weed, Cal., where bo has been in tho employ ot tho Weed Lumbor company. "Fantomas" at tho Star tonight. 139 Louis C. Hollo of Mount Hebron, Cal., rcturnod homo Saturday after a visit of a fow da s in Mcdford. Mrs. E. R. Thompson ot Jackson ville tarried a few hours In Mcdford Sunday. D. M. Reld and Mies Emma names woro married at Yrcka, Cal., Aug. 27. Tho groom Is a carpenter who former ly resided in Mcdford. J. h. Clomi-ns left (or Central Point Sunday, on a short visit with friends living there. Thu D. P. O. Elks In Rochester, at tho Star tonight. 139 Mrs. W. A. Stewart and her two daughters, who havo boon spending their vacation nt Portlnnd and Now port aro In Medford again. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hamilton, Mrs. and Miss Kodder nnd F. W. Haynes of Roseburg were of tho many tour ists In Medford durlug tho week. William A. Stowart returned Sat urday from a trip to Sacramento, Cal. He also visited his brothers, who llvo in Klamath county. H. H. McCarthy and John Norllng got back Sunday from Josephine county, and brought some flno speci mens of oro from tho Siskiyou moun tain with thorn. John C. Wood, a pioneer, dropped dead on tho street of Etna, Cal., Aug. 29. Ho was a veteran of tho Roguu River Indian war, 82 jears of age and unmarried. Action has been commenced by tho authorities of Ashland, which city has a muncipal electric plant, to oust the old light company, which Is a sub sidiary of tho California-Oregon Pow er company. A. E. Reames and W. J, Mooro represent tho city and A. C. Hough Is tho California corporation's attorney. Mr. and Mrs. J, Schfaro, who went to Eureka, Cal,, several weoks agp, returned Sunday evening, Jacob states that little building Is being done In that city and that saw mills are not as busy as formerly. W. It. Colomnn ot Jacksonville, shipped n carload of potatoes to Red ding, Cal., Saturday. They woro ralrod on land located near Phoenix, M. P. Schmidt and his family hava returned from Susauxtllo, Cal., wlicro Mr. Schmidt and E. M. Wilson havo been exporting tho books ot Lassen county. "Fmitomns" nt tho Star tonight. 139 Colonel and Mrs. It. ft. Washburn of Tnlilo Rock .motored to Medford Sundny. They wero accompanied by Mrs. 11. E. Joiicm ot Portlnnd, Mrs. Washburn's mother, who left tor Portlnnd that evening, after a visit ot several weeks with them. Dillon Hill will ship twenty car loads of pram to eastern markets this season. Ho has already shipped eight carloads ot Rnriletts and How ells. Ills crop of Rose pears Is unusually large and ot flno quality. "Fantomas" at tho Star tonight. 139 The ceremonial conducted nt Kla math Falls by Hlllah Templo ot M.vh- tic Slirliicra Saturday was attended by many members of tho order from different parts ot tho stale. Tho Ultors wero drlicu to several places ot Interest In nutos and well enter tained during their stay. Dr. G. W. Rnlncll. who is largely Interested In timber land on Etk nnd Trail creeks nnd was a recent visitor In Medford, had his Pope-Hartford auto, for which ho paid -t000 burned last week. Shortly afterward sev eral thousand bushels ot grain be longing to him wero destroyed by tho fire which consumed tho big Wal brldgo warehouse nt Montague, Cal. A Chtnnman who had n restaurant In tho building, wns burned to death. "Fantomas" at tho Star tonight. 139 The Pacific Coast Good Roads as sociation. Geo. E. Roos, secretary, has opened nn offlco In tho Phlpps block, 237 Main street, corner Rnrtlctt. Phono 129. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helms nnd Mark Flnnoy, who h nvo been spend ing sovcr.il days In Steamboat dis trict, aro In Mcdford agal. Tho H. P. O. Elks In Rochester, at tho Star tonight. 139 Ono of tho special features of tho coming county fair will bo tho riding of the wild, bucking hones and bulls that caused so milch excitement at the Elk's rodeo at Klamath Fnlls. Several of thu champion riders ot the country will participate. HENRY MORGENTHAU. NEW MINISTER TO TURKEY BBBBBK . BBBkS . flBlF HHHHHHHHH BBBBKkib vt .A J&.HKT BBBaBr JBPUfH : s! I BsJFBCl bbbVbbHi.' &S f ' rtStK BE jSBWBBBEmbTbB $&n&rjr LETTER TOTERS. .. PARM;E 114 1 ME I Henry Morgcuthnu, a real cstato man and banker of New York, who! hns long taken an Interest lu.douuH crntlc politics, ha been nominated by President Wilson for inhibitor to Turkey. Mr. MorKonthaii wa treas urer ot tho Democratic Nutlounl com mittee In tho last campaign, mid wan targely Instrumental In raising tho money by which President Wilson was elected. Ho is ery wenUhy, and ho will bo able to mnlutnlu his posi tion in Constantinople out ot his own means eun If tho salary of .min ister Is not sufficient. PAYMASTERS (ilt.XIt U0l),0O FROM TR.UX AND ARE SHOT EL PASO. Toxas, Aug. 30. Two paymaster of tho Mexican army, en routo to pay government troop at Chihuahua escaped from thu train toda with $200,000. They were pursued, overtaken nt Juarez and shot. PIPE HITS LIVE WIRE TWO .Mi: KILLED AT SUISl'.V Woman Traveler Stricken. OAKLAND. Cal.. Sept. l.-Mr. XL Speck was tnken from n South ern 1'ncifio I rnin en route from Portland to Los Angeles today iu .1 ihinir condition nnd removed to the receiving hospital here. The woman complained of being ill to traveling cnmpnnioiH nnd fell fonvnnl in her seat uueonseioiis. A card in her trn cling bag bore the tinmo "Mr. M. Siwck, Portland." Surgwiiw at tending her ptnto that bhe hns but n few hours to live. . upBe ,j, Bilked Oregon Hotel, Charflc. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 1.- Chnru'cd wilh practicing n system of thievery which i alleged to hnve cost the Oregon Hotel nt Icaot fWOO hi tho past eighteen months, Chimes It. Mcrs, food checker, nnd'J. JL Leary, William Wejt nnd A. J. Sehwnrz, wniters, nre under arrest hero today. CoIIiimoii between the checker mul the waiters is alleged. NOTICE. m There will bo n meeting of thn Royal Arch Masons Tuesday night. September 2. All companions re quested to bo present. W..E. LANE, Secretary. Thcro are upward of 5000 build ing material teamsters In Now York City. SIJIBUN, Cal., Aug. 30. Two moil aro dead hero today as a result of a plpo they woro carrying coming In contact with a high power wlro carry ing 60,000 volts. Ono of tho men Is bellucd to havo been Charlea Worloy, who caino hero from Portland. Tlio othor is unknown. . SAN PHAXnsro, OnL Sopl. 1. Tlio Niitioiiiil Aewifinlion of'liol lor ('nt 1 lew, holding their nineteenth ittitiiinl convention lido, piiiiiiled this at" lei noon in honor of l.ulmr da v. Taking pmt iu the piocohmIom worn local otficiiitri of Iho'locul poxtofliee, fiiiigressinuu Klley of foimcoliciil, "Iho cuirioiV friend," who is a uof.t of the convention and Hie visiting hiiinU fioni Cleveland, Dallas, Ddi ver mul Portland. This morning's session of the con volition wns devoted lo the tending of repoils of officer nnd standing committees, The netiuil woik of tho convention will begin tomorrow'. To uii'lit mi nntinlic mitcilniunu-ut will ho given the delegules at Sutru bulli when well known athletes of the vuyiiipio emu win mho part. Hie us liars' blinds will pluv and lighl 10-fro-dimouts will Im served. A spirited contort fr , n,,v convention hns developed between Oiuaha, Dallas mid Dayton. G0MPERS SENDS MESSAGE. (Continued from pag 1.) taking ndvantngu or their brief re spite from toll, hied themselves to tho mountains and picnic ground 11 for n day of rest nnd recreation, llusl nes wan generally suspended, Ranubull fan woro not overlooked, for two game wero scheduled be tween Sacramento and Portland In tho Coast League. AMERICAN BA HERS HALDANE URGES UNITY MONTREAL, Cnnndn, Sopt. 1.- l'leadliig eloquently for 11 doner io liitlonHhlp between England mid thu I United States, tlio Right llouorabloi Viscount Richard lltmlou llnlduue, Lord High t'haniellor of (Ileal llrl tnlu, todny npnho it tlio guest of honor of the American liar itiumclie Hon, which I holding Its auuuiil eon. tindltloiiH, Iu imiioutHllnnK ami hi hlealH. And imw'hoio l thu oliur mlor of thin ciiiuiiioii hiherllmu'ii moid npparunt than lit thu region of JuilMinudi'iii'o. Tim lawyer ut tho loiintilo think for tlio most pint alike, At no period hint imllllral ill veigenni proveiitnd thin fact (nun bo lug iilrlklngly appuient. Whuro Iho letter of their law Ih dlffuieut, thu spirit In yut tho sumo, "It Is (hi Identity of spirit, lame ly dun to n pant, which thu lawyer ut this gropp Imvo luheilted Jointly, that not only form a bond or union, but rurnlHhiis them with mi luMuuui'o that can tutrdly bo reproduced In other nation, Qcyln Motorcycle Test. SKATTI.i:, Wnt.li., Sopl. 1 -Twin. ly-slv of tliu foitveiKht uliulei in vitiillnii lntrn lodnv. Lord Ilaliliiue. took tor hi toplo "lllRlmr Nation.; Ili t'mlmnm'n moloicyoli. 11111 from allty, 11 .Study hi Law mid Ethics." I'oitlniul to Scuttle nnd leliiitl, held "What one who rinds himself fncoj liiider Iho niispW of the l A. AI., lo fare with this aHMnmblngo nntiir-, airived hero Suiulav mul Id' I 011 ally thlnUs of I tho future of them three natiens: a future that tuny do. peud Im gel) on tho lutluenro of men llirlr icliiin hip ut I o'clock litis uiotiiitig. Duo rider, Dnulvl Itouiic, who ciurii'd a rider, was flint ul lV with opportuultle sueh as aru oiiih," ! nn augiy constable, 011 unite to Mil declared hi lordHhlp. "Tho United rltnten and Cnnndn mul tlrent Rrltnhi toguthor form n group which Is unique; unique tic eaiino of II toiiiuion liiherltiture In city. Behind teacher of Copenhagen, Denmark, receive wage of $320 a year. Asldo from tho closing, ot banks nnd city mid county offices, there was no observant o of Labor Day in Med tonl. Tho post offlco maintained holiday hour, making 0110 carrier dollvuiy. With Medford irafm Is Medford mado OPItmTfNITV Mnn In tho real estate or Innur atico business can add several thous and dollars to Income Iu few mouths. Pasndcnn party earned IG0D0 Iu four months. Hhow 1110 )ou cuu deliver tho xoods and you will bo kIvcii same opportunity. Exrltulvu proposition, licst bank endorsements, R. ('. Moore, sale manager, 220 California ItldK., Lou AiiK'dits. Cal. K&2i3y&E$&&!te . .. . ' i PUBLIC AUCTION SALE ON OCT 1, 1913, AT 2 P. M. SHARP, 55 ACRES OF BEARING ORCHARD Hf.'ii' Civek nl fnlfu laiitl, tlio IiphI. In Hit valley, lo cated two inilos north of Motlforri, Orotm. Mncifif & KasttM'ii Ivailroatl runs throuijh Hie trael, wht-ro fruit and oilier produce can he loaded on the eais without any loin; haul. Will he sold iu two or mom tracts. Correct acreage and terms will he j,'ivcn at sale. Trees all standard varieties: !lo acres New towns and Spits, 7 lo 10 veai's eld: 1) acres delicious li years old; (i acres pears from I to f years old; acres ainiouos, euerries, peaciics, eic. improve- ;:; incuts: A No. 1 two-story ten mom modern house, jj lare harn ami mil building, isimpiu plant with ;i; len thousand uallon lank, entire tract can he irri- atcd from Uoue Ivivcr canal. Tresent water riht fur two acres. Machinery, tools and livestock will he sold if purchasers do not wish Iho same. Terms will ho easy: Certified checks of-10 pur cent at lime of sale, balance of cash payment as agreed upon at time of sale. P. tt. Komi this ad to your friend who wauls a good orchard. 10. II. IlAMi, Owner, WILLIAM I'LUICII, Auctioneer. ii 0 ci i) i ty I 'D i.i ') (I vitTtl'iOJiXiaXiWriiVitfii t t' 'HiXtt5WiiXsit'',A!'i(v5 4v TOO Ii.TE TO Cfj.S8IFV. WANTED Good lathe man, nt onco. Whltcmnn Motor Appllanco Co. 30 North Holly. HI FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, lights and gas. 23t East Ninth. H5 Good Solid School Shoes Rrlng your children to our storo and let uu shoo thorn. Our stock is new and our. prices aro sure right. 'A Fit or no BtUo" at OPPOSITE POST OFFICE f t f ? f r Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y REMOVAL SALE OF $ 'jPsj?Asj?s.jrsjsj. ...... ...... rr " - - - -- - ' -- '- -' - - -v " "r "' '," -' v " -' r Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y AUTOMOBILES The Only Chance You Will Ever Have to Buy Autos on Special Sale Will move next week in the New Sparta Building, Riverside and Main, where I will have the best equipped show room and re tail house on the Pacific coast. I now have on hand both New and Second Ha(rid Gars at Reduced Prices i See me quick if you want a bargain ; . C E GATES fhe Oveland Man7' 132 South Riverside -s f:K: ittlnHJtV-AMf 4V4M(44( ! i Uk4iUMftl.MV4 i