-rjMfvfMv t- PAGEFOTXH. IMEDFORT) MATT TRTTCOTR MTCmrOttT)., OftTCCKVST, "FIUnAY, JAJWS'P. ir, iota. fc I ? u ft p n w jr f. v 4 ft I r u . rw v. . ' it It' K y . ' . .T W' (. y j ' H ft- Medford Mail tribune am iNnnpnNntorr nevpapeii puhi.ihiikd nvnnr aktbiinoonj MICDIXMID ritlNTINO CO. Official Pneer of th City of Mcdford. OftlclM taper of Jackson Countr. OEOnnn PUTNAM, Editor ami Munsirer 1 -- - -' .... . BWORH CTECITXiATXOH. Dully nvcrngo lor levon months na ItiK November 30, 1S11 KM SWAT THE PLY BY PREVENTION ATTMNTTON is culled to tho voporl of Or and Food Commissioner. '). D. iMioldo ii 'cgon The Dotnocrntlc Times, The Mcdford Mull. Tho Mrdfonl Tribune, The South ern OreBonWin, The Ashland Tribune, Office Mali Tribune ltiilldtns. SS-J7-I Korth l?tr street; telephono "5. ICntered a second-class matter at MeJfont, Oregon, unJer tho act of March S, 1ST. BUBSCRXPTIOXT XATEI. One rear, by mall. One month, br mail- .15.00 . .60 I'er month, delivered by carrier In MniroriL Jacksonville anu ten- trat Point .80 Pnturday onlr. br mail, per jrr S.00 Weekly, per year. - .. 1.60 roll Stated Wire United Frtss Dispatch. PE Dairy in which ho bluntly sots forth facts that wo all know. Medford is n fly-cursed city. There nro more flies than in almost anv other city in the state. Thuy are suf ficient in quantity to be a public nuisance as well as pub lic danger. And their existence is proof sufficient of the laxness of the city authorities, particularly tho city health officer, in enforcing the laws. There are many fly-breeding rubbish heaps that litter vacant lots, back yards and alleys. There aro uncared- for manure heaps. There are iiltny garbage piles. Tiioro aro unsanitary kitchens and restaurants, caudy-iuaking establishments and creameries. Mayor Kifert and his administration have the oppor tunity 'to nmko Mcdford n flyloss city. A little of the mayor's customary energy will accomplish the desired result. By a vigorous campaign in this direction the mayor will greatly benefit the community and make it a bcl'ter: place and a healthierjdace toreside in. PDNEERS IE TAI AS L AND THURSDAY TT OF rENDLETON, Ore, Aug. 15. "It need occasion no surprise to hear of tho Increased numbers who want to attend tho Hound-Up at Pendleton," nays Wm. McMurray, general passen ger agent for tho Q. W. It. & N. In nn Interview. "It Is distinctly tho show of the continent in tho events It features. I do not mean to detract from other performances given In tho different cities, but thero Is only one Pendleton, and ono Itound-Up. There Is enough thrill In any ono of tho sov oral performances given at Pendle ton to glto tho ticket holder his money's worth, and tho management throws in enough additional thrills to mako It tho greatest show of Its kind on earth. I nm told that n number of new and Interesting fea tures arc to ho added this year. Personally I do not see how the Hound-Up can ho Improved, as here tofore given, but tho management Is always looking for something new and they Invariably round it up." How Ashland Views the Road Bonds (from tho Ashland Itecord.) TENNIS PLAYERS HOI I NEW YOnK, Aug. 15. Maurice n. McLoughlin, H. X. Williams and II. H. Hackctt, with tho Davis ten nis cup in proud possession, ar rived hero today on the liner La Franco. Williams and McLoughlin will go at onco to Newport, It. I., where McLoughlin will defend tho American championship titlo. Tho county court has called n spe cial election for Soptembor ninth. Announcement of tho call Is made elsewhere In this Issue. Head It. The object Is to voto on tho Isuanco of $500,000 bonds for highway build ing. Tho issuo Is fo tho specific purpose of constructing fifty-two miles of hard surfaced highway from tho California lino across Jackson county to tho Josephine county lino In Oregon. Doing for this specific ourposo tho Issuo cannot, under tho law. be spent otherwise. Tho propo sition Is fair ft:ul logical. Tho road, is built, will pass through Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Mcdford, Central Point, Oold Hill and Itoguo Mver. Tho cry of "sec tionalism" can not therefore bo raised against It. It is simply Jackson county's contribution to the Pacific highway. Maturity of tho bond Issuo Is spread out over a sufficient number of cars so that tho burden does not fall hard upon tho taxpayer. Tho earliest payment will bo ten years hence. I)y that tlmo good roads will havo brodght thousands of settlors who will help pay for the roads. Long before tho last payment la made, thir ty years hence, they will bo paying for similar roads atl over tho count; and doing It gladly. Fully one-third of tho proposed road Is in Ashland trado territory. In Ashland trado territory tho start at building will begin this fall. If tho bonds carry. Construction work will bo undor supervision of tho stato en gineer. It will, therefore, ho prop orly and economically built. It will connect with California's eighteen million dollar s)stcm of highways and bring thousands of' tourists to Oregon. Ashland as tho gatoway city to Oregon should lead Jackson coun ty in enthusiasm for tho road ns planned. Tho county needs It and Ashland needs It ot only to luro tho tourist to our splendid cllmnto and scnory hut also for tho market ing of our crops and development of our resources and tho peopling of our idle acres. It Is an Investment that wo must make It wo arc to hold our own with other localities. Present roads aro not good enough for people who havo been used to better ones elsewhere and unless wo glvo them better hlglnvava they will pass us by. Tho fact that redskin, goldsecker, soldier, pioneer, stage driver, tourist has tolled over tho samo routo for nioro than half a cen tury does not signify that grass may not grow over tho old tratl tomor row. Tho world Is moving. Thoro aro other sottlomnnU now, asldo from tho old trail. They appear to tho east and to tho west. They aro new and vigorous. Thoy will tnko what they can. without apology to tnoso who sleep. Ashland should support tho $500,000 bonding Issuo as it stands and support It unanimously. She cannot afford to risk losing tho Pa cific Highway to Central Oregon or the coast country. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. lire. W. J. Freeman and Kon and daughter, accompanied by Mr. and Mr-. Amy, Mr. ami Mr. Pottinger of Medford nro camping nt Union creek this week. Mr. and Mrp. Wavno Lcever have returned from an outing nt McAllis ter Spring. Kev. II. W. Aldrich. Mr. and Mrs. W. I'. Ilra.vtoii, Professor A. C. Mickey and Miss Edna Ifnymer were at Jacksonville on a business, trip the first of (ho week. lira. Owen Woods and children aro hero, the quests of Mr. and Mr. T. KelKe: W. J. Freeman, Councilman Ales ander and V. Gray visited Crater Lnko recently. Mr. and Mr. Leon Wilkinson mid Mm. Clif Smith nro nt Liitlo IJutte this week taking a week's vacation. Mr. Whitney and wife and Mr. mid Mrs. Leo Smith spoilt a day this week at tho Kay dam. Mrs. Liitlo nnd grandchildren, Mrs. Whituoy nnd children, Mrs. It. O. Ilcntno wero among the many Central Point itenplo who attended tho show in Medford Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mn. Charles Piiiitt-n ppent a few days of this week nt tho Meadows. Tho school hooks for tho coming year will ho on sale at Fahor & Mo Donald's store from one-third to ono-half of tho original price on tho hooks iibtil previous to tins year in tho schools will ho given on tho old hooks if the-v are whole. Hememher tho place where school hooks can ho found, Fahur & McDonald's. A party of young ladies, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. 12. Scott, loft Thursday morning for the Ap plegato country, where thgy will re main for tho next two weeks enjoy ing tho cool, rofrchliing mountain breezes. Hcssia Itadnall, Hazel Wright, Clara Grim, Hose Ncnl, Dojis Coley, also Master Johnny Grim composod tho party. How to Obtain a Good Crop of Hairy Vetch The department of ngrieulturc has just puhli.-lied tho toM of hairy vetch seed made by tho seed labor atory hiht j ear. Two hundred and seven, or ove'r one-half, of the J101 samples of seed examined were cither misbranded or adulterated. Thero was no hairy vetch seed in seventeen samples and tho others contained varying amounts of spring vetch nnd wild vetches. Besides being misbranded nnd adulterated, seed often germinates poorpy. When tho (iinlity of the seed which is being sold is taken into consideration it is not surpris ing that a poor stand is frequently reported. Hnirj- vetch frequently docs not do well the first timo. It is seeded on nccount of a lack of "nitrogen fixing" bncteriii on its roots. These bacteria uie tho nitro gen i nthe nir which tho plant can not nho alone. They pan be supplied either by inoculating the soil from n field whero hairy vetch h.is grown well or bj inoculating tho seed with a puro culture of the bacteria. Pure cultures for experimental purpojes ran be obtained without charge from the department of ngriuulture. While hairy vetch is ono of tho best winter annual leguminous coovr crops, nnd on account of its hardi ness ndapted to growth in tho north ns well ns the south, frequent fail ures occur. Failures can he avoid ed if these suggestions nro followe-1: 1. Use "hairy vetch seed. which is not adulterated or misbranded. 'J. Use hairy vetch seed which germinates well. H. When seeding laud to hairy vetch for the first timo either inoc ulate tho seed with a pure cullurn of tho "nitrogen filing' organism or la oculato tho soil with soil on which luiirv vetch has growiu I'ioncors of southern Oregon nro to bo the guesis of honor at tho an nual reunion of tho Pioneer sooietv of Southern Oregon to he hold nt Ashland on Thursday, Ainrut 'JS, and their families, too, ntu expected to participate in tho ploasutoahle to einj, literary and gasliouoiuio fea ture of the iieenxiou, the arrange ments for whh'h ore in the hands of local native daughters and sou of Oregon. The iteueinl public mo cor dially iuxltod to attend tho literal v and tuiisieiil exorcises t the Chau tauqua tahctuuclo at 11 o'clock In the forenoon and ulxo an afternoon program which is hoiug planned fur 'J o'clock in the same auditorium. The noonday bouquet, which will ho hold at the (1. A. It. hall, will bo frv the piuiieeiN and their families nnlv. The speaker of the day will he Irving 1'. Viuiug of New York, scion of one of tho best known pioueor families of the Kogue Kivcr volley. Mr. Viuiug has attained a wide rep utation as u speaker nnd writer and his address on this occasion prom ises to bu one of more Ihan ordinary interest and value. Tho iuule pro gram is in charge of Mrs. ,1. S. Par son of this city and will iiirludu tho best uatixe talent available. The banquet is in charge of the Nalio Daughters of Ashland, and that means a fine spieml for the old est tiers and their families. FIELD STAINS 10 ' STUDY FIRER AND BUGS An Important change In the affairs of tho local field station, No. C, of tho department of agriculture has been announced. The station has been consolidated with station five, at Placcrvlllo, California nnd will hereafter bo known as tho Pacific Field Station of tho Hoard of Hnto mology, Department of Agriculture, and from here all nt the entomologi cal work of tho forests of Oregon, Washington, California and Nevada will bo directed. Prof. II. K. Ilurko, cntoaiologlst In chargo of the Placcrvlllo station, J. M. Millet, J. J. Sullivan and J. 1). ltlggs, entomologists and agents at tached to tho Placorrllle station, will begin to arrive with their families within a few weeks and will make Ashland their permanent headqiiar tern. W. K. Olendlnnlng, an agent In chargo of field control work of that station, arrived yesterday and Is do ing somo rcconnalsanco work in this locality. Ho will remain hero for about ten days beforo returning to California to bring his family. Ash hnd Tidings. TY COBB OFFER TO GET FREE ADVERTISING J DKTUOIT, Mich., Aug. IB, Chirk Ot Ifntlt, manager of tho Washington American Leaguo club, eonferre'l lieie today with Frank Nevln, owner of the Detroit club, regarding the nulu of Outfielder Ty Cobb to Wash ington, Xavln emerged from tho conference with a broad grin, t'i might miy," he told the ieiort rs. "thnf I would give $200,00(1 for Walter Johnson to get a bunch of free ndturtlNlug. 1" concodo tho check writing championship to Chirk Orlfflth." AVIATOR FLIES AT RATE OF MILE A MINUTE P1IU.AHKLPIIIA. Aug. l,V Avi ator (hover lloigdoll, accompanied by a mechanician, iiseeudod here IIih motuiug and Hew to llinumoudlou, X. l., ut the rate of a mile a min ute. He plans to visit Atlautio City, Asburv Park and Tieuloii. WHERE TO GO TQNIGHT yxh eatre TONIGHT and Saturday Mntlucc l!:!IO V, 31. I'vculiig, Tiilll V. 31. Hxlra Special a Heel, a Part, Vila graph "tim'snaim: or iwtu" (The Surrlflrn of Love and Youth to Mumuion) i:nti:ut.ini(I i'.nci.i:" "cokmopomtw sv.w vohk" Coming Sunday and .Monday Mghts "A SP1IIIT OF tiii: OU 1 1 NT" Vltagraph "HIS 3l()Tlli:it-IV-I..WR VISIT" IMInon 'Till: .MISTAKE" lllugranh PAGE THEATRE HIT.CIAI. PltOtJIlAM s.vrimiMV ani su.miv TYP0S1V0TE DOWN MOVIES ACTRESS John A. Perl Undertaker i v Lady Assistant. 88 S. nAIlTJdOT Phones 31. 47 nnd 47-J-2 Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner NASH VILE, Tenn., Aug. l&.IJy a voto of 205 to 27 tho convontlon of tho International Typographical Union, In session hero today, voted down tho "Seattlo plan." It pro vided for an election to determine whether or no, tho governing powers of tho organization should bo takon from tho executive council of three and vestoi In a hoard of dlroctora of twenty momhors, to bo elected from certain prescribed districts. Provldenco, It. I., was selected for tho 11)11 convention. GETS LIFE TERM FOR KILLING MOTHER-IN-LAW DALLAS, Or., Aur. 315. For hav ing hilled his mother-in-law, Lou in Davis, convicted lut week In tho circuit court, in today under kcii tence to spend the rest of bin life in tho hlalu penitentiary. Judge Holmes pronounced tho spntciico, which wan received by the convicted man with tho fiiuno helf-Hiitibfiud air that mnikcd liw conduct during tho recent trial. MISSING AT TRIAL LOB ANGELES, Col., Aug. 1C UecauBo of tho recent mysterious dlu appcaranco of Christine Nell, protty motion plcturo actress, who is n cor roborative witness, tho cases against Ulcliard Holllngworth and William La cause, cnarged with contributing to tho delinquency of Evelyn Quick, another motion picture actress, worn not hoard today. Tho now date sot was Octobor 1G. Lacasso and Holllngsworth wnro arrested during the recent Investi gation hero of allegod white nlavo conditions that was featured by tho arrest also of Mllllonalro Gcorgo H. Illxhy and others. Doth aro wealthy business 'men. MIsh Nell escaped from tho stato reform school at Whlttlor. All of forts of tho juvonilo officers to find her havo failed. LEACH DECLARES HE LOVES THE FLAG SALEM, Ore., Aug. lfi, Express ing a determination to fight to n finish thoso rcsponslblo for his de portation from Ilandon because of editorials appearing In a paper ho published, ullegcd to havo defamed tho American flag, Dr. llallcy K. Icach, has today mado nn affidavit beforo Attornoy (lonoral Crawford, in which ho nvown that ho not only did not dofnmo tho flag but In a saunch supporter of It. Dr. Leacli, ns a result of Governor West's prom Iso of protection, dcclnrud that ho would, if necessary, return to Ilnn- don and faco tho men ha alleged drovo him out. Or, Loach stated that ho had ar ranged to resumu publication of his paper in Portland nnd would bo un sparing In his editorial treatment of tho men who ho declares did him a great injustice when thuy confiscated bin plant and deported him from tho Coon Hay town. In a 3IAHA.M ,IE..V H.IVEU fantastic Spanish nnd Oriental Dancing net. riiA.vcr. or pimmcs e.vc'h kvk.mmj No Increase la prices 5 and 10 contn ISIS THEATRE I'liolopliiyH I'rlday and SiitunLiy Tiii:sTiur;JLi: A Powerful Hlnry of Capital and Labor, ICalom " Itoel Special MADE A COVAIll Sollg Drama ' rou.N'T iiAimcit No. r of tho Hellnda .Series Vltugraph Comedy Coining Sunday A rillllT TO A I'lNISH AT PAGE SATURDAY Fair Weather Predicted PORTLAND, Or., Aug. Ut. Fore- cant: Oregon Fair (nuiihl and R,ut- urday, oxceot Hhowern tonight or Saturday northwest portion; vari able wiuda, mostly westerly. In accordnnco with provlous an nouueomontH, a special program will ho given ut tho Pugo theatro Satttr day and Sunday evenings, Madam Jean H.lvor will ho scon In a pleasing Spanish and Oriental fan tastic dancing uct. Tho mnditm is at present presenting her act at tho Hex theatro, leading playhouse in Eugene. An entlro change of plcturos will bo shown ouch evening. No increaso In admission will bo charged as a result of tho added vaudevlllo feature STAR THEATRE TODAY GAU.MONT WEL'KLV Always Interesting THE LINE HIDDIl'S HISTEK Western Drama I.V DEATH'S SHADOW Drama THE LAHflEHT VESSEL IN THE WOHU), EVEIt LAUNCHED SIDE. WAYS Educational HIS OltOOKEI) OAHEEll Keystone Farce Comedy ALWAYS 10 CENTS SLIGHT DECLINE! IN NEW YOHIC, Aug. 15. Substan tial doolluoti marked I lie opening doallngu In titooks today. Heading mid Canadian Purlflo wero heavy. Tho geiieial price level vvaH under yostenho'a clone Caundlan Pacific fell ono and iNnvv Haven two. A ftiw ndvaui'Otf were noted hi the toss Important storks, lnllliird Tobac co Jumped seven polnlH. Dentin were Hleady, The market closed dull. SENATE TO LISTEN TO! WASHINGTON, Aug. Hi. A dele gallon of California wliui men, no coinpaulud by I heir attorneys, will bo given a hem lug hero tomoriow be foro the tietiiilu finance committee to protest ngiilnnt thu tax of $1.10 per gallon on miipo brandy, pro vided In tho new tutirr bill, Tho CnCllfornlaiiH today heard Ohio wluo men protest aitalnnt the puro food icittrlrtlvu tax on Ohio vvlneu, 1 !! ' ' J HAIR TURNING GRAY OR FALLING? JUST MIX SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR It'x ('iiindiuiithci'rt Itcclpo for Hand- i off anil llo-torlitg Color to Hair Almoiit everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound, ed, brlugrt bark the natural color mid luster to tho hair when failed, streaked or gray; also cuien dandruff, Itching iicalp and stops falling hair. Yearn ago thu only way to got thin mixture was to mako it at home, which is iniissy and troiihlccouin. Noivad.tyn skilled chemUtH do this hotter than ourselves, lly asking nt nuy drug store for the riiuly-to-une product called "Wjeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Heinody" you will act a largo bottle for about DO rents. Some drugglslH make their own hut ll'ri usually loo ntkky, ho Inubit upon getting "Wjeth's ' which can lm de pended upon to rtNtoru natural color and beauty to the lialr mid Is the bent remedy for dandruff, dry, feverish, Itchy ncnlp and to slop falling hair. l-'ulk like "Wvoth'H Hngo and Sul phur," berauin no one can positively tell that you darkueded your hair, as It dees it so naturally mid evenly, nn)rt a well known downtown drug gist. You dampen a sponge or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking oilo small strand nt n time. This rcitilroi but a fuw moments, by morning the gray hair disappears and after another application or two U restored to Ho natural color and look even more beautiful and glossy, Ihan ever, WJi; vj Which Will You .'Have THE LAItOC, WHITE. CltEAMY U)AI OH THE SMALL SOGGY UlAI": You can alwatn bake bread of the light, largu and dollclcuiis sort If von insist on using Drifted Snow Flour Tim ingredients that go to mako up the deli cious loaf of hr-ad are always found la "Drifted Snow ' It pac,i a liign gluten test becauso of tho cholco wheat used In the milling and tho particular pains our millers take In tho selec tions, cleaning mid grinding Drifted Snow Flour Is a guaranteed flour. If you don't have satlsfnetor) results with "Drifted Snow" you only need to tell oitr grocer and the flour you havo used won't cost ou a rent. This flour In mado to satisfy tho successful housewife ami It has nevir failed to do so. Who It oursotf and sou how much more delicious jour baking will he Tor pale by leading gro cers all over tho Pacific Coast SPERKY FLOUR CO. WHY NOT SPEND AUGUST AT NEWPORT? Out away from thu heat and dust of the valley. Newport Is now at ltn best, and tho beach season Is lu full swing. Kecreatloii and eport for all Doep'Sca fishing, mirf bathing, drlvcH to Oiler Hock, the Punchbowl, Llghthoiire, etc., with boat ing and flnlilng on Yaqulua nay, LOW SEASON, WEEK-END AND SUNDAY ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES AM) DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE Lonvo Albany 7:J10 n. m. nnd 1:00 p, in., cornier tlumi with north uud south bound S, P, trains, W sunsVt'VjwI I lOCOCNftSHAJTAl 1 I HOUTES I I Call on our agent for copy of "Newport" booklet, or "Vticntlon I)ayn," they are free for thu asking. JOHN M. SCOTT (lenenil Passenger Agent 'W