-' MS l ir , t Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION ' WEATHER u 1'nlr tonight and rtatwrtfcjr Mux. 7I MIh. 40. , Knrly.ltilril Year. Dully- KIkMIIi Vrnr. MONEY USED BY TAMMANY CLAIMS SULZER Flat Chnriics That Four Members of Ilio Lcijlslalurc Were Bouuht to Vote lniicacliiiiciit Made by Gov rnior Glynn Claims OfUcc. ALBANY, N. Y Aiiir. I.i. Mnl cluugc thai TiiiiinmiiN Dull, liy the ilio nf moiHiy, Imbed I'ohr member of lint New York Ipgishtlurp in onlor In get tlm npi'iwNiirv voles to im pelled (loviTiiur Willliiiti Sulor, win iiiihIp Iipio today by James (inn-ismi, llin gnvpriinr' ndilsrr, nflpr consul tiitimi with Hulzcr tmlny. "Wo now ohnrgp positively," snid (litiiinon, "Hint Tiiinnuinv puid piinIi for llin four voles It needed In mlnpt lli'n iiuppuchmpiit resolution in the tiMPinlily. 'I'lipy iiUn tiMi-il innnoy to keep ulliiir wittering oon in litii'. Wo will liu prepared to ptovo tin boforo wii urp thiough. Thorp iitn mine ci'iiIIpiiipii mixi'il up in thin mm npintpy who lire lipudcd strnight for juil." Sppri'lnrv f Slain Mnys loduv I'ulli'il on lilimti'iiHiit (lovornor tllwin mill iiifotiucd him thnt lie would of Homily rccoguirp linn ns goternor of llin htntii. (II.viiii mill hi nttnrnevN conferred nt llin mIiiIp Iiuiimii today, mul it i uiidenilnod decided In rink Hip Mule mprouiP pniirt this nftpruoon In n strain Kulxer fniui Hiding longer a gotprnor. Sulrer unit J t it- iillnriio)H Iiiivp piiiiiU'li'il n reply In a ilenmii'l fnnn (ll.vnn whiuh in cxpeeleil Inter. llynn's letter iIpiiiiiiiiIpiI posses sion (if Ilio p.MM'iilivi offices mnl wiih formiilly ilellveri'il to Suitor nt 12:'JI) o'clock this nftornnini. (Ilvnii's letter ilerliiri'il Hint Snl.er wn "iuntiiiliuiillv diuhlcil mnl i'iiiiIiI not net im governor." Sulrer ilei'lineil lo rccngnixit Hi" merit of (llynn'N claim. Up Hitbl lie iiitemleil to pitntiiiiii) to "exercise mnl di rliiirxp Hip poiiNlilntionnl duties of gotcriior, first, lippiuihP Hip uhmciii lily now in pxtrnordinnry sphMoii duo not ihimphh eillier Hip power nor Hip nnlbniitv to prefer article of ililpeiieliineiil, mid, second, lie piiiidp Hip lieutenant governor in not mitborii'il to net iih governor in pim of Hip inipoiielnnuiit of Hip gotornor unliwM Hip iuipcnohinpiit in mm tnini'il." Sulrer MiittKc-ded Hint Hip attor ney for hntll Hilton ligroo to It iiii'lbod of Niilnnillinu Hip tin'lini to Hip court. Sulxor admitted (hi nfli'riioon Hint bin wife's condition in troubling him. ".lust wiiil until dip reeovcrH," Iip Miid, "mnl lliou uo will hnp Hiniie tbiiiK to Mty to tboHP ilntuni'il hpiiIIii wiikh who mo ilriiKUini; her iiume into Ihin ense. SHOT 10 AVENGE 10 E KAN KRANCIKrO, Cal., Aiiir. Ifl. Wbetlipr eitliu, ili'lihernlo detprinin ulioii of I 'rank Kulloiii lo unit bint M'lf mul return to thu mtiip of bm wifp'rt tlihtirnop at Ilio bauds of Kiuilio Do Vpueenr.i, Iburo lo nxenjjo biuiHelf for iuHulU by tho lattor, wits justiciable, will bu decided today by it jury uhloh bun heard Hip Htory of tbn HlnyiiiK of Do Venopuri. AeeoidiiiK to tho' Htory told by Hip defendant, Do Veiinenr.i bud tdnn deied Mih. Snltoni. lie, helm,' hi" 1,'pr and HtroiiKnr, Kitltoiii wiih do teiied from resortiiu; to bin fills lo Klop Ilio HPumlul uioiiKPi'. Finally, driven to dehporiiliiin aftur hnarinw; Do Vpupon.i piiblioly iiiHiilt the innlliPi' of bin nhildieu, Kulloui nhol hint lo death. During tlm trial Mr. Kulloni and Hip thieo llltlu nbildipu of tlm eou plo hat willt thu aoeusod iiuiit in court. FIVE KILLED WHEN TRAIN CRASHES INTO AUTOMOBILE rAHItOIJ1'ON, Mo., Auk. 1R.-K. L, FoiIiph mul wlfp of Kiutt'iinuuito, C'nl,, mul thieo othor peibiuiH woro killed two miles oast of hero today when a Kaula I'ti Irnin Htrui'k nn niiloinnhllu, Ouo oilier purson was i'alally, Injurod. INSULT m TERRinC HEAT SCORCHES THE MIDDLE WEST Corn Crop Drylun Up Kansans Ask Governor lo hsiic Proclatnntlon Calllnn Upon All Citizens to Pray (or Rnln to End Drouth. OMAHA, Ntib., 'Aiik. ir.--Huvpml ilpiitliH of bttliloH worn reiiortod horn today no n ronult or tlm terrlfli; hunt, tho thiiriiionictpr rp;liitrln: 104 do Krunii thin nftornoon, All tnilldlnc opurntlomi bnvo Iipoii (iiitipmidcd, on nccotiut of tho bent. IilNTOI.N. K.b Aiitf. 15. 'IVr. rifio bent hpoipIipiI NVbriiMkn todiy mnl torrid wind nut blowing. At Oiunlin VPfleiilny Hip Hiprinoiiiptyr reneheil Kill. Ileio it (oiipIipiI III dprepH mnl Hid mpriiKi niiim Suii Iny Iiiih been over Kill. In iiiniiy HPi'tioim porn In priirlleaily dehlroy ed. Tin dtoiilb mnl tho leiideuey of fanner to noil toiil rntbpr tbmi beef i uiM'ii brnv iih Hip renrnin foe the liililier hoof inioPH whieb nro nlreiulv ipinti'd here. Ilnmirtl beef today ih helling nt fniiii 1 1 to l', cent per pound to Hip piipkerH. TOI'KKA, Knii.. Aiij,. in.-TliP fiipnior' offiop luiro in rrrrivinj huiidredn of lellern daily urcini; Hull Im isMiiu n proplnintitioii imlliut; iikhi nil eilieim to meet nt it hpreified Hhip mid pray for ruin. Tlio Kovur nor in out of Hip pity lodity. but it expeelcd to rnpouil lo tho appenU wluiii bu re I u rim. TOIMIK'A, Kmi., Ah. 1.'.- Todnv in Hip pooIpnI hero hiiieo July 'Jit. ul IIioukIi the Hiprinoini'trr htiiudx at 117. Hull' nn inch of ruin felt today mnl it in believed (but the, drouth is broken. Tbn wntprwnrkrt compitnv nt Mi'dioiup I.oifcp i-pportH Hint if ft ntuiblp lo Mipply thu Imvn with wa ter. At Ahili'tio tin bent wiih hi in Ii'hko Hint a oar of ooul wiih hot fuu by Hip rnvrt of Ilio hiiii. EXPECT WILSON . 10 AS WASIIINCiTON, AiiK. 15. -OfM-rlnl WiiBhliiKtuii today expected Henry l.nun Wllmin, United Htnten nmliauKndor to .Mexico, to rcipiput tho liniupilbtto ncceptanco of IiIh reiilRiia Hon rnt a rpsult of I'realdeut WIIboii'h rolmlio btHt nlKht. It was niithorl titttvuly hinted hero thlrt nftornoon Hint any micb reuueat would bo ro- fimed. Tho president already hntt nc repled AmbiiHH.idor WIIhoii'h renlKUit tlnii to beconio tiffecllvo October H. Tho proHldent feoU Hint If ho keopit tho niubiiHHiiilor In tho diplomatic mirvlco until October, It will bo tho most effective, way to enforce sllouco If ho la allowed to null now, Ambnsi niliir WIIhoii would fool frco to 1Ih riiNH tho Mexican Hltuntlon, ponalbly piubnrravHluK tho ndiululittrntloii. U E SERIOUSLY ILL AMIANY, N. Y., Auk. Ifi. Mrs. William Kulyor, wife of (lovernor Kuljier of Now York, iiKuiiwt whom iiupeuehiueut tmioocdiuKH have been tu'Kiuii Hiifforctl iv relapse today and her condition is now uumt HerioiiH. Her temperature is 102, pulse IIH mid bho is puHly delirious. This was tho htiileiuent issued this after noon from tho exeeutivo offices, Despite the nlanninc couditioit of Mrs. Kuler, tho Kvernor vemnined nt his desk. Tho bullolin was siu'ii ed by Dr, Alirams, allhoiiKh it wii admitted thnt Abrums is in New York City. This iidiuiHsioit adds te tho myslory Biiri-oundini tho report ed illness or Mrs. Kulzer. Tlio iov rcfiihctt to givo out any state- ornor K RE AMBASSADOR LZER'S W .'ment rcjiui'illiiK Mrs, Sulzor. MICPFORI), NO BRITISH DUKES LEFT FT' rfCs.. ' NfcSv& MUh JMnn Oouilrlrb, who an nounced lit Now York and her return from Curopo Hint nho would wck n duko -proinnnbly an KnKlUb ilukn - In doonivil to (llnippolntmpiiL Tbeni nro no dtiken loft for Hip lat EOFF 10 E KAN FKAN'CISCO, Oil., Auir. 1'.. t'lininpion Willie Itilchio left here toduy for Vaneotiver, II, ('., whero on .September 1 ho will defend Iih litlo npiiiiNt Freddie Welsh, liuht weight ehnmpioti of Knylnnd. IIIebio mien iinareoinpnnied, but in Portland or Scuttle ho experts' to pick tip it couple of fpnrriiu; pari' uers. Kay Caiupbell mid Percy Cove nro in the north and may be citk'iif'd to nKsit (bu champion. Hiteliie bus bennl nethint: from Hurry Foley? his trainer, xiuoe the bitter went to Van comer, but nntieipntcs Hint een--thiuir jW'ill bo MruJKhtcncd out with out much trouble. Itilchio looks Mmui; mul rugged, mid will be in us good .hiiH' when ho meets Welsh, burring nocidepls, ns when bu met Wolgast and ltivrrs. WJien Welh mid Itilchio faro each other in ilrigiiouto arena Labor day it will bo thr iirxt timo hinco Kid Litvigno invaded I'uglnnd and fought Dick Ibirgp, Hip champion of P.ug l(itil, for tho world's title, thnt th ehnmpiomdiip hns been fouubt fcr ou HritUh soil, l.itvigne beht IlurgP on that oei'iiHion, nllbough Itiirgoeniiio in nl enteuwelgnis, aliout i-tO pounds, llis victory brought to America tho undisputed title of lightweight champion of the world, .which has descended through F.ruo, (Inns, XcImiii and Wolgast to Ititeltie. KAI-F.M, Or., Aug. IB. Willi n parole praelienlly grunted him, J. It. lossliu took French leave from tho stuto penitentiary Into yesterday in company with Louis Arslell, a des perate hold-up mini. Tho pipole hoard ul its lust fission passed fa vorably on .InWiu'ri npplienlion mul the neeohsiiry papers are now in the governor's office awaiting his s'pr iiuture. He wus serving from one lo seven years iu prison for the erlino of larceny committed In Tillamook county. Arstell held up and phot at J. J. McDonald, a Liberty "grocery man, and was given a long ehasu before en pt nro. 500 ACRES OF LAND AT NORTH BEND SOLD HOKF.HUItO, Pr., Aug. lfi. Ouo of the largest real estuto truiiHfers hero voeeutly is eonsumiunted toduy in Ilio purehiiso for $2.r)0,000 of fiOU acres of laud near North Head, in Coos county, by Joseph Kreis, rep resenting a syndicato of Chjeago and Pittblnirg capitalists, from the Coos Pay Townsilo conipauv -for .f2.rO,O0O. Tho laud will,bo used for I factory sites. . -mtv M.'-iv - mt H VANCOUVER DEFEND HIS II OM'XiON, MR 1 DAY, AU0U8T 35, 1913. FOR M ISS EONA GOODRICH ent of .Nut (', Coodwln'n cx-wlvyK. All tUu iIiikok nro iiiitrrletl, k-'J, or roped. Ho (f loino KriRlliib duko oncaued hlnuelf to .Mu (Joodrlch sbo was fooled. L NANAI.MO. It. C, Aug. 15. niot lug was renewed .it Kxtoualnn yes . . .... icrnity atiornuon ta (tie troops woro withdrawn from this city to that point where ,forty-flvo strikebreakers bc nulged In a mlno tunnel by itrlkori weroj-cicuod. Four mlno foremen nro mUsing nnd cannot bo located. One strikebreaker was put tinder ar rest by tho militia, charged with shooting Alex Maxtor, a striker the night before, lly tho time tho troops reached Kxtenglon yesterday afternoon tho llttlo mining vlllago was llttlo but debris, rlotors having applldd tlio torcb Indiscriminately to hotels, stores nnd miners' homes, Strikebreakers who woro not penned lit tho mlno woro driven into tho woods. Foarlng n further outbreak at Ex tension Inst night throe companies of thu Scnforth Highlanders and two companies of tbn Sixth company were dispatched from Nnnnimo nnd occu pied tho towu before daylight this morning. Tho Vnnconvor-Nnnttlmo Conl com pany diorn,ttug n small mlno south of tho city agreed to recognlzn ( tho minors' union Inst night and tho strike at this mlno was declnred off. Everything Is (pilot both hero and at Kxtcnslon today. Troops will bo mint from hero to I.ndysmlth and Cumberland to prevent rioting In tboso camps. STATE PUG PLANT SALKM. Ore., Ann. 15. A commit tee consisting of floorgo Putnam of Medford, Ooorgo W. Orton of Port land and Carey Haytcr of Dallas, has today boon appointed to appraise tho printing plant usod mid owned by tbo into Willis s, uuiiiwuy, statu priiyor, with a vlow to Its purchaso by the Btnto. Tbo flat salary law, passed at tho mat session of legislature, ap propriated s'-0.000 for tho pttrchas of a plant. Should tho Dunlwny pinut not bo purchnsod, an effort will bo nwlo to loudo It until nnotbot plant can bo provided, Wprk of ap praisement will begin Monday, hie ACQUITTED BY UNWRITTEN LAW CHIOAOO, Aug. 15, pleading tho unwritten law, K, J. Duproy, a tail or, who Bhot and klllod Henry Oronl- mus, a photographer, aftor tho lat tor was aciiulttod on a chargo .of wronging Duproy'a . fourtoon-yoar-otdtdiuiehtnr. was acquitted by a coronor'a Jury horo today. ' ' MINERS NANAfMO DISTRICT CONTINUE RIOTING UNITED STATES THREATENED BY MEAT FAMINE Drouth in Middle West Hastens Crisis Meats From Other Cattle Countries Barred Because of In- . fected Diseases by Government. WAHHINOTON. Aug. 15. That tho I'nlted .States not only faces a famine of domestic ment but that tho stringent rules against Importation limy bar tho m6at and cattle of other countries necessary to fill tho rjeod, Is tho declaration hero today of Dr. 1). A. Ramsey, chief of Inspec- t on of the United States bureau of animal Industry, who declared the situation Is critical. "Tho drouth in tho west and soiitlrAest, I Jr. Ramsey said, has hastened a crisis which has boon npproacblng for years. At tho same time, ho asserts, contagious diseases In livestock havo developed In Ar gentina, tho Indies, Australia and New Zealand, tho only sources of supply. Dr. Ramsay said: "Tho department of agriculture has Inspcctprs In theso countries studying conditions In order to for mulate cntranco inspections regula tions for dressed meat and livestock. Much talk Is heard that frco meat will rcllovo tho stringency. I do jtot foresco that result. Dressed beef now carries a ten point duty. and oven If meat woro free. It must rncot tho department's inspection rules. Argentina, tho greatest sourco of supply, docs not fulfill tho department's regulations now. "The' drouth In tho middle west Is most sorlotis. It means that tho Mexican grass fed cattlo of tho south west, which heretofore havo been driven tpttbo 'rolddlo western "fatten, Ing corrals, will now havo no harcn. Tho vlslblo supply of beef In tho drouth stricken section Is being sold In tho' open market now. Lntor tho result will bo that prices will soar." Dr. Ramsay estimated that tho corn crop will not be moro than CO per cent of normal, and officials gen erally sco no remedy for tho coming meat famine, as tho nunibor of shcop, hogs and cattlo in tho coun try already Is greatly decreased. T T LONDON, Aug. 15. Tho llriti.dt legislature, mill ijuit grinding todr.y until next November, after having been nlmotit continuously nt work for a yeur and -n half. Owing o the prolonged fight over tlio Irih homo rule, bill, tho pnrliamcntnrv session of 1012 run through, witii brief, intermissions nt Christmas and Knster nnd ft six weeks' summer va cation, to March 7 of. this yenr, ami tbo session toriuinnting todny, which will bo known in official history ns "session III. George V" (the third of tho king's reign), opened only three days later. In hi-i speech closing parliament. King fleorgo spoko regretfully of t'tc Halkan wars nnd snid he hoped tho pelico pact to bo signud in Buchar est , would bo permanent. Kiupr Ooorgo nlso expressed gratification over tho co-operation of the powers in dealing with the Balkan situation. Tbo chief, legislation accomplished by tho commons was tho second pas sage of tho home rule bill and the bill disestublishing nnd disendowing tho Kngli&li church iu Wales, both of which monsures woro promptly vo toed for a second timo bv tho hou!3 of lords. Thov will ngaiti go to tho commons culondnr next, yenr, and ulioii their third passage -will auto- miitieallv becfiino laws under tho provisions of HiO'Veto act. STRIKING MINER KILLED RIOTING AT CALUMET CALUMKT, Mich., Aug. 15. Ono striking copper mfuer is doad todny and two deputy sheriffs are womfiU ed as tho result of rioting last night ,it Sixdiorvillo an Italian miner pot- I tleuiont, near hero. MN QUITS RINDING UNTIL N NOVEMBER 11,164 ACRES OF JACKSON COUNTY TIMBER BOUGHT Butte Creek Property Involved In Biggest Timber Deal of Years- Prospect oft Large Lumber Mill at Medford to Employ Many Men. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 15. Portland inrestorj, whoso names will not bo made public until titles have been passed upon, havo today pur chased 11,1G4 acres of timber land In Jackson county for S 1.485.000. Several parcels of Portland real cs tato will bo Included in tho purchaso price Tho tract contains CG, 000,000 feet of saw timber, comprising fir and pine. This Is probably tbo largest timber deal of the year. Tho property referred to consists of tho Dig Dutto creek timber hold ings of tho Dig fiend Milling Co., ol Hutchison nnd Lumsden, of V. I. Vawter, Ocorgo F. King and others. Tho deal has not been completed, state thoso interested, though near- ing consumatlon. It has been pend ing for somo 'weeks, as havo several othor largo timber transactions in Jackson county. Ono of tho stipulations mado oi tho purchasers is the construction of a largo lumber mill at Medford that will furnish employment to a largo forco of men, conditionally upon n twenty aero slto being fur nished by tho citizens and free watcf for a log pond for tbo first few years. If tho deal is completed. It will mean a great deal to tho city nnd tho valley. CALL PURCHASED SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. lb. Tlio purchiiho of tho Call by tho Chronicle, both newspapers, is an nounced hero todny. Tho owner of tho Chronicle, M. II. Do Young, nu nounced thnt tho Call will suspend publication August 31, nnd thnt the tatter's entire mechanical plant, with office furniture nnd fixtures, will bo sold, except several presses which the Chronicle can use. The Call is nearly fifty-seven yenrs old nnd was owned by John I). Spreokels. Do Young today gave out tho following statement: ''For half a century tho Cnll has been n contemporary nnd competit r of tho Chronicle. It was n groat newspaper when my brother Chnrles mid I founded tho Chrouiclo in ISGj I am grateful that tho steady prog- ress and prosperity of tho Chrouiclo lias been so great that I am able to join tho Call nnd Chrouiclo iu n greater Chronicle. "I pledgo my unswerving and un faltering devotion to tho interests of tho Chrouiclo subscribers in tho fit tare, the same ns in tho past, and welcome the Call readers into tho Chronicle family." LYMAN ASKS WILSON TO FIX UP HIS TEETH LOS ANGKLES, Cal., Aug. 15. Dr. John Grant Lmuiiii held, in tho county jail hero on n swindling chnrge, has renewed today his de mand that President Wilson person ally guaranteo him dental attention. Lyman claims bo is in danger of los ing nil liis teeth and that his jnilors refuse to permit a visit to a dentist. In a 300-word telegram Lyman appeals to tho president through n mixed medium of mythological refor- enco and bombastic phrases to como to his uid. The message isi tlio sec ond tho prisoner bus sent to the president on tlio sumo subject. TAFT NO LONGER CINCINNATI CITIZEN CINCINNATI, 0., Aug. 15. For mer President Tnft hns informed tho tax assessors hero that ho is lont to Cincinnati now as n citizen nnd horenfter will do hia voting at New Haven, Conn. SAN FRANCISCO BY THE CHICLE NO. 125. GOVERNMENT RESTS CASE IN TRIAL OF DIGGS Most Damarjfno Testimony Given by Girl Victims Miss Morris Bares All Details of Escapade Attempt to Get Girls to Perjure Selves. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 15. "Tho government rests." Tbo termination of tho prosecu tion's sido of tbo Diggs white lavo case camo.with startling suddennost a few minutes before noon todny. bpecin! Prosecutors Theodore Roche and Mntt I. Sullivan nnd At torney Robert T. Devlin for Hie de fense, bad carried Miss Lola Norris, Mils Nell Barton nnd Martin Bcns ley, friend of the Warrington nnd Norris families through tho final chapters in the rpindruplo intriguo which resulted in tho indiclmentu against Diggs and Cnminctti. Spared No Details F.ven more composed nnd volubla thai yesterday when sbo bared nvor secret of her illicit entanglement witii Drew nnd Cnminctti, Miss Nor ris todny dottier tho bare, sordid acts to which she admitted with tho revealing relation of motives. Sho seemed even more inrlish thnn yes terday, frequently looking to her fnthcr, who, with a kindly nod of tlio bead, encouraged her to spare no dctnil in ridding herself of her shnmo by Dublin confession. Mnrtin Bcnsley, who has,-throughout tho trial acted as n srl of me diator nnd protector of tho two girU involved, told very simply nnd plain ly how pathotically engcr they were to bo assured that their parent would forgive nnd receive them with open arms, when he, with Chief of Police Hillhousc, discovered tha quartet nt the Reno bungalow."-' Attempt at Perjury Tiic fmslrntiou of tho alleged at tempt of Mnury Diggs nnd his at torney, Chnrles B. Harris of Sacra mento, nt tho last moment to per suade Miss Warrington to pcrjuro her testimony in order to shield Diggs nnd Cnminotti,nftcr their nr rcst, was related by Miss Nell Bar ton, close friend of Marsha War rington. "It is too late," woro tho words ascribed to Miss Warrington by MisV Marlon when she carried the plead ing message of Diggs nnd his nttor uey. "It's too Into. I think moro o my parents than I do of Maury." (Continued on Paso C) E , SALEM, Ore, Aug. 15. In pre paring tho now courso of study for tho high schools of Oregon, State School Superintendent J. A. Church hill haa stvon pupils a greater free dom In solcctlon oveu than was fore casted In tho report of tho commit tee of city school superintendents, ap pointed at a mooting of tho depart ment of superintendents at Portland, last Juuo to outllno a tentatlvo courso of study. Two important Innovations havo been mndo by Superintendent Church hill. Ono is that a pupil who la both mentally and physically strong may comploto a htgbt school course In throo years, Instead ot four, by tak ing five subjects, tho maximum num ber each yoar. Another is that a pupil tuny study muslo outside of school and bo given credit for It aa a part of tbo courso. Under tho proscribed courso, a pupil may earn from ono to throo credits for graduation, In either voc al or Instrumental muslo taken out sldo o( school, provided that tho pupil has spent at least 80 mlnutea in practice or Instruction each day, and that tho principal of tho high school shall bo satisfied as to tha compotoncy of the teachor. .A total ot 1G credits ts rcqulrod for gradua tion. Tho teachers' training course In tho high schools hag beon strength ened In tho now courso by requiring pupils taking It to havo deflnlta teaching practlco and submit written roporta ot each assignment, ' NEW COURS R H SCHOOLS I "ffl T I' 9,