Oregon KfatnrtoiW floWc1 07 Second r.trcct ',! -H ;) Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight ami Wcilne liny Mm. 87 Mln. 1)9. ' forty. third Yonr. Dully- Klwlilli Vonr. E APPLES Two Carloads of Gravcnstelns Nut Growers $1.25 Per Box (. o. Ii. Mcdfortl Twenty-four Cars Bart Ictls Net $1.05 io Orcluirdlsts. Prospects Bright tor Fancy Fluurcs Later In Season Most Fruit Sold Before It Is Picked. Two rnrhimlrt of (Irnvoimti'lii rip-pli-H from I lio IIokuo rlvor tniloy urn being shipped Io Now Zealand liy tliu 1'rottiirnrn Fruit rompntiy, tho (lrt fruit from lliln m-ellon over sold In iIik nnllpodcH, Ono cur rnmti from tint Welch orchard at Talent nnil tho iillmr from (I. II. Young, Dr. French, () V Mo) urn ii mi Mutton orchard In Hot Orchard Home tMnlrlit. Tho prlro received wait J 1-5 it mix nut. I. o. It. .Medford. Tho KoRini Itlvor I'rult nml I'ro. iluro Aioiorlntloii reports tho toilu through Hi" NortliwfNtnrn I'm It Kx t cliiingit of 21 ears of Hoguo river lliirtlDtlK, nt an mcrngo price of 1 1. SB "4 imt f. o. It. Mi-ilfonl. Thi lilKhont prliu rerohod was ll.lifi with M'vernl cur koIiik at ll.'.'O. Tin Incl Dint llnrtlotl nro being sold nt good figure before picked, Indicates fancy prlrc for llioro who want Io np'i'iilitlo hy rnmdgnliig fruit for unction sale. All of tint loading cftlcs of tlm east hnvo vied wllli ono another Io K-ctiro tlioiw supplies of tho world' lvjtt Itnrtlolt nod thin Inn reunited In tho obtaining of such cMrnordlnnry vaIimui. Home of tho isrgest orchards nro shipping on consignment through the Htewtrl rrult rompany, tho hulk of tho crop, however, h lining handled IhroiiBh tho two mmoclntloiis anil Mild for rauli lipforn picking. Ilolh tho Producers niul Pioneer com pjiiya mi well an Individual huirri nro In (ho ninrkot for llnrtlctts nnil other ixarK. HlllrroHt nml miiiio other iirrhnrd ar ilolnjlug picking, In iin'ordHtieo with th finding or tho government preronlliiK experts, wIioho experi ments demonstrated Hint tlm longer fruit win permitted to hum: on tho trove, up to u rertaln iitnKo. tho hut lei wore Its keep qualities. MADE POLICE BUY HIM PAIR OF PANTS SAN KKANTIKCO. Cnl., Auk. 1'-'. - Stripped to llm huff from In wniM down inn with only u barrel Io protoct hi luiro cp from tin luceen, t'oiirml Itlclmrilhon, u coun Irv vinilor, iippcnicd nt tin1 hull ( juhllco hero loilny iiiilo vexed. Con rml, with iw-o fellow iiiriilirtlH cmiiu to town yi'ritniiluy, ilid llio Haihur.v Ccinxt ami woko up llilx morning In I'oithmoiilh Hipuirc, whii'h adjoin tho n.V Hi'iilion. ('onriid'H pauU and hlioes were one, one companion Im 1 hint IiIh emit nml vent nml llio other wnrt nut rfpi(). HiclmruVon ilcinaudcd new panls from llio inithoritlcri "for omiHe." They oouliln't turn him Iooho wilhout thi'iu, ho Hu'V "fame throui;h.'' cRACKirJrilo DYNAMITE POSTAL SAFE WI'.ST LIHKHTY, in., Am;. VJ. Threo oniolfHini'ii Imtloreil in tho iohloffiiii door hcio ciulv toiluy unii vniiily trlwl to hlow tlm hiiI'o with nltioi'lyeorin. Tliu report of llio o. ploMlim uroiiHcil tliu town nml u oiowil of i'ltlyuiiH hoou Kiillicivil nml Uiivn hiittlo to llm yi-nK-. Ono mini wiih bhot Hcrioiisly. Tlm Immlilx thou I Inl. A ioM in In purhiiil. LYNCHED NEGRO DIES PROTESTING INNOCENCE liAl'HKNH. T,'i, Auk. l'J. Churned with nllm'kiiiif u white wo man, lllcliiiiil I'lmliell, n ni'Kro, wax Ivni'iii'il lii'iit loilny nml hW hmly riil illcil wilh IiiiIIi'Im, I'lii'ldicll piotc. cil iila iuiiuccucu o I he liml, G HND BUYER IN NEW ZEALAND ADMIRAL BADGER IN CHARGE OF NAVAL ATTACK ON N. Y. fall' m bHHKJl JFr Nt MMWMWt Mm ImkmmmmmmWL Admiral lladp.er, in charge of Hie iimviiI dcuioii .trillion nT the Atlantic fleet iiKimihl New York City, which i now going on off Long Inland Sound, iniiNt endeinnr to show (hill the foilh nt llio head of ilio Sound which protect Hi" metropolis, lire not sufficient. If ho succeeds in gelling Iiik ships past them in the war iiuiiii'iiViTM it will mean that much inouev must ho nppropriatcil hv congress to strengthen the forst protecting Lng Hliind mmiiiiI. SULZER SCANDAL E XV.W YOHK, Auk. 12. -Diuunil. nlion of holh (lovuruor Snlr.er aiol Tnmmnuy I lull in voiecd hero tmlny in nu editorial in tho World, one of Now Yorh'rt Icadinu' nuw-spaperH. "Tho Sulr.er seniulnl," MiyH tlm World, "is no Io.kh nu oxiHinuro of (lovcrnor Sul.cr limn of Tiiminanv. It in tho moNt I'ouviui'iut; object !ch xon of o'vermnent hy lilaekmail Kuw York Iiiik ever known. "Sulrer him not heiui ilciilroyeil liccaiic liu iMickclcd oninpniKii eon- tiihulioim nml fulled to muko tho no coiinliiiu' that tho law ootnnmndw, and lii'i'inirto ho iiHi'il llio iiioni'v In roil itiiel Wall nlicct oieriitioiiH. TIiohc nro truililiouul Tummuiiv prnclicci. Tammnnv candidatcH nml Iiosmw arc oxpei'leil to pocket fix much of uuy campaign rui id n rt tlicv can nafe'v ilo. 'Tammanv Iin cxliihilcd (Invent ir Snlr.er to puhlio hIiiiiuo oiilv heeuuso ho hroko with tho orpiniatiou ami refuxeil to tuko further orilern from 'IIohh' Murphy. If Sul.cr hail not ritlempteil to hn governor In fact im well art in name, ami if lie hail not rexirtled llm lootiuc of tho hIiiId ami reaeheil out for indiclmcntK Tutu many would have inotcctcd him. "The Sulrer semnial oimht to drive Snlr.er from tho 'ovoniordilp, hut it iiIko oiiKlit to ilentroy Tum luiiny." CAFE IS HELD UP BY L CIIIIWUO, Auk. 12. Tho Italian eafo of (loorKU AiiKclicii wiih held mi earlv loiluv hv n man nnil n comely kiiI. Tho couple entered tho place Hhoitly nt'lor mill uilit ( tho Kirl ilemmiilhiK " ilriuk. As AiiKel ieu turneil tho man drew u rovolvu'l nod held lilm In n coiner while tho Kill rifleil tho cash rector of .fltlll nml xt ripped AiiKelion of ."f 1000 worth of jiiwrlH. Tho eouplo unuiip oil in mi uutomohilo. FORMAL DEMAND FOR ARBITRATION AT CALUMET CAI.l'Mi:, Mloli., Auk. 12. A for nml ileiiimul on tlm minor nml op cinloi'K In Htihmit their ilifl'i loiiiuN to uieilliilloii wiih niiulii heio Ihli iil'ler- imnii hv Ju'Ikh Alfieil Murphy, iep leneulliiK (loveiiior lerrn. J he milium me wIIIIiik, hut tliu officlaU Hi tlm llccla.Ciilumct Minliii: com. puny uru cxpcvlvd o rvftuc. LAIDTOTAMMANY'S BLACKMAIL RUL MEDFORD. QUIET REIGNS IN CITY GF MEXICO REPORTS EIND Encouraninu News Received, But N) Positive Predictions Retjardlru Ultlmato Outcome of Mission Olaz Not Wanted in Japan. Most Friendly Relations Between United States and Japan and For mer Not to Be Offended. WAKIIINHTOK. Amr. 12.l)iri'et rcporlH from l.olli .lohu t.ind mrl Chart: ilViffairen NVImiii O'BIiiiiikIui eHV that iiffnin in Mexico City nr ipiiel wih the encoiiraKiiiK iiowh re reived nt tlm Htntc ilepnrlnnnl to- dnj'. Dehpilo reporlrt to tint eon trarv. 1.1ml. it ii iiuilcmtoott,. Iihk made no positive tireilioliotiH recnnl- hit; tliu ultimate outcome of his inn xiou. The rei)ort from Tokio Hint (Icn- eral Felix Dinr. will not ho receive i officially ul Tokio hy tho .liipancsc Kovernment !k mirmiinileil in ipv lery. Tho reason iikhikuciI in re Kanleil n n mere ilinlomntii' way Jf Hnviiic that Dinr. is not wnnlcd and it is tlmuKht here Hint the enlliu-i-nxtie welcome to American AiahiiMia dor (Inthrie in Tokio wan .lapnu's wny of expressiiie; ilisappnv:il of Hiierln'ri allempt to use Japan as n cluli to force recognition. Ojien KiiKKoUmiM from Me.xi'o City recently Hint Din had been commissioned to nejjoliulo a secret offetihive nml ilefeusivo treatv wilh Japan displeased Tokio. OffieitiU hern who nro in n position to know xnv that .In pan nml tho ''oiled Stale were never inoro friendly than now nml Hint tho Cnlifornln-Wohli liiu Itnu n.nllt ltK.rniiaf.fi lliiil fnelili'' " -.-... ............. .......n of frieitilNhlp in(enil of beinir n Inr rier to it. It is undent ol Hint both Secretary llrynn nml Ambassador Chinda believe there in absolutely no ehnui'o of n rupture with .Inpru. Progress In MaiIo The statu ilennrtment declares it is making real iirocross toward nn undcrslaudiiiL' with Mexico, that tho tension in lessened nml Hint there Is no louircr fenr of nnv ilnncer to tha presideut'rt envoy, John Kind. President Wilson in beiuK closely informed of Mexican condition hv l.inil. whoso status in MV.xicn will be officially explained by Chnrc il'Af. fniren Kelson O'ShnuRhnesBy in n scheduled interview with KnruiKii Minister (Inmbon nt Mexico t'ity. O'ShnuKhuessy will also ihhiiio (Inmbon of tlm desire of tho United Shite for pence. It N not expected Hint Iluertu V status will bo dMi'iiss ed nt tho eonferenec, but it is ex lMieted to novo tho way for future jifKotiutiourt. Hilef Difficulty To chief difficulty in llio siltiatioii tmlny is IJud's failure to rcctKiiir.u Iluertu art president of Mexico. While settlement of this is in prog ress, ct torts nro beintr male to Kt all dnstitiito Americans out of the country nml giiuhants nro being Kent Io uilvnutaKcotirt positions in ease uuy further difficulty should come. It is nuthoritutivcly stated hero toduv that I.itul will not atleniDt to communicate directly wih any of. the Mexican insurgents in tho field. Ilo may Jalk with friends of tho eousti- tutionulistrt, hut he will not go into tho territory held by Currmizii'H foreos. It is estimated hero that it will tuko I.iml n mouth to round out his mission. GAFFNEY TO FIGHT DICK HYLAND TONIGHT Tommy (luffney, tho pugilist'ii lemon who met Hat Nelson hero some lime ago and was soured mo badly by llio "Durable Dane" that ho (pill In tho fifth round, is scheduled to light nt Anacoiidii, Mont.! tonight. Diek llyland, tliu man who knocked out I.eueh Cross tit Colmu in forty into rounds about five years ago, U to hu (liiffiioy's oppoiient, mid til lliouuh piesuiueil to lie "all in" some Hum hk' nhuiihl heat (luffney with t'UC. OUHCION, TUESDAY, AUGUST. 32, 3913. JOHN LIND, PRESIDENT WILSON'S UNOFFICIAL ENVOY. WHO HUERTA HINTED HE WOULD REFUSE TO RECEIVE WBnKaummmmmmV MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBl MMUmKM v clr 'irVf t&MMMB MMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMwKmml MMWk.m.. aL ZMmWM mmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmm. mmmie Btti--TMMWMM T POINT OF ATTACK BY REBEL FORCES J SAN DIKno, Cil.. Aug. 12. -That Mazatlaud. Mcx., may he taken by tho rebels iii n fight scheduled to start today was tho word brought hero today by refugees on tho Mexi enn steamship IMtito Juurcs from (liinynms. Tho Ilenito Junrex, which hns ne comiuoiiatinus for only forty passen gers, enrried two hundred refugees fnm tho besieged port. Ameiu: them were thirty Americans nml ninny of the passengers were women. They said, according to report from Marntlan and vicinity, l'hilippe Kivcros, fonner governor of Siunlo.i stnle, who hns recently been pur sued by small forces of federal troops, has gathered nrouml him .'1000 rebels. It'tveros, snid tho ref UKec.i, sent word to President Ilu ertu mid the governor of Marat hn several dnys ngo that unlcsx Marnt lan surrendered by today he would begin mi nssnult. Only S00 federal soldiers nro said to have comprised thn garrison of Mnr.nl Inn when the steamship bearing tho refugee storied north. The stenmer also brought word "if ineffectual ntlempts hv Didier Mas son, French uviator with tho rebel, to destroy tho federnl gunboat Tam pion nt (luaymas. No dropped eight bombs near the gunboat on one day recently, but could not hit llio war ship. ATF FOHTLANI), Or., Aug. .12. In a formal statement issued today tho Oregon exposition commission, which returned from San Francisco Sun day, expresses great satisfaction with tho-nilo selected for Oregon's building nt tho 1 'annum exposition. On account of tliu Manliness of tho appropriation tho committee, fa vors Hie construction of u h build ing, which will make up in individ uality what it lucks in costliness. The commission will endeavor to have tho Oregon building tho first ono completed among stutu btruu tu res. OFFERS AD W0LGAST CHANCE TO MEET WATSON SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Aug. 12. Promoter Juntos W. ColTmth has offered Ad Wolgast n September dale wilh "Hoil" Watson, mid llm proposition Is being seriously con fidered hy the former lightweight champion. Wolgust also hits an of fer to box tho winner of thu Johnny I bunion. Jack While light in is. An goles mid will mitiniincu his dcclnlon probably tomoriow, MATZATLAND IX BULDNG OREGON OIL PIPE LINES FACE PROBE AS PUBLIC UTILITIES SAN FKANCISCO, Cal.. Aug. 12. Tho various oil plpo lines operat ing In California nro In for nn Inves tigation. Tho K tit to railroad com mixtion began a probo today, as a reult trf tno "oil pipe lino net," which went Into effect yeitenlay. According to tho terms of tho act, nil concerns owning or operating plpo lines In transporting crude oil, po trolcum or their products, becomo common carriers and as such nro subject to tho provisions of the pub lic utilities act. Tho Investigation was begun with an order to somo nineteen companies to appear before tho commission and show causo why they should not bo required to fllo their schedules of rates, rules and regulations with tho commission. Tho hearing Is sot for September -I. Tho companies named In tho or der are: Standard Oil company, Associated Oil company, Producers' Transporta tion company, Union Oil company of California, Pinal Home Oil company. Pueuto Oil company, Central Oil company. Home Oil company, Gra cIoha Oil company, San Luis Obispo company, Ilefinlng and Producing Oil company, Coast Oil and Transporta tion company, Mission ransportatlon nml Itofinlng company, Associated Pipeline company, Salt Lnko com pany, Amalgamated Oil company, Central Oil company of Los Angeles and Pe'.mor I'nlon Oil company. LANE LIKELY TO MISS CRATER LAKE POUTI.ANI), Ore, Aug. 12. Inr stead ot spending n wook as ho ori ginally Intended, Secretary of tho In terior Lane will upend only a row hours In tho utnto ot Oregon, ac cording to a tolcgrnnl recolyod from him today hy tho rommerclnl club, Tho secretary stated that tho, president desired that ho attend tho cnugroiis of governors at Colorado Springs and then return immediately to Washington. Ho will arrive In Portland next Mouduy mornlug at 7 o'clock. It scams almost posltlvo that tho secretary will not visit Crater l.uko mid Klumuth Fulls. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION INANNUAL MEETING NASHYII.I.K, Tcnn.. Aug. 12. Today's session of thu fifty-ninth convention of the Inlernational Typ ographlcal union was devoted to re ports from the sevurul committees, Tliu "Scuttle proposition," which provides for u board of director of I went v moil instead of mi executive council of Hi too member, is to he considered Thursday n it special or der of bmdiivvtf, LAVS A SATWT T Eleanor Fay, a San Francisco Sten ographer. Drinks Poison on Ferry boat After Writing Note Sayinrj Former Special Agent to Blame. Girl Accompanied Glavis to Train Claims to Be Wife and Then De nies Statement Thought ex-Wife. SAN FHANCISCO. Cnl.. Awr. 12. By requcl of tho Oakiaud author ities, San Frnncisco iolice tnduy nro trying to confirm n report that Miss Klennor Fay, n young woman who attempted suicide by swallowing lioisou last night on n ferryboat, is the divorced wife of Louis R. (ilavis of Portland, fonner chief of I he field division of the Uuice.i Slntes general land officii anl former secretary of the California slato con servation commission. Tightly grasped in the womanhnml was a note which rend: "Louis, you wronged inc. Your life ought to bo hnppy at Hie exoenso of mine. Hum my body. Don't tell tic folks." At nn Oakland hospital the wom an wns resuscitated sufficiently to state that she had come to Califor nia from Portland, Or., n yenr ngo nnil for a time hnd lived in Sacra mento. She will recover. Denies Marriage OAKLAND, Cal.. Aug. 12. Miss Klennor Fay, a San Francisco steno grapher, who ottomptcd sulcido on a ferryboat coming from San Francis co to Oakland and loft a. note ad dressed to Louis R. Glarl. will re cover from tho effect of the carbolic acid taken, according to officials at tho emergency hospital here today. When questioned this morning the girl donlcd that she bad ever been married to Glavis and denied that ho had ever said that Glavis was her husband. Tho physicians at tho hospital, who treated her when sbo was brought hore, are firm In their statement that at first sbo claimed to bo Mrs. Glavis. Accompanied by GlavU Miss Fay said today that Glavis had accompanied her on tho boat, and that bo was on board the ferry when she took tho poison. This statement was mado to Miss McNau nls, a nurse ut the Emergency Hos pital, according to tho Jntter. The girl said Glavis had left her and had taken tho train for Portland, Oregon from tho Oakland Mole, whoro tho boat landed. Miss Fay refused to say whether Glavis had assisted in caring for her after sho had Bwnllowed tho poison. SENATE SPEEDS UP FINAL ACTION ON WF BILL WASHINGTON, Auk. 12. The fact Hint Chairman Owens of tho senate banking committee conferred this afternoon with tho sennto dem ocratic steering committeo caused reports that the democratic major ity is considering a proposition to rush thu Underwood tariff hill through, sidetrnckiiiK currency leg islation until next session. Senator John W. Kern of Iudiann, loader uf tho sennto majority, denied tho re ports, saying tho sennto caucus on the currency bill would bo held on Thursday. Tho somite today began longer ses sions to expedite action on tho Un derwood tariff hill. It is expected Hint Senator Miles Poiudextcr of Washington will support the demo crats, hut it it questioned whether Senator Lit Folletto will take it sim ilar stand. Senator Keiiyou niul Senator Clapp nro undecided whether to supimrt tho republican;! or democrats, The house caucus today resumed consideration of proposed eiirreuu.v legislation. It is predicted tho cau cus will continue all week. 0 TAKE PO SON FR NO. 122. S HAPPY IN RENO ESCAPADE SAY WITNESSES John L. McNab, Former Prosecutw, Star Witness in Dings Trial This Morning Identifies Exhibits From House in Which Couples Lived. Prosecution Proves Actual Viola tions of Law and That Women Agreed to Defend Companions. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Auk. 12. John L. McNnb, former United States district nttnrney here, who lost his office in the preliminaries of the Diggs-Cnminctti whito slave cases nfter chnrgin;? Attorney Gen era! McRcynnlds with demying their hearing becnuse of "pull,'' wns tho principal witness beard today in the Diggs ''nso hero in United States Judge Vnn Fleet's court. McNnb wns utilized to identify certain exhibits taken from the bungnlow at Reno where Diggs mid Cnminctti were discovered with Mnrshn Wnrrington nnd Lola Norrw of Sncrnmcnto after their elopement to Nevada. Uc was not cross-examined and wns dismissed from thn stand just beforo adjournment was taken nt noon. Tho whole of (he evidence tak-u today centered about tho attempt of the prosecution to provo by the ex hibits nnd by tho testimony of Reno police ns to the dishnbillo in which the quartet was found and by other circumstances that tho white slave law actually had been violated by tho commission in tho state of Ne vnda of immoral acts. GlrU West WllHxdy Fnrther evidence on this! point from tho Warrington and Norris girls themselves is expected this af ternoon, nlthough it probablv will bo Into in Hie day before tho Kids take the stand. When it became utain to him that tho defense evidently intended to lav special emphasis on testimony going to show Hint the girls were in a hnppy, or at least flippant state nt mind during part of the time they lived nt the Reno bungalow nnd even nfter their arrest, Judge Van Fleet said : "Tho evidence (that in question) will be admitted, but not ns indicat ing Hint under tho act forco need fca used nt all." The interrogation by Diggs' attor neys nt this point wns in lino with the probnblo defense Hint tho girls went willingly mid did not have to bo coerced. Other Witnesses Thu first witness called when court opened were Theodoro Kylkn, the handwriting expert, and R. J. Semin, postmaster nt Sacramento. They briefly corrected ovideneo thoy had given nt earlier sessions of thu trial. Chief of Police J. B. Ilillhousi of Reno was the first new witness. Ho told nt length of tho diseovory of Camiuctti, Diggs nnd tho two girls in the bungnlow nt Reno, where nil, ho said, were in various stages of undress. Ono of tho most signifi cant tortious of Ilillhouso's testi mony was his relation of,n conversa tion which occurred when tho quar tet of elopers were being tnkon the depot nt Reno. "Well," Hillhouse declared Diggs said, "It's up to you girls whether wo go to tho penilontiary." And to this the witnosH declared Miss Wnrriugton replied: "We'll stay with you." FOR BANK EXAMINATION SALKM, Or., Aug. 12. Although tho new blue sky law provides Hint thu corporation commissioner shall have all tho powers mid privilege of tliu statu superintendent ot bnuki, yet ho cannot charge corporations h fee for making examinations, us the bank examiner is privileged to do, according to mi opinion by Attorney General Crawford toiluy. Corira Hon Commissioner Watson, who htva been charging the same fue as tlw ' bank examiner, hhhohhihmI that Imi would dlseouliuus to do iw. 1 $1 $l 4