Bringing Up Father Ovt'-Tni", i, I I'llf.Ai'l .l i.I lou- nri r,tot1 STARTS BITTER KAN FRANCISCO, (...I.. Auk. ail. Diioliiniliou ilini u hitler fi'tnl i hi in the ("mint Imigui U imiilit hero today liy lliii Dully New. II nuy: "Mi.ieu i iiol tint only plnce tmulilril with wnr. There Ih ii wnr mi in (In Pacific Count league Unit lliiwiliiiiK In liifMini it real liiiltle. Hurry Wolvertnii, iiutiiitKer nf Hnc iiiini'iitu, ninl Wither .Mrt'icilic, man ager nf Portland, un at ii"ierlieiul. "Tim story emuiM finin nm writ iiiiitiiiiiiliul with tin innitlo uiirkiiiir nl' tlm league. .McCrrille in itt I'niill, ni'imnliiik' to lliii authority. He 'itiitiv WnUorlun niiil I'ntpire lltfli liml a run-in it I Kueiumeiitu. .Mm. Cn-die wn plnvinir in l.nx AhkcIi'm at tlm linn uitil uIikii lit limtril nT tin1 nffuir ut Sncriiiiu'iin In tiinilo i iinxty riinnrl; nlmiit WnUrrlnn. Wlmii III.- Wolf iHMf.lipnnl nf M-' Cicditt'H iiiiuuk In uri'u' Imt iniilfr the I'nllur. 'I ill Kt't Unit liii; ftiff T ( t-aJS , -1? tou-lu .w mo 1 1 PERFUME?' LTlJ r.rl,"vnrH? .. ..;... j 1 I ffJZL. utHYtn LtHUtK BASEBALL WAR Mi.Cr.illo if il IuKim mu all inv lifr.M"m ,m ,,",, " ,,n' on,JP ,1",,,, ' In Hiiiil. 'It iw tliu fiit linut (hut I t'wir miiilii a remark ulioul a rlxnl iiiaiiiiKiir ami fur Hint umth-r, imi' liml iiunllitr iiiiuiMKi'r iniil.ii inn' nliout me. 1 iln nut iiiti'iul tn allow Urn mitlliT to iliup, im miller wlmt iuilui'iu'tf i Imitmlit tu lii'Mr. M' Cri'ilin iii'i'iix "I'liiflhuijf that Im lin licmi iikWiir for.' "Not i'ihiIpiiI with mnkliiK ii'imtrk nliout W'hi'iton. .MiCri'ilto aUu lniKfUil a n'lmirk t IMilie lliilliiiuii tiili In w liallinu Tiieoilay at I'oilluiiil. Ilulliiiaii leci'iili'il tin io niiiik ninl Irivil In Inl.ii a i'iiii'I. at Met'ii'ilii', Imt pluyura of Imtli tmiln Kciaijtli'i tin i.iir. "01 I'liMI-Kf, nffit'tirtl of till' ll'IIKUi 'will ntlimit to Kipii'lrlt (In IiihIIit, Imt Wiilvi'lton xiiyi no InfliiKMci' will niter ItU firliiiK'' "Tliu Hi'iivnr mtuuiKi'r lirouulit tho rntli nf tho IiiimIimII world iiimiii liix lii'iiil wlK'ii In filali'il Unit Wan (tri'KKi "Ii" iriuii'ally pilrlnil Port laud Into a iiciiiiiint, wiih nut win 111 frOI)ll a .Near, for wliirli (Iii'kk wiik holiliiiK mil fur. ( I rt'xu pili'linl won litrl'iil Imll I'm Cli'vi'liiinl that Hon- Him, Hi'llitiK tin Aini'iicmi Iciiym. on firu with hU worl;, lit iintunlly rci'iiivi'il uluil Im iiHlit'd for, hut if .Mi'Ciidli liml liml mi.vlliinc to wiy (lrtKK Wniild tint llino liei'ii raided." F. K. DEUEL RETURNS FROM EASTERN MARKETS Mr. and Mm. K. K Duiiul uro homu from a nix woolen trip to Nuv York, Uliltar.o, lliintou, I'lillailiilphlu and oilier eiiHloin ultlrri, havinK hail n du llnlitful tliiii. Mr. Douul wiih pur vIiiihIiik fall and wlutor iionilii for hl doparlmeut Htoro and thoy itru nrrlv ltii; dally. Whllo In tho piihI Mr. Douol never loHt any opportunity toll of tho wonderful iuhuuiccii of tho Uokuu Hlvor valloy and to nay a isooil word fprd Mudford. ROBINSON CRUSO AT THE STAR THEATRE Th Hint- thoatro of few for today and tomorrow a mnrvoloiiH thrco rool draiiiatlatlmt or Danlol Do Foo'a fa iiHiiiu tain or advuiituro. Tlilu (dcturu wnu produrod hy tho 101 lllsoa coin puny nnd up oxiioiibo whb uparod nmltliiH It a inutoKinpliy umstorplucu, Tho opoan Bcutica aro oapoclully Kood iunl tho photoplay and nctltiK throiiBhout Ih oxtrn Reed. Tho pro Itrnm cIohob with n vory lnuishriblo comoily ontltlod "His Frloud tho Un-dortrtkor," MTOTOttT) MHMMaHHHIIH IMMMMMM Will rou S Dk'i-Vi rot? "lUNflOV ulW . ) .LS Accltlcul Kills Veteran KOSP.IiriMI, Or., Ati. 1!M. Ak lli i nl t nf n lull from I lie wniiulu nt, lliu Oii'koii Soili'i-' IIoiiik wlillo willkniK in Iuh hIiti, (lenrco llcilii'l, np'il H.'l, jh uVml litt o loiluy. Ho wiih a wti'hiii nf llii' Iniliiin wir. Why (in In Cnlfxllit Hllliility, lliu !MnI. IIimmuko ou will riioy tint rliln over tin' Hlxkljuim, lliu vluw or I'ltol Itnt'K ninl .Mt. HhnMtn, t tin mineral wntnr nt Cnlimllu NprliiKM. tlm root lirncliiK inoiiiitnlii nlr, tliu miiilu Mhmlo, tlm ilanco In tho pnvlllnn, llio Imx Imll nlloy, nliontliiK Kallcry. tho HuliiK ami Ititnil iiiuhIo. You will iiIko vuny t ti rlilu In lliu wldo. roomy atix'l runclii'i ninl bolilml tho oil liuriiliiK iikIuu, no root, or cltnlurii. Tlm fnin (or tho roiiinl trli (rout MDiKunl In only 11.10 anil tho train lium thiit iolnt ut K:lu n. in. nr rhliiR luck In tlnitt (or tllnnor. Attrnllon Voimik Men, Yiiuiik Wiiiiicii. Do )ou ili'slru n iiunlllon In the clnmldPit rlrll ncrvlro? Tout o((lro olitrkii, luttur cnrrlnr. railway mall olurkf, t'tu.. In iluuinml. Akvm IS to tr., Salary 15 to $tr.O monthly. Ilimilri'ilrt'of niiolnltuuntH to (III vn rnurlt-M, oxti'imloti of uvrvlro nml nr- uln pout. Mr. II. I.. Carl will Im at llollauil tlolol In MuiKord on Tih-h-dny, SujitamlKT 2, liuiulrlui: (nr young nuui nut! women who ih'itlru to iiinll (y (or out) n( tln'Ko itptiolutiuvntM. Ilo p. m. TIioiio luturt'Htt'il mould can and eo hint ultlinut fall. netici: I'oit inns. Itliln will lio furulrod hy tliu. uu ilernlKuuil for tho htiltdlnr; ut u unhool hoiiHii In Mihool dUtrlct No. II, (Irlffln crook. ArrordltiK to pliimi and piciilatloiiR on fllo In my officii, iiImi at llltf I'lneii l.uuihPr company offlio and Wnodu l.uinlier comtmtiy officii and i-ounty miporlntPtidi'nt'M offlrii al JackHonvlllp. All hlda miiNt hu filled not Inter than Hoptem l)D r N, I'.U:!. Hucceaaful htddur to furnUli bond. J. A, UOSI-J, Clerk. 1.19 Midford, It. It. No. I. notici:. Notice In hereby clicn Hint tho tin iliirnlitiled will apply to tho city coun cil nf tho city nf Med ford, Oregon, al Itn next ri'Kular ineotliiK. Heptem her 2nd, 1UKI, for a llreiixo tn noil malt, vIiioiih and iiilrltou lluuoro at hid ptneo of bimlnoHti. No, nti N. Front ntrciit, Medford, Oregon, for a iierlod of hIx inontliM. Dated AiikukI 20, 11)13. 13D II. H, 11ADCMFK. NOTICH F MIKKTINO OP llOAltl) OF IIQUIMZATIOV. Notlco Ih hereby Klven, that on tho Kccond Monday, of Hnptuiuhor, 1U13, tliu f Slh day) tho hoard of equlllxn Hon will attend, at tho court houuo, In .Jueksonv(llo, Jackuou county, Ore Kim, nnd publicly uxnmlno tho iir HohHinont rollH, and correct all urrorH In Valuation, dckcrlptlona nr uunlltloa WHY? If thor6 Ih ii burnaln In Ileal Ka tntu In any dlutrlct thu runl estate man thero who hint been u live agent known of It. If ho known vnliieu mid In experienced In thu biiHlaoBH ho rnu 'navo IiIh ciiBtoiuuru tt.ino and inoiioy. To know tho boat buy and hnvo It optional ut tho bottom price la my atoclc In tnulo. Bntlaflud ciiHtoiuuru In my paid-up bualneKd pulley, What luivo you to oxchniiKo? Watch my bulletin board In' trout of tho First National bank and boo mo. J. C. ItAHNKS, Phono 120-J. First Notional Dank-bids. WATT) TRrniTNffl, MrcrWOUD. OUMON, KltN)AV, AlKWHT I'D, 10W, AUnunouiTi.i? fou 4H00LO vrAK ( f ) C7ZZ of IiiiiiIh, lotn or other property as- DOHiKiit by hiicIi aH(mor; unit It shall hu tho duty of pcnionn IntcrcHtud to appear at tliu llino anil placu up polntoil. (HlKiifd) w. t. niunvi-:, ARM'mnr of Jnckxiyi County, Orvitou. Dated thin ICtli day of AiiKUut, 1!H3, , notici:. Notice In hereby riven: That on Tui'dday. thu !Mh day of September, 1U1 3, a upoclnl election will be belt. In Jnckiuu comity, Oregon, to deter mine wlinthnr the. county court for Jackson county, Oregon, shall Issuo bonds of said county, and prurldo for poriiinncnt rond construction, to the amount of FIvo Hundred Thousand (K'00,000.00) Dollars, to mature: One Hundred Thousand (1100,000) Dollarn, par value, ten years from the date thereof. Ono Hundred Tnottsanri (MOO, 000) Dollars, par value, fifteen years from tho dntn thereof. Ono Hundred Thousand (f 100,000) Dollars, pnr ralue, twenty years from tho date thereof. One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollarn, par value, twenty-flvo years from tho date thereof. One Hundred Thousand (1100,000) Dollarn, par value, thirty years from tho dato thereof. Tho total amount thereof to bo Is sued In ono yesr It thu county court shall t.o order, and to bear Interest at tho rnto of fivo per cent pnr an num, and nil of tho funds so raised shall bo expended la building and tin provliiK ono permanent road In said county, tluKcrlbed as follows, to-wlt: lli'KlanliiK at thu corner between fractional sections thirteen (13) nnd fourteen (11) In township forty elKht (48) north n( rnnice seven (7) wehl of thu Mount Dtntdo Meridian, CaCllfomla, counectliiK "1th tho sur vey of tliu Statu IllKhwny of Cnllfor nla; thciiru northerly alone (ho route as now staked out to present county read: thencu followliiR as near ns practical thu main county road Into and through thu city of Ashland, n municipal corporation of Jackson county, Oregon; theuco followlnc tho mala tnneled county rond through tho towns of Talent, l'hoeulx, Med ford and Central I'olut, In a north westerly direction; thonco following, nn near an practical, the county rond In n northwesterly direction to a point at or near tho stream known a Itoguo Itlver; thonco following tho main traveled county road along snld stream In a westerly direction, mid terminating at tho point whoro tho mala traveled county road on tho south slilo of Itoguo Itlver crosses the county lino botweon thu counties of JnckKoa and Josephine, Oregon, nnd at or near snld stream known ns tho Itoguo river. Tho tormlul of snld road, an lioroln directed, In de finite and permanent. Tho lino above described between tho tormlul thereof shall bo ns herein ordored, and shall follow tho most practical route for a permanent rond, nnd snld road uluill ho n purmnnont road and highway through Bald county. O. A. OAHDNHIt, County Clerk for Jnckson County, Oregon. ' r. . NEW TODAY A good clean hardware stock In Southern California, worth $10,000, no cucuiubrnuco. Wants to exchange for a hearing fruit tract of like vnluo. Thin Ih located In n good llttlo city of 4000 nnd dally Bales aro vory good. Small now houso mid half aero, Bet to all thu fruit mid vegetables ustinlly found in tho need catalogue In beautifully mid nightly Slslyou, nnd right near tho car lino now bo- Ing built. $075. Small cash pay- moat down, O. D. HOOK Hooin Hi, Jackson County Hank Wg, ( -v ' " t ' s n inn ,..7." ....... I for im:nt in)t;srtHiijiixo for halh mimct-m.ankouh I WA.Tf:i hituatio.ih I business dirkctory FOH HUNT Furnished house keepltiK rooms. Light, ens, 231 H. ytb Kt. 137 I'Olt ItK.NT IMJIt.MSHi;!) IIOOMS FOIt ItK.NT- Ftirnlelipjl room for ono or two gentlemen., j j South Central. 139 FOIt HUNT Furnished rooms for ladles, bath, electric light. 129 X. Central Ave. I'hono 99C-L. 138 For HHNT Modern furnished houso. M. A. Under, 00 North Orange street. i'oit itn.vr Ft'itNisiii:i aits, FOIt HUNT Furnished house, strictly modern cluto In, 3 or 4 rooms. I'hono 305-J 78-It. FOIt HUNT Furnished apartments. Thu Ilorbon, 10 Quince St. FOIt IlKNT Furnished houso, W. 11th at. 730 FOIt HKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and ruudorn housekeeping apart ments, prices, very reasonable. I'hono 102C-L. 222 South Holly street. FOIt ItKST ItUUSI-S i-NV?unXT"j?u7iVn bungitlows. Furnished lr desired. 1009 W. Utli. I'hono CC7-J. FOIt HUNT Vory desirable, strictly modern bungalow, close In. 113 Gene vn Ave. 110 FOIt HKNT S room houso. Oeorgo lAiomln, 1102 West Ttunth St. 110 FOIt HUNT Three room furnished modern house, $1.'.; furnished tent 10. J. C. lMrncs, 1st Nat'l Hank Uldg. Phono 120-J. FOIt ItK.NT Now, elegantly fur liUhud houso. nhado tree--, Inwn, good fruit, everything now nnd up-to-date. Call ut C10 West Jack sou street. 139 FOIt HKNT G room houso in splen did neighborhood, Kast Main St. Humphrey. 139 FOIt HUNT C room cottage, mod ern. I'hono rS-H or -13-lt. FOIt HKNT Oil 8ALK Four-room houso and good garden tract, now In truck and fruit. M. A. Under. FOIt HKNT Seven-room houso and five-room apartment, modern, $12.50 each, water paid. Colonel II. II. Sargent. 13S FOIt ItK.NT 3-roonicd modern bun galow, never occupied, all con veniences, close in. 3-roomed hiuiM), close In. J. T. Hums. 417 Jay St., phouo 1C1-II. Off S. Oak dale. FOH HUNT -OFFICKS FOH RUN I Largo, comfortable of fice rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rntes. Apply Mudford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOH KALK FAIUI LANDS FOR 'thadk : Improved ranch, "good water, alfalfa, fruit, for city pro perty. Inquire GO, Mult Tribune. 140 FOIt SALK -Armstrong ranch two miles east of Medford on (interest rond, llelglnu hares or nil agen cheap, must bo Bold Boon. Horsn nnd buggy fur one hundred dot lain. U. II. Nellls, It. F. 1). 137 FOH SALE ROUSES FOR SALK Hy owner. Dungalow, four rooms and bath, cement walks oast front, lot 50x145, price right For Information address W. K., caro Mali Trlbuuo. 114 FOR SALE Modern nluo room bun galow, small cash payment, bnladco monthly, unusually bargain, 430 N. Dartlott. FOH SALE Houso nnd lot, chicken hoiiBo and yard, Inwn and gnrdon. 737 W. 14th St., phono 1019-M. 1C5 FOH SALE VINEYARD. iOR'sALE My full boarrngToliay grape vineyard and homo. Am loavlng countrys One-third off rcnl vnluo If tnkon nt once. Dig crop boos wllh plnco. llox L. ' Trlbuuo. 137 FOIt HAI.K-A light team of milieu. names and spring wagon. Call at West Hide .Stable. 137 FOIt SALK A t'.year-old milk cow. $00.00. I'hono 1079-X. 139 toil HALF Ono good Jersoy cow with yiluiig calf. Call at the Fines, 2 in I leu emu and north of Central Point. Frank Hothrock. 137 FOH SALH I will sell 3 cown, 2 have been fnsh 3 weeks, ono coming fresh next February. Call 599. 137 FOIt SALK Twin Kxcolslor motor cycle, almost new. Bargain. Itc ply llox 77. enro Mall Tribune, lit FOIt SALK All my fhmotis Jersey stock, cows, heifers nnd calrcs. M. Walsh, 11th and Holly Sts. 13S FOIt SALK Hood slnglo buggy, now. One pick plow, ono road plow, 315 North Holly. 138 FOIt SALH Good Crawford peaches, 30c per box delivered. I'hono H-13-W. 138 FOH SALK Full blooded Jersey cow. 8 years old, gentle nnd good milker. $75.00. Jnnen llros.; Capi tol Hill. FOIt SALK Large, ftno young team with heavy wagon nnd harness. Colonel II. II. Sargent. 13S FOIt 8ALK $05.00 Wilcox ft Glbbs ....Sowing Mnchluo In perfect condi tion for $25. J. H. Lyons, Phoe nix, Ore. FOIt SALK Pickling cucumbers, all sizes. Phono S0-J1. 141 FOIt SALK Kslnbllshed business, making money, good reasons for selling. $1100.00 cash, balance on time. Addrcsa X. Malt Tribune. FOIt SALK Loose teat Icdgor sys tems, any stylo oi made to order by tho Mall Trlbuoo liludary. FOIt SALE Trap nested White Leg horn yiarltugs, also n pen or trap uosted exhibition Uarrcd Hocks. Phono 1102-M. 137 FOIt SALK Letter heads and fancy tatlonery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Malt Tribune. FOR SALK FIvo passenger auto, In good condition, recently over hauled, new tires. A bArgntit al $150. Uox L G. Mall Tribune, FOR SA LK UarHett peu r cuRa. Foothills orchard. Phono 113-J HELP WANTKD MALE WANTED Hoy to work in store utid deliver. Must come well recom mended. Apply 221 W. Jackson. 130 II KLP WANTED FEMALE WANTED oiri"tlVIo"secludJvork mid help with baby, wages $30.00. Mm. J. F. Reddy. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework, family three ndultB. 011 W. 10th St., wages $1 per day. Mrs. Wm. Iludgu. WANTKD A nurso girl who in to as sist In light houso work. Apply box 11. II., Tribune. WANTED MIStiKMiA.M-.DUS WANTK J)-Tliylio' or" 4 6 ncros of first class alfalfa land, already set. Would prefer Improved proporty. Address Uox 491, Medford, Ore gon. 138" WANTKD Wood. -Illds aro nskod on 100 corda of four foot body fir wood to bo dollvorod On the grounds of tho Control Point school district. Illds must bo in by September 5, 1913, and tho school board reserves tho vlght to reject any or all bids. Mull bids to J. W. Jacobs, clerk, School Dlst, No. 0, Central Point, Ord. 139 WANTED To buy A-l bungalow, closo lu, east sldo preferred. II. H. II. WANTED To borrow $SOO0 on nt fnlfa lnud near Medford by Octobor 15. Address "11" caro Mall Tri bune. WANTED Hogs of nil kinds. Phono 025-Y, F. Y. Allon. 138" WANTKD Light spring wagon nnd Blnglo sot harness, good and cheap. Address W, 11, Mldlut;. Drowns uoro, Ore. ICC By George McManus WANTKD Good Japanese boy wants situation to do housework by tho hour. Phono 125. 138 FOIt KXCII.-.MP. FOIt KXCIIANGK Modern house, unincumbered, close In for 10 or 20 ncren of good land. J. C. Dame, 1st Nat'l. Hank Illdg. Phono 120-J. 137 FOR KXCHANOn Ten ncrcn of land In preparation for orange and grnpo fruit. located In Gard ner, Florida, thirty miles from Tnrnpa; will exchange for ten ncrcn In Itoguo Itlver valley or Medford property; also lots In Now York City for Medford prop erty. Inqulro R. W. MacCulIough, cly. 139 IIL'SINF-SH OPPOIlTCXITIIiS FOIt SALK Grocery store, stock nnd fixtures doing good business. Ilcst location in city. Ilox 2S3, P. O. 139 LOST LOST MIchelln Inner tube 32x34. West Medford. Reward If returned to W. A. Cornltius. 137 MONKY TO IOA.1 MONHY TO LOAN $2000 to loan on city and country property nt S per cent. Karl Tumy, Garnctt Corey Illdg. 138" MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArtbur. room 3, P. O. block, phone 308. UUSLNKSS DIltF.CTOHY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO.. No. 6 South Central. Accountant D. It. WOOD Genera! Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your buslr.e.u solicited. Office. Medford Mall Trlbuuo bldg.; phono 601; resi dence phon- 03 1. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICII Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Rest deuce phono ICI-J. Offlco Jack sou County Hank building. Auto frupptlr. LAI1ER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in milking springs Is the tomperlug. Wo aro operating tho Inrgcst, oldest and best equipped plant In thu PaclHc northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee 20 North Fif teenth St.. Portland. Orv Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF. WM. 1 MHAI.RV Attorncys-nt-Law. Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Hank bldg. A. E. UEAMES, LAWYER Harnett Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney nnd Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg Gcorgo M. Roberts COLVIU & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Iliilbllnt- s.T- .T--- Ciiiroprnctur DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chlrouraetor, nerve specialist. Rooms 203-204 205 Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. Vupor baths nnd scientific mnssage given; needle spray, head nnd shouldor shower in connection; advice in dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthorapy, Lady attendant. Phouo, otflco 945, residence 671-11 flit. A. R. HEDGES Dr. Louise E Hedges Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothernplsts. These Bystems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc. i produce results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion ,frce. Ovor Deuel & Co., cor tior Main and Bartlett. Hours 9 a, ni. to 5 p. in, Other hours by appointment. Phono 170, Dentists DR. W. M, VAN 8COYOO DR O. O. VAN SCOYOO Dontlsts Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Ore, Phouo 850, POEFIOT. Carjirnlcr nnd Itcixilr Shop CARPKNTKR AND OKNKRAL UK PAIR SHOP W. N. Offutt, 8r. All kinds of job work dona nny whoro In tho city. First clnna work guaranteed. Prices right. Upholstering and saw filing. Shop 33 North Hartlctt. 137 Cleaners JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS Steam nnd dry cleaning and dyo work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil work. Gents' suits pressed. Special attention to Indies' silks, Ince.i nnd glovei. Goods culled for nnd delivered. Ill N. Front St. Phone 125. 153 (.'image GARBAGE Get rour premises cleaned op for tb- winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phono 025-L. F. Y. Allen. Laundry SAM WING CO. Has tiurchased tho Woo Leo laundry situated at 123 S. Riverside and will conduct tho business hereafter. Washings called for and delivered. Prices reasonable 155 Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary puo lle. Bring- your work to me at th sign of the Mail Tribune. Printers ami Publisher MEDFORD PHINTING CO. baa the best equipped printing offlco la southern Oregon; book binding-, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physician) ami Burgeons Oil. F. Gr"cAm!i0NV"'DHTBVA MAINS CAR LOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phono 1030-L. Residence 420 South Laurel at. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 U Mnln. Phones, offlco 81I-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician nnd surgeon. Practice limited to eye, o ear, none mid throat. Eyes scien tifically tested aud glasncu supplied Offlco 228 East Main St., Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. tu. Phone. B. U. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son Ciunty Dank bldg. Office phono 43-H; residence phono C8-H. DR. MARION Physician and Bur geon. Stewart bldg.. corner Main and Bartlett sts.; offlco phone 27, residence phouo 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN O. BARnER Physi cian and Burgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Naah Hotel. Hours 10 tu 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J, DR. II. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD -Osteopathia physician, 303 Gurnott- Corey building. Phouo 904-M, It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Over Hutchison & Lum den. 215JB. Mnln St. Phone 77. Steiiogrupiiern ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographto work donu quickly aud well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER is STORAGE CO. Offlco 10 South Fir St. Phone 815, Prices right. Servlco guar anteed. Trained Nurse TRAINED NURSE Miss Nolllo Lorn maason, rcsldonco 738 West 11th St. Phono 657-R. 104 WANTED Practical nurso wishes maternity casem .Mrs., n. j. suarpe. Phono 717-R. 128 Veterinary Surgeon DR. MURRAY. VETERINARY SUR GEON, graduate of tlte-AwerlK Veterlnnry Coloe, N. Y, CHy, Offlco Nash Livery Stable, FfeoM 173. . :