PAGE TWO. MEDFORD MATT', TRIUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON1". THlTRSnAY, AUGUST 1., mill. Wi IOCALAND, I i- PERGONAL Monibor of tlio Jotsonhlno unit JnckHun comty Minder Horosdiocrs' UKROCIntlon nml their families will nlcnlo In tlio grove nt Roriio lllvcr on SnturilnVf August 10, and for that reason tholr lilnckimiltli shops will bo closed nil tiny Saturday. Tlio evfliitfollsllo mectlnKS nl tlic tent Idxtli nnl Oakdato nro very In torostliiR. Tlio subject 1'rlduy oven Ins wlll bo "From Dnrroom to the Pulpit." ' rroiluccrB Fruit ou. una just re colvod h largo shipment of 1 lb. nml lb. tin top berry baskets, and enn fill orders In any quantity. Wo also havo on hand a largo supply of the celebrated "Security" orchard lad dcrn In nil sites. New fall HUltlupR, brocades, cloak ing. Also now fall trimmings, orna ments nnd buttons. Moo & Co. 129 T. tj. Taylor, loft Tuesday morning to drive ills flno imclng horse King Heal, In his races on the North l'acl fie Circuit. Drs. a. It. nnd I.oulso K. Hedges, chiropractors nnd mcchnnn-thcraplsts nro now located over Doucl & Co Phono 170. " W. Hurt Hamilton of San Jose. owner of tlio Hamilton orchard at Kaglo Point was n Medford visitor Thursday. A. A. Alklns returned Tuesday from a fivo weeks marketing trip for tho Golden Itnlo. Ho was In St. Louis, Chicago, Iloston, New York nnd all tho other market centers and purchased largo stocks for fall and winter. Mme. Dowd Jeffcrs formerly of 1'ortlnnd will open tho Now York parlors for hair dressing, manicuring nnd massaging in tho storo room next to tho post office, tho old tele phone building. $3,000 occldont nnd life tnsuranco for $10; $52S0 for J1V.D0. Sco Holme, tho lnsurauco man. .Mrs. James T. Uuckley of Apple gato wns n Medford visitor Wednes day. John Kdsall, formerly of nig nutto is In the valley. Ho la located In Klamath county. Wirt Peel nnd hU family of Kaglo Point district drovo to Medford Wednesday. Mrs. E. Hand of Jacksonville Is visiting relatives residing in Kancs creek district. Kodak finishing, oest In Wwn, nt Weston's. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. IanJoy of Jncksonvlllo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wednesday. Sir. nnd Mrs. Frank Nethcrland of I)utto Falls wcro with their .Med ford friends Wednesday afternoon. W. J. ltodgcrs nnd Peter Van Har denborg of Sams Valley transacted business in Medford Wednesday. Thos. C. NorrU has returned from Douglas county, whoru ho spent sev eral weeks in developing a quartz nilno. Crater Lake pictures ,a book it 12 pictures, hand colored, tho flncit ever inado of tho lake, for salo at Gcrking & Harmon's studio. Call nnd eco them. 22S East Main street, phono 320-J. tf Judge I. G. Klmbnll of Washington, D. C, who Is connected with tho U. S. government, arrived In Medford Wednesday. Fred Straubo and his family ami Col. George P. Mlms of Willow Springs district were of tho many In Medford Wednesday. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any tlmo or placo by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Mrs. J. M. Forest of Yroka. Cal., nrrlvcd In Medford during tho week and Is tho guest of Mrs. II. N. Mill lln. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Hlglubotham of Knnes creek district inado n trip to Medford Wednesday. G. A. Gardner, county clerk, inado u trip to Ashland Wednesday. A. P. Fulkerson of Portland, who has been visiting Earl Mlnenr, left for homo Wednesday evening. Mrs. II, T. McCallcn passed through Medford Wednesday on bur way to llosebiirg on u visit. Fruit treo props Medford Ltor. Co. Mrs. Chnuiicuy Floroy, Mrs. O. Ul rlch and her daughter, Miss Flcutn, of Jncksouvillo, snout Wednesday afternoon In Medford, AH Odd Follows nnd Rehukuhs nro requested to moot at I. O. O. F. hull Friday, August IGth, at 7 p. in. to go to- Contra! Point whoro tho local team will confer tno Inltlury degreo Itobckahs will bo entertained at tlio Y, M. C, A. building. Conveyances will bo nt hall, JJy order of Noblo Grand, O. W. Howard. 124 Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS X.AQT ASWISTAJTS Day Phono 227 Nteht P. W. Weeks 18D-J-2 Plumes A. E. Orr 078-M Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Clay nnd tliolr niece returned Wednesday u pnlng. from n Hip to Stownrt's Springs, Cnl, J. J. Murphy, Julius Hart nnd other residents of Ashland wore In Medford Wednesday. ' P. K. Evans, manager of tho Wood Lumber Co., mndo Medford i IuibI iicsh visit Wodnosdny. H. H. Nye of Hock Point district transacted bushiest! in Mcdturd Wodnostlny afternoon. (loorgo E. Sanders nnd A. C. Hough of OrnnjB Pass wore In Medford on lognl buslnoss Wednesday. PdRtmnstor Ousoy, J. M. Wngnor nnd F. G. MeWtlllanis of Ashland tarried In Medford u whllo Wodnos dny. Tho finest studio In southern Ore gon has boon opened by Gcrking & Harmon nt 223 East Main street, first stairway east of Star theater. Our work Is always tho best, views of nil kinds for bale. Tho best of kodak finishing. Negatives mndo any tlmo or plnco. Phono 320-J. tf J. W. Sllngor of Lake crook nnd R. II. llradshaw of Rrownshoro dis trict spout Wednesday In Medford. Mrs. Scott Davis returned from a visit In tho southern part of tho vnl loy Wednesday afternoon. Screen doors Medford Co. Prof. G. W. Ager nnd W. W. Estes woro up from Tnlont Wodnosdny, ns also was W. Agor of Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. McCIendon. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Why bark nnd Law rence Cardwoll motored to Medford from Gold Hill Wednesday. David H. Cronenilller and O. lllen venuo of Jacksonville spent Wednes day In Medford. William Mansfield of Tolo and F. H. Fnrrar of ltay Gold were of Med ford's visitors Wodnosdny. Harry Von der Ilcllon of Wellen nnd G. J. Wnddel of Prospect tran sacted business in Medford Wednesday. nrooms Ask your dealer for the product of the Ashland factory. W. G. Egglcston of Onkland and G. neigh of Mnrshfleld arrived for a short stny In Medford Wednesday. J. D. MIckle of Portland, state dairy and food commissioner. Is In Medford on an educational mission. Hlngllng's advertising cars passed through tho valley recently, which In dicates that (he big circus will not perform hero ns usual. William Puhl of Central Point, ac companied by his family nnd Mrs. Coulter of Jacksonville, spent Thurs day nftcrnoon in Medford. Miss Mnrlon II. Towno nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Carey of Phoenix woro with Medford friends Wednesday. Walter Dungey nnd It. M. Dungan of Gold Hill wcro In Medford tho forepart of tho week. Luko Ryan, a prominent business man of Jacksonville, spent n. few hours In Medford Wednesday nftct-noon. C. M. and Mlnnus Pcnco nnd tholr families camo down from Trail creek Wednesday to nttcud tbo wild west show. II. O. nrattaln of Paisley, II. E. Van Ness of Eugene nnd L. G. Faulk ner of Chlco, Cnl., nro recent arriv als In Medford. W. E. Hnmmoll, S. H. Ilarnish nnd Ed CIngcndo of Englo Point district mndo a trip to Medford Wednesday, Mrs. It. n. Rcamo, C. S. Sander son and several other Contral Point- ors were Medford visitors Wcdncs day afternoon. Charles If. Range and his dough ter. Cora, wcro of tho many over from Jucksonvlllo Wednesday after noon. E. T. Hutli wns In from his ranch on Iloguo rlvor Wednesday, accom panied by his daughters, who will attend school, Wednesday. Judgo J. It. Nell, E. Conger and Hurry Luy of Jucksonvlllo tarried a few hours In Medford Wednesday. Edward It. Cardwoll and his fam ily of Fort Klamutli wcro In Medford Wednesday. They are visiting ut Gold Hill, which was tliolr former borne. George N. Smith nnd E. I). Hose of Yunkco creek woro In Medford Wednesday, nccompanli'd by Mrs. Worcester of Topoku, Kan., who is n slstor or the latter and Mrs. Smith, and is paying them a visit. Mrs. 11, Harris, who has boon con ducting tho Oxford rooming house, houso has sold out to MIsh Until and left for Hend, Wednesday to Join her husband, who has u claim near thoro. Mr. SMkens, one of tlio proprietors of tho Golden Utilo, and Miss Wilbun, a bulosludy In tho htoro, havo re turned from n goods buying trip to New York and other markets. Robert Catdn arrived in Medford Wednesday and wont to Phoenix to visit his father, Capt. Milo Caton, and other rolatlves. Ho is In tho employ of tho Owens Lumber compuny in Pacific county, Wash. Tho scourugo of Infantile paraly sis which lias been prevailing ut Dunsmulr, Cal,, Is under control. Thero are blx cuuca thoro now und soino of tho children will not recover lubldo of n your. Tholr homes nro under strict quarantine. Slater Johnson of tho Yankee creek orchards returned Thursday from a three month's visit in eastern CHICAGO SWIMMER AFTER NEW 200-YARD RECORD R; EnHk i' WW WMLif.JXr' Miohnel .Mrl)ermoU of tho 111! nois Atlilotie oluh oC Chicago, Amor ion's champion ami record holder in hrenmt stroke swimnitiip, will iittrmpt to orontc n new 'JOO-yunl tttnmliir.l nt the water carnival to lie held ut Put-in-Hay, Ohio, on Ausut -", -S nnd -0, in ooniicotiou with the I'orry centennial celebrations, ami oiifi- ileuco Ml t licit he i'l succeed in the iimlcrtakin?. The youtij; westerner has hclterod the WnsMc fisiiros sovenil times nl rendv in the jt, nml lie is now moving fnsler than oxer. It is u foregone ooncluxioii that lie will rapture the eeutrnl i,hnmpioiiliii title, nt slnke in tlio ('einiiij: event, nml if comlitioiis nru not unfavor able there is no doubt that he will lower the oicii water mark now ob taining. MeDonuott, nlthoimh but twenty years old. Iins been tlio toer of our bresvt stroke swimmers sinoe 1010, nml competed for this country at the Stockholm Olytnnics, ilcfontin many Of the lending Kuropenu eraoks. lie is n stocky, jxiwerful young nliilete, siuniliiig o feci (P2 inches, uud weighing 100 ounds. STOLEPHOTOGRAPH OF SAN FRANCISCO, Cal , Aug. II. "A debauch of bosh,' wns tho way Fred Sexton, a hotel eierk, bore to day denounced tho criticism voiced by Portland nnd Los Angeles women at tho posters of Miss Emma Do'Vo- lasco, queen of the coming porlola, advertising tho celebration. Sexton liked the pictures ho well Hint ho ad mitted today ho had fallen In love so madly with the original that ho broko into n btudio ami stole thirteen photographs of tho jKirtola queen. Ho Is held on a burglary charge. "Persons criticising thoso pos ters," said Sexton today, "belong to tho stono age. You cannot expect thorn to appreciate real art." MEDFORD MOISTS E Dr. and Mrs. J. J. KinmeiiH anil Mr. nud Mrs. C. SI. Kuld linve re turned from a tea ilu.v' ouo-llioiis-aml-mile unto trip, including visit ing (Jrntor Luke. Kliimutli Falls, tlio Sacramento valley, Trinity, Kurekn and Orescent City. Thoy report a delightful time, not oven a puncture on the trip. The party liad a nar row cscapo in Humboldt county at night from going over a precipice twenty feet into the Ik'l river, a county bridge having been moved ami no fence placed to hlml off the old iond or indicate the change in localities. Tho unto was stopped wiliiin n yard of (ho embankment. George E. Sanders of Grants Pass, who has been reorganizing the Golden Drift Mining company and other de funct concerns, and formed the Rogue River Public Service corporation, has roturned from Chicago and Indiana- polls, with tho promise of speedy ac tion by the now concern In largo de WILEY ASSERTS RIB IT WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 l.Ad drofcslng five hundred HtiffrnKcttcH hero Dr. Hnncy Wiley, Torinor fed eral puro food export, declared ho had exploded tho tale that woman iiprung from Adam's rib. "lllologlcal study refutes tho story." said Wiley. "Them Is no Monro In phslology that woman an appendaso of any luulinh' mis'o skeleton. 1 am convinced that woman sprang from thovsnino bio plasm ns man." Mr, Emma DoVoe or Washington, president of tho Natl'inal Suffrage Council, presided nt tho meeting. She said: "In my stato women at tho polls uro Heated respectfully. I never lieaid of babies being neglected ovon on iK'cllou dny." , NINE MINERS KILLED jw wm T HARRIMAN LINE CLIFTON, Arls.. Aug. 1 1 - Nino men woro Instantly killed und three seriously Injured when an ore cur dropped down a 3000 foot grade nt the Coroundo mine, near hero Into estorday, according to Information brought hero today. One of tho tu'Jurod men may din. ' Tho dead Include Engineer Shlor for, formerly or Denver, nnd two other Americans. Tho others Mexi can and Italian laborers. AMERICANS FLEEING FROM T0P0L0BAMP0 WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 1. The navy supply ship (llucier, wilh Amer ican refugees aboard, is en route to day from (limjnuis, .Mex., for Sua FrauoiM'o, neeoriUng to nihicos re ceived hero today. She will take more Americans alumni nt Topolo bumpo. A conservation movement has been started in China, said to bo richer in natural resources than any oilier nation. The Chiiu'-o use the word "oom-orvnncy'' in-dend of con servation. Ono of their plans fur the Ihvni river contemplates dredg ing ami tilliiKO together to control flood. . PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. II. President,!. 1. Fanoll, vice president uud General Miiiiiihoi' J, P, O'llrlcTT, and other offlclnls of tho O. W. It Vt N, company hold a conference hero to discuss tho purchase of now equip ment for tho tut i-IB. " Prosl dent Farrell stated that tho growth of now business will wnrraiit tho pur chase "of at least I MM) now freight cars, In addition to ttie 101)0 now' be ing delUered. Tltltt will lopresetil an oxpeiidltiiro of $1,51)0,000. ' Twenty-two locomotive, costlnK jr.00,000 hae alreiulv bueu dellveii d this, ye,r. aged today utter tho cnurmi iqieut five bonis dismissing tho administration currency bill, With tho administration measure attacked In tho cuuctm by dumoorati who nook to wrlto tho inuoudiuout giving tho farmer utlriency on eroui, 'Pi'iuililitiil t iImiiii Imtnv lurOtiiil ii statement committing himself to tho rural credit legislation at tho next session. Ho said Hit) luntlor could not bo adequately handled In tho present hill ami separato machinery for tho han dling ut rural cimllta should liu es tablished, After tho day's discussion tho In surgents were confident they would secure tlio amendments providing money for farmers. 10 ;T SOME DIAZ POSTPONES VISIT; MAY HE UIVEN UP hi... i i ' VANCOHVHIl, l. 0. AUG. II. After iiiossiihoii from Mexico City had been lecelved mill Interpreted InsL night, lloiunal Follx lilac cuuhimI It to ho officially uuiioiiurud that bo would not sail today for Toltlo but Instead would erosa Canada to Quo bee, nailing from thoio October 21 nsil going ft Toklo vlu St. PiitoiH burg. Inroiinallon from uihmIiij nf Of party, however, Is to tho oHoul (lint the proitot.ud visit to Japan bus bami entirely ctiucolled, nnd lifter lslts to llanff, Winnipeg, Toronto and Mon treal, General Dhu and his puity will icturii to Mevlio City. i WASHINGTON, Aug. tl Scire tar J McAdoo today couferied with a delegation of coast bankers regarding tho distribution or a $fiO,uio,o00 crop stringency fund. Ho Is ex pected to announce details of his plan this arcnlug. FINANCIAL AID TO FARMERS IN FALL WASHINGTON, Aug II -Democratic Insurgents on tlio currency question declared themselves oncoiir- ISIS XilEATRE Photo I'lujs Today Duly A (.AM 111,1 1 WITH DEATH lllogruph NONU ItlllD OF, THE NOltTII A Patriotic Civil War Drama PISA ITALY AND IIS Cl'ltlOI.S .MOM'MENT Travelog CONSECRATION OV A lll'DDIIIST PRIIWT ALL ON ACfOt'NT ()!' A PORTRAIT Edison Comedy Here Toiiiorniv THE STRt (R.'LE in U Reels No. 5 of the llt'llmln Series EXCURSION TO COLESTIN SUNDAY AUGUST 17th Via (ho 1&M& 2 U Wf SUNSET OGDEH&bMASTAI ROUTf-S 1 . ' V1, ' OVS&,; LCl Special Train Loavos MEDFORD AT 8:4C A. M. and will slop at all points IipIwcph (rants P:ihs and Ashlautl K'" "l,(l nluniiii. KOUNI) TRIP FARE FROM MFDFORI) . . . SI. 10 Cnrrvspontliiii,' low fairs from other points. You will enjoy the ritle and ( away from the heat and dust. Daui'iiu,', Hon lall, Shooting (lallery, Swings and Hand Music. Steel coaches and oil humility loeoniotive.s. JOHN M. SCOTT, Gonoral Paasongor Agont .JmJJJJmJ Big Week End Specials M. M. DEPARTMENT TORE (Successors to Mcokor's) LADIES' LOW SHOES .'.r0 Palfjut Oxfords 92.08 jjiD.OO Patent Oxfords $2.50 $2.r0 I'atont Oxfords. ... ?1.0S CHILDREN'S SHOES Tan or Two-Strap. r i S si.e.i $1.40 8'. to 11 size .' $l.(JO lHaio2 8izo $1.70 Full lino of Jim Metal and Patent Leathers, specially priced. LADIES' WASH DRESSES ijilJ.) and $1.50 Dresses 08tf !2.'jr Dresses $1.00 $2.7f Dresses $1.08 Fast colom and well made. A. r r t f r r T f x f ? f T T ? V ? ? f ? f ? t T T t f t t t T t f t V HOME OP V McCALL V PATTERNS V T T I BOYS' KNEE PANTS f'orduroy, special 50 "Woolen Tweed, special 50 Dig assortment of sizes. 0 001) CAL ICONS, yard 5 TOWELING Mill-end Linen Crash Toweling, usually sold at JL" ANelc-MiKl Halo 8 LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Are boiiu? closed out just J lull! Price. $10.00 Suits ,...,...:. $ 5.00 $20.00 Suits $10.00 All'sizes and colors. ONYX SILK HOSE Colors or black, seamless linen heel and toe . , : .-. 08, m$ SUMMER LAWN WAISTS to Closo Out $l.'2f AVaists 50 $li.OO Waists i)S(f $:j.f)0 Waists $IviO I est values you have ever seen. BALKAN BLOUSES Trimmed red or blue, made of heavy twilled (lalatea OS We have an extra low price on BLEACHED SHEETINGS 8-1, 0-1, 10-1, best qualities 2J, 20.28 LACE CURTAINS Special prices that are worthy of your cousjdur alion. Embroidered Nets or Scrims :. $2.25 to $5.00 MEN'S SUMMER HATS Arc being closed out', values up to Trie and $1, at i: SILK MESSALINES All shades, 27-inch Messaliue, extra value, usu ally,H0ld $1.00 Week-I'lnd Sale 8fty Men's Hoavy Ribbed OVERALLS Full cut, a big value, pair 75 V M. M. Department Store "GOOD GOODS" A ? ? T ? V y y . f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y y y y y y " V CORSETS ! E. & O. A X i states. velopment work. ' , u - .-x