Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 25, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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T, , Kent 'of Central Point won
atnong his Medford friends Baturdsvy
7Ax J R. Toft, who Jir hecn at
ColcsUn (or somo limp, rationed to
Medford' Saturday qvening.
Mr tunW and' W, V. Hartley tyJio
haveiVn (incased In rnrpenterlng at
aawJWu,CaJ., riturnod. Saturday.
' Ho'wiimttlo bread a Do Voo's.
OJ!A.' Hlildit of Dodglfia county- la
In Medford,' -v'UHIiik rolntlVoi and
Mm. A. D. Miller of Klamath Falls
and Mini Mao Whlto of Ban Kranclxco
are 'Into arlvahi In Medford.
Kdmund llurko and Hobs Kline,
horticulturist, tarried a whllo in
Medford Saturday.
rroflufcrs Fruit ct. tiaa Just re
ceived a lnrco Bhlpmont ot 1 lb. and
94 lb. tin top berry baskets, and cad
fill ordora In any quantity. Wo also
havo on hand a largo supply ot the
celebrated "Security" orchard lad
dera In all sites.
H, R. Bmltli of Tolo district tran
sacted business In Medford Saturday
C H. Fry and his family aro rus
ticating at their former homo in
Trail district.
Kdlson Marshall, who is taking a
brief respjt from his literary duties,
Will return soon.
Drs. a. R. and Louise E. Hedges,
chiropractors and mechana-theraplsts
aro now located over Deuel ft Co.
Phone, 1?0.
J, K. Bodge, who Is in business at
Klamath Falls, Is at Ross Lane, vis
iting his wife and daughter.
B. T. Van do Car has gono to Ida
math Falls in tho Interest ot tho Lin
den & Kibble Construction company.
Mrs. L. E. Rnyart, who has been
spending & fow weeks In California,
roturned to Medford Friday evenlug.
Kodak finishing, best in town, at
Mrs. A. T. Drown left Medford for
Astoria on Sunday evening's train
Mlas Grace Nelson ot Sterling, who
has been at Fessendcn, North Dako
ta, visiting her sister, returned Sat
W. Deroctt Woolf, editor ot the
Ashland Record, was a recent visitor
in Medford.
Crater Lake pictures ,a book if
12 pictures, hand colored, the finest
ever.-ade of the lake, for sale at
Clerking ft Harmon's atudlo. Call
an A see them. 238 Cast Mala streot,
phone 320-J. tf
Mr. and Mrs. W. Rawllnga have
left Central Point for Portland, where
they expect to resldo permanently,
Mrs, M. M. Taylor and Miss Nellie
Mclntyra were over from Jackson
vllle Saturday.
George E. Roberta, the attorney
left for Portland Sunday evening on
business in the U. S. district court
K. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negative made any time or
place by appointment- Phone M.
MTl. '
E. H. Holms, J. Hartman and G.
"W. Myer of Jacksonville were recent
Medford visitors.
E, L. Farra and Roy Caster of Cen
tral Point tarried a few hours in
Medford. Saturday.
Mm, Fred Qero arrived from New
port Saturday, having "been called
home by the serious accident that
happened her husband at Rucb.
The finest studio in southern Ore
gpp'has been opened, liy Corking &
Harmon at 228 East Main street,
first stairway east of Star theater.
Our work Is always the best, vlows
of all kjnda for sale, The best of
kodak finishing. Negatives made
apy time or place, Pbopo 330-J, tf
C. Jlerron and II. O. Wiener were
over from Eaplo Point Saturday.
Miss Loulso Jones or Jacksonville
mado a trip to Medford .Sunday at
orndqn. J, M. Qarrott and family of Lake
creek motored to Medford Saturday.
Screen doors Medford Lbr. Co.
Mrs. M. E. Yockey and Miss Helen
Yqckey returned Saturday evening
from a two weeks visit In caltrornia.
Mrs. L, J. Sears, whp has been the
guest of Mrs. Helen Haskln, left for
Eugene Saturday,
Miss Kthpl Dick of Jacksonville
vlajtod Mrs. Major Wilson Saturday.
''Insurance your best asset." .Have
the best. Place your Insurance with
Holrries, tho Insurance Man, right it
he writes it. ttt
. T,-E. Thomassqn. the ploqeor com
morcliil, traveler, is In Medford again.
He jias represented Mitchell, Lewis
& Stover for more than thirty years
fWr, anfl Mrs. Clinton Caroy of
Phoenix precinct spent Sunday with
Mr. aud Mrs. II. G, Shearer.
Weeks t McGowan Co.
Day Phone 27
F, W. Weeks 193-9
A. E. Orr 078-M
Mrs. J. D. Dell, who made n trip
to Mnrshtlctd and other northern
points, Is at homo again.
John QUI has returned to Medford
after a couplo of weeka ot strenuous
llfo In tho hills.
"Miss Kthplwyn Rrown Is In Med
ford, vlstlng her pwrotits, Mr. and
Mrs, W. I. Urown, and other rela
tives. Sho Is a traveling representa
tive of a wholesale Iiouro.
Show cases, sat desks, cash ForIb
tcr at n song. Wo aro Felling out.
Pacific Motor Supply Co. 133
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. V. Jordan arc
rusticating in Rig Ilutto district nnd
will lie gone a fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Pnrker have
been making (Irants Pass n visit.
Oeorgo W. Cherry, tho attorney,
mado a professional trip to Talent
Fred Alton Halght, toacher ot
piano nnd harmony, National Con
servatory of Now York. Specialist
In tho correct principles of touch nnd
technique In all grades ot study.
Careful attention given to young
children nnd beginnora. Faults ac
quired through wrong ways ot prac
ticing corrected. Fall term Septem
ber 2. Hnight Music Studios, 11C S.
Laurel street, phono 17G-R. "
W. E. Johnson of Gottvllle and J.
C. Mnyfleld of Hilt aro of the many
who camo to Medford from Califor
nia during the week.
F. M. Smith of Sterling ,was in
Medford Saturday, on routo to Wlmor
to visit his son.
Mr. Arthur II. Allyn has opened
an office as public stenographer nt
the Medford Hotel. Sho is exper
ienced In court reporting, legal work,
banking, Insurance, abstracting, real
estate and commercial lines. Satis
faction guaranteed. Prices reason
able. 163
J. II. Hammer and T. C. Law of
Willow Springs district, transacted
business In Medford Saturday.
Misses Talsy Tuthlll and Hazel
Randall made Cold Hill a social visit
Saturday evening.
Chris Katwlck, Harry Von der Hel
len and S. H. Harnlsh of Eagle
Point precinct wens In Medford and
Jacksonville Saturday afternoon.
Fruit tree props Medford Lbr. Co.
E. W. Carlton and M. M. Root,
Tablo Rock horticulturists, spent Sat
urday night In Medford.
Fletcher Stout and Mlsa Stout of
Jacksonville tarried a few hours In
Medford Sunday.
Miss Cora Uasye, who has been
visiting at Jacksonville left for Port
land Sunday.
First class grain hay, 112 delivered
alfalfa $10. W, H. Evcrhard, phone
Selling out our high grado store
and ottlco furniture dirt cheap. Pa
cific Motor Supply Co. 133
I. A, Pruejtt and his family of Roy
dlstrjct were qf tho many who came
to Medford. Sunday,
Dayid nnd Edward Myers of Siski
you county, Oal., were In Medford
Sunday, accompanied by John Welch,
whp Is their cousin.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Lewis of
Grants Pass wero guests of Miss N.
Matney Sunday.
A white china storo called Western
China company, will open In Medford
at 21 South Central avenue, Monday
tho 20th. Class instruction will be
given Thursday evening or each week
and callers aro welcome. China dec
orators will bo Interested in the
stock, 133
.Colonel J. F. Mundy left for Port
land Sunday evening.
Mrs, Ferguson, and her daughter
wero guests of W. II. Ferguson of
Central Point during tho week.
Mrs. J. Wright of Central Point,
who has hen visiting relatives in
Medford, left (or Stocktpn, Cal Sun
day, to visit hor daughter, Mrs. Chas.
Penlnger. ,
Mrs. Frank McKee of Seven Oaks
and her guest, Mrs. J. McKee ot Al-
buquerquo, N. M., wore recent vis
itors In Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Randall ot
Concord. Cul.. are visitors at the
home of Mrs. A. Nonlhor of South
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCoy of
Sau Dego, Cal., aro stopping In Mcd-
rord a while. Mrs. McCoy was Miss
Mamie Doregan, and Is a native of
J. M. Winters, cashier or a leading
bank or Qulucy, Illinois, has been
spending a fow days with friends liv
ing in Medford.
Mrs. Lucy Meo and Claudo White
were of the Central Polntora who
came to Medford Sunday.
The excursion to Ilutto Falls over
tho Pacific & Eastern Sunday was
well patronized and all enjoyed them
selves thoroughly.
Mr. and Mrs. S II. Stewart have
returned from an auto trip to Kant
rp Qiogan. They wero gono sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. Harry 0. Lawrence, who ar
rived rrom San Francisco Sunday
evening, Is tho guest ot Mr. and Mrs.
W. U Ellis. Tljoy wll motor to the
hay city, leaving Medfprd In a. fow
Dr. E. R. Seely and Charles Strang
who with inembera of their families
hnvp been undoing through Central
and Eastern Oregon, vu Crater Lake,
aro at home again after an absence
of several weeks.
S. 11. flrnhnm, "who has been cam
palgnlng Douglas county for the In
surance companies ho represents, will
Invado tho southern part ot Josophlno
county this week.
Lucllu Seaman, daughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Seaman, of Talent, aged
two yours, died ot typhuld-pnuumoula
August 23,
Joseph P. Honglaud of Willow
Springs district, who Is known as tho
melon king, Is, a, regular visitor In
Dr. J, G. Goble. who has been In
tho east for sin oral vtukn, returned
to Medford during tho week.
Scott V. Davis will soon remove to
HorkolejyCal., nnd assist his fathor
In thu big renl estate enterprise ho
hns Inaugurated. lltn family will
accompany him.
W. 11, CnnotH who Is spending tho
summer at his former homo In Wis
consin, ncompauled by his wlfo aud
younger sou, will return to Medford
In a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Kershaw have
roturned from an auto trip to tho
Co ranvh near Fort Klumnth. Mrs.
D. T. Cox accompanied them thither.
S. T. Rawlins nnd Adnm Schmltt,
who represented Weatonka Tribe ot
Medford aud Orcgonlnn-Pocohoutns
Trlbo ot Jncksonvlllo In thu great
council ot Red Men held at The
Dalles last wcok, havo returned.
Jonathan llournc, Jr., former tT. S.
senator, A. W. Prescott, Misses Ida
Arneson, Florence Rnmsey and Caro-'
lyn Sperry of Portland, form a party
who aro nutotng to Crater Lake.
They stopped In Medford Saturday
Asahel Hubbard and his family and
Mrs. W. W. Woods of Ashland havo
returned from a trip to Crater Lake
aud Klamath county.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Davis havo ro
turned to Ucrkeley, Cal., after a short
visit in Medford. They have become
residents ot that educational center.
Tho registered vote of Ashland, as
shown by tho registration which
closed Saturday, is 13C2, about equal
ly divided between mou nnd women.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ileall, who live a
short dlitanct north ot Medford, wero
in Medford Saturday. Anbury sas
that chicken thieves aro stll busy In
that vicinity, having stolen a largo
number of birds rrom different par
ties. F. P. Croncmlller, rccolver of tho
Lake lew land office, and his wlfo
spent part of Saturday and Sunday
in Medford, returning to their camp
on Union creok. Fred was a mem
ber ot the typographical forco of the
Democratic Times when Jacksonville
was tho principal town ot Southern
Mrs. S. T. Richardson and family
who havo been camping nt Colestln,
returned Sunday.
Senator and Mrs. Calkins nnd fam
ily ot Etigeno are tho guests of Judge
F. M. Calkins. They mado tho trip
In their auto. '
A. L. Douglas and Harry Funck
spent Sunday In Ashland with friends.
Good Crawford peaches for salo,
30c per box delivered. Phono R-13-W.
Miss Frances Masking, who has
been spending her vacation at New
port, returned Sunday morning.
John A. Perl's family arrived Mon
day from Roguo river, where they
have been camping somo tlnip.
Rlngllng Uros.' circus train, con
sisting of four long sections, stoppod
In Medford a short time Sunday af
ternoon, while en route to Chlco, Cal.,
where performancea will ho given to
day and tonight. It Is the biggest
show over assembled anywhero.
Mrs. Frederick Echneldur died nt
her homo on Maplo street Saturday
night, after a long Illness. Sho would
have been fiG years of age lu October.
Mrs. Schnejdor first resided at Jack
sonville, but not long afterward re
moved to a. farm located near Eaglo
Point,, where they lived until coming
to Medford flvo yearn ago. Sho Is
survived by her husband, a daughter,
Mrs, Phil .ooscly of Tolo, and a
granddaughter, also hor mother,
three, sisters and throo brothers liv
ing In Pensylvanla. Tho funeral was
held tbla afternpou, Roy. Mr. Eld-
rldgq of tho M. E. church officiating.
A. W, Warnook, general passongcr
agent of tho "Twin City Lines" of
Minneapolis, Is Ylsltlug his brother-In-daw,
Porter J, Naff, Mr. Wnrnock
Is a former newspaper man and will
ronialp herp for ft week pr two,
Mr. and Mrs, O. E. Hoffman have
Just returned from a trip to Crater
I,ako returning by way of Klamath
Falls and Northern California. They
found Jt so crowdeij nt Crater Lake
thoy could not secure accommoda
tions, if you pro buying a typewriter
remember thut the U, 8. government,
the Western Union, U, S. Stee and
scores of other corporations use Un
derwoods exclusively, There nrp
more Underwoods sold than all other
standard writing iiachlueu combined
aud thoy don't cost you any more.
O. L. Stonkln representing tho Un
derwood Typewriter company Is reg
istered at the Medford Hotel aud
would like to give you a demonstra
tion. Ho can make you a good al
lowance for your old machine. 133
Nora Hayes Intends to contlnuo lp
vaudeville this season.
A nrup f ileU'unlos 'ri"11 "", ''""
tykn good roniln luectiiig spent Suu
dnv in Modrtml nnd' wore viiturtnin
eil nt iniu'lu'tm at tho Hotel Mi(tfoil
by (leorgi 1'. Rons, llio Med foul del
epvto nt lju connsl, iioMgood
work humired tliu eonvonliou for
Medford nel year. Tho party onme
homo bv vrtv of Ciownl Cit
Aiuoni; w Avvv were: (1. II.
Kultinc- of KctKlitiL', Diidlov "ml
Snollror. i Til I'm, Fred llurhl and
H. W. (Hover of Redding: W. M.
tt'oli-h. Konnolt; 11. Itiuloliff,
Wnlsouvillo; H. W. (Iroor nnd wife,
AMiliind; 1.. F.irlilor, Kncrmimntu; K
K. Chef flies, noeroltirv Cnliforniu
State Auto usxocintiou, and (1. K.
I Ily A.'fl. llowlelt.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. .1. CntlK'iilor, win
have roonw t the Sium.vMile, spent
n couplo of iliiyi iitiiur W. 11.
('moduli nnd sixtors MM Crnndnll
nnd Jlrx. HitrrU tlio firt of the
w eok.
There in t miiiiII force of men nt
work gettim: out rock nt the quarry
just nbovo town, getting ready for
tho rock crusher when (ho dynamo
comes, hut when that will lie hero
U a queMioo Hint no 0110 struts utile
to answer.
The orowd still seem it ho lining
to ('ruler J.nke ami tho Soiln
Springs nbovo here. Lust Wednes
day Mr. and Mix. ,. Iluuglnud nnd
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Fox of Central
Point passed ihniituh on their way
lo the lake. Mrs. Fu is n cuuxin
of the wife of thu engineer, Mr.
Clnv ('nil, 011 tho I'iioifiu & Kuslern
Our mnrtthtill hnd a spirikd rare
the other uiu'hl with a half drunken
individual who inimiiged lo k'ivo him
the sli and suececditl in gottiiir
nut side of llio eorixirnto limits of
our town nnd made goud his i'suuihi:
We t-eem to bo well supplied with
reiiresentntives of llio different re
ligions jiixt now, in. we now him'
two roinseitlug the Moruum church
who havo heti here several dnvs
and a Mr. Mediums hns secured the
use of the lower i&iiius of tin school
house for 11 Mr. (Jroon lo hold meet
iugs in commeuciii'i; S.iturdiiv night,
to continue next week. Thev rep
rePent "The Church 'of (tod" mid
we have regular prencliiug and
prayer meeting services in the
church every Friday night nnd Sun
day morpinu' and ovenine; hy the
pastor of llio Raptist rlmrcli.
K. Uniiiiiicl. islni owns u large
tract of land north of our town and
u hand of goals, wan in town Tliiin-.-dny
trying to find 11 pair of hounds
to fight off the coyotes -from his
gonls. lie rt'iMirls (lint he has liflH
ninety gouts ncentlv hy llio coyotct.
mill soiiie of them were very vulii
aide, lie rcMrts thut he bold tlio
fleece off of one gout for three dol
lars u pound and that he slicured
fifteen doiiiiiN, hringiuif forly-fivc
(Inlliird for one Hecce. Thu huir or
wqul YM fifleen inchert long.
Mr. Qiiuckcnhiisher look two lomls
of pcartf lo Davis wtutiou yuplurdny
for. hliiiunuut from llio A. t'orliiu
orehartl. lie reports tlud tho iipph)
croj this season U fiimT
Fred J'nloiuu started for CruU'r
Luke in 11 lutck mul liruku down n
hind wheel near l'rospect mid hud
to send it Jiack hy tint slugu and P.
& H. trqiii for repairs, mill I heiird
(lie hluiikipinilli snv "A stitcli in time
wnven iiint'."
, Mir. llucliannn, thu )iriii(iipul of
our frehool, and family, ciiiiki nut
from Unite Fulls Tlnuftliiy uud ox-
pcol lo (ilion our hcJiooI tho firht of
Huiitc'iulier. Miss Mabel Huff, sis
ter of MrSj (cq, Von tier Ilellnii,
our Inst year's primary tencher, 111
rived n fow days ngo iinlwlll limp
fllmrgo of (lie priimirii ilepartnient.
I understand Hint tho filler 'leuclier
is to come from M'mrlin Iml lilts not
lirrjvvil ,V'I,
W11, Newslrom of hake Creek mix
iloing liiitinuHH in our (own ThurH
ilny. T. h. Trunncll of Ornnts I'ms.
the party who hought Ilia Moduli
variety htore Iniildinu;, Ipiu nuivj'd
into it wjth it sleek of liiiriicsKNiiil
illes, olo., nod oxpectH to open iii
in 11 nhort timo,
Kext timo will try to Ml iihoiJ
our hoy hcouts (rip to Dead Indian
fioiln firiiigsiiinl who went to Phoe
nix to utlimil the W. 'ft T. U, con
vention and what IJioy did while
there. .
Mr. 1'etersOn, (ho pew school Bup,
ervlsor, is calling oil hoiuo of the
school tliieutors.
Mr. and Mrs. M'ursh of Medford
nuloed out Wednesday and Hpcnl tho
day with Dr. and Mrs. KircligeKniier.
l'rod IVltigiow ycenllv ivlumii1
from l.os Angeles whore lie lins liccii
working on llio tiollov for llio last
two moullis,
Mrs. Hawk nid Mis Agor ami
fiunllv of (Vnlrnl l'oinl spiinl llio
wci'k-oud on llio liver.
Cal ami Mlhunoo lVuco sold their
fauns to Mr. Wiiuuur. Thoy iimved
to ('enhul Point Tuosdnv.
IVml Slowell is the t'Iutiiiitoii
I'ishermnu, us lie caught a I'oih
pouud siiliuou iccoutly.
Min. Fry of Trail M-n( ,o Poll
land Wdnosduv lo ho with her
daughter, Mrs, Ada Phillips, who in
unite ill Ihcri),
Mrs. Jmw nnd piece, Miss Jlnllio
Shoullx of Medford, spent .Monday
with Mrs. (looigo, hjuch,
llird JolitiHou uml XoiiuMii (lauo
are helping Hot nee Pellou of .Sum's
Valley lhroh,
Mw. VJtln KeUo of lleiliv wns
called o Agalo Fiiduv hv tin 111
news of her futhor, llnnc.y Kichiiid
son. l5i1t(f
1. M.orKIU nud wife visilcd
ivulie8 in iiilrul l'oinl rYidit,.W .
There have heeu (wo tires on llio
head of Trail creek lids weok, Tho
wore oxtipguihu'd hy uoighhoi's.
Havo Pence was a pleasant caller
nt I.00 (Niton's Tuesday.
The (lln.s (hroshcr of Heugle
slnrted nl 11., Dunn's, Willow
Spring1! Monday,
- 1
Sarah l.uniuni Kelly, wlfo of .Ion
F. Kelly, dlod'Ht thoMatully homo 011
(irltflu creok, at U o'clock Sunday
evening. Aug. 31, Itllll, Shu was
bqru Junu 13. 1Si17 In Kansas. Tub.
erouloitla tin tho cause of hur death,
Sho had been a resident of Jnrkson
county tor 30 ears. Tho funeral
will be hold Tuesday afternoon nt
2 o'clock nt thu Phoenix Presto tor
Ian church, Key. !'. Shields offi
ciating. Interment Phoenix cemetery
Threti children, hosldca hor hus
band, survive hur.
Funeral Services
The funeral sen ices of Initio!
.IuiToii 1'hinps wero hold nt lis resi
dence, KI'.'S North Kivois.ido nvciiui'.
at -.I o'clock 'Sunday, Rev, Kldndgc
officiuliuir. Thcru was n huge at
tendance of't'rleuds nnd inanv Imuiii
tifitl floral offerings were iceeived.
Tho pallheuiers wern: W II. Mocker,
-Vrt Huhhnrd, I), T. I.awtoij, II. S.
Sine. A. S. Hlitoq. V. I. KohcrtH.
J. V. .Milchclt and A. ('. Iluhliard.
Murial ii in I. O. O. !'. ccnictcr
LONDON". Aug. W. Jack J1.I111
hou's hahit of talking too much cost
him money ngiiiu. Tic liig black
pugilist was to have appeared here
in vaiah-ville tonight, hul ho gave out
un interview to the effect that any
one whoso lirulii was properly de
veloped sioud know ho is not the
man the newspapers represented him
to lie, nnd Manager Torcr of tho
vaudeville circuit prouudh enneell-d
his cniriigeinciil.
Attention Young Men, Voting Women.
Do you deslro a position lu tho
classified dvl) service Post office
clerks, letter carriers, railway mull
clerks, etc. In demand. Ages IN to
-in. Salary $7u to Jir.O monthly,
Hundreds of appointments lo fill va
cancies, extension of hcrvlco aud par
cols pout. Mr. II. L. Carl will bo
Medford Hotel lu Medford on Tues
day, September '-, Inquiring for young
men and women who deslro to qual
ify for one of these fippolutmnntH.
lie will h there one day only until
it p. 111. Those Interested should call
aud see him without fall.
VvXN3?- Kit r id sli ntl"iMi uh nbijiit
September ftth hy young married
couplo, referoncoH furnlshud. Ilox
2G, oaro Tribune. Kin
New Fall Style
In nil IdmlH of (eather to chopse
jjtii.or, to
'o Know How
, . ,Qooo Sof s" , 1
Nlhintcd In tho Huh or (Ho Principal
Theater and Shopping (llthtci
Itcfcutly Itcdcioratcd mill lteuinllied Tlirnugtioiil, . -.;
mid Rotter Kmilppcd Today thai) liver Hcfoio ,
Kuroitcnn I'lau
Itooini without liatli, ijt I, tin per day mid up ' '
IKionis vvilli hath, ty'J.ilO per dav uud up
U. .1. KAtM'.MAN.V, Mnnagcr. '
N. It. (MiARUI), Asit. .Mgr.
(Jul, Oui I'rliM'H 011 Wlmt
Yon Will W1111I for llio WinltM
fc ' A
I U I 'U'lVA O.T'I f
Cor. Fir nnd Soconrt St.
The Colonial Flats
. y Knrnmtly Siultli ApnrtmentH
HuuuiunAirhdiir Now MhiUKemeut on Hlrl-t lluslm m Piltirlputn
VH.illl TO mi.").tl(l I'CIt .MOM II
With llath Ituoin Arqnmmudntlon. (hu nud Klcilrlr l.lnhts In
lliilltlluB- Hot aud i-'old Water at all Union, l.auinlry for Tenniil'u
uso. "Hvcrjthlnj; I'urnlshed llxcopt Kits."
, Call nml Inspect Slnulo lloouw ."0c IVr His!'.
For Sale 1
$ Yard at Sixth nnd Fir Sta.
Siskiyou. Heights
Now is llie limp lo nmUc st'lt'clion of lols nnd
trnclK in this niiiiiiricciit rcniiloiipp disfrint.
To build n homo
ihor, hiiildin ninloiinl nud choice building silcs will
never he ns chenp njjniu. You cnu huy n largo lot wilh
on the faint Side in host re.Jide.nj:e dialrict wilh huild
ing realriclion, Kod rondH, close lo city wntor, low
texosforruiinll payment down, ensy lerinson Imlnnco.
TJiis is one of tho hest building sites in tho valley.
To L
On improved renl eslnte, flnckson and .Tospphino
jtjountioH. Interost 8 per cent. Three' or fivo-yonr.
loans. ,Coininirj,sjofiH veiisonahlo.
( Jnaiirnnijcj Hint Insures. Ifiro, Aul(), '.('ljilo Ulass,
!hiiployer,s' hiahilily, Court and OoulrnclorH'-lionds,
H. S.
Room 2, Stewart lXtyd'g.,
Par lamhlbmouslloiol
Nolodr the Excellence
of it? Cuisine. Luropcaii
A S K k H J
III l.llll,liul III II
I" ' "'"
Went. Tol. 7G.
H. Ray
PHONE 7fil).R g
Corner Main and Bartlett.
, J-S ,