v w , OT,T)FOUP MATT TRrnTmTD, MEDFOTIP, ORKdON, WMDNKHnAY, 'AUGUST IK, lOIH. TVT Jeff Ought to Cheat Somebody and Trade His Head for a Brussels Sprout By "Bud" Fisher .h .NOliVlTrtCKIM' Via NtOft(av VNLUlcy 1ovte AU. X. UCT 0 r.fj "UA'PriJiwD ........ txxyTrtiiaubi! wvr ul! i'w uMw;v.f you mm VJUU.V'IDLU rMsyi-rpMo. BC LUEWl'K..lMU( SfVf If OM IwMfvT HOB.V, Iftf.ua i ytwu t. vji.". WMW GorT U'or Aa . CV 1 " l'u Vou juvr So i want voy To feo in m?,c;7, ; r.vWNNA 3UT tMI'!OWJCS ON COT VIlTM rv 1 OCT IT CN -, SlO IT, OIOMT CAN'T TOUU, HOUJGMMO Ml&HT Vi(M , AT TMfCr! On- R, ON. (fR.- A to WIN "MOUjefAAlD". T COuLOCVT SftV PHUtj AtlToirieTTtfj u - llli.lijl I la . ... M..-' You? ri'MTUU) miiuirtiii ik J WOROi-THAT" THGR.G YOU AIV.G. v " k Nv "i v;gll Dip Vou ) Gvrr it on? J r J 17 "7 1J III sSt WA77na v(sfeLvyo-i3a fw In I faH gggg s&. fiKSaWn 4.1 KSf OIlMINANCi: NO. 77i. All iirilliiiimo iiiiidiiiIIiik orilliiiiiico No. CI3 of ttm city or .Mmlfonl, by nililliii; thcrulo unci lull Vi tint miiiiu IiuIiik mi oritliiiinro to iirovlilo for tin) iimttiiilloii or rlri'H mill thn pro IimUdii or iicmoiiH niiil iroturty oii ilaiiunritd tlioruli)'! to ri'ttulntu tint (iniHinirtltiii, nltumtloii mill rnp:ilr or IhiIIiIIiikn mill to I'ttiil'IMi flro llmltn In Hut clly or Mmiroril, Oiokoii, Tito city or Mi'ilfonl itolli onlnlu an rollowH! Tlmt onlhimiio No. 13.1 or thn city or Mnitforil tin. noil tlio mimii Ih lu'rf liy iiiiiiiiiiti'il i" iiiIiIIiik thcroto dcr tlou qu. tin) Mutuo to nmil an follewM: Ktfiitluu ''. n uliall In) imluwful fur any immoii, ivmuiiH, flmt or cor tiorntlon, to nrurt, ciiiiHtriirtloii, or IhiIIiI, nny iiuriiiniiont dwollliiK Iioiiko or otlior liiillillUKi within thn ror liontto 1 1 in It of thn nalil city or Mi'il fonl, without (Irnl Inn Inn inniln writ ten iiiillimtton to Hid city ro order tor iK'tinlMlon (n roimtrnrt nihIi ilwi'lllni: Ikiiihii ur otlmr biillilliiv:. mill uliliiiut Imvlim flmt rocolvml from tliu city rwnnlor wrlttuti nr tnluliiii to tontitriirl ur ururt micli Inilliltni! or ibw'tlliiK hoinio. Kucli np pllr.UIon miiKt tin Hlmicil by tliu kt hoii, firm or oftknr or iiKunt, If n coriornton. or micli coriiorutlon, iln Mlrlnit to iTi-ct or coiiHtrtict mirli biilliljiiR or ihwtlliiK Imiihc, nml hIiiiII iliow tliu iimno or III ii Mtrcut mul the tot or ilncr rlpl Inn of tin propurly upon nblrli tliu biiiihi In to liu nrcctcil. Ulniii mirli nppllcutlon tlio city ro conlur Mbull UhOd tlio nppllcnnt, tri't' or ilntrKo, n wrliion porinlt to ciitiHtriK't or iTirt Hiirh Inillillmt, Tlio rorcKolm; onlliiHticn pnnm-il by tlio city romicll or tlio city ot Mmlfonl on tlio r.th tiny or AiiKimt, IS 1.1, by tint followlMK vetu: I'lirlor. a); Mltclinll, nye: Htow nrt. nyo; Canipboll, nn; Miller, nyo, ami KiiininnrvUlo, ulmont. Approval AmtiiKi r.th. torn. v. v. nirniiT. Atti'Kt: Mil) or. K. T. VOHA, Itvcnnlor. rtTV Tiii:.st!iti:ii'ri mitici:. Notlco Ik hurcby kUoii that tlmru n r fiuiilH on limn! In tlio city tronn ury for tho rcilciniitlon of tliu follow In i: warrnntH: Warrant No. 107, Walcr Main lin provpnujnt lu tttt No, '.'. Warrant No. I, 'J, '1, t, U ami 0 Wnlnr .Main lniprooniont I 'mul No. 4. WnrranlH 11(1 mul 117, Wator , Main' liiiprnvitntc-nt Knml No. 3. lntorot on tlioabovo arrantH WII ii'iixo after ilnto or DiIh notlco. D.iIimI AmtiiMt 12, tot:t, (ll'H II. HAMUKI.H, Cty TrraMiror. NOTK'i: l'Olt WOOD 1IIIIS. Tlio city council ot Mo Until, Oro Kon,, will rurolvo ncnluij blili, t a next roKiilur nicotine, At.Ktist 10th, mm, ror tho piirchamt ur about kov-onty-flvo (7B) or inoro, cpriU ot rirat clnnH Doily 1'lr Wood. In (our root liniKtliB, ili)lvnri)l In Mmlforil. All lililu mutt bo filed with mo at my offko In tho city hull nut Inter than C 1', M, Tucmlny, AiiKURt llKli, 11)13. KI.MKIl T. KOas, Itiiconlur ot tlio city ot Modfuril, Uro. Datoil AiiKint 71b, 1013. r-TTi-in v ih"- L-?a3s;ti. m; - r .zr -rrs l'Olt Itli.VE 1 UltNIHIICI) AITS. KOll ItKNT KurnlHhod npiirlmunts, Tho lltirliou, 10 Qtilnco Ht. KOIt HWNT KiirnlHlied Iioiiho ImopliiK rouniH, Light, unu, UUI :. Uth Ht. 137 Worth While Wo huvo party who wantn to buy i room moilorn Iioiiko, cun nuiliif iiooil flrtit payiuyiit; prlco must hu rliiht. AIho Imvo party to buy 20 to 40 nrruH Hiiltiihlo fur dairy with boiiio alfalfa ur land unliable ror nlfairu; prlco iniibt bo ruanoiialilo. IIiiiiiIii for Ciikli 100 ncroH timber 3 nilltrn from Cloltl Hill! OHtlinutml IVi o 2 lullllmi fuel rnny tlmbnr nml 0000 cord luiril wood, Krlco cut to flgOO for quick nctlmii pimlly wcirjli twlco thU amount, , iiKjS'Nirrr INVr.HTMi;,ST CO, ix)ii hi:m iiuunicn i()?rTiT:NT t)u "hTuj: Y'oMMooii"! hoiimi ntn !ood iinrden tract, now In truck ami fruit. M. A. Itmliir. l'Olt HICNT Lnrijo ulcepln roomi, and modern hnui",kt,oiiiiK npnrt tui)fitn, irleo very rcnnouablo. J'lionit 1020-h. 223 Bouth Molly mrcot. l'Olt I113NT KiiriilMliutl Iiohho, 730 W. lllliBt. J KOll HK.NT Hovcii-room hoimo and fle-rooin nparliiiciit, tuoderii, $12.ri0 each, vrutur paid. Colonnl II. II. UnrKont. 13S l'Olt IlKNT - & room modern Iioiiko, nlth tmlh, 112.50 por month. I'hoiui l.ouls Ilonuett. 80-J-t. 123 h"Olt 1U3NT 3-rooincd modern bun Kiilow, novor occupied, all con vonlcnccn, cln.o In. 3-roouicd hotini), ulono In. J. T. Iliiriu, 417 Jay Ht phono 101-lt. Off S. Ouk dalo. KOll ItK.NT Kiirnliibcd Iiounii, strictly inuiluru clono In. 3 or -I rooniri. Phono 3GS-J 78-lt. l'Olt HAUC MIHCKIilAMCOUH IXilt QUICK HAI.i: HiiKcra motor cycle Hide car, troy, nuw, 30; Wliiclnmlcr, 12 uniiKo autniiiiitlo ifliot nun. nuw, IK,; Wliiclieti)r rurblnu rlflu 2S-3ri, Lyman Ii,,IiIh, now, I'xtrni. $15; new 0 It. p. 2 pyrin Dull ult kuhi'UkIuo mid 12 ft. linlt, G In, will liurn dlKlllnlo, koro tieno, etc., uiauueto and bntterloM, S ISC. uolKht oOll llix., r.u'arantecd, llox f.Ol Mcdford or MoulKouiery llounti injur depot. 123 KOll HAM; -1 lent Jorxoy cow In tho Mtate. Jiihi frcwh. M. Walih, 11th and Holly Hm. 129 KOll SAM. Mood heavy team work ImrtcH. Jaiuu4 Campliull, KIiikk 11 lh way. 121 KoirSAT.Kcr..OO Wilcox & (llbliti . HowliiK Machine In perfect condi tion for 1-0. J. II. I.yona, l'lioe nlx, Ore. l'Olt HAI.I...Kull blinded Jiimcy row, 8 )car old, Kcntlo nml kooiI mlltjcr, $75.00. JauoH llroa., Capi tol Hill. KOll 8AI.I2 Klvo paKHiniKcr niiio, In Itood condition, recently ovur baiilcd, now I Iron. A 1i.uk"Iu at 1D0. llox !:. n. Mull Tribune. c'Oll HAI,i: Largo, tlnn )oiiiik team with heavy wiikoii and harmiKH. Colonol II. II, Harr.cnt. 13S KOll HAL10 Loooo lent lodpor aya tPniD, any itylo ot anndo to order by tho Mall Tribune blndorr. l'Olt HALL'Chonp, tho bunt camp wiikoii In tlio west. Thoa, lluunn on fair grounds. 12 5 Oil aALMThrco rPKlstorod A. J. O. t), Jomey cows and two high Krndo Jornoy cowb. Joliu U. Hair, Uoguo Illvnr. Oro. 124 KOll 8AM0 Motorcycle Indian. 2 apcod, well onulppcd, extra tlrcii. $220, Jordan llroa., Ashland. 12$ KOll HALE Letter hoafla and fancy atatloiifiry, prlntnd, engravoi! or omboaiod, aa you nUh at tho Mall Trllnmo. KOll BALK Ohoap, Imported 1'er churou Htnlllon, can bo kooii at 13. K. Hmltlt'u Btablcs, Ashland, Or. 128 KOll 8ALK I'lcklliiK cucumbprn, al Hlxca. I'hniio 80'J, 141 WHY? It thorn Is a bargain In Ileal lCu tnto In nny djutrlct tho real uutato man thoro who Iiiih boon u llvo ngout knowa of It, . It ho kuowa valticij and la oxporluucod In tho buuliiosa ho can auvo hla ouatomura tluio mid moiioy. To know tho boat buy and huvo It optlonnl at tlio bottom prlco a my utock In trade, Hutlaflvd puatouiera Ih my piild-up bualuufla pulley, What huvo ou to oxcIiiiiiroT Wutoh my bullullii board In front of tlio Klrat Natuiiul bunk und avo mo, J, O, IIAIIM'il, I'hoiiu jay.j, Klrai Nu ',1 on ul Dunk bldf. l'Olt HUNT OVVWKH KO H ilizsi Lar goTo to f o r t a b I o o r flro rooma with elevator arlco, atanm boat, hot and cold water. Low rutna. Apply Mod ford Kurnl turo & Hdw. Co. KOll IIKNT KUHNIHIIKII HOOMH KOll ItKNT NIcV cool '' rooms' nt "tho 'Coleman,' 1005 W. Main. Phono D04-J. 125 roil hi:nt iioiihi:ki:i:i'i.u ItOO.MH KOll IU:nT Hulto of nlcp ruriilfc'Kid bniiiiiikfopliig room. Hath, gn. lower rioor. 720 W, I lib HI. MIST LOST Pair ot pyo Klr.ae. flndor ploahu return to thin office.'- LOST Kox hound bitch, lolurlilack mid tnu. while brunit Atiawera to iiamo of Pepper. Howard for Information IcadliiK to recovery of rnnio. Chaa, Ullchrlat, Ha ma Val ley. Oro. 124 I'OUM) KOUND Kur robo. Owner may have anmo by proving property and paying for notice. 122 rou kali: .eni:.uii: KOll SAM 120 ncrea. $35.00 por ncro, 40 ncrca In cultivation, llox 25 Tribune. 124 KOll HAM: A email farm with largo barn without dwelling, with in ten mliiiitcM of pout office, church, achool, court liouao, hotol. railroad ilejiot. Prlco thlrty-flvo hundred dollara $(3500.00), halt cukIi, balancn on caay terms to ault purchaser. I aold halt of this farm for alx thouaaud dollara ($0000.00) In building Iota. This la no gold brick, but a gold mine. AtlilrcuM J. T. Taylor. Jr., Princess Anno, Md. 120 WANTItl' .SITUATIONS TltAIN:i)"Nt'USB"-i"olio imiaKou, Into of Texas. 738 W. 11th Ht. 121 WANTHI) flood Jnpancso boy wants altitntlon to do housework by tlio hour. Phono 125. 13S iii:lp wantkij malic WANTKIJ 25 men for work on roads, trails nml clearing tin dead and down timber In tho Crntor Lake National Park. $3.50 per uny of H lioura. Hoard Jiiay bo bad at $5.50 por week. Ileddlng mmit bo furulahod. Apply tit park hcadiiuartors. Will U. Steel, superintendent. 125 HKLP WANTHI) KKMALK WA'NTi:!) Woman with family wants work on fruit farm In Itoguo river valley. Woman would lllio to cook nud mniiao boarillug house, llor oldcat ami has good team to work nt bauUm; fruit, Thoro nro suveral boys that can work In dry hoiuo or packing hoUHi), Address L. .M., c.iro ot Mall Trlbunu. 12V WANTHDLndy pianist, Reed read er, theater work, llox 24, Tri bune. 125 WANTKD Cook. Phono a-K-15. WANTKD An exiiorloncoil girl for general housework, family three adults, CI l W. 10th St. Mrs. Win. II ml go. WANTL'D Olrl for gonornl houso- work. Call 340-11, or wrlto 59S. K!4 VVANTKI) IIS('KLLAXi:()US WaIntcd 'nrrenthoiiBo woll fur nlNhed, rent must (io roiisonablo, Cull 304 South Central, or phono 105S-X. . 125 . ir ..ii - - NEW TODAY COO acres close to u town, all good, level I a ml, uxcollunt crop or wheat, oats, corn and barley on 400 ucros. of It, Will do you good to boo thovu crops, Two sets of Improvements. Thirty ucros lu young orchntd. $100 an ucio takes It. Will dlvldo It It do. roi. i A fine tun room liuuso on jutvo. iiieiil, inmlcni, rloso u, owner liiusl li'ino, nud will soil for only n purl of J tliu value ynriuo.oo, Kasy lorms, V, I), IIOO.V J. -HMMHl t2Ss WANTKII MIBCnu.A.M.OUH WANTHI) TO IlKNT -Krum 10 to 15 ncro of alfalfa or which can be needed to alfalfa near Mcdford or nt Talent. Olvo full particulars by letter. Address box 150. caro of Trlbuno. 127 WANTKD To trado nn extra good driving horco and a liupgy ror a motor cyclo. Phono S-lt-1 aftor 7:00 In (ho evening, or call Hear Creek Orchard,. 123 WANTKD Work for big strong team. Inquire Col II. II. Sargent. WANTKD At onco 70 cords of dr fir body wood delivered to prima dryer In orchard homo, ano inllo from Mcdford. Phono 7-K-4 or write (leorgo II. Young, It. It. Xo. 1.. box 12. 224 WANTKD Fruit packing. Phono C37-Y. 120 WANTKD Oood modern houao for $100 down mul $30 a month Clurk HcaUy Co., 20C PhJppa Hldg. WANTKD Lonif $700 on good clear rlty residence. Clark Itcalty Co.. 20Q PhlppB Iltdg. l'Olt ICXCIIAMIR KOIt KXCHANOK-200 aero ranch In Mlsnourl to exchange for city or country property In the Itoguo river valley. Addross Uiiuning ham &. Co., Aablaml, Oro, 123 KOll KXCIIANdi: Acreage with water right for city property. Clark Itcalty Co., 20T Phlpps llldg. KOIt KXCHANQK 5 room modorn boiue, cloho lu, iinluciimbercd for 10 or 20 acres good land. Will pay cash difference. ' 80 acres oj timber, C mllcj south of Medford. Kxcentlonnlly good wood proposition. Will trmln for close, In ucrcago or house nuu lot. Valuo $3000. What havo you to exchauso fo wood? Hnvo 1000 tier to trade. J. C. Ilnrucs, First .National Hank Ilulldlng. 123 KOll KXClIANllK Ten acres of land In preparation for orange nml grapo fruit, located lu Gard ner, Florida, thirty miles from Tampa: will exchange for ten nrrcs In Itoguo Hlver valley or Medford property; also lots lu Now York City ror Mcdford pniH erty. Inqiilro It. W. MncCullotigh, cly. 13ii FOlt SALK Oil rilADE Small fruit, gnrdcu und berry tract to real farmer or gardener; might tnko lot or Munll property for part. Also poar tract for close in bungalow. II. 11. U. lll'SINKSS OPPOIITUXITII-S KOK SALK An established business that Is a monoymnkor. little com petition, veiling n product that al most overy family In Mcdford uses; about $4000, part time. Ad dress A. Z., Mull Trlbuno. MONKY Tf 1A.1 MONFJY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. O. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3.GS. ITjUSLVKSS DIKKCTOllY Atistracta uoauw nivER valley au- STKACT CO.. No. C 8ouh Contral. D. U, WOOD Oenornl Accouutnnt Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offlco, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; ih,ono CU1; rest donco pbonn 53 4, Auctioneers WILLIAM ULltICII--Llceused Auo tlouoor for tho City ot Medford, Orugot. Terms rpnsonnblo. Ileal douco phono 10 W. Offlco Juck son County llauk building. .r aj Altoiiieys POHTUIl J, NKKF, VH. P. MBALKY Attoruoys.ut-Liiw, Ilooma 8 nud 0, Mcdford National Dank bldg. A. i:. ItUAMKB, JiAWYKIldttruett Corey h,dg. W. J. OANTON Attorney und Conn, sollor at Law, 183 Knit, Malq alrcet, Mcdford, Oro, Win. M, CelvU: (lcorjip it. Hoberla COLVK1 & J10IIKUTI4, LAWYKIIW- Mvdlurd Nadyuul jUk udU, i n j i MISSS& IlUKINIiH DIItKCTOHV Go-bag? OAIIDAOK Oct vour promise! cleaned up for to- winter. Call on tho city garbao wagona foi good scnlre. Phono C25-U F Y. AIIpi. Auto fiuppllcfc. LAHKIl AUTO SPIllNQ CO. Our big secret In making springs la the tompcrjng. Wo oro operating the largest, oldest and beat equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under riuruntco. 2G North Klf IfHiiMi St.. Portland. Ore Chlroprnctur DIl. It. 4. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nervu specialist. Ilooma 203-204-203 Gurnctt-Corcy bldg. Vapot baths and scientific tnassago given; nccdlo spray, head and shoulder shower lu connection; advlco In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthcrapy. Idy attendant. Phono, offlco 946, rcsldonco 671-H Oil. A. It. IIBDGKS. Dr. LouUo E Hedges Mechano-Thcraplsta, Chiro practors, Spondylothpraplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tiro gymnastics, hydro-therapby, otc.. produco results lu both acute and chronlu diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and llartlett. Hours 9 n. m. to 5 p. in. Other hours b appointment. Phono 170. i. . i-i- ' .. : Dentists DK."w."MrVANSCOYOc DIl C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists aarnott - Corey bldg., sulfa 310 Medford, Oro. Phono 856. Xotnry Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary nub lie llrlng your work to me at the sign of tho Mall Trlbuno. Printers -inil Publihtiera MEDKOIID 'PKINTlliaCa"hnV"the best equipped printing offlco Id southern Oregen: book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, otc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physician nud Surgeons DIl? Fi "" G. CArU.OW, DR. EVA JIIAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 41C-417 Gnrnott-Coroy bldg., phono 103C-L. Resident 420 South Laurel sU DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and stirgcou. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Pmctlco limited to diseases ot women. Ofrices 233 E Main Phones, offlco 814-J-2; res., 814 DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. 3yes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St., Houn 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Phone. E. Jl. PICKEL, M. D. Orrico Jack sou County Dank bldg. Office phono 43-R; rcsldenco phono CS-R DR. MARION Ptiyslclan and sur 6con, Stowart bldg., corner Main and Dartlott sts.; offlco phono 27 rcsldenco phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. RARnER Physl, clan uud surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. n. W. CLANOY Physician am surgeon. Phonos, offlco 3ti, roal denco 724-J. Of,tlco hours 1Q to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 aarnott - Core) building. Phouo 904-M. 11. J, CQNROY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums don, 215 E. Muln 8t. Phono 77. Scuogrnplicrs KLIToA'iJNYMVPa'bTo Htenographlo vork done qulcklj and woll, Intoiifrr EADH T11AN8FI-3R & HTOUAGH CO Offlco M Bouth Fir Ht. Phonr 315, Prices right. Service guar antsMd eg. .. : ; t. r,;. .-.Jn Wterliinry Huriteon Dlt. MllltltAY. Vin'KHINAUY 8Ult (lCON, umdiialo o( thn AiuerloHu Vulvilimry CoIIpko, K, Y. Oily Office Nuib Lhcry Htuble, I'bout n. . . . rfcrrioHar -iJ3 W 1TA) e GIM CHUNG CHINA HKIta STORE Thcso herbs nro a blood tonic A positivo euro for Liver, Lung, Heart, Kidney, Stomach and Dowel troubles. Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever and Rheumatism. A guaranteed euro for Piles. No surgical operation re quired. This Is to certify that Glm Chung cured me of piles after fifteen years standing and can recommend him to anyone afflicted with them. Others havo been cured, can uso them as references, such as Geo. Jeffcrys, tho blacksmith, that I know of be ing cured. Respectfully, G. M. DALRYMPLE, Chlco. Cat. I can highly recommend Dr. Glm Chung or Chlco. Cat., for stomach trouble of nineteen years standing, and nlso for carbunclo of tho (Ivor of two years standing. Iloth or which ho cured. MRS. M. E. nUNNELL. Wisconsin and Everett St. Uoucher Addition, Chlco. Ull 8. Front MF.DFORD. ORE. N. Florence Clark VIOLIN TEACHER Studio 111(1 West -till Street DECIDE YOURSELF The Opportunity Is Hero, Hacked Ily Mixlford TcHllmony Don't tnko our word for it. Don't dopend on a stranger's state ment. Read Mcdford endorsement. Read tho statements ot Mcdford cltlreus. And dccldo for yourself. Here Is ono case of It: A. Hotz, 130 Front St.. Medford, Ore., says: "I am just as willing to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to- dady as I was In September 1907, when I publicly told of my exper ience with thorn. I suffered from kidney troublo for at least flvo years and ns tlmo passed, I grow worse. Sharp pains darted through tho small ot my back and sometimes tho at tacks wero so sovcro that I could hardly stoop. At night my back ached Intensely and sound sleep was out ot tho question. Doing told to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I got a sup ply nud thoy soon gave mo relief." For salo by all dealers. Prlco 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho United States. Remember tho. namq Dpan's. nnd tako no other. "How did the lllrtl know that" Tho quality wo offor you ropro seats tho highest degreo of perfec tion. Long opcrlenco has plucod us In n position to J ml go authoritatively )i.M' "It's midsummer nil right!" If you think It's up uso trying (9 keep pool Try Ico Cruum Soda, It wll belli somo, to say tho luutt refreshing! "Tho HueeluesH of low prlco sel dom equals tho bitterness of poor ' i P Jiiiillty." Hkins for Health IM tOMORfu'S Papgp. and 5GE WHW Pot HIMSeiF, St. Helens Hall jvmTtuxn, osiuioa Resident and Day School for Girls In rhir of SI'tT of M.Jtin W41.IM (fpU-nt.!! c.il.(ti, ji.Mi.i, fi iinmurr bwmu, Ki,l. Art. KUtlM. Bmm.41 Art.XM.ti! fltl.nM. Oraaulca. ymrcAMtntfff irr ,. Tin:sirrcit surr.uiDit.ornrrSB HI. II.J.M. IUI1 'U IIO.VB Wear tho Nu Rono Guaranteed Cor set, For Salo Ily JOSEPH INK V. CLARK 1110 West -Ufa Street' ' J f 1 E. D. Weston ' Official Photographer of tht Medford Commercial Olub Amateur Finishing Post Carda Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and exterior viewi flash h'ghts Negatives made any time und any place by appoint ment 208 E. Main Phone 1471 I Draperies We carry vrr compltt Una ot draprrlCB. Uro curulns, flxlurts. ala. and do nil ctuurs of upholsterlnc. A special man to look after Ihla work exclusively and will slvo aa stood service aa la possbla to Kt la vd the larKcat cltlea. Weeks & McGowan Co. Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau For Salo or Exchange 240 aero stocK ranch, Improved, plenty pf out range, Mako offor, 480 acre stock ranch, closo in, at a bargain. 17 ncro bcarjug orchard, fado for California Inconio property. 100 acres timber closo to railroad, 11250. Terms. Nice 7 room modorn cpttago, closo In, 11400. FIno 6 room modern houso, lot 05x100, somo fruit. Ylt exchange for small Improved ranch, clear. From 11000 to $30,000 stock ot merchandise to trade for roal estato, Wo havo appllcUfor ranches to ront, bring In your lisYlngs. For Kent Furnished and unfurnished houses, and rooms. Employment Ranch hands. Frdjt pickers. Vood cuttow. Quarry men. Girls for general houso work. Cook lu realdenco, - MKS.SMMABITTinBK (tea, Phono 1000-.X Pwm HMi, Oppo4lto Nah MeW ' ROOMS aud 7. VKXM KLQOC WOOD Uy tho Tier, Cord jihU Car Iota ynder HI HImhJ VALLKV 1UKL CO., TMj. U Vi V, Qyk,,!., HucfWHwr t Klli'Mli, ts