LilrtnOBWWPW "Af pj k Li t PAGE TWO. MEDFORD MATTJ TIUHUN1D. MWDPORD. OKFiflON. TtlTIttRPAY. ATTQITRT 21, WW, I0CA1.AND I L personal! County Clork Gardner 1ms notified tlio rcglBtrns that registration for tho cnmlnK bond election will closo next Saturday, August 3a. Registration -will 6? rosilinod hffdr tho clecUon. Tlicro will J6 no swearing In of voters on election Jay, tho now Inw pertain ing to elections specifically nrohlult Inglhls. lio'ltN -TO Mr. nmf Mrs. John It. CarHclh Wednesday, August 20, n ten pound boy. William Ulrlch, administrator of thtf cslatci of J. 1). McArdlo deceased, wlll'soll nl public auction, nil of tho Jewelry of said deceased Including ono diamond ring. Saturday, August 2.1rd, 1013, nt 2:30 j. hi. tit the old Cuthbcrt stand on tho corner north t rbm the post office Terras cash. Mrs. W. E. Kcrtner of Jackson ville visited In Mcdford Wednesday afternoon. Fred W. Mears mode a professional trip to Jacksonville Wednesday. New satin lints. Ahrens. Mrs. L. Wlmer went to Ashland Wednesday on a visit with relatives. Frank Swlnplo and party of Ash Inns ittbtftrell to Mcdford Wednesday afternoon. uNow fall KUIts and coats. Ahrens. J, M. Pitcher nnd his family have returned from a trip to Crater I-ako. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sollss drove over from Eaglo Point Wednesday. Home-made bread tit Do Voo'a. E( Conger and A. Onngwlsch wero over from Jacksonville Wednesday afternoon. C. M. lluch nnd H. It. Taylor of Applcgato mado a business trip to Mcdford Wednesday. William Ulrlch. administrator of tho cstnto of J. D. McArdle, deceased. will soil at public auction, all bf tho Jcwctry of said deceased, including ono diamond ring, Saturday, August 23rd 19i3. at 2:30 at Iho old Cuthbcrt stand on tho corner north from tho post office Terms cash Ed Ilostwlck of tho West Side stablo went to Applcgato Wednesday returning In tho evening. Qcorgo A. Morso and J. W. Dalley of Talent district spent a few hours In Mcdford Wednesday. liomo of IjL Crccriuo corsets. Ahrens. 13. L. Dodge, who is spending tho summer at his big orchard on Rogoo rlvor, camo to Mcdford Wednesday. W. W. Gregory of pig Sticky and w A. Morris of Ilock Point tran sacted bnslnbss In Mcdford Wednes day. jfToducers Fruit tx. tias just re ceived a largo shipment of 1 lb. and lb. tin top berry baskets, and eari fill orders la any quantity. Wo also have on hand a largo supply of the colebrated "Security" orchard lad ders In all sizes. ' Mrs. X P. Lconnd Mrs. E. LaMar and Miss Flora Cray, who havo been camping at Colcstln, aro in Mcdford again. W. L. Moulton and R. J. Finney of acramonto and L. L. Anderson of Carson aro lato arrivals In Mcd ford. Kabo front laco corsets, 2.00, $2.50 and $3.50. Ahrens. IT. A. Stino and William Scheblo were recent business visitors at Ash land. Mr, and Mrs. Frank nenson of Cen tral rblnl district wero of tho many who camo tb Mcdford Wednesday. Drs. A. il. nnd Loulso E. Hedges, chiropractors and mocbana-thoraplsts aro now located over Doucl & Co. Phono 170. t. J. Ncff and John X. Miller, well known pioneers, wero nmong Mcd ford frlorids Wednesday, A. L. penwell, a former resident of Mcdford. who realties In tho Wll laiuotio valley, Is visiting his son, Plumber Ponwoli. Lingerie dresses ono-haif price. Ahrens, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Conro Fioro of Central Point district motored to Medford Wednesday. J, O. Ciroy and his sons havo gone to Iilg liutto to hunt and fish a few week. Kodak finishing, best in town, at vVostdrt's. Miss Fern Hutchison loft for Port land Wedut5sday ovenlrig to bo pres ent nt tho woddlng of a friend. Mrs, John J. White' arrived from Ilorkbioy, Cal Wednesday evening and will romalu in Mcdford soma timo. Golhnhi gold utrlpo silk hdso, tho best oh tho market, $1.00. Ahrens Miss i,lnia Jorgonson, who lias beon employed In a wholusalo mllll noy hoiiBo til, San Francisco, Is In Moil ford again. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS &ABY AMMAUT Day i'jibne 87 Nktitt F, W. Weeks 103-J-3 ttftaefc . A. E. Orr 078-S Owen Dunlnp has assumed tho manngoment of tho business of Kit tor & Dunlnp nnd removed from Phoo- rilx tb Medford. ' "Air, nnd Mrs. Thomas Collins has goho to Rbsoburg to visit relatives ahd friends. For Rnlo, a few ahnrcs nf Block of Roguo Rlvor Fruit and Froduco asso ciation. Address or call nt 717 North Rlversldo. Mcdford. 130 Guy Thrasher and Raymond Fish wero of those from Phoenix who transacted business In Mcdford this week. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Jordan havo slnrted for Ulg Hullo wheru they will camp for n few weeks. It Is not extravagant to wear silk hoso when you buy tho Gotham gold stripe, $1.00 n pair. Ahrens. ' Uriah Gordon has begun the eon siructton of a school house, which will accommodate tho needs of Pey ton district, on upper Roguo rlvor. Mrs. A. A. Davis and her nleco, Miss Hale, made a trip to Ashland Wednesday nttcrnoon. .Gcbhnrdt Huber of Granta Pass spent Tnesdny at Medford, his former homo. Mrs. J. M. Root nnd her daughter aro camping nt Colcstln, guests of Mrs. Kd Andrews nnd Miss Caroline Andrews. W. H. Mowatt, manngor of tho Pos tal Telegraph company nt Ashland, spent sovcral hours in Mcdford on Wednesday evening. Rrooms Ask your dealer for tho product of tho Ashland factory . Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Colver of Phoe nix, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Roblson and Mrs. Dean of Wagner, creok passed through Medford Wednesday on their way homo from McCalllstcr's springs. Col. J. F. Mundy mado a trip to his coal mines located cast of Tal ent, Wednesday. Ho Is well pleased with Into developments. Crater Lake pictures ,a book if 12 pictures, hand colored, tho flnc.U ever mado of tho lake, for salo at Gorklng & Harmon's studio. Call and sco them. 22S East Main street, phono 320-J. tf Tho city council has ordered tho paving of Dakota, Vancouver and Jay streets and also ordered a sower constructed at the end of tho paving on South Centrat. S. S. Smith, who has been camping with his family at Colcstln for a fow Ua)9, rilMIMUU 11 VMUL-aUHJ V.VM...&. K. i). Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phono M. 1471. Mrs. W. l. Usshcr has gone to Ash land to Join her husband, who Is manager of tho Pacific Tclophono company nt that placo. Mr. ana Mrs. 11. l. WHhcr aro entertaining Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Fol- gcr of Oakland. Cat., at their homo on Siskiyou Heights. Tho finest Etudlo in southern Or 6 gon has been opened by Corking & Hnrmon at 22S East Main street, first stairway cast of Star theater. Our work Is always tho best, vlows of all kinds for sale. Tho best of kodak finishing. Negatives mado any tlmo or place. Phono 320-J. tf Mrs. D. Campbell, who has been vIsltlnK In Mcdford has Joined her husband nt Marshfleld. Sho was ac companied thlthor by her sister, Mrs, J. D. noil. H. Wolf of Applegatn, and II, Howard of Palmer camp wero among Mcdford's business visitors Wednes day. Screen doors Mcdford Lbr. Co. " Gcorgo Andrews and R. W. Hitch cock, tho horticulturist, tarried in Medford Wednesday. O. II. EIridgo, who looks after tho weighing department of tho South ern Pacific, Is In Mcdford. "Insuranco your best assot." Havo (ho best. Place your insuranco with Holmes, tho Insuranco Man, right If ho writes It. tf Hugh McGuiro of Portland, ono of tho foundcre of tho Pacific Paper company, passed through Mcdford Wednesday en routo from San Fran cisco, A. Grlssom of Climax and J. h. Wilson of Griffin creek camo to Mcd ford tho foro part of tho week. Tho Amoua Hlhlo class of tho Dap- tlst church will hold a food saio at public market, Saturday, August 23. 131 Miss Orba Natwick of Eaglo Point is tho guest of Mcdford friends. J. J. Pankoy, Harry Day nnd E. L Dusenbury of Gold Hit tarried in Medford awhile Wednesday. Fred Alton Hulght. teacher of piano nnd harmony, National Con sorvntory of New York. Specialist in tho correct principles of touch and tcchnlquo in all grades of study. Careful attention given to young chlldron and bcglrinorB. Faults ac quired through wrbng ways of prac ticing corrected. Fal term Soptdm lior 2. H.alght Music Studios, 110 S. Laurel street, phono 170-R. E, M. McKoany, representative of tho Pioneer FrUlt company In solith onl Oregon, loft for Portland Wednes day evening, to micdt W. IJ. Dontlls, awell known commission Merchant of Loildon, Eiiglnnd. K. D. Thompson, I). P. Chandler and J. F, McCbrd of Roguo river wero rccetit business visitors In Medford. C. W. Wllmorotli, who represents a Now York commission house, la In tho bonds of snld counly nnd piovldu fori time required, for want thereof tho permanent road construction, to the ly" falley to contract for trutt shipments. Mesdahiea C. P. Ruck, W. M. Kin v.m U l) Cntimi nmt mwornl nllior members of tub local W. C. T. IJ. . nollnni, par vnlue, ten yents l.,n,t,l Mm nnnlinl mil Vfttlt loll linlil nt tlUl UVIO UtOrCUr. amount of Five Hundred Thousand (MOO.OOO.OO) Uullnrs, to mnlunu Ono Hundred Thousand ($100,000) from Phoenix Wednesday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Roynl Tiro wit of Eaglo Point havo returned from n visit nt Portland, accompanied by tho lnttor's son, Uarl Taylor. Mrs. A. Hcnrh nnd Mrs. Hapless of Phoenix wore In Medford Wednes day evening, accompanying Miss Mgo low of Washington this far on her way to Portland. Mrs. Arthur 11, Allyn has opened an offlco as public stenographer nt the Mcdford Hotel. Sho Is exper ienced In court reporting, legal work, banking. Insurance, abstracting, real estate and commercial lines. Satis faction guaranteed. Prices reason able 162 Gcorgo Teatsorlh hns Just com pleted n substantial packing house tor Mrs. E. W. Ulnghnm of Snnta Rnrbara, who owns n portion of tho thirrcll orchard. It Is 40 CO feet In sUe. two stories high and equipped with nn olevntor. John M. Scott, gcncrnl pnsscnger ngent of the Southern Pacific, II. O. lUns'iaw, traveling freight agent, and W. II. Jenkins, traveling passcngor agent, aro down from Portland. They spent Wednesday night In Mcdford. Hop picking will begin In Josephine county In a fow days and a thous and pickers wilt be employed three weeks In gathering tho crop, which Is n good ono. Flnnagatt & Cornell hnvo 100 acres and Leonard & com pnny 50 acres In hops and expect five bales to tho aero. Fruit trco props Medford Lbr. Co. Tho secretary of agrlrulturo has notified District Forester Dubois of tho approval of tho salo of 2.000,000, 000 feet of timber In tho Klamath national forest lying between Horn brook and llapp Cnmp, Cal. Tho sale depends upon tho construction of 72 miles of railroad to lap tho main lino of tho Southern Pacific. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Turner of Spooncr, Wis., aro guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Klnyon of south Fir St. First class grain hay, $12 delivered alfalfa $10. W. II. Evcrhard, phono C67-J. J. M. Winters, of Qulncy. III., Is in tho valley for n few day's visit to his old-time Illinois friend, Dr. Henry Hart, and family. Mr. Winters Is cashier of tho First National Rank In OnlniM anil hn anil Mr Unit nml tliclr families havo boon closo ac quaintances for years. Ono Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars, par value, fifteen years from tho dale thereof. Ono Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars, par vnluo, twenty years from th dnlo thereof. Oho Hundred Thousand (itOO.OOO) Dollars, pnr vnlue, twenty-tlvo years from tho dnto thereor, Ono Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars, par value, thirty years from the date thereof. Tho total amount thereof to ho Is sued In one year If tho county court sWll so order, nnd to bear Interest at tho rale of five per cent per an num, and all of tho funds so raised shall bo expended In building and Im proving oho permanent road In said county, described as follows, to-wlt; Rcglnnlug at tho comer between fractional sections thirteen (13) nnd fourteen (11) In township forty eight (48) north of range seven (7) west of tho Mount IKnbln Meridian, CnCllfornln, connecting with tho sur vey of the Rtnlo Highway of Califor nia; thenco northerly nlong tho routo as now slaked out to present county road; thence following ns near as practical tho mnin county road Into and through tho city of Ashland, a municipal corporation of Jackson county, Oregon; thenco following tho main traveled county road through tho towns of Talent, Phoenix, Mcd ford nnd Centrat Point, In n north westerly directien: thenco following, as near ris practical, tho county road in a northwesterly direction to a point at or near tho stream known ti ItoKtia Rlver: thenco following tho main traveled county road nlong said stream In n westerly direction, and terminating at tho point where tho tiinlu traveled county road on tho south sldo of Roguo River crosses tho county lino between tho counties of Jackson and Josephine, Oregon and nt or near said stream known as tho Roguo rlvor. Tho termini of said road, as herein directed, is de finite nnd permanent. Tho lino ahovo described between tho termini thereof shall bo as herein ordered, nnd shnll'follow tho most practical routo for a permanent road, nnd said road shall bo a pormnncnt road and highway through said county. O. A. GARDNER. County Clork tor Jatkson County, Oregon. . tntlff will minly t tho court for tho relict demanded In her complaint, to-wlt! for n decroo dissolving tho marriage contract now existing w tweeu plulntirt nod defendant, and for such nt her null further relief as to thn court ahull seem oqttltahln. This Mitmtuoim la served Upon you by publication In the Medford Mall Tribune, onco a week for nix ennso eullvo weeks, by order of Hon, l M. Cnlkliot, Jildge M said court, made August 20, in III. IIOMIUOOK W1TIUNUTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Date (it first publication) Ailgilst 21. tut 3. r WIDOW NAMED AS TAMPERED (Continued from Page 1) delinquent Tax List (Continued from Yenlerdny) Itiiuricii, i.iha it- tt it, HM of ,stt', to nerrs Knuiifit. l.rtv K V4 or HVVtt. ,,H.-o. rt. so iirri'i Kinilmii. Uirit K. --HU tit tot of HI!, use 39, Zti nrr.V)t , ICuiilioii Uiru I). W. -NV1 if HI! Of Hoc Til. !0 lU'TtH lllUon. Mm l'lillMU nf KV1 nmt tui itltoht'H, Kio. it, so rti'rcii ,. ......,..... TOWNHIHP 39, It I V Knnx, O, M. nml ( PrtMry - UK of HWU nml SV of Hit nml 10 iieri off Wt'jt slito of NK of . SV ail. J Mi. so non-U ttinilxi'ii, J J- Wt of NUU "il SIJ nml Nl of HV Ichi 10 iutkh orf WVM Hlito of MH of MV. I'U-HU. See. B. 119 ncr Miieli. I'rlls Hi or Htt'U nml NV of HWU. Hpc. T, ISO nvtvn Itnfj-r. C 1 .01 No. 3, y.c. IX. 40 TOWNHllll' to. nv Uiiliniiwn uuiirr-NU or of . HVi, Her. 1. 10 acres Man in. A. J. NU HWH Hce Id. to ncrm Kitnt.n. J. T WW nt HUU Nil or hwm. si: or Ntvu umi .nuit from Appli'mitr, Sc IS, Hi ., acres , Sliroror. J. I!-S(i of tfli nf HV i. Sl of HWH of MUU, Hue. 30, so ncrs , Slionrrp. J II 1:14 of NWU. HV or NV. NV of KW',, mi 30, U0 rirros Smith. V II. XH of .N:1 nml ni:h of hi:h, St-c. so. ico ncrr . ,, TOWNSHIP II. H It 1 W Allcln. J. I'-WU of ni:h of NWU. -. 3. SO nvrv ........ Tliiiinpxiifi, W. (I HU of NiHt nmt i:U of HP.U H... ICO nonx Unrty. Arllnir II. Nl:il Hoe. IS. ISO nrri'M , . . .... TOWNSHIP 33, It 3 W AlluVrKon, .. Hl'.i, Kic- II. ICO nrroa Hmllh. J..T-.W"i of NWU nml SK or NWU nmt SW of NR. S.'C. 33. ISO neri'H TOWN.SIIM 31. 3 W ItntnnfiT. I'rliqi NWU Hcc. S. t0 ncrm Corlrlt. I). NWU Sec 10. ISO ncrpft ................ ........ I-Vnlrrtnnn. U--S Intrrrst of HW U Sw IS. 0 ncri'H t'rlnc,'. It -'4 InlrriMit SWU Sr. 13. 0 ncr- Plrkri'lt. J It l.otj. 3 nml I. liU n, iriicllon, 11 10 31 33.:i 1.03 1.70 0.30 far neit Tuesilny, August 20, the htoty of this disii(;rccmeiit holds ominous iinort. Ten of the twelve men on the panel nnnounccd their eoinletioit Hint Loin Norris, Cuminctti'H com panion in tho escapade, had been coerced. Only five wero convinecd Hint Mnrslm -Warrington, Diggs' affin ity, hnd been persunded to go against iter will. Loin Norris convicted Mnury Uiggs. That irf the concensus of opinion today by those who followed the testimony. Ciuninelti seemed more worried than his companion Uiitkh wlu'il the jury redcred its pronouncement. Iiis write fncti nnd drawn lipn lio lied his Kulisi'(iient statement tlmt lio "wns not nfrnid." Although Dijcuh' nttorneys an nounced Hint they would carry tho case to the npiwllnto court on u million for nrrcst of judgment nmJ for rt new trinl. neither Diggs nor Cnmiuctti Hcelned to tnko nily com fort in thiH prumiHed delay. Sehtcnce will ho pronounced on Munry Ditosi " week from Mondnv, Hcplciuber 1. A maximum term of twenty yenrs mny lio imposed, five yearn on each of thu four ejuints. An nltenintivo fine of $20,000, or both fine nnd imprlnoiiincnt may ho imposed. Tiie ensc of Attorney Chnrles H. Harris of Bueniineiito, charged with conspiring with Diggi to persiinde Ni'll Hnrtoii to commit subornation of perjury in getting Mundui Wnr rington to testify fulnely nt tho trial i.s scheduled to htnrt Aiwiht 20. In excusing tho gonoral Jury panel today until next Tuesday, Judge Van Fleet strictly admonished tho tales men that they wero In no wise to dls ciibb thn pending Cnmlnottl and Chnrles n. Harris cases either boforo or after tho Impairment of tho Jur ies for thoso trials. "No ono has a right to approach arty man on tho gonoral panol," de clared tho court. ''And I mean women as well as men. J.ot no woman talk with you, cither." NOTICE OF MKim.Xh OF ItOAItll OF KQUII.rATIO.V. Notlco Is hereby given, that on tho second Monday, of September, 1013, tho (Rlh day) tho board of cpilllza llon will attend, nt tho court houso, In Jacksonville, Jackson comity, Ore gon, and publicly cxnmlno tho ns sossment rolls, nnd correct all errors In valuation, descriptions or qualities of lands, lots or other property nu sosscd by such assessor; anil it shall bo tho duty of persons Interested to appear at tho tlmo and placo np polntcd. (Blgncd) W. T. GRIEVE, Assossor of Jackson County, Oregon. Dated this lGth day of August. 1013. , NOTICE. Notlco Is horohy given: That on Tuesday, tho 0th day of tloptorfiber, 10l3, a special olectlon yvHI ho holt. Ih Jackson county, Oregon, to deter mine whether tho county court for Jackson county, Oregon, shall Issue Notice. Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dorBlgncd will apply to (ho city conn ell at Its meeting to bo held Hopt. 2, 1013, for a llceuso to sell malt, spir ituous and vinous liquors In quanti ties less than n gallon at hit placo or business on lot 11, block 20 cty of Mcdford for a period of six months, W. M. KENNEDY, No. 25, South Front St. Dated Aug. 15, 1913. 131 -Nil HU See. of SWU. 'o. nercH Cinflihl, U H 33. ISO nercn . . SolnntrlK. II A. N of Nl! nml NU of NW nml NW of NW, S.-P SI. ISO niTr PoMrr. SI. M. nml RMrlit SW U of Kt. 3S, ISO neni OiImi. liNl. SWU Se. 33, 40 ncrcs , Oi.-n. It. It. UK of SWU St .IS. to ni'r. Itmmr. a utm nf N.VH. SW of NW. SW of NU SJ 33. ICO :irrr.i , Slvrrn. Il. I NWU SI5U, S-JC 31. 10 nrri'M , (lullirmtli. W.illlrc N of NCU or SW or NKU nm. Hi: of NW IV S e. 31, 1(0 nrr,M , , TOWNSII'r- 35 O.Ipu, V. 8 NWU mV!l Itc I. lo ncrrit . . , , ... Oilni. J. I'-HWU of NWU '?. I. 40 norvN OiIpm. W. O NWU of SU ami iwirl of NI!U SW Soc S. C7 nrrrn 0.1en, A V. NCU of HI'.U i-'v. 10 tiercn ........ PAllrn. J. I-.K1VI of NKU He. , 10 niTPN , Oilrp. J j HWU NWU K.O. S, 40 nrrrn Ainnun. It. I..-IIIV11 of SKU f NKU, Kpc. S, It) PrH ........ ITiilinnwn nwlinr NKU if NKU of NKU Spp II, l ."pt .. . Wunl. W T NU of NKU. SKU of NKU "ml NKU of SKU. S,-P IS, ICO nrren KlNvinora, J KU or HWU Hc IS, SO ncrPM , . . . Panic. Win. WU of NiU. SI! of NW nml Nv of SK. H.o. 13, 1 CO ticrrx .... Mnrrlson, IIpU NKU of Sc. II, ICO uurm ViU'ni, J K. NWU of Sm, II, ISO nrrrn , Cold 1(111 Mitnlior t.'n.-.KU "f NK U. HW or NKU nml NWU nml KU of SW nml SKU, Hoc. 1C, 1,30 ncrp llnmiiii'Mlpy, Tom S',4 of SKU Si'P, SO. RO nrn-d Wiinl, W T. il nl Purl WU of NKU fpc SI. I r, nrrrs Ittiti'lM. Hjilo I'nrl NU of NWU 71-407. Sro. 3S, 40 nrrcN ...... liny. O. II 70.302 See. S3, i5 iicros ......a.,,... ........... llaimiKTHlpy, J l HWU nml W H of SKU Sep SC. 210 IIPP'H... Kohl lllll i.umlipr Co. WU of NWU "ml ?K of NW nml HW NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho tin dorBlgncd will npply to the city coun cil of tho city of Mcdford, Oregon, nt Its noxt regular meeting, Soptom bar 2nd, 1013, for a llcenso to soil malt, vinous nnd splrltous liquors nt his placo of business, No. 30 N. Front strent, Modforjl, Oregon, for a period of six months. Dated August 20, 1913. 139 IJ. S. nADCMFF. HUM.MON'S. In tho circuit court of tho stato of Oregon for jaexson county, Delia Darling, plaintiff, vs. Terry W. Darling, defendant. To Terry W. Darling, tho nbovo- named defendant; In tho name of tho stalo of Oregon, vrtu rim lii.rotiv notified and required to appear In the hliovo entitled court and caimo and answer tuo compiniui of plaintiff filed therein' within six weeks from thu data of the first pub lication (it this summons, to-wlt: on or boforn Octobor 2. 1913. nnd If you fall to appeur and unHwor within tho TOO LATH TO OLAHHIFV. I.O.ST Pair Of rimless oyoglasBes. J. W. Mitchell. 132 LOST Package of lluqu. tan and white on streets of city or between Rosa I-uno and city. Return to Mali Tribune. 131 FOli SAl.Enoailtlful year old Jor- soy holfor. M. Walsh, 11th and Itotly St. 13! Cray KKl Minn so I (lions. W II .12 SSI. Hi'ii. 31. .i. HoHiip. Mm, j. ii. aaaft7, Moo, "Jl tmmltH, (l(o.lll-IM SoO, 31, 9U lU'lPH .1. ........,, .!,. Uiiiry, M. UHi'C. 31 ,,.....!. I'nlilWDii. Mitritiuui S3r,SD, we. ji i,,,..i I la vpm, H, J j lltllllllltMlllllltlllllll i. H. ,Ij..VU of HWU nml HW of NW iiml,.NW of NW, Ivhitt west of Hulls Kiei'h, iVo. 31, 130 nerrn .......... i, ... ... Ilnl i Ik, It. II -D I, O hi, S2-3T1. K.'iv 99. 10 npri'H ... i . ...... . Aitimiti, HkIIii .VI 30, Hie. S3, 3 norpH .. iii in Holts, KOHi'iie SW or NK purl or Nil or NU of NWU of tlltU Spo 5.1, 40 iuips ..,,.....,.... riiiinn. J. w -SWU HWU U'nn IMI-.13. Hto, 81, 3R nop' Drown, .1. S, & Situs Nil or HK ntlil lot t, t't'P, 3(1, friiclliuiH, 71 ncirs .. ,i. ................ HmiHi'r. SIoIIIp. Lot S, Spo. ST, .11 KnV Trunk 13-811 Hoe. 37. i I'uo ' .Tt. si.'-i-Vi il 'or sV ii' ii w' or nv, iohs a ni'ios, wo. i, us .iicits .,,...,. ...... .,..,....,, 30,3 1 1 M VOS. H J.--NWVI NWU iron. .1 III tft.oo 0,7(1 10,50 12,211 90.00 4,53 IT. 1 2 6.70 ir.,:i 11.33 B..1& b'l! of NW nmt I of NH of NW. Hoe. 81, 130 ncrrs C'lulm. Ure. S3, ncrrn .. OIIPS. K. 1.. et sl NWU nml 81V of NK nnd NK of HW nml NU or hk, I'pc, no, 317 iiPrrs Ilaelilpr, C HHU HKU Kpo. 33, 40, ucrPH Hmllh, II. n -NU f NKU Hrc. 3S, 80 ncrin Wnril, l. P. It nl HWU HWU. Spo. 3S, 40 onrm Unknown owner -W',4 of NWU of Heo. 33, SO ucroil Ilurvi-y, A. J.. KU of HWU f HKU Hee. at, HO nrrpn DuiiKiin, J. P. KU of NKU Hro. 3C SO itPrpN Iliiyiminil. Hen KU of NWU Hcd. 3C, HO acres ,.,............. TOWNHIUP 36. 3 W Nelson, A, r. l.ot No. 1, Sco. J. 33 acres .:..'.? TownMPinl, W. J. NK of HWU Hoc. Z, 40 unrcs , . . . , . . . Hay, K. SS.CrtO K.e. 2, 33 ncri'M,, Klrrtlilo, II. NWU BC J, frnc- lion, .108 nrrm ,. Wnnl A McUImn KVi of HK of Nl, H''G. a, in uorim Htiirisess, A, W. KV, of HWU at Spc. 3, SO acres ...!) lliiiiiiuonil, K. II. KU of Hi:'.l Hco, fi, 73 ncroM .... Duseiiliprry. O. 1,. KU of NKU, wutur riuht nml illlth, Bra. b, bO UCfVH ,,,,,,.,,.,,.,., TOWNHIUP 30, H It 3 W Drown, K. 0. l.ot No. 1, Hcc. 10, 'J ucrnn , .,, Vlcli. Jojin W Mining claim, NnU NWU Hko. 10. 20 iinri'H , llsrvoy. Wm. . KVVJS of HWU ' H'ii. 10, 0 iicrcs ,,.. lloniimn, J. II Hpa.JI, 20 nfcr"s AIiikomp, M, A. 19-351, Hec. II, 30 ncroH ,......,. (lold At CO. KU Of NWU Hvo. 14, 80 acres ..,,.......,.. Jolmson, C.-WH of NWU o. 14, 80 acres .,, OrPKOit Wutcr nml Power Up. . I'niclloii lolM C nml 8 unit lots S umi 7 nml canal. Hoc. 10...,. J McCluro & Nelson 'JUitrts Mill. wiilur rislit nml ililcli In llouuu lltvor. Hec. in. 2 ncrps ..,.i... Amlorson. V. N. 76-670 Hue. 10, U ncrcs '';....., Uol.1 lllll Co. I'rucllou HWU Hpc. iu, 6 noros ,! O. & C. Land Co. sl-818 Hco. 10, Hays, Mrs. H. J. NU of NKU umi lot 1, Hec. 30, fraction, 119 (ICI ps ,,........,, Ilninmersloy, P. HU of HWU sco. KV, 60 acres , , ( , , , , 6, tO 11.10 SO. 10 7.33 4.30 4.03 23.H0 10.30 27.3d 37.50 3 30 27.S0 S3.C0 SO.OO 32 00 S3.00 23 00 II 00 1100 1010 ss.oo 21.00 33) 5.11 n.cj 6. so IK7C :so 1. 10 17 ?S0 4 40 ! 10 1 10 10) IS. J I 8 10 9.11 12 CO IS CO 72 10 1120 2.2 1 CHS 2 SO 30.00 5,l 2 80 41.38 6.C0 S.C0 2.80 1.40 C.CO 4.00 10.00 2.41 2.00 2.00 12.00 1.60 8.73 1E.09 14,00 2.86 2.80 11.20 3.C3 7.60 24,00 27.00 i.ivn, ' ... - , i- .... .. 28, in iirip-i ,..,.,.,..,....,. imloll. llllii--Part HWU of NW U. Spo 81, 16 norps Pl.riV J. O-Psrl HW of NWU Snv 2H, 2.1 ncrPM Iiiiipv. Thou, SKtt HKU Hie, 29. 40 ncirs .,..,. Iluiplictl. II U- NWU SKU He. 30, 40 ili'ivn , ,...,... Wlillnilrr. J. 11-83.209, Hie. 30, liO lll'ICH ,,, t'hiytnn. A. It WU f NWU nml SW NKU. Hre 32. 00 hoiph Kyle. A.-WH of NKU of NK nnd ItH of NW of NK, Soo. 33, 10 aori'S ,. .......,,. HihwIiiiuii. Mm. W-NKU NWU SfP 33, 10 li'lrM Tlrtnnv. 4i. I -Mining olnliu, Si'p 3.1. f motion. 30 noros,,... Mntion. II. I'- NWU SWU '. 3), to til'l-p KjtP. A, KU of lot 3. Sro. 33. 19 nrrpn , ., AVijrv. Uavld .' Wtl of NKU NW HKU, Hoe. .11. ISO itprrM . Itnr. '. It SWU SWU KV. 31, U ncros t'liKiunvii inviuip KU of HK of SIJ Spo. 9t, M arrPi ..,.,.. .. llnilH. IMr t.olii 3 ami I, Hpc 38, 73 nrro . I. . .. TOWNSHIP 37, H It 3 W Vatit. W. I). HKU HWM Sec li iMlrniillo Mlnliiu IM. SU of HK t'oowr. J It. tMtt 1. NU iif NW M, HW NWU, Spo. il't 40 npfon ll of HKU. Hi'O. . SO nrrrn... IrsPii, .V HWU or NWU Hoe. 3, 40 ADIPN , OliiimliiB. .. II. KU or, NWU. NK HW NW HU Hoc. i, fmo lion, 169 netrn PIKfs IVnk ,Mlnp rinlm In Hrtu 6. 39 horos VpllowJrtoMrl (Mntiil Hpo. 6, 20 sorts Kllmnr Mlno Soe. 6, no ncrpH... Ilomioiit .Mlno Claim. Sir. 6, SO nrrpn Vnn ViiIIpI. I,. K.-MVU of NW Spc. . so noro TOWNHllll' 37, H 3 W Pnknnwn owner WU of SKU Spo. 3. $0 norcn , ItnliliiMin. It. -HWU NWU oml WU r HWU t'" io. HO noros MHpIipII. J It NKU NKU. H.o. II, 10 nnros . Itopnuo MfK. Co -NKU NKU nmi lt'4 of HKU Hi-p. II, ISO noroN , I.vl. A A SKU SWU KU of NWU Hco I J. (So iirrxs .... Ilwm. 41 K KU of NWU of Sr 13, 0 itprp Wilson. A.--HK HW WU of HK M5 nii. sro. so. in iirros WllllHtiihon. T. J. SU of HWU or Mil, rii ov nmi wh or mi nml WU f SK of HK. Hie of SK 33. . . r of ,NKU HK SW nml WU Hmlili. P. A - NU of NKU SK of NIL H,o. 35. IJ0 nor Tavlor. Mrs M i' NVi of NWU See. S3, so norps townn I, A II. Co NU of NWU Hpc 33. H) npfpn ... . , Nrll. H. T-SKU SWU Hpo 31, In aprpii Trl Miili i'o HKU NW', NK U HWM Hh'. !, SO norw jKikMin M. f, M. i'o N. IM.ii;. i, nu Hvt h.-p st. in nnr-iM,. Itmitopo. T (I IrroR. HU of HU HWU Hce..S8. ID nrrpH. ....... Iiimnii l.uinlior Co NKU NWU He: 3. 10 norc Imvix I.iiiiiIht lox Co, NWU of Hon 2, len nrrpn Taylor. M. 31 NW or HW NW f HW Spc. 37, Si) norm Iliilii.l. ti. .- KU of KU nf HW of HW Spo 3J. I nurH ,. Icmn I. II. Co.- NU NKU Hco 37. kit net pn. Clttiipiil, It - KU of HWU Spo. 37, 9o norp . . . l), .1. II -HKU HWU. HW U of HKU tf 1, nprp . . lliiKBBii. .1 II NKU of NWU nml NWU f NKU Ho. 31. 80 nrrrn DiluKiio. J. II -NWU f HKU mi.l NKU of 81V nml KU of NWU nml ivirt of N14 of HW U or SKU Spp 32. 17 nercm . IIp.i.1. A. K WU nf NKU of HW U nml KU or NWU of HWU Spo. 81. 4( nrrpn Ilydrnulln Mlnliiu- Co. NKU of NKU HWU HWU Hco SI. 80 nerrn ClMiirni. I KU of NWU Ho. 31, ! niTi'H Ilmvlnn.l. ) U NWU NWU ' Ho. .11, 10 imrPM Moi'nrninok. P. HU of HWU '". 31. ha norpM Jaolmon. Ml Mlnln Co -NWU Mini NKH or ,NV',i of HWU 03.00 1.05 C.00 6,00 38.30 6.0. 9- of NKU Hpp 38. rt norPN Vouior. II. II. NWU Hpo. 3a, 10 non-n JnikHoii Co. Ilnilk-HKU of NW U nml NU If HKU Hre. 3C, ISO tipri'M Opii CnnMlll.lnlpd Mlno NKU N U of NWU HWU of NWU Hpc. 3C, S80 nrrrn Unknown mviipr U Intrrrnt In N U of HW U Hre. 3. SO ucrpn . TOVNHIIIP 38, H It 3 W lirinmpr, M. nr.- HKU Hoe. 1, ICO noroN .,............... llnrrloKlon, Tract NKU f NKU Hpc. 1. frno.. 40 nor.... Ciilinnun omiii'iv NKU of NW'.i Spc. J, 40 nert'M (rolno, A HU of NU of NK't nml HKU of NKU NKU of SKU. Hpc. S, fractional, 119 iitTi'n ( ! it Kvpiiih, II, HWU NKU, NWU HKU, Hpc. 3, 80 noroa Hmltli France SKU f NWU nml W!4 of HWU. Hco. , I Co ncrPH ,,,..,,,,.,.(,..,,.. irnknuwn itwtirr NW't of HWK NU of HWU of HWU, Hpo, 3, CO nrron llPiulrlokM, K. Trnot WU of NW U of trnot NWU f HWU, Hcc. A, 120 ncrPN Iluklll. J. HWU HWU Hrc. 9, 40 ncrri ..... ., . t llrpilen. J. T. W'U of NKU "f NKU Hpc. 10. 20 nrri'A,, t MrKro. J.1,ot 1, Hrc. 14, frao. llnhnl 3D nrrpn ,,...... Hoot. U. WNU "f NWU HK of NWU. NKU of HWU. Hno. 20, 1C0 urriH ..,,.., UilnlMlrT, W. V WW "f HWU of HKU of HWU wo. SI, ISO uorpw ,,......,.......,..... ITnknnwii nwnor NKU Hoe. 21, 1C0 ncrflH ,,..,,. ........ , OoIhI.v. Ilmip HU nf NKU. NKU or HKU nml lot 3. uuter rliilil nml iiiioh. ir.n ucrpn i'lorco. C II. WU "f HWU Hoc. 26, 80 ncri'M Plproo. a II. KU or HKU Hpo. 27. 80 nrrrn .................. IlmilHlnr. W. F I.otn 6 nml (I, Hco, 28, 20 nrriH ,,, ,, TOWNHIUP 39, It .1 W Unknown owner HWM t NWU NU of NWU of HWU Hoc. I, ,. bo ucroN iias.'.' - ililMlnn, .1. W HU of NWU of HWU, Hpo. 1, 20 norpH Puineran, II. HKU Hee. 12, 160 ncri'M . .v , TOWNHIUP 39, H 3 W HlorlliiK MIiiIiik Co HKU nml HW'X or NKU Hw, 13. 200 nrrH t OolilMliy, Jox. HU "f HWU Hoc. 13, 80 iioiph (JoliUliy. .Ioh. -KU of NK", hco. II, 80 nciox Unlilmwn owiici WV4 f WM of HWU Hoe, 16, 40 ncri'M , Klrliilialiiuior. l-'reil NU "f NKU , or HKU of NKU n'io NKU of HKU ami two dllclicM, Hoc. 21, 1C0 nuri'H , ,..!.. ITiilmnwii ownnr NWU of HKU or nwij ami n',4 or mm or HWU ud HWVi ff b'WU of 6.96 no 3.29 T.60 2 64 7.00 8 10 6 CO 7 70 2.80 6 CO 2.80 13.00 6.20 2.C0 IS, 18 3.12 13 00 I 86 6.20 1100 2,80 I.C8 1.BX US 11.30 11.30 14,80 3.13 9.38 9 3d 7 28 20 00 13.00 16 CO 9.C0 4.80 9.C0 I, Ml 4,10 4.00 16 00 C.60 130 (.20 10.10 20 10 13.C0 32 3C 6 20 10 10 10 10 6.20 10.10 10 00 4,00 5100 NWU Hoe. 27, 10 neiei. ,,,,, TOWNHIUP 10. U ,1 ' Muo) hill. II J "if lU,' of NKU of NWVi anil NU of HKU of NWU, Vimilloiiiil till IIOION .,,..,...,....; lit I iMVIoil, A .1 - Sly Of HU Hoe, 13. ICO I'OIPN I .,..., Iii ! imxior. 'oiitim--Hinp.iir.r4WU ,,.,.l kill. ,,f HWU mill NWlt Of SKU Hon, ID. lllll nolo .i'i AmliowH, II HWU "d HI)l('Hoi. WIlri.tmM. U, II,- HWU Hi'o. 2" Hill IIOIPII i . ii i .1 l tj lliuiloy. w, n -HU of HKU Joe. Ilniiloy, W l HU "f HWU Hio. 3d, Ml iloion it ,,,..,.,, i TOWNSHIP il, 3 W lliuiloy. W. n- l.ntn I, 3 itlnlSi HU of NKU nml HK or NW Ui water tlKht nml ditch, Hoe. 2, 2 In iiorox ,.,...,,.,... Wni I it. tloo. nml I loo, it Nfiilir 36.8JI nml 851, Hpo. l.jliib iiwioil Holiilltlo, lloritimi, J. NKU of Mil' 10, lllll MOtl'H , . .i I Noll. .1. !".- HWU of Hoe. 10, UIO IIOIPH . , , , , ,i Prllliiiiin. W I. HWU Hn'. 12, loo norpH , TOWNHIUP 11. It It 3 W I.Ipii. iVlMilton-SKU Hpo. 31, 110 IIOION ,. ...,,.,. I.Ipii, HpIpCIIiiii -NWU mid NIHt nnd HWU Hpo. UV HO iioiiw .. TOWNHIUP II. II t W HiiUiiiivmi ouiii-r -NKU of NKU Hul 7. 10 iipicm ,,....,., itllinli. A. V MU of HKU mid HWU of SKU of HKU of HWU Hto. Ill, ICO iioiph Hull, II C--lrtitH 3, 4 UMd 6, 1111. 13, UC m'li'M Umiiom, W. II.--NU nf HWU Ho. II, 80 HOIPH , Wnlkpr. J o.--NW!t of Hpii. Id, ICO nor , , ,,, Walhir. .1 II KU "f HltU nmt HWU of HKU, HKU of HWU Sip 3d, ICn norPM l.plH, n. H WU of NUU mid KU of NWU. rGyj 33. IBO mjrp Jullflii. Aim. O, -HWU HWU Hpo. ai, id nniPit ,,....,.,, TOWNSHIP 31. U It 3 V Welch, A. V -HW of HW Hw. 2, in aot WoIpIi. J. Il- -HU of NU nml NV4 of HU Hoe. 2 130 Hi'iPi WpIoIi, A V.-HIIU 'f NHU Soo. 3, 40 wcr' WpIoIi, .1 II NUU of llKIl Him. 3, iu uor JllllPII, MlH 3 61) lo,r,a. 28.00 28,00 70.00 28.0(1 13,60 13.80 If (ion. rn O. 01 (I MH I. a. nmt i. tiu or nwu hwu ,r NKU nml wni-r Hunt '.-npn wpo. I, SIC norm , Jiillrn, Mm - l.ot I, tte. fi, rtiiolli'iiAl 3;i nrrpn Tlioni,,-. T. II -HKU ii f HWU Hprt, 9, 40 afcn WpIoIi. J. Il -KU of HKU HrA in, 0 ncron , I'nknowii iinnor-HKU of NWU H-mv II, 40 npioi ., WpIoIi, J II WU of NWU Ho. II. '0 noron Woloii. J. II -HKU of NKU Spo, 18, i Brim ,, Kolinolilor. K. ,1 CU of NWU nml loin I mnl 1. Hi p. 18, fntn. 1C3 HPltft , ni, H ll-NH or NKU of HK U S.H' 1 8, JO nprvn . . , HlciiPi.P. J M MKH of U IHIr- PMI III lllli'll. HPO IO. I8C HPIPB. IMrUlKli. J. NWU of NWU Spi . I", iw nrrpn , . (tinil.l. W P NWU r NKU iut.1 NU of NWU hii.IHWU nf NW U. H.K. 33. MO Mor ,. WpIoIi. J II -SKU f NWU. NW U of SKU Mc II, i'l HOtpn... Cnknowti owiipr - IU of HUU Itpp t, III HPfPM ThIphI. A. P -WU of NWU Hpo. 37, 10 nrrwi ltpHip T, ll -NWU of NKU nml NWU f SWU Spo. it, 80 norm , ClwilHimn. i'Imui A. HH of NU Hre 31, ICO apppH , llmjp 15 A.--NU of HWU HUU of HKU. ?! '. norm..,.. I'rcllnlMirv. J. -HWU HWU Hn 19, 10 ppp .. ..(, Holiiill. A If J KlIU HWU Hi 19, 40 Her .,,, Drnkp. .1 II MU of NWU, NU or HWU. Sp' 19. lo aorp-n CliHOnian. Clma. A NKU Hpo. 19, I NPrnM lliillmpll F.o M tt((l f NWtt ro 3, un norpH NU of HVU. tttflt of NWU NWU of HKU 66 00 4.00 10.20 4.80 4.80 11.10 0.60 IP 24 3.90 12.51 2.00 S.C0 6 20 KrpiU-nlilira. 1'rp.l l.-HHU or HK U Hue. 31. In nori-n TOWNHllll' 11. II S'W l-rwl-iilmri. J, I NWlt of NWU Hpp 31. II mvpi SolmllK. A. K. J NWU of NHU oml NKU or iWI nml HU nf nwu nmi .vwu or hwu Hi NlWli 10.00 11.00 R.00 16 80 4.00 4.00 2.00 11,12 3.40 28.22 16,92 21.26 8.08 3.40 31,88 IIimiwk. T 11 -NU of rwr j. n nppp HIlKvr. Ital J- NU of HWU H.O. S3, 80 netrn TIUVNHIIIP 36, H It 3 W IYfrpr. Uolwrl -Trmol NW", of NWU rVo. a, 19 nrr J J4KU f NKU . 2. 40 iicrwt , PIMi. I. J. NU of HWU 1 HWU f HWU p" . II" porH KiytxrH. W .1. SMU of jfWU. HK',1 nml NKU of HKU Km. 6, I CO iieron ICpImi. INrry -HKU of HKU C, 10 iiprpn Vlhevnl. Itkl - C. O NHU Hpo. a, 110 HPIrn Ilp,ipwi. iirHl. I' -NU of HKU of HIjU. HKU of HWU Hnn. 8, MO HIIIPN VlliPPtil. M. A. --HKU of HltU Hpo. , 10 art- (Viitrrn. Climi H -HWU of HWU Spo. . 40 iiotpn otvii.-r- piWll of NKU. NU of NWU Hon. p, tin norr lliHlcrra, C o- NWU of HKU umi N 50 noroN N aliln of HU of HKU Hpc 10, CO NPiPft Upland. If. P Km NU of HWU Spo. in, 8(1 nnrati Monomdi. ! U-HKU Hn. 13, I CO nori'n IU II. II. II. NWU Hco, 1.1, ten iiprpM Ilirnlilll. Win. A NWU nr NKU Ho II, 40 noros , , (Inioo. .1. II. HKU Hpo, 14. 160 nurpM Iloilupri). II K-58-IC nml 2C-C33 lipi' 18, lit iicrpH JoIipm. T. IL C9-1II. Hpo. 16. 7.1 nonn j HoduorM, J. i;.- Illin HU of Nil U of NWU of HKU of NWU Hro 15, CO liorpn ... Vllirmil, M A. W 1-3 of WU of nw'i ne in, in noii'H VIiippiii. Knt C. OK J..1 of WW of NWU H.o. 10, jr. nurcN IIImIoii. A. NKU NKU Hie. Id, 10 nrrrn ..,...,.,,....,...... VIiippiii. .1. ll WU of HWU. HK U HWU Hpo 10, 130 mrpH,... Cpnlnrn. CIuih. ll NWU of NK U. NU of NWU. Hie. 17, 120 norpH ,,, , Vlnoinl. M A NKU of NKU Hpo. 17, 40 norsit ...,, , Ji'iikM. Kimmip H KU of NKU. NKU of HKU. Kft 20. 120 ncron , AriiiHtrnnif. J. W Kit of NWU nml NKU of HWU Hra. 21, 120 ncrim Ovlall, 1'. H-NWU of HWU, Hpc 21, 40 rtircn .,, ,..,, ITnkiiiiwii nwiii-r -WU'of NWU Hpo, 21, 80 lioren ,.,..... ArmnlroiiK. A. HKU of HWU. HWH of.HKH Sip .81. 80 iior.tii I'rvronr. Itoliort 80-182 Hie. 22, Id unrnn , Omco, J. If. NU of NKU ln io nrroN Koo 2.1, 70 nrroH KolloKir. KrmippM -NU of HKU. 71-222 Spo. 23. CO IH'll'H ltaliipy, J. T WU of HWH mnl HWU or NWU iina 8 acre Hvp. 26, 111 iiitph ,,,..... I lily mini. Iliio-Part NKU HKU nliil HKU NKU, 22-118, Hpo. 26, 43 ncroH ..,,,..........,. VIiioiii.I. I,. J. HU of HWU H. 20, 80 noroH Poiry. Km. ii. ii wu of NWU umi KU or HWU nnd putt WW of HKU Hoe, 27, 187 ncron..... OloMiin, Martin 88.170 Hoc. 27, 00 norcd 4i,;.,.",,:l,".v IIOHntelii, I,. A. 90-630, Hoc. 27, C6 ucro Aililiirmiii. C. W. Nil H unit KM or NW',1 oxri'id 90-630 mid 88. 470 Hco. 27, lie iictoH I,. .1 NKU of HKU Hoc. 27. 10 uoroH ,. VIiipiiI. Knt. C, O HKU 'f HKli 36.80 51.00 36.1)0 26.CO 20 00 CO.UO 68.00 20 00 8 00 III 01) 1190 13.80 so no coo 4.80 43,60 4 80 '4.10 30 CO 3 0' 7.10 13 00 7.e 12 00 COO 30 00 3.oo 30.76 0.00 1100 9. CO 1.30 11.63 13.00 99 78 16,75 3 00 3.00 39.76 31.00 21,00 3.011 3 00 18 in) 8 80 8.80 2.16 I 10 7.1C 1 1 CO 60 2( II 6,72 19 93 2,83 C.CO 11.31 8 80 10 $8 tejifl 4,80 16,60 sc.oo' I2.9 H, ,v 'rt. 40 net ch . . . loKlnnl. Mnry A. HU or NWU oinl NU of HWU tW 28, 100 ncrpn . . . . Perry, T. .1.- . flOirn iiiiiiimiiiimiii HhPlley. I,. I,. HKU of HWH Hcc, 28, 40 ncron ,,,.., ,,.,..., -NKU Hio, 28, 100 11.10 1.30 2.68 i Hi 12.23 7.60 11.67 6.23 11.26 COO 0.00 8,66 1.60 4.20 7.20 in.ii 17.81 12.0U 60,62 21. CO 21.00 37.80 24.00 2,10 21,00 12,30 10.9n "r f r v . - 1 -! tM .J I t