Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 18, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MEpyoun urAir; TitmoNw, Miwiroun. oirrccioN, monday aitcujst 18. xoin.
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1 ' Medford mail tribune
'"""jp'W'iwi iwi1 In fm j
ir jit Ti
nu rmw.
I' tin, rit nr xfoi'fur.i
v.-i3 rj - . -s .-- -.- .. -...
uuieiiu ruptr or jacKnon v,-ouniy.
Mfltbkak J?UTNAM, Killtor Msnnirer
Dsltjr vMfm for -lcvwn months end-
mg i(ovBniiec o, in
Tti Democratic Time. Tli Mfttfnrd
Mall, Th Medford Trllmms Thn South,
rn OrntrtViH.ThoAili!nntt Trlbuiio. .
Offlcs Mall TrlbtniAlHulldltiR, I6-J7-S
North Fr silent tllpnon 75,
i i
(Continued from rM 1.)
Kntsrcd . ha Acoond-elAss matter at
Modfpril, ' Orofton, 'under tba act of
March I, l7.
uxrnaanxvTton rate.
Osh jwr. iiy p .,-!. , - f ""
pnn month, by matu..,. .80
Pw mouth, iiellverefl, by carrier tn
Mcdfonl, Jacksonville and Ccn-
, tr Pointy .. - . .BO
liurtUy only, by Wall, per yr 2.00
Weekly, rr yer. - .
KSDroBD. osroow.
4 Metropolis of Southern Oregon and
Northern California, mid th faatett
STOWInir city In Oregon.
, Population if. S..consus lilt) SS40;
Istttttalod. 1915 in.doo.
IIq hundred thousand dollar Gravity
waler Hyslrm completeiU stvlrtK finest
supply puro mountain water and 17.S
miles of streets pavci.
Postofflen receipts for year cndlne
November SO, 1911. show Increase of IS
per cent.
Manner fruit eltr In Orecon llornn
nivrr. Kpltxcnbcnr .npplea won sweep-
niHHrs prisn inn xuio of
"Annls Xlaff of tbe World"
ft .tho National Apple Show, fpokatic.
15WK, ana a car or isevrtonna won
Tint Win In 1910
at Cnnadlan International Applt dhow,
tmicuuvcr, ii. u.
rirst Frits In 1911
At Spokane National Apple Show won
by carload of Newtowna.
. Itogun Itlver, pesrs brouglit highest
prices in all markets of the word 1 ur
ine tho. post six years.
Th Mall Tribune Is on sale at the
Ferry News Stand. San Francisco.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland.
Portland News Co., Portland. Ore.
W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Vh.
rdl laaatd Wire United Ptsm
Tho Quo Vndls and "Wildest Amer
ica" plctUrcs which aro to be shown
at tho rngo Thoator next Thursday
and Friday evenings, aro considered
tho highest achievement ot modern
Thcso films aro carried by profes
sional experts, and aro being ex
hibited in the leading big road show
theaters on tho coast.
A lecturer who la thoroughly con
versant with tho subjects, explains
each and every feature as tho films
aro run.
"Wildest America," which deals
with animal life In tho United States
Ehows a herd of 4000 Elks tn motion
In tho "Jackson Hole," Wyoming,
taken during tho sevcro winter two!
years ago.
This scene will no doubt provo In
foresting to pcoplo of Medford as It
is from (his district that tho Elk
lodges ot Southorn Oregon aro mak
Ing an effort to havo a train load ot
Elk shipped to this country.
As it requires two hours and a half
to exhibit thcso pictures, thero will
only bo ono show during the evening,
starting at S:15 p. m.
CaMaln S. M. Kcalon of Table
Hock was a business visitor In Cen
tral Point Saturday.
Iter. Vernono and family havo re
turned froin their summer outing.
Mrs. M. E. Krlca of Medford a for
mer cltizrn of this place was calling
on hormauy friends hero Saturday
and Sunday.
. W. Ii. lrult and family, It. W.
Agor and family, Mrs. Hawk and
daughter and I). I Pearl attended
tho blacksmith's picnic at Hoguo
Illvor Saturday.
Mrs, D. W. Stuuo of Sacramento
Is tho guest of her father Jonah
Stono and family In this city.
T. D. Hobs, Floyd riOBe, James
Itoss, Tri Peart, Win. rlatnmltt, h. h.
hone, Tyson Hoall, Cleorrj Oboiic'halii,
un.l Bmlth hrothors aro at bon o alter
1 fo weeks successful lipntlng trip
In Oo hills.
W. J Froemasi m', urclher and
Fti Wiley spent ihe lat of the
wcok at Cruler Iako and Union
MltiB Dc3slo Smith who has been
vlslilng ampng Iser many friends hero
for the past few weeks left for hor
homo 1U Sacramento Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Jones of Phoe
nl spent Ijho week xend In Central
a Mrs. Emma Holm and children
havo rottiriiod from a two weokii
yislt wjth Applegate r.olatlves.
Claud Naught of tho Modoe was
among the rauny out of town visitors
hero during tho week.
Stanford White, Itulinitil ot Kwlyn
Xe.iliiU Tliaw a oonvlolcd nuiume,
whoso ppitsnttoutil story lias lielii
worldwiMo ntteiitioii slneo White fell
under his hullots nt Alixdison Snnittv
Ounlcn hero in 1S100, is on today
throughout tho wholn of itorthern
New Vurk, ilas$nchusclts niut Con
noelJeut. Sineo ho flctl tlinuult nn open
Kate of Mnttenwan nsjlum yoster
lny monunc;, pprnii-; into n wniliiijr
high-power uiitnmohilc nml esoaiKMl
in n whirl of tlust toward tho Con
iicrliont state line, there linio been
a hundred reports fnm various
ipmrters that Thnw lind pasturd.
Apparently tho host fotindetl of
tiiepo reports is that Thaw and those
who nitled him to lice paused Inst
niuht nt tho Lenox hotel nt Lenox.
Muks., near Pittsfiold', thnt he left
there nt daybreak this meru'ini: nml
is stipiwed to bo speedine; through
Hie Herkshtrc hills towards ltoston.
lnle onion? have been sent far
nnd wido for thaw's nrrest, it is
frencrnlly ndmitted that, ns he was
ncquitled of White's murder on thu
pround of innnity nml ns no erim
inal charcc now stands against him.
he cannot bo extradited to New
York state. Efforts doubtless will
be mnde, should Thaw be captured
before bo leaves the country, to se
euro bis nrreft and detention ns a
dtuiKcrous jerson. It is doubtful,
however, if ho could be held on such
n charge for nny leiiRth of time, and
it is probable that, if ho is taken,
efforts will bo made to.have him ntl
indeed insane in any state where he
takes refuse.
Kyen this, imssibly, cannot be
done. It is believed Unit when the
lino nnd cry is over Thaw will be in
the same position as John Arm
strong Chnnler. or Chnloncr, who,
insane in New York state, is a free
man in Virginia nnd not subject to
nrrest so lone ns be remains outside
tho borders of New York state.
"I do not know what steps will
bo tnkpn to catch Thaw,'' Hiley con
tinued. "That is n matter fur the
state legal official1. I reported tho
ccopo today to both Acfinjr Gover
nor Glynn and to Governor Sulrer.
I did not think they would want
their Sunday ret broken."
"Tlinw's .lawyers bold a confer
ence with him at tho asylum on Fri
day under n court order. If Thnw
hod not been given the privilege of
numerous secret roufcrenccs I don't
bclicva bo could have eseaped."
A messenger from Governor
hero interrupted Hiley's interview,
tho asylum superintendent hastening
ht onco to tho cxeeutivo rhnmbcr. It
is understood deems thnt
Hiley erred gravely in tactirs when
he reported to Glynn.
maws motucr rcecivcti today a
letter from tho escaped mini which
was postmarked nt midnight nt a
New York substation, showing that
either ho or n representative was in
the eity then. Tho letter was
sprawled in pencil. It rend:
"All well. I shall take be
foro coming to Elmhurst (tbp Thaw
country place near Cresson, rn.) as
I might bo asked for interviews nod
don't want lo refuse. I don't euro
Ui uiako any statement ns yet. IIopo
M. and 0. (Mrs. Carnegie, his sbtcr,
and George Carnegie, his brother-in-law)
arrived Hafo and thai voti
will go home together. If. K. T."
Mrs. Thaw guvo out the letter,
saying it was in her son's hnndwrit
ing. She snid Jiho would leave for
her Pennsylvania homp tomorrow
l'OKTItAXl), Ore., Aug. 18. -Kit
Koiito toMImvknJ (Jul., wlleio ho ill
preside over tho thivo slntes good
roads niooting, Governor Kini'sl Lts
toi of Weishineton ,pnsed throuah
Poitlnitd late Sunday,
Tho governor is ueooiupanied by
J. W. Zioguus, U sporolni-y. Htttti
will tiiko nn automobile nt Kedlnttd
for the Ili'-milo trip Ho Kiirekn.
After Hit Kurokri im'oliiic Gover
nor Lixler will visit San lYiutotsoo
to confer with tho Wushitigtou fnlr
ooinutision regarding tho oreetion of
a stale building at tho l'niinutii l'u
I'ifio oxHsition. Theuee he will go
to Colorado Springs to attend Iho
eonfereuee of governors.
Governor West ot Oregon nnd
Governor Johnson or California will
nlso bu present nt the Kurckn meet-
llKOniKO, Cab, Aug. IS. Gover
nor Illrntn "l Johnson, is here to
day en route to attend tho throe
states good roads meeting nt Kii
rekn. Governor Ernest Lioter of
Washington is duo this afternoon
niul a reception will bo "given here
to both governors well us scores
of other delegates.
Modoc county i sendiilg ten dole-
gales to tho meeting, nnd delegates
from Yuba, Shnsta nml Smkivott
counties nro leaving nt intervals by
automobile for Woovcrvillo, en route
to Eureka. Tho delegates will stop
nt Weavcrville tonight, leaving early
in I he morning for Eureka, tirrhing
there about (1 p. in.
WASHINGTON, Auk. tS.Tostl.
fylng before tho house lobby commit
tee today, lb 1. MeMlchaolH, former
chief page of tho liiuiso, declared ho
hnd beoii prbntlscd a Job In Wash'
Ington If ho supported Koprcseuta
tlvo McDcrmotl of Illinois against
evldonio adduced by Martin M. Mill
hall of llaltlluorv, formerly an agent
of the National Association of Mnnu-
facturors. Tllo witness denied ho had
ever characterised Mulhnll as a "dope
fiend" and u "dliibollcal liar."
Me.Mlclmols hdmltted that ho never
saw 'tho $7G00 McDurmott told htm
later that ho got front pawnbrokers
(or cervices In connection with tho
loan shark bill.
"Hut I got $R0 of It," added Mc-Mlchacls.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Aug. 18. Ar
thur Pelkey, whlto heavyweight
champion nnd his manager. Tommy
llurns, left hero today for I.os An
geles. Pelkey will undergo an oper
ation tomorrow for n growth In his
nose. This Is expected to bo entirely
healed within two weeks, whon ha
will start light training for his go
with Chirlla Miller at Vornon Sep
tember 23.
Pelkey suffered from a slight at
tack of grip tho latter part of last
week but foil much better today. Ho
Is In flno condition now and his In
jured right shoulder responded to
treatment nnd Is now as good as ever.
Doth Pelkey and - Hums expressed
every confidence beforo leaving hero
thnt they would land tho match with
Johnson in Paris, probably about
FALL RIVER. Mass., Aug. 18.
Attorney General Swift of Massa
chusetts is ot tho opinion today that
Harry K. Tbaw'a caso Is not ono In
which ho can bo returned to Now
York by extradition.
"Wo can handle tho caso practical
ly, though," said Swift. "Probably
wo can tako him to tho stnto lino and
unofficially hand him over to tho
Now York authorities.''
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 18.
Alleging that she was hurled into
the Pacific ocean llPnr the Cliff
hoiihc nt midnight by her cslrnngod
hii-ibnnd, and would have drowned
but for the heroism of Edward
Smith, Mrs. Harry Martin, wet nnd
hysterical, appeared at police bend
ipiartcn hero early today and de
manded the nrrest of- Martin, The
woman baid bho and Martin M-pu-nitcd
soon after their marriugo in
Wljjt Moijtord radons Mcdfprd inado
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant.
, m n, baiitlktt
PfeWfl M. 47 and 47-J-3
AMkliuw Servle Deputy Coroner
noSTON, Aug. 18. frarmore nlong
tho routo of Harry K, Thaw's wild
rldo say his automobile was headed
In tho general direction of Iloston.
Tho police In every city and town in
tho stato havo boon notified of his
cscapo from tho Mattewcah asylum,
and It Is expected ho will bo appro-
honded soon. If captured Thaw will
bo held ponding word from Now
DANDURY, Conn., Aug, 18. It Is
bellovod hero today, that Harry K.
Thaw, who escaped yesterday from
Matteowcnn, has been In no hurry
to got away slnca bo crossed tho
Now York stnto line, Whon his au
tomobile stonned horo yesterday to
- ' - - HtHllbVU W J'VVUt"-e WaV trMW VMM
buy a cigar, ho showed no agitation, ternary roward of $G0 will bo offered
several or tuoso who saw him re- fo Tbnw'u 'capture."
marked his rcscmblanco to Thaw but
llttlo attention was attracted bo
causa ho had frequently nutomobllcd
Into this vicinity before whon accom
panied by asylum guards.
.It Is believed hero that tho best
clow regarding Thaw's whereabouts
comes from tho Hotol Lenox, nt
Lenox, Mass. La to yesterday two
men arrived thero in a powerful au
tomobile and registered as Dr. Hoi
don, Now York, and P. Ji. Lowla,
It. A. Stanley, proprietor of tho
hotol, recognized tho chauffeur ns
Thaw, noth mon went to their
room but Stanley did not toll tho po
llco of tho occurrence until today.
Doth men left early this morning
without breakfast, driving toward
Iloston. ,
Acting District Attorney Wasscr
Yogel stated that Thaw could not bo
etradltod, but that tho authorities
anywhero aro authorized to arrest
him as a dangprous character. Thaw's
mother and his sister, Mrs. George
Carneglo, arrived horo yesterday ex
pecting to visit him toddy, but did
not go to Mattowean when they heard
tho news of his escape. MrH, Thaw
Is openly rejoiced but denies all
knowledge of any plot which resulted
hi her son's freodom,
Superintendent Rlloy said: "It Is
very strango to mo that Thaw was
nblo to escape I do not charge that
money was .used but tho circum
stances aro peculiar, Only tho ens-
Dally conferences nro being held
hero by Commissioner Hanger of tho
United States board of mediation and
conciliation in connection with tho
threatened strlko ot trainmen on tho
lines ot tho Southern Pacific com
pany. Shippers and tho traveling
public are awaiting tho uutcomo with
apprehension, realizing tho enor
mous losses thnt would bo Indicted
on tho tho men should walk
nut. When tho Newlaud'a act was
passed by congress, It wns hoped that
n method had been found for tho
pcaceitil solution or industrial con
flicts, and tho prompt action of Presi
dent William Sproule of tho Southern
Pacific In appealing to tho govern
ment temporarily reassured tho pco
plo thnt they would not bo mndu to
suffer becauso of a dlsputo to which
they wero entirely Innocent partloa,
it Is to bo hoped that Commissioner
Hanger will succeed In bringing both
Ily offering to medtato and arbi
trate, tho railroad has gono on rec
ord ns recognizing that tho Interest
ot tho public In transportation Is
greater than Hint of either carrier
or employe. Commenting on this
subject last year, tho board of arbi
tration on tho onslnoer'n controversy
In tho oast said:
It is evident that , for n great
section of tho United State, a rail
road Btrlko can no longor bo con
sidered ns a matter which primarily
affects tho railroad operators and
employes. It docs nffect thorn and
affects them tcrlously; but tho pub
lic Is far moro deeply concerned. In
deed, tho Interests ot tho public no
far exceed those of tho parties to
n controversy ns to render tho for
mer paramount. Tn this paramount
interest, both tho railroad operators
nnd employes should submit. It Is
therefore Imperative that somo other
way bo found to scttlo differences
between railroad and their umploycs
than by strikes."
Homy O'Mivlloy, superintendent ot
government lintchorlon nnd Hugh
Mitchell, In chargo u( Hoguo ilvor
propogntlon, left Medford Monday tiT
Inspect tho rucku rcfontly constructed
at Roguo River. Hegardlng tho re
port that tho slats' wero"o close to
gether that BtoelheadH could not got
through, Mr. O'Mnlle)' wild:
"Wo hear tho snmo Mory every
year, jet wo find fuw Btcolhends held
by our operations, ami thorn) nro
placed nbovo the racks. Tho racks
wero completed August 9. Thoy nro
Intended only for salmon. Tho slata
nro placed 3 4 Inchon apart, utut only
nn unusually largo steelhend would
bo hold by them. To avoid this,
however, vvo hnvo coiistrurted traps
which permit nil sloolhoadn to pass,
and there Is no reason for complaint.
"Tho bureau of fisheries co-operator,
in every possible way with tho
anglers. Tho middle river racks aro
not placed until tho mimtuer run Is
over, and thoso that cannot go
through tho rack, get above through
the traps."
Statu Giiiiio Warden l'luloy Mon
day formally wurvod notice on thu
CnlKornhi-Oi'oKou Power company to
construct u second fuhwiiy nt Gold
Ray dam, Tho uotleo was signed by
Judgo Chaileti L. MeNiii-y ot tho
mipt'omo court bench, mid Mm. Me-
'Vni'iv fill- niul Mm. II. II. llulmt .if
Salem, Mrs, llievjimu of Salum nnd
her tliUiRlitein, Mm, Mnnlnntiiory niul
Ira. I'lunllror of lllrmliiithiiii), Ala.,
form an automobile party that nro
tho statu game and fish coiuuiIhhIoii, mopping at, tho hotol Meilfoid, lutv
Master l'lshvwmlou Olnutoii and Mr.
Only by reHorllng to tho rourtti can
tho company avoid complying with
tho ordor of tho commission, which
now rcuulrcu two (IshhutuurH at every
largo dam.
Horace Nicholson took a party of
game and tlnh wardens to lllg Rutin
Sunday where luiipectloii was made
of fftUivvitytt recently constructed over
dnma. At tho hntchcry they mut
Meutu-M, Flnloy, O'Mulloy and ntho-o,
who took moving pictures of fishing
scenes on tho Rogue. Fish wero not
biting well, but uouio good ucotied
wero secured.
lint cotito by unto fom Halom,
through Central Oregon, via Unilor
Lukn. All word much pleased with
tho trip and tho scenery nnd greatly
Improved with Grater Luku. Thoy
leave for Halom Tuesday,
.lildrtu McNury In Win (list supremo
court Juntlco to vlsll, Crater Lake.
With Medford trnfw la Mrilfnrtl made.
Claim Dies; Tries Stilcltlo
Ilroodliig iivrn the iceoiit Hiilehlu
of Lotus .Monro, her chum, Joslo
Gordon, an ui'Iu'sh, nUt'inplnl u end
her own life In bet mum bote, Sho
out her llmuit Willi u inror. but Ilm
incision vwis not deep enough to
I'luiso it fit I n I wound.
With Medford trado in Medford made.
(Continued from pnr,o l.)
the Ihenter mtiilngemeiit, hut
perstiudcd to leave by iiie of
While Diggi uns milking his pro-
niw mnucoup pouilPtl nlll ll lllg KV
liccumii iionrby. Tho officer enino
near tho party mid Diggs, who knew
thnt n warrant was out for his nr
rest charging tusuult on u newspa-
per iihologrnpher, rcmnrked, "I
guess I'm caught thin time," ami
mingled with the crowd.
The Colonial Flats
Formally Smith Apartmentn
Running Under Now Mnungomeut on Strict HilHliii'iut Prlnclpnlo
s.iii 'M sin.tio pi:u .Mti.viit
With llath Room Arromutodtitlbm-, this and Hlertrla Lights lit
Hulldliig. Hot nml Cold Wntnr at nil tlntes. Lituuilry for Tenant's
into. "Everything Furnished Except MCats."
Call nml Inspect Singh) Roomn ride Per liny.
ii7 So. itivuitsinr. piigni: mn-n
SALKM. Ore., Aug. 18. Corpora
tion Commissioner Watson today re
cpiested tho ultoriioy general to iile
a petitluu in the circuit court of
JoHciihino county iisking for tho up-
poniinit'lit of u receiver for thu Al-
meda Miniug cainiinliy, which is op
ertillilg a mine eighteen iuiles from
Merlin. Wnthoii, nerompnnied by
Thomas S. Hurley of Tucoiiiu, ono of
tho heavy stoekholdcrH mid iiresi
dent of the concern, Visited Iho prop
erty Inst week. Tho company is said
to bo nbout l.ri0,00ll in debt. Wit-
hon litis recommended tho uppoiut-
ment of Hurley us receiver. Jiiiiich
Crawford, nssislnnl attorney genernl.
will Jouvo for GritntH Pass to file
the petition for n reoeiver touiglil.
Tho Phoenix local fair on Soptom
hor C, 1913, promises to ho nn cxten
slvo and successful affair, Prlzcn for
nil kinds ot vegetables, melons, flow
ers, bread, canned fruit, Jolly, sowing,
poultry, etc., will bo glvon and many
prlzos havo been provided for tho best
children's exhibit.
Prof. Rflmor df tho 0, A. C. ox-Jar-
lment station will speak as well as
Supt. Hrlscoo of tho Ashland nchools,
and County , School Superintendent
Wells. Tho Ladles' Aid society will
servo dinner at thoAV, 0. W. hall,
SAN KHANCISCO. Cal., Aug. 18.
Though forly-eight hours , has
emptied since n warrant was plated
in the hands of the. ixilli-ij here.
ellnrging simple nssnult ngninst
Maury I. Diggs, ,.uo of Iho defend
ants in the white sluve trial now be
fore United Slates Judge Von Fleet,
no action has been taken toward its
Wliethor tlio officials lit head
nunrters nro vvniting for Diggs tn
surrender himself could nut bo learn
ed at the central station today.
Thero it wns admitted tlmt the wnr
nitil was held for Diggs, but tho of
fiee sergeant could not explniu why
It was not in tho hnhds of n patml
mnn or n dolcetivc. He advanced the
theory that possibly they wero vvnit
ing for Diggs to npponr nt tho fed-
oral building where bis Irinl is be
ing held, but ho rould not say vvhv
no effort was made In domain! the
surrender or Diggs immediately by
the Immlxmcli who seen rod hix re
lease in the federal court.
Tho defense is relylilir on n liuilg
jurj In getting Diggs nut rrom un
der thu mass of damaging teslimoiir
To build a homo
Ia'iIjoi', building nmirrinl mid choice building ytto.H will
iicvor be :us clioap iignin. Yon can bityu hirsts lot with
on tho l3nst Side in bent residence district with build
ing rest rid ion, good roads, closu to city water, low
tuxes for small payment down, easy lornia on balance.
This is ono of tho beat building sites in tho valley.
adduced by the government throiml Wnrrington niul Lola Nor
ris. Attorneys, for tho dcfoiin nro
Ireland to hnvo ndmillrd thai if
tho jury strictly follows the Instruc
tions to bo given by llio court, con
viction would v re-mil.
Hut whilo Dlggu is snid lo bo rendv
to ndmit thnt ho purchased ttui rail
road tiekcls for tho pIoimjih when he
takes the htiiud, be hopes tlmt Ihe
jury will bo impressed by uu ep'a of his motives in mitigation
of his confessed iioIh upon which the
white hlnvo Indiclmciils nru based.
Diggs will deny that hu over in
tended primarily to tilko .Miss Wni
riugton to Itcno for immrirnl pur
poses, ns charged, but that Iho rolu-
llons of tho four in (ho bungalow
were incidental to, nithcr than the
ciiuro of tho illght frrtm fiacramciilo.
"A number of iiromiiient Kaera
inmilo citizens nro blinking in their
boots today, fearing what Diggs may
testify lo when ho takes the stand
tomorrow,'' said one of Iho defense
uttornoys. "If pressed ton hind,
Diggs will not shoulder t tin entire
responsibility in homo of the mutters
brought out by the proseeution,"
Fcdsral Judgo Dooling Hinted to
day Hint ho nml Judge Van Fleet
had not yet dcohlod who would nru-
sido nt tho Camimilli trial or that of
Attorney Chnrlos Jl. Harris, charged
with coiisplraoy with Diggs in nn nt
tcmiH to havo Mnrsliu Wnrrington
fulsify her tostinjony.
Newport Jewelry Store Robbed
NKWPOUT, l(. L, Aug. 18.l(li.
hers entered Herniinii's jovvelrv slore
horo early today nu eseaped with
gems valued nt $75,(100. It is Int.
Iiovcd the burglars nro thu same
gang which recently robbed tho llnr
rinmn nnd other fnslilonablo h'ombs
bore, ,
WIS. I ml I w
With Medford trado W Medford mado.
. vyAvXJA')? .. ; '?x.SJr
T S g
For Sale
Frank H. Ray
Yard at Sixth and Fir Sts.
iskiyou Heights
Now is tho thno to mako selection of lots and
tracts in this magnificent residence (list riot.
To Loan
On improved real estate, .Tilcksoh and iTosephino
counties. Jiilortsst 8 per cent; Three or fivo-yoai'
loans. Commissions' reasonable,
-i r
Tiisilniiitto tlliit; Tnsiu'cs. rire, Aillo, Plato Glass,
Empioyers' Liability, Court and Contractors' JJonds.
TLk v3 Otl
Room 2, Stewart Bldg,, Corner Main and Barfciett.
l-.f, ,-f J-. A1,
p , .l t
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