n"m Hfctafrnl 8oefi q o frond flfrccf Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight Mid Wineu liny M w. H7t Mln, M. rorly.llilnl Yenr. Dully IClKhlh Year. i i .mt-i "T I GIRLS' WANTON PEACE PREVALES UE BARED BY IN MEXICO CiTY DIGG'SCOUNSEL ASSERT LIND Nasty Scandal of Relations Lonu Ex Islliiu Between Two Girls anil De fendants In White Slavo Case Is Brought Out In Crnss-Examlnatlon SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Auir. 13. - .Miiri'ili'HNlv nltni'kliig her rhuriir lr previous o Him lleim iilTalr ninl forcing her lo burn mery clandes tine ii el anil iiiHimuw with Jut para iiiiuir, .Maurv 1. Dlgg. former stale architect, now on trial for violation of llio Maim whllo slave net, Mint Miii-hIiii Warrington, 'Jll-venr-old Sueruuienln girl, at noon today was being Milijooli'il lo a gruelling cross Miiiiiinilioii liv Attorney Nnto Cogh Ian Tor the defense. Coming on mm'Ii sharp ronlrasl with tint ennsiilernllon under which she wiih hliii'ldril Hi iniii'li iih mim sihle liv Special Proeeulor Theodore lliiilic. who dwell only lli'itinlv on the ui'liial iicln nlli'ui'il iim the Iiiim for llio iinlit'tini'iit of I IKVH ""' Warrington ijiil wan visibly shocked ami iiiiihIikI. 1 1r iinwern at (Iiiii'h i'iiiiii' gnwpinglv -n simple "yen" or "no," which often hail to ha repent rd at tin' tequcsl of Judge Van Fleet to bo hoard at all. llnriMl Uhiio l.lfo F.verv secret relationship with lint defendant seemed to liavo been until orid hv llio defense and hurled at hir n mipo'lmtly( from her ndniit U'd inlrodiiulloii to l)igg on a Sne niiiivnto street corn or under a fic titious mime, through many curly In dUerrllniiM, and finally lo wild joy rides nlioiit Sacramento I'onulv and frequent lsils lo other California cities, where nil night slops at ho lds were made hv Diggs and Cam lnclll, Mt Warrington and Miss Iiln Nnrris. It wan brought out hy Attorney Coejilnn that Miss1 Warrington and tho oilier three had not only fro. iliicnled I lie madhouses adjacent to Saeraiiieulo, Imt that San Francisco, Kau dove and Stockton had heen tin scenes of rcciirrent I'senpndcH. The office of Diggs had hecu iiiade a frequent rendezvous for admitted inliiuncioti, neenrding to Ihn girl's tektiuiony. UruellliiK for Wltncs x During HiIh flro of cross. oxuiuin alioii Diggs leaned forward engcily, shuffling uueaHilv in liirt chair. Cain iuelli wiih Ironing ocr his shoulder auxioiiNly, while the father of Diggs hiiI lUtlchnly and iiliulrssly making Huci marks on a piece of paper. Minn Lola Nnrris, u vear younger than MUs Warrington and tlm next witness to he called when Miss Wnr liimlou'rt croHH.ii.Miuiiualiou in fin ished, will ho subjected lo the hiiiiio fcaicliiiiL' rxainiualioii, it ih declar ed, iim Ilia cost of lieariin; out the W'nrriuutnii Kirl'rt Rtory for the pros eciiliou. IDGE VANCOUVHU, WiihIi., Auk. 1U. IiiilleatliuiH today woru thai tho moan uro ImiidlUK Glurko eouiity for K'OO, 000 (o ronntruct, In roiijuiictlnn with Mulluouuili county, Oregon, a hrldK" ovor tho Coliiinlila river, punkoiI by a voto of hotter than mivon to one, No election ovor hold In tho county created no much IntoroHt. Tho liiHt hohhIoii ot tho Oregon Iok iHlnluro piiHHnil an act onahlliiK Mult uoiuah county to hond IIhoU for il.r.00,000 to pay IIh Hhnro In liulldliiK of thu hrlilKo, which wliu I'omiilotud, ho a part ot l'aciriu hlKhway. tho will tho SHOT HER HUSBAND TO SAVE OWN LIFE HAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 1. "I wtint to Mnvo my own lif, ' wu llio cxplauutloii today of MIhh Vie tniia l.ove, who lalo yeHlerday proh aid" fatally wounded her liUhliaud, IVanclH five, following a ipuiuel in their upailinvutH, "Soon iih my liindiniul camo in," Mih, Iaivii (old Ihu police, "hu Hlaii cd to call tun down heforn a neluli lior, A tier xln' li'ft ha ilunv mi an loiiialln revolver mid I hhnl him he fuiu liu could kliuot nie." President's Emissary Rouorts Every llilnii Satlsfactor" Americans Lcnvliiu Mexico In Lnrnc Nurnhcrs Secret Conference with Hucrfa. WASIIINOTON, Am:. 13. -Willi AiuerieauH departing from AfexiiM) on ovory Htcanier, (lie Wailed SlateH to day ih rapidly Kiiiuliic llio inhiiiiliie in tha hitiiatiou, areordini; lo ad viei'M received at the Mato deparl uieut, if .101111 I.iud, Ihu pri'Hidelit'M Hpeeial eiaiNHary, fallri to lirin' quiet, tho prcMfiil I'uiharKo on the importation of mum from lliiit coun try tuny he mined without hcriotm dauKer of any fxleiinUo iniiHMneru of AiucricaiiH. I.ind, It irt now admitted, miiKt moil move toward noiimi plan for peace, hut It h heliewd certain hero Hint if he iloi'M no Irv he will he rehuffed. Ilowexcr, hold I'rcnideiit WiIhiui and Seerclarv Jlran Ml ill helievn that I.ind will ho ahlc lo hhow Iluerla how ho can iniilii' certain cnucoM hIoiin ninl m t ill 'Vine hi face." Mini may even confer privately with Ifuerta if hiicIi a conference ran he arranged. In hin dinpntehcii to Hid Nlalo dcpnrtiueut Mud reportH Hint all irt HaliHfartory in Mexico City. Ho m'ciiih to ho hoK'ful of the iillimalu kiiccchh of IiIh mihhiou. The hoiife. I'omtnllteo on foreiu'ii affairH expectrt to ank PrcHident Wilnon for a coaferunee on Moxieau nffairx. It wIhIich to feeurn the funic information an ii to ho uiu'ii the Hi'iiate committee mi foreign re lalioiiM. GIRL BALKS AI CIIIOAOO, Anff. 13. RefiiHln- I cxHiHe.ier naked cnrveH oil calf and kneo in a fleith-eolored hathiug Hull, Kloise llrighlou, nrlUt'rt model, "oruhhed thu nIiow" at (he national hlvli'H exMinilion here. She hulked at a Hunter llrowu liathuu' hiiit, which wiih expected, when filled with girlsto he llio hig iioico of tho xlmw. Hut thero wero otherH 'J.ltl of lliem-who filleiU out thu vurioici "eicatioai.'' Mauv of Iheso were cut hhoit, holh high mid low, mid when nHitlightH wero turned on the ilinphauoiiH gowim in which Home of the modem wero arrujed the crowd "could Hcnrcti forhenr to cheer." STATETO RON HAI.KM, Oro., AB. 13. Ileldlui: that n unloi) roatract would ho a vio lation of thu rlKhtx guaranteed hy tho Mtatu fodoral couHtltullon, Attornoy Oonorat Crawford today rondorod an opinion holding that It would ho un- nuiHtltiitlounl for tho utato printer to enter Into a written contract with tho Typographical Union to npurato tho Htatn printing offlco iih a clonod Bhop. Statu 1'rlntor It. A. Hnrrlfl, who announced yoaturday hla Intontlou to dlgn tip with tho union, ntntcd today that ho would accept tho ruling ot thu attornoy gonural. OF CHAMPAIGN, III., An.'. 13.-Tho coroner lodii- hold an iiuiuest huro on tho hody of Harold Shaw, u uui veihllv of lllinoirt Ntudout, who Wiih murtlerml and hurled on tho Penman limn near hero, (lust Penman, u Hun of tho owner of llio farm, In no euxeil mul in miught hv tlcpulicrt, Tho hlnjor left HIiiiw'h foot oxkh ed when hu hurled tho hody, Noivli horri leilltlod that young l'euinaii honowed a hoinlti Huiulay inornliig, mid It Ik Ihoip'lit tho crime wax emu milled nhoillv ht'foro that lliuu, EXPOSING NO EN N MEPFOIID, WIFE PLEADS GUILT TO SA VEGOV.S ULZER SULZER IMPEACHED BEFORE SENATE AI.IIANV. V. V.. Am.. VA. (lovenior William Hulrer, who wiih impeached hy tho Htatn nHKUiuhly tluH moriilug, appeared at the vapilol today accompanied hy Samuel ThomnM. Ii'ih legal adviiier. It in tiuilerHtood Sulr.er iiIiiiih lo Nlgu Hut pardon of a pHm oner nfler Meiitenaul (lov ernor (llyuii taken charge. Then if tho warden of tho prixon refiiMes to reconiiro tint pardon a test enxe, will ho iiinugiiraled to kco who real ly in governor. "Thirt will- ho a fight lo n rinUli," unid ThomaK. "Thirt nxxeinhlv will he Tatmmui)' gnivoyard. It never ran Hiirvlvo what it Iiiih douo to day." Ht H HH4 I Al.HANV N. Y., Au;r. 13. With the nxKiimhly o.' tho Htito IcgU'.aMiro udoptlag tho retolutlon providing Im peachment proceedlugii agnlmil (Jov orunr William HuUor on rhaigci of tnlrcondiict In offlco, Now York Mato Ih epeelnd to lutvo two rival povcr nor when tho nonnto thli afternoon receive tho Impeachment nrtlclun from tho lower hoimo. Am noon nil tho ncnato convoncM, n notification commlttco from tho n M'lnlliy will Inform tho sonata that tho niacmbly, nt C:10 o'clock thin morning, by a voto ot 79 to 45, ndoptod tho Impeachment resolution. A commlttco ot five, representing tho nimuiibly, nlready han prepared tho article ot Impeachment. If they nrn aUo adopted by tho senate, tho statu constitution provides, Sulror must ro llnqulh offlco until ho Is vindicated of tho charges or permanently ousted from tho governorship. Hulrrr to ltewlut Governor Sulxer la expected to re uIhI susponBlou and undoubtedly will attempt to continue to occupy tho executive offices. In this event It I expected that Lieutenant Governor Glynn will call out tho stato mllltla to protect his offloo, tho constitution providing that ho shall automatically iihhuuio rhargo of tho affairs ot stato tho moment tho leglslaturo ndupts tho Impeachment resolution. It was learned hero today that Sen ator Krawloy, licnjl of tho committee which Investigated tho charges ngnliiHt tho governor, cnllod secret ly at Governor Suitor's offlco Inst night. Ho Is unld to hnvo looked re peatedly ovor his shouldor as it watching to sco whothor ho was bolng Hhadowod. Krawloy romalned tflth tho governor but ten minutes, Tho visit gnvo rlso to roports that a recon dilution had boon affected, and that tho charges against Sillier would not bo pressed, but l'rawloy emphatical ly denied this. (Continued un rago C) SALT LAKE BARS SALT IjAKIJ, Utah, Aug. 13. Following I, W. Hoting hero last night in which bovcit jioi-hoiis wero more or len Borioimly nhot, Chiof of Police (Iriiut nuuounocd that no nuiro I. W. W. Htrool inectingrt will ho allowed in Suit Luke. On this uotiee, tho peorotnry of tho I. W, W. loeal Hiild tho organization would eouliuuu itu medtiiigrt regardless of tho polieo order, Further trouble is feared. TO MOVE WHITMAN COLLEGE TO SPOKANE TAC0.MA, Wnfili., Aug. 13. If Ihu city of Spokauo hhould ugreu In up plement tho offer of tho Home De velopment company of Hint city, with an mluipiato Hum In cash, Whitman I'ollego will ho moved lo Kpokune. Tho decision wax reached alter n disiuiMHiuu of (ho inatlor by Ihu en tiro huard, B ASSEMBLY NOW OKKflQy, WIS DN RSI) AY, AUGUST 33, 1913. T10 Latest tfnd Specially Posed Photograph of "i Willmm Sulzcr, Governor of the State of New York, Taken In the Executive Chambers nHniiiiiQHra (9kklHbwSit' siiBkiiiiiiiiiiH Cupjrritfit by Ucdarwwxl TRAINMEN AGREE 10 SUBMIT STRIKE TO FEDERAL BOARD SAN J-'KANCISCO. Cal.. Aug. 13. Aa a result of govern I conference, all four of tho railroad brotherhoods tho conductorB. tralnmon, firemen and cuglncors will atnnd together and submit their demands of tho Southern Pacific to tho government hoard of mediation, represented hero by Assistant Commissioner, G. W. W. Hanger. Officials ot tho company havo consented to this arrangement, aa tho demands of thu four organisa tions nro practically Identical re specting suburban electric lines. Comiulsxloner Hanger stated today that ho Is now conferring with rep resentatives ot each of this organiza tion and with officials of tho South ern Pacific but ho Is titiublu to pre dict how long It will require for n settlement, bliould his efforts at con ciliation bo successful. STEEL FEATURE OF I NKW YORK, An?. 13.-:IIcnvy dealings in bteel featured tho opou ing of tho stock market today. One blook of -1500 shares eltaugel hamii ut nbnut yesterday's elosin- price,' Other leaders wero irregular, Can adian Paeifio and F.rio belling under yesterday's eloi-e, while Paeifio Mail roso 1 and American Tobacco l1 ,. Tho market boon became firm Union Paeifio recovering its earlier incline mid Canadian Paeifio also rcautod. Steel reached n now high prion for tho movement on hig dealings. HomU wero steady. Thu market closed dull and heavy. TWO KILLED WHEN TREE CRASHES DOWN ON WAGON TUP. IUM.KS, Or., Aug. 13. Ar thur II. Smith, n sawmill operator ul Wahkiamis, Wash., mid his wife nro dead today and 1), J!. Cox, mi em ploye, is suffering from perhaps fatal injuries us tho result of a largo Iroo falling on tho wagon in which they wero riding. Although terribly mangled, Cox dragged himself u milu mid u half to u furiulioiiBo ami reported (ho ac cident. Tho treo hud he en burned at thu Iiiinii and toppled neioKs llio road Jiut iiu tho viiiguu reached tho pot. at the State Capitol at Albany, N. Y A Underwood, K. Y. TELEGRAPHERS OF REJECT INCREASE SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Aug. 13 Negotiations nro btill being con- dueled hero today between n, com mittee representing tho Order of Railway Telegraphers and offieinls of tho northern, central and south ern districts of the Southern Pa eifio regarding n demand of the tel egraphers for n flat increase in pay. General Stuwrintendent 1). W. Camp hell of tho northern district, which includes Oregon; General Superin tendent J. M. Davis of tho central nml General Superintendent II. Z. Piatt of tho southern districts nro here representing tho oompam If tho general superintendent!? ro fuse lo grant tho demands, tho com mit too wilt npenl to tho general mnnnger. Southern Paeifio offieinls deelnro there is every prospect of reaching an agreement. It is understood that nn offer of an inereiibo has been made, but that the onorntors held out for more. Tho telegraphers hnvo not joined forces with tho oilier orders which uro seeking an adjustment of tho rights of electric lines, but nro con ducting their negotiations scpa ratoly. OBJECT TO SEATING WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. Sena tor Dillingham, ranking republican member of tho senate Judiciary com mittee, doelnrod today that hu would object to tho seating of Heproaenta tlvo Clapton, who has boon appointed senator from Alabama to succeed Senator Johnson, who died last wook. Tho scaato Judiciary commlttco In tends to consider Clayton's claims to Johnston's sent. As a tomporury solution, ot tho difficulty, It was pro posed today to admlustor tho oath to Clayton but to refuso him full tlllu to tho sent until tho Judiciary commlttco roaches a decision. VOTING BEGINS UPON HOUSE CURRENCY BILL WASHINGTON, Aug. UVoluu begun today on (ho house citrrmioy bill in tho deiuoeratio caumw, Led ers of thu hotisu uro confident llio (Un bill will ho nppiovod, SOUTHERN PACIF CAR OF fflUT FRY DOE HERE 180,000 Fry for Restocking Local Streams, Bulk of Which Will Be Taken to Butte Falls Finlcy Com ing to Secure Stcelhead Films. William L. Finlcy, stnto fish wnr den. wircb the Rogno River Fish Protective association that the stnli finli car will arrive in J red ford with trout fry for distribution in local btreams on train 15 Friday after noon. Anyone wihing to transport fry to the Applcgnto or Little Ilotto con receive the same hy applying to L. Iiundy, secretary of tho associa tion, mid having automobiles or other conveyances ready for hauling the fry on arrival. There will bo 180 cans of fry aboard and those not taken here will be placed in Hig Htitte Saturday, tho P. & K. hauling the car there. ' The association wired recom mending that ull the fry ho taken to Iluttc Kails, on account of failure by owners to screen irrigation ditches in tho Little Iluttc and Applcgatc sections. Mr. Finlcy wired Hint if steelhcads were biting he would bring down a moving picture man to take photos of stcelhead fishing, the films of which will ho shown throughout the nation. He was told to bring on tho camera and local anglers would do their best to make the steelhcads perform in circus fashion. ETi LONDON, Auir. 13. Surrical transplantation of organs which will bring hope to childless women was predicted by Dr. Yoronoff of Nico in nn address to tho congress of medi cine here. Voronoff elnims to hnvo enabled a barren cwo to givo birth to n Iamb which is still living. "I nsscrt," ho snid, that my ex perimeuts may bo applied to human beings. Indeed, it is easier to graft certain organs of humans than in animals. A new era is dawning for human surgical operations. The whole organ will bo transplanted. Sterility will bo transformed into muttulnoss, and those now con demned to die of incurnblo diseases will be, given n new lease of life." PLAN RECALL FOR SALEM CITY OFFICIALS SALEM, Or., Aw. 13. Recall pe titions nre being circulated hero to day against Councilmcn Gideon Stolr, II. W. Hatch and John T.ir ncr, Chief of Polieo Shedeck and City Recorder c E. Elgin, mid it is un derstood that n recall will bo out soon against Mayor II. L. Stcoves. Tho movement is being put forward secretly. It is reorted that no specific charges against tho city officials uro contained in tho petitions boyond tho allegation thut tho men nro not serv ing constituents faithfully and nro not working for tho best iutoicsta of tho city. TO REPORT ON LOANS WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. Every national bank In tho country was re quested today to furnish Socrotury ot tho Treasury McAdoo with a special statement ot monoy loaned to other banks as well us all monoy borrowed from other baiixs in tho form or re discounts, bills payable, oto. This Inquiry Is In lino with Mc Adoo' pulley to keep lit closo touch with thu hanks, IAIN 15 FRIDAY REN BRNG HOP 0 CHILDLESS NO. 123. , ga WILSON FAVORS CREDIT SYSTEM 10 AID FARMER President Promises to Secure Early Action on a Complete Rural Credit Scheme to Benefit Agricultural In terests and Fill Real Wants. WASIIINOTON, Aug. 13. In nn official statement Issued today Pres ident Wilson declares that ho favors "a completo and adequate system of credits." Tho statement explained that such legislation was not at tached to tho currency bill bocauso thero had been no tlmo In which to prcparo a plan. Tho president prom ised to sccuro early acton on a com pleto rural credit sclie.no. Tho president's statement said: "Thero has bean too lUtlo fedoral legislation framed to servo tho far mer directly and with dollbernto ad justment to his roal needs. Wo long ago fell into tho habit of humming that American farmers enjoyod such an Immcnso natural advantngo over tho farmers of tho rest of tho world and wero so Intelligent and enter prising and woro so at enso upon tho Incomparablo soils ot our continent that they could prosper no matter what handicap they carried. "Wo never exaggerated their ca pacity or opportunity, but neglected to anayllzo their bnrdensomo disad vantages. Ono of tho chief disad vantages has been that the farmers havo not been ablo to sccuro ex tended bank accommodations which they need every year without paying; burdensome rates ot interest and saddling themselves with mortgages and abligalions ot every kind. "Other countries havo systoms of rural credits, put In operation not only for relieving the .farmer but also to put his enterprises oa a foot ing easy of accomplishment. Our farmors must, hnvo similar means af forded them. This is our next great task and duty." BLAZING SACK LEADS TO SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Aug. 13. Chnuco discovery of a blazing; sack iu n hulo directly under tho window of tho bedroom in which thero slept Pictro Pcdono and hia wife, blocked a bomb outrngo direct ed at their lives. Under tho sack was found a quart bottlo of gasuliuo nnd n bomb of black powder. Pedono killed Marion Pnlcstorro several years ngo during an outbreak among North Reach fishermen. Re cently ho. was acquitted of tha chargo ou tho ground of sd-do-fense. SUE PROPERTY OWNERS T PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 13. Thu first scries of suits against prop erty owners under tho rcdlight abatement nut, passed nt tho recent sossion of tho legislature nro on fib) here today. Five defendants nro named in tho complaints, tho chargo against them being that they )wr mittcd their property to bo used for immoral purposos, A tiiimbor of other complains in which several persons sooinlly prom inent nro to bo named as defendants uro being drawn up. MITCHELL TO MAKE " THE PANAMA1SWING J. W. Mitchell hu3 purchased of II. F. Aydlott and O. F. ChelKren, owners and pa tea too ot tho Panama Swing, tho rights of manufacture and distribution for tlm states ot Oregon, Washington arn California. It U tho Intention to maaufaetura tka swing, which has mado a grout bit. In .Mndforil and distribute It frew here throughout tha aeuNtry. ' ' I ' '