')T1MIH'i. II ALONn rogue river I V 4 Ifnlnul Mlill Allied Mrhllin hlullcif Mnmlny mi lliuir wlunln for Ch'mcciiI cli.v. "Mix. t)mv lonl, Inn- iiIith, ,MIm (Iiihmi KIhmiIIn, In Kimlo I'nliil Hnliir ilil.V, uIhik nIiii Innlc Hip fc ), W Imr limno in ,Mi)i(inl, I Vnn ilor llt'lli'ii mill (Itiugo I.i'tin imiiiuIiI hoiiiii Hun HhIi HihhIiiv. Air. ICiilulili'ii nl' IIiikIii Point, ulni Iimm been inllliiK IiIh iiIcci-, Af !, K, IVlllll', 0' I'lHi .L'rl(, Mtttllllt'll to IiIh Iioiimi Momliiy, Dr. mill Mi. Klit'tigi-nniior wrni in Alcilfoni Tui'mlny. Air. Mini ,Mt. HIiimuc mill Mr, nml Mi. IIohmi'iI wont to Mi tliniil on Tliiiimlny. Mr.-.Mnv Daw iiui clillihcti mnl iili'nw, MImm (Inii'o nlnl Ihillln HIiniilN i.M'ii KHilnv iilcjii nl Hie Indue r Mr. ami Mm. CIiiiiIcm Hlior mini ol iii)ir Trail, IM IViii'k or I-;IU net-It, DMi ,iilnl win. ,V. iin, Ml"-. IVIrr Ili'lr, MiM Idii'ticl MhIIiuh-n ami IM Punier umv K'iikIi Point Uil"ix Momlay. .Mr. ami Mr. Cnl Pi urn, .Mr. ami Mm. Mliiiini'ii I Vim I' Klk eirtil; wem in llio vallov Hum tnil. Air. ami Mm. Hliiitaor ami Mr. ami Mm. Unwind went to .Mcilfunl on Tlnimiluy. Mr. ami Mi. .laiuitu ('uriiutt nf tVulial Point M'cnl tlin week mill with Mm. Will IIiiiihIoii. Air. ami Mm. (JenrKo .MnDonouitli ami ilillilii'ii nf Kiiiiih Volley I'liimi up for a rililiitf trip Tliuixlay. Tliov unit1 i'Miiiii'il at l!il PomIiu'm. .Mr. and Aim. Cliuko ami mum, Air. nml Mm. Chnrli (lil.'lliUt aiitl On mii.1 Mr. Hhaililoi'k of .Hums Vnllny aliiHml l-'tiilay Tor t'nilur I. n lot, Air. ami Atrf. lliirvov llli'lninlitnii of AkuIo moio at their Trail iiiiiitli Piiilny. nitlM.N'ANCi; NO. 771 An orilliiniH'i' lo iiiiirinl Onllniinrn No HO!) of ttio ilty ot Medford, on titled: An oiilliiNiiro rcKiitiillai; Him iooi mill will ot water la tlm city ot Mil fonl, ami tiroxrrllilim mien for llm lice iliiTi'iif ami riMuilliiK nil ordl naunm la conflict herewith Tin' illy ot Mmlfonl ilotli inlnln an fnlliinn Tluil until nnlliiutuo No 01 'J o( tlm city of Miilfnril. entitled, in or illiimiro rcr.titut tut; tlm unit mnl mIo ot water la tint city of Mmlfonl, .ind proscribing rntin for llio imo llin"f nail repwiillng nil nnlliittnriHt la mil lllrt llmrawlth, hIihII bo nml Is Ihu liy ntiiumloil liy nddlug srctlon i'i tliiTt'to, which ahull rent n folio' Sort Ion 22 Wlirftmvur heretofore or Imrortftiir nny pemon having rn ni'iti'il Mlth tlm wtltt (It)' water iimliii, who mIiiiII iimlntiiln on hl lirHinlix'it n prlvnto n)iitiiiii for flro liroicctlna. rhntt m(iit tlm until nor 1'iTiiilt wntnr to ho Inkcn thuro fnun for nny nllmr iurio t lt iiiiiritonry of flro. In wtilili r no roiiU or rliiirr.i nlmlt ho uiiiitn for until m ator ko iim-il. Ami uuy nornm foiiinl NlolnlliiK tlili M-rtloa ntuill ho fliHHl, iiiioii roalctloa. Im foro llio nmror' roiirt In tt mini not lo tlmn $25 no nor nioro than ton no. The foiKKoltiK orillimani wan l'w iil tiy llio rlty round! of tlu city of Mi'lfonl. OrHon. on tlm r.th ilny of AtiHUKt. If 18. I'T I'"' fnlhiwtMK voto- Poilnr nyo. Mllrholl nyo, Htownrt ayo, l'8iuihHlt ao, .Mlllnr too. nml HuninmrvHU' nlmont. Atirovml AiiKimt T. IfiU. V. V. KirnitT, Mnyor. Atteft: K T, I'QSrt. Hi'rorili'r, Koit H.i.r iici:tiiiosM;UH KOU HAI.K Hny i'iro, ' hl. kooiI ilrlvor mnl rlilnr, lino. W'aU liirn lohai'oii, Taliuit. 1-J Kim SAlTT: llimt Jomoy row In tlm Main. Jititt froiili. M. NVnluli, 11th nml Holly Ht. 2D I'Olt H.l.i:-0r..OO Wllrox & tllhlni ..HiiwIiik Mimhluo In porforl coaill- Hon for 2R, J. II. I.yoim, I'hoo. nix, Oro, VOl HAI.K Pull hlomli'il Jornoy row, H Kara ll. Knllu nml kooiI inllkor. 175.00. Jniii'M HroH., Capi tol Kill. VOl HAI.K- l.nrRo, lino yeutu: team with linnvy wnntm n"1 lmrncH. Colonol II, II. HnrRont. 138 l-'Oll HAhlJ iMcklliii? cticunihorB, nil hIxoh. Phono 80-Jl, "1 POIt HAI.K -I'lvo room hoimo, tlum hlorkK north of Nimh Motel on Prout Htri-iit, Prlru 2n00. Cnll nl Iioa N. I'rout St. 130 POIl HAI.K Cri'iun noimrnlnr. on imrlty 170 to 1UB qunrm Jior hour. I'hono ir.r.J. 17 POIl HAM3- A Kmy homo, ilrlvo iilimlo or ilouhlv, uliunii. Imiulio ltir.a Court Ht. r-7 Worth While Poiimlry nml lunching Hliop, flhnw llio, Oltln., hullilluK lorntoil on Mnln Htrout, fully oqutptiml, oiupluy P- "i"" ilolnic flno himlm'Hs. only foumlry In Hhnwuoo. I'rlro :i0,000, nil olenr: will trmlo InillilliiK, mnclilnory nml ntork for Inuil horo. Por Snlo. ! room IiiiiikhIow, hath, tollot, city wntor, oloctrlc HkIiI, rub. Kim rmiKo. Prlco ?13G0; torniB. llnrtlotl pours Juat sold tor $2,00 pur hux, f. o. b. Moilfonl! why nut IiivohI In u pour orolmrd Hnvo lfi aci'OH 70 ioiIb city llmlta, l-:t Juul cnmliiK Into lionrlnn, host ot mill. tisn par npro. UHNNKTT INVITMKNT.CO. At That the .Afcv " VJMrTij TMti fTCK. X cwr Yoc tiuir that vjock? 3DO YOL WrtNV V Vn. Busy it rHl HAI.i: .MISrKl.hA.VtlOPH POu'haMC i:MliHhwV""im'iilnpiiii', lunkltiK uiom'X, Kuil rcntioim for m-IIIiik, ftNOO.oo mull, hnlnuco on tluio. AddroiiiX Mull Trlhiino. KOU HAI.K I.ooimj tenf ledger yi tctim, any tyln ot inmlo to order by tiio Mall Trthune blndorr. POIt HAI.K-Motorcyclo, Indian, S npi.'id, widl citulppvd, oxtrn tlrm, Hit,. Jordutt HroH., AhIiIuui, l'J8 KOU HAI.K Itti-r hemlii una fancy tntlonorr, prlutnd, ciiRrnTcil or rmooiijcil, n you with at tho Mall Trlbutm. POIl HAI.KOhtnp, Imported Per- riierou Mniiioii, ran ho neon nl l;, P. Hmlth'a Mtnhlea, Aahlaud, Or. POIl HAI.K--Plvo pmiHonKor auto, In pood roiutltlou, ri'Coutty iv.'r liniilrd, now llna. A liArnln nl f lfiO. llox K. tl. Mnll Trlhiino. POIt HAI.K - I ryniii hoimo nod lot, 1700. $100 mull nml $15.00 pur month. Cohl liny Itoalty Co. POIt HAI.K Ituui'lma, nrro trnctii. , (own proporty, rroin $r por ucro, upwarda on G nmt 10 youra t Into. Hold liny Itcnlty Co., Hlxth nml Plr. POIt HAI.K Oim rond roltor, umho ll(i, for ono-thlrd prlco, ni'iirl now. Cold liny llenlly Co,, Hlxth ami Plr. POIt HM.K 1 Moll traction oiikIuo nmt plowN, nc.irly now, for one third prlro. Oold Itny Itcnlty Co.. Hlxth mid Plr. J.OST I.OHT Pair of p);o kIuhhom, finder plo.iito return to thin office. roiiNo POUND Pur robe. Ownor inny hnvo fiiiiui by proving proporty nml p:iliiK for notice. 12 2 l-'Oll HAM ACIIKAOK POIt BAI.i: A BiunH fnrin with InrKu barn without dwollliiR, with in ten niluutuB of pout offlco. church, Hchool, court Iiouho, hotel, rnllroml dopot. Prlco thlrty-flvo hundred dollnm (3600 00),,hnlr ciihIi, Imlunco on euny turina to suit purchimcr. I void half of this farm for alx UuiiibuiiiI dollnrs ($0000.00) In bulldliiR lots. Till a Ir no Kold lirlck, hut a pold intno. AddrtiHH J. T. Taylor, Jr., l'rlnccsa Anno. Md. 120 n WHY? If thcro In a tmrcntu In Itoal Ka Into In any dUtrlct tho rent catuto limn thero who lina beon a llvo agent known ot It. 1C ho knows valuua anil In experienced In tho biiBlnosa ho can envo his cuatouiera tlino nml mqnoy. To know tho boat bliy nml lmvb It optional nt tho bottom prlco Is my stock In trndo. Hatlsflod ctiatomorH la my puld-up buslnoHa policy, What hnvo )ott to oxchauKo? Watch my bulletin board In front ot tho Plrat National bank ami boo mo. J. O, 1IA11NICH, Phono 120-J, First National Uuuk bldg. MTCDFOTW MATE TRITONR MKIWOR!), OHWlQff, SAT! Rock Wasn't as ?,g BUiTCfUV A-J'CPUVMINt-N I WM"P IT BUiTuD, UNAT Do YOU TMINK VIA DOIN' CARV(N(b 'AY J NITiALS O IT"? ion hunt ii()isi:ici;i:i'i.N(i ItOO.MH POIt IICNT Hulto of nice furnlalTTd liotiiokcepliiK roonu. llnth, pas, lour floor. 7L't) V. I lt' St. POIl ItKXT PUItMHIIKO APIS. POIl ItKNT Ktirnlihcd nparttucnti. Tlm llurhon, 10 Quluco HU POIt ltKNT Purnluhud- Iioiibo Id'opltiK rooms, l.lfiht, gnn, 231 K. Uth Ht. 137 POIt HKNT- no room , furnished hotel on percentage. Oold liny llrally Co. poit ui:.vr Misci:i.i,.Ni:ors POIl HKNT -ItnnchCH, larfio and biuall, nlfulfn and i:urdcn tnndii. Oold Uuy lleatty Co., Otli and Plr. l-'Oll itKM ittJuniA POIl HKNT Six room modern bun. Rnlow, after September 1st. 311 South Holly ntrout. POIt HKNT 5 room modern bunga low, clone In. Phono -KIO-J. 1SS POIt HKNT 10 room houso rear of Purmora & PrultKrowors bnnk, Miltahlo for biiBlnoMM, lonl ituto, bonrdliiK or roomliiK lioimo. Oold Hay Itcnlty Co., Cth mid Plr. POIl HUNT-Plvo room bungalow, modem, nlcopliiR porch, ery fine. 113 (leiiovn, 131 POIl HKNT OH HAI.K Pour-room hotiBo mid Reed rtnrdcn tract, now In truck nml fruit. M. A. Under. POU UKNT Lnrgo Bleeping rooine, and modern houaekooplnc apart menu, prices very renaonablo. Phono 102G-L. 223 South Holly atrcot. POIl HKNT PumUlicd Iiouho, 730 W. Uth St, POU HKNT Seven-room houso nml flvo-room apartment, modern, $12. GO each, water paid. Colonel II. II. Rarnont. 13S POU HKNT 3-roomod mentor n bun Ktilnw, novor occupied, nil con vuulencca, close In. 3-rooiued houso, cIoho 1n. J. T.""Hurn, 417 Jay St., phouo 101-11. Off S. Oak dalo. POU HKNT PurnlBhcd Iioiibo. vtilctly modern close In, 3 or 4 rooniH. Phono 3CC-J 7S-H. toil HKNT Only hotol In town of 1000; 40 rooms furnlBhud. Ad drcHB C. It., cato Tribune, POU HUNT 4 room houso, $C.OO por month. Oold Hny Henlty Co. NEW TODAY :isr ncrcs near San Dlcgo, near tho ocean, two mllca from two towna, aiuiiulrcd ncres ot pioilucliiK olives, bnluuco hny and pnaturo laud, plenty ot wutor. Will oxchniiKo for bouic thliiR In tho Horuo river valley, fruit preferred, Prlco $B0,000, 100 ncroa adjoining n good little town, near Twin Palls In Southern Idaho In otforod for n email well Im proved trnct horo. Oct busy and mnko a good trndo. I.lBt your proporTy for rout, Pnrty wnnta to buy n four room houso,. with bnth, Who lins It? O, J), ilOOX Soft as Jeff! iss.Jy, THGfl.G SHC !, THAT'S A I CfNCHl POIl IIIC.NT l'UltMHIIKO ItOO.MK POIMMiNTNIcccoorroomgnniio 'Colomnn,' 100C W. Mnln. Phono 0CI.J. 125 Por HKNT Modern furnished houso. M. A. Under, 60 iNorth OrnnKc atrcot. WANTHO MTVaTIONH WANTi:i) Oood Jnpaneao boy wants alttintlou to do houtowork by llio hour. Thono 125. 13S WANTKIV MISCKI.I.AM.OUS WANTKD TO HKNT Prom 10 to ID acres ot ulfnlfn or which can bo uceded to nlfnlfn uv.ir Mcdford or nt Talent. Olve full partlculnrx by letter. Address box ICQ, caro ot Tribune. 127 WANTKll-Work for big strong tenm. Inquire Col II. 11. Sargent. ... . v.v.... . . . m ... .,.. ..n 1 1. ii ,i ouco iu EuriiH ui ur.v fir body wood dollvered to prune dryer In orchard home, ono mllo from Moilfonl. I'hono 7-P-4 or wrlto (Jcorgo H. Young, It. It. No. 1 box 12. 224 WANTKD Prult packing. I'hono C37-Y. 120 WANTKD To rent houso well fur nished, rent must bo rcnsonnble. Call .101 South Central, or phono 105S-X. 125 WANTKD Oood modern houso for $100 down nml $30 n month. Clnrk Henlty Co., 200 1'hlpps Hldg. WANTKD I.onn $700 on good clear city leshlonrc. Clark Itcnlty Co.. 200 1'hlpps llldg. WANTKD Will tnko to pasture young cattlo or cows. Plrst class nlfnlfn pasture, running wntor. Phono H-tl-H. 120 WANTKD To buy A-l bungalow, cIobo iu, cast sldo preferred. II. II. II. ' WANTKD -Lot close In: must bo reasonably priced. Stnto location nnd price. S. E. O., care Mnll Tribune, x 127 WANTKD To borrow $8000 on nl fnlfn land near Medford by October 15. Address "11" enro Mnll Tri bune, WANTED I will pay 10 per cent annually for n lonn of $1000, for 3 enrs nnd glvo as security $5000 worth ot l.os Angeles hnrhor and Medford property. John U. Mo Daniel, Mcdford, Ore. 12G WANTKD Listings ot orchard pro portion. Clnrk Henlty Co. iiKiA wAXTKit .vkmata: WAN TED Wo man wiTii family wants work on fruit farm In Hoguo river vnlloy. Woman would llko to cook nnd mauugo boarding houso. Her oldest bon lins good tenm to work nt hnulluit fruit. There arc several boys that can work In dry houso or p.xcUing houso. Address L, M caro ot MallTrlbuno. U"J WANTED Cook. Phono 9-P-15. WANTKD An oxporloncod girl for general housework, family throo adults. 011 W. 10th St.. wages $1 por dny. Mrs. Win, llutlgo. WANTKD Exporloncod girl for gen eral housowork to go to California, good wages. Mrs. II, L. Wnlkor, Siskiyou Heights, . .129 JA. 11 GJ& WG&& XX V., W I -V k V ' " . X - .1 ,T - ' ' I? DAY, 'AUflUST lUg, ni-"f"v'"J -Z&.V - POU KXCITAMJB VOn KXCIIANOK Acreage with water mat for city property. Clark Henlty Co., 200 I'hlppa llldg. POIt KXCHANOK Ten ncrcs of land In preparation for ornngo nnd grapo fruit, located In Gard ner, Plorldn. thirty miles from Tallinn: will uxclmniro for ton ncrcs In Hogu6 lllvor valley or Jledford preperty: also lots In Now York City for Mcdford proji crty. Inquire 11. W. MacCuIlough, cly. 13! POU HKNT OITICKS POU Itlin" Largo, comforlablo of tlco rooms with elevator Bervlco, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. . MONEY TO Ai.X MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. O. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3CS. 11U8IXKSS IIUtP.CTOUY Abstracts HOOUK ItlVEH VALLEY AD 8THACT CO.. No. C South Central. D. It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited ami kept tor a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Mcdford Mall Trlbuno hldg.: phone 601; resi dence phono G34. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULHICH LlccnBcd Auc tioneer for tho City ot 'Medford. Oregon. Terms reasonable. Host denco phono 1C1-J. Offlco Juck son County Dank building. ' Attorneys POUTER J. NEPP, WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms S nnd 9. Mcdford National llank bldg. A. E. REAMKS, LAWYER Garuott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 133 East Main street, Mcdford, Ore. Win, M. Colvlg Oeorgo M. Roberts COt.VIO & ROHERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Rank Uulldlne UtruaR? OARRAOE Got Your promises cleaned up for th winter. Call on tho city garbao wagons foi good service. Phone 625-L. F. Y. Allen. Auto Suppllm. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making Bprlugs Is the tempering. Wo are opornting the largest, oldest and host equipped plant In, tho Pacific northwest, Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Chiropractor DR. R. J, LOOKWOOD, Chiropractor, norvo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Onrnott-Corey bldg. Vapor b.ttliB and scientific, massage given; neodlo spray, head and shouldor showor In connection; ndvtco In dlotottcs, medical gymnastics, hydroptliorapy. Lady nttondant. Phouo, otfico 945, 'resldouco 671-R 4lr r l tUTN j fiswv ""JMll1 ., IICSINI-SS imtKCTOHV ait. A. It. HKDGKS. Dr. x)ulso E Hedges Mechano-TlieraplsU, Chiro practors, Spondylotboraplsts. These systems, Including dlntctlcs, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-thorapby, etc., produco results in both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and Hartlctt. Hours 9 a. in. to C p. in. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DR C. G VAN SCOYOO Dentists Oarnctt - Corey bldg., sulto 310 Mcdford, Ore. Phono 856. Notary I'utillc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Urlng your work to mo at the sign ot tho Mall Tribune. Printer nml Publishers MEDPORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped printing offlco In fcouthcrn Oregon; book binding looso leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians and Surgeons DR?"?; 0? HARLOW, "bR""EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostcopathlr physicians, 41G-417 Garnctt-Coroj bldg.. pbouo 1036-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCICWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCICWOOD. M. D. Prnctlco limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Main Phones, office S14-J-2; res., 814 DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Prnctlco limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scion tlflcally tested and glasses supplied orrico 228 East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. ni, to 8 p. m. Phone. E. II. PICKED., M. D. Offlco Jack son County Dank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone 68-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon, Stownrt bldg.. corner Male and Dartlett sts.: offlco phono 27 residence phone 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. DARI1ER Physi cian and surgeon. Offlco Pnlm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Pbonea, office 36, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Garnott-Core) building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician und Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums don, 215 E. Main St. Phono 77. Stenograpiicm ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block Stenographlo work done qulclclj and well. Transfer EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Offlco 10 South Fir 8t, Phon 315, Prices right. Service guar nted. Veterinary Burgeon DR. MURRAY, VETERINARY SUR GEON, graduate of tho American Votorlnnry College N. Y. City. Office Nash Livery Stable. Phone 173. ' iffi v ( a &M,m rl ijiwa! - S.ll v PA"Gt5 FTvTfi By "Bud" Fisher i , NO UONOGR. APTeu-Me oen Sep re n in(, it up Fc. Yet PCti. Tivo KoUR.s w r .. Good Nut Bread is delicious and very wholcsonio Crescent Biking Powder makes perfect nut bread. Hero's a reclpo that NEVER falls. cup Sugar 1 teaspoon Map lelna 1 teaspoon Salt 2 cups Milk 1 cup Chopped Nuts 2 cups Flour 4 cups Graham Flour 4 teaspoons Cres cent Raking Powder Let tho battor stand halt an hour, thon bako in moderate oven Grocers Hell Crccent llnkiiiR Powder U30 PER LD. Crvsccitt MnuufrtcturliiK Company fiouttle, Wnfdilngtoii E.D.Weston Official Photographer of tho Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work v Portraits Interior and exterior views Flash lights Negatives inado any tiino and any placo by. appoint ment. 208 E. Main. 4 ?hon 1471 WOOD Dy tho Tier, Cord and Car Lota Undor Dig Shod VALLEY FUEL CO., TEL. 70 IV. F. Quaylo, Prop. Successor to Rolclistoln. Fir and West Second Sts. ffitttaiamsb cuiknowaul)L8(t.Atwarf)UtUU SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVEimNKRE Draperies We carry a very cpmn'.et line ot drnpcrle. laca curtains, rlzturea. ttg.', and do ail clussca of unholsterins. A special man to look anr tills work eicJuBlvely and, .will give M KQ4 Ju, vl rvico as Is postitbla to Kt la Svt JS tho largest cltla. Weeks ft ItoGrowan do. wmMirr?' 'jr.r.vfit' mmmmw' uW CHICHESTER S PILLS A Tka Kuk-i.rtiaBrjyv "Sal l.i,-. uilol aula blM KIWoa. VX Aa I ! V M VI n , . ',9l VJ -d 'i