V Well Have , ,-. - , t , AND p.NISimD THIRD. 1 ' e2' ' "'-.J . I &- fZritf AeWritf M 'GCe Of I MWT GOT NO DoU&N llK ." fj1 H&jSf 'Q H,w- itel &fl COIN ON AU. WRONG. 1 MK.HT 51 dSli . NS 1 "''"'I J 1 A5 ulu sWr IpgjK $? b8S oj H "" "Jfc. -rmmAftA. J 1 J ,r. '? kVI d.ilJf, P JSWiill W iFfW r EDISON TALK PICTURES HERE NEXT WEEK Tint KliioloplitiiiM, or KiIIkoh tnlk Iuk lilrluri'H, will ln uroit hero for tint flmi Hum at tlio I'i'Kif theater, Kepi. 1 iiml 'J. Juki im wonderful mm Him IiIh luvimlliiti of tlio original moving ilnliir In Hid Intiwt dUrovcry of Hi" grunt wluird IMlson. It U predicted for tlio IvIiiHophoiio thai mat flili tuiil blond nrtors on innii) HtaK"t In the arlnus theatres throughout tlio romitr)' will niton be n (IiIiik f Iho pant. Tn Judgit from tlio lltttn gasp of uxtonlnhmenl mnl tlio clmriiH of "Un'l Unit uttiiutlilug wonderful" that inn) licam on nil sides wherever tliii plt'ttm-u iiri chlhlteil, the Kltiot oplioiut may bo called mi Iiiiiiiiihii iieiio9t. ' I EAGLE POINT EAGLETS J Uy A. 0. llowlctt V ' f Tin IiimI lime t lit t I mi I pruiii. Iii'il llu rriiili'i-x "I' tliu Mail Triliiini' to kIih nit aci'oiinl n' whnt Hot Imv k'iiiiU illil mi llii'ir trip out in tlio liilU. On Miiiiiln iiminiiiKi AiKUl IH, Krv, I.. L. HIiiiiiioiih ami fininly nml the rnlluniiii; ncoiil hlaitnl fur llii) Di'iul Indian Ninlii Hprincn; Itntpli Ouliiu-H, Wall.T I'aintcr, Orilt Cliil ilri'tli, (Inmlnii Clnlilrolli, l(nlili liar nili, ('. Niilwtil,, Ihiiiik t'liililri'tli, Tlii'o Horry, .laiinm Jai'Unn nml lliiriv I.uuIk mnl MImk Clara OiiiiKM TIuti' mix iinlliini: ol' Kpi'cinl inlrr il nlniiK tlir rmiti'. Mr. SiiiiiiimiM Mill.ril illi Hid hi'oiit nml Mr. Sliiiinnnt uith Iter fntinlv mnl Min Clnrti Oiviiikh niilc in llm wiikoii, mi iilmiit nil Hint tlii'v Iiml In look nut Tor urn to licrp I'rom Htcppin mi inllliwnal.i'x. Tlio flint ilny lln-y omnpi'il nt .lanii's ('nllii'rtKniiV plum' mnl hntiit n while fi.lilnu'. tlicii winl nn up to tho xpiinuH wlit'tn lln-y ii iniiini'il until Friilny, nriixint,' nt Knulo I'nint nt Hb'IO p. tn. Tlio Imik lepoil hnvinc Iiml it fini' tiitii) mnl Iiml tlmv i'iiiikIi! IoIh of Huh mnl Iiml n inml limn m'lii'rnlly 'ami lluy will ii'iiii'inhcr tlii'ir ri I'm I liiko iin a luulv of wiiiiIh for ,rar In couii'. I nUn plomiNcil In k'ii mi nrrouilt of tlio W. ('. T. V. nnvi'iilinii nt I'hoiMiiv last wci'k. I iliil Iiili'inl nt Iiml limo to ulvo it ili'lnili'il ncroiinl of tlio proiTi'iliuiM iih it nu'inlicr of our loual union Iiml wiiltcu il up for lun luil uhcli I callcil for It rIio wan nut, mnl I now in tlio Mull Tiilniuo of tlio Uilnl it irpoit nf llii' pini'i'i-iU iniJH li v tin I'uiiiiullli'L', mi will ho cnulfiil with uSviuc tlio iimiu'H of 80IIIU uf tlio li'iupormico wiirkorn Unit wi-nt fnuu nur Inwu: On NYilni'mlnv iiinruin TIioiiiiim II, Nichols took his I'onl mnl in It Mix. TMInnio llr.Miut, .Mih. Nollip (IriiMT, Mrs. l.tlu Mumy. mnl Inn wilV, mnl film lid for tlio county convi'iitiou at I'hocnlx. Thoy ii'pnit Unit Ilium wan oniiHiili'inlilo Iiumiiiwh limiHiii'ti'il mnl Unit llicy fori Ktt'iitly I'licniiriiKi'il nvor tlio piospcclK of ilri vini; tlio naloon omxa mil uf nut only thin county hut llu) entire win lil hIiii'o tlio wntnrii nro ill ,lnM'il to liiko u IimiiiI ul (hn ballot lio.v, 'mnl they arc JiiiikIiIiii; their hIcovch nt Ilia old line politician ,tliut luivo alunvH fnui(lit tlio woman dul'friiKO niovciui'iit In hco how Ihoy tuinlili'il ocr the line Just he fore the 'hiHt Nocm)ier election. They iulciul to put In now men mnl men Unit luivo been tcMctl uinl foiinil tnio to tliu iimixo inxtcuil njC tlio "ll "IIiicI;h" whilywiihliml ovi'i'. Thoy iTpnrl. huv iiiK Iiml u very plcaiiant mnl profitu lilo lime. ' I uniltTHlaiul Unit J, i. llovoy, tlio foicmau on tho MolCnluht urcliitril, Dm olil Dr. l'au'c place, u,xpecln tn Hlllp tlllH MldHOII l'JIlO llllMlrl of pi'lD'H mnl John Oruh, who liouuht u thirty iioro tract off of tho hiiiiio piece, will ll'uvo '100 hincs of pea r,s (o nhlp. V yiucu I luut rt'portcd Henry IM'i MTOTOiTD to Excuse Mutt uf Port AiikIc, Viiliitit(nii, nml Kit rl S. Tinny of Me.lfiml m I llu umlit hero and on Kmuhiy Mr. mnl ACrA. Win. Klimmt of Mtdfonl, one if tho pioneer urchin 'IinIm, ranie in froln (.akevlcv- iu I'm I Klmuiith. On liU ri'lurii trip ho Htnppiil nt the Sleuatt orchuril on Itouun river near 1'i'Vloii mnl report) n Uni' etnp ol fritil thix Ni'dHon, The name after noon Mr. nml Mm. K. P.. ItloditHt mnl Mr. mul Mr. I'ovwll of Meilfonl calleil fur ilinuer; nUn O. ('. Kunt, n Meilloiil miliMuimi lor the .Miillmd (loreer company, wile mul tnulher-in-law, .Mp. t", K. Kuiitli, Mn. Moe I'm-er mnl M'imm llorlh )tlcklonl, all of Mid ford; Mr. Sixitt um, wife nml ehild, Mr. mnl Mm. Iliek", the tomh'touc man, mul tit Inter Mr. mul Mr. Irn .1. Iliulise nf I'errv dale, Mr. mnl Mm. K. K DoiIkc of Akron, Ohio, II. I.. Oodue, Jr., nf Meilfonl, Mm. liicroll of Al.mii, Ohio, Clarence Arimii of Oriffen (Vol.. Mr. mul Mm. !'. J. Clark of IWvhilo, Mr. mnl Mr. W. A. Kni tter ami MiH Jniui roller of Mt'il foul, The hint twelve ordered din ner at CillO p. mi. hut an i Mil n little later lull not ton late to enjoy n cihIi! chicken dinner mul then open! mi hour or two with munie mnl Hiielnl ennvcrxo. They Mirrly had n jjooil time. Why (in In Colellu Sunilny, lilt) !tt(. llcoauno uu will ouoy tho rldo over tliu Htuklyoint, tho luw of Pilot Itook and Mt. Khaiitn, tho mineral water at Colentlu uprliiKH, tho rool hraeliiK mountain nlr, tho ampin utiaile, tliu dauro In tho pavilion, tho box ball alley, nhootluK Kallery, tlio mwIiikh nml baud iiiunlc. You will ahai eiioy tho rldo In tho wide, roomy Mlovl coaclien and behind tho oil hiirutiiK oiikIiio, no xoot, or clnderH. The faro for tlio round trip from Med ford Ik only ft. 10 mid Iho Iralu IcnveH Dial point at 8HI a. m. nr rlvliiK hark In tlmo for dinner. Atlenllnii Yuuii); .Men, YnuiiK Women. Do you ileHlro n poHttlon In tho cliiHHltleil ulll Kcrlro? I'osit offlco clerkH, letter ran lorn, railway mull clerliM, etc., In doiiinud. Arch IS to in. tiutnry t:, to 1C0 monthly. lliiiulredH or appolntmenlH (o fill vn coinlen. nxtciiKlun of Hcrvlce mid par relit pout. Mr. II. 1-. Curl will bout Holland llotul In Modfonl on Tues day, Hoptniiihnr 2, Impilrlm: for joun moil ami women who dcnlre (o quali fy for nun of thesn appointment!), llu will ho tlicro oiio day only until 9 p. m. Thosu lutereHted Khoiild call and koo tt I nt without fall. NOTiei: op MciriNn op iioaud op i;guu,i.Anos. Notlco lit liorohy nlvon, that on tho Kocomt Momlny, of Koptumber, 1013, tho (Sth day) tho board of equllUa tlon will attend, nt tho court Iioiiko, In' JnckHonvlllo, Jackuon county, Oro- i;on, mid publicly oxnmlno tho as HOHHmont roiin, and correct all errore In valuation, doHcrlptlonn or uualltleu of laudH, lota or other property as- WHY? If thoro In a iiariialu In Itoal V.a tnto In any dlHtrlet tho real estate man thoro who liau boon n llvo ni;ont knnwu of It, It ho kuow'H valuoH and Ih experienced In tho bunliuma ho ran navo liln cuiitomorn tlmo mul nionoy. To know tho boat buy nnd huvo It optional nt tho bottom prlco Is my Btock In trado, Batlaflad cuatotnora Ih my pnld-up bunluoBa polloy. What hnvo you to oxchniiBoT Watch my bulletin, bonrd In front of tho Plmt National bunk nnd boo mo, J. O. UAltNKS, ( Phono 120-J. Flrat National Ilank bldg. MA.TTJ TRU3UNTC, MEDFOTID, ORKOOX, THURSDAY, 'ATJflrST 28. 1943. for This One l""',,,l ''' "" nm-mor; mnl It nluill Incllio duty of jicnioiiH lnteriitoil to appear at Iho tlino nml placo ap pointed. (KlRtinil) v. t. munvn, Awexnor of Jurkxon Cnmity, Oregon. Datml HiIh Kith ilay of AumiNt, IU13.' , notioi:. N'nllrn In liurnliy itlveti tlinl tlio mi ilornlKiied will apply to tlm city roiin ell nf tlio city of Modfonl, OreRon, ut Km rioxt regular ineottnt;, Hcptoiu tier Sml. ID IH, for n llrenw to all mnlt, vluoim ami nilrltoim llquorii nt liln plaro or buntmum. No. 30 N. Front Hired, Meilfonl, OreRon, for n porloil of hIx moalli.i. Dated August 20. 101.1. 133 II. 8. HADCMIT. Noi'ici:. Not Irn In hereby Klven: That on Tueiday, tlio Uth day of September, 1013, a Hpeclal election wilt bo belt, tn Jackuon county, Orccnri, to deter mine whether tho county court for Jackuon county, Oregon, nhall Imne bondu of nld county, and proldo for permanent rond construction, to tho amount of Five Hundred Thousand (KiOO.000.00) Dollars, to malum: One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollam, par alue, ten eam from tho dnto thereof. Ouo Hundred Tnnus.ina (J100.000) DollnrK. par value, fifteen yearn from tho dato thereof. One Hundred Thnimnnd (1100,000) Dollnrx, par value, twonty yearn from the dato thereof. Odd Hundred Thoiuand (1100,000) Dollam, pn'r value, tucnty-fho yoar from tho ditto thurrof. One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollam, par value, thirty yearn from tho dato thereof. Tho total amount thereof to bo Is sued lu one year It tho county court Mhall ho order, nnd to bear Intercut at tlio rato of flvo per cent per mi lium, and nil of tho funda so rnUod ithall bo expended In bulldliiK nnd Im proving ono permanent road In vatd county, dencrlbed an follows, to-wlt: HcKlmittii; at tho rornor between fractional sections thirteen (13) mid fourtcon (H) In township forty olght (IS) north of raiiRo teven (7) west of tho Mount Diablo Meridian, CaCtlforntn, ronnocllnj; with tho sur vey of tlio atato Highway or Califor nia; llienco northerly nlong tho route as now ntnkutl out to present county road; thenco followliiB na near ns practical tho Jiialu county road Into and through tho city of Ashland, a municipal corporation of Jackson comity, Oregon; tlicnra followlnn the main travolcd county road through Iho towim of Talent, I'lioonlx, Mod- ford and Central Point, lu a iiorth- wontorly direction; thenco following, bh near na practical, the county road lu a northwesterly direction to a point at or near tho stream known as Itoguo ltlver; thonco following tho main traveled county road nlong snld stream In a wostorly direction, nnd terminating nt tho point where tho main traveled county road on tho NEW TODAY 1 havo ninny ealla Cor furnlahod hoiiKos, nnd would llko to hnvo a number of tlm in to tdiow during tlm next week. Party wants a stock ranch worth from fifteen to forty UioubiiiuI dol lars. Must havo a good acreage of nl ral fa already In. IOC acres near n snuii: town, Idoal location for n genoral farming loca tion. About a third ot It Is under tho Uutto crook ditch, bnlanco all laya under tho Itoguolnuda ditch. Can farm nearly all ot It. Ownor now occupies It, mid will exchange for California city or country pro perty, Placo la clear, and might na auiiio n fow thousand In u trado. Prlco $12,000. O. 1). HOOX Month ii I do nf jtoi;iio Illvcr croRHQH tho I'oiinty linn lietivcon tlio countlcH of Jacknou nml Jonuplilrio, Orocoii, nui nt or injur nald Ntream known nti tlio ItOKiio rlr. Tim termini of nalil road, an herein directed, Id do flnlto ami pormniiviit. Tim lino nhovo dejicrlliud hotween tho tormtnl thereof itinll ho uh heroin ordered, nnd Rhnll follow tlio most practical routo for a iiermniiont road, nnd nald rond nlinlt lie a permanent road nnd highway tliroiiKh nnd county. 0. A. (lAHDNKU, Comity Clork for Jncktou County, OrnRon. I'Olt IIKN'T IKH'SKKKCI'INn ItOU.MS FtTiT It KNT Suite "o7 ntc'J f iiniU'njd hoanolircpInK rooitm. Hath, ga, lovu'r floor. 72'J V. I H!i St. I'Olt UKNT Furnished house keeping rooms. IJght, gas, 23 4 i:. Sth St. 137 FOrt HUNT KPIIMKIIKII HOOMH rOUIHJNTrour'fu'rnwiiM cIoho In. light, phone, bath, for board of ono adult. Phono IU7-Y. FOU KKNT Furnished rooma for ladles, bath, olectrle light. ;! N. Central Avo. tl'lionu 9DC-L. 13S For HKNT Modem furnished hoiiso. M. A. ltader, :C0 iNortU Orango street. POIt ItKNT PUItNI.SIIi:i) AITS. FOli " " URNT Furnlhhed iiouso) strictly modern clono In, 3 or 4 rooma. I'liouo 3GC-J 7b-U. FOU ItKNT Furnished apartments. Tho llorben, 10 Quince St. FOU ItKNT Furnlshua house, 730 W. 11th St. 4 FOU UKNT Inrgo sleeping rooms, and modern liousokecplug apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phono 102G-U 222 South Holly street. I'Olt UKM IIUUHIS FOU UKNT Modem ft, 6 nnd 7 room bungalows. Furnished If -desired. 100'J W. 0th. Phoue CC7-J. FOU UKNT Very defclrablo. strictly modern bmignlow, closo in. 113 Ooneva Ave. 1 (0 FOU UKNT S room hoiiso. (leorgo I.00111IH, 1102 Wiuit Ttenth St. 110 FOU HKNT Threo room furnished modem house, $15; furnished tent $10. J. C. names, 1st Nal'l Dank Uldir. Phouo 120-J. FOU UKNT Now, elegantly fur nished house, ahndo trees, Inwn, good fruit, everything now nnd up-to-date. Call at 510 West Jack boii Btrcet. 130 FOU UKNT 0 room hoiiao In splen did neighborhood, Kast Main St. Humphrey. 130 FOU UKNT i! room cottage, mod' ern. Phono GS-lt or 13-It. FOR RENT OR SALK Four-room hotiHo nnd good garden tract, now In truck and fruit. M. A. Radar. FOR RKNT Soven-room liouso and five-room aparttuont, modern. $12,50 each, water paid. Colonel II, 11. Sargent. 13S FOR RKNT 3-rootucd modern bun gulow, never occupied, all cou venlouces, closo In. 3-rnomed liouso, closo In, J, T. Rurna, 417 Jay St., phono 1G1-R, Off S, Oak tlnlo. FOU RKNT 4 room liouso and ono aero ot luiiU in celory, toumtoos, eabbago mid potatoes. Crop goes with tho placo. J. C. Rarnes, 1st Nat'l. Dank Illdg, phouo 120-J. FOU RENT Flvo room bungalow, good location, rout cheap, 820 West 12th. 13G FOR RENT OFFICES FO R 11 I3N J Largo," conTf ort nblV o"t flco rooms with olyvator service, team beat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture ft lldw. Ci. FOR HALE PAUH l.VXDS kakaiaMtf aha.ahkibah FOR TUADK-lmprovod rnnoh. good wutqr, alfalfa, fruit, for city pro-party,- Iuuulro GO, Mall Trlbuno. 140 rou sam; vinijyaisd. FOU HAI.H--My full limirlriR Tokay grnpo vluoyaril and homo. Am leaving cuunlry. One-third off real vntuo If tnl.cn nt once. Illg crop gora with place. Ilox U. , Trllilllw in, POIt SAM', IIOL'Kt:S I'Olt SAM-: OU TIIA !): 4 room hoime, rluso in. Will tako team. wagon and harness for part of pay ment. Aililrtiui Ilox Gil. Mall Tri ll ti no. 13G FOU, HAI.K - Hjr owner. Hungalow, four rnoniM and bath, cement walka t-axt front. lot bOxHS, prlco right For Information addrcwi W. I.. earn Mull Trlbuno. 141 rOIl KAI.l! Mmlorn nlnn rnnm tmn galow, siiinll cash payment, balance mommy, unusually bargain, 130 - llartlolt. ' FOU SAMC Hoiiso nnd lot. chicken houKo'and yard, Inwn nnd gardon. 737 W. 11th St., phono 101'J-M. 155 POIt HALft MIMCKMjANKOUS FOU 8ALB One good Jersey cow with young calf. Cull at tho Pines, 'J miles cast and north of Central Point. Frank Uothrock. 137 FOU SAI.K 1 will sell 3 cows, 2 have been fresh 3 woeks, ono coming fresh next February- Call GOO. 13 FOU SAM: Twin Kxcelolor motor cycle, almost now-. Ilargaln. He- ply Ilox 77, caro Mall Tribune. 1-14 FOU SALK All my turn oils Jersey stock, enws. hclfors and calves. M. Walsh, Uth and Holly Sts. 138 FOU SALK Good single buggy, now. One pick plow, ouo road plow, .115 North Holly. 136 FOU SAM-: Oood Crawford penches, 30c per box delivered. Phono U-13-W. I3S FOU SALK SO ncro homstead re linquishment, 2 llvo springs, 20 acres good soil, 3 million feet saw timber. Address box f.O caro Mall Trlbuno. 13C FOU SALi:Full blooded Jersey cow, S ears old, gcntlo nnd good milker, $75.00. Janes Ilros., Capi tol Hill. FOU SALK Large, tlno young team with heavy wagon and harness. Colonel II. II. Sargent. 13S FOU SALK $0.1.00 Wilcox & Glbbs .. .Sowing Machine In perfect condi tion for 5-5. J. II. Lyons, Phoe nix. Oro. FOU SALK PIckllnK cucumbers, nil sues, mono ku-ji, ui FOU SALE Kstnbllshed business, making juoucy, good reasons for selling, $1SOO.OO cash, balauco on tlmo. Aililresa X Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Looso leaf lodger syi terns, any stylo ot mado to order by the Mall Tribune blnJerr. FOU SALE Tron nested Whlto Leg horn yearlings, also n pen or trap nested exhibition Harrcd Itocks. Phono 1102-M. 137 FOU SALK Lotter heads and rancy stationery, printed, eugravod or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. , FOU SALE Flvo passenger auto, In good condition, recontly over hauled, now tires. A bargain at $150. Ilox E. G. Mall Tribune. FOU SALE llartlott pear culls. Foothills orchard. Phouo 113-J FOR SALK A 32 Wlnchoator Spe cial cheap, at 21 ueiiesao St., l. SnolL 130 lU'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOU SALK Grocory storo, stock and fixtures doing good business. Host location hi city. Ilox 283, P. O. 139 HELP WAXTEIV FEMALE WANTED All oxporloncod girl for general housework, family threo adults, Gil W. 10th St., wages $1 por day. Mrs, Win. Utidgo. WANTKD A nurso girl who Is tcns. blat In light liouso work. Apply hot II. 11., Trlbuno. WANTED SITUATIONS , WANTKD Good Japanese boy wants situation to do housoworlc by tho hour. Phono 125. 138 &y WANTi:i) MIHCKM.AM.OUS WANTED- To buy A-l bungalow, cIoko In, cut sldo preferred II. II. II. WANTED To borrow $8000 on al falfa land near Medford by October 15. Address "II" caro Mall Trl-i bunc. WANTKD Hogs of all kinds. Phone C25-Y. F. Y. Allen. 138 WANTED Light spring wagon and alnglo set harness, good nnd cheap. Address W. II. Mldlne. ilrowns- boro. Ore. lOu' poit ir.t;iiAMR FoitEXCIIANOE Modern house, unincumbered, cIoho In for 10 or 20 acres of good land. J. C. names, 1st Nat'l. Ilank Illdg. Phono 120-J. 137 FOU EXCHANGE Ten acres of land In preparation for orango and grapo fruit. located In Gard ner, Florida, thirty miles from Tampa; will exchango for ten ncres in Itoguo lllvvr valley or Medford property; also lots in Now York City for Medford prop erty. Inquire It. W. MacCulIotigh, cly. 130 LOST LOST Mlchelln Inner tulo 32x3 V4. West Medford. Howard If returned to w. a. cornitius. 137 MONEY TO liOA.f. MONEY TO LOAN On city and ctoso In ranch property. C A. McArthur. Toom 3, P. O. block, phono 3CS. UUSLNT.SS niUECTOKY Abstracts ItOGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 15 South ContraL Accountants D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited nnd kept for a reasonablo figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Matl Trlbuno bldg.: phono G01; resi dence phono C3t. Auctlooecrs WILLIAM ULRICII Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonablo. Resi dence phono 1C1-J. Offlco Jack foii County Rank building. Auto Suppllc. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in making springs Is the tempering. Wo aro operating the largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Attorneys PORTER J. NKFF. WM. P. MBALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms S and 9, Medford National Rank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney nnd Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Win. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIO & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Dank Hiiildliix Clilropracuire DR, R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-201-205 Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific niasuigo glvru; ncodlo spray, head and shoulder shower lu connection; advice In dietetics, medical gymuastlcs, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phono, offlco 945, rcsldonco 571-R ail. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louisa E. Hedges Mechano-Thcruplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. These Bystoms, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc.. produce results In both acute aud chroiilu disoascs. Consulta tion freo. Over Douol & Co., cor ner Mnl" and Dartlett. Hours 9 a. m. to' 5 p. in. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. Demists DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOt DR O. O. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott -Corey bldg.. autte, 310. Medford, Oro. Phouo 85$. PjTOIIJFIYE. "Bud" Fisher C55tn.iVMT 13'iSPytVrAttC IIL'SINI'-SH DIHIXTOltY t'nrjx'nlcr and Itrjmlr Shop CA It PKNTKu"XnD " GENKU A L UK PAIU SHOP W. N. Offutt, 8r. All kinds of Job work dona any where In tho city. First cIajm work guaranteed. Prices right. Upholstering nnd saw tiling. Shop 33 North llartlolt. 137 Cleaners JAPANESE PUESSINO PAULOU3 Steam and dry cleaning nnd yo work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil work. Gents' suits pressed. Special nttontlon to ladles' silks, lacs nnd gloves. Goods called for and delivered. 114 N. Front St. Phono 125. 153 CJuroaRi! OAIIUAGE Get vour premises cleaned up for th-i wlntor. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phono 025-L. P. Y.'Allen. lAtindry SAM WING CO. Has purchased Iho Woo Leo laundry situated nt 123 S. Rlversldo and will conduct tho business hereafter. Washings called for and delivered. Prices reasonable. 105 Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Drlng your work to mo at the sign ot the Mall Trlbuno. Prlutcra nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best equipped printing office ia southorn Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physician and Surgooai DIU F. 6. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia pbysiclnus, 416-417 Garnett-Corey bldg.. phone 103G-L. Residence 420 South Laurel nt. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and surgoon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Otttcea 233 E Main. Phones, offlco S14-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physician and surgeon. Practice, limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically testod and glasses supplied Office 228 East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. m. to S p. m. Phoue. E. R. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Dana. bldg. Office phono 43-R; rcsldonco phone 58-R. DR. MARION Puyslcian and sur geon. Stewart bldg., corner Mala and Dartlett sts.: offlco phone 27, rosldenco phono 27-J-2. DIt. MARTIN O. BARRER Physi cian and Burgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phoua 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY PhyBlcian and surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, resi dence 721-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic pnyBiclan, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phone 904-M. R, J. CONROY, M. D. PhyBlcian and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Luius deil. 215 E. Main St, Phone 77, Stenogruptiers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. btenograpblQ work dona quickly aud well, lrmisfcr KADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, umco iu soiiui Fir hi. pnoue 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Trained Niiwq TRAINED NURSE Miss Nelllo Loin inusson, residence 738 West 11th St. Phouo 557-R. 151 WANTED Practical nurse wlahea maternity cases, Mrs, E. J. Bhurpo, Phono 717-R. 130 Veterinary Surgeon DR. MURRAY. VETERINARY SUR GEON, graduate of. tho AraerleNR Vetorluary ' College, N. Y, City, Offlco Nash Livery Stable. Phow lis, ,s' "I 2 ,-