Vl( Ml 1t t 1 il 14 M M 4 ' IM 1 l' v t. V , OlM r v ; ,V i r,01' ' '' 4 pAGetrfc: MlDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN WhKI'KNMJNT NlIWHIWl'KU I'Ulll.lHlltn) KVUHY" AITKUNOON JJXCKIT. HUNDAV IIV TUIJ AiKD)l IMtlNTINO CO. The Demncrntlo TIimph, TIio Mmlford Mull, TIio Mcilfoi-it Tribune. Thn Houth cm Orrnnntnili Tin Anhlnmt Trllmtw. orflee Midi Trlbuno llullilliic, 25-27-SS Nor III Mr utrcoij trtcilmni 74. orriolnl I'nnrr or thu city of Mcitfonl. Official i'muT of Jnukmin County OllOliaii PUTNAM, IMItor ninl MnimKpr Knterttl rn-coml-clnM mnltrr nl Mittfnnl. CirrKon, under tliu net of Mitroti 3, 1879. SDBSCBirTIOS BATES. Ono yenr, by mull. . ... I3.no Onn itiniilli, by mull ... ... . .00 Per nmnlli, iiclhrrttl by currier in Alnlfiirtl, Jiickfonvlllo unit On- tint Point. .. .. .. .50 Hntnnlny only, by mull. icr your.... J.no Weekly, per year.- 1.S0 8WOKV CESCUI.ATIOW. Unity nvrruK" for clrvrn niontlin end ing November 30, 1911, "17 r TIio Mull Tribune In on Kilo nt the Perry New Hlnixl, Snn lrnnclen. portinoil lintel New .siixml, Portland. Porllnml News Co., I'ortlnnil. Ore. W. U. Whitney. Seattle, Wali. rull X.atd Wlr TTnlttd Prtii Dltpatc&w. MROrOKD, OREflOK. Melropolln or Southern Orcjron nnd Northern Catlfornln, nnd the fostenW grnMlnir city In Oregon. Population I.'. H. census 1910 SS10", catlniAled, 191210,000. Plvo hnnilerd tlintis.irul dollar Gravity Water Hystum couutlotcil. Ktvlnc finest mipnly miro Mountain vuter, nnd 17.S tulle of utifoi iwtved. Pontofflpfi rvevlpts for year cmllnc November 30, 1911, xliow Increase of 19 Icr rent. Jlnnner fruit city In Oregon Roruo Illvcr Spltiunberir apples won eci Btnkrii prUe nnd title of New exhibitors ai - commercial club Mrs. Hrophy, Medford, asters; Mrs. W. H. Holmes. Shasta daisies, dah Ilns; Mrs. Watt, zinnias; Mrs. Wester ltitul, dahlias; C. D. Wolvcrton, Gold Hill, yellow danvers and Australian bromo onions; W. II. Holmes, early ElborUi peaches, huubard and whlto Mammoth squash, corn; G. M. Land man, Silver Kins onions; George Dietrich, egg plant; O. J. Ames, egg plant, corn; Pepper & Tnylor, pound pears; A. L. Loomis, 15 largo pears on ono branch; O, II. Gllmoro, Itoguc River, Pippins; C. M. Million, pears; E. W. Lansing, pears; I II. Darnett, Bummer squash, twins; G. M. Mlllus, Bradshaw plums, Green Gages; W. II. Wilson, nino Early Sunriso potatoes weighing 21 H pounds; Roguo River Fruit and Produco association, box fancy Howell pears; Producers Fruit company, box fancy Harrietts. HUMORISTS TO MEET IN CLEVELAND HEXT PEORIA, III., Aug. 30. Cleveland is selected here today by tho Ameri can Press Humorists for their elev enth annual convention. The tenth unuual convention ended Into yester day with the election of the following officers; Prebident, Gorge Fitch of Peoria; vice-nresident, Douglas Mulloch' of Chicago' secretary and treasurer, '.fed Itobiusou of Cleveland. NAVY NO LONGER HOME FOR YOUTHFUL CRIMINALS WASHINGTON', Auir. 30. Bitter iluuuucintiou of u Maryland prose eating attorney for allowing a youth convicted of theft to escape punish ment by enlisting in tho navy, is voiecd. today by Secretary of tho Navy Daniels in a letter to Governor Goblsboroiigb of Maryland. The governor wag informed that tho navy no longer is n "Botnny Bay" for tho punishment of culprits. Today's Baseball At Brooklyn (first gumo) It. Boston 13 Brooklyn 0 II. E. 11 0 :i 7 Batteries Tyler and Itnriden; Al leu, Wagner, Pfeiffer and Miller, MuCarty. Umpires O 'Day nnd Einslio. At Boston (lirst game) It. II. K. Washington . 4 11 1 Boston . 15 1 Batteries Englo and Henry, Bed iuiit, Lcoiiurd and duly. Umpires Kgun nnd Connolly. Round-Up Bout Secured. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 29. To decide the Biipcrmuey of tho north west in tho lieWv'WoifM division, Edward, Ilugen of Seattle nnd Lurry Madden uro today signed for n twenty-round bout ut Pendleton September 13 during the "Round Up," Mndden is n member of the polico department nnd Ilagen is a patrolman in Seattle. Both are game- nnd clever boxers. Celcbratfl Pickle Day. PLATTEVILLE, Colo., Aug. 29. RcsldentB of Platlovlllo and, vicinity uuspended business today and joined in tho festivities or the annual "Pickle Day" carnival, ho festivi ties were conducted on nn elaborato scale, for this year's cucumber crop In this section .was tho largest Wri rccord' , . Ah 1 MEDFOTCP IN o. PREFER TO STAY Hutrta Says President Wilson's Warning Unnecessary Is Deter mined to Protect Lives of All For eiynersPrcss Praises Gamboa. MtiXICO CITY, Alt.'. III). Only si few Auu'rii'tins Imvo Itf t Mexico City yol, nllliouuh XeUon 0,Shnunluie..y, Amoricnii elmrpj Vnfrim hero, de clared that many hud huinired oou ccniitii; (rnuspnrintinti. l'mvisioiinl 1'roMilonl Huortn Rave out nn inlerview hero today in whioh ho said that President WiNon's wnminjr i Americans to leave Mex ico was uimeeessary, adiliui;: "I leave this to the judgment of Americans now licro, who nro the lie!t witnesses. Our determination to snfepinnl the lives of nil foreign ers hns been so plainly expressed that there cannot he any misundor stnndiiif;." Certnin newspapers here are prais ing Foreign Minister Gnnihon lav ishly, asserting that Huerta's "(lit) lomntie victory" over John Lind as sures his re-election to the presi dency. They declare that Huerta's opposition to America's peace plans has won him the support of nil loyal Mexicans. GOOD ROADS MEET L At Gold Hill tonight, a good roads meeting will bo held at which ad dresses will bo made by Messrs. W. II. Gore, Wm. Colvlg and other speakers and members of tho county court. Tho bonding fssuc will bo dis cussed and tho advantages of the county trunk lino set forth. Tl Frank C. Rlggs left Portland Fri day morning In a Packard and ar rived In Mcdford Saturday morning. Ho expects to arrivo In San Francisco Sunday having scheduled n 250 mile a day clip all tho way. CHILD CHEWS BOMB, THINKING IT CANDY LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 30. Think ing that n small nitro-glyceriue tor ledo found in a saud pilo hero today was a stick of eundy, Edward Thomhurg, five yurs old, bit into the explosive. His face was hor ribly mutilated in thu explosion which followed. He js not expected to recover. SMUGGLING RING (Continued from page 1.)' good of tho government sorvico In mind." Following tho service of warrants upon tho accused officials, an Inves tigation will tako placo nt onco beforo United States Commissioner Krull. Tho operations of tho ring Iiavo ex tended over many years and Collector Davis asserts their profits exceed $1,000,000. Ho declares that the ring has kept tho drug users of San Francisco and other Pacific coast cit ies supplied with opium for years. Threats of Death Bfudo .Threats of death, Surveyor Wardoll says, havo been mado against tho guards by leaders of tho ring if their confessions implicated the higher-ups in tho contraband operations. "So desperate wore the men In tho smuggling cabal," Wardoll, "that thoy uro known to havo taken an oath to kill tho man who gave awny tho se crets of tho Intrigue." Collector Davis says ho has already confessions from two of tho customs guards and that conviction is certain. .Chicago University Convocation. CHICAGO, Aug. 2D. Many stu dents of tho University of Chicago re ceived their degrees today at tho eighty-eighth convocation of the uni versity. Tho convocation address was delivered by Prof. John' II. Latano, of Washington and Leo Uni versity, who took for his subject, "Our Relations With Japan." Dr. Myrtle Lockwood has returned from an extended visit to northern points. Among tho places visited wcro Seattlo, Rolllngham and Port Towneoud. AMERCANS my o MEXEO MATE TRTBtTNTig. OLD SALT FAVORS Ill SAN FRANCISCO, CnU, Aug. 30. "Keep on shortening sails, girls, and nttur a wlillo ou will bo Immune from colds." This Is thu ndvicu to women given hero today by Captain James I.esllo of the Drltlsh steamur Karl of 121gln, who Is a strong booster tor silt skirts, low necks and sheer stockings. "Hero's why 1 bellovo In 'em," said Captain Leslie. "Ono blttui' cold morning, while wo wor In Fortoscup Day, two natives In n dugout camo alongside. They wcro Yangaus, father and son. Tho father's only garmont was a leather bolt. Tho boy wore a dog cottar. " 'Tho boy will froeo to death,' I said; 'Let's wrap him up in some blankets.' Wo did and In n fow minutes ho fell Into n faint. 'He's frown to death,' I yelled. 'Get somo grog, quick. "Tho lad's father, however, throw astdo the blankets and tossed tho boy Into tho ley wnter. A second later tho boy returned to tho s urfaco grin ning and happy. "Yos, 8lrree, I'm for theso silt skirts. Tho girls are right. They know tho fewer clothes wo wear the less wo need 'cm." EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. llowlott The nutoi-ls traveling from hero to Crater hike complain of u short piece of road going up the bill through the Matthews lane, and say that it i the roughest piece of road on tho entire route. It should be fixed. G. W. Wnmsley, John W. Smith and Mr. Hos have taken the con tract to build a new schoolhotiso in the Welleti district nnd tire now ut work on it. J. II. Jnekson bus gone to Yakima, Wash., to visit relatives and meet his wife. " Mrs. Mary Wright Ringer went to Ashland to take her sou, Charles, to the doctor to have his feet treat ed again. J. J. Good ami daughter sjwnt tin night with us the first of the week. They wcro on their way to their schools. Mr. Good will tench the Lake Creek and his daughter the Rrowu-horo school this season. Charles E. Johnson will teach tho school in tho Larvcll district. ('. E. Johnson lost his speeluclcs Inst Thursday while riding in an auto with two strangers between Mr. Vestcl's nnd Englo Point, lie thinks that they slipicd out of his cont ticket in the unto. If found, notify J. E. Johnson, general delivery, Asii land, Oregon. Adv. There was iptitc it severe wind storm in the vicinity of the Antelope cemetery Wednesday evening, doing considerable damage. I understand that it uprooted nineteen fruit trees for Mr. Hitchcock nnd done consid erable damage for Thomas Riley. Rev. J. L. Green of Grants Pass uml C. Wl Wiillumix of Mcdford commenced u scries of meetings hero last Saturday night, the J3d, and continued until the 'JOtli, when they returned to their homes. J. II. Coojey, one of the Mcdford lumber dealers, has been out hen for u few days looking ufter his or chard interests here. He makes bis headquarter at the Suuuyside. Mr. Hughes, one of tlu Butlo Fulls merchants; John Iliginbothnm, Pio fessor C. E. Johnson, J. II. Cooloy and n stranger sojourned with us Inst Thursday night. Tho Ladies' Aid and Improvement club met nt the homo of Mrs. George yon dcr Ildllcn Inst Wednesday uft eruoou. Thu meeting was planned o as to bnve ns many of tho ladies of the town meet Mrs. von der Hel ton's sister, Miss Mabel Huff, who 2s to bo our primary teacher this term of school. Tho oceusion was also, to u certain extent, to com memorate lhc birthday of Miss Lo rcne Walker, stop-daughter of our straw berry man, E. S. Wolfer. Light refreshments were served and n royal good time was had. The L. A. nnd I. C. will meet next Wed nesday nt the homo of Mrs. W. G. Knighton Thursday evening Mrs. Rachel W'ollery eiiterluiiied a number of her lady friends, it being her biithday, as well as tho biithday of one of her friends fcho entertained. Tho pnity was n complete htirpriso to Mrs. Woolery. It appenrs that Mrs. A. J. Florey's birthday enme on tho li7th find Mrs. Wtoolery's on tho 28th, so their friends arranged for a surprise for both. So Mrs. J. W, Grover managed to visit Mrs. W". jmt in time to keep her from visit ing Mrs. Floroy, and Mrs. F. was John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. 28'fi. 'BAUTLETT Phones M. 47 and 47-J9 Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner TODTTOTtT), OIWflON, JL... kepi nt homo so us not to get to Mrs. WVs too soon, and when Mrs, l arrived nl Mr. WVs she was just, in the net of starting to go to Mi. l-Ys villi a nice, onKo for Mrs. TVs blrlhdny dinner, and Mrs. F. wnt loaded with presents for Mrs. W. Ho that both of tho ladies wore com pletely surprised, but they bad n fine suppef prepared by the visitors and ono of those joyful times such as they always Imvo on such occas ions in Kuglo Point. Theto was tpiilo a number of presents given on the occasion. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS . Mrs. J. W. Freeman, accompanied by her son mid daughter, have re turned from ii thrvo weeks' outing nt Union creek. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Gllmoro nnd chil dren of Eugene am hero, tho guests of Mr. Oilmoio's parents. M,Vs. Emit Brophy of Ashland is visiting among her friends in this city this week. Mrs. Shndduek and daughter, Miss Bessie, left the middle of the week for Fort Klatniith, where they will reside Tor somo lime. Postmaster Guy E. Tex nnd fam ily, who have been enjoying u month's outing at Prospect, arrived in this eity (lie first of the week. The CViitml Point schools will open Monday, September 1. The schools bore this year promise to be tho best in the history of the eity. Most efficient and skilled instructors have heen hired and tho buildings have all undergone great changes. For weeks carenters hnto been nt work remodeling nnd puttimr in nu up-to-date condition Central Point's institutions of learning, ami work will bo much more plcnnnt tho en suing year for these reasons. The teachers in the schools will be as fol lows : Superintendent of schools, A. C. Mtokoy; high school teachers, N. B. Anhcraft, Miss Wines, Mix Beebe, Mr. James; grade teachers. .miss luacKioru, .miss hmitii. .ii-s Hnrr, Mis Dnnton, Miss Gleason, 11. N. Ahlrieh will have chnrgo of the music for the coining year. W. Ii. Greeuleaf of Eanes creek was in Central Pojnl u few hours Thursday. . .Mr. nnd Mrs. p. J. Uieken uml sons are spending this week at tho river. Mr. and Mrs. George Ncnle and daughter. Rose, in company with Miss Livingston, who is n guest al the N'cale home, have returned from n visit with friends,, living beyond Grants Pass. Charlie Dnnton and family, George Moore nnd Melvin Ellslnd arrived home the middle of the wok from n trip to Ijio Miirblo Caves in Jos cphino county. Mrs. T). C. Grim is in the Sacred Heart hospital nt Mcdford having her eyes treated. Her ninny friends hero hopo for licr speedy recovery. Mrs. C. B. Roslul, Mrs. Charles Lniigo and Miss Audrey Holmes spent Friday in Mcdford. Mrs. McDowell, Mrs. R. M, Holmes, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Twonioy mid Miss Helen Price nro nt tho hop yards near Grants Pass nt present. Mrs. J. B. Holmes nnd dnuu'htcn, were in Tola n few miiiutca Thtira dny evening. Mrs. Wnlsor nnd little daughters, who havo been visiting Mrs.Wnl ser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes ton, for the past month, left for their homo in Santa Crux county, California. Thursday morning. xu I10.B Wear tho Nu Hono Guaranteed Cor set, For 8alo Dy JOSUi'JIIM-; I CLAIIIC 111(1 West .id, fltreet Draperies Wo carry a very complete line of drapirlt. luce curtains, fixture, etc., and do all clansm of upholstering. A spoclul rrrin to look aftor this work exclusively anJ will Klvo as koc4 service us Is possible to gtt In uvea the lamest tltks. Weoks & McGowan Co. GIM CHUNG CHINA Hlvltlt STOItC Theso herha are a blood tonic. A noultlvo euro for Llvor, Lung, Heart, Kidney, Stomach and ilowul troubles, Cures .Malaria, Chills and Fover and niieuniutlam. A guaranteed euro (or PI let). No surgical operation re quired. I was a uufforor (rum cczarna and jot relief from first doso of medicine, and entirely cured' after -thrco wcok. JOHN HHUQISU, Chlco Vo cino, Olm ChunB Co, nro now located at R20 Broadway, Chlco, Cal. iillH, Front fit. MliDFOIH), OKL ., , , SATURDAY, 'AlHRJST ftO, LLJ IL. l.'.U! "t ""BJrtfK ii.j;jL.,Pii WHERE TO OO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE "Robinson Crusoe" In 3 Reels Coming Tomorrow Tor ono l)iy Only, ON THE STEPS OP THE THRONE" A niologrnphy nmstorpim in Konr Ivfcls Always 10c pptu'hil Program at tho PAGE THEATRE Tonight nnd Sunday Night Aug. 30-31 Featuring High-Class Vaudovillo and Pictures "THE DEAD SECRET" "A wonderful production in three reels, with Miss Mar ion Leonard, from the book of Willcic Collins. THE CURATE'S OUTING With Mat lie and Early, the famous kid comedians. MR. ARTHUR VINCENT Presenting popular and classic clarionet .selections. Admission 5c and 10c. ISIS THEATRE l'liotoptiiys I'rlduy mid Hntunluy Till: IM'.N'AII'V ()!' L'MIMi: Lubln Special I n Two Parts tiii: mi:.iiow LAItlC IMInon Drama TAMILS TlfKXKO Vltagraph Comedy hci:m:s i.v Honolulu Hccnlo MATIN Hi: DAILY' ADMISSION .1.10 CKNTtf Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau For KxrlmiiKO Wo havo a Reed farm to trado for city residence. Wo have both larno and Htnnll tracts In Kastorn OroKou to trndo for IIokuo river valley lauds, Wo havo somo kooi! city liroporty to trado for good ranch. Homesteads for nil and desort land clnlms. Ask us about them. Farm to rout, thin year's crop for Halo, also farm Implomttnts, -poultry, stock and household Koods. 2 aero cardou tract, just outsldo city limits, $500. Hxtrn kooiI terms, Stock ot new goods to trado for real ostnto. List your houses and rooma (or rent, with us. Wo Imvo somo applicants for ranches to rout. Hood lot in Central Point to trade for horse. Two good clear lots In Medford to trado for largo horso and two-tjoutud buggy. Kinployiiiont lludilor. Hunch hands. Olrls for general house work. Womun cook In residence, Muu ami wlfo on ranch. Woman cook for hotol. MRS. EMMA BITTNER itcs. Phono lODft.x i'liono NSH, Oppoillo Nasb Hotel HOOMS 0 ana 7, I'ALM ULOOK. 11)13. .U '! I1-, ii ' ii'i m"'i n"ui" ("u1" I'jj'i'H-u11... j'ifljgiamiKJ. i.ulu PAGE THEATER September 1 and 2 SENSATION OF THE CENTURY uJssy 'vS w w HHHq!us2eI1hmHM riii "----- MILLIONS ARI GREATEST EDISON KINtTOPHONK CO. OLC OWNtlll Two peiTonnuuee.s each niht at 7:'!0 and !):15. Muliro change of program each dti.N . iMatinee 'Putmlay, UtyO p. in. Admission Lower Floor 25c, Balcony 15c Children 10c To Members of the Tri-State Buyers' League At Portland, Ore. During nuyeifs' Week, ycpieuiber 1 to (J, the Portland Hotel Would he pleased to cutei'tain a good ly nuiuher of (he merchants throughout the .slate. Moderate- ratcH, 1.00 per day and up. N. K. (M.AKKK, (I. .1. KAUhWlAN", Assistant .Manager. Manager. FOR SALE Laud, ten acres, f'tiur mi Irs Troiu Medfurd, tine mile Front )ael;si)nille; house and small burn, Fenced, about two acres cleared, balance in timber; wood will pay for clearing; deep soil, first -class fruit hind. If you want a home in Ifogue Kiver valln, don't miss this opportunity. I am leaving tho country and will give von a good bargain. OLIVER JONES " Mcdford, Ore., U. W. 1). No. I, 75 A., at l, D. Zim merman's, .J. M. I'Vinck ranch. EXCURSION TO COLESTIN SUNDAY AUGUST 31st 1TM m - OxS2 6 SUNSET 0GDEN&SHA5TA ROUTES 4MfO. CI? Special Train Loaves MEDFORD AT 8:45 A. M. and will slop at all poind between CI rants Pass and ' Ashland going and returning. ' ROUND TRIP PARE PROM MEDFORD $1.10 Corresponding- low fares from other points. You will enjoy tho i-ido and get away from the heat and dust. Dancing, Box Jiajl, Bhooting Clallery, Swings and M'usie by tho Medford Band. Steel coaches and oil-hunting locomotives. JOHN M. SOOTT, Gonoral Passenger Agent 1 i ..-M-S-T- "APPLAUDING ACHIEVEMENT 10 0TH AVE., NIW VOflK CITY via - M7 A. f h i ( ; f