1 , . i Q PAGE TWO. MEDFOUD MAIL! TRIBUNE. MEDFOttD. OKI WON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15. 1I)1. .-j NPUf PAWIF! PflQT LIST OF PREMIUMS FOR "WiLP''LL'T- ti , , 4 ... firJ. v i j"3 -r' r. Par Show . RATES IN EFFECT, I hfc . afcKSOn UdUlltV t air . - - z -r-v MEDFORD, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 9, 10, il, 12 and 13, 1913 '-1 arid BEGINNING TODAY i ;i 1 A t t C I v t On nnil nftor August fifteenth tho llnill of weight ot parcels of fourth class mnll for dollvory within tho first nnd nccontl rones shall bo in creased from riot on pounds t6 twen tyrpounds'. Tho rata of pORtago on pi(reo'ls exceeding four ounces In weight shall ho five cents for tho first' pound and ono cent for each ad ditional two pound or fractlori there of' when Intended for local delivery, nnd five cents for tho first pound an ono cent for enrh additional pound of fraction thereof when Intended for delivery at other offices within tho first nnd second zones. Tho pound rates of postago In tho first and sec ond zones shall he as follews: Flrsi Irjne Eecond Iocnl 7.ono Zono . Weight. . Jtnte. Hale. Kate. 1 pound,. $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds 7 pounds S ponnds 9 pounds .0G .06 .07 .07 .OS .OS .00 .00 10 pounds .. . .10 11 pounds 10 12 pounds 11 13 pounds ............ .11 14 pounds ........ .12 15 pounds ............ .12 16 pounds,.... 13 17 pounds 13 18 pounds ............ H. 19 pounds . ... .14 20 pounds ..... .13 .06 .07 .0S '.09 .10 .11 .13 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .1$ 40 .20 .21 .23. .24 .06 .07 .OS .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .IS .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 See. 31, S, H. 43, I.nws of Oregon, rend ns follews: "No hovlno nnlmnl over ono jenr old shall bo exhibited at hny state, district or county fair, or llvo utock exposition, wlllilu tluv stnto unless within twelve months prior to such exhibition It hits boon sub jected lo n tuberculin test and received a certificate of health from a qualified veterinarian. No entry for exhibition shall bo nceopted until such n eerttflcnto Is filed. No publlo auction snlo of any herd or part of a herd ot dairy animals, or uutmals Intended for breed ing purposes, shall bo held except under tho prortss of court, unless all the animals offered for sale have, within twelvo months prior to such sale, been submitted to a tuberculin test nnd received u certifi cate of health from n qualified xeterlnnrlnn. Any person who ex hibits 'or permits tho exhibition of an, animal In violation ot tho pro visions of this section nnd any person who tolatcs any other pro vision of this section ahull he guilty of n misdemeanor nnd upon con viction Bhnll bo fined not less than $30.00 nor more than $250.00." NOTE Exhibitors will plcnsn read nnd tnko notice of tho abovo law nnd arrange with the secrctnry to havo tho abovo test mado pno week or more before Rio fair free of charge to Ihemscltcs. HORSES . D. T. LAWTON. Superintendent. DR. CHAS. J. KOH1NEK, Judge ot IJvo Stock. DIVISION A CLASS I. STALLIONS All ages can compete First 1. Draft $13.50 2. Trotting bred 12.00 3. Conch v 12.50, CLASS 2. MARES. All nges can compete First 4. Draft $12.50 5. Trotting breil 18.60 C, Coach 12.50 HIGH PRICE FOR ROGUE RIVER PEARS ADVERTISES VALLEY PORTLAND, Aug. 15. Tho extra ordinary values that aro today ruling for Bartlctt pears aro calling forth comment as to the highest individual prlco ever received for this fruit. For , tho Anjou tho" high point, so far as individual fruit is concerned, was re ceived by C. K. Whlslcr of Medford. who secured 5 cents each for his fruit for an cntlro carload. This prlco was net, tho fruit selling in New York at 64 cents. This was In 1910. Tho total carload returns to tho grower was $2,228.20. Mr. Whlslcr Is a strong supporter ot tho Dose poar. Its history Is quite rccont. It has only been on the mar ket perhaps seven or eight years. "Feed tbcui to the cattlo at Chi cago," Is the way New York received its first consignment ot this fruit from Rogue river. Tpdny the metro polis of tho American continent con sumes all tho Bosr. pears it can secure and is anxious to secure moro. Hy experts it is considered far thp best pear ever grown. It Is consid ered tho acme ot poar production. It has moro sugar by far than any othor ot tho pear family. It is exclusively for fresh consumption. ' "Tho pear crop of tho Roguo ltlver valley this season," says Mr. Whlslcr, "Is exceptionally flue. Tho crop is large and tho quality Is the best over produced In fact taking thj whole valley' tho pear crop this season is tlio nios.1. uniform, tho ekoncst nnd evenly distributed of any pear that I havo ever noted. Prices nrc splendid, too." g Mr. Whlslcr; who was in tho city today, ronforrlng with officials ot tho Nnrthwostorn Fruit exchange, says that tho quality of tho applo crop of tho Itoguo Illvor valley Is excep tionally fno with tho crop good, al though 15 to 20 per cent smaller than n year ago. "1'oars promlso to bo tho mainstay of thp Itoguo River country," says Mr, VhleJcr, "hocauso they grow to bqttqr perfeptlou thero than any oth er plnco rn tho world. "Tho Uartjclt, Is of courso, tho lendjng pour of tho Itoguo Itlvcr sec tion hut by all odds the Hose is In sorond placo so far as promlnonco Is concoruod. Tho latter Is almost en tirely eihlo a nil is almost without core. All you havo to remove Is tho iccda." if ' '; ; I ' ' i i ORPHANAGE IS BURNED BUT CHILDREN SAVED i. 8. '9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. IS. CI.ASS 3. MAKKS AND COLTS First Draft marc nnd colt $ 5.00 Trotting bred mnro and colt ,..,....: 5.00 Coach mare nnd colt , ,,.,. 5.00 Best draft colt, 1 year ?. 6.00 Dost draft 3 years old '. 6.00 Dent draft 3 years old ' 6.00 Best bred trotting colt 1 year old....' 6.0V Dcst bred trotting colt 2. years old 5.00 Dost bred trotting roll 3 years old 5.00 Rest bred conch colt, 1 year old G.0Q Dest bred coach colt 2 years old ... 'COO Best bred conch colt 3 ears old COO Second $ 8.0U .S.00 8.00 Second $ 7.50 7.R0 7.50 Second $ 3.00 3.00 3.00 ' 3 00 3.00 ' 340 3.00 3.00 1 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 CLASS 4. SADDLB HORSES. MULES, ETC, First Gentlemen's saddlo horso $10.00 Ladles' saddle horse 10.00 Jack ,.. 5.1)0 Span mules 7 10.00 Span draft horses 15.00 Span drMng horses 20.00' Slnglo driver , J5.00 x ony o jjvjf Span ranch horses, general purpose 20.04. NOTE Kxainlno premium list and make your application to. tho entry "clorks'by tho numbers on tho left, margin ot the apacc ;' . f ... , AS,n,0Ij-8ap'crn(cnClIllU . DIVISION D 19. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Second $ 5.00 5.00 6.00 7.50 10.Q0 iJQ.OO 2.50 10.00 ' CIASS I. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. HULLS . Jersey :..,., .:'... $ 7.60 oDonnorxt j - ioy j Jurnntii io.u Sweepstakes '.,. 10.00 CLASS 2." .COWS ' c t . First Jersey , $ 5.00 Siortnorn o"v iiorciorii wuu llolstcln '. 6.00 Durnam ............... .............. ........... u.ov Sweepstakes ,., t 10,00 Second $ 600. 00 .5.00 5.00" . 5.00 7.50 9 Second $ 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 7.60 "'pIWUAMTON, N. Y., Af. ?5. Jjoro tlmij l!iO fhjhlren narrowly fbcnnei n. fiery deiith liero lojlijy when 81. Itfury's homo hrphuniiKO )V)8 l)irli()Uy )urneO. Tronipt nc (iou by )ho i)ir&es ot all Hie ehil- ijm, ty 'lliytf' ' With Medford-trado is Medford mado. CI-VSS 3. CALVES First Second Jersey $ 3.00 ' $ 3.00 Shorthorn 3.00 3.00 Hereford .....? X0 2.00 llolstcln , , 3.00 2.00 Durham f"t ?r0 00 SPECIAL REQUIUEMENTS n ' Animals competing as prades must bo at lcaa halfrbrced and not pure-bred, the nge, breed (if known) and the tlmo of calving of cows shown as milch cows must ho certified to tho Judges, and' also stated when the ontrle aro mado. CONDITIONS AI'I'LYINO TO CATTLH 1. Tho pedigree of all pure-bred caitlo competing for premiums must bo distinctly traced to tha American or English Herd Hooks. 2. Breeding animals exhibited as such, must have satisfactory evidence produced that they aro not barren. No cow will bo ellglblo for prize unless certified ut tho date of entry, or that of tha show,, to havo had a living calf, or that tbo calf, If dead, was born at IU proper time, within tho twelyo month preceding tho dato of the fair, or shall bo In calf at the day of the fair. " 3. As tho object of this, society is to procuro improvement in -breeding, tho Judges are, In all cases. Instructed to decide acordlng to the merits of tho respectlvo animals for breeding purposes. , 4. Prize uulmula at former exhibitions may compete fho samo as if they had not received prizes before, 5. All bulls abovo ono year old shnll havo rings In their noosos, and above two yenrs old to bo provided with lending sticks. C. No animal may compete In moro than ono class or division, except as ono of a herd or pair, or cows for milk, or in sweepstakes. No sweepstakes or herd premiums paid unless competition, SHEEP II. O. WORTMAN, Superintendent ( DIVISION1 0 , ' , j CLASS 1 First 1. Ham, any breed $ ifQQ 2. Ewe, any breed .....,.., 6.00 3. Lamb ,.v 300 ltegulatiouH for Shcort 1. All bucks, except ono year old, must havo boon used tho proi cedjug year. J '. Kwes abovq ono year old must haye had a vjng lamp.- Ttycso facts must ho certified nnd ovldenco furnished, If required. ,. 3. The exhibitors of sheep will be required to forfeit und pay .to v tho society thu sum of not less than $250 as and for liquidated damages If nny ot tho sheep which ho exhibits nro suffering (to hl knowledge) under any contagious or infoctlqus djseaso. RULE SJiqpp pffered for admission ,undor any entry must )e nq compauled by h sworn statment giving the date pf shearing, which shall not ho earlier than tho first day pf April. 8hcop that havo been unovenly or stubblo shorn, or that have been clipped so as to conceal defects, or whoso fleeces have been artificially colorqd singed or oiled, yt not bo eligible to compete for premiums. ' Second $ 3.00 3.00 2.00' - a OATS II. 0. VVORTMAN, Superintendent CLASS 2 Buck, ope yean or older,. ,-ftttr;i,,ti' Nannie, ono year or older ,.. (. Dest flock ot five or more, ot any sox. . ... . . . . First .$ 5,00 , 5.00 . 5,00 Second $3.00 , ; 3.00 , U , 9.00, , SWINE .MR. NILi:s,Huporlntcnduiit. . f. DIVISION. I) j, I ' it . "I" (JISS I." ' , . ' 'i ' v I'JVini Hecond 1. Poland Oliltm boAr ;.v...,..., ..?...,.....,. ...$'5,00 $2.50 2. Polahjl Chlun sow ...'...,..... ,: , , , . ' 5,00 2.60 3. Poland,' China litter .,w........v..... ........ 2,0(f l.oo 4. Duroo Jersey 'boar .,,.......,. -.p. ......,.... 6.00 2.60 " 6. Duroo Jersry sow ...........; .wf?, ........... . 2.00 -'1.00 ,, 6. Duroo, Jersry litter ....... ..'.....ft,.........v a.60 1 00 ' 7. HorkAlilVo boar ..,...'. '6.00 '2.50 5. Ilerkshtro sow , .' ,.'6.00 2,60 9. llorkshlro litter , ;. 2.00 1.00 10. Chester White bnnr ...... . ,..,,.. 6.00 2.60 It. Chestpr White. sow .....'..' 5.00 ' 2.60 12. Chester White litter 2.00 1.00 ' . VV- vouiiTKY ,t- R. II. PAXSON, Centmri'olnt. Superintendent ; ; ' . divisien: .. Civss 1 A Pen shall consist ot ono 'male and four female; n Trio, one male, two females; n Pair, one mule, ono female. Prices nwnrded on Pens of chickens, Tries ot turkeys, Pairs of dtleks; best collection ot pigeons, not less than ten. '' American t'lass. Harrcd Plymouth Rocks Huff Wyandottcs .Huff Plymottth Rucks' Partridge Wyandottcs Whits Plymouth Rocks Single Comb Rhode Island Reds . 4 Whltn Wyandottcs' Rosq Comb Rhodu Island Reds " Columbian Wyandottcs A"hitlc C'Uss Illnck IiiKshnns Ub) Hrahmas Mcdltcrrantun C'Iuhh. White rSicol Illnck Spanish snle Comb Huff Ugiorns ' Slnaio Comb Khlto leghorns Tllnck Mlnurcns v 'Slnlo Comb Hrown.IiCghorns AnYonn . KiiKUsh CIms. ,, Single Comb White Orplngfuns Slnglo Comb Illnck Orpingtons , Polish Class. . ' , Whltu Crested Hlack Polish tiu we n ud Ha n hi ut Class. . , And nty other vajlotloH not immtlonod. Pair Uronz Turkeys Trio Indian Runner Ducks Pair-Other Variety Turkeys Trio Other Variety Ducks . , Trio Pckln Ducks x . . 1913 hutched chicks to bo entered separately, but will recelvo snmo amount ut premium money. ' , ' Prizes. . Pen Trio Pair First. przo , .C ..$3.Q0 $2.50 $2.00 Second prlzo ..v.i 2.00 1.60 1.60 Third prlzo V.1'-1 .'.v.'M... Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon .' I J' ' '' Jin Kirh'Vnrlrly. ' i , .First prlzo,' cork $1.60 , First prlzo, , cockerel .. 1.50 First prlxo, ben ......... ........a... ..........,,,,,.,.,, ,,.,... mj , . First pri9, pullet ........................... ........... i.uO J. First prize, pigeons'. ,.,... .........'1.00 No other prizes for slnglo birds. ,., . ; y ; VKQETAlJliKS- '. i ; 1' t ' K. J. RUNYARD, Superintendent v r. ' '" , . 'division f ' r - . . ., , CliASSl., First Secouil 1. Rest display, flvu varieties ;. $ 3.60 $ 2.00 ' 2. Rest display, ten varieties '. , 6.00 2.50 3. Host bushel ot potatoes 3.00 1.60 j. Rest plato ivo .onions ...f 1.00 J0 5. Rest three cabbages,' any vnrloty, 1.00 .60 6." largest nnd heaviest head of .cubbsgo 1,00 .50 , . 7. Best bunch of five (urulps 1.00 .60 8. ,Hcst bunch ot five beets 1.00 .60 9. nest bunoh of five parsnips....:..1....-, 1.00 JjOj 10. Host bunch, of fivo carrots , 1.00 T0 11. Best ix plants celery t?t.;...v 1.00 .60 12. Best pinto flvo tomatoes ...... ...... 1.00 .50 13. Best display fbrco pumpkins...,'..... 1.00 .60 14. Best sound pumpkin .' IJ0 .60 15. Hcst Hufjbnrd squash 1.00 .60 1C. Hcst plato flvo poppers ,,,'.,.,.,,., 1.00 ,60 ' 17. Best flyj cars sweet corn, green, ,.. 1.00 .60 18. Host flvo ears fluid corn .;..... 1.00 .50 19. Hcst flvo ears popcorn 1.00 .60 20. Hcst one pound dried hops , ,, 1.00 .50 21. Best plato fivo Rocky Ford melons..,;..,. J.bO .50 22. Host Uosaba .,.,., ,VT. ....... 1,00 .60 23. Heyt bntisua musbmelfin .., tj t-0 -M 24. ljest netted cantulqupa 1.00 .60 25. Best wnternielon ... ......'.' 1.00 .60 2C. Hcst sweot potato squash ...... "WTT." 1,00 .60 27. Hnt threo bomU rntillflowor ...;,'!' 1.00 '.60 t 28. Best thrco egg plants ...,.... 1.00 .50 . .... ORAliVB U. J. RUNVARD, SujiorlHleudent ' , DIVISION' . ' CL.83 1 ' v , First Sccnml 1. Bsst samplo slicaf of wheat l. $ L00 $ .60 2. Best snmplo sheaf of ryo...... ;.?,.,.,,,. 1.00 .60 8. Best samplo sheaf ot barley , . 1.00 .60 4. Best samplo ut outs ...., ...., ..., LOO .60 6. Best samplo pf buckwjipufj . , , s. i,'. LOP .60 0. Best sopiplp of- spoltK., ,.....,..,,, ,,,...,,,1.00 .50 7. Best sample of vetch with grnln.. .,,...,.... 1.00 .50 NOTIJ ICar.h exhibit of sheaf grnln fust bo unthrushed und In a bundlo about six IucIich In diameter All gralus must bo of this year's grpwth nnd grown by tho oxhlbtor Sample shcuves' must bo di;ferc;it spedmons from thoso shown In , collections. ' ' " CLAB8 2. COLLECTIONS 8. Grains and grasses named and luouutod, not less , than .fifteen vnrltitles: , . . , , .$ 6.0 $ 2.50 9. . Nutlvo woods, imjncil nd dressed, not less tian fvo yurlotlos, 12x12x1 : . 2.Q0 1.60 1Q, Nallvo wpods, named, rough or split, not less than , ten varieties 2.00 1.00 11. Moths and butterflies, mountod, not less (hurt ten varieties ..,., 2.0O L09 12. Natyo flowers, named und mnuutcd (horb not less than twopty-flyo varieties ,.... 2.00 LOO 13. Nutlvo flowers in bloom in October (bouquet), not :less thun ten vnrlstlos 2.00 1.Q0 14. Legumes, clhvor nd votqh, numed, not less tmn ten varieties ,...', ;,,K..,. 2.00 LOO 15. Field, nnd garden seeds, In glassos, grown by ex hibitor, not less thun fifteen vurletleH 2.00 L00 i NOTE.-r-Srinol cilhrcn nro urged to compoto for prizes In this ! . division, nnminif ns many uh possible. , ' All coljocliqqs sljall bo different artlolos frojn Uioao( onlofw n other departments. " ' ' Judges wll consider not only tho number of vurletloH, but noat- posa nnd most correct naming. . ' pRUia's p. V. POTTKH. Suporlntondcnt v iyiioN if , (JLAHB 1. OENERAL PJSPLAY : ( v ?w "-. . I'lrBt Second Third 1. (Jonoral display of all kinds ot frUlt , . , ' grown i by .!pno Individual or ponj- ' paiiy '.??..?. v....$25.0? .fl,Q.Q0 f C.00. NOTE. Makfug awards on'this outjry thp (ollownf scoj of jiolqtu ! 7''" v '- - ' 4 will bo ntiHerunl: Kind mid rhuim'tur of fiull, 75; uillsllu umiiiKU uioiit, 16; iiumher of wirlntli'H, lo; total, Hill, CISHH 2. APPLES First lliininil Thlid 3. (Ii'imnil dlHplny uf upplcs, commiirilal puck, not letis thun ilium wirhitlvii of iii)o box fitch ,,,., $15,00 $1(1,00 $ 6.00 I'oiumei'clitl puck of tho following u rli'lis. uiii box uf eiu'li aihiy: 3. Yellow NttutoNMi ,,. ,,,,,., Mill 3,00 ,.,. 4, Spllxeubei'K 6.00 11.00 ,,,, 6. Wlttotmp ,,.,,..,,, 6,00 U.l'O .... 6. Jmmthitu .,,..,,,,.,.,, , ,.,, 5,011 ;i,(m .,,, 7. Home lleauly 6,00 :um .... 8. Hen Davis ,.,., ,,,, 5.00 U,U0 . ... 9. Display on plates, nut less than llvo va rieties, four Id eucli pinto,..,, lO.Oi) 6,00 ..,. 10. Pluto of Noutimu,.... 6 00 noo ,,,, 11. Pluto uf Wlitomip 6.00 II.OQ .... 13, Plato of Jonathan 6.00 .10(1 ,,,, 14, Plain of Route lliututy 5.00 :L0O 16. Plato of Baldwin .'t.Oo 2,00 16. Pluto uf lieu Davl 3.00 2,0(1 17. Plato vf Ib'd Cheek 3.00 2.00 .,,, 15, Plain of Hoovers , 3.00 2,00 ,,,, 10. Pinto of ArkitUKUM Hlurlt 11.00 3,00 20. Pinto or ('rub 3.00 2.00 21, Pluto of best new scndllng ,. 3 00 2j)0 32. Delirious ,,,, 3.00 2.00 .... ..J. Kings ,.,,,,,,,,, ,,.,,,,...... , m.oo .oo ,,,, - 24. Winter Bunniia ......... 1 ,1.00 2,00 .... 26, L-irgost sound tipple, weight nlouu to diitormluo x ;... 3.on 2.00 Other nrlutles may bo exhibited uud will bn uwnnlnd promliims If funds will allow. Spnro will bo provided for unnamed and unknown fruits, and growers nro urged lo bring them In whoru coiiipolnut friillmeii may namo llieui, class 3. PIJARS First Second Third 26, General display of penrs, rommorrlnl pack, not less thun tlnro arlelliis ut Ihroa boxes each, i'omlcu may com pcto for llictio prlzua In three half boxes $2600 $1600 $!ooo Commercial pack of tho following uuli'llus, olio box of ouch nriely, oxcepllug Comlco, hlch may bu slngto bex: First Second 27. Comlco $ 000 $ 4.(m 2,S. Ilnrtlott l.oo 4 00 2X. llnrllrii 100 loo 29. A11J011 il.OO 4.00 30. Bono 0.00 l.oo 31. Winter Nellht CQO 4.00 32. Unwell 0.00 I Oil 33. ClitlrKviu COO 4,00 31. Dlspl.iy 011 plates, not loss than flvo varieties, four In tsich pluto , 1500 1000 35. Plato of C0111U0 , 6.00 3 00 30. Plato of Harllelt 5.00 3 00 37. Pluto of Anjoti 6 o0 3.00 .IS. Plato of Hose 5.00 3 00 39. Pluto uf Winter Nullls 6.01) 3 00 40. Pluto of lion ell , ,....,,.. Il.OO 2 00 41. Plate of Mount Vernon '. .'.. 3,00 2.00 42. Plntu ot ClnlrKonu 3.o0 2 00 -13. Plain of V. Hurry 3.00 2.00 44. Plain uf llnurru Eastur 3 00 2 00 45, Pluto of Idaho . . ., 3,00 2 00 4ti. Plato of I'teuilNh llenuty 3.00 2 0O 47. Plato of Pound 3.00 2 00 4H, I'lnJo of Seekel .., ,,...,....,.,. 3.00 .2.00 49. Plnlo of Full Hultur 3.00 2 00 r 60. Plat of Hhuhlnt 3 00 2.00 61. largest sound pour, weight nlouo to determine.. 3 00 2 00 For all exhibits tho same variety computing ngnliist iwh othor will Im placed together Exhibitors nro exported to roiuniubnr Iholr exhibit niiuibor on entry curds so us lo find tliolr fruit utter auanU lint" iuon mado. . Cold klurugo nlll bo fiirnMird free of cliurgr lo rurh cxblMlnr o , the rxli-iit of fhr liuxr prnr or four boxen pi-nrliM for tho mm lug of ' early trulls for exhlUUIi'ii iurtor. CLASS I. PEACHES Plntes uf flvo sprtlmeiis each First Second 63. Dlsplny of not Iom than Uirco urlotns, commer cially packed, "no box ouch ynrloly $ 5 00 $ 3.00 63, Dlsplny on plates, not loss thun Ihrro arlelle flvo lo each pluto ,,,.,,..,, 5.00 3.00 51. Plstu of Early Crawford 3.oo 2 0o 65. Plnlo of IjiUi CruHford 3.00 3 00 60. Plain of l.cinou ('Hug 3 00 2.00 67. Plulo of Elborla 300 2.00 6S, Plato of Omugn Cling 3 00 2.00 69. Plato of Salway 3.00 2.00 CO. Pluto of Wheatland 3.00, 200 61. Pluto of SiiKMjk 3.00 200 62. Plato of (loldiii Cling , jl.nu 200 63. Plulo of Alulr ,.., ,i. 3.00 2.00 UIKS 6. PRUNES Plates of twelve specimens each Flrnl Sorond CI. Pinto of Sugar f 2.on $ l.Oo 65. Plulo of Italian., 2.110 1.00 till. Pluto of I'elllo , 2.00 1.00 07. Pluto of Silver ., ,,,,,,,. 2,00 1.00 68. IMuto of HuiiKiirlau 2.00 1.00 CO. Plato ot Hrudshaw 2.00 1.00 70. Plulo of illuo DuuiHon 2.00 1.00 CISS 0. PLUMB, Plates of twelve spcclmuis each , First Hi'Cond 71. Pluto of Kolsny ,, $ 2.00 $ 1.00 72. Pluto of Sntmima 2.00 1.00 73. Plnlo of Yellow Egg 2.00 1.00 74. Pluto of Damson 3.00 1.00 75. Pluto of R0I110 Clmido , , 2.00 1.00 CLASH 7. NUTS. Plates of twonty-flvo specimens euuh (husked) 1'Jrnt Sorond 70. Plnlo of English wnlnuls .-. , $1.00 $ .6g 77. Pluto of nlmoudrt (soft shnll) 1.00 .60 78. Pluto of ulinoiidi (hard holl) 1.00 .60 79. Pinto of I X L nluiopils ,. '1.00 .60 HO. Pluto of bluck wnlpuls , , , . . . 1.00 .60 81. Pluto of uny seedling raised In vulluy .. 1.00 .50 CliASSK. CIIERRIEH. ' Not lens thun quart can ouch vnrluty 82. Royal .Ann I -MlO $1.00 83. lllng , 2.00 1.00 84. Umhort 3.00 1.00 85. Ox Heart 2.00 1.00 86. Orcgou 2.00 1,00 CLASS I), fill APES Plulo dlspluyH two bumihoH ouch 87. DUpIuy put up li baskets, pot limn thun thruo vurl ctles, two buskotu oaci , $ fi.00 $ 3.00 88. DIhoIuvh on plutim, not loss tliou flvu vurlotlos, two bunches to pluto 3.00 2.00 89. Pluto or Concord ., 1.00 .60 00. Pluto or Dluiiiopd ..., LOO ,50 91, Plato of Niagara 1.00 .60 92, Pluto of iHiiholIu 1.00 .50 03. Plato of Muscal of Aloxuudrliv ...,,., 1.00 .50 04. Pluto of Black Hamburg 1.00 .50 05. Pluto ot Coriilchon ,,,.,,.,.,, LOO ,60 00. Plulo of Hwootwutor , 1.00 .50 97. Pluto of Mission .,. 1.Q0 .60 08. Pluto ot Bono of Peru 1.00 .60 09. Pluto of Mnloga , LOO .60 100 Plulo of Tokay ,,,,,., ...,,.,,..,..,.., LOO .611 10, largest bunch, uny variety 1,00 .60 In judl"f grapes, color, maturity, sUo und comimclnofls w4ll bo taken jnto account. - , - . 'I jmr4 tf 4 .4..At 4m,04mt4J f4ffA -ti 4 " tf !f f. ? 3 Jl. ?.t 1.,-.