yrx$R V h A "-. t . . .V '"t LV" . i . '.if , 1, PMK TWO. MBPtfORD MAIL TRIBUN.fi. MBDTQRp. ORTCaON, WEDNESDAY. ATTCTORT 20. mm. b i "i r -fc, 4 - lOGALAND PERSONAL MtM Ulnncho Frltlco, ono of those drowned wlton tho stoninor California tank In Alaska waters Monday, was w), known In tbo Ilnguo rlvor vnl loy jBBd ;A. frlnnil ot S. A. Nye and fnmMy of this city. v Flro thtfl morning In tho Tanla Jorlurn l)yp Worka plant on North CJrapo ,stnotr from unknown caimcs, resulted, In about f 100 damaRcs, (Cov ered by liiHunuire. Tho flro de partment extinguished tho blnzo with chemical. The Indlco of tho Christian church will have a baking Bnlo at tho public market Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Wober nnd bou of King street, loft on train No. IB Tuesday for a business trip to Sacramento. ,.K. A. Gllddcn ot tbo Concrcto Con Mrucllon company, went to CInnbar Springs on n hunting trip. Homc-mado bread at Do Voo's. Nrs. O. G. Shirley ot McMlnnvlllc, Ore., Is visiting frlenos nnd relatives In Medford for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lebo hnvo returned from n stay nt Portland bringing with them Miss Rita and Eleanor Trogor of Portland. They rande-tho trip in their auto and re port a very, pleasant time. Irbauccre Fruit t. nas Jnst re ceived a, largo shipment ot 1 lb. and lb. tin top berry baskets, nnd can fill orders In any quantity. Wo also nave on hand a largo supply of the celebrated "Security" orchard lad ders In all sixes, Mr. nnd Mrs. Phil Ilnmlll motored tp Medford Tuesday afternoon. n. H. Parsons left tor Scattlo and Portland Tuesday, on a short busi ness trip. W. B. Gcrlg, vice-president of tho Pacific & Eastern railroad, has gono to Portland. Drs. a. It. and Loulso E. Hedges, chiropractors nnd mcchana-thcraplsts aro now located over Deuel & Co. Phono 170. E. N. Warner and hla family, who have been camping nt Colestln, re turned Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. McKlnstry of Grants Pass were In Mcdford Tues day, visiting relatives. Kodak finishing;, best In town, at Weston's. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. nudgo and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Williamson wcro re cent visitors at Colestln. W. C. Dcndor has become proprie tor of Garin's" confectionery and bil liard hall at Talent For sale, a few shares of stock of Roguo River Fruit and Produco asso ciation. Address or call at 717 North Riverside. Mcdford. 130 .Gebhardt Hnbcr ot Grants Pass spent Tuesday at Mcdford, his former home. C. IT. Plcrco and II. L. Robinson transacted business Jn ABhland Tues day afternoon. Crater Lake pictures ,a book if 12 pictures, band colored, tho finest ever saade of the lake, for salo at Gerklng & Harmon's studio. Call and see tbem. 228 East Main street, phone 320-J. tf A. C. Taylor was of tho many who eamo to Mcdford during tho week. Clinton Cook and I Throckmorton were over from' Applcgate Tuesday, Mack Adams and Harry Leo wcro recent visitors In Ashland. tt, D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, aegat I res made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. C. W. Sharpo and E. R. Hull of Central Point district were ,ln Mcd ford tho foro part of tho week. K. W. Wilson, deputy sheriff, was ovor from JacltBonvlllo Monday af ternoon. Tho finest studio In southern Ore gon has been oponed by Gerklng & Harmon at 228 East Main street, first stairway cast of Star thcator. Our work is always tho best, views or all i kinds for ealo. Tho best of kodak, finishing. Negatives mado any time or place. Phono 320-J. tf Arthur Alldor Is at homo again, after n visit with friends living nt Ashland. II. Dlmlck nnd J. E. Rohblns ot Roguo Rlyenwcro recent business ylsltoro.ln Medford. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Iluck aro be ing visited by thojr daughter, Mrs. Guy Moore of Cottago Grove. Screen dpora Medford Lbr. Co, J. II. Mooro of Glendale and C. A Tyler of Etuu aro recent arrivals In Mcdford. George Lyman, who owns n fino orchard located between Gold Hill and Sams Valloy, was In Medford Tuesday. Ho will ship several car loads of apples to Now York. I. A. Hoble, who Is Interested In the box fnctory nt Grants Pans, trnn (acted business In Medford Monday. Miss Mnry Ponlngor, who hns boon at Scnsldo and Newport for several weeks, Is In Mcdford ngaln. Tho Misses Sartor who hnvo boon visiting friends In Medford left on Wednesday for Ashland whore they will visit relatives nnd friends for a few days lioToro returning to their homo in Yrokn, Cal. "Insuranco your best asset." Hnvo tho best. Placo your Insuranco with Holmes, the Insuranco Man, right If ho writes it. tf 11. O. Kroback and L. L. Anglo wore among Medford s business vis llora from Ashland this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mitchell ot Evans creek tarried several hours In Medford Tuesday. Dr. R. E. Golden nnd Emll Rrltt of Jacksonville motored to Medford Tuesday afternoon. Tho Amona Ulblo class ot tho Hap. tlst church will hold a food salo nt public market, Saturday, August 23. 131 W. H. Vonablo of Applegnto was In Medford Tuesday, en routo to Ashlnnd. William Stlne, baggngo master nt tho Southern Pacific depot, has re turned from a short stay at Newport. II. II. Hall ot Applegate was In Medford Monday, en route to Grants Pass. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Riley of Antelope district wcro recent visitors In Mcdford. Fred Alton Hnlght, teacher of piano and harmony. National Con servatory of Now York. Specialist In the correct principles ot touch and technique in nil grades of. study. Careful attention given to young children and beginners. Faults ac quired through wrong ways ot prac ticing corrected. Fall term Septem ber 2. Halght Music Studios, 11C S. Laurel street, phono 176-R. J. W. Summervlllo and his family hnvo returned from an otttlug at El liott creek. Cat., whero John has mining Interests. Hugh Mitchell, superintendent of the fish hatchery at Trail, spent Tuesday In Mcdford. Mrs. Arthur H. Allyn has opened an otflco as public stenographer at the Mcdford Hotel. She is exper ienced in court reporting, legal work, banking, insurance, abstracting, real cstato and commercial lines. Satis faction guaranteed. Prices reason able 152 A. L. Hazelton of Eaglo Point, tho votcran school teacher, mado a trip to Mcdford tho foro part of tho week. A. II. Weber and his family havo gone to Sacramento, CnL, on n short vIsIL Mrs. W. C. Dcucft and Mrs. A. Roso of Jacksonville wcro Mcdford visitors Tuesday afternoon. Fruit tree props Mcdford Lbr. Co. Mrs. H. E. Morrison and Mrs. If. P. Hargrayo returned Tuesday evening from a short sojourn at Colestln. Mrs. Adclo Jones of Dayton, Ohio, and Mrs, S. E. Coffin ot Detroit, Mich., aro lato arrivals In Mcdford. Show canus, safe, desks, cash regis ter at a song. Wo aro selling out. Pacific Motor Supply Co. 129 The W. C. T. IJ. of Jackson coun ty is holding its annual meeting at Phoenix. An excellent program has been arranged. Mrs. A. C. Randall and her chil dren left Talent for Minneapolis, Minn., recently for an Indcflnlto stay. First class grain ha, f 2 delivered alfalfa J 10. W. H. Everhard, phono GC7-J. P. A. Chamberlain T Weeks it McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS KaY tmtmttMr Day Fbofce 827 Nlftkl F. W. Week IM-J-a Imhmi A. K. Orr 070-hf la of tbo mnny who camo to tho valley from Wash ington, D. C, during tho week. Mrs. W. R. Hullock, who has been visiting relatives living at Orland, Cal., returned Tuesday evening. Selling out our high grade store aud office furnlturo dirt cheap. Pa cific Motor Supply Co. 129 Tuesday, Septombor 9, Is tho dato op. which Jackson county will dccldo whether or not to Issue bonds for good roads. Mrs. A. A. Davis, who has been stopping at Oakland and Dcrkcley, Cal., for bo mo time, Is in Medford again. Miss Mabel Norllug had an arm broken above tho wrist by a full dur Ing tho week. Dr. Porter reduced tho fracture. Miss Edith Tryen, formorly of Mcdford, is quite 111 at her residence in Talent- with a threatened attack ot appendicitis. William Crossley, a prominent commission merchant of Now York, was in tho valley during tho wcok. In company with C. A. Malbrent of Portland, he has beon investigating the fruit outlook. A, Marquis was In Jacksonville Tuesday afternoon, on business for tho California-Oregon Power com pany. Rudolph Schulz, who lias been spending a few weeks In Northorn California, returned a few days ago. Mayor Klfort's family, who havo been camping at CoIeBtlu returnod to Medford Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. h. B. Kent, who loft Medford two months ago to attend tho O. A. R. reunion at Gettysburg and visit their former home In tho east, returned Monday. . Mr. nnd Mrs. A. K. Wnro arrived from Oakland, Cal., during tho week nnd will mnko Medford thulr home, 8omo ot tho employes ot Mann's dry goods emporium mado nu nuto trip to the Josephlno county caves Sumlny, covering tho entire dlRtatico In 22 hours, Including u stny ot tour hours nt tho cavos. S. A. Kroschell, manager of Woln had Hrowlng company's plant In Med ford, mado n business trip to Grnnta Papa Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O'llrlcn ot Portland, Mr. nnd Mrs. Sankey, Paul nnd John Goodwyn havo relumed from an out ing In tho vicinity of Mount Mc- Loughllu. Welch & Ualloy of Talent hnvo sold tholr crop ot Grnvonstelu npplea for 94 cents per box net, run of tho orchard, purchasers paying for boxes, etc. i J. M. Almutt, who formerly con ducted a cigar factory In Mcdford, la visiting In Ashland. Ho Is now lo cated In Ilrltlsh Columbia. Mrs. Lydla Hakcr, who went to Ashlnnd to visit hor daughter, Mrs. A. W. Storoy, Is reported qulto ill. Col. C S. Scott, past commander of the Division of California nnd tho Pacific Sons ot Veternns, hns como to tno valley to organize camps of that order. Ho Is nt Ashland now nnd will bo In Medford during tho week. Frank Roblson, a natlvo ot Wag ner creek, who conducted a barber shop nt Jncksonvlllo for several years was adjudged to be Insnnn by Dr. R. B. Golden In Judgo Tou Velio's court Monday. Ho was taken to Salem Tuesday by an attendant ot tho Btale asylum. J. R. Eddy of Portland, right of wny nnd tax agent of tho Southern Pacific, has been in tho valley again. Iloguo River Is making extensive arrangements for tho harvest festival that will bo held thero September 0. Tho success that attended a like event last year will bo ropcatcd. If you wish to voto for or ngalnst Issuing bonds for good roads on Tuesday, Septembor 9. you must reg ister nt once. Thero will bo no swearing In on election day, as for merly. Tho registration books close August 25. Joseph O. Martin, n well-known ciiuen or Jackson county, nnd Miss Allco Ledgwlck of Alameda county, Cal., wcro married nt Berkeley last week and havo slnco arrived In Med ford. which will bo their fnturo homo. Misses Loulso Williamson, Jean Budgo, Lctha Walthcr, Frances Kon ney, Vera Olmstcad and E. Puruck or, who havo been camping at Cole stln during tho past thrco weeks, re turned to Medford Tuesday evening, accompanied by Mrs. J. Olmstcad. their chaperon. The United States' special car Sig net, which is in charge of Dr. James II. Dixon or Washington, D. C. passed through Medford this wcok, on its wny north. Dr. Dixon has been on tho road six months, during which tlmo ho hbs visited 139 Indian reser vations. Whllo ho was at Klamath and Yamar agencies n large number ot Indians ot dirreront tribes re newed their loyalty to tho U. S. gov ernment. George E. Boos and Bert R. Greer havo gono to Eureka, Cal. to r op re sent tho Mcdtord and Ashland Com mercial clubs at tbo trl-state good roads meeting now progressing thero. There Is a largo attendanco ot dele gates, especially from Northern California. F. A. Flfer .assistant cashier of tmj Jackson County Bank Is enjoying a short vacation. He wont to Jackson ville Wednesday morning. Fonts & Son, who aro well known to Mcdford shoppers, havo purchased W. D. Allen's grocery business nnd took possession Monday. Mrs, M. E. Fries has returned from a visit nt Central Point, hor former homo. Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Mann who havo beon at Crater Lake and Pelican Bay during tbo past few weeks, returned Tuesday evening. Judgo Calkins Is, hofdlng circuit court at Jacksonville and attorneys are numerous tit tbo county seat. I. J. Phlpps, ono ot tho oldeBt pio neers of Roguo rlvor valley aud Mcd ford, Is seriously ill at his residence on North Riverside. A. J. Randall died at his rosldonce at 118 Mlstletoo tho foo part of tbo week. Tho remains were Interred in tho I. O. O. F. cemetery Tuesday af ternoon. Bernard Daly, county Judgo of Lake county. Is la Medford en route to Portland. Ho motored from Khi' math Falls by way ot Jonny creek and Ashland, and found tho roads in u very rqugl condition) , 7.00 3.8 1 ?.l IV. 77 :.M 2. SO 1G.SS r..7s H.7S ".on 4.72 .7.1 .'.2 4.72 4.72 4.73 5.CU 12.77 14.01) 3,11 S.S0. D.07 J.OS 4.73 21.00 28.90 28.90 17.00 1J.C0 .11 n 1.10 4.43 11.90 4.13 3.10 3.40 3.40 4.42 4 .CO (I SO X.S0 3J.45 2.21 2.01 S.4 4 0 2.3 3 40 3.0 3.0 3.0S 3.06 4.41 3.19 27.5S 0. Delinquent Tax List Al!. ,or Jhnvnr ! for Jncknou louiuy, Htittu f nrKon..lx n inirmmiien ..ri.i'".n i"l l,f ..""i lu'" legislature ... -......,, i ,n vMi'ivr ui iii ui.aiiii.M, i.aws ok tiim mm j,jS. "- inn iii;iisi..vTivu ,l,1SH V, llio taxes on the following mlver . r'! T."1.. .Properly nrcmuo ilollniiuint , . ' i . '"' ll"' n,,, nr sul'Ji'ot to until llity Mmll ,Vq i.fiyi puid. Any day amr the etplrntlon or six J'VLi " "Wins? .Jja I property nro ilulln Mural tho Hlierlrf Is aiitliorlsvd. Upon ik' ninml ut nliy ihmkou nmkloit nppllcn. Hen. lo Imoin U thorn u venlfleulo of UKllmiueuey upon payment of tli tnxen. penally. Interest iimi cosU of mlvcitls- i..Krrl,.n,'1,?7' nt l"llinpipney shall lienr m..n... ..:..- i . ' ' --.. ,-; - ....,,,,,,, i in hi mo vi. tie or iKsuiineo until inn iiHimcnu in rrileemeil. ntifi'i: i'ai.i.s Powers. O. U.-..ot I. block 8...$ Otienclmln, ciin.Ul 4, titmk Annon, PiinY M.--vY' l"t V.'tiloYk Annon 1-VnrM. i.iY i! YifiiVk'il! arrl!.. tl, j -.t , ,m.k ,t. Uarr s. 11. It. l.ot 3. I.U.ok II... Ilnrrl. .Myrtle .M.t.ot !, Iiloek lliitle t'lilj J r.Yim'he'r Yv'-'l'.ot' Y. Iiloek IS , ,,, ' Hadctlff. II. R--l.ot i, l.loek IS.. Humphrey II.- i,o , iiloek 17 lHVK A. A l.ol 3. Iilnelc 1H rioveinn-r R M l..ii i i,i..i, m !.'lv.'' A A '" r,i Mok IS..., JIV"'1'. W- A,-lAit III, Moek IS..: lMctinrtlxpii, (leorge- -Lot II, block Pat ton. W. li t,ot 12, Moek K. Hmlth. Joxeph K.,i , i,Pt. u rrcxbyterlan Cliimh Iai k. moek 19.. ; CU'vrnirer, H. .M. Uit 7, Iiloek 19 Cleyencer. 8. M Iit S. block 19 IllelmriWon, t1iorRi- l.ot I, block , ........ tleale. W. A. Uil B. Iiloek 21... Kneiicer, Mr. T. li Uit 10, block 24 ,,., , 8pnrcr. .Mrs. T. U IJ!4 lot 11. block 21 ' nudum, n. n.llnea iilisi!:;!. Plall. II. V. -l'. 1.3 NH of NH1 niul l.s In N1C4 of NV4, ec tlon 10. twp 35 R It. s R . CK.NTHAI. I'OI.NT HOKUe Illver Klcctrlo Uii. l,ot 11. bhvk 1 , Hokiio Hlver Kleotrlc Co. lit 12. block 3 ItoKUfi Itlvcr Klcctrlo Co. Lot 13. block 3.,.. I'l. W. 1). & Hon Lot II, block lAWn w' " n l.ol 12. Iiloek 4 ainm. j. h. i:t. i.t is, block 4 Minis. J. H. lilt. l.ol It. block 4 Cytermnn tury Lot 7. block a., (.ytrrninn. Slnry Imi . block 9,. lien . rienj. Lot 12. block 12.... Ilenll. Ilenj l,ot 13. block 12.... JVIfonney, J. Utt II, block 12.. Unknown Owner Lot l, block Klncald. J. II Went ti ft., lot 2, block II Klncalil. J. II. IM 3. block II... Mnunnler It l.ot i. iii,,rir ii Klm, Jlnry H-l.ot 10. block II.. lloni.. J. II Lot II. MlH'k II..... Ilea I. Ilenj 1-3 of lot K. block IS llcall. Il.nJ 1.3 of lot t, block IS Mel nkcy. John l.ot I. block 19 Al(JlnilA irhKl Al MaaI. .a .MeJ ny, John Lot 3, block 19. McJInxey. John Lot 4, block 19. MeJImwy, John Ixit S. block 19. StcJ nxcy, John I-ot (i, block 19. McJInnoy, John Iit 7, block 19. McJItuivy, John Lot . block 19. McJInxey. John Lot 0. block 19. Albert. V, J. Lot I, block 39... Little. O. W trunlee Lot 3 ami ..4, block 31 Kinney, Jln Winl'-Uu 5 nnd . ... I.... ....( ......... Kinney, Jim. Wm. Lot G. block !. M. A. Iiloek 33 Orlevc, Jnmea IHoek 30 Cowley, Win. A. Lot S, block 37. Henlle. deo. W. Lota 3 to X In- cllilye, block 39 , Uenll. ll.nJ. nn. Anljiirv Uilx E to . Inclunlviv block 4,. flruy. Ha. l.ot . block M .... Ilenll, llonj IoIh i nn.l 2, block rienl I, ' il'i'iiY Ui A ' 5 ' ami' V. block Kelxnn. T J Lot I. block GS,... Hlono, Jncol Lola 7 nuil R. block MiTi.i.V.!::;.'W:.:ivv':v :? block SK.... Murphy, Hater A. rart lot 2, block Tooney, Wm. T Loin 1 In 4 In- cluxlve, block iS , Stephen. Jos, Ixiln 6, 0 ami 7. block tt ' Clnrk. Geo. VIt G. block 9.. AMY'rl rf)TTAOK Al! MoHher, U 73-423. Mirt lot II.. Welch. M. R 31-101, part lot II lliirnh, Mrs I ncre In lot IB... Dunton. ! J. 1U nrr.-n In lot ir. I'nnkey, Jen(t Iit 18.,, I'unkey, Jexit IMrl of lol 17.... Ounton, C. N.-92.32, paft of lot Newlon. V. V. Mart of lot 17.. Pleasant, Hello I'nrl of lot 17... Parker, ... Part of lot 7 CONSTANT TllACT r.vans. w. i;. l.ot r. anil II, block 7,,i,... ,, T.00 i-niiKcy, my, ii, t,i aa-as, lot u. block 7. ,., 19,0,1 Olwn. A.J. IIMOU. lot II niul . IS. iiloek Tii..,. , 4(1,73 i-nimiK, i ion. a. 10-130. lot l. .. !'.ttt'!f.,.1' 111III11...11.I.....I. 8,80 uoni mil iniv. co.-a3-io. loin 2 niul ;. block , 11.00 l . mi IS. tieo. A, 40lli0, loin II nml 19. hliM'l.'.n ni si llulbort. A. N,Si303, lol 9, bllt, .,,'. ii him . i i . .. ... , .1 . . 43i00 Wlille, Hutllo lo-SIH, lot 10, lilock 13..,.,.,,,, ..,.., I3.2S Kmery. Mrs, . Lot block IR,. 19,4.1 UnlNc-y, l'lorn A. i or lol I, hlk. I ami lot J. block l ,,.. n.lfl Ward. W. T. e( ul-l.ot 17 and IS block t... 33,01 liny. Harnli- Loin I ami 2, block ,' , i.i .i in ... . . i . . 2S.IS ) 'IV'O.V: T-vi "' ,,u' 3' ,,k- 17' '"- tlol.l Hill Dov, Co, Lol 7-14 In- flltl.lttn It. l.L.1, .9 ' It. u A V"""" ':' "". ii i til,, in Unknown Owneiw Lol IS, block 17 fi.SA till', rtiirnu .. 1.111 i I.1....1. it m . ii tl ...i. .. .. "".I'li" n i I , 1 1, . 1,4(1 iiinii iiiii i iov. i.o. l.om .1K in. H elusive. 11.15 2.31 6.1 2.01 30.2 2K lit 13.7S R.S9 11.21 JI.2T 33.C4 8.G0 19.73 33.31 (.41 2.G.1 2.G3 S HI) io.r.3 1.70 6.80 2.r,3 2.r.n 2.K3 2.S3 block 93. Carter,!. V U of block I, , nu r, anil lot R, block 35. Wllbelm, A. Jr. -Lot 13. Mock 23. limit A KcIIokk- -Lot .1, hlk, an,. nnrvey. Mnrunretliota 3 ami 4, block 27 ,,.., OoM jllll Uov. Co. Lot S. blk, ..5i... ,.,.,,,.,, i,.. Knolls, p. A Lot 16, block 2?.. ConiuH'k, Clnra !:. Lot II. iih( lUMtMMtlltiMMIilMIII llulbert, A. N. Lot IB it ml Id. block 2.S ItoRUe Itlvcr nice. Co. Lot 3. block 29.,...,. ,...,.,.. llulbert. A. N.-t.oln G to In clusive, block S9 Hulberl, A. N Lot 7. blink 30., McCluro. W. U Lot 3, Iiloek 31.. ApplfKittc. L C Lot 3. block 31 MeCluro. V. U Lota 9 ami 10, Mock 31 ,, ltalley. J. T -Lol I. block 33.... DKKl'M'S AMKNOim AIM). Ilanunersoley, J, U l.oln f, nm , . hlock 3 .....,,..,, llammcrseley, J. U Lots 7 ami S, nl(HK 3 , . .. ,..... IHmIko. V L Lot 10. block 3.... Ivclsey. l'lorn A. Lola I lol In clusive, block 3...... Avery. Mrs. May- Lots 7 unit S, Mock 3 Kelsey. l'lorn A. --Lots 9 In 13. Inclusive, block 3.... Kenrle, Win. II Io1h t 13 In- elusive, block I llutsou, One Lot 1, block G.... Kelsey. Flora A.- Lot 3. block ft, Iletln, Mrreli Lota I ami 6, block Helta, M.Tel.! l-o'ts's ami V.'bl'k'.'s Cain, llubeu Lola 3 nml 10, bbnk o .......,.....,,.,,,,,,. Kelsey, l'lorn A. Lot II. block G llutsou, Pik-. Lot 12, block 5... Kelsey, Flora A, Lola I to IS In clusive, block C , Kelsey. Flora A. I.oIm t In 3 In clusive, block 7 Kelsey. Flora A. Lots & to 12 In clusive, block ?.... Kelsi-y Flnm A. Lola I to IS In clusive, block .. Kelsey, Klorn A. Lota 1 to 12 In clusive. Mock 10 , Kelsey, Flora A. Loin 3 to S In elnslvn. blork It Harris. II. II Lot I. block 13... Kelsey, John II Lois 7 ami !, block 13 Kelsey. Flora A. Lola 9 ami 10, block 13 Kelsey, it. C Uit 7. Mock II... Kelsey, l'lorn A. lot X, block II luuey, i.inie i.ot I. block 13, Harris. Myrtle I-ots 4 uml block 10 ,,.,, Wlnlwortb. II, T Lola 3 ami block 1., Iteeit, If, !.. Lola G ami A, blk. Appleirate, I C I-ols 1 ami block 19 , Applennle. I C. Iitn It niul ,.l. ,n .'11-fV . ... Kelsey. It. O Lots I to I Inclu sive, biocK 20 Dietrich. J. !. Lois G to ft Inclu sive, block 2 , Palmer. J. II. I.ol s I nml J, block niocK (tt Palmer, J. II. Lota 11 nml 12, block 31 Kelsey, V. A. Lola 1 to t Inclu Hive, Mock 21. Palmer, J. II. Lota 7 ami s, block 23 .........,., Uolt. F. A. I-jIb 9 ami 10. block .70 30. .10 10 13 2S.70 Jfi.93 I..C0 17 33 r..2S 22.no 22.G3 33 2X r, 23 r. US 34.K3 X.7I s.r.R I.5K 3 S,1 1.73 l 3S5 H.XO u.or. I. lift .70 0 0 J. I I. 'li 3, iV. l I.7G LOS l.G Dfil 1.23 4.03 ..G.49 7.91 2l 2.23 19) 2.10 .Gl .iS II 33 9.2 4 34 491 4.91 3 IS 2.99 G.I I 2.15 13,40 3.19 3.13 2.10 I. i ... n i i l. i . . i ii i , ... i ...... i 1 1 i Hlmniuin, t'hiis, V-it.vt.lrt, 2 u.. Telnelrn, I'eilro ,1, Ia-I0G...,. inirnuvi, ,vi, iu3nii, x u,,i. Clmnmnn. C, M,)4 n. nilJolnluK llurilnelt, ......... ....in.,., Meott. p, m, tooksoa ft. off slump tm County rima, , ., Kluinii, Daniel tft.a t . ,,,....,.., SA(lt.S rOlKT llititilltuii, V A. Dally a Kmory Lola 4, B ami 0, block 3,. ...... Itnmlltim. W. A, Lola I, 2 ami .1, block I .... . i ... i', , i . Haley, tl, W l.ot i, block I,,,,, Fryer. J. J.--Lola 1 ami 3 block H, ,, lol 1, block .,.., .,.,.., Frver, J. ,L-Liltt 3 ami .l.bloek tl Ddlley, P, II. I.iiIh 4 nml G, block 7 .. i . i .. i . i .. . ......,...,., . DAI.rcV .! KMFltY'H ADD Hfllley, p. H. Lola X uml H, blk ltoavntH'i'K, (luaPait lot II, bloclt .i,.-ii,iii.....,..,,..i..,. ItOMcnllUllt, linn t'Mlt of lol 12 IiIocr e,... ,...., ,,.... ...i... Joiioh. J, A. -Part of lull 7. , ami 9, block 9,,,,.,,.,,,. ,, .loncn, J. A - Lois I, 2, .1 to i In- elusive, block 10 .,...,., JoneH. J, A. Lola I to I luulu slvo, blm'k II, ,,,... ,, ,, Mi'UUiilil, It. .1. Lot f,, iiiuik II.. .lours. , ,, -H 3HJ fe ,if ,i!h 7 ami K ami parlH of oa tl In 12 luellisle, blink 11...,, ,,, Mrtjuolil, It .1, -l0.3fiK, lot II ., Jones. J. A.l.olM b to .1 Inclu ,"IU', block 12....,,.,,,,,,..,, Flmlley, Fred - Lot I In t .Inc., block 12 . , CKNTIIAL ADD. Foster, John Lota S3 and 33, blk Von il'er HeilVn'.' ii. "Loin 12 ami 13. block 0 MiixHnm, (lenelxe Lol 20, block ' i ... i. i ... 1 1 ..,,,..,., , .lohnson, Fred Lot 21, hlhek ... WiiKer, Carl- Lola 1 ami 2, block Furluw, Tom Lola 3 and 4, block n.r.n .i7.ni 37.14 30,00 .70 (1.71 21.00 3.O0 r. hi i, an 2.00 u 22,60 GOO 3,7 3,00 1.19 23,03 ICU C.GO T.3B 1 A0 7.00 7,00 2.GI 3 GO 3 SO 2.60 4 00 3.00 I. Ai) 3.30 and 4, Mock 3.00 2.72 2.73 3.40 G.9S SLOO 2. GO 2.90 2.2S 11.08 3.74 8.14 2.18 0.12 TOO LATB TO CMSHH-'V. FOR SALE Kew 30-40 cal. bolt ac tion rlflo fired less than 20 tlmcn, prlco 10, or might trade for lov er action carbluo, any niakq. Phono 11 5-J. 130 FOR RENT Six room cotlaKp, mod ern. Phono C8-R or 43-lt. FOUND Stray horse, chestnut, brand A, 8. on right shoulder. Stanton Qrlffis, Durrlll orchard, 131 Mee Mnry A. Lot 9 ji.ll Constmil. Isaac Iit o.ln HnnJuraon. C. R Lot 1.1 17.es . OltANI) VIBW ADD 11 Z' Yrorf"K--Lot (2 and 13, niUKuiea, Q, W. lit 21 nml 21 .,,!"c ...' -- Miller. W. D. IjIm 23 nml 21, hlock 1 , Clllll-'l-'iTirH AuniTinv Orlffltlia, John Lot G, block I,. urirnihs. John Ila II nml 9, rtrlffllha, Jrthn Tila I to G, In- clualve. Mock 2. OAK PAlttC ADDITION hahler A I'attlsoii, Lot 4, block ... Kuhlcr Pattlaon, lot G, block S Kahler tc Patllson Lot 4 tf nml S, blgck C Jonea ft Iaflln Lota 1 to 4 In elusive, blork ft.....,..,....., , , . PATTI80N ADD. Hmlth, Annn K. -rxit 1. Mock 3.. ChlMa, C. K l,ot G. Mock 3 Klpne, Jacoti IiIh 7 nml ft, block Blilllll, A. ii. I.OIM 3 Unknown Owimr Iloir. nt It cjir nor of loll, blk. 7, thnco West nlonif K. aldit of lot 1IG, ,4 ft. to Kill Kt. th. HU ulonir tho at. 201 ft, th. N to lleif , blk, 7 1,70 Til SHIULD-Hi ADD. . It clmritaon. Carl Lot 7. blk. I.. r..e.n v ... a - ..''- '' L '.." Z -'J i. ii wry, J ri. K J. I'.. I)t , IHK, 3 3,40 ucnirni I'oint crentnerv r:o 1 ncro of Tims. ItoAa tract....... 20.18 OIBIHI, t,iTf. W. 15 I2-3ZU, HOC. 3, twp 37 H It 2 W, 2 n.. ,,,,...! Unknown Owner G4-I40 Mehaon, Notbury 09-312, aco 3, twp 37, ft It 2 W. J p....."! nnwnlnx, J. II. Sep 2, twp 37, , h n 2 w, ; ..:. i. ,...... Zonon, Martin ftl-806, aeo 2, twp 37. H It 2 W. 2 a...,'. ....V nosa. T. D 57-37, ace 3; twp 37, h it 2 w. i ii,.,.. ...;.,...... Itnaji, T. D. 36-13C, co 2, twp 37. 8 It 2 W. IS n... ....,;,.... eoziB tuxij Haiiiuiraly. J. 1,. Lot I. blk 1.. Oold Hill Dev. Co. Lota 2 to G Inclusive, blk 1... , Oold IIIII Dov, Co. Lota 9, 10 and 11, lilock 1 KoiiQircr. A. i:. Lola 1 to Q lnclu alvo. blk. 2..... Oold IIIII Dev. Co. LotM I to 12 Inclusive, blk. 3,., Pearco, Mrs. J, F. C Lota 4 nnd G. block G,, Kolaoy, Cira A, 05-181, lot 6 aud 6, block G Cooper, H. Ii 42-191 Lola 11 ami vi. hock o Itenil. Nellie CB-211. lot 1. Mock 7 Oold Hill Dov. Co. 53-105, lot 2, Hrltl, Ifeticry 1W. CO di-Krccn N or kk cor or blk. I thence. N 209 ilesreis W 0(.S ili-nreea. H 203 ileKrees, IS 101.3 decrees In 1tf.. H n 21 on Cirdwell. ljvn. .83-32 J G.70 rnvauniiHli, ll-lit G, less 3 n. 14. "a Kelsy. It. C I n. ndJolnliiK llrckum's Add on N SCO Snyder. Oitden Heo twp 30. M It 3 W. 3.HG a , 7.00 T0X.0 ItARsdnle. J. F Mia II, 18, 14, rHOEHXX Aeree. Chnroletln !'. Lot S nml part H. block 10.., CDS i.cvis. leo. si 2-3 or lot 7 uml U of lot ft. block l 2,9: I.ee. .Mnrcjrrl Ijit 1 blorlc 13. . 4 Colver. Kst. Uila 1 tn 4 Inclu sive, block 21 4,10 i-i an, t. J iiia I lo 7 Inclusive. hlock 27 , 3.57 Infers, flco. Lota 2 and 3, block 3 .,.............,.., 4 40 Colver. Kat. Lola I nml 2. blk. 37 1.21 Urecae. KIU. Water Iota url of lt 4 3.85 Ilrcese, KIU. Water Iota part of . Int G 3 0ft Morimn, L. F - Water lola C. nml 7 13.20 Krlley, L. II. Water Lola 13 and part of II ,, lT.cn Koule, N. a. -7 a, on Main HI.,.. 3B.G0 Davis. Mm. C. ):. I.und mljoliilui; llrltta 11.00 Coleman, K W ftG-101, 7B-II, (Jruval Ii.irr, 2 a.. G9.SI TAXiIlMT Lncy, J. f, 1.3 or lot 0, lota I to a inclusive and blocH A..,.. J.ry, Cliaa, A-2-3 of lot Irtl Ift l.l.l- t It 9 ami . to 19 Inclu- 17.00 6.10 17.88 7.82 29.40 3.40 30.89 2.9S 12.J0 10.G0 31.CS 81,32 10.16 14.35 lot 10, MockrA HI. lino. .. frficy, J. If. Lota sue. mocK A ,, FnrlHA Myrllo I.. fc7-!2. Mock C Forlifn, D, A. Kt, Improvement. ..HI. Imp , Nysnwner, Jtlley Lota 1 nml 2, Mock D ,,, Fryer, Mvrlnn Iita 3 lo 0 Inclu- slve, block D Youiit. Myrlon Lola 7 and R, block D , Jefferson, Mrs. Martini Lota 13 nml 14, block D Ionian. Mary J. Part of lot 1, lilock I , Cameron, John 63-480, part of lot 1, block I , Inmnn, Mnry J. Part of lot 2, Mock ( Cauldron, John 63-U0, part of lot 2, block I., Ionian. Mury J, Part of lot 3, block I , Cameronr John 53-180, part of . lot 3, block I Inmnn, Mnry J.1'art of lota 4 nun a, iiiiick j,,.. ,, Ifenrlnav John 7I-6C1, W& of lot ..4 and J, lilock I. , Ilenrlnif, John Part of lota G and 7, block I , Ilahu, Luln 78-220, lot 8, block HalinV LuuT fe'-VsV.' jot' ill'Mock Hahn'.' j.'q'lV 76'-22b 'jiiY Vo", ' block I ..,.,,......,....., Cameron, John 1-4 of lol 7 and liurt of Jot uml part of lot 9, block J ami lot 10, block J Laoy. J, II Part of Lola 7 and Mpck J ,.,,,, ...... .,.., . HI. Imp , ,. Lncy, J. If. Purt of Lola 0 and 10, block J, ,,,,. Ht, linn ,.,,, Hell. Jcfforaon T, LotM 1 to 7 Inclusive, black K. ,.,, , , Ht. Iinji Provot, Sylvian Lot 1G. block L. Ielltte, Jlolle LotH 17 uml 18, block L. Kluiri, C. It Lola 1 uml 2, Mock Ai ,...............,,, Uurluooii, M. LotM 15 and 10, Mock M. , , . , Howaali, K-Lola 17 to 20 Inclu alve. Mock M Hell, Jefferson T. 00-03, block ,H MCCUl luUKh Part nt Moek H ,,,.-. o i: "..... ".: .- -"t.- jiibu j.cnyorii iiiock J G1.74 3.ftft 4I.G1 19.19 .10.00 17.0 17.02 19.4S 32.9 ft 19.60 10.49 2.40 10,51 2,40 18.80 2.40 1A.G1 4.80 16.00 18,00 3.70 3.74 3.74 10,01 9.00 C30 43.48 10,00 SI.97 0.80 3.7G 7,61 240 3.00 17,70 7.80 12.00 0.00 t.l.i .... ..,. 7...;''-' niiiui'WiK L'n villi! 10,80 Morirnn. C l.nls .1 nml 1 l.lnMr 1 1 r. 30,23 Ihdle, TIiom. J-89-370 In tllhson tract . . in Qold IIIII Dov. Co. 65-JG6, lot 4 J Brown, Klla C 01-74, neo 23, 38 HoMntd, Clma, l.ol G, block 7.,. Half her, J. J Lot 2ft, block 7. . . HchUu. Harrcll tl. -Lot 27. block . " . .'": t nn 1 2 GO Leu la, Frnitk -l.ol 30. block 7... 20 ul Harmon. II, C Lot 31, block 7.. 2.30 Inisle, II. g. Lois b and . Mock ft 8 (Ml DeWIMe. Andrew Lol II, block K ... i, ....,., ...1. .,,,...,,, 2. GO HruWU. llUbe-.Lot 13. Iiloek .... 5 fill I'roinau, i. p. 1,01a 11, is ami 10. "bwk ft...... 7f.u lllodle. C A. Lot 2(1, block 9 . . , 2 Gil lieen, w. K. l.ols 1 unit . block . ''.... .: J I'cuimc, .iiiirew 1,01a r.. 0 ami 7. Muck lo 430 .iioniKomery, ,-iira, JiU'K l.ol 13. ..'dock 10 4,0ft .MoniKomcry, .lira, jack l.ot 43, , , MiH-k 10 1.60 Itoe, Mrs. C Loin 47 and Ift, blk. to HI tlreeii, A. I', Luis I ami 3. blk 4 6 110 i;ryer, J. J l,ota 3 nml I, blk I J.00 lrer, J. .1 Lot 7 and part of X block 2G .11 flreeii, A. F- Lot 3 , H.jft t!t.l!lli'! Allll Hl'lker, II. It. Lol 1 6.00 IMIIitsr. T. R Hro. 3 lp 34 It I W, 3 a. "OHO Abbott, Mrs. U M. Fryer'a Add. C,S I'lsh Lake Ditch I'n Hie. 2 ami . ft lw. J II I W 3.71 J ones. j. ,.--., sec 3 lVi. 30 I W ,. , I9.cu iiirtiiiiuin. (.' n -IB-2S, ace 3 ami 3 tup 3 I W. 171 a 71.0,'. JACKBONVIT.I.I DujihloKloii. H. 18 7-2(l, isirt of lota I and t. block 3 69.13 IMch. M -30-123, Jrt of lot 2, Iiloek 2... in us Hebmldlln, A. Lot I nml part 3. hock 3 JS.91 Scbmldllnir. A. Part of Iota G and 0. block 3 11.01 llasyv. C. II. Part of lot I. block 4 "o.as Qnbll, Mrs. II J 30-I9O, part of lola 3 ami 1. Iiloek 1 19 03 t'nkuown Owner -Lot 1. block . 6.70 Ilvon. Luke 3-331, part of lol 2, block 7 2.X6 Alkeu, O, II. 1:4 or lot 3, Mock ft. ..,.. 23.80 Main A Wlnehealer 63-232, V(i lot 4, block I II JO Itenma. A. It Lota I nml 3, blk. 13 7,99 Taylor. Mm. M. C Uds 5 nml , block II , 6.13 Kent. T. It, Lola S In II inclusive. block 13 d.oil i-.Pii.Tson. 11 n.-ivi9J. tmrl lot I nml 2, block 11 1.90 Kppcrson. ii, h lAila a and block U.,....,...., 19.00 .Muui'iiascr, J l.ois 7 ami ft, blk 10 ....... ,...,.., 23.68 Kenney, T, J. Lola S nml 0, blk, IT IR.S0 II) an, l.uko HU of lol 7. block 17 3 Ityan, Luke -HU of lol 8, hlin'k 17 22 ftll Kenney, T. J-N',4 of lola 7 and ft. block 17 31 00 Cathollu Church Lola I and 2. Moek Hi 31.71 Cilholta Church Lola 7 and ft, block 1ft ii i Ilium.-. CLiiIh I ami 2. block 2t I.9U llumhpieya N14 of lot 3, uml Nil of lot 4, Moek 21 ' 2.2ft linkiiown Owner -HU of tola 3 uml I. block 21.., 76 M. II, Church Lola I uml 2, block ...21 IG.Gt Wilcox, Mra. F. U, H',4 lot 6, blk. I . ..!. !..... 1.90 M. IU Chunih Hli of lot 7, blk. 23 3.80 M. i:. Church H',4 of lot M. blk. 23 1G.30 it. ft i-. niairo 1-11. 1,01a 1. j. ami 6. Mock 32 1&.97 ft. A 1; Hlauo Co. -Lot (1. hhxk 32 3 Ml Taylor. Mrs. AI. 1?- lit I. Mock 33 21.28 iioninaou. ll.uiia z. 3 unit 4. block 33 , G.70 iiiz, 11- l.ois 1, z ami 3, iiloek .in 2n.n1 Pllx. II. Lola 7. II and 9. hln.k 30 If. .so HackJ4. Lot I nml part of lot 2, blocks. 1.33 Hnr. H. Lot 6 nml part lot 0, block 37.... 3I Day, H, J Lola I In 1 Inclusive, blork 43 3111 Day, Mra. M. II-Lola G, 0, 7 nml H. block 411 1,3 Fisher, M. I! Lots I nnd 3, block J . .;.... ........... fl tl ft Colwell, M. it I, block 60 I 13 eisiier, A l.ot 3. block 50. , .... . 2.G Hiiiker. W ftl-601, part of lol I, block 62, 1. 62 Mursh, J,- Lulu 2 nnd 3, block 63 22.80 lirndley. M. J -83-4I2, part of lot 3. Mock 60. ...,,.... 11.40 Vlckroy. 1:, p, mock 67 G.7I llroad. Ksl 68-19, part of lot I, hlovk 89 , ,,, 16,20 China. Clin 49-613, Moek 01 MG Tclurl, Auitust Hi 11. block 01.. S.kO Al'ldeitatv, .Mrs. P. 16.198, block 02 .,..,..,.,..,,. 70.00 lleaURW, A. Ii 49-212, block 03,. 3.80 tiiiiuo, Aira. ii, 1,01a 7 iimi a, block 70. Klljitlc, .Mrs. If. l.ot 1, block 71 LUNIHIItMN'lJ ADD. Iteynolda. I,. Lot 7 ami purl uf 8, Fick, Frud Iit 3, block 4 ... IIOLMAN'H ADD. Ifenry, Mra. (I. Lot 2 I Irlrli, L.vLolH 10, It uml J2... Hock. J Lot 13. Cook, Mr. Lot 14,,,.,,,,. lillWIH HUH. I). ll.,l.,1.H t-a 1 .ft- r .-m, ,,,., rn.mi. Z'.i ............ I teamen, C, J, 1-106 , Kllppel, Mra. If Heir. HM cor, D. L. C. 37 W 376 ft., N 120 ft., K30O fl, to l.ejf .' Ileod, ? D. Kat. 19-193, sco 31, .ITI. Of, n t . , m II., Oman. H. H. 82-630, aea ... 11 i,,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,M Iteanua. A. K. 19.213 Hull, Jim. T, 90-93, HCC. 29, twp 37 1 W, , , ,,,,,, ,, ,, ApideKate, Mra. P, 3 a. H of block V IIMMIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIII 37, 2 W, 3 a Kclnvurlzfuircr. Wm. r.i.r.m ,., 3, twp .'10, 2 W, 10 11 1J.00 "P,'V"'V 'J:, i"i--4'tYi (? m, iwp .17, 3 Vf, 0 a ...,...,. l''uli"'i" K.I9-186, aeo 31, twp 37, m tv. , wnnnvTT.T.n KlovenM, K. Pan lot 2, block 1, Piibner ft Palmer l.ot 3, block 2. Hiibln, IU L. Lota I ft 6. block 9 Whllpiilo, ,M, )).-. purl of lot 10, Muck 2 ' Cahlwell. JCIIza Part of lot 1. Mock I I'AIINIMI X, MAIIIM Allll iJweiia, John Lot 1, hlock I earner & Uubln Lot ll( Modi I,, 1. 811 Hlnlt, W1u.--I.11la I ft 3, hlock a.. 6,23 Wukfimm, Kamli Loin 4 to 1 Inn. Iiloek 6 . 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 . . . . . , , . . , 1 , 1 . N.Pfl Whipple, Mnry A. Lot I. Iiioelt II II.7U Curlier ii Hiililn Lulu tl uml 7, 13, block tl i. ...ii 7.K0 Plimun, .Inliu Lulu IS uml 10, . hlock 0 .11 1 1 4, 4li Kiimlty, Ham -Lot 22, IdoeU 11... 27.74 llaxley, II. K. Part of Hit I, block 7 . , . 1 , . 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 . , , 1 , , 3, (Ul Caiurr ft Hnliln Lot 3, Muck 7... n.mi Cuiner a Hnbln i.oi k, hock 7,,, ii.oo C.MtNKIt it HAIUN'H HKC. ADD, .MiiKello. Carlo- Lol .1. hloeh :),,. 30,00 HKOIIOF, II, llAl.l.'l ADD, Dull, Hill F,--Lota 1 to 0 Inn,, block I 1 nu 17.10 nail, licit F. 71-100 purl of block I .) , tl 1 ilMi IIMIlMlMlMM ,71 Hall, ll.ilierl l.olM I to 13 illU,, .. hlock 2 .,. 1 .,.. .. I.,,,, a I, OH Hull, licit IV-Luis I nml 6, block ..0 (!. T.30 IConworiliy, llnidy Lola 1 ami 0, .block 4 27.110 Modern Wooiliuiin l.ot on Pine at 1.60 W'erls, .'. Lot mlj Mod Wood. man .,,,,,, mi. 11 1. 7.3U Whipple, M. l 88-297 7.30 mills, ,1, 11,- -3 loin . ahlu Pine Woods. John- 13-U sic 23, ("l. 3,r. I. w, ,. I, to O llulr, K II.- ,U.3 see 2t twp, .30. r. I w., Id iieim IB.0U lllnlucli, It. F- Heo. 82, tttp, 30, 1. 1 w, 3 acres 4,111 ley ft Malhla-Gii.27 aud US. w , fl Itoiiuo "IR1 urn's, nml nut t niiiuml 00 Htwr ., 13,80 llomi Hlver Hleulrlo (t!n.-.Lot ft'!0 ,. 1R,oo Vallla Ksl.. .i,i mis nortll nf Main st. w. uf w. of wniiPii ererlt .,.,.,..., G.OO . . HOCK POINT llaymoiid. Ilenll l.nln J uml j, Mock I , 4.70 Mm 1 la, tl. i:.- Lola 3 uml I, block . ,1 ....,.. ,,, ,td llayiuiin Mra, lleiin Lota I and Si block 2 4.89 Weeks, ,. J-Iil 3, rust 6 full ..of ol3 and Idoel, 3 91 MeUriiiler. II. II, ft Co -LotM t 10 , bbick I ., ,,.., I.dft Mciliuder. II II ft Co llthik 3 I, 'IS NA.MM V.ll.l.ur Cooper. M W -Lot 3, Monk Jll.. 3.S Cooper. Kd. W l,ol I. Mock III. ,60 iiii'st, Henry-Lota I nml 2, block ,112 , , 3,711 niiisi, iienry 1,111a 1 ami 0, liloeK v 112 Trt JXudhiima ft Co, lil , Muck II .37 UitillMiiia ft Co. Lola 3 to it Inu,, hbielt 11.1 ,.,,, mo W miliums A Co Lola I lo 0 lua, block III ..., 3.1)0 ,, , HIIKIIIFI-H AHHI8HHMISNTH Hoke, It. i. ti; HOI, tup. 30, s. r J v 11 noraa.. ....... 3 00 IIAMILTHN ADD. .MIllUMIlD Tyrirl, I. II 13-318 ,, ' 8,73 Mcnronn W. el ul 71.93 lot 13. It IaiI 16. idoiik : Pari of block t.., W Lota I and 29, 37 , . 7.97 3.80 6.32 2.28 3.80 4.60 1.61 1.32 R2.8I 2G.CU ZM 3,01 24.70 20.60 8,6 3,80 2,38 I Iimi lie, (l.'U. block 2 Hyioco. A. Liijiliin, , Lawloa. J. bliHk d First .l. n up, Church Lola 7 aud 8. hlovk 7 Lenyonl, H I. -90 lt aud M!-l'Ji lola I and 3. block 8, nml NK of ue.iird Hee. st., bfm'k ft.... Matnsy. Nana- P.irt of blmk 9... HiivtHl, U lt--lils 1 nml 2, bloiik lloKMa. V V'.'.'-'l'.tir 10.' iiiiik' Ifi ,' '. Ttrell. J. II -.ot 3. blm'k I J,... Harris. Ibiliirhe ft Maud-NU of lot 2. nml H 37 U rel of lofj.. iwler, W. I et ul I)la 4 to 9, Hie., Mock IV ,,.' Ibls. Hot II He, lllle IT, Iota I nml 2. Mofk 23 Madden, F II.--I.hi . bloek SI.. Pallerson, I.lll) -lils II nml 12, lilock 21 ,,, , Msndtr. II. P. In 0, block it... Ctdllns. C. It- Una 7 nml . Mok Irfiwreula. Auw irfiY Y.'bit)k'fn! .Mnrllii, Win. l. H 30 fsi of lot 8, block 20... r.iBi. Ilellan Lota 9 and 10. Iiloi-k 2ft , , Nysa. Win. Half of ni Mock 31 Nyea, Win. Half of lot 2. WMk 3ft ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, Heriuoml, lleun Irfit II. Monk 3d Hamlin. (lm...Uit 3. bluek 2... It. A C Lmiil I.'h. lils ? nn.l a. Iliial, M, F. Iilii 7 mid , block 40 , Tbomaa, I W Luis 6 and 7, block 15 Hvhi rmerhorn, ft Hnm Lola 17 lo 20 (no. block It Day. Ilattlo 1' Lois I, 2 nn.l 3, block 4ft , Mickey, CmniIIii.. L -Luis I lo I, lni., block II Freiteiiliiirif. M. C Lota II ami 12, blmk 62 IVtry, JT Lot v. Moek GS.... Truslr.a Ptesb. Chiimh Lola 10 to II. Ino, block tl Ilaswell, H T 0-ll9 N 601 of lot li. block SI Ilaswell. II. r.-S GO fet of lot HI, block II biawHI. II T-N 80 fe.,1 of lot 17, block 61 . . ., Ilaswell. T.--N 60 faat of lot II. block 61 Conro, I'lmo iita and 2. blvnk ,( Hulirnirhorii, Ma Lot 3. blmik 60 Midlsy. Wm. A Utt IS, Iiloek 17 touiiK. tl.o. II Lois 3 ami I, bbK'k 6s , nifl. It II..- I.ni 1. hliu.u rj Youni; Heo II. Lot if, ,IiMk 03., Main. M M.Lola 7, 8 ami 9, block 3 , o. . Main, M. AI. 1ft feel fiont on W Her. et. fttttii. block CI...,.., Johiia ami Turner-Lol 13. block Hcliiillit .''ivnVirk- i.'o't' Y.'l'iiiiiik rt'l Hcbullx, Tenrlck HI4 Lot 3, block 04 , , , Vawler. Kin M. 15 '.4 of iilfoy, Mock 07 ;,' iMiliwuy. li Lot 3. block 79..... V Moore, Lillian H. -Lot II. Mock 70 Jbsire, Lillian K Lol 12. blo.ik 70 First Fmh. Me Church KM uf lot 7. block 71 Cjciuelila. i: C.- Irfit 3. block 73. I'leliu-illa It. 11,1--Lot I, block 73. .'.'I"'!"."'. HUIIUH Lot 13. liliHlli 71 IModrlcka. tleo. H.- Lot 3. bloclt 70 Flint Christiana Clinrcb Lola ' and a, block li K,i ""."''.u'-'- w- vi l-Lot 10, bhH'k 7H , Uciiuira, C. I, ft J M, Haul I Lot II. bliK-k 78 ,,,, lielrch, Heo- Lot I. Mock 79.! IMetrlch, tleo. HI2(t, feel of lol G, block 79 , Ilafer. KdBiir I'. Lota 7, H ami 9, hlock 79 , , Ilafer. IMiuir I'. Lola 10, II and W, block 70 , - IIAHIfH ADDITION llllaa -91.379 lot I. block II ot 111 31.11 3if8 11.71 38,63 31.00 HIT S,30 97.17 01 .7 ft 7 170.93 110 9) till 39 91 16 b 40 8 I I 19 6.0ft 21.38 6.83 7.3 7.ftl io.ei Hmlth, HlreulM, K, C. 101 1, iiiock ciiVi Vii VVV.i ' 75-36 i "Ti1",.'! "' 150 feet H of llio.NK ror of lot 1. bloclt ll.irr'a 76 f.et W 10 feet N 160 fci.l ,..'" .,"'.".-' .,.'.'t ' hbiek 1 Ward. II, W- lleif. 110 feet N of H.U.,!"r I'll 3,hlockl llarr Add, T! 160 feet N 13 fq.it W 160 fe,lt H 43 fuel, to beif., lot 3. Mock, 1 Lcnnuii . AI I.. -ll-r. OH feet N iif he MJV cor lot 2. Mock 1 uf llurr Add. N 11 r.,i i' i?n r.,i H 41 feet W 170 foul, lot 2, Moult ..ii.,.,, 37.07 231.16 213.03 36.13 88.17 3.tl Ul.91 152.40 13,21 13.11 12.1V 3045 1BJ.M 4 J. 95 13.66 3109 I3.VU 11.03 28.C9 3.11 10.74 13. HI 7.02 iS 73 1'IJO 2i.U3 40.34 27,64 n& 60.08 31.99 12.01 93.08 7,I2 17,01 4.79 71.70 263.13 25.11 10.17 1 3,80 3,80 16.20 2.40 31,80 36.23 ,27.30 Vu.",X,",:,nl", block 1... I; 9- 0. 1'. Lot 3, block !.,... Iolciinib, J. J, Lot 0, block 2.,., Curlier ft HaMii Lot 7, block 2... earner ft Hubln Lol 2 block 3... H.inUy, Hani L. Lot 1, block 4... Carnnr ft Hubln Lola 2 lo 0 Inc. MocK 4 ,, ,.......,,,, 'uriler, li W,-50 fuot front 82-300 I'ealor, Viola C 5U fuut 69-010 lol 1, block :i Clay, H. i;,-.89-2U3 huif intercMt In each, lot I, hlock 3 (Imlelnia, II. 1:. ny.391 230x150 feet, nu 1, blmk a, ;. , IIHA'H'V'H ADDITION Kinerlek, ', J I.jIm 1 nnd 2, Moek 5 llcall, It. IJ N 10 feci nf lot I, ,. hlock 17 ,..,...., Ileuii, U K, K of lot 3, lilock 18 IlltOIIACKH UKHKItVIJ MilllUfAUU U It . t iui .t'irfi it t , ( ! M111111111 Onrint, O(o. C.68.80.....,;; ', Wlille, Clarmico K. 74 Interest,, Carver. J. F. 93-169 .....,,.. True, J. , 41-620 . . ", rt Hap,' eiiure.h-78-523 ...... Hit V ANT Alllil'IMONT jtetsou, Rivali L. Lol I, block 1 Hletaon, Huruli L. Lola 2 uml 3. . iiiock 1 , MuAmircwH, T. J.Lot 0, block llordouux, (lo, M, Lot II, Mooii 1,36 2.80 2,84 10,61 1,80 li 4 A J.IW1 .fifll 1 m lllllaaiiaaaas.A. 10.20 r bioci- "-,'ou Bi ' 2-3-nm' 60,83 10.33 10.10 20.91 17,91 3.1,19 33..I0 29.00 1.10 V.H7 3I.C0 4,49 .11,81 20,01 :i7,ii7 01.14 l.ot 3,28 1.04 11,00 22,15 - . v h