r ft Y PXOE-EOtJB. MEDFORT) MATO tFRTBUNE, MEDFORD, Oftl-iaON, WITJURIMY, ATTCITTR'P 28, 10111 t&- sy? 1 5 Hi " f ,. I ;t 1 -V J Jar-. '" ' k',. i".fr V, i. t: - To - '"7 iff I . ' && y fi . I ; w.f- '.f y$. ?1 Medford Mail tribune AN lNHKI'KNPICNT NKWHIWI'NU ruiiMHiiiii) Kvrsuv ai-tkhnooM lJXOKPT Hl'NOAY UV TIIK JU-DKOItl) lMUNTINU CO. Tlio Ocmocrnllo Times, The Medford Mnll, The Medford Tribune, The South' .crn Of-rRimlnn, The Antilitml TtlMine, Officii .Mnll Tribune lliillitlim. -2t29 North Fir Mrvet; telothouu "S. Offlolnl lojcr of Ihc nty of Medford. Ufflolnl I'atior of JicKou Count)'. UNITED ROAD PROMISE 0 10 LINES OF CITY OKOItm: l'PTNAM. lMltor ftnd MniMRer fli! linteretl ftroonil-cliisa matter nt Mcdfonl. Oregon, under the net of Mnrclt 3, IS, P. BUBSORirTXOM RATES. fni) yvnr. by mull ..... .. 15.00 One month, liy malli,.-........ ,&0 I'er month, delivered liy carrlir In Medford, .lncktouvl)lo und Con trnl Point . . . J,0 ftHtintity nntv. Iiv mall. rr vinr. ... a.tifl Weekly, jwr yvnr....-. . J:fiO 8W0RM CISCUITION. Unity nvcmfce Tor ete.ven months end' Init November 30 1911. 61. ALMEDA MM REE E 10 HUSTLE WORK .Under tlio niann&omcnt of Thos. S. Hurley receiver for tho Alutcda mlu IiiK property located In this county, tlio big mine will sec activity and de velopment that will leave Its mark upon the commercial llfu of the com intinlty, and that will put tho Al incda In tho list of tho great produc ers of tho wcat. An earnest of what can bo oxpec ed from Mr. Burlcy was tho appoint ment of John Hoss, of Sutter Creek, California, as superintendent of the property, and Mr. Iloss arrived In tho city Tuesday night nnd Wednesday mor-iln went out to tho nitno to as aumo active control over tho opera tions on tho ground. Mr. Ross Is one of tho foremost ruining engineers In tho United States, nnd his connection with tho Atmcda means that it will have tho best expert management vallable. Ilofore Mr. Hurley accep ted tho receivership of the property Mr. Hoss spent two weeks in making a completo Investigation of tho oro body and value, and It was upon that report that Mr. Hurley dccldod to mako tho cxtenslvo developments ho has now planned. Mr. Chambers has also arrived from Portland, and has assumed management of tho smelt ing operations. Sixty men arc now being employed tor work In tho mine, tho number to be Increased as fast as developments will permit. SAX 1'llANClSCO, Chi., Aug, 2S. Tho first tangible otfect ot San Frnn clsco'n four to ono vote this week au thorizing tho Issue of $3,500,000 bonds for extension of municipal street railroad linos came hero to day when .less 12. htltenthal assumed tho presidency ot the United Itall roads, vlco Patrick Calhoun. Warned by tho fruit ot Calhoun's policy ot cutting down tho number at street cars In use on tho United Uallronds and thus Increasing tho numbers nnd discomforts ot strap hangers, Llllenthnl Issued n state ment promising hearty co-oporatlou with tho municipal lines. Tills was taken as an admission that bad troat ment had resulted in the determlna lion of tho pcoplo to own their lines nnd as Indicating n coming policy by capitalists which thuy design to pre vent tho future municipalization of thu city's whole street railroad sys tem If such a thing can be prevented. Highly gratified by tho endorse ment ot his policy, Mayor ltolph, with City Engineer O'Shaughncssy, today Is hnrd nt work on preliminar ies to the construction ot tho city's lines. Those first constructed will bo tributary to tho grounds of tho 1015 fair, as the city is determined to capture for Itself a great portion of tho profits In carrying tho fair crowds. Contracts for this work, and for other lines Into residential dis tricts, probably will bo let by Jan uary 1, and before Juno 1 ot noxt year It Is promised tracklaylng will commence. MAY TELL NEW ACTS OF DIGGS' PAL BORDER POLICE NAB BAN B1RDMAN LOS ANGKLKS, Cnl., Aujr. 'J8. Jouc(iiii Kaeh Alcalde, who claims to have accompanied Diilier 3Invoii on huventl fli;;htd over Gunymuri , harbor, 3Icxico, was arrested hero toiluy as he stepped from n South cm Pacific train, and hustled to tho city jail. Siweial Agent John ltowcn of the department of justice, who inuuetlio arrest, retimed to explain liis step nnd the jail blotter opposite AucaldeV mime bIiowb on tho entry, "en route." Alcnldo . deelures Mnsbon' bomb throwing flights vent MiucoHful, and that ho destroyed one federal gunboat nt Guuymns. He did not try to cxpluin his nrcscuco in Los Angeles. ' . LEACH CROSS TO T FIH BARIEAU mm plans LOS ANGKLKS, Aug. .-Officer of the Los Angeles Church Fd- crntiou were helicdulcd to meet today wjth Slate Senator Brown (o com plete pliuiH to initiate u law prohib iting prize fihtu in California. It in believed that the federation propose u law enforcing the uno of eight ounce gloves in boxing mnlehes uml limiting inlminhion fees. 'Jess Wlltud, oiipiniout of "null" Young, when tho Inter received fiilnl injuries in n mntch here pud the pro moters uml inuungcrs of the affair ,Ayill uppenr in court tomorruiv to answer charges of mtuiHluuKliter. PRETTY GIRL HOBO BALKS AT TELLING REAL NAME 0U0V1LLK, Cnl, Aug. 28. Ilalf frozen liy .hoi trip through tho Feath er river .onuyon, tired, truvcl-woiu iiiid liiiU'-tnrvfd n pretty jovcutceu year old girl, wio refused to give lier .tiiunio, is n gticKt of thiri city Joduy .uftcr droipiiig off n freight truiu jiero in tho most approved hobo fnnli "iiui. I'lio girl pnU fihe was en routo to Snornnonto from Snlt Lake City, having .trnveicd tho entire distance by jho "sjdQ door l'ltUmuii." SAX FKAXCISCO, Aug. 23. Ar compauied by bin wife and his two brotlicrs, Leach Cnb, the New York lightweight, left todny for Vnnconv er, 1J. C, where he is scheduled to meet J-Iniie llnrrieaii, n uorllnvcstcrn boy, in n fifteen-round bout on La bor Day. The Xew Yorker closed for the match last evening nnd it wil take the place of the originally scheduled Hitohie-WelHli affair. "I am giving a way a lot of weight to Harricuu," said Crosa, "an I have agreed to allow him to weigh in nt 1-12 ringside. However, I figure that if I win I may get a chance at cither Ritchie or Welsh." STATE BARS DOUBTFUL STOCK SELLING PLAN SALEM, Ore, Aug. 28. Tho Ore gon Tclephono Herald and Oregon I'nunclntor company, both Portland concerns, wcra refused permission today to sell stock In tho stato by Corporation Commissioner Watson, on tlio grounds that neither company has wires or any means ot securing tho Ecrvico promised to subscribers. Thoy aro rival companies, tho ob ject being to furnish current news, descriptions of sporting events, music and other features by tele phone to subscribers In business houses and private homes, through a central station. SAX FKAXCISCO, Pal., Aug. 28. --In (ho rucordtt of the government bearing on (tlio ftlinl of R lAow Ctttninetti for violation of tho Mium not appear tlio names ot two young Snerumento girls who.-e purpoitedly rrnve nccunliona tins defendant may he compelled to disputu before tho jury. Thus far these girls luivo been kept in the background, having been vaguely referred to once under oro!s-c.umiimtiou of Maury 1. Diggs during his trial. Ouo is. declared to be a former telephone operator nt Sacramento, now in SI. Catherines academy here, ami the other a fifteeu-yenr-old girl of the capital city. Their stories, if permitted to he told, will provide as sensational evi dence as nuy yet adduced in these eases, according to the government proMM.'ittort'. "The bars will surely be lot down for the. introduction of tcgtiinoity by lheo two girl." declares Prosecutor Theodore Roche, "if Cuminelti lakes the stnml and opens up the subject ns to wiry lie and Dlggs luft Sacra mento. ' That is the answer made today to 'Iticricx ns to whether there would bo any material vnrinnco of tho showing ncninst Camiuetti over that u mn which his companion, Diggs, was convicted. The defendant's itttornoy Mated msitivoly that Camiuetti would take tho Mntid in his own behalf lo deny the intent asvgped in tho indictment rather than to dispute the facts. NON PURCHASE OF T ICKETS NO HAVEN CMNETTI WHERE TO G.O TONIGHT ISIS THIEATRIE SAX FKAXCISCO, Aug. 28. The ruling or Federal Judge .Van Fleet that it will not ho necosary for Hie government lo prove that R Drew Caminetti actually took tiart in the pnrohnse of railway tickets to Iralis. port Lola Xorris and iMurlhu War rington to Reno, has knocked out thu main nrop of tho defense. "It is not necessary in this case to show that the defendant actually handled tho money or that ho han dled tho tickets, tt connect him with this trniiuttioii," saiiMho judge Jo the jury. Caminetti's attorneys, who aro re lying on testimony to show (but ho merely autiiiuscod in the flight front Saorameiito, interposed M remains objection to the ruling. ROSEBUR ATT. ORNEY FOUND WANDERING 15 PER CENT SHY LOS AXGKLHS. Cab. Atig. 28. -Tho returns from lasl year's south' cm California citrus crop is but fif teen per cent less than axerugo in .pito of the severe frost, according' to reports issued her tutlity. Short age of supplies canned higher prices f. o. b. average price per box being 17 per cent higher than for tho pre vious year. PIIOTOI'liAYM TOII.W ONLY lUlltING THU ItOl'XI) III' lllograph W'cHterit TIIK .MASTIIIt I'AIXTlUt Yltngraplt Drama .u i; j pis u DctnniistruUnm by .lapaneuo IICAUTII-'lHi CATALONIA SPAIN Bcenlu A PAIIl OF FOILS Iturlusituo Couicily Hero Tomorniw TIIK PKAI.TY OF CIIIMI1 Htrom Drama In Two Iteols IT Theatre PAGE THEATRE September 1 and 2 SenSotio tiffli vai:di:vii,i.i: and piiotopi. TONUIIIT ONLY ..1YH I OBITUARY. 1 UOSEDUItO. Ore.. Aug. 28. -H W. Kvans. nn nttornoy, 'ylio disap peared from his homo yesterday while bellovcd to have been mentally unbalanced through worry, was found today wandering aimlessly about the streets. It Is believed ho will soon recover. Ills disappear ance caused much concorn. MEDFORD SCHOOLS TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 8 GREEK'S WHITE BRIDE ASKS POLICE AID LOS ANGELES, Cul, Aug. 28. -Claiming to be tho wife of the Creek l'ruico Comintnu-I'iileogus, former confidential uidu to the Saltan of Turkey, a pretty Eisgliuhwoniiin litis appealed todny lo tho police for i'i mtuci'il aid for herself, tluco chil dren mid her husband, who are des titute. Tho prince fled Turkey, sho said, when thu Young Turks ussumod power. lie has miido his living hero by lecturing before viirious clubs." Temporary aid was provided. . COOS BAY IDEA OF CAVORTING IN BIG BURG OAKLAND, Cnl., Aug. 28. After ordering .f50 worth of beer and whisky ut a saloon here and l"ter ordering more at brewery, finying ho was steward of the steamship Robert Dollar, Jnmes Urttsch of Cons Ray, Or., wns arrested. lie admitted Hint ho "vvns not a steward nml it ijiu fnntiil flmt. tl lis iiot in port, Owing to tho fact that somo of tho now books canuot be secured by Sept. 1, tho grado schools and tho high school will open for work Monday, September 8th. AH pupils who will bo six years old on or beforo January 1st, 1911, may enter school Monday morning Sept. 8. Miss Coryull of tho University of Washington and graduate ot tho Seattle Kindergarten Training School will open a kindergarten in tho room formerly occupied by tho sowing de partment In tho high school building. Suo will bo plensed to meet parents of children between tho ages of four and six years, In Superintendent Col lins' otfico at tho high school build ing any afternoon this and next week between tho hours of "1 und 5, for tho purpose of enrolling pupils. l'tiiiiis in an departments or our schools aro advised not to purchase any text books until thoy rccclvo tho proper lltsts and Instructions from their teachers noxt Monday morning, Sopt. 8. All pupils contemplating attending tho Medford high school should re port at tho high school building Mon day, Soptcmbor 8, botweon tho hours of 'J and 12 a. in. and 1 and 4 p. ni. for tho purpose of making out their program ot work, and registering. It is important that all pupils register on tho nhovo date. A general teachers' meeting will bo hold In tho auditorium of tho high school building on Saturday utter noon, Sept. C, nt 2 o'clock it Is tho duty of ovory teacher In tho Medford public schools to bo prosont at this mooting. U. S. COLLINS, Superintendent, W. R. Dyrc The Rev. R. Dyrc, father of Mrs. O. K. Osborne of this city, dioti at bis home in Fabiila, lit., on Wed iicmIiiv, August 27, nged St years. Dr. Dyrc hud been a Method!! minister for over fifty years, Ho was a preacher of great ability nnd well known in Medford, having preached hero freouenllv while vis iting his daughter. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wrr-s. Till'. OtAMU.MI UOAM -A ft 13 Av I-a4Ut Arrl)r.iUIIi f M-. . lMwa4 HnMA nil. u ii. J iM ti.u muiuA l-v... mll llb KI.M KILia. Tl wttor. ftar mfjfmr 11.4 IIKJUTl riLLA.t-r tankouCM.UUl.AI'iTIUIUtK OraraM. Ai. DIANUMt Oil I. inut-TKRII 1.119 'II.LJH - SOLD DY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE K. .1. DAIiLV The Irish Minstrel In Comic Bongs Ocarina and llnmi Playing Sellg Preioiittt "TUAIL OF TIIK CAUHS" How tho llovenuo Officers Traced the HiuiiKKlorH "SOKNi: OF OTIIKU DAYS" IMUon Scenic "TA.Mixj of mrrrv" Yltngratdt "HltO.NCIIO HII.I.Y AND tiii; SCIIOOI.M.V.M'S .SWFirilUMUT" Kssniiujr Music liy Prof. Ilooclt ami .Miss Do Holt loo Only, Why Pay More'.' Coining Friday ami Saturday Night Till: .M INCH'S DFSTINY Patho Tww Heel Special Amateurs wanted at tho It Thuator for Monday nnd Wednesday nights each week. Three cash prltcs given, two shows, 5,uo. Seo mnmiKor or write box r.01, Medford. wm II MS Ili'IcHilBil mi MILLIONS ARI "APPLAUDING! ftsia GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT EDISON KINETOPHONt CO. OLC OWNCMB 10 STH AVE., NCW VONK CITY Matinee Tuesday, 2:30 p. ra. Admission Lower Floor 25c, Balcony 15c Children 10c NU HONE Wear tho Nu Ilono Guaranteed Cor set, For Salo Ily jesfpjiini: i'. name 111(1 Wcxt'ltli St.oct Mother's Friend in Every Home Comfort nnd Safety Amured Before the Arrival of tho Stork. ! oli Mjrlni; wlmt In homo without n inolhur .linulit ailil "iluthgr'. KrlmiL" In llidimmdi of AincrlcAii tinmen thorn l( a IhiIiIp ii( thin KiUnillil and (atuuua rrm. ry that lian'nlileil many n wninan thrmiKli the Irjrliijf onl.nl, aand hr Irwn miTerlng anil mill. lrit lur In health ot mlml nml Ixuly In mlrnnw of Mijr'i ronilnjr nml had n niixt nomlrrul lullinnrt- In tkrtliilui( a hraltby, lordy ilNjxrtltlou la the child. Thrp l no othrr rMiieilr o Irtily n hflp lo nature rrn Molhrr'N 1'rlenil. It rrllerta tho I'Uln nml dlacornfurt taiiwil liy Ilia atraln on tho lltnmrntf, tnnlcm pliant those nurci and mn.rlca whlfh nature l cand liilt and tiwitlicK tb InnamamtloD of hrca.t Klaniln. , iloth'-r'a Krlrnd la nn external rrmedr, ncta tilrklr and not only hanlthi-a all UU-tri-ni In mlrnnrr, hut aurrs n ijiccdjr ami complete rcccirrry or the tnothrr. Tlnn he henmini a hcallhy woman with nil hr atrenslh iinverrril to thiiroiiithly enjoy tho rrarlng of hfr child. Mother. Frlrnd au N- had Jit any ilruic (tore nt II 0 a hotlh-, nnd li really one of the jrri-ntiiit tileiwlncs erer dlnrorertd fur exiM-rlant mothera. Write to llrai'd'-h! lteulaior Co., I'M Lamar llliU., Atlanta, (la , for lln-lr frio took. Writ today, It I. uuat luatructlrv. IT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY L CHICAGO POLICE AFTER $25,000 DIAMOND THIEF CHICAflO, Atij,'. 28. Tlio )oli(!( uro coinhiii1; the city today for two Kiimplo cuhch confainiiiL,' iiiikcI din mondK valued dat ."r'.'.'.OOO Btolcu from the jewelry efitnhlMimenJ liero of C. J). Pencook. ClmrlcH O". An derKon, n Kiiletinmii for V. . Pul ler & comiiiiuy of Philudeli'hiit, wuh in cli-irce of thu jcwelh. John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. . 88 S. JiMlTUWt I'lioncu M. 47 and 47-J9 Coroner ho HtoaincrL , lone. M. 47 wd W j Axubulaoce Service Deputy K'H i rirW? friGS nmzF 'VzJtm- No need hnvln; piles any lonRcrl No need of Huffcrlnff another day! fitenrn'B Pllo Itomedy (completo with tube) -will help you or IT COSTS YOU NOT ONJ5 CENT, Thta remedy Ih it combination of tho lately dlucovered, hlgh-prlced Adrena lin Clilorldo with other powerful cura tive principles, nnd IT 8TOP0 THE PILE PAIN IN ONE MINUTE! Ho euro aro tvo that Steam's Pllo Ilemody will benefit you that wo will ItEPUND VOUlt MONEY If you nro not untlBded. i This is tho only pllo remedy that wo can Kunrantco and wo know you will thank us for tolling you about It : iWo have tho oxclustvo agency. Jlubkliitf' Drug fttoro MEDFORD GREENHOUSE Seasonable Flowers and Decorations of all kinds Tor fall weddings. ' !.t. .!..,.. 'IT.! .j.i.iujhi-.jiu urii 1005 East Main Street. REWARD .$u().(K) will be paid for information leading to ar rest and conviction of peiwni or persona who have been mutilating and destroying ct-nipnicnt and prop ertv of Pacific it Kastern IJailwuv ul Medford or on its'line. WM. MKUKI, Viec-Vresidunt. E. D. Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Flash lights Portraits Interior and exterior viewi? Negatives made anv time and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 147) I'MTY-HKCOND ANNUAL Oregon STATE FAIR SALEM Sept.;29-Oct.4,1913 A wholo week of plousuro und Profit l?20,000,OI;'l'i:UJ:O in pkkmiumh On AKrlctiltiirul, lilvcMtock, Poultry, 'le.vtllo und Other lUlilldts Ilorso racos, Shooting Toiirnntnont, PlroworkH, Hand Concerts, KugonlcH KxpoHltlou, Clilldrcn'fl I'layKrouiifl und other free attractions, IncludliiK Iloyd nnd OkIo'h Ouo King Circus. Prco Cump Orotinds. You uro Invited Send for Premium Ilnt and Kntry JlhtnliS 4 V Itcduccd rutcs on all rullroads For partlniilars nddross ! Fit ANIC M;:iirJ)ITH, Secretary Salem, Oregon Siskiyou Heights Now is the time to mako selection of lota and tracts in this magnificent residence district. SEE JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK t.'MWMW'iP'a.WJUX'Atf I WOOD For Sale i 9 (i i OAK, FIR, LAUREL AND SLABW00D III TIER, CORD . CARLOAD LOTS .t- , AND Frank H. Ray Yard at Sixth and Fir Sto. PHONE 750-R 6(??XXX'Wi!f (let Our XriccH on What W OO D Yon Will Wnnl Ym- the Winter TIER, CORD A1TD CAR LOTS VALLEY FUEL CO. Successors to .Reiehstoin. Cor. Fir and Second St. West. 4 Tel. 76. My, But Don't They Sound Cool? BATH SHU AYS TO'U.13'1.1 WATERS WAKlUtACIK Just imagine a cool plunge these hot days a iniedle-spray, then a sprinkle ofioilot watei'. With these things life is made bearable and comfort able the only secret; is in tho bath goods you use. Wo still all bath requisites. All fine, goods Serviceable, satisfactory, pleasing .to use. Come .and seo what wo have buy a supply of our bath goods enjoy tho luxuries of a cooling bath these hot days. , ; Goods most excellent; prices very low, loo. MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Postoffico. . Phono .10. Uho ANSCO Photo Supplies.'