Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 18, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    1 s
"" S"rd Street 1
Medford Mail Tribune
Voir anil warmer TnwAtjr
Mm. 7H( Mln, 41,
I'orty-tMnl Yrnr.
Diillr Klulilh Vwr.
Slayer of Stanford While, Adjured
Insnno, Cannot Do Extradited
Tlirro Stnto Search Unavnlllnii
On Way to Boston.
Mattcawan Superintendent Reports
to Glynn Sulztr Reprimands
Confcrcnco Paved Vay for Fllfllit.
MATTAWKAN. N. Y Aug. 18.
I lurry K, Thaw escaped from tlio boa
1 1 1 1 tt 1 for llio crlmlnnl limitno at 7: 15
o'clock Sunday morning, A ilnih
fur liberty through n gnto opened to
iiitmlt it mllkuncon, it leap Into n
powerful automobile Unit ntctoil In
riMtillnixm mill it flight for tlio Con
lU'Ctlout ntnto linn nccntiiillhail his
icnpu.,llo In Mt III nl luri;) tunny and
It In (vnrml liu will nut lm ru-tuken
soon, ,
Dr. Carlos McDonald, a witness In
Thaw's limt habeas corpus proceed
Dirk, oxprtwsitil tlio opinion today
Hint th (iiKltlvn will rosiimo drink
tin; nml tlm two of tlrni;a nml otliur
"Thaw's Insanity In luctirnblo,v
until Dr. McDonald. "It Ih progum
nlvn. Tlio tnoniimt lm start drink
Iiik hi mind 111 revert to delusions
Hint lm In being persecuted, Ho In
likely nt any (linn thuu to attack nn
Imttglulnry viiomy."
I'OUailKKKPKIK, N. Y Aitir. IH.
Ilnroli! Illinium, uatokecpor nt tlio
MhIIiwiwuii lnniirt iiKlurn, wits nr
lifted (hi afternoon nml chnrged
with bribery mid negligence in con
nection wild the ttsoupe of Hurry K.
TliHtv, Warrants nUi with iviird
for the nrriwl of Tlmiiuis Flood, En
gens Duffy, Itiiilmnl O'Ki'ofn, Roger
IlKimiHim nml Richard Hutlcr, who
am alleged to linu allied Tlmtv to
NKW YORK", Aug. IH.- Search
fur Hurry Kendall Tim w, killer o f
(Continued on Page 4)
ALIIANY, N. Y., Aug. 18. -The
New York governorship tangle in be
ginning lo niinoy biiKinows men who
nn1 fliiiiiioiully Interested in knowing
who is the limiit fiilc lioml of tlio
ntnto Snl.or or Glynn. It Ih ox
IM'cliil Unit mi oignnixntinn of t,nx
pityurs will not within folly 'eight
Iiuiiix to secure it court ruling on tlio
Stnto Superintendent of Prisons
Hiloy, Sul.ur's friend nml iippointi'i',
toiluy n'ciiL'iti'.cd (llyun nw governor
liy rcioitiiiK to him tlm iK'tnita of
TIiiiu'h OHcnpr. HnpiirintcniliMit Kmli
of MittleinMin iiIho rcporlcil tlu
Tluiw ini'tili'iit to (llyun.
HAN KUANOIBCO, Ciil., Am;. 18,
Suinmoimd boforn United Stntos
JiiiIku DooIIiik horo today to bIiow
ciiuiio why ho nliould not ho cited for
contempt of court for fnlluro to pro
tliCH nil tho bookn of tho Woatorn
Kuol comimny bofoto tho fedoral
Kinnd Jury, 1). 0. NorcroDB, Bocrotnry
of tho corporation, doclarod tliroush
liln attorney, Stanley Mooro, thnt to
nboy tho ordor would moan that tho
company would bo farced to suspuml
Attornoy Mooro nsnortcd that It
would rociulro two wnitons to trana
port all tho comiinny'u booku to tho
fodortil hulldlUK, Ha iiIbo doclnrod
that NorcroHu.bollQVod tho urand Jury
wanted tho booku to eecuro ovlilonco
to return additional titdlctmonta
itKnliiBt Western Fuol company offl-
P'ulu. .
a iie.ii
Tcmpcraturo Rises rt Rate of Two
Dctjrcrs nn Hour nt Chlcaijo
Many Heat Prostrations Reported
-Humidity Hluli.
New York Parks Thrown Opin to
Sleepers Mercury Rljlnp, Rapidly
No Relief Promises Given.
CIIICA(R), Anj,'. 18. -With the
trinpcrntiiro rUinu- licto nl t ho into
of tun ihcrcr-ri mi Imur, tint intiri!
lukti rt'uiou ('inilliiiicd (o Kwi'llrr lo-
ilny In olio of the holiest hi-IIh of
tlm m'iwoii. Many hunt proslruliiniH
ltcMirlK from Cli'voliunl nny that
Ihrcn mo ilriid thoro; fivo nro (lend
in (Irmnl Itnpliln mid nix in Detroit.
The Monthor Inimnii holds out no
liopo for iinmoiliiiti) relief. Thu tcin
pit rn tn in in tlio licnt hitlt nuik'cH fiont
H.' to (17 ik'KM'ox, "ith thu humidity
N'KW YOKIf, Ant?. 18.-Tho third
hot wuo of tho Miuiiimr in heldiui:
Now York in iU rii today. At noon
tho tliorinoiiKilor rocintorrd 88 ilo-
KrooM nml wiik rmnx rapidly. Tho
liumidilv in IiikIi Sooro of pro
trntloiiM nlrvmly hito ooourrod.
Tho park woro tliroun opon lo
lcopriH IiihI niclit, nml many
wealthy porxonx xtopt on tho hcuchot
and on thu KritNH.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Am:. 18.
Ilomv ntiiiK have roliovoil tho drouth
Hitmtliou thniuuliout Kmttoru Knu
wi. Thoy rmao loo Into to miu tho
ooru orop, hut hnvo domt (rrral tfoml
to tho alfalfa, which prnlmhly will
ri'Kitiu iln icor mid htooiuo uonrly
it unrinal crop.
Tho Mituhnttnn Cnfo, owned ly
romiclluiau (loorcu Millar, wnn closed
by tho khorltf Sunday, and plarod In
chnrcn of CoiiNtntilo Itnnkin Kates.
Thu plnco wan oporntcd Sunday to
mtcuro oiioukIi fundi to pay tho liolp
tho week's milnry. Tho nctlon of
Sunday, han boon comlui; for somo
ttmo tl In tinld. Couucllinaii Millar
mid family aro at Crater I.ako, whero
thoy went Saturday for n short out
litKi No action towardn tlio final din
poHltlou of tho roDtiturant lias been
Tho iittnuhnicnt won filed hy
Yomit; & Hull for rout totuliuc $D().
Tho Nunh drill piirchned nil tho
peiiwhubli) kooiU on hitml.
NMW YORK", Auk 18. Mr. Mary
I,uho nml her four children, Horace,
17; Waller, 8; Stulln, .18, ami Dor
othy, Jl, all nude, wcro found dead
in their llrooklyn homo today with
their ImdicH horribly mutilated. Tlio
father, Henry Luke, it rohtiiurnnt
cook, wiih found ilyinp; hemdo tho
otlioru. Tho police boliovo Lnko
killed Ida family nml then futility
wounded hiiuHelf,
NBW YOllK, An 18. When tlio
Htiiek market opened today jnioos
trended upwind. .Small kiiIiih ft era
tho rule, except in ltcudiuu; nnd Now
Haven. Sumo of thu Iohh important
stocks made hijj miins. WcIIh Ynvwi
fell nearly 10 to 00, a now low roo
ord. Southern Pacific dropped .
llomlfi woro firm.
U'ho juurkot closed dull. ,
I'rofciHor Joint Harnett Moore,
counsellor for tlio Stnto Department,
tlio tunii on whom President W'IIboii
doiiundn for IiIm Intornnttonnl law,
nnd Kocrotnry Hrynn nro nt odd
ovor tlio Moxlcnn policy of tho kov ncctlon with Mexico aro without pro
crnnicut. It linn Jimt lenked out i cedent nnd lack tho authority of
trout tho department that rrofcn-irccoRnUed Intortmtlonsl law.
HAN I'ltANCISCO, Cat., Aub. 18.
A film ot $100 with Um ltorn
tlvo ot ten dnyn In tho county Jail,
wnn tho penalty fixed by I'ollco JikIro
John I.. Sullivan In tho cavo of Attor
ney It. C. ltnmay, tiling Franklin nnj
iiKooclato of 1 Drew Cnmlnottl, who
was found guilty Saturday of com
mlttliiK battery uon Walter Mathlen.
a nowpaper photoKraphor. Oral
notice of appeal was Riven and tho
defendant was released on 300
Photographer Mnthlcn was about to
snap liln camera, on tho party ot
Maury Digits at tho conclusion ot
Friday's court hoarlng ot tho whlto
slavo trial when Dlggs and Itatnaay
closed In on him nnd struck his
camera from liln linnds.
In passing sontenco tho court
grilled Ilnmsay severely for . lits
breach of tlio law. IIo said:
"Tltla case In greatly aggravated
by tho fact that you aro an attornoy
mid as such presumed to bo fnmlllar
with tho rules governing conduct.
Your act sots a bad oxnjnplo, and I
urn determined to Impose a sovero
sontenco. It Is tho Judgment ot tho
court that you pay n flno ot $100 or
servo ton dnyn In tho county Jail."
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Aug. 18.
"1 want to lend u different life. 1
want to ho it man among men nnd
look each passerby in tho eyo and
know Hint I am doing tho right thing
nnd need hnvo no fear of tho police."
This was what William Dayton, mi
ox-conviut with u record of twenty
fivo yours of wrongdoing told Act
ing Chief of Police Mommy, todny at
police headquarters hero. Dayton
loft San Quciitin only last week.
What hu wauled of Moouoy wim to
bo taken before tho assembled mem
bers of tho detective bureau nml ho
Introduced as a onctimo criminal
enruostly seeking freedom fiom po
lico Riirvuilhuioe, Hint ho might not
bo harassed in tho futuro while es
tablishing himself in mi honest oc
cupation, Triplets Four Times
IjAONA, Wis., Aug. 18. A fourth
Hct,pf triplets has boon presented fo
her 'husband hero today hy Mrs. Jef
ferson Latrobo. AH aro living ex
cept one, ...-.
nor Mooro, who In tho highest author
ity on International Inw In the
t'nltcil Ktnten, thinks tho rcccnl ac
tions of thu ntnto department, and
' tho preildenl for that tunttor, tn con-
POUTIiANI), Oro., Aub. IS. Scc-
Ltftnry of thu Inferior Iranklla K.
I.anc, accompanied by it party of tho
dlutliiKultthcd citizens of flio stnto Is
spending today in nn Inspection ot
tho prop-ted reclamation enterprises
ot tho Dcs Chutes country.
Tho special train which bo.'o t.n
we rotary and his party, lott Portland
jlast night at 0 o'clock over tho North
Dank railroad. Tho tour will com
prise a trip practically tho full length
of tho plctttrcsquo Dcs Chutes can
yon and vnlloy.
During his stay In Portland Secre
tary I,nno ndmlttcd that ono of tho
purposes of his present trip was to
sco for himself whether tho Sun river,
Montana, reclamation project had
procn n failure, and that ho bad
seen, but had reached no conclusion,
ono wny or tho other.
Tho conservation policy enunciated
by Secretary I.ano Includos a relent
less war on land speculators.
"Wo ought to mako It Just an easy
as posslblo for ft man to got a homo,"
ho Mid, "nnd Just as hard as possible
for n speculator to get hold of tho
pulillo land mid holdup tho man who
wants to got a home."
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. Govern
iiiont authorities wero agreed today
that It will bo Impossible to extra
data Harry K, Thaw from nny Btato
or from abroad. Ho Is not a fugi
tive from Justice, It was said, but a
"Thaw Is gono forovor," said Dr.
11. It. Loglo, tho government's Insan
ity expert, "If ho Is outsldo of Now
York Btato. IIo Is not a criminal as
ho was ncnulttod ot tho murdor
chnrgo nml It not oven tnsano oxcopt
In Now York state In my oplnlou
ho Is now n froo man oxcopt that ho
Is debarred from Hrondway."
Senator ltorah ot Idaho suggested
having Thaw adjudged InBatto and
confined la an asylum whorovor no
may scok rotugo. ,
Action Up tn Japs
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. Presi
dent Wilson let it hu known today
thnt tho United States will faoilitato
a court test of tho California lien
land law, but that tho first move
must como from tlio Japmioso gov
ernment, .
Mexican Ruler to Consider United
States Policy for Restoration This
Afternoon-Approval Not Ex
pected In Diplomatic Circles.
State Department Issues Strict Or--dcrs
to Prevent Transportation of
Arms Across Rio Grande Border.
WASHINOTON, Aur. 18. Con
finnntion of published reports thnt
the American emhnsHy at Mexico
City had Hiibmittcd President Wli
ott's iicnco HUKE'tioiiH to Gencrnl
llucrta wnn received here today nnd
nn answer is hoped for Huh after
noon. Thu general feeling hero is
Hint tho sut'KcstionH will not meet
with Ilnertn's npprovnl.
"If tho negotiations fail," said
Senator Bacon after n visit to the
White House today, "the t:ormment
nt least will hnve nhown thnt it
tried- every ixaccful means to restore
order in the disturlicd republic.
NOOAIiKS, Ariz., Aup. 18.-Or-(1cm
hnvo been issued today by the
state department nt Washington thnt
strict gunrd must ho maintained
nleni: the Mexican border to prevent
further exportation of amis and am
munition in violation ot. tlio nctt
tralitv laws. It is rctxirtcd hero
that tho department U informed Hint
largo shipments of contraband hnvo
been stmirclcd across the lino near
itero recently.
Additional border patrol was tic
tailed today.
WASHINGTON, Aup. 18. Taking
ndvantngo of America's refusal to
rccogniro tho government of Provis
ional President Htiertn of Mexico,
Ilritish interests, it wns discovered
hero today, havo obtained Mexican
railroad concessions which threaten
to cripplo tho American-Hawaiian
steamship line nml other American
enterprises. It is rc)orted thnt the
initial payment already has been
mndc to Hucrtu.
Tho concession, it is said, enables
tho construction of a branch line
from nn English rood running from
Mexico City to tho Pacific const.
This will render possible the under
bidding of Now York to Snn Fran
cisco rates via tho Pnnntna cannl.
Tho stnto department will not admit
officially that it has received such
information, but it is believed to
have considerable data on tho sub
Two Medford men giving tho
names ot J, Titus and David Uoggs
woro arrested at midnight Saturday
night at Ashland In company with
two girls, Heatrlco Cavcnnugh, agod
15 and Myrtlo Hanacom, aged 14,
Just ns thoy wero entering an Ash
land lodging house. Ono ot tho girls
had on a dross, said to bo tho proper
ty ot ono ot tho men's wife's which hu
had porsuaded her to woar to dlu-
gulso hor ago.
Tho girl's whoroabouts was dis
covered through a phono messago ono
of thorn sont to Grants Pass from
Phoenix asking 'a family frlond 'to
send thorn somo monoy. Instead,
tho frlond mado a hurried auto trip
to Medford, got tho girl's father and
arrived In Phoenix JuBt ns tho two
girls and tholr companions pulled out
on tho Into train. Tho auto followed
to Ashland, and tho cblot ot pollco
mado tho arrests at tho request ot
tho girl's father.
A chargo of kidnapping will bo
filed against tho men by tho prose
cuting attorney. Judge Kolloy loft'
for Ashland to probe, tho case. Mon
day afternoon,
Tho Hanscom girl Is a daughtor
ot Mrs. Mlko Spanks. Prosecuting
Attornoy JColly Is In Ashland (his af
ternoon attending tho preliminary
hoarluff. J, , k
California Owners Admit Disaster,
But Fatality List Is Unknown
Carried Crew and Tourists Num
bering, Fifty-four.
Struck Rock in Stevens Pass and
Sank In Few Minutes Sunday
In Pacific Trade 25 Years.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 18. Rc
yond admitting the reort of a mes
sage notifying them of the loss of
the steamship Slate of California in
tho waters of hoiithcnstcrn Alaska,
the Pacific Const Steamship com
pany 'snys it has no information ns
to wlicro or how the necident oc
curred, or whether there has been
nny loss of life.
The State of California sailed
from this pert August 13 for
Skngway and Sitka and other south
eastern Alaska iwrts. She is said to
hao been on her wny to Sitka when
tho necident occurred. Besides her
crew, tho vessel carried fifty-four
passengers, mostly tourists making
Hie round trip.
SEATTLE, Wnsh.. Aug. 18. Tho
steamship State of California, Cap
tain Harry Cnnn, one of tlio larg
est and most tiopular steamers of
Hie I'ncilic Loast Mcamsliip com
pany, wns lost Sunday in Gambler
bay, Frederick sound, on tho south
eastern c oast of Alaska.
Word of the disaster reached So
attic at noon today in n cablegram.
The steamship ran nground while
negotiating Stevens Pass, and sank.
it is reported, in a few minutes. It
is reported that eight passengers
wero lost.
Among tho pnssengers on the
wrecked vessel were A. N. Floyd and
wifo aud Mrs. E. C. Wtad and Miss
Lilly U. Ward. Mr. Floyd is general
agent of tho Pacific Coast Steam
ship company nml Mrs. Ward and
Miss Ward aro the wifo and daugh
ter of General Manager E. C. Ward
of the same company.
J i
SAN DIEGO, Cat., Aug. 18. Tiie
steamer State of California, lost off
tho Alaska coast, has been making
this port intermittently for the last
twenty years. She was taken off six
weeks ago and put on tho run bo
tween Senttlo and Alaskan ports. At
tho local office of tho Pacific Coast
Steamship company it was said she
had capacity for 275 passengers.
She wns of 2100 tons and wns about
twenty-fivo years old. She wns a
sister ship of the Queen.
At tho local offices ot tho Pacific
Coast Steamship company It was
stated this afternoon that no definite
news had been received ot tho loss
ot tho steamor Stato ot California.
Confirmation was rccolvod, however
ot tho report that tho steamer was
In trouble.
EATON RAPIDS. Mich., Aug. 18.
T. A. Farrnnd, former president
of tho Stato Horticultural sooietv
lias roturned from a two weeks' tour
of inspection of orchards, in various
sections of tho stato, particularly
thoso within n radius of sixty to sev-onty-fivo
miles of Eaton Itapids.
IIo said that from tho observa
tions ho had mado ho did not beliovo
that tho npplo shipments from Mich
igan this fall will amount to 25 per
cent of last year's shipments. This,
ho says, means all varieties, and
particularly early apples.
Tho Into apples, ho says, aro look
ing much better than tho early, but
thoro is n great scarcity of these
aud most aro impcrfeot and unfit
for shipment. IIo blames unfavor
able, weathor in tho early spring
more tiinn ho does thu luto frosts,
for tho present condition of tlio np
plo crop, bocause tho weather was
such that in nearly all instances it
was impossible to make spraying ef
fective. .
NO. 327.
Threatens to Involvo Prominent Sac
ramento Men In Testimony Court
May Block Revelations Trial Re
newed Tomorrow.
Fear Main Pillar of Defense WIvm
of Accused to Testify to Jury1 en
SAN FttAKCISCO, Cnl., Aug. 18.
Maury I. Diggs will ho tho first
witness to take tho stand hero to
morrow when tho case in which ho
is defendant on a white slave charge
is resumed heforo Federal Judge
Van Fleet.
Thnt Diggt will take tho stand
prepared to tell everything nml thnt
if pressed too hard he may attempt
to shift somo of tho responsibility
for tho downfall of Miss Marsha
Warrington to prominent Sacra
mento men is a report in circulation
at the federal building her? todny.
Whether such a threatened rovcla
tion would he allowed by Judge Van
Fleet is questioned.
Diggs' wholo story, it is under
stood, will (cud to show that tho
two young men did not take tho girls
to Reno for immoral purposes, but
wcro driven to Icavo bv threats of
Diggs will bo followed by his wife
and Mrs. Caminetti, nml possibly hy
young Caminetti himself. Tho de
fense expects to finish its testi
mony Wednesday, which would mean
thnt the case would go to the jury
Diggs, Caminetti 'and several
friends Inst night attended a local
theater and thoro saw moving pic
tures of tho trial scenes. Diggs was
highly incensed and declared it was
an outrage. IIo started to intorviow
(Contlntad oa page 3.1
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. Tho
Dlggs-Camlnettl whlto slavo caso was
discussed on tho floor ot tho United
States senate today. Senator Till
man ot South Carolina declared that
easy divorce laws enabled Maury I,
Dlggs and P. Drew Camlnottl to so
curo tholr victims. Tillman men
tioned tho caso while speaking
against woman suffrage and tho pres
ent divorce laws.
"If tho Dlggs-Camlnettl affair had
occurred la tho south," declared Sen
ator Tillman, "tho fathers o( tho
two girls would havo killed tho, two
wlto-dcsortors like dogs aud would
havo boon acquitted. It appears to
mo that tho relation between divorce
and suffrago Is ono of mutual accel
eration. "I am nwaro that the suffrago
movoment Is too strong tor an old
fogy like mo to oxpect to stop except
perhaps In tho south, or In Now Eng
lund, whoro conservatism Is strong.
Hut I beliovo in woman's goodness
and usefulness varloa Invorsoly with
her participation In politics. Wom
on will improvo politics, cut ulti
mately politics will destroy thorn."
ZION CITY, III., Aug. 38. ."I
hnvo known fur mouths that Kansas
wns to havo a terrifio drouth," said
Wilbur Glenn Voliva, today, discussr
iug tlio continued heat and dry spell
in tho middle west. "Kansas and
the adjoining states aro boing pun
ished for boing the word' greatest
hog section. Tho drouth is iM
Lord's warning that he will not send
rain to raiso flesh to pollute Jh'e
J people."
, - Uy'trr - . .. .