At Last, Mr. Jack Takes the j 1 1 , . , j i ...... . .. .. " -4 PHOENIX I MlW. (llllfHM vUill'll ill (Vlllllll I'ninl Tliuiilnv. i Air. V. It. ('uilliln (if Mitilfonl ivim llii; hih' I ii' .Mm. ,1, .Mtirlln Weilm. iluv while lu'i.t niii'iiilinu I ho ('. 'I'. IT. I'onhlv riiiMt'iillon. John llimlu Im luillilinx it ftvw ftliumliUir Iiuiiko. MIm IIImvIuiv r Wiuliiimlou, II. ('., tttlN IIIIhIiIp III (111 llUI llMlit- imiiil lo li'itlurtt Intro on WViliuwitiiy I'vi'iiintc m iiiiiiiiniii'sil Inil gine lur leoliin' WViIiii'kiIhv meriilin: IiikIiihI. The inlv NV. C. T. I1. twuueiilioii iiilliiiirnitl Tor mi hour mnl ntlniilid tin Ui'tnrv in it Imily. Mm. UiniibK i slowly remiverimr fioin Iht ii'i'onl illmM. W. II. Onrir.l or Mi-iirunl lui Kolil IiIn rdui'h in North llntttix In Mr. llowtiiHik of KniiMnx who will lllb' HMltWtilMI SlIllll'lllllIT Ut. W. V. Itnttllllll loft it fo llnVM b Tor mi xIi'ihIimI liii llii-uuuli the mnl. While nbolil In will i-it nti'iiiU iiml rolnliioN in IViiiimI viiniit iiml will iiIho ooMoru ell- U)H 1(1 illVltltiuiltl' till OOllllilillllrt of I lit' principal r'iicrii frull umlket. The county V. T. V uvcutimi wiih held hero t'llniwilriv. Inw ilitlrttitlioiM were iiri'Hi'iil from Med foul, Aalilmul iiml Cuttle I'olnt. 'flu I'niiviiilldii win. will nllriiilril. Tlio wnrlj of tli" iuit t'lilion liciiitf iro1 ill illlo OIIK llltV, WH Of IV IH'ftxUitV lnruiilv I'M-i'iilitc, i' iMiitiilcnilit lliiiii wilt fiiiiiiil In ilirfi'ilM llii' iln HHrlii)i'iMnl work of lint ortfiuiinliiui. 'I'lio t,nviioi of I ho I'oiiii'iilioii wfl ''Orison lrv in 1111." Iiul Point M'niiioil llii' iHiniitiilioii for in'xl vcm. It will do it ttMt iIiivh' I'oniiitioii ImIIi ml iivuiiIiik Mmitiiin mnl plitllit iilt lie lllllllll lo IMIItllKIt MtKlll(ln of fltlll uiil iintloiinl riiitilMtioti u Im In nl- IllllllllUl1!'. , Mr. mnl .fri. Arlluir .Mffriwrv mnl mm of lli'loil. Win., . i'ro tin iiiIk nT Mr. mnl Mm II. Si'lniiinmi liiol win').. Mr.. I If Inil i loiniiiK tin Uitili'il SImIiw in ho nili'11-.lft of tlu llnloil I'lilnn Iron Work. .Vol It I'. Notli-o In hornliy kIvoii (hut tho tiu iliintlmiml n III npply to tho city coun cil nt IU nicollui; to Im holil Hopt. '.', t'.M.l, fur n HrotiKo In noil limit, Hplr ItuoiiH mnl vIiioiih Ihpiorn In ipiautl tlcH fiMUt than n Rallon nt tiU pl.iro of IniiiliH!' on lot II, hlork uo, city nf Ml'iKonl for n pcrloil of hIx iiiuutliM. NV. M. KKNNKDY, w6. 2r, Houth Front St. rjaiuii Am;, in, in:i. 1:11 - NOTIOK. Notlco In horohy kIvcii thai tlio tin ilcrMlcni'il will npply to tho city coun cil of tho city of .Moilfonl, Orcr.mi, ut Km next rnr.ulnr iiii-ctluK, Hoptctu ,hcr Suil, IIMH, for u lU'iiiiM to mill limit, vIiiiiiih mnl HplrltoiiH lhiuoni ut IiIh plitco of hiiwlncim, No, .10 N, Front Htrmit. Moilfonl, OroRon, for u porlod of hIx iiioiithu. Da I ml AiifiiiHt 20, 1013. 1.10 1). H. HADCMFF. NOTION OF MKKTINO OF IIOAIII) OF K(jUlia.VJ'IO.V, Notlco In hurvhy s.ivnK that (iitho Worth While Foundry mnl tuachluu uhop, Shuw iico, OUIa,, liultdlmr lorntoil un Main nil-nut, fully oiiulpjmtl, oinploy 13 inon dolni; fiutl buuluoHH, only fouiulry In Bhawlioo. IMlci) $110,000, all clear; will trailu uiUldlnK. innchlnory ami Htnck for laud horv. For Halo. -I room liuiiKiilmv, bnth, tollut, city watur, olocttlu lluht, khh, i;iih i-aiiuo. I'rluu $1UC0; teriuu, Uartlntt poarn Juut Bold for ?2,00 por ,liox, f. o. b. Mudford; why not luviiHt In u pour oruhard Uavn 1C nuroH 70 roda city llmlla, 1-!1 Jiiat coming Into hearing, bunt at soil, $025 pur ncro, . , . -. MJNNKTT l.NVKSTMKNT CO. mrorcmiJ minimi Moiiitny, of iiiiiiiiilirr, lUin, llm (Nth day) tliu hoard uf i;iiilllra llmi will iittuiul, nt tho court Ikiiibo, In Jnrl(Kiiiivllli Juolmon enmity. Urn- jfon, mnl imhllcl)' uxninliio tho iin- ni'Mtinnut rollH, mnl rorntrl all errors In valuation, ilimrrlMluim or 'iiiiiIIIIih of IuiiiIh, Intor other property itn- mirmi ny mien nnciiHor; nun it iinitii ho (ho iluty of purHiiiiH luton-Mli'il to npjKHtr nt tho (lino mnl plitco np- pOllltlMt. ' (tflBtii'-l) W. T. (Ill IK VH, A no who ) r of .liinkKoii (Motility, OrcRnn. llid.-il IIiIn K'.tli day of Annual, 1UI3, NOTICK. Nollrn Ih hnruhy rIvuii! Tlmt on TiicmIii)', tho Uth day of Kcptuuibnr, I'Jl.t, n upoclnl election will bo huh. In Jat'tmon county, Orcfioii, to dittcr initio whether tho rouiity court for Jnrknoii county, Oronon, iiliall Imuu bo nd ii of .-ild county, nud provldo for pwrnianciU road ruiiHtructlou, to tho muount of Flvo lliindrod Thoimntiil ( nollnrn, to ninttire: Oiui lluudrudTlioiiNmiil ($100,000) I ml lam, valuo, ten yearn from I ho ditto thereof. Olio Hundred Thnuuand ($100,000) UollnrH, par vhliio, tiftoun yearn from tho dnto thereof. Olio Hundred Tho una nil ($100,000) DollnrH, par value, twenty year from tlio dnto thereof. One Itmidrflri Thousand ($100,000) Oollarn, par vnlito, twonty-flvo yearn from tho dato thereof, Oito lliindrod Thoimnnd ($100,000) Pollam, par inluo, thirty yearn from the dato thereof. The total muount thereof to ha l miod In ono year If tho ounty court nhnll ho onlor, and lo lenr InlcroHl nt tho rato of flvo per cunt por an num, nud nil of tho fund ho rained nhall ho expended In hulldlnn nud Im provliiK ono pnrmnuunt road In tmld county, doKcrlhHil nn follown, to-wlt: IIokIiiiiIiik at tho corner between fractional Rccttoni thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) In township forty cIrIiI (IK) north of raiiRo oven (7) woat of tho Mount Diablo Meridian, CnCllfornla, conuectliiK with tho sur vey tif tho Htato HlKhwny of Califor nia; thiinco northerly alniir. tho routo iih now staked out to present county mail; thunco following an near us practical tho inalu county road Into nud tlirmiKli tho city of Anliland, n municipal corporallon of Jackson county, Orofion; thonco following the main traveled county "rond through tho towuu of Talent, I'hnenlx, Mod ford and Central I'olnt, In n north westerly direction; thonco followlut;, as near a practical, tho county road In a northwesterly direction to n point nl or near tho stream Known as ItoRiio Itlver; thonco following tho main traveled county road nlotiK nald Htruam In a westerly direction, and tormluatlm; nt tho point whoro tho initlu truivled county road on tho r.outh nldo of Koruo Itlver crosses tho county lino bntweon tho counties of JiicUbou and .losophliio, Oregon, and nt or uoar Bald Htream known as tho IIoriio river. Tho termini of A WHY? If thoio Itl u bargain In Ronl Kb tato In uny district tho real cstato man thoru who linn boon u llvo ugoiit knowa of It, It ho kuowu values und Id oxporlQiiood In thu buslnosH ho ran xnvo his ciistoiuors tlmo and money, To know tho boBt buy and huvo It optional nt tho bottom prlco Ib my stock In trndo. Butlsfiod oustomurs Ih my paid-up IuihIuobb pulley, Whnl havo you to oxcliango? Watch my bulletin board In trout of tho First National hank rind boo mo. J. 0. 1IA11NKS, , , Phono 120'-J. First National Dunk bide. mm tinmtim, Mttfroim Count unlit roild, li B horeln directed, Is do finite and purtiiaiicut. Tho lino nhovn doserlhed between tho termini thereof sliall bo as herein hrdcred, und fcliall follow tho most practical routo for a poriuiinent rond, dud tiald rond shall ho a pcrnianout road and hlchway through iuIiI county. O. A. OAltDNK'lt, County Clerk for Jackson County, Orccoii. ItcnoliiKnu OrilerliiK Iiniroieuieut Ilo It resolved by tho city council of Medford; Whereas, tho elty council hns duly declared Its Intontlo'u by resolution to Improve tho following street, to wlt: Vancouver nvonuo from K. Main to i;, Kleventh street, by plncluK con Crete curlis mid nutters on both sides thereof and pavliiK tho save with oil macadam pavement, six Inches In thkkiimot for a width of 25 feet. And whurons, notice thereof was duly kIvoii as reiulrod by tho charter Of said elty. And whereas protest against tho Mime ban been duly considered, the eouilcll ordered tho Improvement to bo made, as described In said resolu tion, nud the amount of tho cost (hereof assessed upon the property especially benefitted thereby. Tho forcKoltiK resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, OroRon. on the 19th day nt AtiRiist A. I). llM.'t, by the following vote; l'orter nyo. Mitchell ayo, Stownrt aye. Campbell nyu, Millar absent, nud iitimuwrvlllo, nyo. Approved AURiist 20th. 11)1.1. V. V. KIFKUT, Attest: .Mayor. K. T. FOBS. City Recorder. HcMilutlnn Ordering liiiirovenienl lie It resolved by tho city council of tho city of Medferd: Whereas, tho council has duly de clared Its Intention by resolution to Improve tho following street, to-wlt: 'J" street from Twelfth street to Oakdale nvonuo. by placing concreto curbs nud gutters on both sides there of nid paving tho fame with oil ma cadam pavement, bIx Inches In thick ness for n width of 30 foot. And whereas, notlco thereof wan duly given ns rennlrod by tho charter of said-city: And whoroaa, no protests wero re colvod ngalnst tho rnmo, tho council orders tho Improvement to bo made, as described In Bald resolution, and tho amount of tho cost thereof n- Kosnod upon tho property especially benefitted thoreby. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 19th day of August A. 1). 1913 by tho following vete: I'ortor ayo, Mltcholl ayo, Stownrt nyo, Campbell nyo, Millar abbcut, nud Summorvllle nyo. Approved August 20th. 1913. W. W. K1FKRT, Attest: Mnyor. K. T. FOS3, City Recorder. NOTICK FOR WOOD HIPS. ThO city council of Medford, Oro- l?on, will receive scaled bids nt Its next regular mooting, September 2nd, 1913. for tho purchase of about sov cnty-flvo ,(75) moro or less, cords of first i:!ann body fir Mood, In four foot lengths, for next wtntcr'a sup ply. delivered In Medford. All bids must bo tiled with mo ut my office In tho city hall not later than i p, m. Tuesday, September 2nd, 1913. KI.MUR T. FOSS, Rerordor of tho City of Medford, Oro. Dated August 20th, 1913. NOTICK Hill HKWICIt I HISS. Notlco Is hereby glvoti that, tho un- derslgnod will receive scnlud bldx nt IiIh office In tho city hall, ut any tlmo before 5 p. m. September 2nd, 1913, for tho construction of u G Inch lat eral sower on South Central nvonuo, from tho north lino of , Whitman NEW TODAt Hood hotiBo for rout North Orange vacant Soptombor 1, $20.00 wntor paid. Property In Portland, San Francis co, Los Augolos and Sail Dlogo tor exchange for valloy proporty. 80 ncroB near Sams ,Vulloy P. O. Halt In grain und corn this year, plenty of (rult, soino buildings, it flno hog raising proposition. Oak nud tnurol timber on about 30 acres, No stoop laud, $11000.00 Hikes tho eighty. Tornis on pnrt. O. 1). HOOX, OIMCOtf, I.WfiMY, jUTCIUST 22, IfM.'l. Park Aillllon 0) lloyd Htreol, uc cordltiK to plans mid specifications on (Ilo In tho offlcu of tho city engineer, Medford, OrcKon, All bids must bo ticcompaulcd by a certified check eiunl lo r,'f, of tho nmomit or tho bid, to Im forfeited to the city In ciu tho hid Is accepted mid the bid der falls to outer Into n contract with tho city In uccordaiico with wild bid. Tho council reserves tlio rlht to re ject mi and nil bids, KI.MKIt T. FOS3, Recorder of tho City of Medford, Oro. Dated August 20th, 111 13. NOTICK FOK It vl No"7Tl tii. Notlco Ib hereby given Hint tho council of the city of Medford, Ore gon will receive sealed bids at n roKUlsr meeting to bo held Septem ber 2nd, 191.1, for tho grading, curb ing mid paving of "J" street from 12th street to Oakdale nvonuo and Vancouver nvonuo from Kast Main streot Kttst 1 1 Hi street according to plans nud specifications on fllo with tho city recorder tint! city engineer. All bids must be on tho basis of a certain prlco per front foot of ts ncssablo property, together with tl unit prlco schedulo showing how above rato Is determined, and must bo nccompanlod by u. certified check (tia! to f of thu amount of tho bid on each street. All bids must bo filed with tho undersigned In my of fice In thu city hall not lator than r, p. m. September 2nd, 1913. KI.MKIl T. FOS3, Recorder of tho City of Medford, Oro. Dated August 20th, 1913. for kknt noi;si;ici:i:i'iN(j ROOMS FOR ICBNT Suite of Mc fiimUhod housekeeping rooms. Hath, gas. lower floor. 729 W. I uh St. FOR RKNT Furnished light house keeping rooms, c.Iomii In, 322 So. Central, phone 403-R-2. 133 "F(m R KNT Fu rnlslied h"o ii se keeplug rooms. Light, gas, 231 K. 9th St. . 137 '-- l'"OU HK.M IHJUSfcS FOR RKNTNlcoly furnished 12 rnom house. No. 201 So. Central. Sco owner, No. 8, South Ceiifral nvonue. 134 Ni FOR RKNT Now, elegantly fur tilshod hotid, shade trees, lawn, good fruit, everything now nnd up-to-date. Call at DIG West Jack son street. 133 FOR It KNT -Flvo room bungalow, modern, sleeping porch, very flue. 113 tleiiova. 131 FOR RKNT OR SALK Four-room house and good garden tract, now In truck and (rult. M. A. leader. FOR RKNT Seveu-room houso and five-room apartment, modern, $12.50 each, water paid. Colonul II. II. Sargent. 138 FOR RKNT 3-roomed modem bun galow, never occupied, all con enlouces, cfntso tn. 3-ruomed houso, closo In. J. T. Hums, 417 Jay St., phono lGl-il. Oft S. Oak daeo. FOR ItlCNT FURNISHKD ROOMS For RKNT Modern furnished houso. M. A. Ruder, 00 iNortU Oruugo streot. FOR 1 1 KNT. F ril i NISI I K D AlrS. FOR RKNT Furnished house, strictly lUodern closo In, 3 or 4 rooms. Phono 3C5-J 78-R. FOR RKNT Furnl.shod apartmouta. Tho Ilorbon, 10 Q.ulncu St. FOR RKNT Furulshud Iiouao, 730 W. Uth St. FOR RKNT Largo sloeptu rbomal, und modorn housekooplng apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phono 1026-L. 222 South Molly street. FOK RKNT OVFltJES l.'lll) DI.'M I l.iiri'n rniiifnrllitilu nf -. ... ...o, .. n...w Ilea rooms witn eiovator sorvico, steam ucut, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Apply Medford Vurnl turo & lldw. Co. FlR RKNT SIISCKLIiANftoqS FQU ""UKNT-"--Stock niid grain ranch for cash or shares. Chirk Realty Co., Medford. 155 FOR ,RK.NT 350 aero Wolls. farm threo nillos oast of Ashland, Ore gon. 250 acres .ttllnbh), upoiit 5,0 acria alfalfa. Fop (urthor Infor; matlon call on or address) Miss Mow v Ho Sougur, 45 llolmau St., Ash lliud, Oivgou. ' 133 I'Olt BAIiK HOU.SItS FOIl 8AI.B j owner, llungatonr, four room and bath, cement walks, east front, lot .",0x1 IT,. Price right For Information address W. K., care Mull Tribune. FOR SAM-; Modern nlno room bun galow, small cash payment, balance monthly, utiusuulty bargain. 43C N. Ilnrtlctt. FOR BAM: OR TRADi; I room huuso. closo In, Will take team, Tiufon and harness for part of pay ment. Addp.sif 15ox CC, Mall Trl butici 13C OR SAI.K llouso and lot. chicken hou and yard, lawn and garden. 7S7 W. 11th St., phono 1019-11. 155 Vlill fc.VM: MlRCnijf.ANKOUS FOR 8AL.K 80 acre homstead ro llniullimcnt, 2 llvo springs, 20 acres good soil, 3 million feet saw timber. Address box CO care Mall Tribune. 13C 'OR SAMJ (Jood young cow, cheap, $50. Phono 841-L. Rcsldenco 213 lleatty St. 135 OR S41.E Royal typewriter, wrlto 122 Roguo Rlvor. Oro. 132 OR SAI.BFull blooded Jersey cow, 8 years old, gentle and good mllkor. $75.00. Janes Dros., Capi tol HIM. t'OR SAI.K Largo, lino young team with heavy -wagon nnd harness. Colonol H. H. SatgenL 13S FOR SALK $5.00 Wilcox & Glbbs ....Sewing Machine In iierfect condi tion lor l-o. j. ii. i.yons, I'noe nix, Oro. ' FOR SALK $1000 lot. It bought witnin 10 days will sell for $500 cash, llox 17, Mall Trlbuno. 132 FOR SAI.K Cheap, a good horso, perfectly gentle, u good worker. 104 So. uowtown. tf FOR SALK Pickling cucuniben, all sixes. Phono SC-J1. 141 FOR SALK Kslttbltshcd business, making monoy. good reasons for selling. $1800.00 cash, b.ilanco on time. Address X Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Loose loaf lodger sys tems, any stylo or tnado to order by tho Mail Trlbuoo bindery. FOR SALK Letter beads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or ombosjed, as you wish at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALK Five passenger nutu, In good condition, recently, over hauled, new tires. A bargain at $150. Ilox E. O. Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALK Uartlctt pear culls. Foothills orchard. Phono 113-J FOR SALK Heautlful year old Jer sey hlfor. M. Walsh, Uth and Holly St. 132 FOR SALK Cheap or exchange for wood Implements or anything use ful. Ruro beautifully framed largo marine scene In oil by Hnmmcstadt cost $125.00, lino Wushbtlrn man dolin, also D. II, Parker shot gun with light 22 long ritlo. Phono Cll-J-4. 132 FOR SALK A 32 Winchester Spo clnl cheap, at 21 Ueiuseo St., L. Snoll. 13C HKtiP WANTKD FKMALK W.VNTBD Co'ol" i'houo"9-F-i5," WANTKD An exporlonced girl for gonerul housework, family three adults, Gil w. 10th St., wages $1 por day. Mrs. Win. Uudgc, WANTKD Olrl for gonoral house work. Phono GU-U-3, or address uox us-A, k. F. ., .no. l, MeUforu, Oregon. 131 . WANTED SITy.vriONS WANTKD Good Jft"panoso boy wants situation to do housework by tho hour. Phouo 125, 13S WANTKD MISCKIiIiANEOUS WANTEDTo" buy" o, good secoud hand saddle Phono 1079-X. WANTED Light spring wagon and sluglo tsot harness, good und choap. Address W. II. Mldiug, Drowus boro, Oro. 155 WANTKD Light spring wagon, also second nana titmuor wagon, mono 403-R-2. . . , 131 WANTKD To buy A-l bungalow, closo In, east side proforrcd. II. II, H. . I By J. WANTKIh- MIMCIvI.LAM.tJUH WANTKD (Jood modern houso for $100 down nnd $30 n month. Clark Roalty Co., 20C Phlpps Illdg. WANTKD Loan $700 on good clear city residence. Clark Realty Co.. 20C Phlpps llldg. WANTKD To borrow $SO00 on nl falfa land near Medford by October 15. Address "p" caro Mall Tri bune. ' WANTKD Listings of orchard pro perties. Clark Realty 0. FOUND FOUND Stray horso. chestnut, brand A. S. on right shoulder. Stauton Grlffla, Durrlll orchard. 131 FOUND Fnr robe. Owner may havo samu by proving property and paying for notlco. 122 LOST LOST Pair gold. rimmed spectacles Amethyst lenses. Return Trlbuno office. Reward. 133 LOST Pair of rimless eyeglasses. J. W. Mitchell. 132 LOST Package of linen, tan and white on Htreeta of city or between Ross I.ano and city. Return to Mall Trlbuno. 131 LOST 1912 clnss pin on Ksst Main St. Finder pleaso return to thU office. Ut FOR KCll.lMK FOR KXCHANUK Ten acres of land In preparation for orange und grapo fruit, located In Gard ner. Florida, thirty miles from Tampa: will exchango for ten acres In Roguo River valley or Medford property; also lots in Now York City for Medford prop erty. Inquire H. W. MacCuIlough, ciy. 139 SIONKY TO LOA.f TO LOAN Money to loan for flvo year 8 on any ranch at a (reason nblo farming valuation, llox 45, caro Mall Tribune. 133 MONEYTO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3GS. DUBININS DIUKCIOHY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. G South ContraL Accountants D. R. WOOD Genonil Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Oftlco, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phone 601; resi dence phonu 534. a Attorneys POUTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALKY Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9. Medford National Dank bldg. A. K. REAMES, LAWYER Gurnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Oro. Win. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLV1G & ItOUBUTS, LAWYERS Medford National Dank nodding. Auto Supplies, LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the temporlng. Wo tiro operating tho largest, oldest aud best .equipped plant in tho Paclflu northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarautco. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc- tloueor for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Real donco phono 101-J. Oftlco Juck 8on County Dank building. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOt3 DR C. O. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott - Corey bldg., Bulte 310 Medford, Ore. Phono 856. Onruage GARBAGE Get vour premise cleaned up for th- winter., Call on tho city garbage' wagons for good service Phono G25-L. F, Y. Alien. Swinnerton HCHINfMS DIRKCTORY Cblroprncior j DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrro specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnett-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths nnd scientific m.iMgo given; nccdlo spray, head and shoulder shower In connection; advlco In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthcrnpy. Iidy attendant. Phono, office 945, rcsldonco C71-R HIL A. R. 1IKDOKS, Dr. Louise H. Hedges Mcchano-TlicraplaU, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts, Thesa systomc. Including dtototlcs, cura tlrO gymnastics, hydro-tneraphy, etc., produco rf-sults la both acute and chronlu dtaoascs. Consulta tion free. Qvcr Douol & Co., cor ner Main and Uartlctt. Hours 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Othar hours by appointment. Phono 170. Cleaners JAPANESR PRESSING PARLORS Steam and dry cleaning nnd dyo work. Satisfaction giinrdntced on all work. Gents' suits prewod. Special attention to ladles' sllkn, lacea and gloved. Goods caltod for and delivered. 1J.4 "N. Front St. Phono 125. ' - 153 Laundry SAM WING CO. Has purchased tho Woo Leo laundry situated nt 123 S, Riverside and will conduct tho business hereafter. Washings called for and delivered. Prices reasonable. 155 Notary Pabllc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Jiring your work to me at tu sign of tho Mall Tribune Printers anil Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best equipped printing oftlco In southern Oregon; book blading, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Kir St. Pliyslclalm and Surgeons DIL F. 0. "CARLO W DRBVA MAINS CARLOW - Osteopathic physicians, 41G-417 Garnett-Corey bldg.. phono 103 G-L. Resldeuea 420 South Laurel st DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclna and surgeou. MYUTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, office SH-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician add surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose aud throat. Eyed scien tifically tested aud glasses suppllvd Oftlco 223 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Phone, E. I). PICKEL, M. D. Oftlco Jack, son County Rank bldg. Office phon6 43-R; residence phono C8-R, DR. MARION Physidao and sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Main and Uartlctt sts.: oftlco phone 27, residence phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. HARDER Physi cian aud surgeon. Oftlco Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel, Hoars' 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone llO-J. DR. R. W. CLANQY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 30, real denco 724-J. Oftlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopathlo physician, . 303 Garuolt-Corey building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Lums den, 2IC E. Main St, Phoud 77, Sicuogrujiliers' ELLA JLGAUNUVPalwhiook; i..w Storiogruphto work dbno datckljj and well. Iraiiifcr .-.iH EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE C& Office 1G South Fir SL Phoni 315. Prices right Service, guar anteed Tralueil Nurso TRAINED NURSE Mien Nellie Loiu nuisaoii. residence 738 West llth SU Phono B57-R. r ' lit Veterinary Kurueon DR. MURRAY, VBTRRIARY SUR GEON. graduate1 at Mk A merle Veterinary, College, M .. Y.,-CIUr. Office Nash Livery SUU&, , i ; i " ' .A .4 i- i 'J