PAGE TWO. MEDFORD MATH TR1RUN15. MflDFORD. OKF.C10N. "FRIDAY, AlTCHTRT 22, 1013. I 'I c , t (. l'v It, ' fl fOCAlAND LlPFfi M r iJarngtt lias gono to Portland oft-rc-nl oslato business. Horbtt, Alford, nm! I tlon ard, sojourning nl to Carter Hi an olcstln. Mrs. Mnry Miller mid Miss lfito Mc Cully of JncKsonvillo visited In Mcd ford Thursday. Wl llm Ulrlcti. administrator ot th& wlafo ot J. D.-McArdlo deceased wlfl Mil nt public unction, nil ot tho I Jetyolry ,ot. said deceased including onn dlamondring, Saturday, August J3rtL Wis. at S:30 p. in. at Uio old Cuthbert utand on tho Corner north from tho post off Ico, Terms cash. W, IT. Ersklno Is seriously 111 nl his rcsldcnco In Medford with a can cer In his stomach. A.,C. Ahrnms, wjio hns boon nt 1.6s AnKolea for several months, re turned Thursday evening. Homc-mado bread at Do Voc's. Mrs. J. Obordorfer went north on a visit Thursday evening. tfeorgo It. Durham, tho attorney, yras down from Grants Pass Thnrs dsyv on professional business nt Jack eontfllfc. William Ulrleh, administrator ot tho.ostnto of J. D. McArdle, deceased, J ,111 sell at public auction, an or. mo cwolry ot said" deceased, Including one, diamond ring, Saturday, .August 2.3rd, 1913, at 2;30 p. m, at tho old Cuthbort stand on the corner north com tho post office Terms, cash. 15. V. LHJegrani, tho assayer and chemist, has been In Gold Hill and other mining districts on professional biieIneB?, I. S. Stecnstrnp returned Thurs day evening from, a jbusmess visit at San Francisco. Producers Fruit ou. Tins Just rc cplvo'd a large shipment ot 1 lb. and X lb-, tin top berry baskets', and can fill orders In tiny quantity. Wo also bare on hand n largo supply ot the cotobrated "Sccnrlty" orchard lad ders in all sites. Mrs, E. n. Ilariloy of Xorth Jack sonville district motored to Med ford Thursday evening. , Fred Weeks. Mrs. Orr and" Miss M. rfekens haro returned from an auto irlp to Crater Lake. Dra. a. It and Loulso R. Hedges, chiropractors and mecfaana-ihcraplsfs are now located over Deuel & Co. Phono 170. W. IT. Wilson returned Thurs'day from fjrants pass, whero ho is con ducting a branch sioro. Clareaco Noo and John Reter and their sons a'ro on their way to Cra ter Lake, hunting and fishing en route. Kodaic finishing, test la town, at Weston's. Fred Strang has gono to Newport (o spend his vacation and -will bo gono a few weeks. Felix Cohn ot Porttand, tho veto ran cbmmc'rciaf traveler, is in tho vafley again. Brooms Ask your dealer for tho product of tho Ashland factory . Dr. II. W. Uond and his family and A. J. Samuels, all of Alameda, Cal.. riro Ia(o nrrirala in Bedford. Herman (J. Moyor of Lake Creek arid K. II. IJradsliaw ot nrownsboro transacted business In Mcdford. Cratnr Lake pictures ,a book it 12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest ever niado of the lako, for salo nt aerklag1 & Harmon's studio. Call ttd bco them. 228 Hast Main street, phone 320-J. tf William Cameron or Dig Hutto and A. C. Iladcliffo of Kaglo Point carao to Mcdford Thursday. Charles W. Prim and E. P. Dower of Jacksonville wcro Medford vis llorB Thursday. B. D. Weston, commercial pnotog rapbor, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phono M. 1471. Mr. and Mrs. Krnost MclCce, who aro residing at Jacksonville, will ro movo to Mcdford next Nveftk, John H. Plymaio, a Dig Dutto homestcuder, is spending a few days in .Medford, Tho finest studio in southern Ore gon has been opened by Corking & Harmon nt 228 East Main street, first stairway east or Star theater, durji'orft Is always, tho best, views of ,all kinds f6r sao. Tho best of kodak finishing. Negatives raado any tliao or placo. Phpno 320-J. tr Itcglstration for tho good roads bond election which takes placo Sop tombcr tho 9th, closes next Saturday evening. Mr. afnd Mrs. W. 0. Knighton of Eagle Point woro with Mcdford friends Thursday. Screen doors' Mcdford Co. Samuel ItoHenborg, owner of Dear Creek orchard, left- for Seattle ThUrs-' day'ov&nlftg, but wilt fotilrn soon. " Weeks & McGo wan Co. UKjJti PSTCCAKBRS h t . . . . tABT AMimcurx Day Phone 227 - , Ft W. Week J99-J-3 A. E. Orr 878-M Nih fbee O. W. Wyalt nnd II. P. Gould of Washington, I), 0.', nro In tho vnlloy on U. S. government business. Leo Jacobs, cashier of tho Farmers flint Fruitgrowers bank, la upending several dny nt Colns'tln. Sinter Johnson nnd S. Greonnngh are of tho many who went to Crater l.ako during tho week. "Insuranco your best nssot." llavo tho best. Placo yoilr Insurance with Holmes, the hisurauco Man, right it ho -writes It. tf Ernest Webb nnd W. E. llnmmell, tho horticulturist?, transacted busi ness In Medford Thursday. Jtimes T. Chlnnock of Salotn, water commissioner, who Is In the vnlloy on official business, tarried In Mod ford Thursday. Tho Anions Hlblo class of tho Hap. tlst church will hold a food salo nt public market, Saturday, August 23. 131 James Gordon nnd his family, who arrived from Klamath county Thurs day, left for Grants Pass In the even ing on n visit. Miss Crystal Fern of Grants, Pass, who was tho guest of Mlss Pearl Hooth during tho past week, has re turned homo Thursday evening, Fred Alton Hnlght. teachor ot piano and harmony, Nntlonal Con servatory of Now York. Specialist in tho correct principles ot touch and technique In all grades ot study Careful attention given to young children nnd beginners. Faults ac quired through wrong ways ot prac ticing corrected. Fall term Septem ber 2. Hnlght Music Studios, 110 S. Laurel street, phono 17C-H. John Grieve, road supervisor of Prospect district, transacted business In Medford Thursday. E. II. Hannn of Ttoschurg was ot tho many who made a trip to Mcd ford during tho week. J. M. Kader ot South Phoenix and W. A. Jones of Rosa Lane motored to Mcdford Thursday evening. Mrs. Arthur; II. Xllyn has opened an offtco an public stenographer at ihe Medford Hotel. Sho is exper ienced In court reporting, legal work, banking, Insurance, abstracting, real estate and commercial lines. Satis faction guaranteed." Prices reason able. 152 It. D. lloko and Colonel George P. Minis of Willow Sprlugs district were recent business visitors In Medford. C. E. Jones of Sams Valley and It: C. Lnuc of Central Point tarried a whllo In cMdford Thursday. P. F. Swayno ot Dig Applegate made a business trip to Mcdford Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Myers ot Cen tral Point motored to Mcdford on Thursday afternoon. Frolt treo props Medford 'Lbr. Co. Mrs. K. Poyser left for Rldgwny. Colo., to spend several weeks with relatives. A, Noth, ticket agenfat tho South ern Pacific depot, loft, for Newport on an outing Thursday evening. Tho Medford band will furnish music for the, excursion to Dutlc Fatls over tho Pacific .and Eastern next Sunday. t Henry Erskinc, who carao from tho Wlllamctto valley to visit his father, has returned homo. Ho is engaged In farming near Eugcno. . Professor George Rebec, n mem ber of tho acuity of tho University ot Oregon, was in Medford tho foro part ot tho weok. Ho owns n fine orchard in North Jacksonville irc cinct. I. W. J3crry) who was considerably injured1 by n Jersey bull belonging to D. B. Russell of .Antioch, Is convales ping. Ono of hia shoulders was dis located and ho received other injur ies. Robert Caton, who liaH been vis iting at Mcdford nnd Phoonlx, left for hlH homo In Pacific county. Wash., Thursday. Mr. nr.d Mrs. A. M. Irons of Shaw- nco, Oklahoma, aro guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ling, who nro rlatlvcs. Sheriff Slugler was over from Jack sonville Thursday, accompanying his nephew, Charles Rick, who mado him n visit wlillo on iila way to Sacra mento. J. M. Morton, formerly of Jackson ville, who has been, teaching school In Cellfonila for many years, has en gaged in fdrmlng la tho southern part ot that state. Henry Ca'Ila'hnn, who has been de voloplug IiIh copper properties In Hluo Lodgo district, has returned to Med ford. Ho waa accompanied by Mrs. Callahan, who found tho altltu'do too high. Local Reunion ban boon Informed that tho great council ot tho Im proved Order of Red Men hold nt Tho pallcn this wek was well at tended. Tho order mado an excellent record .during tho past year, Tho fbl lowing officers wero chosen: Great saclioiq, Frank Mlcolll of Roseburg; asnlor eagamoro, Houry 'Coo, Tho Dnlles; Junior sagamoro, William Anglo, Svensen; prophet, Hurt West ScoppooBo; chief of records, L. A. Homlck, Portland; keopor ot wam pum, I. A. Nobof, Orogon City; rep resentative of tho great council to be held at Washington, D. C, In S6p tombor, James A. Devlin, Pondlotori. Pprtland wutt choseu ds tho next place of (meeting for th'o Oregon great council. A solid train o( passenger cars be longing In tho Pennsylvania systvin and Putlmnn coaches passed through Medford Thursday evening. They carried Knights Templars ot kej atone stale ho had been attending tho tri ennial conclave nt Denver nud auvnn hers ot (heir families. Ucorgo Foyes has returned from Portland, accompanied by his family", who liavo been visiting In Ohio tor somo timet past. First class grain liny, $12 delivered alfalfa ?10. W. 11. Everhard, plionu CC7-J. Professor nnd Mrs. Hamuni aro at home again ntter a short visit nt Phnonlw Among those ramped at Union crook aro Mrs. Court Hall nnd Frank Amy and wife. Councilman George 11, .Millar writes as follows from Fort Klntiiath: "Hroko word catching Rainbow trout in Crater Lake according to official record. Ono 24 Inches long and one 20. measured by boatman at tho Lake lxulgo. Fishing; good, Soiling out our high grade store and office furniture, dirt cheap. Pa cific Motor Supply Co. 133 Mrs. R. C. Klnluysldn and daugh ters, Janet and Grace, returned on Thursday from a two month's visit In Canada and Sound cities. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jess Huttar (nee Nichols) nnd Miss Maud Nichols ar rhed in Medford Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Nichols, having como by nutn from Redmond, where Mr. Duller conducts a drug store. Sinter Johuson han returned from a trip io uraior iiko. II. M. Coko and party aro among tho visitors to Crater I.akc. Tiny will visit Odell lako before tnclr re turn. Theater lunches and refreshments served nt the Nash Grill. . Open until 12 p. 4n. each evening. 132 SJato Gamo Warden Flnloy Is among the visitors to Crater Lake, making arrangements for restocking tho lako with trout and crawfish and crabs for tluin to feed upon. Show cases, sat desks, cash regis ter at a song. Wo aro selling out. Pacific Motor Supply Co. 133 Rlngllng Hros. circus in four sec tions will reach Medford Sunday morning about i 1 o'clock but will not remain any longer than riecessHry to take on somo supplies. They are using Sunday to mako the Jump to Chlco where they show on Monday. This Is tho largest circus over brought to tho coast. Theater lunchea nnd refreshments served at tho Nash Grill. Open until 12 p. in. each ovcnlng. 133 Thero scorns to bo a rolsunder standing nbout trains whistling" In tho Medford yard limit. This Is sel dom necessary, but when n train Is delayed In tho yard nn unusual length of tlmo It Is necessary for a flagman to go back a consldorablo dlstauco to protect tho rear of tho train and when tho train Is about ready to Icavo it is necessary to whistle this man In. Thero will bo no unnecessary whist ling to disturb Mcdford. This as surance is mado by the local offlio J. A. Ormonday, chief clerk South ern Pacific passenger department of Portland, Is In Mcdford today. II. C. Hums, mi official of tho Southern Pacific company, -spoilt Thursday in Medford. Nine cars of piars wcro loaded at Voorhlci aiding yesterday. CAUCUS REFUSES 10. , AMEND CUMCY M OKI!IK(ITONf Aug. !. The dcmoeriitiu hoin-e emieiiH riii'MHed to day by a vulo of I III to (18 id insert iu the eiirrcncv hill ihe N'celey-Klier-ley umeinfmeiit iirohiliiliiitr dirV'ciorri niul officerM of more lliiui one hunli or (mat company from joining the national rcxprvo luuikx. GAVE MONEY TO GYPSY TO CHARM EVIL SPIRITS SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl.. Aug. 112. Led io bolievo Ihut her illnenh wiih due to it wicked ftnell ciiht over her hy qvil hpiiiin nnd that hy tho -payment of rr Inrgo snm this hlight could ho removed, Mih.s Ilnuiuih rmitir, mi invalid who lives' with her ilnclc, ChurlfK Itink, here, gnvp to n 8(ran6 gj'Py Jf J 120 that' ln might he rjnred. She &UII Hllffcra. hut the gypy cohich no1 monO' To day the patient confided iif Itir un cle, who iinmcfliately notified Iho o Hcc. - WRECK ON PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, LEETONIAOHIO LKKTOKIA, 0 Aug. !22. Mm. Sophia Shock of Lo Augclex nnd Hcvernl othorn wero injured hero to day when tho lVniiaylviiiii.i railroad Kahlern oxproxs from Chicago to Now York wjib derailed. Jlrn. Shock re ceived painful hniiboH about tfio huud nnd body. "The Beauty Shop" is tho name of a now musical- ploco InNvhicU Itay inond HUchcocl will bo seen. NEW YORK FILES , SlIERHROOKK, Out., Aug. 22. Tho Now York officials hero today sent a protest to tho minister ot Jus tice nt Ottawa chUmlug that they arc not rrcelvlug proper considera tion In tho local courts. They Urged that ThaW's eommlttmoiH bo quashed and Mint lie t released nl once, so that tho Immigration oftlclah might net to deport him. Thaw nnd his lawyers apparently aro not disturbed by theno artlvltltn. Thaw Is preparing nn appeal to tho American in-onlo nsklui; for a minium slon of Judgment In liU ensu nnd do- mnndlng the aid of Pennsylvania, Ah soon na Thaw' nttornevn learned (hat Dr. Noel had sent his repofl to Ottawa niul had ngrood to call It to the attention ot the govern ment they instructed tlielr associates In Ottawa to prepare to net Immed iately utter tho report arrives. Now York officials have nikcit the govern ment not to act without learning whether Noel Is In Dr. Evans' employ. It was reported todav Ihnl Thaw had received a letter from Mrs. Evelyn Thaw douvlug th Interviews attributed to her. QIMNCY, III.. Aug. yj. Fire which for a time thteateued to tie- xtrov the buine8nce!ion of the city was controlled tdduv utter it hard fight of tin hour nnd u half. One whole block in the center of the oitv i.t in ruiiH. , Twenty-five hores were hurued in a livery htahle. where Iho flic started. ' MEAT CUnERS FIGHT L KANSAS CITY, Mo , Aug. 22. Whllo terlticd ciijfitonWs looked on Frank Mooncy arid Mark, Hamilton, "meat cutto-raV onAajjed lh a death struggla In tho crowded salesroom of one of tho largest' of the city's meat markets today, tho combat ending only when Mooncy fell dead at Ilairf llton's feet with tho hindo or a butch er knlfo through his heart. Hamil ton surrendered to the police, ex plaining that the fight was the climax ot an old quarrel. j stabbed Mooncy," ho5ald. "ho causo I couldn't stand his cursing.'! SPKINOTIIXfJ, III., Aug. ! Governor Kilwnnl F. Dunne of mi- nois put into effnyt today n uctv rule whirl) wilt help hIiiIo coil viol us well im vork ou tho Hlntc liigliwnvx. Ahkcil whether he nppioveit of MiHKouri'n "good road duyx," Gov ernor Dunne xaid: "I don't wnut (o ilihotiriK that. Illi ilo'm hiiH ;nloitr( a heicntifie method. I have juxt nolctitd ihe warden it( Juliet piiiiilcutinry Hint for every three dnyx the coiiicln work on tho roads I will (ommiitu one iluv Iroju tlipir Henteiievx." IHE t L Till-: HAOUi:, Aug. 22. Tho poaeo conforenco in session hero today adopted a resolution favoring tho sub mission of tho Anglo-American con troversy over Punamit Canal tolls to Tho Haguo nbltratlon cqurt if diplo macy fulls. It itlho adopted a resolu tion of regret that tho llalkan States Hhould have received International financial suport to financed their wars. Tho conforepco favored a codifi cation of International laws making arbitration compulsory boforo wur inuy ho declared. WJth MfJdford trafo 5s Mcdford mado. FRE DESTROYS QUINCY BULDNGS DONNE'S PUN HAGUE m CANA TOO liATIJ 'f!l) CLASHIPV, ( t'OIt "" SALK- Threw Phlo BysU-in chicken coo)B. Phono 077-Y or ' call 53 North Orarigo. 131 LOST On road botwe'on Prospect and Medford, a bag containing au tomobile tools, Kinder will bo rownrded by returning to Win', aorlg, P, & B, railway, .Medford. 133 www ) , . SI HILL 10 IK GOOD RCfADS Major II". i. Howlliy, nlitlu high way engineer, m lived In MimII'iiuI oh I'riilaV in e.iniueolloti vvilli engineer lug woik on iho pmiiuiuM county highway. Alt'. Howlhy ngrood Io hrlinr hw picturoN nnd dclhor i ser io of KeturCH on good lomU liofuie tho elf tl ion. '(Io Hinted llult ho hull M'Ourctl tho pfotmxc ol' Sum I Ml, llic rifuiutirt good vositN nilvnonlo, who has just relumed fiom Kuropc, Io ilclivei' two Icctutc. illuMnilt'd with View jiM fiikeil nhrnntl, liinn Angj nsl 1S nnd lD. The leeluion will IS) th'Hvcicil nl AsIiIuimI niul Medronl. State Trennuier Tom Kuv will li onmpiilgn lor I lie uxul lioiul-. I HEAT WAVE BREAKS Cllll'AUO. Aug 22, Tho heat wnvo that has hold the middle wuit in Its gr:(sp tor wooKk waa broken today ly it general droji In temperature. At Lincoln, Nob., the mercury fll fort) dogreori over night. In many localities tho drop today was the first relief residents have had in six wooKs. Klght deaths wore re ported jestorday In Ootruil. I'ntll relief camo Iho thermometer nt tho Lincoln weather bureau had rgls (rod it dally minimum of 100 de grees for two weeks. PLEADS NOI GUILTY SALKM, Ore, Aug. 'J-'. -J. K. lloMifor, editor of tho Silverlou .Journal, pleaded not guiltv to lh charge of lihchug Ihe llciiediclino coiitout nt .Mount Aficol, in an ar hole piihliiht-d hy him relating Iho alleged coljfetvxloii of a nun wiid to have (so.ixd fnmt the ooiiM-ut. whoii ho wiik nrrnigucd before .liftiru of the i'eaee Daniel Wolister todav. Th preliminary hearing wiih m-1 for Sep tombcr I. HoMiier wn nrteulril vcrttenhiy mi the clmrgn of criminal hhol. whu-h action follow h a civil unit f'tr -f .0,000 damngOH bn-.eil on hc ninn urlnlo ' It is reported Mrs. Patrick Camp boll Is to mako another American tour. St. -Helens Hall l-liUTUM' Or ON kfli'idant anI Day School for Girlt In k,rM i SiUt ti( hillii IumMM (Ki.i..i CIl.(li. 4 II.M.iil.rf iMrMfl, Ui.u. A.I. iltu. Omm.114 Art. tmu .l.i, Q4.1a ( rrMlrf'llrw -iui:citTt it i.trruioii.ofri.rS fl. lM-i Unit Draperies . V cliffy a. vry comiiliiU tin ,of rffniii-rlrit, r ciiriuliin, fliliirc. etc.. Mini do all vMiiuh of tijiliulfiitrllig A pmlHt miin i look afirr tbla work eiclimtvrly ttnd will clvn ua kimkI rvlro nn In uimnlblo lo Kit In svan tlni lttrvct cltlun. ! m At nAttlllliilii tins tr Veok3 & McQowau Co. MIDDLE WES SILVERTON Hal pui- Priei'tf (n AVhltL "WOOD 4 , You Will Waill fi'llii-'Wiulfi-TIER, CORD AND CAR LOTS t VALLEY FUEL CO. SiU'cchhoi-h Io UfifJistfiii. Cor. Fir and Secoiid St. Woat. Tol. 70. Western China Co. Ul SOITll t'lJXTHAtj t'lifmt anil HupplloH for llio Oci orntor Claen Thursday 7 : :i0 toll) i, in, and I'lrliiB Krlday " ""C OPENING AUGUST 25 The C6ldniail Flats Formally HinllK AjmrlnientH Ituimlng Under Now' Management on Htrlct Ilimlucsti i'rluclpitlu M)0)iH I'Oll Ilf;ilT IIOUHKKiCllI'LStl rito.ii tjtM.OO 'JO tjtirt.OO I'illt .MONTH With Ilath Hoom Accommodiitlons, (InH nuit Klcctriu Lights In riiilldlng. Ifot and Cold Wntor nt all limes. Luifrfdry tor Tdnant'a uso. "nvorytUliifc-Vuriilshod Iixcopt Ka(s." Cdll arid lminbct - Siuglb Itooins HOo Vb'v I)ny.' ' 217 flo. itiWatniR . viidSK n'o'o.T WmWmHJ Vvf"WV W - - """Ma m' Nlfllll.MC W'oitr tho Nu Meno (lunnmtood Cor set, For Hnln lly .10MHPIIINIJ I-'. CUi.VltIC Mill Wont till Htioot Tilt (JNfYEMSlTY OF SOUTHERN OREGON ll.XS AllDKH A Preparatory Course to ouahtc thoso who hnvo not com plutcd their publlu and high Heboid couisot, n ehuitoo to propnro for tho i o,,ulnr unlvcrslly oouisea, and rtlHo to help thoso who nro p reputing for tho county and titnto teachers curll fluiitori. Tho subjects that will bo Included In this course mo us follews: Arith metic, nlgohru, geometry, latin, grnm umr, ploiiloloKy, history, oln. Tuition fill months ?'.". uboto tiiiitx for iiluo If you nro lutcrosled call up tho president, Dr. It. V. MitcUulluugh. Prospoclus ready In it tutv days. IteclHteilng thou on Mouiby. Woducsdit) nnd l'rlilny, K to IU p. in E. D. Weston Official Photographer of thf Mcdford Conimorcinl Club AiiiaitMir liitLshitig i'ost CimlA Pauorainiii Work Flash lighiu Porlraita Inlcrioraiid o.vlM'Ior Uivrt , ,i Nos'atlvp.s mado anv l.itiu and any placo hy appoint uiont , . 7.08 E. Main Phone 1471 Cily. Running tlmlillcd ice water in crtch room. European Plan, n la Gtrtc Cafe. , Tariff an Roomn 12 roora .... ?LOQ racli 60 room .... l.CO racli f0 .... i!.00 cadi flU rouou ptttil Uik 2.00 ch HO rotynMnk ritUll 2.50 eadt 30 tulti!i, hedrnoin, par lor nnd bslli . 3,00 ench For mere Ihan onn niiait IJ J LOO extra, to tho nbovr rrlea for ' vaIi Additional cuml. Ilcductloit by vvcicL or month. Maxutunmnt CSitttr W Kmlhy bcrxaaLTirisrjrJ333an3Pi &$$& Bcjl,locnl"u! t;5ir'ca hotel in tho WE PAY Ln3ll FOR OLD CLOTHES What do You Know About That Whon cleaning out your clo30ts you find clothes you novor vcar. Tnko them down to Wilson ' you will get money for thoin thero. Lost you forgot, Wo say it yet Clothes, now and old, Bought and Bold. Wo huy all kinds of Sec. ond-Hand Clothing and Shoos. Bring in your Old Suits. Will n. all J I i Wilson i2d N. Front St., Medford. 3lJi . ixth St., Grants Pass PHONE 1103 L''Jiii' ' UaUTtf'Vy.-B V-i! . r.