Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 29, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Uedford Mail tribune
an iNDi!ir.Nni!NT Ni:u'pAir.i
isxckct hunpat iiv run
Tho Democratic Times, Tim Mrdford
lnll, Tho Mtdford Tribune, Thp Houllt
ern Orrgoiilnn, The litsno Tribune
Clfflcn Moll Tribune muiillnir, SS-27-S9
North I'lr street; tclcpliono 76,
Official lViprr of Ufa niy of Medford
Official paper Of Jnckson County.
Ol'.OUOn PUTNAM, IMItor nn.l Mnnnirrr
Kntcrrpl m-cond-clsss matter nt
Mcdfortl, Ore-iron, under tho net of
.Mm eh 3, 1STD.
Ono j-rir. by niixll . $5,rto
Ono month, by mnll .80
Tor tnontli, delivered by carrier In
Mnlforil, Oncksonvlllo mul lYn
tral Point . .. .RO
Rntmdity tnily, hv moll, per year ..
Wot kly, ir ytar . . - ... 1 f.o
Ilnlly nvernRo for elrveit moiithi end
IliR November 30,1911. 1761
Tho Mull Trlbimo I on nolo nt the
lVrry Now Htnml. San Krntclci
Portland llolrl .News SI nn.l. Portland
Pnrtlnml Now Ca. Portland. Ore.
W. O. Whitney. Seattle, Wnidi
TMU X.asA Wire United rnii
mbdtord, onsaoir.
MitmrHlla of Southern Otvpnn nnd
Northern California, nntl tho fastcst
growlm: city In OrrRon.
Population U. H. ceimua 1010 ItStO.
entlmntcl, 1915 to.ftoo.
Klo hunrierd thoniund ilollnr Ornvlly
Water Hystem romiltoil. rIvIiir flnrat
supply port mountain wntor, nntl 17 3
jnllrn of wtrootn )uieil.
IMtofflr rocrlpts for year nullnc
NnsomlH-r 30, 1911, xliow Incrvimo of 1
por oont
llannor fmlt city In Orrcon Koriio
HUrr 8pltrnhprir pplo5 won BWivp
ntnkm prljto nml t!tli of
"Apple Xtnr of Hit World"
nt thn N.itonnl Apttlo Kliov, Hpokano,
1909. nml n enr of Scn'iin won
VANCOUVER, . C, Anc 20.
Tlio iiniiHun! fC('tnolc of two man
nj;ers hciup jwrfoclly sntNfii'il Hint
they loth hnvo won tho iireliininnn,
hkinni-liM in n world' clminpionoliip
rantcli h being witnessed hero. Hnrry
Pollok, inniiiiKOr of Freddie Welxh,
llritixh champion, nnd Hnrry Foley,
pilot of Willie Ilitehie, world's cham
pion, both believe they hnve exceed
ed the usttnl innnngeriul limit in se
lecting the referee for the vorldV
title between (ho two lighlw eight,
thw bnttlt) being scheduled to take
plncc in Vancouver on the nfternoon
of Saturday, September 20.
Hilcliie came to Vancouver deolar
ing thnt n California!! must referee
the bout. His first choice was hddie
Orancy. VvleNh took tho stand
through l'ollok, of coure, that he
would not allow Orancy to be the
third man in tho ring. Pollok re
memhered n battle nine years n-ro
in vhich Orancy officiated, and iu
which Voting Corbett, then under the
mniingcnient of Pollok, was handed
the alleged short end of a dooiion
in a bout against Jimmy ltritt. Pol
lok necr forgavo flraney for the
decibion, claiming that it started the
chunky Denvcrile down the pugilistic
Inddcr. Pollok deadlocked the match
when flraney was forced niton him
Ititchie precioitatcd nnother dead
lock when tho mnttcr of a Califor-
nian eamo mi. Ho refused to risk
his title unless a man from his nn
tivo state decided thn isio.
Then tho imino of Jim flriffin of
fjnn Francisco was Miguestcd. Pol
lok wired his intiinalo friend, Jimm
Qiffroth, the San Francisco pro
moter, asking advice. Cof froth wir
ed back endorsing flriffin n the
one limn wjto could be absolutely tie
jiendcd tioii( nnd Pollok accepted
him on tho Psd, thus getting nwnv
fnun flranov. lint nllnwing Ititchie
tp win on the rioinl thnt n Cnlifor
iiian would referee.
Finnl articles wore signed within
an hour nnd now tho battle is n
SPOKANi:, h., Aug. 20. The
polico 1110 today searching J"or a
liighwaynmn, who, mounted on a bi
cycle, followed JlisH Clruco Dciisen,
for fifteen block, mid after reach
ing u conveniently dink spot, dis
mounted nnd relieved her of a $.'i
bill and n breastpin at the point of
n .jingo revolver.
.Miss Deiiscn was walking. Sever
al times 'sho said she saw the bicy
clist either approaching slowly from
behind, or circling tho block sho was
Malady Kills Rabbits.
ONTA1MO, Ore., Aug. 20.
Handlers tiro rejoicing today over a
mysterious mnlady which is killing
jackrabhits by tho thousands. When
npickcu tho animals crawl into the
first holo they find and die. Rab
bits destroy thousands of dollars
worth of crops in this- section nn-
SOUTI1EUN OUTWOS" and SoutUorn OnUrornin huvo n
jjivnt deal in common. "Where comparison of natural
eomlitioiitf is made, the result is in favor of Oregon. There
is greater rainfall, lefcs aridity and a greater timber and
mineral wealth. Yet California is developed and Oregon
still in the infancy of its development.
The resources of Southern California consist of climate,
tourists and horticulture, to which is being added maim
Climate is valuable only as it is advertised as an attrac
tion for tourists. As n further inducement, good roads
have been constructed. Together, the climate, the adver
tising, the good roads, secure the tourist, who is tho main
support of the country.
Horticulture in Southern
pally of irrigation and fertilization, with fighting frosts
in winter and bugs in summer. Its ranks-are constant h
recruited from the great
swarm over the land.
Manufacture is still in its
ception also to the tourist,
and the labor. So we find
Southern California and its most valuable crop. The tour
ist movement supplies tho capital, tho enterprise and
leaves tho population.
Southern Oregon's climate is equal to that of many
portions of Southern California, is better the year around.
Its scenery is more picturesque. Its natural resources
tar superior. Its orchards a safer investment. Hy good
roads and advertising tho tourist can be made the main
support of this section, as he is of Southern California.
The development of mines and timber and manufacture
will follow his advent as it has followed it in California.
The way to secure tho tourist, is to build good roads,
then advertise them, and the tourist wilt do the rest. The
way to secure the good roads is to vote for the road bo'nds
on September 9. That is the surest way to secure the
enterprise and capital needed to commercialize our natural
Chinese Gave Fashion Idea
For Loose Sleeve Effects
flrncc .Margaret floiild, fa-liion ed
itor of the Womnn's Home Compan
ion, makes tho September Nmio of
thnt periodical an advnneo nutitmti
fashion number. Twenty pages of
tho issue arc devoted ia the latest
news of stjlcs.
While MKs flottld believes in wo
men being fashionably drc-ed, she
is against the eccentric, the immod
est, tho grotesque or tho conspicu
ous. Sho doesn't want women to
dress so that people will turn around
and staro at them. She wants them
to look well, be comfortable, feel
fashionable and nil this at a reas
onable cost.
Ono of the mot interesting pnrts
of her rcjiort of tho latent dress
news is that which shows how fash
ions Ibis fall have an educational
side. Sho says thnt women will
have to divide their timo between
their dressmakers and the public lib
rary, because tho makers of fash
ions have for this fall borrowed ideas
from various countries ninro than
ever before. The new fashions for
tho fall and winter show a decided
Oriental tendency. China, Japan,
Russia, ancient Orceco and the won
derful gilded courts of tho Louis
hnvo all been drawn upon for idea".
Tho deep arm sizo in many of
"Do a Thaw!"
Do longer "Beat it!'' rules tho roost
As one of slnngdoni's capers -Nor
"rauso" nor "vamp" nor
"breere," "blow."
Jvor ' (Jo ami sell your papers:
Ho up o dale, without a flaw,
And tell your foes:,, "(Jo do
Thaw I"
'Tin an ill wind Hint blows no ono
good. And when Hurry Tiiuw
It retired out of the Muttcnwaii do
tcutinu parlors ho at least conferred
one favor on our overworked and
pallid vermicular.
For some timo past the list of ex
pressions signifying the verb "to de
part" huvo been seedy nnd fruzrlrd.
Hut Ilia day after the distinguished
star boarder at Matteawan mado his
spectacular eseapo wise ones every
where seized upon the chnnco to en
rich tho United States 'language
with a forcible term.
When the dictionary is eventually
royiscd so that Lord Ilallyrot and
other visitors can tianslnto our
seeh, the following item will ap
"Thaw v. i. I To melt.
2 To begone; to blow; to exit; to
breezo while tho wcallmr is good;
to oar out; to ozo forth from tho
joint; to put nn egg iu one's shoes
and bent it; to font whilo tho tide
is in; to scutler; to innko oneself
senrco; to lnusli; to iiimmus; 10 joi-
low one's nose; to seo a party; to
slip whilo its soapy; to steum out."
School children of tho next gen-
erntion may feel tho need of some
oxnmplcs of tho use of the new verb,
in addition to tho lucid chatter
nboyp. So iu behalf of higher edu
cation tvo hand out tho following
test cases in which "Thaw" may be
used to udvuntnge:
California consists prinei
army of tourists that yearly
infaucv but it owes its in
who furnishes both the capital
the tourist, the mainspring of
the new gowns is one of China's
contributions. It is known us the
.Mandarin sleeve, a near relations to
the kimono sleeve. China hits nl-o
contributed many of the most fash
ionable new color combinations,
such, for example, as tho jellowish
green gown touched with cerise and
black. Tho wido Japanese sa-di
dntsry is being u-.ed, ns well ns the
long Jnpane-e collar, which origin
ally was never seen except on a ki
mono. Japanese embroideries are
very smart fashion touches today,
and tho short double tunics, with
their new flowing tendencies, di-phiy
them nrtistically. So much for the
fashions that have como from the
land of tho cherry blossom.
Perhaps no country has done so
much for the nrtistio In dress as
elns-dcnl flrecee, says Hiss floiild.
This year its inflicnro is so groat
that women are actually sacrificing
their waist lines to he fashiouahlo.
Once it was the sacrifice of comfort
to obtain tho tapering, tight wuit;
now it's the uueorsetcd effect of an
cient (Ireeco that is fashioiiuble. It
is imperative today to wear one's
clothes with ene. The loose effect
is modihh. Oilier ideas taken from
Russia and France nnd adapted into
the fall fashions are fully described
by Miss floiild.
Now the Phrase
big hobo,
up nnd do a Thaw,
This park ain't no
"I won't quit my job, Mr. Jones,
and if you don't Tlmw out of this
kitchen I'll brain ye with a jsiker.''
"It's 11 o'clock, JcsHmuiue, and
if thnt young man caller doesn't
Thaw Pin going to put on my hob
nailed shoes."
"Heino pelted a three-baggor ami
Jerry did n 'tlmw for the home plat
ter." "Really, Mrs. Squinch, I must be
Thawing. It's f o'clock ami I've got
to get dinner ready."
"&"', youse, Thaw whilo thu sun
is up!''
Perhaps no episode iu American
criminal history bus furnifJicd so
many gems of speech for general
conversation ns tho Thaw case. Ev
ery ono remembers "brain storm,"
nnd it is still giving good service,
with comparatively small bills for
repairs. Then there was "Dementia
Auiericniin,'' a bit of lawyer's ling
Latin, which surely bruised the nail
nu tho bend.
Hut, sny, lei's forget this Thaw
ease! I'm tired of it, aren't you?
Let's do it THAW In the ball game!
Forest Fires Sweep' Chehales.
OLMl'IA, Wn., Aug. 20. Three
fires in Cliclialis , county, none of
which nro under control, aro today
huinjug through cut-over laud and
threatening hundreds of acres of
gteen timber. Tho slnto tiro war
den has been appealed to. Ono tiro
is near Matlock, another fivo miles
noith of Montesnno nnd tho third iu
raging south of South Khun. The
South Klinn firo is reported to bo
tho most dangerous. . ,.
Remember You Arc Alive
and Vote for Good Roads
To tho IMIter:
I nutlccil nn article In your nnnor
ot Annual STith, under .1. S, Howard'
mitiio tu rcttnrd to thn hulUMiiR up a
country by thn construction ot nuod
lilKliwnH thrutiRli tho mUUhn ot name.
To rIvo Hid liotneseokor nnd tourist
easy irntmnnrtntton. ncron thu coun
try. Ho lias oxiilnlmul to you . tho
henoflt ot tho rnllronda tu tho old
ploneora which ninny ot yon, mind
vonredo his stntemoiiL Is Into, nml If
true In regard to rnllronda It Is dou
bly trim In iciinrd to tho Piuitto hliih
way across Jackson county, Tho
railroad brought tho .manses, thn
hlRhwny will bring tho cnnltftllttt nnd
savn tho crisis now staring )ou In tho
face. Mako no niltdnko and follow
tho advleo ot the itrand old innii that
has delivered tho goods and vote for
Flies Horse and House
Swatted Best By Hornets
Farm and Fiieside, . the uatlouttl
farm paper published nt Springfield,
O., contains nu article by C, M.
Weed, a specialist lit plants mid in
sects, entitled, "Fly Swatting Hor
nets," In Ibis article Mr. Weed
shows how hornet, whieh alarm
people on porches nnd iu houses, are
really harmless, and how they are
performing u great service by ditch
ing flies. He describes, as follows,
what a hornet will do to a fly:
"You can easily observe this if
you will watch ono of them on it
porch for it few minutes. It Inixrcs
around until it suddenly pounces on
a fly nnd carries it away to detour
it at leisure on some secluded itorcli.
Perhaps it tuny lake to its domelike
"Last summer I saw repoalcdly
many of these hornets bnxslng over
u cow, skilfully catching the flies
upon her bark, but so far as I ktiow
ncter slinging her.
"These hornets have nn interest
ing life story. Tho queens, or fe
Newspapermen Plan Memorial
For Revered Harvey W. Scott
(Pacific University llulletln)
When tho newspaper representa
tives visited Forest Orovo on their
recent trip of Inspection of tho l. K.
& n. lines, they manifested n lively
Interest In Pacific Irnivorslty. Whilo
being shown tho campus nnd build
ings Judge C. U. Cantenbeln sug
gested that It would bo fitting to
tiavo some memorial erected on tho
campus to Harvey Scott and that
thu newspapors of tho stnto could
cry appropriately midertnko thu cam-
palgn to raise ftinur. for such a pur-.
Don "I'inkey Itader, tho Medford
hoy farmed to Lincoln In tho Western
Lcdgtin from thn Chicago Whlto Box,
via I'endloton In tho Western Trl
Htnto League Is making good In his
now berth. In it recent gnmo ho
polked out two hits, and played his
Inflold position without a bobbbt.
Under will likely tio called bnck to
Chicago at tho cad or thin season,
to roport at thn Whlto Sot camp for
training next spring.
XHWl YORK, Aug. 20. With
steel thn most active Uauo on tho
list, tho market opened todny with
heavy transactions In tho leading
stocks. Hteol ndvniicod a small
fraction as did Heading nad Amalga
mated. American Snuff roso four
points. Union Pacific was under
sonio prossuro ana recouou n i Tac
tion. IlondB wnro sternly. Tho
market closed dull mid reactionary.
Bullet, Dynamite, Nothlntf
HAIIINH, Texas. Aug. 20. Cur
ious to seo whether two tons of dyna
mite struct! In old Tort Howling slum
tho Civil war still had a kick In it
Vatlo Hall flrod a rlflo bitllot Into tho
tnnss. Thou It hnpponod. Only a
fow fragments of Vado's body woro
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant.
Phones M. 47 and 47-J-2
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
tho bond mud wivn the expeiiim of
teiirlui; down thu ehluoso wnll and
putlltiK up' tho sleepy Midi.
1 inn In sympathy with Mr. How
nrd'a remarks for tho runtmu 1 havu
been through tho Hniuu HtniKulo In
tho wlhls of M Iridium In regard to
our rural highways. Wo had a hard
flKht tn not a road nerons a town
ship hut wo i;ol a highway and wo
got our township settled up and also
our county and they aro all la favor
good roads and linvn nover regretted
that they had thn bond to pay. In
fact tho majority of thn men that
paid tho bond novor know Ihoy wero
im)lni! It.
Itouiembnr thn slogan, tor Ood's
Snko romomber you aro alive,
A. 12. NUW'MAN.
Mod ford, Aug. 'iC.
males, are the only fotms to lite
over winter. They stint their pap
ery nests in trees and shrub t it
spring nnd soon establish such flour
ishing colonics that by midsummer
the hornets may bo very plentiful.
"House flies and slnhlo flies an'
niiiiuig tho most duimerous tuxect
pests because they spiead diseases.
So do uol condemn the hornets with
out coiiHliletlllg the good they do us
fly killers.
"liven hnrso flies much larger
than the Inn nets are commonly
caught. Ono observer repot Is seeing
it white-faced hornet drop to the
ground with a captured horse ll.
The fly, being too lieay to be car
ried, Hie hornet cut off its head,
legs, wings nnd nhdomen, so Unit
only the middle purl, or thorax, re
mained. This was chewed up nnd
carried off, presumedly to the hor
net's nest, Later this was scon to
be a common practice of I lie hor
nets, whieh ore to be credited with
killing largo numbers of these vex
atious pests.''
pose Tho Idea met with Instant ro
sponso nml tho belief was expressed
thnt it fitting memorial could bo se
cured through tho medium of tho
newspapers to perpetuate tho memory
of the grunt editor. Suggestions as
to what that memorial should bo
would undoubtedly bo carefully con
sidered by tho executive officers of
tho newspapermen's organization In
tho stnto, An soon ns tho definite
'form of tho memorial Is derided
upon full announcement of tho
plans for Its rcnlliatluu will bo made
In tho llulletln.
SALKM, Ore., Aug. -'. Floyd
Ilolcomb, who bus been sentenced at
Hverelt to sorvo from fivo to ten
yenm in tho stale lefotmutorv at
Mnmoe, Wash., on Ihe chuige of nt
taeking nu 11-year-old girl on Aug
list HI, was arrested in this city it
little over it year ago for attempt
iug a criminal attack on tho JU-jenr-ohl
daughter of Claieiico Wil
son. Ho carried her on his bicycle
to an isolated place. The giaud
jury failed to indict him nnd, fear
ing for his life, Holeomh lei I Salem.
Card of Thanks. '
I wish to tender my sincere thanks
to friends and neighbors of (Irlffln
creek district for tho kindness shown
and asslstmicn rendered during the
last illness of Mrs. Kelly and nfter
hor death, Tlioy will novor bo for
gotten, J. F. KKLLY.
St. Helens Hal'
Resident nnd Day School for Girl
t - ul.i. .. us .Tnl.n lt.ii.ilkf I I'filaiiiiia
CMWfUU. Ac4inll b4 UMUry PoartMt
(IruuiWifc. uri-iiUlc'Kh'lilr.
iiit'. su,ri:it Hiii'i:jiioii,orri
n. iiiii-M nml
SonBonahlo Floworp and
DcftoratfoiiH of all kinds for
fall woddingH.
Telephone 374.
1005 East Main Street,
riiutop'tOM 1'ilday and Hntiiithi)'
tiii: puNAirv of cniMii'
l.ublu Hiioelal I li Two Parts
VMIhoii Diaiuu
Vllauraph Oomedy
All.MINSIO.V ft-tO t'U.NTrl
Wear thn Nil lUino Ouaralitocd Cor
set, For Hnlo 11
jom:i'iiiNi: f. otiAitic
II III West lib Ntroct
N. Fl
violin ti:.u'iu:u
Studio Hill Wot lib Hired
Official Photographer of the
Hodford Commorclal Club
'A'nmtcur Finishing
Post Cards ,
Panoramic Work
Flash lights
Interior and exterior view
Negatives made anv timf
and any place by appoint
208 E. Main
Phono 1471
Blood Remedy
Brings Health to a Host of
Tho rrmnrksMrt
nrllnn n( K K. H lit
llm Moo.l In ulrrli
linpxtus by n Kitr
rrrlv. from Karl
(' Conk, 70S South
ti'lllrr Ht, llliiuin.
Ingloti. Ill I to snys.
'I sufTrreil sovrral
nieuths nnd tnnk
trenlmrnt tmrr, hut
utilalncd rnllrf only
for n fow iluys nt n
time. Ilerotnlm;
ilmiblfiil of ri'sulls,
I null thn doctor,
nnd thero was mnrknl linprovriuiuit
from the ulnrt. I mnl Ihlrlviui loltlrs
of H H, H. nml vvn initlnly rurnl, My
Mood was In n druailful crinilltlon, nnd
I cuii not ihsnk It. H ti, cnouuti fur my
womlwrful Mcovery"
This iirrpnrullun stnnds nliiua nnmnif
spvcirla ruinVdlas its n Idnod purlllcr.
It Is snmowhitt rnvolutloiiury In IU
composition, slnco It accomplish,- nit
that vvus ovor clitlunxl for nmrrtiry,
lodlilos, nrsonlo nml olhsr ili'struellvo
mlncrnl drugs, nnd yat It Is iitmnlutnly
n purely Vftiihlt product. Thcro aro
moro tnsts of nrllciilnr rliuiinmtlnni,
locomotor ittaxlu, purouls, nsurllls Mint
sliullur dlscMsc remiltunl from thu uo
of tnlnorsls tliuu from dlsrsiia Krnis
tllrscl Thi'iM fuel nra brought out
In a hlKhly Intorustlnir hook compiled
by thu inrdlcnl dnpnrtmcut of Thu
llivlft HptcMe. Co., 193 Hwlfl 1IM: At
Inula, (J a. It Is mnllod free, louctlmr
with a spcclnl lnttcr of udvlco to all
who nrn struirKlliiH with a blood dls
tain, (lot n bottln of BKH, B. to-dny of your
druKKlst. It wilt surprlsn you with Hu
woudorful action In thn blood.
Do not accept nnylhlnir tlalmnt tn
li "Jnt its Kood." Thi'ru I iiolhlmr
olso tu tultu the pluco of II, U. II.
hold in the
City, Running duftillcd
ico water in each room,
European Plan, a la Carlo
Tariff on Rooms
12 rooms $1.00 esch
00 rooms 1.50 each
BO rooms 2.00 encb
00 rooms with pint lull 2.00 end!
CO rooms villi lrml bilb 2.60 each
30 suitol, bedroom, par
lor and bath 3.00 each
For morn thun ono fittest add f 1.00
extra to the ubovo rates for
' ench additional guest.
Reduction by woek or month.
Af.imttrnn Chetlir IV, Knll-ty
Mrf if tf(rJv3MMMwW,'7'4wwassl
8S J!!!! if: nnd
A Two lloel Hpeehtl Pathu Foil turn
"jo ahiicvilm: court iiohhi:m
"I.V .MiniilLANll"'
For Hominy nml .Monday Nights
"imtiii: ai"
I'M Moil
"AN KltllOlt I.V KIIIN'AITI.Vfl"
.Monday anil Wednesday .Vluht for
A mnrvelnus thren reel dramatltntlou
of Daniel )o I'oo's famous tnlo ot
The Crowning
Triumph In
"His Friend
Classy fnrcu romtnly
Tho first 10 boys and tho first 10
girts presenting lliemsolves nt tho
dour Knturdny afternoon for tho
Itohlnsnu Crusoe niatlin-o will bo ad
mitted freo.
Always 10c
Kjii'fial I'rorani vt tho
Saturday, Aug. 23
hVaturniK t
A wonderful production in
Ihrcc reels, wiih Miss Mar
ion Leonard, Troiii Ihe hook
of Wilkie Collins.
Willi Mnllio and Marly, tho
faiuoiiH kid comedians.
Pru.senlinjjf poiular and
classic, clarionet Heloctions,
Admission Oc and 10c.
m Wo carry a very completo line of
drupnrlt's. luco curtains, fixtures, oto.,
nml do nil alusHKs of upholsiorlntf. A
pedal man to look ulW this work
uxaliislvely, mid will irlvo us kooU
eorvlco ns Is possible la ft In uvea
tho lurifvst ulttcs,
Wooka & McGowari Co.