Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 14, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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OKKflON". 'PrniRRDAY, 'AUCWST 1-1, l!)1!t.
rOKTtiAND, Ore, Aug. 14.
ItoguoB nro doing shints In tlio l'cnr
ninrlcot, nnd thorn is nnturnlly much
cxcllomcnt In tho trado from tlio
Atlnntlc to tho Pacific nnil from tho
dull of Mexico to tho Canadian
Itoguo rlvor Bartlett pears sold to
day nt 12.00 n box, f. o. b. Mcdford
tho highest prlco of tho season to
date. Tills prlco wns secured ' for
two carloads of tho fruit from Ore
Bon's premier pear section which
'by tho way means tho best pear grow
ing district In tho world. Tho salo
was confirmed by tho Northwestern
Fruit Kxchango of this city. Ship
ment will bo Hi ml e to a Canadian
city. . -"IKimr
Don't Overstay Market
Notwithstanding all this excite
ment In tho pear trade of tho United
States and Canada at this time, there
nro Indications that soma of tho Pa
cific northwest sections will not find
this good prlco available for tho rea
son that some shippers nro so afraid
to cell that they nro llablo to lead
growers to rofuso business until af
ter nil tho strength of tho trado has
Overstaying a good market is ono
ot tho characteristics of many pro
duce Interests. They Invariably hold
blindly for a higher prlco without
tho slightest conception of what tho
market is going to do or jvhy It is
high or low.
Conditions Fnrorablo
Present prlco for pears Is consid
ered unusually favorablo especially
ns thoy havo received a big cash nd
vnnco on their orders; thus Insuring
them non-acccptanco Bhould tho mar
ket prico go to a low. figuro after
shipment is mado. '
At the samo timo that Ihd North
western Fruit Exchango confirmed
Its order for two carloads of Rogue
river Bartlotts, it llkowiso accepted
an order for ono carload ot Washing
ton Bartlctts at $1.70, shipment to
bo made to tho samo parties. This
differential in prico Is generally con
sidered adequate by tho trado owing
to tho better established reputation
of tho Itoguo river fruit in tho mar
kets of tho world.
PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 14. Ow
inj? lo tho unprecedented demand for
reserved sents for tho Hound-Up
this year, September 11, 12 nnd 13,
tho manngement has been compelled
to add two new sections to the grand
stand in addition to tho two uddi
tionnl bleacher sections which nrc
going up. If the attendance ceps on
the increase unothcr year will sec
tho seating capacity nt the limit and
then it will bo necessary to rebuild
pnrt of tho bleachers, giving tliem
greater height. Tho grnud stand
'will probably bo double decked nnd
then that will bo tho ponitivo limit
of tho seating capacity. Whilo thero
were 50,000 peoplo in Pendleton Inst
year during the Hound Up, the indi
cations nro this year the number will
reach 75,000. For tho accommoda
tion of tho crowds circus tents and
national guard tents are being se
cured nud everybody will, bo cared
for. 'mddUsM
i i m t
Complaint was filed this morning
by Mrs. Vino Odin of Evans creek,
against her husband Vino Abraham
Lincoln Odlu, charging him with
fulluro to uupport his wlfo and chil
dren. Wlillo tho county judgo and
dlbtrict attorney wore Investigating
tho falluro to support charge, what
promises to bo u very ugly caso ot
Incest, was uncovered and a warrant
was Issuod for tho arrest ot tho per
son so charged.
This Is tho third cabc of Incest to
bo prosecuted in tho district slnco
tho first of tho year, ono In Josephine
county whero n father was convicted
ot incest with his daughter, nnd tho
tuso of Ralph Potter bound over to
tho grand jury on a charge ot incest
with his sister.
Curd of Thanks,
To all friends and acquaintances
for their aid, sympathy, and floral
offerings during tho illness and death
of our beloved wlfo and mother. .
WASHINGTON. I). C, Aug. 1 1. -
The birth of ten cnhei hs the buf
falo herd uiniutninoil liv the govern
ment on the Wichita national lmt
and emtio roftiiro. innr Teuton,
OKln., lins been repotted bv tlio gnmo
minion in chnrgo. Tlio lnml now
eoiilnhw a lotnl of fmtyoiglit hcml
of full-blooded huffiilo, or moro
propoily, hi-niii, of wliiolt twenty
smelt lire iiuilm mid twenty-one fo
ninloi. All of the minimis lire in
xplciulid condition.
hi 11)07 the American lii-on nod
dy ilonnled lo the gooin
i it a utu'lctts herd of fifleon uin-
iv tlx wHiih lut tl Imiii hied anil rtnr
od in llto Now York roologionl pink.
The luiimnta uoio ttanspmlod to tlio
Wichita nnlionnl foiosl, which is
iileo u unmu lefiigo uml plnoeil uiulor
tho onto of the i'oiost honioo. Thoy
lemlily nilnploil thciiielu" lo their
now hiihitnl, but tho at on upon
which Ihox' woro plnocd was within
the "ouo affected hy tho Tcmih fo
or lick and liming the two or Unco
venrs following their IrniiHfcr only
the I'oo'ilni't caro mid wati lifuliioxt
of llio furoMl oflii'Ot'H punonloil llio
I'liiiiptolo lo8H of tho herd,
Tho fact Unit tho hcnl Inm uol
inctoiiHcd iiioio inpltllv is line lingo
ly to tho luopoiitloiiuico oT niiilo
ciiIvch. This cliaiiiclofiHlio of llio
huffiilo is mo p loiitiniiood in nil of
llio hotiU now in captivity Hint it
cow is considered twice im wilunlilo
us u hull.
With Mcdford trndo Im Mcdford iiindo
HKATTI.I!, WiihIi., Aug. II. Ilur
old Million, iiiopilotor of u niuiiiig
pit (tlio theater hcic, Iiiih Iiccii lutiid'
cd thu palm of Kcnlllc inolhoiM, Hal
Ioii'm llii'iilrf Im In tint icnIiIcmIIiiI
hocIIoii and much piiltoiilycd hy
iiiollioiH or imtMi! ghlrt Mho hihig
hiiiiiII bullion lo Hid moUli Imiiwt with
tliciii, livery tliiio a Imliy hcgnii In
cry llio uinllioi' or iiuiHti wiih iihIumI
lo Ionic, lliillou ulwayii tol'nnili'il
the iuoiii'v, Now llullon hurt lutil
huilt along one hMc of (III) Willi II
IniKO gliiMt Ii'Iohi'iI loom In uhliili
IiiollioiH Mini iiiiixcm cnti lulu) thu
uoUy hnhlcri anil Nlill mi'ii llio pin.
mHflHHHNK iiewKstnSIJBBBFKwfi'wv riiiWPHtwTM-friKJB HnRrfiKHrwHHHBQui ise)leVsssBB9s9HBBBleaw--
Shb IBB Hi mmt Jm Wf Hk
(While the Supply Lasts)
FREE To Every Purchaser. oHOc Worth of'PIPER HEIDSIECK" Chewing Tobacco
This is the most remarkable FREE offer ever
made with tobacco. Possible only because it is
desired to acquaint more tobacco users with the
greater satisfaction to be found in chewing
"PIPER HEIDSIECK" and because the manufactur
ers of the "DANDY" wish to introduce quickly
their wonderful new Safety Eazor.
vslS?-TvXi 3PI.
-v flS??y7jS9EB
1 I'mmmMmm
BBBBmWi wiiiiiii n'Miiimfnwmn"nrwi Trr- -v"immmnxwmmwmmwminimQwmmmvwmmmwmmmnt hsihim ipm !! ww
Every man needs a good Safety Razordon't
miss this opportunity to obtain, FREE, a Safety
Razor that the Traut & Hine Manufacturing
Company recommends and at the same time get
acquainted with the finest chewing tobacco in
the world. (Only one razor to each, customer.)
CHEWING TOBACCO Champagne Flavor)
The rich, wine-like -flavor that distinguishes "Piper Heidsieck" from
iij-i i j i j i c i i iPn i t
an omer enews, never lans to maive a lrienu, uucause iu iiuiy scmsjies
the taste. There is solid satisfaction in every chew of "PIPER
Heidsieck" that is why it has more friends today than any
other high-grade chewing tobacco in the world.
A chew of this clean, sweet, ripe and mellow tobacco
lasts longer than a chew of cheap tobacco that does
not satisfy. For that reason "PIPER HEIDSIECK"
is the most economical tobacco to use. . You
are not obliged to keep taking fresh chews
in order to get the right taste. "PIPER
Heidsieck" is sold everywhere, in 5c
cuts and up also in handy 10c tin boxes.
If you have never chewed tobacco,
right now is the time to learn that a
chew of "Piper Heidsieck" will afford
more soothing comfort and genuine satis
faction than you can get from tobacco
in any other form!
Go today to any dealer displaying Free Offer sign in window, or you
may be disappointed. Dealers have only a limited supply of these FREE
Salely Razors, and cannot obtain more. Get 10 cents worth of "PIPER
HfclD51fc.J&," and aslc the dealer tor a "JJAIN1J Y " Safety Razor, FREE. U
in niiiwwixiJi ji . i nn nrr mi n i i NMiuMMmpMHHMwaMMHaii
NOTICE TO DEALERS-Wo want every dealer In Mcdford to be supplied with Piper HeldaiecK Razors and to taKo advantage ofthla special offer. All
dealers who hove not already been supplied may secure a supply by calling up C. C. Boas at Hotel Medford between O and 8 p. m. Thursday evening.