Mutt Will UvVfi stt(j,iNtj car 10 iah-t, amu im! aarvo no; ft IA. cilMiui NMO"k;ctKUicW"i " Wl' 'T UNOvj SVMtc.ll TO ltO( .Miinlnuu Mmmim'h i:il Titilini iitnl Ktuly Mmiielm lull. I.nlhiir ArniKiilroiil itml llurnlni Mnijory (irirroll. (-'luuliif II, (litHNi:ii iitnl I'uriiiiilla . I till. V. H. Anilnmoii mill Poriitliy lUrnnH (I. If. Tailor niul Ollvltt K. I'nrry. ririiill .inn I'hi. Clly of Muilfunl v. .1. T Itiirna. Annul from .Mimlrhiiil nourl 'iVuimorliit (Itml. ('. V. Kuril . II. (I.'kooIi. Hull fur iliwirg. I'uiuiilnliit (IIihI. At f I -tin v It mill oritur fur iniMlriilltui of HtlllllllllllH. AfdilltVll (if lllllllllIK lll.'ll. (llllll)H Itllfll d. K. ItlPBll, I't III. nil III iiii'. Ciiiiiiliilnt (llvil, iiimiiltin Uminil. hii til ttt I ttd tmiiKiil, I'nilmlii Court III lint mult. t of IIik imtnto of Joliti It. Mullx, ilicnitl. Orilor ntiiiliit liiK iIh (or (IiieiI Hi'lllciii"iit of iwv (miiiiiI. In ilio m:it tor of iIiii twtnto o( Wlilt cotiiti I'lt'lil, ilirimn'il. Oritur illmct lni: iiutiiiiuil of luUrit of rtirtulti tnor i Kti:. In Dm tnntU'r or tlio mtntu or l.y illu A. Tountitiiiil, ilwiKiomt. Oritur iiiioliiilmt II. It. .Mi'Caliu ailinlnlKtrn tor niul ruimc tioiut in Minn or iiouo. In tlm rnuttiT of tliu iHtlato of U'll I In tn KltiK, ilMM-anml. l'ltml ncroiiut or mliiiliilmralor rilxil, Onlur n lirotiiiK Hiiniit niul illnclinrc.liii: ml niliiUinilor unit IiIm Hiinily, In tlio tniittiT of Ilic iwlato or Wit Hum SiiiHIi, iIccuiinimI. limiiitory unit nit(irlii'iiiiiiit flloil. tuttlllll or Jollll OIlKlll'lllllll, ill" i(iimI. liifiilor) niul iitrulnomrtit fll.Ml. In tlio tunlliir of tlm iwtnto or l.nlii K. I'nrKliiirnt, itoriwivuil. Ordur rotiiliiiiliiK lii'iirhiK on tint inotiur or lint illmluirco of mliiiliilitr.-ilor. In tlm niiitlur of (tut oMtuto of l.M l?nr W. Ilrouiluy. ilcri'nHi'it. Onlur flxliir. tlmo for final huIIIuiiiihiI. In llio iiintlur or liit uMtato of A, I1. Tiilunt. iluruiiHi'il, liivontory unit n IHMliiMiuiiit filed. In tlio nitiltiT of tlio 1'ntalo of C. (). )tkir, iIuiuiihimI. Oritur appointing iiilmliiltratrl ami npiralHurM. MARKET REPORT I'rlii I'nlil tiy KealerH IKUIS JL'iju. IHITTKIt Creninurv, :iru; :iou. " I'OTATOKS 7.MI 1011 Hit. AI'I'LKS 1 !. ON'IOXK- . 1 . T. ( ) per 101) His, IION'KY- llSn n poiiml. CIDKU- U.V. I'OIMC 10,t UHj,,. mf,V I0i- lo Uli: I. A It l lti MACON'- Kin lo IHe. SIIOIII.UKItH-Mn. HAMS lUo. ilniry, WHY? ir thorn hi u IiuikuIii In Moal lCs tnlo In any dUlilct tlm real eututo mini thoin who him heon u llvu aiuuit Jtnowii or It. U ho known viiIuoh (ind In it.i(tilencoil In tho IiiihIuohx ho run h.ivo IiIh cimtoiueiH tlmo niul inonoy, To know tho hoHt buy mid huvo It opllounl ut (ho bottom prlco Ih my utoek In trndo, Hatlnfled riiiilomuiH Ih my paid-up buidiii'HH policy, What luivo you to oclmiu;uV Watch my hullollu hoard In front or tho Kind Nallonul hank and ooo mo. .1. O, HAltNlIH, Phono IBII-J. . .KIrHt NiUIoiml Uauk blilu. .. '' .- v i a -Bcjij- . . i ! mm iam mc-Mm- " a , liter zzi s-l2jvrf- Ghm.uhit I'M lVrV,i)fl 1 ' , I tw-kvl ' ,,..' ITiT llflllOr iriliOl ' l.'wMoik ($800,000.00) Dollnrif, to tiinlnru: KOK KKNT HOrSKKKISPINO KOK KAM' MlSCni.LAMCOI'H WANTED MI.HCKMiAM.OU.S BUSINESS DIRECTORY COURT SMTOTTOllTJ Have to Do a Harry Thaw If He Mlt2 OM . rAoMC otj You CM lit? Ufy'lN' rKMUJ UwMjMk HOOK,,!, .'; ullvu, Kit. H1IKKI IGAr. . KTIWIfS-Aliw, (!'4(jt7f. COWH Alhe. ISCXtli. VIJAIi- l)nmiil, llu. I'OUI.THV MiM.-il iliiiikuiiH, Wo; NiriniN) '-'" to l'l"i 'IroiMK'cl, 1(1 to IHu. liny niul drain (Hii)iniC I'riitu.) WIII'AT-hU,- litili-jl. OATS -;,(ln Im.liuJ. HAY V.lcli, 11 ion; Ktnlii, :fl'J. IIAIU.KYWIii.lo, : lun. COIIK -W ton. CON'.STANTINOIM.H, Aiik. W. Aini'iii'Kii 'iui' Coimul Hnck loilny -liuti'il for Anni'iilii to iiiwlimilp llu iniirdrr of an Ami'riiwm ininftinu ii ry, Cliarltw HollirooL nl Smuliir. It i liflh'M'tl hvru I lint NWMjiHHtii niUliiiil, HiillirooU fur anolliur per xou ntul llmt llu murder rn tip! luelinilmirv to iiny iiiili-('litl-.l!iiii nlioi'Itlon. Kiwim Niill.f. Nntlru In liurctiy rIvoii that tlio un iliirnlmjil will apply to Hid rlty roiiti ell at It lileetlliK to lm llulil .Sept. S, I tin, for a llceiuo to null matt, uplr lluoim niul lnoiiH II'iuorM In iiimitl II en leirn ttiaii a riiIIoii nl Ids plaro or tninlnetm on. lot II, tilgrk 0; rlty or Med ford for n period or nix month". w. m. ki:nni:dy. No. r., Ho n Hi Front St. Dated Aiik. IT.. 1913. 131 xoTiri:. Notlro In liuruhy ijlvun that tlio tin ilnnlKiiuil will apply to the city roun i'II or (ho city or Mnlford, Oroe.on, at ItK next m:iilnr mr-otltiK. Soptnn Imr -nil, 1SU3. ror n Hcoiiko to ndl limit, vIiiiiiih mill HplrltniiH HnuorH at IiIh plnro or ImnlnuM. No. 30 X. Trout Htroet, Mi'ilfonl, Ori'Ron, ror n porlod or Mix inouthx. D.iIimI AilKimt SO, 1!M3. 133 II. S. ItADCMKI'. notu'i; ok Mi:irnxn or tK i:gi'IM7.ATIOV. Notlro In hereby Klvon, that on the Heroiid Momlay, f Roptumhor, 1013, tint (Sth day) tho hoard or uqnlllxn lion will intend, at thu court houso, In .InckMonvlllo, Jnrl(Kon comity, Oro Kon, and piihllrly itxmntun tho m ruHNiiuiut rolli. niul correct all rrrorn In vnluntton, iteBcrlpttons or uunlltlea uf laiiitK, Iota or othor property as mihhciI hy niirIi jifiKHHor; and It Khali tio tho duly of persons liiteroatod to appear at tho tlmo anil plnro ap pointed. (HlKiied) V. T. OJUKVK, AiweKBiir or JnckiMiti County, Oregon. Dated thin Kith day or AiiKUHt, l ti i :i. , XOT1CK. Xotlro Is herohy Riven: That on Tuemlay, tho Ulh day or Septomher, IIM:iA HpQrlnl ntectlon will ho holt. In .InrkRon county, Oregon, to dotor mliio whether tho county court for .larUon oouuty, OroKon, bIiiiII Isaito houilH or nald county, and provide, ror permanent rend coiiutrurtlon, to tho amount or Klvo Hundred ThoiiHiind Worth While ' Koumlry mid niachlnp hop, fllmw nee, Oklti,, bulldlmt located on Main street, fully eipilppuil, employ 12 men doliiK fine huHlueBH, only foundry In aimwnoo. l'rlcn $30,000, nil clear; will trndo bulldlnt,. machinery and ntoek for land hero, Kor Sale. 1 room huni'iilow, lmtli, toilet, city vator, eloctrlc Unlit, Kan, niiB rauito, l'rlco ?J12G0; terma, ltartlett pears just Bold ror fU.OO per box, f. o. h. Medford; why not Iiivoh), III u pour orchard lluvo 15 ncrea 70 ioiIh city UiiMts. 1-3 Junt comliiK Into beurliuj, heat of soil. ? i p r per aero. MIJNXUTT lXVlCSTMUNT CO. MOVE OM! I "N ,f- V f . VlV-'"--V liiirwMv S ' S --- &w:j. ' C -w."a Wlf 1T iAfcvr&r.A. - trf MATH TRTBUITE, MTCDFORT), ORrlOOX, "MONDAY, 'rWT8T 25, 10 in. ' j , i iKiiMitr i -. . . . i .. .. '"'"' v'i i too ourt ymimV oxrwwirTw , . w-ooo . x ,, r,. J'-ncK'ToPtA , i - -iwr v.,ll - 1 I . - mXX IBilli r..r .. . .. - - I ;., u I ! 1L Vim lM"- UN (ISOO.OQO.OO) DollarK, lo luahire: Olio Hundred Tli otiwi ml ((100,000) Dollarn, par value, ten )ouni, from the dato tbnreof. One Hundred Tliniiwitiil (f 100,000) Dollarn, par value, (Ifliiiiii yearn from the date thereof. One Hundred Thotiwind f 1100,000) Dollar, par value, twenty yearn from tint datn tlinriHjf. One Hundred Thoionml ((100,000) Dollarn, par value, twenty-flvo yearn from tlio date theroor. One Hundred TliniiMIld ($100,000) Dollnrn, par vnltin, thirty yonn from the ilalij thereof, The total amount I hereof to ho U ued In one )eir If the county court iihnll ho order, and to bear lnterent at tlm rnto or flvo per rnt per an i Aim, and all or tho fnnilH no ralcd Nhall ho expended In hulldlui; nnd lm proving one permanent road In nald rounty, dencrlhud ns follown, to-ult: lleijlnnlni; at tlm corner between (rnctlonal Hertlons thirteen (13) nnd fourteen (II) In towuthlp forty olKht (IS) north of rmiK ueven (7) wett or tho Mount Diablo Meridian, CaCltrornla, connecting with tho nur vuy o( the Htato Highway or Cnllfor ula: thciiro northerly ntoiu; tho rnttto n nnv ntnked out to prct'iit county; thence follow lm; ok near no practical the tunlu i-oiint) rnAd Into and through tho city or Ashland, n municipal rorpornUon of Jackuon county, Oreeou; thence followliiK tho main traveled county road through tho townn or Talent, l'hoeiilx. Moil ford and Central Point, In a north Aoitnrly directien: thenco followlnj;. as near an practlral, the rounty road In a northwesterly direction to ti point at or near tho atreani known as HoRiie Hlver; thenco followhiK the main traveled county road nlnnn nald Htream In n w outer)) direction, mid termlnatlm; at the point where tho main traveled county road on tho Mouth bide of ltoue ltlver croncen Hut rounty llnu hetwoen the rountloti or Jarltpon nnd Joioptilno, OreRon, and nt or near t-nlil stream known ns tho Uokiio river. Tho toriulnl of nald road, an herein directed, In do rinlto mid pernimipnt. Tho lino nhove duncrlhnil hetwi-on tho termini thereof shall he an herein ordered, nnd shall follow tho moat practlral route for a permanent road, nnd Fold road shall ho a permanent road mid highway through said county. . A. OAltDNUIt, County Clerk ror Jackson County. Orefjon. Ui - .j. j ir-jftrr- 3TSSS xoticij kok sr.wuit 11IDS. No tiro Ih hereby r.lven that tho tin dorHlKiied will recelvo sealed hid at hi ofHco In tho city hall, ut any tlmo luiforo 5 p. m. Septemhor 3nd, 1913, ror tho coustriKtloti of n l Inch lat eral sower on South Central nvouue, from the north lino of Whitman Park Adltlou to lloyd stroot, ac rordliiK to plans and specifications on file In tho offlco or the city cm-liieor, MoiHord, Oregon. AH bids ninst bo nccoiupanled by i certiriod check eipial to bra of tho amount of Hie hid. to he forfeited to tho city In enso the hid Is nccoptud niil tho bid der rails to outer Into u contract with tho city In ueenrdnnco with wild bid. Tho council losorvea tho rluht to io- Jed any mid all bids. HI.MHlt T. KOSS, Hecorder of the City of Medford, Oro. Dated AilKiist 30th, 1013, XOT1CK KOK PAYIXO KIDS. Notlco Is hereby given that tho council of tho city of Medford, Ore gou will recelvo soalod 'hlda nt n regular mooting to bo hold Septem ber 2nd, 1U13, for tlio grading, curb ing nnd paving of "J" s.treot from 13th Htrcet to Oakdnlo uvonuo inl Vancouver iivcnuo from Kant Main Htreet Kitst 11th street nccordlng to plans and BpoclflcnttoiiR on fllo with tho city recorder nnd city engineer. All bids imiBt bo on tho basis of n rortuln prlco por front foot of as sessable proporty, together with n unit prlco Hohodulo allowing how nhovo rnto Is determined, nnd must he nrcoiupnuled hy u corttfled check eituiil to C',. of tlio ninount nt tho hid on each Htreet. All blda must bo Hied with tho undersigned In my of fice In the elty hall not la(or than G p. m. Soptemher 2nd, 1913. KLMKK T. KOSS, Recorder of tlio City of Medford, Oro. Dated August 20th, 1913, Doesn't Win This Bet I'Olt HISXT Biilte of nic (uriiUhcd houi)k(feplnK rooirm. Hath, gas, lower Moor. Ti'J W. Kt. KOR HUNT Kiirnlshed llBht Iioiibo lieepliu; rooms, close In, .12'.! H'J. Central, phono '(0:t-U-3. 133 KOK UKNT- Kiirnlshed house keeping rooms. Light, gns, 23 K. Stli Ht. 137 KOIt HUNT ri'KNISIir.D 1IOO.MK Kor KM NT- -Modern fiinilhed house. M. A. Kadur, CO .North Orange street. KOK ItKXT I'lltMSIII-D AIMS. KOK KKNT-KunilNhed house! strictly iiipdvru closo In, 3 or -I rooms, l'huno 3Ci-J TS-lt. KOK KHNT Kiirnlshed apartments. The llorbon, 10 Quince Kt. KOK KHNT Furnished house, W. 11th St. 730 4 KOK KKKT Largo sleeping rooms, and inodorn houickeoplng apart ments, prices very reasonablo. Phono 102C-L. 323 South Holly street. I'Olt iti:xi tH)iriVlivrG rctoiit" cottage, niod em. Phono C8-K or 13-K. KOK KHNT Xlrqly Itirnlshod 12 room house. No. 201 Ho. Central. Keo owner, No. 8, South Central avenue. 131 KOK HUNT Now. elegantly fur nished houso, shade trees, lawn, good fruit, everything new and up-to-date. Call at r. 10 West Jack kon street. 133 KOK KHNT OK SALK Kour-room houso and good garden tract, now in truck nnd fruit. M. A. Itndcr. KOK KKNT Seven-room houso nnd live-room apartment. inodorn, $12.r.O each, water paid. Colonel II. M. Sargent. 13S KOK KENT 3-roomed inodorn imn gnlow, never occupied, all con veniences, closo In. 3-roomed house, close iu J, T. Iflirus, 417 Jay St., phono 1C1-K. Off S. Oak dale. KOK KKNT 7 room and C room fur nished houses, $18 oud $20, very close In. J. C. Panics, Klrst Xat'l. ltank llldg. Phono 120-J. KOK Ki:XT 4 room house nnd one ncro of laud In celery, tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes. Crop goos with the plare. J, C, Karnes, 1st Xat'l. Hank llldg. phono 120-J. FOR KKNT Flvo room bungalow, uood locution, runt chum. .S20 West 12th. 13G KOK KKNT -OKKICKS KOK it KN J Largo, copifortnlilo of flco rooms wltti elevator servtco. steam heat, hot and cold water, Low rates. Apply Medford Kurnl- turo & Mdw. Co. KOK KKNT MLSCKLLAXKOrS KOR RKXT3r.O ncro Wells farm three miles east of Ashland, Ore gon. 250 acres tillable, about 1.0 acres nlfalfa. Kor further Infor mation call 011 or nddresH Miss Mol llo Souger. 45 llolmnu St., Ash land, Oregon, 133 KOK S.M.I HOI'S I 'S FOR SALKCheap, east side, two large lots, well Improved, family orchard, 0 room cottugo, terms. 137 North Oakdnlo nveuiie. Phono 499-Y. 131 KOR SALK Modem iilno room bun galow, small cash payment, balanco monthly, unusually bargain, 430 N. llurtlett. ' FOR SALK OK TRADK 1 ropm house, eloso In. Will tako team, wagon nnd harness lor part of pay ment. Addivsa Ilox GU, Mall Trl huno, 130 KOK SALK Houso mid lot. chlckon houso mid yard, lawn ni.d ganlon. 737 W. llth St., phono 1019-M. 1C5 KOK SALK l-WltSt LANDS KORSAiiirOR TR A 012 80 aero ranch with perpetunl wntor right In olfnirn, clover and potntoos, will sell ut n bargain or trndo tor good elty property, Address, Owner, euro Mall Tribuno, 135 KOK SALK -Hlnglo rooter saddle horse, gentle for ladles or children, will drlro. Address K. H. IL, caro .Man irinune. i:u KOK HALi:AII my famous Jersey stock, cows, heifers and calves. M. Walsh, Ulh and Holly Sts. 138 KOK HAI.K - Uood single buggy, now. One pick plow, one road plow, Sir. North Molly. 13S KOK K.H.I (Sooil Craw-rord peachoH, fOr mr lix clollverod. Phono K-13-W. 138 KOK KALK - ncro homstead ro lliiTulsbmiot. 2 live springs, 20 srrns Reed soil, 3 million feet saw tlniUr. Address box CO care Mall Tribune. 13G KOK SALICKull blooded Jersey cow. 8 5 ears old, gentle nnd good milker. $75.00. .lanes Hros., Capi tol Mill. KOK 8ALI8 Largo, lino young team with heavy wagon nnd harness. Colonel M. M. .Sargent. 13S KOK SALB $05.00 Wilcox & Glbhs ...Sewing Machine In perfect condi tion ror $20. J. M. I-jons, Phoe nix. Oro. KOK SALK Pickling cucumbers, all sites. Phono hG-.ll. Ill KOK SAM-:- Hstablishcd business, making money, good reasons for selling, $1SOO.OO cash, balanco on time. Address X Mall Tribune. KOK SALK Loose teat ledger sys tems, any stylo 01 xado to order hy tht Mall Tribune blndorr- KOK SALK Trap nested White Leg horn yearlings, also n l'cn of trap nested exhibition Marred Kocks. Phono 1102-M. 137 FOR SALK Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engravci or embossed, as yon. wish at tho Mall Tribune. KOK SALK Klvo passenger auto. In good condition, recently over hauled, new tires. A bargain at $1S0. Ilox K. O. Mall Trlhuno. KOR SALK narUott poor culls. Foothills orchard. Phono 113-J KOR SALK A 32 Winchester Spe rial cheap, at 21 Ueuesco St., L. Suoll. 13G MKLP WAXTKH FI-MAT.K WANTKD An experienced girl for general housework, family three adults, fill W. 10th St., wages $1 por day. Mrs. Win. Mudge. WAXTKD Olrl ror general house work, Phono Gll-R-3, or address box 9S-A, K. F. 1). No. 1, Medford. Ore. 13G YAXTKI SITUATIONS . WANTKD Good Jnpaneso boy wants situation to do housework by tho hour. Phono 125. 13-S I'Olt i:ciiamji; KORKXCiUNGKCl proporty In Koguo river alley, value $3200, all clear for Chicago or suburb proporty. F. Wobor. 4311 School street, Chicago, Illi nois. 131 FOR KXCHANGK Modern houso, unincumbered, closo In for 10 or 20 acres of good land. J. C. lliirucs, 1st Nat'I. Dank Mldg. Phono 120-J. 137 FOR KXCHANGK Ten acres of laud In preparation for orange and grapo fruit. located In Gard ner, Florida, thirty miles from Tiimpa; will oxrhnugo for ten acres lit Roguo River valley or Medford proporty; also lots In Now York City for Medford prop erty, liupilro It. W. MuoCullough, ely. 139 WANTKD MISCKMiAM'OUS WAXTKD Hogs of nil kinds. Phono G25-Y, F. Y. AU011, 138 WAXTKD To buy 10 to 20 cords of dry body fir or hard wood. C. M. Kngllsh, 100G So, Onkdalo. Phono 352. 13G WAXTKD To rout furnished bod- room with o.ith and sleeping porch In 11 steam heated house, closo In by gout lemon. Address box X. Trlhuno. 135 WANTED To buy n good second Phono 1079-X. Hand saddlo. 'AXTKD Light spring wagon nml single set narucos, goon anu cueup. Address W. II. Mldlug, Ilrowns boro, Oro. 155 rloKo In. oatt nl.ln tirnfnrrPil. II. ." .h... .,..,. WANTKD TO IIUY ilen and chick ens or chickens, on? or two months old. Call phono 3T,S-J Sunday. I u. WANTKD To borrow $8000 on al falfa land near Medford by October 15. Addroes "11" caro Mall Trl buno. LOST LOST Ono road to Apnlegato. purse with numerous W. O. W. nnd other receipts, also containing 1913 hunt ing and fishing license. Kinder return to Mall Tribune and receive reward. " 133 LOST On road between Prospect and Medford, a bag containing au tomobile tools. Kinder will be rowardwl by returning to Wni. Corlg, P. K. railway. Medford. 133 LOST Pair gold rimmed spectacles Amethyst Icmes. Return Tribune office. Reward. 133 KOUXD TAKKX UP 3 sows. 11. II. Iloycr. & mile cast of Phoenix. 13S MOXKY TO LOA.1 TO LOAN Money to loan for five )cars on any ranch at a treason able farming valuation. Ilox 43, caro Mall Tribuno. 133 MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, V. O. block, phono 3GS. ltUSIXKSS mitKClOItY Abstracts ROaUK RIVKK VALLEY AB STRACT CO.. No. 6 South Central. Accountnnta D. IL WOOD Genoral Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offlco. Medford Mall Tribune bldg.; phono GC1; resi dence phona G3I. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phono 1G1-J. Offlco Jack son County Bank building. Auto ftuppllrn. LAI1KK AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs is tho tempering. Wo are operating tho largest, oldest und best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF. WJL P. MHAI.BY Attomeys-nt-Law. Rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National Bank bldg. A. K. REAMKS, LAWYER Corey bldg. -Gavnett- W. J. CANTON Attorney nud Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Oro. Wni. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIG & ROBERTS, LAWYERS Medford National Bunk Hiilldluc Chiropractor DR. liir LOCKWOOD, ChTropractor. nerve specialist. Rooms 203-204 205 Garnott-Coroy bldg, Vapo? baths and sclcntlflo massage given; needlo Bprny, head and sbouldor showor In connection; ndvico In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthernpy. Lady attendant Phono, offlco 945, res Id on co G71-R Alt. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso E Hodges Mcchano-TIierapIsta, Chiro practors, Spoudylotheraplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produce results In both acute and chroulu dlsoascs. Consulta tion frco. Over Douol & Co., cor ner Main and Bartlett. Hours 9 n. in. to 5 r). m. Othor hours by appointment. Phono 170. Drnttsta DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOe DR O. C. VAN SCOYOO DentlDts Garnott-Coroy bldg., Bulte Medford, Ore. Phono 858. 310 PXaiUFIVE. By "Bud" Fisher ! CARPENTER AND GENERAL RE PAIR SHOP W. N. Offutt, Sr. All kinds of Job work dona any where la tho city. Klrst clans work guaranteed. Prices right. Upholstering and saw filing. Shc-P 33 North Ilartlett. 137 Cleaners JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS Steam and dry cleaning nml dyo work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil work. Gents' suits pressed. Special nttontlop to ladles' Bilks, laces and gloves. Goods called for and delivered. Ill N. Front St. Phono 125. 1G3 GARBAGE Get -vour promises cleaned up for th' winter. "Call on tho city garhao wagons for good sprrlce. Phono G25-L. F. Y. Allen. Laundry SAM WING CO. Has purchased tho Woo Leo laundry situated nt 123 S. Klvorslda and will conduct tho business horcaftcr. Washings called for and delivered. Prices reasonablo. iri& Notnrjr Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic Bring your work to me at the sign of tho Mall Tribune. Printers und rubllihers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped prlntlug offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf Icdgors. billing systoms, etc Portland prices. 27 North Kir St. Physlclani and aurgeons DR. F. 6. CARLOWV DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41C-417 Garnctt-Caroy bldg., phone 103G-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. i'racttco limited to diseases , ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, offlco S14-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Pracjlco limited to eye, ear. noso and tnronL Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 228 East Main St., Hours 8;30 n. m. to 8 p. in. Phone. E. B. P1CKEL, M. I). Orrico Jack son county Bank bldg. orflce phono 43-K; res'donco phone G8-R. DK. MARION miysiclan and sur geon, Stowart bldg., cornor Main and Dartlitt sts,; offlco phono 27, residence phone 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physl clau and surgeon. Offlco Palm bloclt, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician arid surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Gnrnett- Corey building. Phone 904-M. It. J. CONROY. M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Luius dcn, 216 E. Main St. Phono 77. Stenographer! ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stonogrnphlo work done quickly and well. Trunsrer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 1G South Fir St. Phone 31G. Prices right. Sorvlco guar anteed, Tnilucil Niirso TRAINED NURSE Mls Nulllo Lorn inussou, resldonco 738 West llth St. Phono 5G7-R, 1C4 WANTED Practical mirso wishes maternity cases. Mrs. E. J. Sliarpo, Phono717-R, 130 Veterinary Surgeon DR." M UllVt AY." V ETElUNA?tY"Uh (IKON, gruduato of the AmerUks , Veterlpury Cojicgo. fj. Y. City, Offlco1 Nash Livery Stable, PhWMt. 17a : ..JIU UttKige uA i ,-if. ' -.' i"- i-V'Vi r w w r -ry - , JT . I .,